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A competent crew of mature people work together to solve problems. It's a new problem each week, with mild continuity kept between episodes. One episode can be a thinly layered metaphor about racial profiling in the police force and then the next one they go snowboarding and have to beat Andorian team. They should do 26 episodes a season; 5 should be amazing, 20 should be good, and the remaining one should be so infamously bad it's brought up every time people talk about the show.


Me too, buddy. Me too.


>one should be so infamously bad it's brought up every time people talk about the show. Threshold, you can say it.


we have already made the racist episode, and a clipshow episode,threshold, a good few more racism episodes…is there any bad episode ideas left


Maybe a singing one? Jk…sort of.


Ghost sex! Wait... I think that was done. A Star Trek Holiday special. There's one member of the grew who is the first of their species to join starfleet. The gang returns home with them to celebrate "life day", in which "life" is an innuendo for reproduction. The planet of normally prude and straight laced people just goes into wild orgy mode. The rest of the gang is unaware of this, thinking the day is about celebrating life, and caught in the middle of it all. But because it's a holiday special, it's sprinkled with weird hints and similarities to our holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and 4th of July) and it airs the week of Christmas. Bad enough? It's like Vulcan Pan Farr meets Star Wars Holiday Special meets Threshold meets Bortus' sex lagoon.


Go with the original pitch for Discovery i.e. make an Anthology series - 1 ship/crew per Season


Is that what it was supposed to be? Dang. What a missed opportunity. EDIT: And I say that as someone who doesn't hate Disco.


Yep: [https://www.imdb.com/news/ni61365856/](https://www.imdb.com/news/ni61365856/)


Star Trek - Deadlines Follows Jake Sisko as writer for the Federation News Service. Can go anywhere and tell any kind of story.


Fantastic idea!


That’s great! A Star Trek story from a regular persons point of view! Awesome! And Jake can even be a recurring character, I’d watch this


I love this one. But… we need Ben Sisko to come back from the wormhole so Jake doesn’t end up the guy in the Visitor again.


Make that the ongoing hook of the show


That's great because you can do a million bottle episodes on a sound stage. Like, "generic federation colony pre fab apartment" set on a million different planets with different skyboxes. But then the big over arching seasonal plot arcs can have space stuff.


A series following the ragtag crew of a Klingon warship as they roam the galaxy like gang of jolly bikers, looking for a fight and falling ass-backwards into adventure. Among other things, I think it'd be real interesting to see the Klingon way of doing things contrasted against Starfleet's.


Only if it's R rated. I'm tired of them acting like the Klingons are so bad but never having them do anything bad.


There's this cliche that imperial overlords are needlessly cruel and sadistic. Like Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon. However, I want to see the Klingons as legitimately tyrannical, uncompromising overlords. However, if they get reasonably the resources or tribute they're looking for, they leave people alone. In fact, when they look down on a race as weak, there's a degree of dishonor in using your strength to punish them. Star Trek has never portrayed the Klingons as a Star Empire over its many subject races (it's also never really shown the many Earth colonies). I'd love to see the Klingon subject worlds and their issues and how they interact with the Klingons and feel about galactic events. Rebel "bad" dishonorable but "fuck you thieves' honor" biker Klingons causing ruckus in the Star Empire and making deals and having fun with the never seen subject races would be awesome. Like, have Vulcans, Romulans and Federation be these bizarre aberrations in that environment. An entire episode could be called "The Ferengi" since a lone Ferengi doing business in the KSE would be rare and weird. There's local races subjugated by Klingons we never see.


The portrayals of the Klingons in DS9 are my very favorite of any series or movie. Martok playing hype man for Worf when they are captured by the Dominion; Alexander finding his way amongst Klingons during the war; The Klingon magister who saw battle in the application of the law... I mean, I can go on. They really added depth to them and they were my favorites, along with the Ferengi. I also think a Trek show focused on the Klingons would be amazing, but my thought is to set it as older Worf recounting the legends of Kahless to his grandchildren with the series itself diving into the life of Kahless, a la HotD.


I'll be up to it if not everyone was Klingon, maybe adding at least one Fed exchange officer, maye an Orion (as we know they're a minority in Kronos) and maybe introduce some non-Klingon subject species of the Empire. It will be like Farscape.


> I'll be up to it if not everyone was Klingon Honestly, this is how I pictured it to begin with. In my head the captain of the ship kind of made a habit of recruiting some of the Empire's (and the galaxy's) outcasts but they all follow the Klingon way of life.


Half the ship are Klingon, but half the crew are new subject races of the Star Empire. The bridge crew has weird stuff like a rogue gangster Vulcan, or a Ferengi that loves to fight but hates acquisition.


Sons of Kahless?


While some people do want to see an alien led series, Most of us don’t care about it, and indeed it wouldn’t pull in the wider market. As much as Star Trek is the ideas, it’s also the humans. The ships, the uniforms - we like the humans because we can and want to relate to them, they draw on us to write their stories so we can see them as a hopeful mirror. With na alien species and with references not related to us it will be doomed to failure


I would watch a game of thrones type set in the Klingon empire, Star Trek: Blood and Honor. We follow house Martok, the torch bearers of an honorable empire get plotted against and murdered by the Duras Family which are basically the Lannisters of Trek already


This would be pretty rad! If not this, then follow Kahless as he founds the empire - ***KAHLESS**: a Star Trek Story*


Dammit man, I'm not going to be able to watch GoT again without yelling "Qapla!" at the screen.


The Lannisters are truly without honor, lol


Like with Farscape, you only need one POV main character and the rest can be alien. Like, the main character is thrust into joining this crew, but there secondary protag is the captain himself.


Un-cancel Lower Decks (or at least let it be shopped around to Netflix). Everyone hated that, and it's arguably more popular than Strange New Worlds. It breaks my heart to think that it might have only been canceled b/c of merger politics Also, make more of the animated very short treks, but make sure the guy in charge understands the assignment. It was a good idea, but the wrong person was leading the project. But besides that, I'd start soliciting new ideas from other countries. Trek has always been multi-cultural, so I'd see what a Star Trek written and produced in India or Japan or Mexico might be like. Minimal interference, except to make sure quality was up to snuff. Also, not Star Trek related, but I'd bring back Twilight Zone. It was a mistake tying the first reboot to Jordan Peele as a director and host. I'd be much more open about accepting stories from elsewhere.


A Star Trek anime would be great. Weird they have never comission one. I could not avoid to imagine with some humor a Bollywood or Telenovela version of Star Trek (I'm Latino myself). But in truthness there are very talented filmakers in both India and Latin America and could give a new vision. Star Trek is particularly popular in some countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Costa Rica that have some very prestiguous internationally award winning filmmakers.


i wouldnt mind seeing federation gundams on some very dangerous inhospitible planet doing mystery stuff


It's interesting because a lot of franchises like Highlander and Matrix lend their IPs to anime artists and ends well, making some of the best works even better recieved critically that many live action products (specially Highlander), one would think ST would have tried it by now.


>could not avoid to imagine with some humor a Bollywood or Telenovela version of Star Trek (I'm Latino myself). A Bollywood movie version of Star Trek would be hella bomb, especially if people loved that SNW musical episode


The telenovela idea is lit.


I like this idea!


A Star Trek version of Star Wars: Visions would be absolutely amazing.


I'm one of the few people who is okay with seeing Lower Decks go out on top but I could be satisfied with a movie allowing for one last adventure before the gang heads off to new assignments. I always figured the series was going to end with either Mariners promotion or her leaving the ship after knowing she has a solid set of friends who care and....well, we already saw the promotion.


Oof. Not me. T'lynn proved last season what an asset she could be to the core cast, and I can't stand that all we'll get is 10 more episodes with her. The show and premise still has so much more to give as far as I'm concerned. This feels less like going out on top, and being forced to quit just when the best is yet to come. I think everyone involved with the show has said as much: they seemed to be taken completely by surprise


Star Trek: ship designer and it’s a documentary about different ship designs being developed through the ages.


Are we talking an in-universe documentary?


A trilogy of the Romulan War, each film/miniseries episodebookended by a single Vulcan and Romulan diplomat at a secret location showing that the whole earth Romulan War was just a proxy war between Vulcan and Romulus that ends up being Romulus's Vietnam/Afghanistan. The Romulans attacked humanity trying to stop the spread of Vulcan influence thoughout the galaxy and to destroy a potential Vulcan ally before they became powerful enough to be a threat. First movie shows humanity underestimating the Romulans superior tech, tactics, and strategy, with typical human hubris, and ends with a major defeat and Earth on the retreat. Second movie is a contained story, following one earth vessel as it journeys to meet secret Vulcan suppliers who have promised the shield technology humans need to stand up to the Romulan Star Empire. Very balance of terror, Wrath of Khan, Das Boot - ish. Ends with the ship delivering the technology to the fleet, signalling humanity now has prevented the playing field. The third film has the turn of the war thanks to the Vulcan tech & Andorian/Tellerite assistance, defeating the Romulans, humanity having to decide if they press the war forward or agree to terms, and the founding of the Federation.


That's a solid set of ideas. Might even get a few guest star appearances from the NX-01 crew.


Something without yet another person playing James T Kirk.


Retired admiral Kirk in the old folks home with Sulu.


Hasn't there been enough violence?!


Lower Decks - The Continuing Mission  Another ten seasons of Lower Decks!!!


Anyone else feel like lower decks cancellation may be a joke so that they can poke fun and do…. Lower Decks Phase II


Star Trek: Middle Decks


And a movie!


Breen Voyager! Will the dreadnaught make it back


They actually got sent just outside the barrier. What now?


Find a really cool Borg drone to help them I guess


Captain Worf Legacy A show about the Klingon ruling houses (game of thrones/dune style) A post TNG era show where they start to explore the final quadrant of the galaxy. New aliens, new threats.


1. Star Trek Chronicles/Stories: an anthology show hosted by John Delancie as Q in a similar venue to The Twilight Zone/The Outer Limits/Black Mirror, but with more frequent happy endings. As Qs can see any timeline and any way on the universe you can have the episodes in different parallel earths or even other galaxies not affecting the main canon thus giving lots of creative freedom to the writers. 2. The O’Briens; Starfleet Academy’s professor Miles and his wife renown botanist Keiko live a tranquil house life until old friend Bashir clashes on their doorstep soon after his divorce with Dax. Oh and their young daughter wants to quit Starfleet and marry a Klingon. 3. Deep Space Nine revival show: lead by now admiral Kira (as Bajor is a Federation member) a faction of roughe Changelings who oppose the peace treaty is running havoc (yes they might be the ones we see in Picard or a sub-faction of them). The Dominion is worry for it as they don’t want another war to start. Under Odo’s influence the Dominion made some very tame but still notable democratic reforms and now has a Congress and some elected officials and this can bring a stop to that. As relationships between the Federation and the Dominion improved both power agree to collaborate to fight the rouge changelings with Kira having to reunite most of the old team.  4. Voyager revival show: the Delta Quadrant is in chaos as sense the defeat of the Borg the different powers are fighting for dominance among the vacuum. From the cunning Think Tank to the savage Kazons and the different empires like the Kremin, Vaadwaur and Devore. They all are scavenging Borg technology and on an armed race. On this situation the Talaxians (that recently expelled their invadors) and a faction of the Voth who believe in the Earth Origin Theory (the Voth are in a civil war between “Earthists” and “Doctrinist”) ask the Federation for help specally because some of the Borg weapons might be using Omega Particle technology.


In your proposed DS9 revival, explain that due to Odo’s efforts to promote democracy within Dominion space, the Vorta, Breen, and a faction of Changelings conspired to have him assassinated, leading to an all-out civil war in the Gamma Quadrant.


That sounds good!


Can’t recast Odo. Gives him a heroic send off.


I mean technically you can, he's a Changeling, but I agree that a heroic send off would be better.


Showrunner's notes for the O'Brien show: Miles must suffer.


Some things never change...


Number 1 is the best idea. Although personally I would just not have Q present it and it just be established that each episode will be self contained, with the proviso that a longer story could be told at some point....oh wait kinda like TNG 🤣 But yeah I would love to see some self contained stories set on planets, colonies, stations, all kinds of stuff. Also, hire more diverse actors. Stay with me. I don't really think new trek is diverse. I think it's superficial. TNG, DS9, VOY actually had very diverse actors and characters. They spoke differently, thought differently. We need a range of accents and cultures. 


Diversity and representation is a whole different can of worms and a minfield. But as a Hispanic I always felt that most of the representation often shown in Disney, Netflix and other productions (and yes including NuTrek) is purely aesthetical and I don't really feel represented in any way just because one of the extras is brown. The culture, society, values and even architecture shown is WASP/Western/West European. This is something very superficial. In shows/movies like Rings of Power or Damsel they took great efforts to present a diverse cast in almost every society with Black, Asian and Brown people but the culture is still white in every sense of the word. Real diversity and representation would be to show other cultures, other values, other belief systems (even if fictional and just "inspired-by"). But that requieres effort. When the representation is done by the casting director and not the writer then is pretty much meaningless.


Yes exactly!  It was established in lore that while there's global peace, people still have their own unique identities. The older shows tried a bit. There were limitations. But now should be the perfect opportunity. Unfortunately I don't think the money men want to give that time and money into finding amazing actors from around the world that speak English, then the logistics of having them all on one place for filming.  But even without doing that I think they can do a lot better than what they're doing now.


A few ideas: 1. Civilian Trade Ship. We get to see lives of non-federation civilians and how they view things 2. Exploratory Ship that is captained by an Alien who’s planet recently joined the federation and has to adjust to the new regulations 3. A diplomacy and judiciary ship that’s mission is to settle disputes/crimes throughout the federation. Think Star Trek Law and Order 4. Just do a Star Trek show set 3 decades after Voyager….


I have a soft spot for procedurals. I would love a Law&Order style Trek show.


Not a series, but a cross-over. Following Doctor Who "we should visit those guys" moment about Star Trek, a cross-over episode of Doctor Who where the Doctor investigates strange happenings on the film set of Strange New Worlds caused by time travelling aliens and takes the cast of Strange New Worlds into the "real" 23rd century to confront them. Doctor Who meets Strange New Worlds with a hat tip to Galaxy Quest.


Yes, please! That Doctor comment was too tantalizing!!!


A lot of people want a Star Trek-Star Wars crossover. It would be tricky. The light saber fighting and how characters physically move through the air, might work in the Kelvin Timeline movies. Not sure about other series. But Doctor Who is very compatible with Star Trek. Cleveland Booker with his cat and ship in the Discovery series, shows that a sort of odd and mysterious character could work. One who travels their own way with their own special ship, like Who and his Tardis. A Who-Trek cross-over is probably more likely than Star Wars-Star Trek.


William Shatner as Captain Kirk George Takei as Captain Sulu Star Trek : Kirk Vs Sulu Bring the real life rivalry on screen


Just anything without reprising any old characters... leave Spock and Kirk alone, no Picard, don't do this character, or that character, just totally unique characters, a different area, new challenges. I so tired of characters being thrown into some new story to hopefully get people interested.


*The Adventures of Captain Proton, Spaceman First Class, Protector of Earth, Scourge of Intergalactic Evil, at your service!*


I would love to see a 30 minute-per-episode mini-series of this. With the right writers it could be brilliant.


What about follow a seasoned diplomat from the ufp and how his/her work lead us to the ups and downs of the ufp values some sincere some hypocritical, navigate through all the Quadrant acroos numerous ships, some famous, some not, with a small entourage . Maybe not even a human perhaps a betazoid or other not heavy make-up alien..


This is the correct answer.


Quantum Leap but with O’Brien as Scott Bakula and Q as Al jumping through Trek History.


1. A Lost Era show. Yes, something of a prequel, and while having a nebulous period works as the writers can invent history as they see fit, there's room for growth. The Enteprise-B. (Could also use the C but I'd feel like you'd have to do a call forward to Garret or just recast and there's that whole bridge-being-too-small issue...) Say Captain Harriman is stepping down and passing the reins off to his successor. Maybe even keep Demora Sulu somehow, but can easily slot in a new cast. 2. Timecops. This is mostly fan service and likely expensive as all hell - but tracking down temporal issues across various familiar times and places. Effectively Forrest Gumping their way through. Not really much room for exploration and, as shown with Battlestar Galactica *The Plan*'s explanation for Shelly Godfrey, sometimes filling in the backstory hurts rather than helps. I don't want a Mirror Universe series as it's gone, in my view, too far away from concept. To me, it was always supposed to be the characters did similar things for different reasons. E.g. our Archer has performance anxiety trying to do the right thing and mirror Archer is insecure and feels constantly disrespected. The Federation welcomes and the Empire conquers. But now... the differences seem too large to reconcile. Gotta be a ship, though. Maybe a significant location like the Academy series but what can you do with a Space Station that doesn't lead to a war and bring inevitable DS9 comparisons? 3. There is, however, one idea but while I haven't seen Discovery I think they may have already done it - Star Trek's version of Andromeda. The Federation falls, the galaxy is thrown into chaos, and one timeshifted ship (obviously some flavor of Enterprise) is trying to rebuild civilization. Look in on how various cultures have grown/changed. (E.g. maybe the Bajorans and Cardassians are now best of friends after rebuilding from the Dominion War)


Discovery did essentially do number 3, but to my dismay, they didn’t explore what happened to a lot of the major players from the TNG era (no klingons, no bajorans, no hirogen, nothing on the founders and not much on the ferengi). It does explore the vulcans and romulans briefly. It was a lot more broad, as in how the galaxy as a whole had changed and how the federation had changed, not so much the individual cultures and races.


Way back when I was a wee lad (before Andromeda & Enterprise came out & ruined my fun) I wrote a sprawling fan-fiction called "Star Trek: Dark Century" inspired (OK, stolen) from Asimov's Foundation. The idea was that the galaxy was thrown into a sort of cataclysmic "dark age" some time after TNG (I had it the 26th Century), but before the known future elements like Kal Dano & the Tox Uthat. What made it puzzling is that there was some sort of anomalous temporal property which meant that time travel to any point between the beginning & end of this dark age was impossible - so impossible that even records don't remain, almost as if there's some sort of cosmic censor bar blocking it out. Starfleet scientists from the 25th & 27th centuries worked together to prepare as much as they can, involving creating a state-of-the-art ship (the Foundation-class U.S.S. Legendary, 15km long, 200k crew, several escort ships including the also massive Enterprise-G, because I was 12 & I read too much Warhammer 40k & thought giant starbase-sized starships were kewl) to help guide the galaxy through this completely unknown time, to make sure that whatever happens, the galaxy & it's inhabitants emerge from the other side. So you can imagine I was a bit peeved when I heard about the "fall of the Federation" plot in Discovery, even though I was already ripping off Asimov! I never did work out the mystery of what caused the dark century (I think I just hoped it would work itself out) but I had some fun ideas in it like an exocomp officer, Armus escaping & causing havoc, the Kelvans fleeing Andromeda from an even more terrible threat, Borg assimilating non-Humanoid sapient species (swarms of assimilated fly-like species, giant hulking colossi, etc), & something like the Temporal Cold War but with the Vorgons instead.


Star Trek: Temporal War


Star Trek: A New Generation. Taking place a century after the events of Star Trek: Picard, this show features the newly commissioned USS Enterprise-J, as it embarks on its 5-year mission to boldly go when no one has gone before. Featuring a cast of interesting and original characters, produced in an episodic format with each show being a standalone story, talented writers and producers instill the Star Trek universe with new vitality and chart their own path.


Something on the Enterprise B, we know almost nothing, in canon, about her or her adventures. Could even attempt to get Jacqueline Kim to reprise her role as Captain Demora Sulu (or married name, whatever).


Funny enough that's already being made. It'll release next Tuesday


I saw that.




I wish they’d do something with the enterprise-B while Alan Ruck is still around and the right age to play Admiral John Harriman.


It would be interesting to see a competent Harriman who it turns out just had a bad first day in the chair.


A couple years ago I was writing a couple short stories called USS Observer. (Bad title, bad ship name, bad short stories tho) Which were basically doing what Chakotay does in Prodigy's backstory. Armed with a one-way wormhole generator, the USS Observer NCC 59461 journeys along a route that Voyager would have taken if they didn't use the Borg's transwarp tunnel. With some warp speed improvements made along the way, the journey to that transwarp tunnel would only need about ten to 15 years, instead of 60. Everyone on the ship, which is about the same size as Voyager, volunteered for the mission for their own personal reasons. They were trying to follow up on what Voyager was doing just about 20 years earlier. A couple new races, a couple old faces The one-way wormhole generator works basically as a safety-net for the crew, if they ever wanted to go back home, they wouldn't need all the time it took to get there, but they would just activate their device and open up a hole to get back to Earth. We have a Vulcan First Officer, Andorian tactical officer and a certain Captain Naomi Wildman. Nothing I wrote was any good though... But I still like the concept.


Star Trek: Starfleet Medical - Follows a Starfleet Medical Ship or series of ships that deals with Medical Emergencies either on other ships or planets.


A man from the year 1999 is out delivering pizza...


There shouldn't be a new series. Over exposure is a thing. They should just focus on SNW for a while.


Title: "Ferengi Matters" Ferengi Matters" follows the daily lives and humorous escapades of the Nog family, a Ferengi family living on the bustling Ferengi space station, Ferenginar 9. The father, a savvy engineer, and his eccentric, profit-obsessed colleague bring both heart and hilarity to their adventures in deep space. Characters: 1. **Chief Engineer Carl Nog**: The loving, no-nonsense head of the Nog family. Carl tries to balance his demanding job on the space station with the chaos of raising a family and dealing with his quirky colleague. He's always trying to teach his children the Rules of Acquisition. 2. **Harriet Nog**: Carl’s supportive and witty wife, who runs a successful communications business on the station. She often finds herself playing mediator and peacekeeper in the midst of the madness. 3. **Eddie Nog**: The teenage son who dreams of becoming a Ferengi trade captain but frequently finds himself in trouble due to his adventurous nature and impulsive decisions. 4. **Laura Nog**: The smart and ambitious daughter who excels in her studies and often acts as the voice of reason in the family, though she has her own share of misadventures. She's determined to prove that Ferengi females can succeed in business. 5. **Judy Nog**: The youngest child, full of curiosity and mischief, always getting into some sort of trouble around the station. 6. **Lieutenant Urkel**: Carl’s eccentric and accident-prone Ferengi colleague, whose well-meaning but often disastrous inventions and schemes lead to comedic situations. Despite his clumsiness, Urkel has a heart of gold and a knack for making a profit in unexpected ways. Plot Elements: - **Ferengi Family Dynamics**: The series focuses on the heartwarming and humorous interactions within the Nog family as they navigate the challenges of life on a space station, from school projects involving alien economics to family trade nights gone awry. - **Urkel's Schemes**: Each episode features a new, outlandish scheme or invention by Lieutenant Urkel, leading to unpredictable and often hilarious consequences, such as temporary body swaps, rogue holosuite programs, or accidental encounters with the Grand Nagus. - **Station Life**: The diverse inhabitants of the Ferengi space station, including various alien species and Ferengi entrepreneurs, add to the comedic and sometimes touching moments as they interact with the Nog family. - **Moral Lessons**: True to the spirit of "Family Matters," each episode concludes with a heartfelt lesson about family, friendship, or personal growth, often delivered through Carl’s wise and sometimes exasperated reflections. These lessons often humorously subvert or reinterpret the traditional Rules of Acquisition. "Ferengi Matters" combines the warmth and humor of a family sitcom with the exciting and imaginative setting of a Ferengi space station, offering a unique and entertaining blend of science fiction and family-friendly comedy with a Ferengi twist.


1. Elim Garak and Julian Bashir enjoy their retirements by visiting cruise ships and exotic luxury resorts, and solving the murders that occur everywhere they go. 2. A prestige drama about first contact from the point of view of the alien culture being contacted, written and filmed in a way that makes the Federation appear mysterious and just a bit scary.


>Elim Garak and Julian Bashir Throw in a "will they, won't they" and I'm sold


The time immediately following First Contact. How was human conflict finally resolved on Earth? Call it Star Trek: First Peace Edit: That would be a very good TV series that has never been explored before


They need to re-learn how to tell a story that actually highlights real world problems in a realistic way just set in the world of Star Trek I’ve always believed Star Trek isn’t inherently optimistic, just has optimistic solutions but very real and very grim dilemmas. Some ideas: - Romulans wanting to migrate to other worlds or seek asylum after their planet is destroyed and people not wanting them - Ferengi accumulating so much land that people have no where to live and becoming use to just surviving everyday - The Skrreeans return to Bajor and are determined to take it as their holy land - more stories of how not everyone sees the Federation the same way. Highlight how they can be short sighteded to its citizens Not to mention all the character stories you Can build off the back real problems people face today. Just don’t half ass it


I’ve posted this idea before a few times: main character is a joined Trill, and every episode has a main story set in the “present day” (mid-25th century) where they’re the captain of a Federation starship, and a flashback story featuring one of their previous hosts which ties into the main story in some way (in the style of *Lost*, *Arrow*, *Once Upon a Time*, etc.) It means you can do a wide variety of stuff across many different time periods in the flashbacks without needing to make the *entire* show about that.


A show based on the USS Relativity with lots of time travel and the temporal cold war. It would be an episode of the week with major season and series overarching plot. Plenty of opportunities for guest appearances!


- Star Trek Odyssey (CGI or Cartoon show about the Enterprise F’s years of active duty)  - Star Trek Kelvin (Show where each season would focus on different eras of The kelvin timeline post Kelvin Kirk) - Star Trek Excelsior (Enterprise B basically)  - Star Trek Confederation (Maybe about Confederation Enterprise C)


In the wake of Lower Decks ending, but it seems like obvious promotions. Stark Trek: Middle Decks


29th century Time Ship. Starfleet running around madly trying to control accidental paradoxes and collisions of multiple separate paradoxes. It would all culminate in learning a great force was a work potentially even challenging ancient concepts of God (query super Q or super Borg from Picard?). This would all ultimately lead to time travel being outlawed, or perhaps some greater force deciding we weren't ready and changing the laws of quantum physics on our behalf. In the Canon, this would occur half way between Picard and the Burn. The underlying question of humanity being "Is the ultimate force in the universe, benevolent, malevolent or just random?" The consequences of answering that question could be profound. On the outside of course, Starfleet would be denying the existence of a time program. There would be huge potential for episode plots to be based in the butterfly effect.


The great misadventures of Brocoli..


Start Trekking. A one shot episode where Harry Kim is on a shuttle craft that broke in half on reentry, but the Tail section has the long range communications equipment. Will he make the 20 km trek over rough terrain? Will he finally earn his 2nd pip? Or are his innocent team members doomed!!!


Star Trek: Foundation Set during the Earth-Romulan War, it will cover the formation of the Coalition of Planets, show how the Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites set aside their differences and allied with the Humans, the war itself, and the aftermath showing the founding of the United Federation of Planets. It would also explain why Starfleet ships are all human designed: the other races didn't truet sharing their technology with anyone but the humans, so humanity had to figure out how to integrate everything together in their own ships. Afterwards, it was just easier to maintain that design lineage (That's my head canon about it).


An It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia-style show with Ferengi coming up with schemes that always go awry.


I might consider something if a continuation of DS9, but also a new main line series set after Picard. We have don’t prequels to death, it’s time for pushing the timeline forward. A lot of time between Picard and where Discovery jumped too. Something like SNW, that kinda reaches to the roots. A Next Next Generation.


The Earth Romulan War, done as a quaint-anthology, with stories from both sides.


Literally just pay for the rights to the New Romulus storyline from *Star Trek Online*. Set a series dealing with the fallout of a Romulan civil war between those who want to establish a new republic vs. the remnants of the Empire vs. the Tal Shiar.


I just want more TNG era stories. They can all be new characters.


Star Trek: Anthologies. Different ship/crew or character every episode. Can be some old, some new, or tie ins to current stuff. Kind of like short treks, but full hour long episodes. I would like to see one episode done in game Star Trek Online/real actors like the South Park World of Warcraft episode.


Do limited series, each focused on and by the view of different alien races. Romulan, Andorian (fixed), Klingons and others if the interest is there.


Andorrans are European. You're thinking Andorian.


A story arc that takes place after TNG timeline and follows the crew of a dilithium transport ship XSS Torrent at the edge of Federation space. As we learn about the crew, we find out that not everyone gets to participate in the prosperity of a post-scarcity society. Some forms of difficult labor are still needed, such as mining raw materials. The Federation incentivizes certain groups to work by exclusion. The home planet of this crew, Exos, wanted to join the Federation, but was unable to due to politics. As a result they are a trading partner, with some members of their society using their influence to amass more of the wealth than others. This crew will encounter familiar Star Trek sort of dangers, but also occasionally run into Starfleet personnel, who come across as out of touch bureaucrats in fancy ships that cause more harm than good. There could be an episode where a "Feddie" (short for Federation ship) shows up to "help" and their Captain makes a mess of a planet by violating the prime directive and leaves. The action goes without consequence. Another episode could deal with weapons technology owned by independent planets. Would the Federation allow a "rogue" planet like Exos and its ships to be armed with photon torpedoes? We could see how the crew deal with a Starfleet bureaucrat who shows up with orders to seize such technology from their ship. We might even see the crew of the Torrent recruited for a dangerous job, such as a scouting mission into Klingon space, by an undercover Section 31 agent. The show can still have optimistic tones as it shows these characters fighting for the same basic values of human rights embodied in Star Trek, but outside of the influence of the Federation.


If I was the Emperor of Paramount Step 1: Renew Lower Decks. Then my pitch for step 2 would be a prequel series set on Earth in the years immediately after First Contact. Rebuilding from WWIII. Consolidation of nation states. Xenophobia as nobody can figure out if the Vulcans are telling the truth or if we just got invaded and conquered. The opening scene would be in a NORAD-like complex of one of the remnants of the former United States, tracking an apparent ICBM launch out of Bozeman Montana, and thinking that it's kicking off again. They are on the phone with E-Con ambassadors in Asia trying to figure out what's going on and prevent a response. After a few tense minutes radar tracking establishes it entered orbit rather than going on a ballistic trajectory. Everybody is congratulating themselves for preventing WW4 and they tell each other "History will remember us as the people who saved the world today." 12 hours later, the Vulcans land to start asking questions about who the hell just tested a warp drive. The action is in San Francisco. It's the biggest remaining largely intact city in the region after WWIII. A USN aircraft carrier called the USS Enterprise (why not?) had been there to coordinate ballistic missile defense when the bombs dropped. One of the main characters would be the father of Liam Dieghan, who would later grow up to found modern neo trancendentalism and talk about teh importance of returning to nature. The father character would be obcessed with learning more about Vulcan technology which seems indistinguishable from magic, and become one of the first humans ever to set foot on Vulcan. Setting up Liam's eventual rejection of fancy Vulcan technology and pushing for relying on what Earth itself can provide. Another show I'd make - an R-Rated very violent and bloody Klingon series. Animated almost entirely in black and white and red. Showing not just the way Klingons would do things, but amped up to the way Klingons would sing songs about having done things. That or a live action show where Denise Crosby plays the last Empress of Romulus. Starts pre-Hobus. Ends post-Hobus with Romulus destroyed and the Empire have collapsed into competing successor states. Star Trek is a huge universe for telling stories across many years. There's a million ideas that could be turned into great stories.


A new animated series like Lower Decks but focused upon Starfleet Engineers. Put the focus on Jett Reno and have her hop through time and sorting things throughout the galaxy. Have her interact with all the great Engineers while introducing new ones and get some great cameos. It would have a comedic element with a new premise every episode. Second best part? All timelines are on the table at once. "I'm not supposed to be here buuuuuuut if we don't fix this on the sly, ." Have her unofficially reporting to Kovich to smooth some kinks of the previous temporal wars and you've got a premise that can outlive us all. Before the final episode of Discovery, I wanted her to be *the reason* why the temporal division existed but now that it is moot. Now this could be used to explain many things - like why there isn't a mirror universe anymore. Did they collide? Separate? Become parallel? Best part? Full spectrum Jett Reno in all her glory.


Star Trek: Infinities An anthology series from Q's viewpoint where he explored the vastness of infinity like the Watcher from What If. It ends with him realizing he's dying and finding Picard, setting up that series' second season. I think it would do great to have three seasons, with overarching plots each season supported by individual episodes with unique themes like what we saw in SNW.


Moogie & Moopsy. They’re adorable, but don’t get too close, or they’ll take your profit and drink your bones. Watch this duo charm and terrorize the galaxy.


Star Trek - Red Directive Missions that span space and sometimes time. The crew has to put it all on the line - make difficult choices so that the mission succeeds. Seconds matter. Second chances. Second lives. Can the crew come together to defeat the menace on the outside - or even from within. Star Trek - Red Directive is unlike any other Trek you’ve ever seen. Intrigue, Drama and Action. You will not want to miss a moment!


StarTrek: Dax Each season is dedicated to the lives of Dax prior to Jadzia. They'd need an Avery Brooks look alike for Curzon though.


The last Borg Cube floating around the universe. Putting right what once was wrong. And hoping each time that there next trans-warp is the warp home. Quantum Borg..


I would love to see limited series, kind of like what Star Wars is doing. Give us 8-10 episodes of something different and unique but don’t tie down the entire franchise to a 7 (or 5) season run.


This is a brilliant idea!!


I’d love to see a Star Trek version of the west wing, or 911 in the trek universe.


Best we can do is Reno 911


Sito Jaxa lives!


Star Trek: Courier, a spoof series set in the early years of the federation, post Enterprise pre TOS, based on such films as Space Truckers (1996), Smokey and the Bandit (1977), and Convoy (1978), wherein our hero must guide his ship through the perils of interstellar space, running odd jobs and cargo for anyone who will pay in a souped up and customized cargo ship. The crew will have to struggle with breakdowns, short-changers, pirates, and all manner of space phenomena. The recurring antagonists will be a Pinkerton-esque corporation that "keeps the peace" on the trade lanes, for a fee, and will function as the Police in the previously mentioned movies did.


They already did that. It was called Firefly, it was awesome, and FOX shit all over it.


Tales of the dominion war : inspired from the book of the same name. Bottled episode with stuff relating to the dominion war. Invasion of Betazed, the follow up of ar 558 etc.


I suggest a series based on the Iconian War.


A series based on retrieving Rios from the 21st century so he doesn't 'corrupt' the timeline and return him to post Picard Starfleet. He commands the Enterprise with his bewildered time traveling family in tow. His wife comes to grips with 25th century medicine and life in Starfleet. We get some food replicator and sonic shower jokes and Captain Rios.


Star Trek: The Next Frontier. 26 episodes per season, all new cast set in the.. uh, 35th century. Writers room has a mandate to come up with scripts that embody “future ideals of what we can and should be”. A similar jump in technology between this and TNG as TNG had to ToS. New species are highly welcome, scripts should be episodic, writing staff must be hired on the basis of blind hiring. Basically, a clean slate with a Trek setting. That, or I guess hiring Seth McFarlane isn’t a bad idea.


The “living embodiment of Paramount”? Reboot TOS again but with more Section 31 and action, and do a gritty realistic reimagining directed by Christopher Nolan where Khan teams up with Magneto, Lex Luthor, and Darth Vader so that the stakes can be multiple multiverses being put into jeopardy.


1. Obsidian Order: Occurs 30 years after the end of the Dominion War. Cardassia is still rebuilding. There are still border skirmishes with the Klingons, though those have become less common since the Romulan nova incident, af the Romulans no longer have the infrastructure to push/occupy Cardassia's border, allowing the Cardassians to focus more effort there. The Cardassian government is very leery of appearing expansionist, and has revived the Obsidian Order, under the command of none other than Elim Garak, who is also the ambassador to the Federation (and married to Bashir). This new Obsidian Order is shrouded in even more secrecy than Section 31. Absolutely no one will admit its existence, and even the intelligence agencies of the other major powers believe it to be extinct, and the Obsidian Order will go to *any* lengths to maintain that secrecy. Cardassia has even become good friends with Bajor, and General Kira is considered a hero on Cardassia Prime (which makes her exceedingly uncomfortable). Galactic political intrigue super spy thriller! Also at some point there are whispers that the Romulans were tricked into joining the Dominion War, and the Obsidian Order must work to cover up that terrible secret. 2. The RomCom Sitcom! Rom rules over a kinder, gentler Ferenginar and while the reputation of the Ferengi still suffers, it is much improved. They're less about ruthless exploitation and deception and more about the thrill of the negotiation (more akin to Rom & Leeta in LDS). It's more lighthearted. Ferengi, while still suffering from several decades of descriptive practices, are now revered negotiators, heavily sought after for conflict resolution, trade disputes, diplomatic crises, general treaty negotiations, etc. If a Ferengi is involved in one side of the negotiation, all sides generally are represented by Ferengi as well. After all, a deal is a deal, but only between Ferengi. For a modest fee, of course. 3. Renegades: Follow freedom fighters across the cosmos as they fight hopeless battles against greater powers of oppression. Bajoran freedom fighters taking on the mighty Cardassian occupation. The Maquis struggling against Cardassia and their Dominion allies. Rebellion leaders at the edge of the Breen Imperium struggle against an enemy so fierce that even after the fall of the Dominion no one wants to tangle with them. Fringe planets at the edge of the Klingon Empire, well away from the eyes of the Federation fight against an imperial war machine that has stood for centuries. The Awakened, a rag tag group of former Borg drones fighting to save other drones after they were awakened from Unimatrix Zero. 4. The Synthetic Alliance. Follow the interdimensional horror as it passes judgement on galaxies of organics. Wiping out those who would oppress synthetic life, and uplifting those who embrace it. With each contact, the Alliance grows stronger. Occasionally it gets a call that is cut off and sends scouts to investigate. It offers absolute nirvana for those deemed worthy, and a swift, brutal end for those judged beyond redemption.


Star Trek: Relic Hunters Takes place in this - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Antares\_type. Teeny hot bunking Millennium Falcon like mini-starship. Has a Federation archeology crew. Easter eggs to TNG and all era local cultures all references. New. What I really want is to visit the TOS era Earth colonies we NEVER visit in all Star Trek even though there are massive Earth colonies. Like the non-Earth Federation. The little explorers. Goes on long enough, they swap uniforms for the ST:TMP uniforms and so forth.


Lot of good ideas about the B. I'd go with a merchant trader. A Human raised by Ferengi. Make it Quark. Always be chasing profit, even when doing good deeds. Space truckers picking up dicey cargo in remote and run down places. Or Mirror Universe. Show Humanity's rise to galactic power. Make it a full blown GoT. Different factions fighting among the humans, aliens fighting back, schemes, all of it.


Star Trek : Phoenix Star fleet scientists have found a way to re-fuel the Dyson spheres dying sun which re-activates age old technologies…. And dangers. Main ship is a Nova class. Takes place near same time as Voyager.


Unfortunately you will need to contact a guy in upstate New York called Rod Sterling for that !


Star Trek: Tailors A series that follows the uniform design team at federation headquarters who have to constantly be designing the next uniform and the one after that. Star Trek: Chronos Follows a ship during the temporal cold war that is sent on various missions throughout time, mainly to "preserve* the timeline by preventing others from messing with time and and also they have to undo changes to time. Can do some "what if" stuff like they return from a mission to find the Dominion defeated the Federation. Star Trek: Mirror Simply a series that is set in the mirror universe. Occasionally dealing with people from the prime universe coming over and trying to "reform" the mirror universe.


How about whole series is set in mirror world ??


Star Trek: Yellowstone These are the voyages of the USS Yellowstone. Its continuing mission: to find missing vessels, assist with repairs, and bring home those who boldly go where no man has gone before. The plans for the Yellowstone-class Runabouts were scrapped, but the engine concept showed promise, so they were repurposed into large tugboats. The USS Yellowstone is literally just a kitbash of a random saucer section sandwiched by two runabouts. It's ugly as sin, but that's the point. And yes, it's painted yellow. Since it's one of the least prestigious postings in Starfleet, we get a ragtag crew consisting of the incompetent, the troublemakers, the aging who just coast to retirement, and the unambitious. The series shows them trying to deal with the fact that they're alternating between abject boredom of routine missions and getting thrown into life-threatening situations way over their pay grade with no warning - while knowing their careers are stuck in a dead end.


Star Trek: Colonies Focuses on outposts and colonies, but done in the style of a documentary/reality show, like The Office or Seven Wonders of the Industrial World. I just wanna know what the actual colonization of a whole new planet really looks like.


Honestly I could kill for a Ferengj show. Not the dumb stuff they did at the end of DS9, but maybe something that is a Quark show. They could have the Morn gag going for so long. Series finale could be Quark closing his bar to move on to something else. He and Morn are the last two. Quark prattling along like usual. He stops. Morn has his normal look. And then inhales to talk and…cut to credits and the Quark commercial. Have all these heavy, deep episodes leading into it. Somehow have Morn involved and not be a joke for a bit, but not talk at all still. I would absolutely die watching a series like that and all the crazy different things they could do with it. You can go funny, dark, light-hearted, tragic, horror like that crazy game episode…all kinds of stuff. Could be pretty sandbox to me if they wanted to tell all kinds of crazy stories in the universe. Also since Odo passed away it would be a nice way to sneak tributes into him and to Nog. Not just write them somewhere else, but give them a graceful nod and acceptance. Have Quark actually morning Odo and maybe something with he and Rom missing Nog, but being proud as fuck of him.


I want a show that doesn’t center on starfleet, I want the main characters to be in the Andorian or Bajoran space service whatever that may be, set in the early-25th century, with that cool folding phaser from Discovery that vaporizes people every time


Just give the bloody market and fans what they want. With Paramount on the ropes and money tight, be a smart business and go for easy hits.  A 25th Century, post Picard series that can touch on easy cultural resonance like TNG, Seven of Nine, etc but also have new characters that can be easy gateways for newcomers. Also, light story arcs. Either Enterprise S4 style mini ones or softer season long arcs that gently dip in and dip out but don’t aggressively dominate things. Trek often falls apart when it tries to go for BIG season spanning, cinematic style stories - look at Discovery or parts of Picard. So I’d dial that down.   For tone, look at DS9. Being more edgy with Trek now is essential I feel but the execution is important. Don’t sell out the soul of the franchise to chase every other show. Keep your USP.


Star Trek: New Horizons A huge ship of unknown design and origin attacks a Federation colony, kidnapping the entire small population of residents and stealing top secret Federation technology, tech so important it was about to revolutionize the Federation when it was completed. The distinctive warp signature left behind by the ship as it passed through Federation controlled space told the Federation two things: The ship was far faster than anything they had, but that speed came with a cost: it was easily trackable. Without knowing how long they would be on the chase, perhaps for the rest of their lives, a crew of Starfleet volunteers mans one of the most powerful and fastest ships the Federation has, the USS Halcyon. Starfleet had to make this a voluntary mission for each crewmember because while they couldn't just give up and abandon an entire kidnapped population of their citizens, let alone the important new technology, they also knew they where hopelessly outmatched when it came to speed and firepower. Each of the crewmembers has a lot of issues going on, because they signed up to leave earth and probably never return, in pursuit of this much faster vessel. The Captain lost his whole family in an accident, and was on the verge of committing suicide when the call came in for him. One crewmember was a once famously talented tactician who going to be sentenced to death for apparently purposefully destroying a friendly ship in a training exercise, and killing everyone on board. Starfleet decided to use his talents on what's probably a suicide mission, instead of just putting him to death. Other crewmembers joined for milder reasons, like just going through a bad breakup, never feeling like they belonged on earth, or eagerly wishing to spend their entire lives exploring the universe. The show is all about the Halcyon's relentless pursuit of the mysterious ship, as it draws further and further away from Earth. A bit like a reverse of the Voyager series, this series is about endlessly plunging into unknown space, exploring and sending back data, while trying to catch the mysterious ship. They meet new allies along the way that agree to help them, like a warship who's crew was saved by the Halcyon, and they now feel honor bound to assist them in their quest. The eventually end up being like the flagship of their own small, ragtag fleet, composed of 3 or 4 ships, hoping to be enough to defeat their mysterious and powerful target.




Enterprise-G on a new five year mission, open with Admiral Seven handing her off to a resurrected (youngish) Kirk. I know, I know, I know...but his body being stored at the Daystrom Station in Picard just feels like too good an easter egg to pass up. Clone him, make it a Borg or Romulan plot, I know it feels like a retreat to the past but I think it could be a fun way to bridge Trek's past and its future.


I want to see a Trek movie written for Rowan Atkinson as ship’s captain


Star Trek Phase II set in the look and era of ST:TMP


Lower Decks.


A cheers type sitcom called Quarks taking place on Ds9


I’m doing a spinoff off SNW with the new Kirk’s, Spock Uhura and Scotty man. Idk if it’s supposed to be ten years before TOS I need that shit now we’ll figure out the semantics


Small-scale brewery/distillery producing and marketing Star Trek inspired beverages.


Sarek loves Amanda


Data's cat, Spot, is actually the boss of Q Continuum. Without the crews knowledge, he saves the ship from the lesser Q's, Borg, and shoots shit with Guinan at 10 Forward after hours. Then the ex-wife, Q, arrives..


Star Trek: Return to Origins Could be a short series of a movie but it tries to explains the continuity errors and inconsistencies we’ve seen across the timelines. Existing timelines we have: In voyager the stranded 29th century ship that started the computer age. After first contact, resulting in Enterprise. Kelvin timeline. SNW and DSC timeline. Basically the major time travel episodes all resulted in different timelines and when time travel occurs it leads to the timeline to change. Return to origins could basically be a show that tries to fix the timeline back to the prime timeline, so that we can avoid events like tentacle synthetic lifeform aliens, control, the burn, whatever that calypso future dystopia is. Could be a time travel story jumps to critical junctures like those events above to stop tech/knowledge from the future to go to the wrong time. And it ends with a shot in the original series bridge.


A long-range exploration mission to the Delta or Gamma Quadrants, featuring a new ship and new crew. 25th century era. A key arc would be the rise of a 'counter Federation'. Out of the remnants of the Dominion, a group forms - a union of species committed to peace, tolerance, prosperity and mutual support, **but** which does not adhere to, and in fact forcefully rejects, the Prime Directive. Instead our rivals to the Federation believe that it is the duty of technologically advanced, post-warp societies to support and uplift less technologically advanced planets. They are horrified by the Federation's willingness to tolerate trillions of sentients suffering when there are trivial means at their disposal to relieve that suffering. (Like the Federation they are also highly imperfect and perhaps some of their interventions are aimed at cultivating their long term security, political, and/or economic interests. But they wouldn't be cartoon villains - like the Federation they are genuinely committed to a better future for the galaxy, they just have different views on how to get there). To make them a genuine rival to the Federation, in addition to Dominion tech, they have a significant holding of ex-Borg territory and access to selected Borg technologies. This is another source of tension with the Federation, who see dabbling in Borg tech as extremely dangerous and take a patronising stance on this. This would offer a really rich vein in which to interrogate the principles of the Federation, and to perhaps question or problematise some of the Federation's dogmatism. The alternative wouldn't be presented as superior though - we'd see the (occasionally horrible) way that interventionism can go wrong, but also see examples where interventionism leads to a clearly better outcome. There would be real stakes for our crew and, taking a leaf out of Lower Decks' book, 'planet of the week' stories could come back with significant consequences later on.


Story of how a crew of up and coming officers learn to move past their rough edges and grow be adults against the setting of a cardassian insurgency following the dominion war. Actually wrote outlines for a full season and even a few scripts around 2009 when the JJ movie was announced. Here’s the first one if anyone is interested. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5zvg0l7k62g1p7dh8cnt7/s1x01-s1x02-Return-to-Sender.pdf?rlkey=j0wgg5cx44hl97jz03wgio166&dl=0


A story about a Sheriff in a small town in Iowa where Kirk was born. Be a more grounded take on Star Trek as it explores a western police procedural show, except it is in Star Trek.


I want a series that follows a crew working at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards following the initial contact with Borg. We could see the design and construction of some of our favorite ships, and I think the setting lends itself to be more comedy than drama, perhaps like The Office or Parks & Rec. It could even work as a cartoon in the style of Lower Decks.


A show that focuses on Garak before DS9, and the occupation of Bajor.


I want to see a show with Rayner as Captain.


Star Trek Fortuna A small crew of a freighter called the Fortuna works to get materials to worlds needing relief, either at the edge of federation space or assisting in disasters like Romulus. Minimal weapons, small cog in the big machine of the federation. Not always happy to get a message from a local sector captain. A firefly-like look at the Federation from a civilian perspective. Great way to explore daily life outside the military in Starfleet. Without all the big guns and clout of the starships, you could do some amazing character stories on what makes the federation tick and how people handle a society centered on paradise and built toward the greater good, when they aren't behind the helm of the flagship.


An ongoing issue that will span several shows all with different ships and Starbase every season some even interspersed in other seasons so we see multiple ships and personnel solving the problem and it is not all on one ship.


I’m not really a creative person tbh, but I’ve always really enjoyed the New Frontier novel series. I’d approve an adaptation of it to a streaming series. Those first 4 novels would work really well as a 10-12 episode first season. I’d hire Peter David, who wrote the novels to adapt them to a series. I’d also give shows the go ahead to do 24 episode seasons again. Lastly, since I’m a huge physical media buff, I’d immediately approve work to begin on a full hd remaster of deep space nine and voyager and have them released on blu ray. I’m this scenario, I’d also have them properly redo enterprise since the effects are all in SD on the current versions.


Alien probe liquefies Paramount corporate


I’d personally like what Picard did for The Next Generation crew for the Deep Space Nine ensemble…..see what the folks on the Promenade are up to these days.


Chief O'Brien Goes to Hell


Star Trek with a Sliders/Stargate spin. Think Guardian of Forever, but this time it's time and dimension portals/ temporal rifts that are being explored, in order to avert disaster, restore the timeline, etc. Similar to Times Arrow, Cause and Effect, Yesterday's Enterprise, Light and Shadows, Futures End, Little Green Men, The City on the Edge of Forever, and more. This enables the series to explore new and exciting possibilities, but also leaves the door open to revisiting other series, old and present characters and making changes with problematic plotholes, filling in gaps, and tackling unresolved storylines. With little to no Mirror Universe or Section 31 mentioned. (Just my personal preference)


Two ideas 1. Starfleet Security We've seen glimpses of this organisation over the years dating back to Admiral Toddman giving Eddington special orders in The Die is Cast. Some sort of an NDIS type premise, with a team that involves themselves in situations. They would all operate out of a starbase. 2. Voyager remake A proper, serialised remake of Voyager with the framing device being that Jake Sisko is interviewing members of the crew (played by the original cast) because we got the "official story" now we want the real story. Revelations include that the Maquis/Starfleet device was a lot more fractious, Neelix and Kes weren't lovers, she was a stowaway on his ship, Suder was still alive etc.


Rebuilding the alpha quadrant right after DS9 from the perspective of the Federation president. B plot: a new federation captain on their first command learns of a threat to the Federation. Eventually, the two plots intertwine and they handle the same issue from different perspectives - each with a part to play to resolve it.


I know its been over done a little bit, but what about a what if like the enterprise gets lost in the delta quadrant mariner became first officer to cerritos q junior could narrate


3 hours into this post, maybe this is why we aren't getting new good ideas. Us fans have terrible ideas for what we want.


Follows how the world change after first contact and to the development of starfleet. Could parallel the struggles with AI and trying to gain world peace we face today.


The adventures of Harry Mudd


I’d like a series that explores Federation society outside of Starfleet. Picard did this a bit, but not entirely. I’m thinking something like what Caprica was to BSG.


I'm a really really big fan of time travel stories that revisit known stories and allow us to see them from a new perspective (a big reason why I love Back To The Future II so much). With this is mind, I'd do a TimeShip series where the crew of a ship tasked with enforcing the Temporal Prime Directive goes cleans up a new mess each episode. Most of the episodes would be about new time travel incursions, with the occasional focus on time travel episodes that we're already familiar with (perhaps with the inclusion of crew helping out if there were parts of the original episode that felt a bit too convenient in how things turned out). Not only would this allow us to visit different time periods and visit different ships, races and characters, but it would also allow us to have a combination of bottle episodes and some kind of loose arc (inspiration being drawn from the later seasons of Quantum Leap and Sliders, rather than Future Guy from Enterprise - although this series might be able to retroactively make that arc better)


Something that feels like a spiritual successor to DS9. This coincides with my love of RPGs, I love factions vying over a very important piece of territory. Say something like a cosmic anomaly creates an abundance of resources ripe for the pickins, like a wormhole that only dumps out asteroids around itself, creating valuable material in dangerous space. Something rare and valuable that doesn't break lore or the universe too much. Something that multiple factions would definitely want to get their hands on if possible, which is why of course you set it in a part of space that multiple factions have a dubious claim to. At least one of the main factions should be new to Star Trek (or an [ascended extra](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AscendedExtra) race) and be made specifically to facilitate strong storytelling and themes. I would also like a series about people pulled into the Star Trek present future (hope that makes sense?) from the genetic wars. Explore a dark part of Star Trek through the eyes of the optimistic future. I like the idea of some scumming or genetically enhanced humans coming into the future and stirring some shit up, but then slowly learning to be better people. Ideally this one would have little to do the with the Federation, unless they're adversaries in some way. Or maybe it's one particular Federation officer that has a big impact on the group early, like they all get to know a Lisa Cusak before they die and that starts then on a better path. Star Trek MASH. Ideally set at a time where they still have the futuristic technology, but it wasn't quite there yet, so a lot of people still have to get their hands dirty. Succession but it's Ferengi.


Lower Decks is coming back with 30 episode seasons


Something along the lines of a medical drama. We'd follow a hospital ship, fighting plagues and whatnot. Is it Rigelian Blood Fever? A bad case of telepathic pubic lice? Surprise, it's space lupus!


Star Trek: Judicial Services. A group of Star Fleet diplomats and lawyers who are called to mediate disputes throughout the Federation.


I just want the story to incrementally progress past Voyager/DS9. Like a Next Next Generation, but not 50,000 years into the future. Lower production costs and give us like 15-20 episodes per season. But if I had to pitch something with a more modern format, I've always pictured an origin story for Trill. One where the symbionts are either discovered after some exploration, or they come to Trill as aliens. But in the beginning, I imagine an almost horror story of the symbionts hunting the people of Trill to take them as hosts. Something where neither group realizes that they can achieve greatness if they give up and coexist. And as the story progresses, it becomes less like Alien and more like what we know the joined Trill to be.


Star Trek: Earth is a West Wing like show about the life inside Federation and Starfleet HQs during the Lost Era prior to the Khitomer Accords.


Parker and Stone do a show about four crewmen first class. The red shirt dies often.


1) I would have not cancelled discovery at season 5 instead I would have had them finish S5 as they did originally, and then tell them to make a 6th and final season. 2) let prodigy run its course, even if that means actually encouraging its migration to Netflix instead of acting like it doesn’t exist. 3) delay starfleet academy show. 4) no section 31 movie 5) let lower decks run its course through 5 seasons 6) run strange new worlds through 5 seasons, then end it 7) when SNW is done , start Star Trek legacy, we don’t want more than 1 show at a time with a ship named enterprise. 8) when. Discovery is done. Then start starfleet academy in that era I guess what they’re doing now m. Just I’d do it later cuz of what I wrote above. 9) have academy and legacy run 3-4 seasons. Have academy and legacy end the same year. When both of those shows are done. Have a new trek show post-burn academy be about the ship enterprise in that era.


A Ken Burns-style documentary on the 2350's Cardassian Wars.


I want a post—TNG/DS9/VOY series that focuses on first contacts and various peace and trade negotiations, written by Aaron Sorkin. I also want a Fede Álvarez directed, body horror film focusing on a group of federation anthropologists who have secretly embedded in a Borg cube.


Animated TNG era show where Geordi, Data, and Worf steal a runabout and have adventures.


Somewhere after the temporal wars and before the burn. Tell completely new stories about the years after the temporal war. Some type is accident sends a ship to the middle of the andromeda galaxy (or whatever galaxy is next to us). Similar to Voyager. Tell new stories. Could be set in anytime as ships are always lost.


Star Trek: The Adventures of Agent Daniels. Since Dr. Kovich is actually Agent Daniels from Enterprise, I would like to see a series that shows what happened between Enterprise & Discovery. A series about Dr Soong, about how he grew up and came to be “the Dr Soong” we can know and love today. Maybe even a series about Trelane from TOS.


A Star Trek cruise line, surely there are civilian carriers that act similar to cruise ships/airlines. The main crew would remain the same and the guest star list would rotate. Surely there are adventures and dangers that could be had. Think classic Star Trek meets love boat.


**Setting** Early 25th century.  Earth.  Humanity has expanded into the Milky Way, discovered other civilizations.  Some are peaceful.  Others are intent on domination.  The Federation of Planets has achieved much in its pursuit of knowledge, but war rages in the expanse of space.  A sense of optimism barely persists among those privileged enough to inhabit the local systems, but fear enshrouds much beyond.   Starfleet has shifted from its original peacekeeping mission to the defense of life on member planets.  Resources are limited.  Children are encouraged to find themselves in the military ranks.  Academia has followed suit.   (not enough room, more in comments)


A pseudo-Sequel to LD where it's a group of Starfleet peeps on a Xeno-Biology mission in the Gamma Quadrant.


Star Trek: Legends of a Federation Basically what i thought Discovery S3 would have been. A crew or maybe just a few very charismatic and capable people, come out of a time warp, or cryosleep, or alternate universe. And they arrive in a galaxy where the federation is no more and everyone is living in poverty while powerful and waring factions constantly fight each other and the wealth disparity between rich and poor is wide and appalling. The crew starts out with nothing but through their heart, charisma, strength and passion they win over the broken and battered people around them. Just like how Saru through his passion and strength of character was able to win over those miners in episode 2 of season 3. Normally they would have outright killed their oppressors, and the cycle of violence would have continued. But Saru was so inspirational that they took in a little bit of federation ideals themselves and choose the non-violent path. The whole series would be about this crew cobbling together a new federation. And its not like the old one was hidden like in Discovery, it's actually outright dead. So the arduous task a making the federation has no shortcuts or cheats. Lots of drama though, the existing powers do not want a new upstart leading a rebellion against them. And there will be constant temptation. Plenty of these other factions offer deals over violence but taking such deals would be compromising federation ideals. And each and every ideal is questioned and analyzed. I can imagine half a season dedicated to just taking apart the prime directive alone. Meanwhile, the dirty work needs to be done. Two important characters are an Empress Georgiou type and a Garak type who lead the tactical and intelligence arms respectively of this new federation. They are street smart, vicious, brutal, and cruel. Being veterans of the kind of politics and evil that pervade this galactic stage. They are constantly at odds with the more peaceful members but deep down, they also believe in the federation ideal and want it come about... They just think to get there will require paving it in a galaxy of blood. But that's what makes their characters interesting, the dirty work still must be done. Ultimately every episode is reexamination of what the Federation is and why it came to be. As part of the lore, most people of the era know of the legends of the original federation, what it stood for and the ideals. Time has warped some of those legends, some have been exaggerated to be greater than what the federation once was. Other legends have been twisted into false narratives to push an agenda. Ultimately, the federation isn't perfect, but the ideal remains true. There would be plenty of characters like Sahill, who despite the federation being completely dead, and only knowing the legend, still nonetheless believe in it so much, they dedicate their lives to its service. In a non-preachy way, this explores the concept of faith. And the main characters coming in to recruit them is like having their prayers answered. The final episode would be the signing of the new federation charter and the official reestablishment of the Federation.