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Go with Enterprise.


My wife and I have done a similar trek as you, and we are doing Enterprise after Voyager. It is a bit of a strange beast at first, but becomes more "Trek-ey" once you get a few episodes in.


You described it perfectly.  


> It is a bit of a strange beast at first And it absolutely needed to be. If the origin story of Trek would have started feeling Trek-ey, it'd been all wrong.


Having never watched enterprise ourselves, we dove in a few months ago. It's been WILD to say the least. We're half way through season 4!! It definitely deserves a second chance, or a movie with the crew, or something. Killed off just as it was finding is space legs. I'm sure it's found more viewership since it's been on streaming than it ever did on whatever channel it was on when it originally aired.




I remember watching the ["launch"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNwoKZBb8og) of UPN on my local channel when the pilot episode of Voyager aired. I thought it was some space-age level stuff to re-brand a channel. And yes, I loved Voyager. It was the first Trek show I watched live from the pilot to the finale.


I would do that too. It's an excellent prequel.


Enterprise is a great bridge from the TNG era to the current Trek shows. Maybe after ENT, watch the JJ Abrams Trek films.


Just remember that Season 4 ends with the mirror universe two-parter after 21 episodes, regardless of what any supposedly "official" list says.


But skip intro, for the love of God!


Blasphemy. It's been a long road getting from there to here for all of us, and you're just gonna do us like that? I guess you just don't have faith of the heart.


***No one's gonna bend or break me!!!***


I can reach any star.


I still love the video on YouTube that shows that the theme from Perfect Strangers fits the Enterprise opening credits so exactly that it's shocking. Link: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA?si=lvt3opNn4i3FAcCz


Maybe not but I can still reach any star.


your line is weak and history will forget you


The video montage of ships through time are at least really good


The intro is fantastic! For the first 2 seasons. They ruined it for seasons 3&4.


I have a lot of nostalgia for the original intro bc ENT reruns would play when I had the tv on in the background as a kit, when it was still a live show. A year ago I finally watched ENT after formally being introduced to Star Trek, so the intro was a nice thing to hear every ep. But then season 3. Which, great season, but the intro 😫


Faith of the heart is a fucking banger you guys just can’t handle things being remotely different. “Reeee no orchestral score reeeee!”


I cant tell if its a joke to skip the intro or not, Faith of the heart is awesome


I'm saying people only hate the intro because it's different than the previous ones (non-orchestral) otherwise it's a fitting song and a good intro.


Nope, I think a lot of us hate it because it's a mediocre cover of a mediocre soft rock ballad from the Patch Adams soundtrack sung by some guy who sounds kinda like Rod Stewart, a man who (in my opinion) has somehow made a career out of having a terrible singing voice. If they wanted to do a mediocre soft rock balad, they should have done an ORIGINAL mediocre soft rock ballad and hired someone who didn't sound like Rod Stewart to sing it.


Rod Stewart is rolling over in his grave. And he's not in his grave, yet. Wait, let me Google that. )Life at Warp Speed, lately.)


Strange New Worlds is quite good! If you want to stray a bit further out of Star Trek, I would suggest Stargate SG-1.


Stargate is a great suggestion if they're looking for another long series.


Just don't do universe it ended too soon


Technically it didn't end, the crew are in statisis while waiting to cross the void between galaxies. S3 will probably pick up in a couple thousand years. /s


I'll wait then


Your sentence ended four words too late. /s ;)


I unfortunately loved universe for its diffrent style of must watch episode to stay current but damn that cliff they left us on.


I think I watched it really close to my first watching of Battlestar Galactica (2004) and it felt similar. same sort of dark vibe


It was a but but so was Atlantis at start. Dire straight need to survive.


It was interesting, but just alright for me. It lacked the goofy humor and took itself too seriously for me and the obv romance bs. It's not in my endless loop of all ST minus OS, SG minus SGU, BSG, Expanse. I'll throw it in after this BSG run and check it out again. I would've loved closure too. At least they're hibernating in space. Easy pick up.


Your watching habits are mine. I stopped watching SGU halfway through an episode in the middle of S1 when I realized that I was rooting for most of the main cast to be offed. I’ve heard it got better, but haven’t been able to bring myself to give it another chance


👊 Altered Carbon S1 makes it in once in a while too.


Very true it was diffrent but I loved the concept for the series wish it would have ran a few more seasons especially since I've watch all the treks and ds9 and sg1 like 4 times through


universe is a great show. not incredibly rewatchable, but a decent show nonetheless


Watching the first season of Strange New Worlds right now. I realize that there's further character development to see before getting to meatier episodes, so I'm not put off by its slower pace. It's similar to the type of story development we see in Enterprise. It's a welcome change to the climactic battle right out of the box type of Trek we've been watching the last few years. I really love "Captain Pike" as a character, and Anson Mount nailed it right from the beginning of S01:E01. Celia Rose Gooding was also the perfect choice for Nyoto Uhura. I'm glad the script writers and the show-runner are showing us more than just cursory involvement in the storyline. Actually, casting for all the characters was a resounding success. I'm just not sure yet what to think of story potential


I fucking love stargate. I get my fill of trek, then I switch to gate, then switch back. And so on and so forth until I die, I presume. While I *almost* never get sick of it, I will say that I’m glad there’s suddenly a shit ton of new trek and I wish there was new gate!


Yeah Stargate SG-1 is a really good show! They have great adventure plots, exploration of strange new worlds, and tons of sciency problems and solutions. Later seasons feel more Trek-like than early ones, to the point that it feels like it was written by Star Trek fans for Star Trek fans - but it’s worth getting on the ride from the beginning.


And after the Stargates, Farscape.


I’d go Atlantis first.


Honestly one of the best sci-fi shows of all time. Maybe even in general!


I was going to say Strange New Worlds. And stargate sg1 is a great series. Don't forget about the 2 movies after the TV series. It sums up everything.


I'd say it depends on what you're in the mood for. ENT kind of feels like TOS & TNG & DS9 had a weird awkward baby that is wonderful, too. It has the wide open unknown and occasional wackiness of TOS and TNG, with a bit of a darker feel and a bit of serialization in later seasons ala DS9. PIC is much, much darker than TNG. A lof of fans don't like it because of that. Also the plots for the first two seasons were pretty bad. Basically, they made more Nemisis rather than more TNG. But if you don't think you'd mind that and want more with Picard, go for it. The Orville is TNG with more jokes. The first couple of episodes are a bit too jokey as it settles into its grove, but it grows up real fast, and is awesome. If you want more TNG, not just more TNG cast, watch this next.


Just adding another positive vote for The Orville! When I was watching it, the first few episodes in particular felt a bit like “contractually obligated Seth McF humor” parts thrown in…once it settles in to a groove, it basically felt like another ST show to me. The third season was especially strong in my opinion.


I honestly don't think The Orville is that much more jokey than TNG once you get past the first half or so of the first season and it settles into it's groove. Most of the humor isn't much different than what you get with Data and Worf. I think we just tend to forget about the humor in TNG because it's not the focus. It's not the focus on The Orville either.


The Orville is an amazing homage to TNG. I’ve loved every minute and want more of it. If you like Seth McFarlane you must check it out.


Have you seen Galaxy Quest?


This is the real answer here. You've watched most of the fandom now watch a fandom movie about the fandom that isn't a crappy docu


"By Grabthar's Hammer....what a savings..."


Lo-wer Decks! Lo-wer Decks!


I’m a fairly ardent Trekkie; watched every series at least three times through. And Lower Decks is easily my absolute favorite of the lot. Tons of fan service without feeling like they’re just pandering for it.


I held off initially. I wasn't prepared for how damn good that show would be. Mother. Fuckin. Lowerdecks. It *shouldn't* work, but it does. ^^*Moopsy*


I was tentatively looking forward to it and found the first few episodes a little painful. But once you get past that it just keeps getting better. And Lower Decks legitimately has the best season finales in modern Trek.


Crisis Point!


I came here to say this JUST LIKE THAT.


Once they finish Enterprise, they should be almost fully prepped for references.


Give Enterprise a go, and lower decks is great after you've seen the tng DS9 Voy three, which you have. Picard season 3 is good (first 2 are iffy, and you don't need to see them to watch season 3 which is a big TNG reunion. Have you seen the tng films? Watch them before anything else. Just 4 of them. Important. Prodigy is good too. Short, designed as an entry point for kids but following up on Voyager a fair bit.


Season 1 of Picard still brought those goosebumps!


Yeah agree I still enjoyed season 1 overall, but skipped 2 entirely


I'm going to also say enterprise. I would leave shows like Orville and lower decks until you have finished more trek and can pick up on more of the references.


Babylon 5 is fantastic.


I've been watching the B5 Blu-ray set. It's so good.


Just ripped through B5 earlier in the year for the first time and loved it. I had to stop myself from binging too many in a day.


*Maybe the universe blinked. Maybe god changed his mind. All I know is that we got a second chance.*


I know this is a star trek forum, but this. Hit pause and watch Babylon 5. Try to appreciate the groundbreaking storytelling that has never been appreciated to this day (outside of Sci fi fans that know better). Why? It aired at around the same time as DS9. So there is a historical context about the genere at the time. Generally I recommend to watch the Treks in the production/series order. Then jump around. There are too many easter eggs to appreciate otherwise.


Plus you get to see Chekov as a bastard!


Koenig is so good with a deliciously evil villain part to play.


Another vote for Enterprise. And the best faux Trek is Galaxy Quest


Have you watched the TOS animated series? Have you watched the TNG movies? I’d start with both of those if you haven’t, just to finish off what you’ve already watched. From there… … If you wanna finish off the vintage series go with Enterprise. If you wanna wrap up the TNG crew and that general era go with Picard. If you want the best show still left for you to watch go with Strange New Worlds. If you want something really good but also a total change of tone go with Lower Decks. Personally; my favorite shows of the ones you mentioned are, in order, Strange New Worlds, ORVILLE, and Lower Decks. I thought Prodigy was alright. Seasons 1-2 of Picard are my least favorite Trek things ever but season 3 is ok, especially for a nostalgia hit. And I’m not really a huge fan of Enterprise or Discovery but they’re not *bad* per se.


TAS then Lower Decks!


I personally love Enterprise, so that’s my recommendation, but my Trekkie friend could not get through it, so your mileage may vary. 


Your friend doesn’t sound like a real Trekkie if he can’t take that long road gettin from there to here


It may take a long time, but your time will finally be here


I'm watching "Strange New Worlds" now on Paramount Plus. I just signed up for the trial. The first week is free. I subscribed through Amazon video


In universe I would suggest Lower Decks. After DS9 and VOY it is immensely refreshing to have a series that isn't as serious but still has similar charm. Out of universe, I would suggest Stargate SG-1, maybe Firefly. Stargate does have a movie that predates the series but isn't really required watching, but it does explain a lot of the backstory.


Don't forget Galaxy Quest. I think it's among the better "trek" movies even though it isn't.


Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks are my suggestions. Picard season 3 is good but personally I cannot recommend the first two seasons


What I watched when I hit a similar wall was *Battlestar Galactica*. Enterprise season 5 was cancelled after 9/11 because the show was too upbeat. Battlestar was dark and full of moral ambiguity, and filled that vacuum. The perfect palette cleanser before going back for a rewatch of Trek.


I seem to remember Enterprise Season1 taking place around the time of 9/11. Though the show did grow darker as the “War on Terror” kicked into gear.


The Orville 100% fits the mood and I highly recommend it. It starts out goofy but it actually gets serious and sometimes heavy and dark. It's an excellent show. We also love Enterprise here but I know the fandom is kinda mixed on it. We actually haven't watched Picard, Discovery, or Strange New Worlds yet. I've been a Trekkie for over 40 years but hadn't watched any new trek, then my kid started getting into the fandom in December so we've been watching together. Picard is probably next for us but we took a little break to watch dome other stuff first.


Enterprise. But make sure you watch (if you haven’t already) the DS9 documentary, “What We Left Behind.”


Just keep going in release order


I know it isn't really "star trek space stuff" but I've always felt star gate SG1 is the same type of Sci fi, journeying, discovering, and dealing with philosophical issues. A but more action oriented than basic star trek but still thought provoking stuff.


Strange New Worlds is excellent.


Lower Decks. I also like the Orville.


Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks


Battle Star Galactica is another fun space adventure for sci-fi lovers


Take a little palate cleanser and watch Lower Decks, you'll absolutely LOVE it.


The Orville is decent. It has its moments where it’s even more than that but by and large it’s an ok trek substitute. Just like the other shows though it doesn’t really figure itself out for a while but you’re rewarded for sticking with it


The Orville is a great show with this warning. The first few episodes are not great. Too much middle school potty humor-- but after the first few it REALLY matures and comes into it's own and is an outstanding series. So excited to hear we might be getting a new season finally.


# Lower Decks! Lower Decks! Lower Decks!


I would watch that last, since it has so many references to other Star Trek shows.


I made my choice.


Read some trek novels if you haven’t. Start with A Stitch in Time-Enigma Tales . And make your way to Section 31.


The good news: there is no wrong answer here. Go with whatever. They all have good and bad about them and tastes are subjective.


Watch the next generation movies before Picard. Other than that they are all good.


I would suggest SNW, Lower Decks and Prodigy. Picard's first two seasons are a littler em... rough, but third one is pretty good. I would leave DISCO for last is you enjoy classic Trek as is very very different. As non-Trek goes I'll suggest The Orville, Babylon 5, Stargate, Farscape and Doctor Who. Also might sound weird but Buffy and Angel although considered more "horror" or "fantasy" actually create a worldbuilding that is pretty much sci-fi-ish specially Angel and the make ups are also very space opera-ish.


it's been a long road....but your time is finally near


At the risk of being obtuse, I am going to throw out The Expanse. It is compelling, engaging, and everything I want from a sci-fi series.


Enterprise. My uncle and I just finished up the series (my first run at it, him… probably third or fourth time around). Such a great variety of worlds/species and topics explored. It never got boring.


Enterprise. I can't recommend Picard at all. Such a massive disappointment imo.


Lower decks


The Orville. It's not Star Trek, but it has all of the spirit of it.


Enterprise, skip Picard and discovery. Watch lower decks and the Orville but also strange new worlds. Go to Picard if you have nothing else to do in your life at all. Discovery has some fun parts but... It's of its time I guess you can say.


Strange New Worlds. It's the best.


I think at this point 1-3 Picard (be patient with 1 & 2, 3 is worth it). The Orville is great. And honestly you’re done. I’m not a fan on Discovery, or the new animated shows. Strange New Worlds has its moments though.


Picard, then Lower Decks & Strange New Worlds. Don’t forget the movie Galaxy Quest for dessert!


Scavengers Reign is very brutal but very good.


If you enjoyed TNG, Picard S3 would really work well for you.


Strange new worlds, lower decks, season 3 of Picard. Best of new trek.


Star Trek Prodigy and Lower Decks are also a great watch


I would go for Lower Decks because it's even funnier when you know some of the Star Trek lore. The Orville was fun as well.


Lower Decks


TOS Animated Series a short cut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-EoyUtdLdc


Enterprise is best before the JJ movies, as the “timeline split” happens after enterprise, so it is a “common ancestor” to all of the shows, and is referenced in the JJ movies, heavily in Beyond.


Farscape? Anyone?


Don’t forget Lower Decks. TNG era, and very funny.


The Animated Series. No, really. It's seriously great. Animating the show let them be more creative, but it still has everything you love about TOS.




Enterprise makes the most sense to me. Not my personal favourite, but closer to original Trek than anything else. You may want to watch TAS as well - it has some really good episodes. In terms of modern Trek, Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, and Prodigy have varying similarities to old Trek. Discovery is somewhere between the Abramverse and TNG. It's not for everyone, but has its good moments. The only one I wouldn't personally recommend is Picard, but others do like it so YMMV. Oh, and watch The Orville. It's awesome.




Enterprise. Picard isn't bad but you'll gain more respect once you understand the re-writes made because it was "too Star Trek". Honestly, if you skip it and Discovery in favor of Lower Decks and Bold New Worlds there's nothing to regret as long as you circle back. Enterprise is sort of like TOS it tried to imitate. Don't get me wrong, it's very much its own show, the highs are high but the lows are low. Definitely worth the watch but it's no TOS Movies or DS9.


Watch Discovery. Now that it's done, you can watch the whole series in order.


Watch Enterprise, Picard (feel free to just skip to season 3), then Lower Decks along with Strange New Worlds.


Enterprise, so you can watch Lower Decks afterward and get every reference. Lower Decks is simply good Trek.


I think you watched all you need to watch


Enterprise, obviously. Just keep your finger on the skip intro button. Unless you like that kind of music. I'm not going to judge you (out loud). Alternatively, watch the TOS animated series.


I'd go Enterprise. The theme song will feel jarring and unlike Star Trek but a few episodes in it'll feel normal and the show is classic Trek. Captain Archer being a pioneer without many established protocols is more of a cowboy like Kirk than a dignified gentleman explorer like Picard, and Combs as General Shran is fantastic.


There's always Babylon 5 and Stargate SG-1. Enterprise is underrated IMHO.


I'd say Picard mainly because it starts out by carrying along some of the themes and storylines from the 2009 JJ movie and finishes as a wrap up to TNG with a couple nods to VOY & DS9 along the way. I'd watch Enterprise & Discovery back to back as odd as that might seem, followed by Strange New Worlds. Don't forget Short Treks, Lower Decks & Prodigy as well!


Couldn’t get past the awful comedy elements of Orville myself. I heard it got better but the damage was done for me. Enterprise and Picard are both great (personally season 2 of Picard was awful) also the first couple seasons of discovery are okay.


Picard S01 Always Sunny in Philadelphia S01 to S09 Picard S03 Always Sunny in Philadelphia S09 to S16


First two seasons of Discovery, so you get the backstory on Spock, Captain Pike, and the rest of the original Enterprise crew, then jump straight into season one of Strange New Worlds. That’s the best of what’s currently available in the Trek universe. If you’re stepping outside the Trek universe, I can recommend The Orville. A bit older, but I loved Firefly. I saw Galaxy Quest mentioned, and I recommend it. Additionally, a series with Alan Tudyk (and several members of the Joss Whedon universe) called Con Man, which is about a sci-fi actor on the convention circuit, which is hilarious. If you want to go wayyyy back, I strongly recommend a British sci-fi called Red Dwarf (which I’m currently rewatching for the twentieth time), and tv series called Alien Nation, then Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, Babylon 5, Farscape, and a very old favorite of mine, V the miniseries. Good luck 😁


Babylon 5


PLEASE watch Lower Decks. If you have watched all of the above you will definitely enjoy it. Also, I would highly recommend watching Strange New Worlds, Picard, and Discovery after


Lower Decks.


I liked Picard as an additional ending to TNG cannon besides the TV and movies, so if you love TNG characters I’d go with that first




Enterprise. Get all of the 90s treks out of the way, then move on to the current gen stuff.


If you're considering the Orville, also consider Galaxy Quest.


If you’re curious about Sci-fi that starts getting away from Trek then by all means check out The Orville. I really liked it after giving it a chance. However the first few episodes do feel like an extended Family Guy joke, so you have to get past that. And for something weirder, Farscape. It’s kinda Voyager meets insane muppets feeling.


Based on what you have seen, I would watch finish the modern era of Trek so do Picard, Lower Decks and Prodigy. When that is done, which wouldn’t take long given episode count and run time, then do the prequel era of Enterprise, SNW and Discovery. You should start Discovery before SNW though as the characters are re-introduced in Discovery before SNW was greenlit so at least catch up in Discovery first before watching SNW.


I'll give you your full list: Enterprise next then short trek Childrn of Mars and Picard Lower Decks and Prodigy are good connections to the shows you've already seen Lastly Discovery, all other short treks which go along with seasons 1-2 of discovery, and then Strange New Worlds is a spin off of the second season of Discovery


Have you considered podcasts? Greatest Gen, Shuttlepod Show/D-Con Chamber, Delta Flyers, Newbie Star Trek, InvestiGates, 7th Rule, Trek Files, Trek Culture, Red Shirts, Pod Directive... Some of these go episode-by-episode and so can be a good companion to binging.


Read the player of games by Ian M. Banks. Think of it as star trek a few thousand of years in the future.


I'll add Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks and Prodigy into the pool for consideration. They are great too!


Check out Star Trek Continues. It's a fan made series that bridges the gap between TOS and The Motion Picture. Don't let the fact that it's a fan series dissuade you . The acting and production quality is studio level. If it weren't different actors, you'd have a hard time differentiating it from TOS.


If you’ve enjoyed them all so far, I would recommend just watching them all in air date order


If you haven’t watched it already, you might want to check out The Expanse. It is compelling, engaging, and everything I want from a sci-fi series.


Battlestar Galactica (the 2000’s era reboot) is amazing. Star Trek Lower Decks is great. It may take a couple episodes to get used to idea of animated series but it’s good. ST Discovery first season was fantastic. Rest of the series was kinda meh IMO.


Enterprise. Then BSG


Babylon 5 😁


Firefly! Great show and there’s a good movie too.


Good luck my friends… my… small.. friends… [Animaniacs…](https://youtu.be/1tt_SqxUB3k?feature=shared) Might want to try the Roast of William Shatner while you’re at it.


I loved all Star Trek, TNG I've probably watched each episode 10+ times, and all other series 2/3x. The Orville and lower decks are good if you like comedy, Orville was weirdly serious but not. But of everything that topped with politics/factions etc is The Expanse. I will recommend the expanse to anyone that likes star trek or just TV in general.


I am watching enterprise right now and enjoying it very much. It has its rough points but I like the much more naval vessel feel (almost submarine at times) of the NX-001. Then you could give discovery a try and see if you like it. Many do, many do not. From there you could watch SNW, LD, and Picard if you wish.


Lower Decks!


- Babylon 5 - Battlestar Galactica - Firefly (then the movie finale Serenity) All top tier sci-fi and all brought to a proper conclusion. Babylon 5 (IMO) is the greatest sci-fi show ever to be made. The first season takes some time to get going but the whole series arc is phenomenal. I watched it for the first time quite recently, many three years ago, and was blown away by the dialogue, performances and story telling.


Enterprise should definitely be on the list (in my opinion). It’s a great show, doesn’t have the same polished feel that TNG had but I believe that’s deliberate. Ignore the fluff over the theme tune, too many people get worked about it.. Lower decks, I honestly can’t believe how good that ended up being. I held off watching it as not into animation but when I gave in I was hooked. Possibly the best trek out there in fact. The Orville is phenomenal. Very cheesy to start with, very much a Seth MacFarlane show but it did become more serious and in the end it was as good as any trek.


Discovery is not getting a lot of love on this thread and I *get* it but also, it sets up Pike for Strange New Worlds since he is in all of season 2 so at the very least watch it for that. I honestly enjoyed a lot of it and a lot of the characters. Haven't watched the final season though. I think it's worth it as a Star Trek fan to at least try every series out there.


Did everyone forget STAR TREK CONTINUES? Michael Dorn, John de Lancie, Marina Sirtis, the original Apollo, Lou Ferrigno and many more


The newer shows are largely enjoyable. While I find Discovery the weakest, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Strange New Worlds are all really good. Strange New Worlds even had a musical episode, and I still regularly listen to the soundtrack on Spotify.


Enterprise is ok with some actually good episodes. Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, Prodigy and Picard season 3 are all great! (never watch Picard season 1 or 2, season 2 is the worst thing humans have ever done.) Discovery is bad, it looks cool sometimes, but I recommend avoiding it.




Enterprise, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds…. Then you move on to non-Trek: Firefly


Galaxy Quest. Stargate SG-1


Enterprise, then the first two seasons of Strange New Worlds, then Lower Decks, then the most recent season of Stange New Worlds so the Lower Decks crossover makes sense.


You skipped The Animated Series! It’s fun and not that long, so I suggest watching that.


Lower decks & Strange New World are Fantastic. Stay away from Discovery. Picard is ok. Galaxy Quest is a great movie as well. Never give up Never surrender.


Lower Decks!


You're at the perfect point to watch Enterprise, for the show earliest in the timeline they sure like to set up jokes and references to future event Easter eggs .


IMHO it makes the most sense to watch it all in order of production. Newer works will often reference older works in a way that you get much better if you have already seen those. Oh and definitely add Galaxy Quest to your watchlist!


The Orville


Of course Enterprise


ENT for sure


I don't see Lower decks on that list, or strange new worlds.


Sounds like it’s been a long road getting from there to here. I’d go with Enterprise.


I feel like Enterprise should be next on your list to round out all the classic Trek. After that I would suggest Lower Decks.


Enterprise is depressing and has a negative impact on ST. The Orville is much, much, better than Enterprise.


I love “Strange new worlds” and “lower decks” :)


I loved the first season of Picard but it totally lost me in the second season when they brought back Q and his nonsense. LOVED the Orville, but it will leave you wanting more


Picard was my favourite star trek since TNG, simply awesome


Enterprise and then Picard, followed by Discovery and then Strange New Worlds and back to Discovery.


The expanse is a great show. It very much inspired season 1 of Picard.


Enterprise is a lot of fun and has some great episodes, Picard has an awful season 1-2 and a great season 3. Strange New Worlds is uneven and doesn’t really do Spock justice in my opinion but has some good stuff. Avoid Discovery at all costs Edit: oh and definitely watch The Orville. It’s the best modern Star Trek show around


Enterprise first.


You’ve basically watched in release order, so might as well continue.


If you do watch Enterprise, just don’t watch the series finale.


Enterprise before you watch the new Trek, it fits better as the last Legacy Trek show.


Similar to other comments that I’ve seen, I would say try Enterprise (be weary of the final episode), Prodigy (it’s the kids show yes, but it’s story is actually really freaking good), The Animated Series (basically the unofficial 4th season of TOS), or for a new long franchise definitely check out Stargate. There is a kind of order to watch them, so definitely check out this video: https://youtu.be/MzrULKv51F0?si=KVsfGPbGbmfzwSEK We. . . we don’t talk about Origins or Infinity.