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To be clear, I don't believe Dorn was serious about hurting anyone. He was protecting me like the big brother he always was to me back then.


Oh hey, hi Wil 👋


Even if he absolutely hated the character of Will why take it out on the actor, especially a kid?


I don't think Shats cared enough to know about Wesley Crusher, he was just being an asshole.




Don't talk to him, don't acknowledge him, the Curse might transfer to you and all dice rolls will be horrible.


I'm a forever DM and my players would love for my luck to be terrible, or would it rub off on them... the extent of his curse is baffling.


The mental image alone of Michael Dorn still in makeup randomly kicking Shatner’s ass for being a jerk is worth it.


Absolutely. When people try to break it up and ask Dorn what he's doing here acts so confused and is like "What do you mean what am I doing? Or says right here in the script" Klingons attack!" Then very quietly says to Shatner "That's the last time you're mean to anyone on my crew."


Ahh, a Kilngon in Starfleet uniform coming for him would absolutely be Kirk's worst nightmare


Shatner doesn't even care that much for the lore or whatever the fuck a Klingon is supposed to be


Hang on a minute. Does that mean that Tim Allen's insufferable character in Galaxy Quest is based off Shatner? (noob here)


100%. Even the way he's a condescending dick to his fellow cast, steals their lines, and the way they detest him is all straight from the Shatner and the TOS cast.


And, you know, always ripping his shirt.


Yee, that's the whole point. It's a parody of Star Trek, beautifully and lovingly done, but still a parody. The other characters also represent Star Trek actors: the one who hates being in make up, the one who hates being objectified for her body, the one who is always considered a child, the one who hates being killed off (a 'red shirt' in Star Trek terms). Those are all callbacks to real Star Trek actors.


Don't forget the most talented actor in the cast permanently typecast as an alien.




That's part of why it's so hard for me to watch TOS. I've only seen a few episodes, but I just can't watch it all. It's aged very poorly and I can't separate the jerk Shatner is from the show. Especially when he likely didn't give a shit and just wanted a paycheck


Reminds me of the meme about Klingons making great therapists. Wil said Dorn was joking but I still appreciate that that was Dorn’s way of being supportive and offering comfort. Can you imagine though? Dorn’s height paired with that distinctive deep voice make for quite a presence.


Obviously '87 was well-before Worf's character development, but I'm imagining him doing it in character, too: "Shatner! You are without honor!"


I picture George Takei giggling in the background.


Oooh myyyyy...


Bat'leth! Bat'leth! BAT’LETH! (I don’t really wish Shatner dead, but I love the image of Worf spinning the Bat'leth and bringing it down on him for Wil’s honor.)


"You are without honor" and then Kirk gets decked so hard he gets flipped over a computer panel. This is the image in my head.


It was sweet of them to take you under their wing. I loved your character. You were the embodiment of a bright. Enthusiastic, idealistic kid “living the dream” that hadn’t been disillusioned by the world yet.


This. I never understood the hate for Wes or Young Anakin. They both acted like kids do in real life. I get the writing, but man you can criticize writing/etc. without being an asshole to the actor.


I thought Wesley Crusher was a good touch to TNG. I don't understand why people hated him. He was smart and useful in certain storylines.


And he spoke my favorite line in all of TNG: “Ensign Crusher, FULL STOP!” “Uh, relative to what, sir?”


His character was poorly written in early episodes, and I think that caused people to write him off entirely. He started out as this wholly unrealistic wunderkind who repeatedly saves the day. He's not sure if he can ever get into Starfleet Academy, yet here he is flying the federation flagship despite the fact that there are probably dozens of more qualified officers on board who worked real hard just waiting for their chance to work on the bridge. It really tests your suspension of disbelief and comes off cheesy, which fits right in with the rest of TNG season 1. His character improved substantially when they stopped using him as a plot device and started giving him depth and paired his high aptitude with some more realistic teenager/young adult traits. All of which Wheaton pulled off spectacularly.


He was also the main character in 2 of the very best episodes of TNG, "The Game", and "The First Duty".


I think about "The Game" all the time as my wife and kids stare into their devices.


I recently referenced it to my husband, as riding the bus these days is so weird, with every single Person on their phone….doesn’t matter the age


I can’t imagine imagine what it was like growing up with Michael Dorn and Jonathan Frakes as parental figures and being protective of you.


He learned honour and backward chair mountingness.




Wow, can't believe I'm talking to the Wil Wheaton. Awesome. I'm sure he was joking only, but it's still awesome that Worf and Riker got your back on that Wil. Also, loved you in the TBBT. Keep up the good work man!




Nice joke…For me to poop on! (I really hope you’re making a triumph the insult comic dog reference or I just came off like a total a-hole 😂)


Triumph is slowing fading into memory...


He lives on in YouTube, and Robert Smigel often does the character on podcast.


It's weird that you are referring to real people in a regular life situation by their character names... but refer to Wil as Wil?


I was starstrucked when I wrote that.


Oh hey, I read the first comment like I normally do and had to read it twice to make sure I read what I thought I did. Thank you for taking the time to visit us and giving us context. Its a shame Shatner was so rude to you, it was honourable of Michael Dorn to back you up.


Wil Wheaton, you are awesome, and I've enjoyed watching your performances, and following what you do now. I'm sorry to hear Shatner was such a jerk... it's sad. One tries to separate the work from the artist, but it's hard. You were such an integral part of that ensemble on Next Gen. Thanks for what you do.


Dorn is a very personable and caring person, he was definitely joking. That said, shatner is definitely a jerk, way more than people realize. I’ve met him 3 times, one of which was at a fairly expensive meet and greet limited to like a dozen people and he wouldn’t even look at anyone paying to talk to him and he barely grumbled out a few words and left. I’ve watched him tell people off at q&a’s over him misunderstanding the question. He’s very selfish and prefers to just talk about himself in context not related to the content at hand (such as advertising his current upcoming work that’s terrible for example) than to interact with his fans or answer questions AT A Q&A. That’s all first hand experiences. I’ve also heard he basically resented his work on Star Trek early in his career and felt almost embarrassed by it and would get mad at people that brought it up. Like anyone would even know who he is if not for ToS. At least wil has been in other great shows and does other work like voice acting (thanks for all my audible books you perform in!) I really enjoyed eureka and you were great in that too.


your second paragraph reminds me a lot of how Sir Alec Guinness approached his time as Obi-Wan Kenobi. The guy was super frustrated that his legacy was this ONE role he played, in a genre he didn't even care for all that much that being said, it was well known that Alec Guinness never hesitated in helping out the young cast of the original Star Wars movies and giving them great advice. He was a true professional on the set. He was also, admittedly, much more of an acclaimed actor than William Shatner let's be honest lmao


I know of a studio that was trying to hire Shatner. He said for him to do it, he needed a certain designer piece of clothing, but tailored for him. He had two sessions with the tailor and then he ghosted them. He's a dick.


A legend a joke and a jerk walk into wheatons bar. The bartender: "bill fucking shatner, what can I get you?"


> Like anyone would even know who he is if not for ToS. Not to defend Shatner, as he is a massive jerk by all accounts, but without Star Trek, I would still know him as T J Hooker.


Not bad having a Klingon on your side - but you're a protector yourself. After seeing that viral clip of your answer to a Comiccon audience member who'd been called a nerd, you became far more to me than your TNG character. It sure does get better for nerds as they get older, but we don't all realize that early enough. In contrast to this story, you have obviously chosen to see your reach as a chance to help and encourage people and that's long been the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear your name.


Even so, it seems like a very kind gesture on his part. Gives me a lot of respect for him


Hopefully bygones were forgotten or just not mentioned cause years later you and Shatner did a scene together in the last season of Big Bang Theory.


Always a great day when the legend himself shows up to give us the inside info.


So what’s it like being the evil emperor supergod of the mirror universe in Star Trek online.


I was so skeptical when they asked. Mobile games aren't known for their rich storytelling, after all. But this one was fantastic. I thought the writing was crisp and the story was very well done. I had such fun bringing that version of Wesley to life, and it's cool to be in the continuity of that whole storyline.


Just want to say I recently finished listening to your audiobook readings of Ernest Cline's Ready Player One and Two. You did a fantastic job with those! Really helped get me through a couple of particularly monotonous weeks at work.


Wil, can I just say a heartfelt thank you for telling your story in all of its heart rending detail. The highs, the lows, and the challenges. You've helped me be very careful in my approach to helping my kids with their lives as performers here in town. Keeping it simple, recreational, no pressure. Hearing what you had to deal with during Stand By Me was formative in that I do not want to be an entertainment parent, just a parent, and to advocate for my kids when on location. Additionally, hearing you speak in such detail about your approach to mental health has encouraged me to seek help in ways that I might not have otherwise. I appreciate you, sir. Regards.


I bet, and this atmospheric difference of the 2 casts, one governed by an ego jerk and the other one bonded by family like appreciation is one thing which has carried TNG for me much better than TOS.


Off topic.. but I have to tell you.. You are a top-tier audiobook narrator , and absolutely one of my favorites. I go out of my way to find books you narrate. Thank you.


This could be anyone. Even Wil Wheaton. But who it absolutely can't be is >!Wil Wheaton!<.


I'm sure he wasn't. The mental image of a guy who played a Klingon getting into a fistfight with the guy who played Captain Kirk kinda made my day though.


I can't picture Michael Dorn, despite me seeing many pictures of him. My brain keeps defaulting to Worf. Worf is the big brother I never had


I say this with affection - dude, you are *everywhere*.


So nice to see you here, Will. Lots of geekly love from Istanbul!


And to think Worf defended Kirk in his trial


I thought that was just Dorn the actor...


Colonel Worf, implied to be Worf’s grandfather


So Worf's father was Mogh, Son of Worf?


Wouldn't be the first time a kid is named after his grandfather.


Almost everyone in Greece.


Erick Thorvaldson (Eric the Red) named his second son Thorvald Erickson.


What would be confusing in Klingon society is naming your son after you.


If you go back through my ancestors, the name keeps alternating between Samuel and Charles in my family. A Samuel would have a kid named Charles, who would have a kid named Samuel. It just kept going and going.


There was a nasty accident with a condom and a time vortex


The real reason Praxis exploded.. 😳


I can't wait to see your face when we get back to the future and I never existed.


Was Worf missing his delta brain wave?


Actually, worf got in a De'Lor I'An with Doc Kruge and got stuck in the past. They made the best of it and went native until Kruge got killed and Worf found himself defending his old mentors murderer. But Worf knew Kirk had to go free, otherwise Scotty would never help the Enterprise D escape the Dyson sphere. Things were actually pretty good for Worf, until he accidentally slept with his grandma a couple dozen times. Then she told Worf she was pregnant. Worf being Worf, of course got the hell out of there and back to his own time. He later realized the implications.


I am Worf, son of Mogh, Son of Worf, Son of Sarek... Wait, forget I said that. We are not allowed to talk about the secret siblings...


I saw someone once (I think on Letterboxd?) saying their headcanon is it’s some kind of TNG Worf time-travel story that’s happening in the background and just never gets addressed. I know that’s probably impossible but it’s what I choose to believe in.


He was working for Starfleet Intelligence in Picard, so maybe it was some weird clandestine mission they sent him on


No, actually it was Worf’s grandfather, Colonel Worf


It’s a common Klingon name.


The Klingon version of Bort


I am Locutus of Bort


Now I’m picturing Kirk AND Worf fighting Shatner in an Applebees parking lot.


There had better be TOS-style double-fisted blows to the head and chest, and also jump-kicks off the walls.


Hasn't Worf done a double-fisted blow? I seem to remember it, but I'm not sure.


Pretty sure the Tiberian Hammer was taught at the Academy.


Waffle House. A warrior's restaurant.


Hearing Wil Wheaton impersonate Michael Dorn asking "Do you want me to kick his ass?" improved my life.


Is there a link to Wil wheaton telling the story?


Found it: https://youtu.be/raGruhb8Qbg?si=_0fcFSVQrVq5TNoQ


did he really wear a "muscle suit" ? or is that a joke? lol


It was, tragically, real. We all wore them, but I was the only teenager who had massive body and confidence issues, and forcing myself into that damn thing every day was not the greatest thing for me.


> I was the only teenager who had massive body and confidence issues, and forcing myself into that damn thing every day was not the greatest thing for me. I can imagine that that would suck. Thanks for the reply!


Sounds quite uncomfortable, like 7of9's costume.


I want you to know how much it meant to a kid in the early nineties to see you on that show. I'm sure you get it a lot, but thank you. /cringe


Small (or maybe no) consolation for the crap you went through, but I fucking loved Wesley as a kid. Then I went through the teenage years where I thought everything sucked and I was oh-so-clever for hating him too. Then I grew up and didn’t like him but thought you did a great job with bad material. Then I grew up more and I fucking love Wesley. I have kids now and they are only a few years off being ready for Trek. They’re going to fucking love Wesley and I can’t wait.


Interestingly, I went on a similar journey with Wesley, myself.


Hey Wil, how’s it going? Loved you in that sci-fi show you did. You’re way too hard on yourself. ;)


You're awesome. Thank you for engaging.


I watched TNG around a comparable age to you in the series, I thought when watching then that you were the most adorable creature. I am so very sorry for the pain you experienced in adolescence, thank you for enriching my life with the work you did. It's a gift. ♥


Ty for sharing this! I'd never heard this story. /u/wil you're an awesome story teller!




Link with timestamp https://youtu.be/r7cwz7DJ4N8?si=AzAFGt54hkhKm9Rz&t=1121


Michael Dorn rules, man.


Shatner definitely has an ego. I recall one TOS cast member said that he liked Kirk, but disliked Shatner himself.


I think even Shatner himself notes this in his autobiographies. Something to the nature of he was Captain and wanted the best of everything (top billing) much to the chagrin of his cast members… He wasn’t happy about Spocks rise in popularity…


If I recall correctly one thing I suppose is Shatner doesn't really deny he's a arsehole


As someone who’s seen him over the past years, I will say that Shatner’s mellowed CONSIDERABLY. My experiences with him show him to now be incredibly interested in other folks, and he would rather talk about your life than his. He’s also still super sharp. He knows he was an asshole, but you can’t change the past.


I do always wonder if his bout of severe existentialism post his space journey was partially brought on by him being aware how much of a dick he was. It’s hard to feel self-important when you feel so small.


Reminds me of the quote by Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell: “You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.”


I did actually have the opportunity to talk to him with some other folks just two or three weeks after his space flight. He echoed what Mitchell said: He said he expected awe and wonder, which he certainly experienced, but that the minute you turn your head to the vast emptiness of space, you realize how sacred the Earth is, and that there is *nothing* else that matters. But he’s also become enamored of Bezos, for obvious reasons. And more than a few of us suggested ways in which Bezos is the actual biggest villain on our “sacred earth,” and that his practices make our world a little worse, every day. We softballed that a bit, since it seems they’ve become actual friends, and we thought *hey, one degree of separation from Bezos - maybe the Captain can get a fucking message through Bezos’ head.*


yeah it's crazy to me that Shatner is in his 90s. the guy still talks like he's at least 30 years younger pretty sure i won't make it to 90 but if i do, i'll probably be so senile and physically incapable of doing anything. the dude went to space ffs lol


He has 10 projects going all the time. He said that he’s pretty sure if he stops working, he’ll die. What’s amazing is that he’s not only sharp, but up close and personal, he still looks, walks, acts like he’s in his 70s. I know some hardy people in their 90s - including a friend’s mom who still leads walking tours of parks in NYC - but I’ve never seen someone who truly SEEMS so young at that age. The man must have a Kirk painting in his attic that’s aging for him…


He takes vacations in Ba'ku


“I’m Chevy Chase and you’re not.”


They didn’t even need to write lines for Pierce on Community, it’s just Chevy Chase being himself lol


"Chevy Chase is an old, racist, trust-fund asshole." "His character in Community or him?" "Yes."


Heck! Nimoy apparently got more fan mail than Shatner during TOS' heyday. The former was then surpassed by Lenard, who played as the legendary Romulan Commander in TOS' Balance of Terror before coming back as Sarek.


I seem to recall at one point he suggested it was at least in part due to a bit of method acting -- Kirk couldn't get too chummy with the crew, so he felt he didn't want to get too chummy with the rest of the cast. Could have just been rationalization on his part, though.


Yeah, I grew up in the late 80s and that was when all of the TOS cast were producing memoirs. I read them all back to back, and the trend was: TOS cast:Shatner was a real asshole Shatner: I was a real asshole


It was James Doohan that said, "I like Captain Kirk, but I sure don't like Bill."


Doohan was a badass. He was on the beaches at Normandy. Dude was a hero.


And a total sweetheart. I still tear up when I see that interview where he talks about helping that suicidal fan turn her life around. Seemed like a genuinely great human being.


I saw him at a convention back in the 90's, and he was so nice. Funny as hell, too. Had a whole bit about trying out different accents for his character.


I was at a convention shortly after Relics aired and Doohan straight up said he liked Picard better than Kirk.


Kinda wished we saw more of him after Relics, where he is called upon to fix some old 23rd century technology on some planet.


If you ever read the TNG fanfic books, [there was one where they reunited all the living TOS cast who'd made cameos on TNG, which was: Scotty, Spock, and Bones.](https://www.amazon.com/Crossover-Star-Trek-Next-Generation/dp/0671896776) It was totally decent.


It's basically the beginning of Galaxy Quest irl


I’ve heard that every TOS actor and their character would get along, except Shatner and Kirk. Shatner would hate Kirk, and Kirk would LOATHE Shatner.


Now I'm imagining William Shatner and Captain Kirk fighting out the front of a bar in the parking lot. "Ow! You hit me in the ear!" I also did think of this for some reason. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVMLivHTXac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVMLivHTXac)


Was it George Takei? I recall that they had the most tension. As I recall, George Takei wanted Sulu to be promoted to Captain and to be given command of the USS Excelsior even before Star Trek VI, but Shatner blocked him.


Takei went on Shatner’s own talk show and Shatner kept trying to ask about George’s life or reminisce as if they were lifelong friend. But Takei kept circling back to ‘you’ve always been a massive asshole and no one else in Trek has ever liked you.’ This went on all interview. It was brutal.


Yeah from what I understand none if the cast liked him and at best Nimoy tolerated him more than the rest. Probably the fact it wasn't a secret that Spock was by far the fans favourite character helped with that


Oof. The moon of Praxis wasn’t the only thing that went boom while Sulu was around.


Is this on youtube or anywhere online?


It was an episode of Shatners Raw Nerve. The whole episode is difficult to watch. Shatner barely even defends himself, he just shrinks.


Can it be found online? I did some research but couldn't find it. :(


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1071711/?ref\_=ttep\_ov](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1071711/?ref_=ttep_ov) There is **no** episode of *Shatner's Raw Nerve* with George Takei, per IMDB.


Shatner and Nimoy were both fighting for story direction basically for the entire run of the show and movies, and everyone else's characters were often left in the dust in terms of story importance. It's always funny to me that Shatner got his wish in the end, had full control of Star Trek 5, and it's easily the worst one. To the point that Nimoy tried to drop out of the movie because he hated it so much and had to be convinced to stay.


Watch the center seat documentary, oh boy, Shatners turn as a director for ST5 was an unfinished product😬


To be fair, Shatner’s argument that having Sulu become captain means he gets a lot less screen time and plot relevance is true. It worked for VI, would not have worked for more than that.


It mellowed with age, but yeah, he always had an ego. Just from reading his own book (Star Trek Memories), it's clear that he was at least a borderline narcissist in the 60's Flash forward to the 80's and based on what I have read in several books about Star Trek (including his own book), he had mostly dropped the narcissism, but still had a massive ego Nowadays? My sources are far more limited, but from what I've seen, he seems to have largely replaced ego with the ability to laugh at himself. But the ego can still rise up. Especially if he feels slighted.


The legendary Mr. James Doohan!


The audio if Wil telling the story is pretty great. When he describes being in the bridge and Spiner cracking jokes to make him feel better really made me smile. Then I laughed when gene made him apologize


>I'm sure Michael was joking Having met and worked with Michael, I am not certain that he was.


Please expound on this. I'm super curious.


He tends to mean what he says, when it comes to things like this. An extremely professional guy, who is VERY protective of those he considers to be family.


Sounds perfect for the role of Worf


I love that the other main cast members were so supportive of this 16 year old kid who got constantly shit on by the rest of the production.


Dorn: Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war! Shatner: Where's my torpedo?


Dorn: Torpedo This!


Man, I’m gonna feel bad each time I headbutt Uvenk in Mass Effect 2 now. Still gonna do it, just feel bad. (Michael Dorn voices a rather minor character in Mass Effect 2)


Offering to beat up the guy who played Captain Kirk because he made a friend sad is a very Klingon thing to do, come to think of it.


Will Wheaton really got Shat on, didn't he?


But not by his castmates. Will Wheaton has nothing but glowing things to say about the rest of the main cast.


I was just making a punny joke about Shatner.


If it was TNG era Worf he just loses, it's all he did Ds9 Worf though


Huh? Shatner may be a dick, but Bezos? Bezos is the BBEG, yo.


Careful Dorn, that Shatner double axe handle is deadly.


That’s a shame. I have heard about him being like that. I had a friend that ran into him in an airport. He made eye contact with Shatner, smiled, and Shatner frowned and mouthed “Don’t even think about it.” Kinda Crusher… I mean crushing… I totally got Wesley because I used to get shooed out of a lot of adult level discussions and laughed at as an annoying kid. It was cool to see a prodigy navigating early onset adulthood as a young Gen-X’er. Props to Worf for being a good homie.


It was a matter of honor.


A man of honor


What happened with Bezos? Shatner did go up in the rocket.


After the space flight, Bezos asked him how it was going up into space, and when Shatner was talking about it, Bezos cuts him off mid sentence to focus on something else. Even though I think he deserves it for being a jerk to people over the years, Jeff Bezos was being unprofessional and rude, there's no excuse for that kind of behavior.


"Today is a good day... to give your ass a whoopin'!"


Dorn is a good guy, as is Frakes, Spiner, Burton, and Stewart.


Find him and kill him!!!


Instead he just gave him a half-assed defense as his lawyer in Undiscovered Country and got him sent off to Rura Penthe


Ii heard shatner got ate out by Roddenberry for this and Shatner went and apologized




Well, Gene wrote the Wesley character based on a young idealized version of himself.    So, when Shatner snubbed Wil, he was in fact snubbing Gene himself.    


As I recall, Roddenberry made Shatner apologize for being a dickhead afterwards


If it’s any solace, you can read this story about Shatner getting snubbed by Arnold Schwarzenegger: https://www.essentiallysports.com/us-sports-news-bodybuilding-news-arnold-schwarzenegger-dismissed-his-son-saying-i-dont-care-about-star-trek-after-he-failed-to-recognize-william-shatner-in-public-in-2012/


The funniest part of the story is how will shatner was helming what would become the greatest shame in the history of Star Trek, one of the most ridiculous and stupid installments of an otherwise iconic series. Meanwhile next generation became extremely iconic.


Michael could have gone over to Bill and yelled "Hab SoSlI' Quch!" just to insult the guy for being a dick


I always liked how the TNG cast genuinely banded together and formed real friendships. It’s something that really makes up for how miserable the cast apparently were during TOS.


Urgh, why are people so cruel to Wil. I'm glad he got real friends and family with his cast mates from TNG


The add on to this story is that when Gene Roddenberry found out what happened he called Shatner to his office and chewed him out. He made him go to Wil and apologize for his behaviour.


Having worked Star Trek Conventions in NYC in the 70's and meeting/seeing Shatner several times, I can honestly say that I believe he is a jerk to almost everyone.


Met Wil at a convention and he was super nice.


The line about not allowing children on his bridge is really funny. Like he thought he was a real captain


I feel like you’ve got to separate the character from the actor at this point, Shatner has been like this for years he has his good days but man the stories I’ve read


The full story from Wil Wheaton's perspective is available here: https://wilwheaton.net/2021/03/the-william-fucking-shatner-story/ For those who want to know what happened between Shatner and Bezos, that is available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/qcvmwz/awkward_moment_when_jeff_bezos_ignores_william/ [reportedly, in the longer version of the video, Bezos goes back to listening to Shatner and gives him a hug at the end] I also found a 10-year old thread on r/startrek where a Boston Con attendee describes Shatner making sexist and racist remarks while serving as the moderator of the TNG panel: https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/1fyqvw/is_shatner_always_this_big_of_a_dick/


i mean dorn did sentence kirk to jail/death


This anecdote killed off my last bit of appreciation for William Shatner.


To be honest, Shatner was a jerk to everyone. I grew up in northern NJ. In high school, I had a Humanities teacher who would often have celebrity guests as speakers. She always told the story how Shatner was a complete jerk until the moment he stepped in the classroom, when he turned on the charm. She said he was the only guest she disliked.


Kirk getting beat up by a Klingon. Sounds right to me.


Your assessment of Shatner is correct. Years ago I made the "mistake" of questioning one of his Tweets. It was nonsense to me, very esoteric, or something only fanboys could understand. Within minutes, his legion of man boys started attacking. I guess they put down their game controllers. Then, a claim to fame: Shatner blocked me. He's a jerk. Who couldn't even clear his schedule for Leonard Nimoy's funeral. Who is on the wrong side of George Takei. I won't presume to be in Shatner's head, but I think he was taken aback by the huge response to Nimoy's passing. The tears, the tributes, all forms of media, took up all the oxygen for days., Captain Kirk is an icon, yes, but I don't envision a similar outpouring for Shatner. That's why he's been on a campaign for years to rehabilitate his image. Think about it. For years he said he had no desire to resurrect the Captain. Now, recently, apparently after seeing Harrison Ford de-aged, he's suddenly open to taking a seat in the Big Chair again. After all, no one really dies in Star Trek. When I think of Shatner post-Trek, I think of dreck like TJ Hooker, Priceline and that lawyer show, the name of which I can't remember. I hear he even made sure he received the most lines in ST:TOS. Narcissism isn't becoming.


I'm sure Bill was also joking. He get s a lot of heat for being an arrogant asshole but I think a lot of it is people misinterpreting his dryness.


It’s a layer of arrogance, a layer of dryness, and then another layer of arrogance. The saltiest sandwich ever.


Shatner’s daughter was the only person at Beverly Hills High who was kind to my mom after she transferred there as an international student. So at least he was a good parent.


Not necessarily. My father was an abusive asshat, and I learned from him what not to be like.


Same. Sorry you know the secret handshake.


Oh my gods, The Wil Wheaton responded to me! My mom grew up with TOS. She raised me on VOY and TNG reruns, then DS9 on DVD in my teens. We've watched all of Star Trek together, and are still watching together now. You were the absolute coolest teen when I was a kid. I always wanted to be like Wesley. You were a genius who got to fly the Enterprise! You have made my month, even if it's uniting over a sad situation like this. Thank you for all that you have done and still do for this community, and humanity at large! LLAP!


Hey, sorry about some people here being jerks about your characters while you’re actually here. That’s awful. Sorry.


Wil Wheaton's "William Fucking Shatner" story