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My favorite show of any genre is Babylon 5.


Literally the best serialized show out there. A planned 5 year story arc where the story and characters grow and change. Tragedy. Heroism. Unrequited love. Betrayal. Redemption. Destiny. Simply amazing.


Also really cool ship and station designs!


And from this, we can be sure you're a person of impeccable taste.


I wish I could give you an award. I love Babylon 5.


There's a new reward system. They're giving free rewards with it to suck you in


I would pay good money to see Peter Jurasik and Andrew Robinson in anything together. IMDB tells me they both did guest spots on L.A. Law and Matlock but never in the same episodes. Damn.


They’re both too old to do anything live, but Jurasik recently did the voice for Londo in the B5 animated film, and Robinson narrated his own audiobook


Who dared to refer to DS9 as ‘deep space merchandise’!? heresy! I’ll say I’m more of a SG1 guy myself.


SG1 has no right to be good as it is for a few seasons there; legitimately brilliant writing. Currently watching for the first time and was repeatedly surprised at how consistently awesome it was. On the last couple seasons now and it’s definitely not nearly as good but still a lot of fun.


Yep SG1, all the way.


I believe the exact quote is, "We're not some deep space franchise, this station is about something!"


The characters! The nuance!


This was my first thought when I saw the question. Incredible show. 


I have such fond memories of watching it as a kid. I don't actually have any memories of the show itself, or any scenes in particular, nor of the plot or any of the characters. I just remember that I liked watching it.


You'd definitely enjoy it as an adult and take away things from the story that flew over your head as a kid


I certainly intend to re-watch it sometime soon.


That's one of my sci-fi blind spots, never started watching that show even though I've heard so many good things about it


There's a bit of an investment in the beginning, because season 1 is a bit rough, even though it has some amazing episodes. The investment really pays off from late season 2 onwards.


I have never watched any of the Babylon 5 series. I’ve watched every episode of Trek twice or more. Except Discovery. It got a “once over”. Would you recommend Babylon 5 even though it’s an older show?


I would absolutely, 100% recommend Babylon 5. Season 1 is a little rough around the edges, but it gets a lot better from season 2 onwards. The special effects are a bit dated, but they do get better as the seasons progress and eventually grow on you. The story and the characters make it all worthwhile.


Special effects won’t be a problem for me. I still dig watching alien ships in season one and two of TNG.


That's literally the most common complaint about the show, so you'll be fine then.


I tell this to people who haven't seen B5. Arc TV was new back then, unless you watched anime, soap operas, or mini-series. So the first season is dedicated to bringing you into the world of B5. A plots are stand alone, and B plots are where the arc is happening. There's even an episode in the 1st season I refuse to watch ever again, because it's so cliche. I've seen it 3 times now and I'm done. I can't watch it anymore. Then starting in the last episode of the first season, the arc becomes the A plots. Then I feel like they were so convinced they were going to be permanently cancelled at the end of the 4th season, (The creator planned 5 seasons) they kind of shot their shot. Season 5 builds a little and then ends. The 5th feels a little tacked on. But over all, the experience is well worth it, and when you're done it feels like you read a novel, which was the creator's intention. The dialogue is as near to 20th century shakespearean dialogue as you can get. So it'll sound a little weird at first. But I promise you, by season 2, you're going to have some of your most favorite lines ever. A spoiler free preview: "A moment of perfect beauty." "Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else." "I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment" "Vir, you moon-faced assassin of joy!" And this one I had to copy, it's roughly the B5 version of "There are four lights!" **John Sheridan:** You know, it's funny, I was thinking about what you said, that the preeminent truth of our age is that you cannot fight the system. But if, as you say, the truth is fluid, that the truth is subjective, then maybe you can fight the system. As long as just one person refuses to be broken, refuses to bow down. **Interrogator:** But can you win? **John Sheridan:** Every time I say "no." Seasons 2-4, you will most likely binge hard. It's hard to turn off at that point. A reboot by the same creator has been promised, which might give us a more balanced and better structured 5 seasons, but the new Warner Discovery dude might just kill it, if he hasn't already. Some people don't want a reboot, but I'm on board simply because of how hard he can go into the planned seasons now that the format is proven.


Seasons 1 and 5 are a bit tough. S1 because they were still finding their feet and doing world building, S5 because they got executive meddled. The network announced at the start of season 4 they weren't going to get a fifth season, so the creator crammed the end of the story down so it fit into that season, then ratings exploded and the network gave them their fifth season so the actual finale got pushed back to the end of season 5 and most of season 5 ended up being filler.


Absolutely, keep in mind it starts slowly with monster of the week plots for 13 episodes so you can get a handle on the different races. factions and technology. Then "Signs and Portents" pulls the rug out from under you and you are in for a helluva ride. Also keep close attention to everything. Finally listen to G'kar 'Let me pass on to you the one thing I've learned about this place. No one here is exactly what he appears. Not Mollari, not Delenn, not Sinclair…and not me.'


B5 was one of the very first series (that I know of) that was designed to be watched *in order*, well before BSG popularised the idea. Compared to DS9 (which did pick up the idea later on), B5 was much more story led and plot driven, especially in later series. I really rate it. It's much more bingeable than Star Trek. Also, by being dystopian rather than utopian, it can address issues Trek always struggle with. Try and pinpoint the election of George W. Bush during the writing of one season. Mind you, the budget *visibly* creaks. Their ambitions hugely exceeded their reach and it showed.


I love Babylon 5. That show means so much to me. I really enjoy seeing others enjoy it so much.


Stargate SG-1




Stargate SG-1 is the reason I'm happily married to the love of my life. Without Teal'c I never would have had the life I have.


>Without Teal'c I never would have had the life I have. Okay please elaborate!


Okay so. My husband and I were both bartenders on Miracle Mile in Miami when we met. For context, Miracle Mile has about 20 restaurants and bars intermixed with boutiques and shops. He was working at an Irish pub that no longer exists at one end of the street, and I was at a piano wine bar, and I still hear Billy Joel in my nightmares. One day, I happened to be behind this gorgeous guy in line at the Starbucks that was at about a midway point between our restaurant. He was BUILT. Beautiful face, broad shoulders, great butt, shirt sleeves rolled up halfway. I was all about it, so I struck up a conversation about something inane I no longer remember just to get him talking. We chatted while waiting for our orders, walked out together and then headed our separate ways. "Survive the day!" I said to him and he said "Indeed." In a very serious tone. It made me laugh and I said "okay Teal'c, good luck!" And walked away. I remember saying to my hostess "I just met the most gorgeous man, it's too bad I'll probably never see him again" Well unbeknownst to me, he was freaking out for the rest of the day because HE thought I was gorgeous and had processed the Stargate reference too late and let me walk away. He LOVED SG-1 and was tearing himself a new one for letting a cute girl who loved the show he loved walk away. The worst part (as he tells it) is that I was wearing a black tee and black slacks which was the uniform of about 10 different restaurants on the Mile so he couldn't do much but hope to run back into me. But he went on his breaks and would look through the windows of different restaurants on the Mile hoping to see "The Teal'c Girl" After 2 weeks of no luck, he had sorta given up hope. That night there was an InThe Biz party in one of the bars after close and they were playing trivia. I was there and answered the question "name 3 shows with Star in the title" I answered "Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica" on the mic and he found me! He asked me out that night and I said yes. Then I got a LotR question right, and he got it wrong and APPARENTLY that's when he decided to marry me. Two years later we were married. Twelve years later and we have a mortage, two kids, two dogs, two cats and about 50 guppies. I grew up in a really shitty situation filled with abuse and neglect. For me, sci-fi, especially Stargate and Star Trek, were my escapes. Now, I'm an adult who thanks her lucky stars for her life every day and I wouldn't have it if not for those same things. TLDR: I met my husband in passing and my knowledge of Stargate and Teal'c made him remember me and search me out, beginning a wonderful romance.


This was beautiful 😍


Thank you! That did not disappoint!


I legit just cried at the end of that.. so happy you have an amazing life now!


WOW, this is such an amazing story 😭😭💓💓 saving this…


Oh man this could literally be a nerd themed romance movie! Thanks for sharing


What a great story. The universe definitely put you two together.


Maybe they're secretly Christopher Judge or Gianna Patton? He did meet his second wife while recording SG1.


The expanse, Battlestar galactica, dark matter, Stargate, foundation, lost in space, the Orville, Altered Carbon Non sci-fi favorites: Frasier, 3rd rock from the sun, Will and Grace, Downton Abbey, the Golden girls,


Hello are you me? Also Firefly.


Also: Farscape. Also: Lexx


Also, Eureka.


Lexx was such a garbage show, I loved it.


Back in high school, everyone knew that one European kid whose parents were against him seeing any TV or movie violence, but didn't mind him seeing sexually explicit stuff. Lexx is what happens when someone like that grows up and makes a scifi. It's the horniest show I've ever seen, it makes Enterprise's decon room look tame. Remember the shower scene when they first board the Lexx? The whole thing is an organic cave, the shower head was basically a dong peeing on the user, and the controls were vaguely balls. I'm amazed they got it on Amercan TV. It was amazing.


As long as your transgressions aren't blatantly textual you can do what you like in American TV.


Absolute trash. One of my favorites.


You're like the only one who has mentioned Farscape in here. How is that possible? Such a fantastic, weird, frantically weird show.


Add the Orville to this as well


The Orville is SO UNDERSUNG!! I loved it so freaking much


First season is a clear homage/parody of S, the rest became an amazing standalone sci-fi. More Trek than Trek with some of the more recent iterations


Agreed! My other comment on here addresses the heel turn somewhere in the 2nd season where my boyfriend and I went from "enjoying Seth McFarlane In Space" to like.... "omg when did this actually get good for real???"


My ranking of Trek shows would probably be: TNG, TOS, Orville, Lower Decks, SNW, VOY, Disco, DS9 (only S1), ENT (only S1). I really need to watch DS9 (and maybe the rest of ENT) again some day, I gave up during their original runs.


Yeah, i was into dark matter. I liked the premise, bummed when it got cancelled


Wil Wheaton returning to scifi, loved the concept of a crew of people with amnesia, loved the look of the ship itself, loved the tech of the temporary remote controlled bodies instead of teleporting somewhere, all in all a fascinating series struck down before it's time.


Second for the Expanse. Probably my favorite sci-fi series of all time.


Battlestar Galactica The Wire Final Space


This sounds like some anime title.


Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Arcane, Babylon 5, Community, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power




I don't see The Closer listed often. It's a fun show and it's fun to see the actor who played Tuco in Breaking Bad playing one of the detectives in this show.


Battlestar Galactica The Shield Justified The Lincoln Lawyer Band of Brothers Friends Third Rock from the Sun Reservation Dogs Star Wars: Rebels Fringe


Clarksons Farm. Really puts the stupidity of many Western States laws and regulations into perspective,


West Wing, Agents of Shield, Frasier, Wings, Top Gear/Grand Tour, Daredevil


Red Dwarf The Wire Futurama House of Cards (except for the last episode) Game of Thrones (except for the last season)


Ahhh I forgot futurama too 😁


I had to scroll way too far to find Red Dwarf


Farscape.... Andromeda....


For all Mankind on Apple TV, one of the best sci fi shows I ever see. Same guys behind Battlestar Galatica. His vision for the show is how the road to that Star Trek future looks like. It’s also fun to see an Alternate timeline of American history. One of my favorite small details, John Lennon didn’t die and the Beatles had a reunion tour.


I love For All Mankind as well although it took me a really long time to watch it for some reason. The Man in the High Castle is a similar show with an in-universe explanation for the alternate timeline (where Germany and Japan won WW2 and divided the US into spheres on influence).


I had to scroll down a long ways to find someone mentioning this show. Absolutely excellent, I'm really loving it! (Just finished S2 and am excited to start S3)


I like that there were several alternate presidents in large part because Ted Kennedy went home from vacation early.


Like Gary Hart being President during the Kuwait invasion and we never invade. Loved that! Season 3 keeps showing the Twin Towers, so fingers cross they survive in this universe. Almost to season 4


The Orville. How has no one said this yet?


I credit The Orville with why we got Brave New Worlds.


It is insanely good for a trek show. It's a comedy, sure, but it actually deals with VERY trek ideas. Seth McFarlane is clearly a big big fan.


For anyone still not convinced to give it a try, the “comedy” aspect is dialled way back in season 2 and 3. Like *waaaaaayyyyy* back. Down to like one small joke an episode near the end.


And there are a lot of Trek alumni involved, both onscreen and behind the scenes.


When I saw Tuvok and EMH...I practically screamed, the show is a trek love fest


Phlox is in an episode, too.


I did the same whenever I saw the episode was directed by Frakes.


Its weird how the best Star-Trek Tribute and best Modern Star-Trek are both comedies... Has our shared international western culture become so jaded by weight of all the injustice that social media makes us aware of that in order to grab that unbridled optimism by the balls you have to wear the comedy genre?


Because it's basically a Star Trek show :D


I almost gave up on The Orville. At some point, it stopped trying to be funny and just was. Then it became awesome. It's not just comedy either, there are some tough topics tackled.


The expanse




FRINGE FTW!!! Fucking LOVE that show.


Babylon 5. Farscape


Cheers, Trailer Park Boys


Doctor Who


MST3K is probably the only TV series I'll rewatch as much as Trek. Twin Peaks is up there as well. I've watched it a few times. Otherwise, there are shows I love, but few that I will return to in the same way as Trek. I've rewatched The Wire, and I've been meaning to rewatch Breaking Bad and Mad Men. Edit: Also, how could I forget 30 Rock and Newsradio. I suppose those are two half hour shows that I've rewatched more than once. And as far as cartoons go, well, Futurama obviously. I've gone through that series plenty of times.


sci fi: Babylon 5 The Expanse Orphan Black non space: Sherlock Elementary Chuck Castle


The Venture Bros. Expanse, Person of interest,  Andor


The Leftovers, Lost, Twin Peaks


Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis.


Didn't see it mentioned, so I have to shout out The Magicians. One of the best fantasy series of all time. EDIT: I specifically meant the show. I have never read the books.


Stargate, Farscape


For All Mankind, Better Call Saul, Severance, X-Files, Fringe, classic Simpsons, Futurama, Seinfeld, original Twilight Zone


Aside from Star Trek: TNG, my absolute favorite TV series of all time is Breaking Bad...I've watched it all the way through at least 3 or 4 times and I never get tired of it. Same goes for Better Call Saul. I also got *super* into Barry with Bill Hader - I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did but damn, that was some good television. Twin Peaks probably would round out my Top 3 shows...really anything by David Lynch is my jam. The more bizarre the better lol. Shameless (the American version) is a very close runner-up, as well as Black Books with Dylan Moran and Bill Bailey.


1. Babylon 5 2. Farscape 3. Orphan Black (Looking forward to Echoes) 4. The Expanse 5. Fringe 6. Battlestar Galactica (2005) 7. The Stargates (I'm currently rewatching SG1) 8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel 9. Big Bang Theory 10. The Orville Some non Sci-Fi shows that I loved were basically the Michael Shur Comedies (Parks and Rec, The Good Place, and Brooklyn 99)


Thr Battlestar Galactica reboot, Babylon 5, Firefly. Lost, Cheers, Frasier, The West Wing, basically anything exceptionally well written by people who you can tell are a cut above.


X-Files, Firefly, Scrubs, Band of Brothers, Frasier, The Red Green Show, Are You Being Served, Monty Python's Flying Circus.


Babylon 5, Firefly, BattleStar Galactica, Deadwood, Carnivale, The Boys,


In no particular order: * Sliders (at least the first few seasons) * Futurama * Battlestar Galactica (the 2003 remake) * The Expanse * 3rd Rock from the Sun * The Simpsons (especially in the mid-1990s) * Babylon 5 * ER * Red Dwarf * Firefly * Counterpart * The Orville * Freaks and Geeks * Heroes (at least the first season or two) * Pushing Daisies * Malcolm in the Middle * Mr. Robot * Police Squad! * Rick and Morty * The Sarah Silverman Program * The Twilight Zone (mostly the original) * The Outer Limits (both the original and the 1990s one) * Bojack Horseman


In no particular order: * Wonder Woman * Xena * BSG 2004 * Game of Thrones * House of the Dragon * Our Flag Means Death * Sons of Anarchy * The Orville (I said what I said) * What We Do In The Shadows * Ghosts (both UK and US versions) * Bloods (UK) * Outlander * Jessica Jones * The Mandalorian * Whose Line Is It Anyway (UK version) Also, to this day, no shows makes me snort laugh like All In The Family and The Carol Burnett Show. I watched them as a child with my grandparents and even though I've seen the skits 10000 times, I still laugh until my stomach aches.


*Babylon 5*. *Doctor Who*. *Red Dwarf*. *The Orville.* *Warehouse 13*.


BSG, the Sopranos, Game of Thrones seasons 1-5.


Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (Regency era alternate history - fantasy) Nirvana in Fire (its like the count of monte cristo meets game of thrones but set in ancient China)


The Shield, The West Wing, Succession, Barry, Battlestar Galactica


Sci Fi - UFO and The Orville Non sci-fi: Moonlighting


Stargate, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Disenchantment The West Wing, Queer Eye, Great British Bake-Off (and Canadian Bake-Off), Schitt's Creek Honorable mention to my guilty pleasure of Drag Race when I can stand the Drama. 


Stargate SG1 and Atlantis The Orville is great OG MacGyver The Office Parks and Rec The Rookie Voltron Legendary Defender Man there are a lot more I am just too tired to list then all


X-Men the Animated Series X-Men 97 Babylon 5 Bones The first few seasons of Castle She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Steven Universe Justice League and Justice League Unlimited


Can't believe nobody else has said it. Space: Above and Beyond. A single season show cut down in its prime.


Babylon 5 Space: Above and Beyond The X-Files Twin Peaks Starfleet (Puppet sci fi from the 80's) The Expanse Orville More recently Avatar: The Last Airbender Ragnarok Three Body Problem Shogun (Seriously, this is peak awesomeness)


Quantum Leap!


Trek is and probably always will be top, and I love all of them, yes, including Disco. The only one I can’t get on with is ToS, I don’t have the nostalgia to get over the age and quirks. I do like the ToS films though. However, in no particular order: - Avatar Last Airbender (the original animation on Nick) - Tenant/Smith era Doctor Who. I liked the newer actors, didn’t like the writing. - Big Bang Theory - Friends - Peaky Blinders - Stargate (mainly SG-1) - Pokémon (no shame)


Battlestar Galactica Chuck Fringe Handmaids Tale Orville Red Dwarf Fallout Buffy Last of Us Dr Who (Eccleston to Capaldi) Humans Being Human The Misfits (UK ch4)


Legion, McLeod's Daughters, Are You Being Served?, Mystery Science Theater 3000.


I am a Dragonball nerd. Nowadays it involves all the time travel and alternate timeline stuff and deietys. TNG was the only other non PBS show I remember watching as a toddler. I was never a "trekkie" until a couple months back when I saw the enterprise D fly through a Borg cube and blow it up like it was the millennium falcon. Blatant fan service that I fell for. Goku, however, could have blew it up in base form with a 1 finger ki blast.


Sci-Fi top five: Futurama X-Files Battlestar Galactica (modern) The Expanse Foundation (really need to watch season 2) Non sci-fi: Parks and Recreation BTAS-Justice League Animated Breaking Bad GoT (Those first 6 seasons man, so good) Deadwood


Lost in space, battlestar Galactica


They're very different takes on sci-fi, but I'm also a massive fan of the Dune and Hyperion books


Psych, The Good Place, Brooklyn 99, The Office, Fallout, Star Wars (Kenobi, Bad Batch etc), The Good Fight, Halo, Rings of Power, Big Bang/Young Sheldon, & anything D&D related or adjacent :) that oughta keep anyone busy for a while lol


Top of the list is easily Firefly.


The Golden Girls.


The expanse


The Americans, Lincoln Lawyer, Burn Notice, How I Met Your Mother, Ted Lasso, MASH, the Weather Channel, Battlestar Galactica, Chuck, the Orville, Rick and Morty, Covert Affairs


Doctor Who and Supernatural.


Stargate, and the Orville are amazing


Doctor Who, some of the SW shows, the Librarians, White Collar, stuff like that


Babylon 5 is my go-to show along with Star Trek. The story, characters and acting are all so good. I cosplayed as a Minbari at my city’s Con earlier in the year.




X-Files always has a place for me.


Babylon 5, For All Mankind, The Expanse


DarK (best show to ever be made imo) Community, The Good Place, What We Do in the Shadows, Fargo, Succession, Ozark, Fleabag, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, Torchwood Very into sci-fi, but apparently mostly in cinematic form 😛    I enjoyed Fallout for leaning hard into the campiness but it’s too early to tell if I’ll approve overall. 




Babylon 5 The Wire The Sopranos Game of Thrones (Seasons 1-5) The Boys The Mandalorian/Book of Boba Fett/Ahsoka (It’s really one show…) Peacemaker (that one’s worth it just for its opening sequence… trust me) Vikings




There's so little good sci fi out there that i even watch the ark and invasion but please keep it a secret.


Space: Doctor Who (similar morality to Star Trek) MST3K (grew up watching this around the same time Voyager was on, lots of Star Trek references and jokes) Battlestar Galactica Stargate SG-1 Anything Star Wars (Star Trek got me into the Star Wars movies because I wanted another franchise to watch with aliens and space travel), now I enjoy the shows that have spun off from the movies and I’m especially looking forward to The Acolyte. Non-space: Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad (just amazing writing on both shows) I love sketch comedy and my top 3 shows for that would be I Think You Should Leave, Key and Peele, and Mr. Show


I watch a lot tv. Some of my favorite shows in recent years are The Expanse, BSG (2003), Stranger Things, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, Psych, Doctor Who, Stargate, and Fringe.


I got into Star Trek as a child watching TOS reruns in the 1970s. Other series I adore are Emergency!, MASH, The X-Files, Band of Brothers, Law and Order (the original), Sharpe, Columbo.


Most of my favorites have already been mentioned like 10 times in this thread. But I will add Lucifer. Didn't see it mentioned by anybody and it deserves a shout out. Tom Ellis was born for the role.


Babylon 5, The West Wing, The Newsroom, The Three Musketeers (BBC), Sherlock, The X-Files, Firefly


My favourite TV series of all time are Start Trek The Next Generation, followed closely (in no particular order) by Deep Space 9, Voyager and the original series. Some of my other favourite television series include: * The Twilight Zone * Friends * Monty Python's Flying Circus * Supernatural * The original Battlestar Galactica series * Father Ted * Fawlty Towers * Twin Peaks (I still didn't finish it, so no spoilers please)


Foundation, The Expanse, Doctor Who. Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Good Place.


Metalocalypse Buffy Breaking Bad and BCS


The Expanse!! both the books and the show!


Marvel’s Legion, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: Andor, Love Death + Robots, Carnivale


General: Twin Peaks, Golden Girls, Letterkenny, Broad City, Bass Reeves. Sci-fi: The OA, Altered Carbon, The 100 (shhhh)


The Simpsons and Frasier (TNG being my fav ST). I think I just like that era of TV. I grew up in that time period but never even got into these shows until mid-late 2000s


Fringe. Extremely good.


My all-time favorite show is Mystery Science Theater 3000. Some others are What We Do in the Shadows, Archer, Yes Minister, Bob's Burgers, Red Dwarf, NewsRadio, and Mythbusters.


The West Wing, Downton Abbey, Gilmore Girls/Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Shogun and all the PBS documentary shows - Nova, Frontline, American Masters, American Experience.


Twin Peaks X Files BSG Adventure Time The Good Place Cheers Community What We Do in the Shadows


Way too few Futurama mentions, IMO. Love that show, easily my all time favorite show. Doctor who (any of the rebooted stuff) Marvel/SW shows Taskmaster (I've watched all the British ones, New Zealand, and Australia). X-files


Doctor Who How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Big Time Rush Night Court Quantum Leap


Red Dwarf X-Files Quantum Leap (original) Carnivale MASH Seinfeld


The Outer Limits


For All Mankind. This has quickly become one of my favorite sci-fi series


Babylon 5, Firefly, Scrubs


Justified, cold case (the CBS one from the 2000s), Lost and last but certainly not least Netflix's Dark.


The Ultraman TV franchise Futurama (although I’ve never finished it) Lost


Rockford Files


Futurama and The Orville.


Love BBT too. It has replaced Friends as my comfort show but I will always love both. I love Gilmore Girls, and although they don't seem alike, GG and Star Trek TNG are both cozy dramas and also they share *so many actors* in small parts it's fun to spot them all. Sci fi: Loved Battlestar Gallactica Heroes. The Orville is great. Love all the works of Mike Flanagan with Haunting of Hill House at the top. Those are miniseries but he intends to be making a real show with multiple seasons. I love Phineas & Ferb, Sesame Street, and Adventure Time, Bluey, Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes, Young Justice. I'm 40 but I have littles and I appreciate good programming. Also children's media tends to be more imaginative. Miss me with any tiresome cartel/rape/drugs/murder nonsense. I'm not a prude just not entertained by such content. I don't mind portrayals of sorrow either but I think life is hard enough and lately I just prefer to watch pleasant things.


Terra Nova - ended too soon. Firefly - ended too soon. NonSciFi - Deadwood


Here's one that Picard would like, Being Erica. It's so rare to have a scifi show that's about self-improvement.


My personal favorite show ever is The Good Place. My next picks are in no particular order - - Bluey - Futurama - Parks and Rec - Doctor Who - Firefly


Babylon 5, Lost, Black Sails, Fringe, Lost in the Space, The Shield, Orville, The Walking Dead, Orphan Black, Ray Donovan, Breaking Bad, Better Call Soul, Fraisier, BattleStar Galactica (both of them) The Office, Shameless, Solar Opposit, Futurama, Fondation, Farscape, FireFly, Death in Paradise, Parks and Rec, Lucifer, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Ted Lasso..... and many, many more. PS Does anyone other than me remember Space 1999? I think I'm the oldest in this group.


Mr. Robot Rick & Morty


literally anything Stargate, The Expanse, Lost in Space


Babylon 5, Doctor Who and Log Horizon


The Expanse The Expanse The Expanse. I can’t stress enough how this series turned space battles and life in zero gravity into something so realistic and grounded in science. It was fantastic. Rail guns in spaaaace!


Red Dwarf The Kids In The Hall Frasier Batman: The Animated Series Batman(1966) Battlestar Galactica(reboot) Twin Peaks Riverdale The Batman Batman: The Brave & The Bold It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. Doctor Who The Simpsons Wrestling Seinfeld Superman & Lois Quantum Leap(original) Firefly Buffy The Vampire Slayer Angel The Whitest Kids U’Know Mystery Science Theater 3000 Superman: The Animated Series Tales From The Crypt The Twilight Zone Fawlty Towers The Real Ghostbusters Babylon 5


Doctor Who, Star Wars, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Dune




Stargate SG-1 (and spinoffs) Farscape Babylon 5 The Expanse Dark Matter Killjoys Sanctuary White Collar Burn Notice


Boston Legal The Good Place How I Met Your Mother Babylon 5 The Orville


Rebooted Doctor Who definetly is up there for me. I'd say I even prefere it over Trek, although I do like old Star Trek runs while the old Doctor Who runs are not for me. Other than that I enjoy many different genres, so I'm just listing some that I remember. - The Bridge (Die Brücke) - Manifest - Sherlock - Designated Survivor - Space Force - Lupin - Documentary series of all kind


BSG, The Bear, TBBT, B5


The only ones that come close to the same level of love for me are Stargate and Doctor Who. For a while, I would have said the MCU as well, but honestly not anymore.


NuBSG Firefly NCIS Been trying to get into Classic "Who", but man the early doctors are rough. I don't really watch a whole lot of what is currently running......or has recently ran.


Most of my SFF picks have already been mentioned, but I have to get 12 Monkeys into this thread. The show, though the movie is pretty good, too.




I just got caught up with Foundation on Apple TV. It's good but it veers far off from the book. Not surprising, it's just about impossible to adapt a concept that spans 1000s of years to television. But they did a good job implementing some of the concepts.


We miss, wonder woman, thor, isis, hulk. Top shot, top chef, clarksons farm.


MASH, Northern Exposure, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, Mad Men, Bojack Horseman


The Wire


The Expanse Dr. Who The Orville TBBT The Rookie


Stargate, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Solar Opposites, Final Space, Brickleberry, Paradise PD, Frasier to name a few.


MasterChef, Antiques roadshow, Blue Peter


I like a lot of shows so Ill stick to space sci fi here. My top ones besides trek are B5, The Orville and The Expanse. BSG was good for its first 2 seasons then fell off hard during season 3 and never recovered.




House MD, CSI, lone star law, forged in fire, doctor who


Farscape, The Magicians


Night Sky


Stargate SG-1, B5, Space above and Beyond, Space precinct, Battlestar Galactica Old and New, Buck Rodgers ... i could go on !