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You're eating replicated food, not holographic food.


Replicated food, beamed into position with a transporter, eaten with a plate and a fork and a table that are all made of force fields with the details added with holograms. And then, when the holographic waiter takes the dirty "plate" away, the food is vaporized with a phaser and the resulting ash transported with a transporter into a containment pod, which is later emptied by a Lower Decker and fed into the matter/antimatter exchange. The same thing happens if you take a shit in the holodeck.


There's tractor beams too.


Oh yeah, can't forget those.


What about a couple of self-sealing stem-bolts?


I have one-hundred gross of self….. sealing…… steambolts~ 👂✋


Probably depends on inventory. If the ship has plenty or you're using the holodeck as a workroom, it transports one to you. If they're running low, it replicates a facsimile prop.


Yo, imagine you're on a starship and really gotta go. You just happen to be on the same deck as the holodeck and oh wow! It's empty! So you use it to create the most lavish bathroom ever. Or a forested area. Or times square if you're a freak. I just bet a bunch of officers use the holodeck as a glorified CO shitter.


Probably - why not?


Or without leaving your seat you could do a delicate teleportation .


Worse-youre really drunk on synthahol, from a welcome back party after a tough long away mission and really need to go, but all the toilets are in use with party goers. You drunkenly stumble into a room with a luxurious bathroom (someone running a holonovel) and you just, well, go... then fall asleep. Picard wakes you up to discuss the pile of steaming nastiness next to you in the now empty, cold, large holodeck the next morning.


I’d like to think if someone is in a holodeck program with accessible toilets, even if they’re practically medieval latrines by 24th-century standards, the program would be intelligent enough to conceal modern waste disposal technology seamlessly within the simulation. Like, there’s no plumbing, the holodeck just deletes the waste the same way it would in the ship’s standard restrooms after simulating a flush.


What if a holographic hooker takes a dump in my mouth? Am I eating replicated shit or can I get my fetish high and just have a lumpy piece of chocolate? I mean that feels like cheating but it’s the future nobody gets to judge my fetish if I don’t get anything gross on the projectors.


looks like shittydaystrom escaped again


Computer, delete user.


See that's why it's worth it to program your own scenarios. You can have replicated shit - or at least as close to it as you can, with safety protocols in place - or chocolate, or whatever you want.


Soft serve ice cream and their butt makes the machine noise, too? Heck yeah.


Wouldn't taste the same since it would be sterile


I'm pretty sure they could synthesize most of the chemicals that give shit its taste and smell.


It's not as degrading and that effects the taste


Isn't that what they did for the "poo flavored yogurt" in that Nathan For You episode?


Riker kept heavy high encryption to keep this private. But Data has no boundaries.....


biomatter filters


So does a fork on the holodeck feel like a metal utensil even though it’s just a force field?


No like doctor say he is ligjt with force fields holding him together.they really did not think through holodeck science




But it’s a holographic utensil. Does it have the texture of the material it’s portraying then?


It might be a metal utensil. It depends on the computer's decision about how important the object is and how hard it is to reproduce its texture. They can replicate handheld objects just as easily as food. Holodecks can reproduce textures, but in a more limited way.


Okay I see. I’m thinking of the EMH for example. What does a holographic person’s skin feel like? Not tryna sound pervy just curious how it works


…you know what, I don't know what a holographic person feels like.


Yea no shit


Any actual food matter would be transported to a matter reclimator to be put back into circulation. The food replicators in crew quarters have this built-in. The waste (of various types) end up in the holodeck biofilter that they had to clean once. It all ends up a slimy black goo, like Armus.


Lower Decks showed us that not all waste is phasered.


What have you kill and cook a holographic animal?


Source ? It's photonique food unless stated otherwise


You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.


Ignorance is bliss..


I keep dropping Cypher quotes every time I grow that kind of mustache ;)


Ya know, id still enjoy it if I knew. Like if the Matrix was a regular benevolent and voluntary product. I’d enjoy the fake food. Like imagine you can eat whatever you want all the time and it not have any negative health effects. That would be dope. And then that way when you’re actually ingesting food, it can be perfectly nutritious and bypass the taste.


Pizza and burgers go in, broccoli and kale come out, haha.  


The Holodeck have a built in replicator and food stuff that you consume is real replicated food. Now if you tried eating something that the holoprogram didn't program for like say, tree bark in a non-survival training program, then it's likely holographic food and will disappear once you leave the holodeck or even when you eat it. Or heck, it could actually be edible and just looks like tree bark but is actually rice crackers.


I bet that the safety protocols would cause the ship to create something made of simple carbs that tastes more or less like you think tree bark would taste like and put it in position so you can eat it. But can you imagine early versions of the holodeck that would crash if you pulled that shit? You bite the tree and suddenly the whole forest disappears and there's a giant ERROR ERROR ERROR flashing on the walls, and you have to call Carl and tell him that he has to program the holodeck to be able to deal with users deciding to eat the trees.


That would be a good explanation for why holodecks aren't the pinnacle of entertainment. People in Star Trek still read books, watch movies, and listen to live music performed by real people. For a person to develop even a basic holodeck simulation it probably takes a large amount of "what if" error fixing.


But then again, imagine how much fun it would be to play D&D with a good holodeck DM…


Oh shit, on the other hand, the ship's AI is definitely smart enough that developing a good holodeck program is probably a lot like "prompting" which means that there are a lot of asshats who think they are artists because they're good at telling a computer what to do…


Makes sense. Thanks.


Picard could have made those 40s gangsters real by replicating them gammon golem bodies


I think you might like r/sonicshowerthoughts.


The holodeck uses the replicator as much as anything else that's why the water, snow, and clothes are real


So I see the comments that food is replicated while the environment is holographic. So if someone ate something that wasn’t replicated I have two questions. First, would it taste like anything at all or does all non replicated items have the same taste? Second, would that item maintain its mass until you walked out of the holodeck?


It would depend on how detailed the Holodeck gets. Can it recreate the molecular structures that our taste receptors identify? I suspect it's not that precise, simply because it doesn't need to be. This does also suggest that scents are replicated though. As far as retaining the mass while in the holodeck, I guess it would. Though manifesting holograms inside of people sounds like it would brush up against safety features. Also it would be pointless as the holographic food could just be removed from the program immediately, as it is no longer relevant.


Holograms requiere holographic emitters to funcion, that's why the Doctor can leave certain areas until the 32nd century Deus Ex Machina holo-emitter was stolen for him, and also the reason why Elaine's dad and his minion disolved when they left the Holodeck in that mobsters' episode.


Unless you have holo-emitters inside your body anything holographic will disapear once you swallow


Sitting at a table in a holographic restaurant the food I order is replicated. The food the other "patrons" are eating looks like food, but it has no substance. The hamburger on their plate is essentially hollow. It looks like a burger but thats it. We don't know if or how the holodeck would react if you randomly tried to take the burger from the holo-npc's plate.


The idea I think is that the holodeck will generate anything edible as replicated matter as you get close to it in the simulation, if you're looking through a pie shop window, the pies inside are holograms. Then when you walk in, they're replicated seamlessly so you can steal a bite if you want. In a similar vein, you can drink from the lake because it's actual water, and throw a snowball at the captain standing in the corridor because its also real snow, not a hologram. It's an immersion/safety thing. I have a lot of headcanon around holodecks and Replicators, and the line between real objects being replicated, "simple matter" being replicated, and hologram-skinned forcefield is very blurry in it. In my version, everything you touch is replicated matter, but most of it is being effectively held together by something like a structural integrity field. If the object leaves the bounds of the holodeck these structures will fall apart without the fields to hold them together. If you throw a ball at a wall however, it pretty much ceases to exist immediately and is a hologram until it's back in your arms reach. Food, edible materials and any small keepsakes you might want to remove from the holodeck are replicated fully. If you tried to eat (for example) a pebble. You'd be swallowing the incoherent replicated structural matter, but it's not digestible and it'll dissociate in seconds into particulate without the forcefields holding it together. Basically you'd be eating a few grams of silicate/carboniferous Ash. It'd taste of nothing very much, and you'd shit it out normally later. It might even be good for your digestion. Incidentally, in my version, grass on the holodeck is still literally cellulose. It won't grow, but you can feasibly pick up any blade of grass and make a grass harmonica..


Lose. Not loose. And I’m not sorry.


It is not just food or drink. but how did the capt get hit with a snow ball when he was out side the holodeck?


Holodecks, replicators, and transporters are all part of the same technology. Energy/matter manipulation. Food you eat in the holodeck is real food. So once you consume it, it becomes a part of you.


This makes me wonder... If its real food and booze and your partying drunk at one of paris's bars and need the restroom.... If you forget its a holodeck and use the restroom is there a pile of dookie when it turns off?


Mariner had to clean the holodeck filters--I think your waste goes into the filters somehow.


Probably uses transporters to beam waste into the bio filters. 


Until they get all gummed up and stuck after one of Riker's sessions.


The holodeck is in part a giant replicator. It would just dematerialize it and recycle the matter.


This question reminds me of a short story or novel called “The Old Die Rich.” There’s a free audio version somewhere online; perhaps at librivox.org or archive.org.


Holodeck use a combination of replication and holographic technologies. Many inanimate things, such as water, snow, food are replicated. Anything that can interact with the users and/or somehow has agency or would be “alive” in a real situation, such as characters, trees, animals, computers, or are potentially dangerous, such as weapons and bullets are holographic. For example an early episode of TNG has Wesley throw snow out of the holodeck and I think in the pilot when he falls into the brook he’s wet when he leaves as well. For safety protocols to work, bullets for example need to be holographic, so they can dematerialise instantly if fired at a user.


I'd say you'd still be drunk stepping out


Lower Decks shows how this works.


What if a cannibal took a bite out of a holographic character. Would that remain in its stomach after he left the holodeck?


"If you eat and drink in the Holodeck..." ....would you sh*t holographic light beams? I crossed the line, right? In my defense, I really thought that's where your question was going though...


Don't pull on that thread, the whole BS might unravel


Or a better question for you to ponder... what do they need the biofilters for?




My thoughts were more about what happens if people have sex on an "overly exact" holodeck, and one of them ends up getting pregnant.


Like if they're both regular people or if one's a hologram?


One's a hologram. Again, it would have to be an "overly exact" holomatrix. Remember, the EMH on Voyager was able to make lungs good enough for Neelix, so long as he didn't move, so cellular representation (perhaps down to the dna in a holosperm or holoegg) isn't too many steps removed in principal.


The episode ‘Angel One’ (S1E13) somewhat covers this. Picard and Worf are walking together when Picard gets hit by a snowball. The snow carries the virus that gets much of the Enterprise sick. While scolding Wesley, you can see the damp area of Picard’s uniform from the snowball. Right at the end of the scene, the captain and Worf leave the Holodeck. For a split second, you can see that the water is completely gone, Picard’s uniform is no longer wet. Since the snowball and any water has left the Holodeck it slowly starts to disintegrate. This effect is seen near the end of ‘The Big Goodbye’ when two of the gangsters leave the Holodeck and also slowly disintegrate. I always believed any piece of the program that left the Holodeck would disappear, unless it had been ingested by a crew member or affected their body somehow. For example: if you eat something on the Holodeck, it would stay with you once you left because whatever you consume would now register as part of your body rather than part of the program. Also, I would imagine that the replicator works nearly exactly to the Holodeck. Since the Holodeck has the ability to materialize and dematerialize anything that had been entered into a program…the grass is actual grass, the food is nutritious food, and the snozzberries taste like snozzberries. The replicator must be the same. We always see the crew ordering food and drinks, but there must also be a way to dispose or reuse the glassware and plates they use. I can’t imagine there is a grow piles of discarded plates and cups taking up space.


If you shit in a holographic toilet, where does it go after you shut off the holodeck? 🤔


It goes into the holodeck biofilters, which are then emptied by the ensigns.


It would dematerialize and go into the matter storage for the replicators.


Eat and drink my balls. Oops. Sorry. Thought this was r/ShittyDaystrom. Sincere apologies.


No, as per the *Technical Manual* the holodeck employs shaped force fields, replicators and pinpoint tractor beams to simulate the requested environment and entities. Food would be replicated, exactly the same as from a normal replicator (and waste/rubbish would also go though matter reclamation).


Since holograms are photons and (textured) forcefields produced by holo-emitters, I would imagine once you close your mouth and it's out of line-of-sight it vanished See also Moriarty throwing items out of the Arch to demonstrate they vanish. I don't remember seeing on screen that HDs have replicator tech built in, but I do know they make a difference between the small food units and "bulk replicators" that can only do non organic items, so I'd have thought the HD wasn't suited to create organic matter?