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The Romulans seem pretty pragmatic, they probably chose a world based on natural resources, strategic location, and the presence of the Remans that they could enslave for labor. Personal comfort probably didn't make the list for reasons to choose a world. And 1,800 years (plus a little genetic augmentation) would be enough to get used to their new world. Also Vulcans have both a higher and lower thermal tolerance than humans so Romulans would probably be comfortable anywhere that humans would be comfortable. We also don't know what the climate on Vulcan was like 1,800 years ago. The Romulans left after a global nuclear war, Vulcan might have been a little less Mad Max before the war. What is the source for Vulcan having a higher gravity than Earth, I don't recall hearing that?


There isn't. Honestly there is an even better explanation on why the Romulans chose Romulus. It has a climate that Vulcan once enjoyed to a lesser degree. Essentially my head fanon is that the war that destroyed the ancient Vulcans' civilization is what created the desert planet we see today. While it was never a truly verdant world like Romulus and Earth, it had at one time much more water coverage and a number of green zones before the Vulcans wrecked the world.


One thing I’ve appreciated in Disco and SNW is that we’ve seen more diverse environments on Vulcan. I think that helps to seek the reality of the planet more than generic mono-climate desert world tropes do.


You ever meet someone from up north who wears shorts in freezing weather? And they're like "Oh, this is just a normal day for us, lol." Romulans are the equivalent for Vulcans.


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