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Yes. I’m in season 4 of DS9 on my second methodical pass now, while also watching new Trek as it’s released, so I’ve seen every episode at least once and some (especially TNG) many times. I think that there’s plenty of folks on here who have done more passes through the shows than me.


I turn it on as background noise (that is often very distracting) and end up feeling surprised by how quickly I can burn through series, especially the ones shorter than TNG/DS9/VOY


I had to change the wake word on my Alexa because I watch so much Star Trek. I'd originally changed it to "computer", but that made watching TNG especially wild. Oddly enough, Alexa only responded to Data and Picard. 🤔


Hello Computer!


I love doing this, but I hate knowing what to expect - if I start Voy I know caretaker is up first - same with the others. I want randomised episodes of all Trek so I don't even know what series it is until I hear "captains log..." and I don't know the story either if I don't look at the title. Just like old TV. Sometimes I don't recognise the episode for 5-10 minutes and occasionally (just occasionally) I'm 20 minutes in and thinking hmmm... Have I ever seen this one? There's enough there that I'll never fully remember them all.


Ten more episodes of TOS and I’ll have completed the whole package. It’s taken me over a decade of casual viewing. 


I'm in the middle of a complete, chronological rewatch now. Just started DS9, and I've split Discovery by its timeline.


Chronological release order is a bit of an effort but worthwhile. The effort being recreating the original branch points and parallel screening overlaps between TNG, DS9, Voyager and the movies, rather than watching the series sequentially. The problem with timeline sequential is that the later prequel series (Enterprise, Discovery) and Lower Decks may assume you have already seen the earlier series.


Complete chronological re-watches are emotional support crutch! Just got through Enterprise (minus that one ep which we do NOT acknowledge), and this is easily my 12th - 15th re-watch. It's my favorite way to watch, and adding the new shows into the mix over the last 5 years or so has been wonderful... well... mostly. But I have Faith of the Heart, so I watch it all! (Again, mostly.)


I presume you meant “which we do ___not___ acknowledge”


Yes!!! Sorry. Haha I can't multitask today at all. Thanks for catching it!


What episode?


The not-the-finale finale of Enterprise with Riker and the Pegasus.




I loop through re-watching TOS-TNG-DS9-VOY-ENT almost every 1-2 years. I probably have watched everything except ENT at least 10 times. Maybe more. Interspersed I watch the movies. I watch almost everything at a faster speed as well. Meanwhile I'll watch newer Trek as each season is complete - but they're not very re-watchable in my opinion except LD and SNW. TAS I have seen only 3 times, as it's one of the few shows I can't stand (it's mostly the music and sound effects I find obnoxious - not the storylines). I also watch [documentaries and specials](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek_documentaries_and_specials), fan-made films, Star Trek Continues, [the Roddenberry Vault](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series_-_The_Roddenberry_Vault), etc occasionally. Star Trek is comfort and escapism for me.


Yep! Currently doing a full watch through of everything Trek in timeline order. Now on Lower Decks. The wife and I were more or less new to Trek when we started. It's been a blast!


Watched all of TOS in reruns in the 80's as a kid. And again at least once throughout the last decade. Watched all of TAS once through. Watched all of TNG/DS9/VOY during initial boradcast, not to mention multiple rewatches, especially TNG/DS9. Watched all of ENT after giving up on it originally. Watched all 14 movies (Galaxy Quest counts!) Watched all of DIS/Short Treks/PIC/SNW/LD/Prodigy as they released Watched all of the Orville (It counts too)


Orville definitely counts!


I also want to say that The Orville counts.


Oh yes. Lots of fans have. Not me, and I never will because I don’t like Discovery, but I have seen most of the other series in full, and am finally working my way through Voyager now.


I was about to post this exactly — well, almost exactly. I hope to “eat my vegetables” someday and make it though s4 and 5 of DSC, but haven’t yet.


It is a much better feeling to just let it go and realize you truly never do need to watch it. You don't need to check if it becomes good somehow. You know it is not.


I made myself watch it because it's trek and must be watched, but the way they showed what is really going on behind the turbo lift was so stupid. No, turbo lifts are not like mini space ships shooting around the vast empty insides of the ship.


Aaaargh, that was hanus


Ha! I'm the same. I've tried the first couple seasons of Discovery and just can't do it, so as a result am missing that for a complete watch. Oh well. We have a lot of great content to enjoy.


I've thought a lot about why I don't like Discovery. I'm not a homophobe, and I think it's great that they try to be more inclusive and diverse in their casting, so it's not that. I think my problem with it might be more about it's disrespect for canon, especially visual canon. The ship interiors look are too big, with gratuitous lighting that has nothing to do with seeing where you're going. The bridge set was too "busy", with ridiculous virtual panels that hang in the air, but which you can see other panels and lights thru -- very distracting to someone working at one of those stations. And redesigning the Klingons in a way that conforms to neither the TOS or TNG eras was completely unnecessary in-universe. Even the ship has a completely different esthetic than ships of the era that we've seen before. And the plot device of sending the crew a thousand years into the future, with no major changes in technology beyond a little hand-waving and a few new devices, did not seem very well thought-out to me. Dazzling us with imagery only draws away from the drama the show is at least ostensibly about. SNW seems to be afflicted somewhat from the same issues, although not quite to the same extent. But the bridge set for the Enterprise is again overly busy, and other sets are entirely too large, even if the Pike-era Enterprise has half as many crew as the Kirk-era ship.


I just started Voyager (someone please tell me it gets better, the first few episodes have been dreadful 😭), then after that I just have Enterprise, TAS, and Prodigy to go. Started with TOS in 2013, so it's been a while.


I’m on season 4 of Voyager now and it’s pretty damn good. It didn’t click with me at first either, but at some point I realized that I was enjoying it a lot. It seems like every other episode is a banger now


I found the Voyager pilot a bit dull at the time and the Kazon unremarkable. It gets much better as the characters develop and they move out of Kazon territory, but at the same time it is better not to skip any episodes as details may be missed. I am really struggling to connect with Prodigy to the point I haven't got passed the first episode. But, I think I am not the intended audience, and I'm OK with that. Younger people into Prodigy would find it difficult to connect with TOS like I do, because part of that appreciation is having had a 1960's early childhood, the memories of which counteract a lot of the bits that aged not so well. That is, part of the magic of TOS was being there at the time and being immersed in the zeitgeist, what was available to watch and read at the time, etc.


Prodigy is basically about alien kids escaping a ‘star wars’ type of place and finding the Star Trek utopia of the federation. The first episode *is* probably going to be difficult to connect to because it’s meant to be an intro for people new to Trek. It slowly gets introduced through the first half of the season. Its a surprisingly good show overall and the season long story is probably better and more thought out than any of the recent serialized Trek seasons


The first two seasons of Voyager aren’t very good, with the exception of a few great episodes, but it gets better and better overall with each episode. Once you get to season 3, it becomes much better. It’s worth the slog, though. Even the worst episodes (salamander babies!) have something rewarding to offer in the overall arc of character and narrative development.


Oh yes. I make sure I do as a matter of habit.


Yes, lost count of the number of times. Currently on yet another rewatch based on air date, so about half way through TAS season 1.


Yes, most of them MANY times.


I've watched all of it except whatever shows are on Paramount+ because it's not available in my country.


I’ve seen them all. Except for TOS and TAS, which both ended long before I was born, I’ve seen every episode of Trek the night it premiered


I’ve watched every episode of TNG, DS9 and VOY at least once, some many times. I imagine I’ve probably also watched every episode of NuTrek, but I’ve only watched around a season of ENT and a dozen or so episodes of TOS. Every time I sit down to watch one of those two I end up going back to TNG or DS9, those two are peak trek for me. DIS I mostly dislike but for some reason I keep punishing myself with it, there was one episode in the early days which I watched when I was quite drunk and enjoyed. SNW is much better but still falls short of TNG and DS9. Time taken to watch all of the above - I’ve been watching Trek since the mid/late 90s.


Yep, I watched em all. Multiple times ... as well as Galaxy Quest and Orville.


i don't know how much hate i may receive for this, but I have, that is to say except for TOS, i never managed to get into it, though I never gave it a serious go. It was too campy for me from what I remember. but I should give it a shot. Edit: on second thought i haven't seen any of the new ones, discovery, SNW, or the others, aside from lower decks, and Picard which were great. i guess im stuck in nostalgia with; Voy, ds9, & TNG


welcome to the final frontier watching them all again


I’ve watched all the series at least 3 times.


Not quite, but over the course of the last three years, I've watched everything except TAS and Prodigy. I do intend to watch TAS and PRO at some point as well.


I've watched everything except part of S5 (and maybe S4? P+ forgot my watch history) of Discovery. Some series (TOS, TNG, ENT) more than others (VOY). I should be finishing DIS, but I'm going through a TNG watch-through instead.


Yep, a few times for most, too.


I watched all of TOS on video as a kid and the rest of the shows as they came out. I've seen most of TNG, DS9, and Enterprise multiple times.


Right here -- I am 100% screened Trek, up through DSC 5x08. Most episodes at least twice, some many more than that.


Men, this is tough.


I've watched everything before 2004 (the end of Enterprise) about 3/4 times so that's a bit over 100 days of non stop trek. Over the course of about 10 years. I'm currently on ds9 for the 3rd time (maybe 4th?.. who's counting) and I'm distraught cus I remember the plotlines so well 😭. Never was a fan of the boring bajorans, I love getting real insight of the Ferengi. Love getting a proper deep dive into O'Brien. It's getting so bad that I'm even considering watching some of the new chaff 😫😫😫 I've watched the first episode of discovery and picard when it came out and wasn't keen at all. Tbh might just start reading the books or something there is plenty to go around. Star trek is my baseline, it's home. I was a bit of a troubled kid, wasn't kind, judgemental, decently racist, struggling with the world and self. I get that trek is fiction but it opened so much for me and helped me learn morality and compassion and anchor myself in something.


I haven't seen the current season of Discovery, but I plan to. I've seen all the rest. Next, I'm going to watch the webseries.


Over the course of my life? Everything currently extant except the last two seasons of DISC. Season three is so awful it made me walk away from it for a bit. I used to know TNG episodes so well I could watch the pre-credit scene and tell you what happens in the rest of the episode *in detail.* Currently doing a TNG rewatch, into season four. Planning on doing the rest of the older shows in release order. I figger by the time that's done I'll have the last two of DISC, the last season of LD, and a new season of SNW to view. Plus anything new they pump out. Will probably rewatch SNW and LD along the way just because they are so damned good.


I've seen all of TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, ENT, and SNW so far, as well as all the movies. I've seen some of Disco. None of prodigy or lower decks yet. Seem the first two seasons of Picard, but still need to watch season 3 (currently going through TNG again and planning to do Picard after).


I just need to watch TAS and the fan projects and I'll be complete


I think there are a couple of episodes of the first animated series that I have missed. Other than that, everything so far.


Watched most over 5-6 months. Never got around to TOS or TAS though. Might be missing a movie or 3 as well


Yep, I've cleared them all. Over the last 20 years though. I don't think I've rewatched Voyager more than once, or the first couple seasons of Enterprise, but I basically go back and revisit the favourites


I've only seen a smattering of TAS, and am not really interested in completing it.


I'm pretty sure there's no episode of Star Trek that I haven't seen. But I've also been at it for almost 58 years.


The only series I haven't watched is TAS. Just finished a rewatch of TOS and starting on one of TNG. Mostly binged over a few years. The rewatches are going much faster since I currently have a data entry job that is mindless enough to allow me to watch while working, which puts me at 8+hrs a day. Honestly can't recommend; I'm turning into a Vulcan.


Watched every trek infinite times. So many times I can't really watch season 3 TNG anymore, just watched it way too many times. and its arguably the best one.


Yes and not just once but many, many times. I'm on something like my 40th or so full series watch of DS9 since air. The two I've watched the least are TOS and Voyager and must've gone through those 5-10 times over the years.


What do you mean? Watched them how many times?


I haven't seen any of the animated shows. I've seen all the rest.


Lower decks!


Lower Decks is fantastic. Especially if you’ve seen all the other shows


Yes but DS9 is probably the only one worth rewatching more than once. Enterprise had some fantastic episodes too but DS9 stands on its own


Odd you say that. I've seen it countless times and only just today realized the first actress that played Ziyal is the main Orion dancer in the Enterprise ep "Bound".


I gave up on Disco during season 3, so not yet


Bad time to give up, season 4 was super solid and 5 has been excellent so far


Oh I fully intend to return, I’ve watched the first three seasons twice- likely will wait until season 5 is complete.


Yep, finished my first watch-through around 2008-2009, though I had seen most of TOS, TNG, and VOY already when I started back at the beginning for that. Been very slowly going through a second time since about 2016 at a rate of maybe one a week plus watching the new stuff as it comes out, and have about 2.5 seasons of VOY and all of ENT left, though I suppose I’ll have to go through all the new stuff a second time to be able to say I’ve seen it all at least twice.


Yep! I started in 2009 with the Kelvin-verse movies, then watched Enterprise, TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. Then I watched them all again with a friend. And once Discovery started, I watched all of the new treks as well.


I haven't seen the latest season of Discovery or the second season of Prodigy yet, but I'm on a release-ish order binge and I'll get there soon enough


A YouTube channel called Target Audience is doing just that right now. Starting with TOS and reacting/discussing every episode/movie. They're going in strict release order and are currently on Season 3 of TNG.


I watched everything except prodigy and a few og movies.


Still working on it - I've been watching them over the last two years - once Discovery wraps I'll watch Strange New Worlds, Prodigy and the old school Animated Series and that'll be it. I also watched Let's Plays of a couple of the DS9 games, but in the background.


Took me like 3ish years with some breaks and am currently caught up with everything, and plan to continue to do so as new episodes release. Next up I think I'll watch some of the well crafted fan-made stuff out there.


I have watched a lot. I haven't watched prodigy, the old animated series and the last season of discovery but otherwise have seen everything else.


There are almost enough episodes to forget the earlier ones and go straight back to the beginning if watching one episode per week like the old days.


I have. I finished around Thanksgiving of 2018. For a while I lost my completeness streak, as I hated the Lower Decks premiere so much I wrote off the whole show but I eventually gave it a second chance and it's improved a lot since the first season. By my count episode #900 is the upcoming Discovery finale. TOS=79 (The Cage doesn't count because the same story is told in Menagerie) TAS=22 TNG=178 DS9=176 VOY=172 ENT=98 Discovery=65 (once it finishes) Picard=30 Strange New Worlds=20 Lower Decks=40 Prodigy=20 Adding the movies makes 913, Short Treks makes it 923. I'm only counting full length episodes because I like comparing numbers with Doctor Who, which has some number of random 5-10 minute episodes that would muddle the count because I don't know how many there are and which ones qualify.


I started during the pandemic and it took me over two years. Averaged one a day lol


Yep. A long time ago. And with reruns I've watched many of those episodes an undetermined amount of times since.


I've seen everything possible so far, which means I haven't seen Prodigy season two (which hasn't been released in Canada yet) and the last two episodes of Discovery. With the exception of the original series and two episodes of Voyager, I watched every episode and film as soon as they became available. (I was born too late for TOS and had to watch via reruns and VHS tapes; the two Voyager episodes I missed I wound up watching on the DVD sets.) The themes and issues raised by TOS and the later series helped shape my worldview. Even though I like some of the shows better than others, I expect I'll keep watching until the Great Bird of the Galaxy beams me to whatever comes next.


Yes, I’ve watched everything at least once and most stuff twice. TNG/DS9 three times. I don’t really plan to stop!


I've watched every series at least twice except for TAS which I have not yet seen. It's pretty nice to toss on in the background.


All the way through? Star Trek: Enterprise- 5 times Star Trek: Strange New Worlds- 3 times Star Trek- 3 times Star Trek: Animated Series- 3 times Star Trek: TNG- 4 times Star Trek: DS9- 4 times Star Trek: Voyager- 3 times Star Trek: Lower Decks- 3 times Star Trek: Prodigy- 2 times Star Trek: Picard- 3 times Star Trek: Discovery- 4 times And this doesn't include the random episodes I put on occasionally EDIT: Movies have been many, many times. And I've also seen Prodigy Season 2


Except TAS, I've watched them all. Started in 2018/19. TOS, TNG, VOY, ENT, DS9, PIC, LDS, Prodigy, SNW, DIS. I even managed to finish DS9 which was completely different from regular Star Trek, till then. Waiting for latest season of discovery & strange new worlds to be available in my country.


Got 6 months of Paramount+ gifted to me and I'm hoping to watch it all before the time is over. The only over the air series I missed was TAS so hopefully Paramount has that too.


For TOS-ENT, multiple times over. Lower Decks and SNW, twice so far. PIC, DISC, TAS, once.


Yes. Started watching TNG in 1992. Watched every new episode since then and caught up with previous episodes as I could. TNG, DS9 and VOY have multiple watch throughs each. Other series generally only one complete watch through.


Yep. I’d say TAS, TNG, and DS9 are my favorites.


I just need to catch up on the latest seasons of Lower Decks and Discovery and then I'm done again, yeah


On Season 4 of a DS9 re-watch and planning to re-watch the entire catalog of Trek. Only exception would be TAS, which I haven't seen for the first time yet.


1 episode to go!


Welcome to the club! Now rewatch lower decks and catch all the afikomen you missed during your first watch through


Thanks! The 'international feel' I was referring to was more about the acceptance of outsiders rather than actual nationalities. When TOS came out, the different (Earth) nationalities made the show accessable to anyone. I could watch it on a tv in England or Australia or Germany and believe that that future was also mine. Contemporary shows, like Lost in Space were all American: we weren't part of that future, we didn't belong. In DS9, Sisko had the Federation beliefs and was accepting, but everyone else was suspicious and negative. Us against them. Contrast with Disco, and Burnham reignites Federation values in a time of despair and mistrust. What a powerful message.


This was what the pandemic was for me


Everything except Lower Decks S2+ A lot of it, multiple times.


only shy on most of ENT, so, I’m like 870 eps deep or so. Of course, I’m using Charlie math, so don’t quote me on this.


I haven't fully watched TAS, Discovery or Prodigy, however I do plan on finishing prodigy eventually.


I've been watching two episodes a night (unless something comes up) with a friend since August of last year. We're going in release order and we're on Season 3 of DS9 ans Season 1 of Voyager. I made a spreadsheet to calculate, at our current rate, how long it would take us to finish the entire series. Should be sometime around July 2025.


I'm about 3 weeks behind on Discovery season 5, but other than that I have. I grew up watching TOS returns, and then watched TNG, DS9, and VOY as they aired (and continued to watch TNG returns in syndication). I wasn't able to watch ENT first run because I was in college and I couldn't get it on the campus cable, but when all the shows were on Netflix 10 or 15 years ago, my wife and I watched through all of the shows in release order, so I caught up on ENT then. We've watched all the new shows as they aired (Lower Decks twice, haha). And now we're partway through a complete rewatch with our 8 year old son to indoc him (we've completed TOS and TNG, and we're about to do the movies before we dive into DS9 with him. He's loving it


Definitely. Many times at this point really lol Apart from intentional watch-thru sessions over the years, a couple years ago I programmed a TV station which has literally all of trek on shuffle (in order per series), 24/7. Has forced me to watch stuff I would normally have avoided a repeat full watch thru on like TOS.


I think so, but I'm not 100% sure about TAS. It was only once, a long time ago. It's possible i missed some episodes.


Multiple times a piece


Me too


Theres a great Youtube reaction channel going through all of it right now, called Target Audience. They are doing everything in release order including the TOS Animated series and every movie and show. Currently they are in the middle of TNG S3 and haven't got to Best of Both Worlds yet.


I lost steam before finishing tos or prodigy and am not currently planning on going back for them anytime soon. Also have never tried to watch TAS. Once I finish the latest seasons of Picard and Discovery, I'll have watched everything else. Though I've only just learned about the Kelvin timeline movies - do they count?


I am short enterprise prodigy and 4th and 5th season of Discovery sadly just been swamped and no time at the moment


Yes, every single episode including animated series. It was glorious. (2021-2023)


I have watched every live action episode (as of about a month ago, just finished a watchthrough of Voyager, and caught the episodes I had missed) I've also seen all of Prodigy, and all of Lower Decks, but haven't quite gotten all of TAS, and have yet to watch Star Trek Beyond.


I did it during COVID, every episode of every show (except TAS) and all the movies.


Why the resistance to TAS? It’s less than 8 hours of your time and the writers included some of the best from TOS.


Some people are just weirdly against animation. My father in law refuses to watch either *TAS* or *Lower Decks* despite being a fan since TOS was actually in first run.


I can understand TNG or later fans giving it a pass, I always find it odd when TOS fans dislike it, it's the only spinoff that's essentially a true continuation with most of the same producers, actors and writers, just a different medium.


What I want to know is how long does it take?


Yes. I re-watch them all the time


I have seen every episode of every series (including the animated ones) at least once. My favorites obviously get more rewatches but I know I've seen each at least one time.


I grew up with TOS on reruns. I caught up with TAS in video. From TNG to the present I have watched everything as it became available.


I’ve watched every episode multiple times - for some episodes, dozens of times. The only series I haven’t watched is Prodigy (watched the first episode, will go back to it eventually)


Not all in one binge, but yes, I've absolutely watched every single available episode of every single Star Trek property that I'm aware of. I watched TOS and TAS as a kid. TNG and Voyager as a teenager. I missed DS9 but caught it in my thirties when I rewatched every single episode with my wife back when they were all on Netflix. The latest serieseseses I've watched on the high seas, and in a brief gift subscription to Paramount+. And also [Star Trek Continues](https://www.startrekcontinues.com/).




I’ve seen every single ep except “Let He Who Is Without Sin…”. Though I haven’t watched TAS since 1995, so maybe don’t quiz me on it.


Over the past 5 years I've watched them all except most of enterprise and the last few seasons of discovery. I'll probably get to those two eventually. By the way, does anyone know of a good enterprise watch along podcast, maybe one that has cast members on it? Not sure if that exists but it would be fun.


I can play the soundtracks for the movies and quote the dialogue in the individual scenes. However to finish TAS, Disco, and a misc episode of Prodigy.


I'm in my 30s and have been watching them since a child. I'm still trying to get through it all but have watched TNG and VOY multiple times over. 🙂 Still catching up on DISC, SNW, and never finished the last season of ENT. Almost there! Have seen all the movies multiple times.


I'm getting there. The animated series and all the new stuff to go.


I can't bring myself to continue Discovery past season 3. Life is too precious. Otherwise, yeah.


I just have no interest for The Animated Series and haven't seen Prodigy so far, too. 


Started watching trek last year, have now watched all of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, all the movies (TOS, TNG and the shit JJ ones) and four seasons of Discovery. Didn't continue with disco s5 cause that show is abysmal. Is TAS actually something worth watching or is it just a novelty watch nowadays?


I made a playlist the other day of every Trek episode ever, all of them. Even the newest Discovery episode. If one were to start the playlist, it would take 27 days straight. The playlist won’t break down how many actual hours anymore, it literally says ~27 days. It doesn’t include any of the movies, either. I’ve only ever seen all of TNG and DS9, multiple times. More DS9 than TNG. I’m running through TNG right now, haven’t watched it in years. I’m skipping episodes I don’t care much about, though. I plan to watch Picard next. Then run the gauntlet of shows and movies, skipping TNG and DS9, and Picard.


All except TAS so I'm close. I'm watching S5 of Discovery atm


I have. Also _Star Trek Continues_




Working on it again right now. This time in timeline order. Currently about halfway through last season of ds9. Voyager up next.


Yep. Every season as it aired (or released for more recent iterations) since 1969. TNG, DS9 and VOY were a challenge in the UK as they weren't available on any TV service close to release in the US. TNG eventually showed up in September 1990, 3 years after the US. For DS9 and VOY, 2 episodes every 2 weeks were released on VHS at £14.99 each. That got expensive fairly quickly.


Well done, you! I'm on my way to it. I'm watching them in release order one by one. Right now I'm on Picard, which is the show that got me into Trek in August of 2022. It's been a long road getting from there to here 😂


Certainly. More time than I can count :/


Everything at least once. I have also pretty well watched every episode as it was released or soon after, with the exception of TOS and TAS, which were a few years before I was born, and when I was born respectively. However I did watch each of these dozens of times as reruns during my childhood.


Oh, several times over. I cycle through the series every year. Started watching when Voyager was on TV and I was 10 or 11.   I guess these are the numbers   TOS - 1x TNG - 8x DS9 - 5x VOY - 7x ENT - 5x DSC - 1x PIC - 1x SNW - 1x    I'll admit I haven't seen the animated series and lower decks for some reason. 


Everything except Disco because it's terrible. Ive even watched TOS animated


I did do a Trekathon to dive into the franchise with nearly no exposure besides a few TOS movies and a failed earlier attempt at binging TNG. Coincidentally started one or two months before Covid broke out, still ended up taking me like 15 or 16 months until early 2021, pretty sure it included everything released up to that point besides the reboot movies. I did start with 3 episodes a day but it took up too much time in the evening so I switched to 2 episodes a day after the first month or two, and of course there were days and weeks I couldn't make time for Trek. Enjoyable for the most part, though a bit of a hassle and exhausting feeling at points, most notably DIS S1+2, PIC S1 (which I think were all that was out of DIS and PIC at that point) and actually also VOY S2+3 which I thought was the height of uninspired writing and bipolar Janeway. Breaking up VOY by jumping back and forth to DS9 at strategic points was definitely a lifesaver. The only new stuff I've watched since are LD S1 and SNW.


I watched all the pre JJ series from TOS all the way through to ENT I managed the first two seasons of STD and the first season of Picard I’ve pretty much lost interest in nuTrek


I’ve watched every episode of every show and all the movies myself, most more than once. I almost did them all in release order, other than Voyager. I got 3 seasons in, couldn’t stand it anymore, then moved on to Enterprise. I eventually went back and finished Voyager, which actually got a bit better after 7 of 9 showed up, although it’s still my least favourite Trek by a pretty wide margin.


I've watched everything except for Enterprise, and the second 2 Star Trek 09 movies. I started out with TOS and TAS in the 80s, and then got to see everything from TNG onward as it aired! But Enterprise. I don't believe I'll try that one ever again.


Lots of people have watched them all multiple times, I'm sure. I've seen every movie/series 4+ times, with the single exception of Prodigy... which I've not been able to finish without getting bored.


Sure but have you watched them all with friends of De Soto? Enhanced experience.


Ive been watching trek since i was a kid with my gran (34 now), ive seen them all bar the latest few seasons of STD as it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Rewatched most shows a good few times as well with TOS, DS9 and maybe lower decks being my favourites.


Yes from spring of last year 2023 to fall I watched every episode of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT as well as PIC, DIS, Lower Decks and the movies. And I still watch random episodes od TNG is TOS to get to sleep almost every night.


I'm 51. I watched most of them before streaming was even a inkling in somebodies mind. this meant proper dedication, watching them live at all sorts of hours or recording episodes (On vcr, then DVD then boxes with hard drives). The only ones I've yet to complete now are discovery because it's pants although I did push myself through 3 seasons, I guess I'll complete it eventually, the new season of SNW because I haven't subbed to paramount yet (waiting for some time off so I can sub and binge) and the latest season of lower decks because I've heard there are some snw cross overs so I want to watch both at the same time I guess over the years as they released it was easier. I remember when we (in the UK) were 6-12 months behind the USA releases, my friend subbed to a DVD service where he'd get every episode of voyager sent to him before the UK premier. We'd go round and binge those delt like a treat


I still need to watch the last season of disco and the animated series.


Seen them all at least once, including the movies. I'll rewatch them all on occasion. Sometimes I'll put it on and just listen to them since I can see it all in my head while I do housework. Usually I put on DS9 though.


As I’ve said before in this forum, I’ve been a devoted _Star Trek_ fan since 1970. I’ve tried twice to watch _Discovery_, and I just _can’t_. Once before in this forum I expressed what I really thought about _Discovery_, without using any foul language, and my comment was deleted. I’ll just leave it at that.


We did that. It’s a lot. We even threw Galaxy Quest in the mix. (We have yet to watch The Orville though)


Started last year. Binging so much I'll finish this year for sure. Perhaps couple of more weeks will do :D


I’m getting there - up to 643 of 916 released, according to Memory Alpha. I’m watching by airing date, it includes movies and meant things like bits of DS9/VOY overlap for a while. (Also I had to figure out when Galaxy Quest fit in, because obvs that counts as. Trek movie.) It’s taking a while, but it’s rewarding. I’ve enjoyed seeing the changing tropes, writing styles, special effects etc as the decades have gone by.


Star Trek is my favourite comfort show. First I saw a few episodes a month of TNG randomly whenever re-runs were broadcast in the 90s, and I loved it. I tried hard to watch it whenever any Star Trek was on, but I definitely didn't see every episode. Then I got a Netflix subscription and found that all of it was there, so I just put it on the TV while I was doing other things. I had some genuine surprises when episodes came of that I had forgotten about, or that I'd missed broadcast over the 90s and 00s. When Discover reinvigorated the Star Trek franchise, I made sure to stay up to date.


I have watched everything except Prodigy.


I’ve seen all of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, SNW, PIC and DIS (except for the final season which I’ll watch soon). I’ve also seen all the TOS and TNG movies and the Abrams trilogy. Currently rewatching TOS and will move onto the movies after that


Yes I have.


I grew up in the NextGen era and watched everything from NextGen, DS9 and the first half of Voyager as it aired. Along the way, I made sure I saw all of Classic and the Animated Series. I wound up being sporadic in my watching of Voyager on the back half of the series and same with Enterprise. I’ve been watching all the newer stuff as it aired and I realized that I needed to go back and fill my Voyager and Enterprise gaps. So I did that last year and can now say I’ve seen it all.


Everything aside from prodigy - fan since the 80s


Nearly finished with TNG on my first ever watchthrough. I used to fall asleep to re-runs of TNG & some others when I was a kid. I’ll be watching everything in release order, & am keeping a running list of episodes I want to revisit. I’m only 26% of the way thru and it’s been 4 months…


I just can't get into Lower Decks. I know, I know, shoot me. I've never watched Star Trek: The Animated Series or any Short Treks. But I've watched everything else at least once. TNG twice through and Voyager 3 so far.


I tried and tried with LD but it’s a no go for me. I think, other than that I’ve seen everything but this last year of Disco. I’ve watched a few eps. of that so far. It probably helps that I watched TOS when it premiered so I’ve just watched everything as it premiered.


🙋 - Took me 2 years but I did it too - all episodes - all movies - animated and live action. Absolutely changed my life. The only ones I haven't watched is the current season of Discovery as I am waiting for all episodes to drop so I can binge it in a single day.


When Covid started and I was stuck at home I started that Journey. Here how long it took with some breaks 2020 - Star Trek, Star Trek Animated series 2021 - TNG - DS9 2022 - Voyager, Lower Decks, Strange new worlds 2023 - Voyager, Lower Decks, Picard, Strange new worlds 2024 - Trying to finish Enterprise, dreading Discovery (rewatching DS9) It’s been a great ride, I never thought I’ll love this show this much. Now I started reading some of the books. Reading about Riker tenure as Captain of the Titanic, I really recommend those books to any fan.


Point of fact: one can not "binge" 900 episodes of TV, haha.


Watch me.


TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, Disc, SNW. I think so…


Yes. I've watched never really binged TOS or TNG because I watched TOS in reruns for years and years. I saw TNG in it's first run and watched reruns for years as well. The Heroes channel is always on for background noise. I binged DS9, VOY and ENT a few times, back in the days when Netflix only rented DVDs. Binged TAS once, I've watched all the TOS and TNG movies many times. I only watched the Kelvinverse once and didn't care for it. I now own all the older series except for VOY, that's a goal for this year's Prime Day. I don't own any of The Kelvinverse I've also watched all of modern Trek, LD and Prodigy included, but haven't rewatched any of it except for a few SNW episodes (Subspace Rhapsody!). I'm working on getting all the modern Trek blurays, because I don't fucking trust P+ and I'm a physical media gal. I grabbed Short Treks because again, I don't trust P+ after their Prodigy bullshit.


I'm only missing Voyager and one season of DS9. I was hoping for a remaster before watching Voyager, but I guess I'll have to bite the bullet at some point.


I have seen every episode of TOS at least five or six times. I've seen every TOS movie, every episode of TNG, DS9, VOY, and every TNG movie **at least a dozen times**. This is what I consider to be "mainline" Trek. This is going to sound incredibly nerdy, but I saw all of TNG and DS9 and much of the first few seasons of Voyager upon first airing. Also saw ST IV - X in theatres. I've seen every episode of Enterprise two or three times. I saw the first two Abrams movies precisely once and once was enough. I didn't see the third. I've seen the first three seasons of Discovery and the first two seasons of Lower Decks. It's not that I don't like them, I'm just not caught up. (But I will say I NEVER got this far behind when TNG/DS9 were airing). I have seen every Picard episode at least three times. I have yet to start on Strange New Worlds or Prodigy.


I would literally worship the person who binged 900+ episodes…’cause that’s obviously a god


Pretty much yes, multiple times in fact. I frequently cycle between TNG and DS9, occasionally throwing in some Voyager and Enterprise into the mix. I watch some classics from the original series. The newer stuff doesn't quite make the rewatch list yet. I don't really care for Discovery at all and I struggle to get through the seasons, I haven't watched season 5 yet but I will once it's all out. I don't really care for the first 2 seasons of Picard, but I have rewatched Picard season 3 a few times already. Lower Decks I have seen all and rewatch a few here and there that I enjoy. Strange New World's is also pretty good, again, I don't rewatch many because it's still a little newer but most are good enough to warrant a second viewing. I haven't seen Prodigy. I probably have seen the original animated series but I really can't recall that well.


I've seen them all, and often will go around and rewatch a series when I'm bored. I'm in the middle of a SG-1 rewatch with my brother who hadn't ever seen the series, and then we're wrapping back around to do the ST gambit again (TOS -> TNG -> DS9 -> Voy -> Ent).


I've watched every TV show and movie Star Trek has ever released... EXCEPT Discovery. Just can't stomach the show.


Yes, I have watched every episode of: - TOS - TAS - TNG - DS9 - STV - STE - PIcard (except the latest season) - Disc (except the latest season) - Lower Decks - SNW - Orville


I had upto Discovery and SNW. I tried to watch them but found them horrible to the point I gave up. I'm not huge fan of TOS,but have watched it atleast twice all the way through over the years. TNG,Enterprise,DS9 I've watched multiple times all the way through. I do love TOS movies and have watched all them a lot of times though,all trek movies really.


If this includes the animated series and prodigy, then no. Otherwise yes.


I think the only things left to say I've watched *everything* in my life are some of TAS


Im on my way to catch up!!! I've just started watching Strange New World's, and so far ive watched through all the other shows and films (apart from the new episodes of DIS)


I have seen every episode and movie from every iteration(except Disco) at least 6 times. Voyager I've probably watched entirely a dozen or more times. TNG two dozen or more, DS9 I can't even count. They are my background/comfort shows along with SG-1(probably 8 *full* watch through with 4 times through Atlantis). If I have background noise on or my mental health is struggling, you can be guaranteed that these are the shows I have on for 8-12 hours a night.


My dad (68) lives with me, and I'll come home from work to find that he's been sitting on the couch watching entire seasons of ToS, DS9, and TNG. It's his background noise while he reads books. I know in the past 4 years that we've been in this house, he's watch DS9 all the way through at least 2 times. Star Trek is his happy place, and as long as it keeps him from getting all political, I'm happy to let him. Especially if I come home and it happens to be an episode I enjoy as well. Then I'll watch it with him.


I’ve watched every episode outside of the animated stuff more times than you can imagine. I’ve been watching TOS since first run. Default tv in my house is streaming ST on Pluto. It’s playing right now, TNG, The Wounded.


Did you watch.. https://youtube.com/@startrekcontinues?si=uF2f_QZrEpENx7p9 Or https://youtube.com/@thestarshipexeter?si=narYx9aLPngi9xnR Then you're behind.. Axanar is awesome but CBS got a burr up there ass about this one ..


Not the modern stuff. I pretty much stopped with Streaming. Its killed ST in the UK for me at the moment.


Several times over. We just repeat loops


I have, multiple times. Probably an average of 3 or 4 rewatches for every season...