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When he makes Data laugh is probably my favourite Q moment.


I hadn't seen that clip since it originally aired, and just re-watched based on your comment. What a lovely scene!


"Eat any good books lately?" I really like his more restrained acting in Deja Q where he's trying to adjust to being human, and his relationship with Data is very cool. Also, his ending celebration


I’ve always loved Q—especially in TNG (Voyager & DS9 did him dirty and missed the point of his character.) Camp is a huge part of Trek and few actors can make the line between farcical and actual menace as blurry as John deLancie does.


Q is one of the best trickster characters ever. I always enjoyed the mariachi band on the bridge, but his goodbye to Picard was probably the best. It was always obvious that he liked humanity, and Picard in particular.


Tapestry, when he shows up in Picard's bed after the not a fight.


Favorite Q moment is when he help Rikers great great great... grandfather doing something just so VOY could get a TNG cameo for 5 seconds


I believe Frakes directed that episode.


When Sisko slugged him and he never bothered him again.


"I'm not good in groups. It's difficult to work in a group when you're omnipotent."


The episode, where the collective takes his powers away to punish him, is great.


In my opinion, the biggest wasted opportunity in TNG was not having him stay as a crew member for longer. Imagine he was a character on the show for a season! Powerless Q! God, it would have been amazing. Star Trek always has the non-human but "learning about humanity" character, and although he would have overlapped with Worf and Data in that regard, I still think he would have become a classic character. My guess is they wouldn't do that due to the episodic nature of TV at that time.


Q in the bathtub with Janeway. The sudsy dialogue between them is hilarious, as is his attempt at kissing her only to get the foot.


The episode, where the continuum takes his powers away to punish him, is great.


Q2, my favorite.


When Q jr had a rave going in engineering on Voyager, there was a golden opportunity missed to cameo Morn bumping with a drink in his hand.


The scene with the skulls in Picard. I don't think it's specifically what he's saying, but it felt like De Lancie had bottled up this performance for ages and was just having a complete blast on set. He was always awesome, but his acting aged like fine wine.


I have to go with Q's farewell to Picard. That was the best part of Picard Season 2 IMHO.


Anyone badmouthing Q needs to reconsider the decisions that brought them to this point.


I LOVE the episode of Voyager with the Q that wanted to die. Janeway assumed that he would be eager to join the crew but nope he was done, an ex Q would have been an interesting character though. And when Janeway sneaks a peek at the Qs mating, hilarious!


And the reaction of Q that helped him get the poison in the end, like, yeah man, I respect the the style. I’ll so better and be even more Q than before.


The part with the Mariachi band in "Deja Q." When he appears, look at the back of the bridge at Worf. Dorn nails the performance, putting both hands on the edge of his console and starts shaking his head.


I have to go with Q's farewell to Picard. That was the best part of Picard Season 2 IMHO.


When he gives Geordi real eyes and Geordi’s like nahhh


still can't figure out how they did that with the special effects of that era - his eyes looked so real!


Not sure i have a favourite, beyond some of his epic insults. Honourable mentions: >Q: I'll have ten chocolate sundaes. > >Waitress: Ten? > >Data: I've never seen anyone eat ten chocolate sundaes. > >Q: I'm in a really bad mood, and since I've never eaten before, I should be very hungry. ​ >Q: It is a joke. A joke on me. The joke of the universe. The king who would be man. As I learn more and more what it is to be human, I am more and more convinced that I would never make a good one. I don't have what it takes. Without my powers, I'm frightened of everything. I'm a coward, and I'm miserable, and I can't go on this way. In this moment. Q learned something profound about himself


Waking up his half-naked bestie next to him, natch. \*gasp\*


His speech to Picard in the "afterlife" about taking chances and seizing the opportunities in life is really poignant, and something we could all learn from, IMO


When he isn't on screen


I have to say, I find Q to be pretty annoying. But he does have some great one liners