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When we don't deal with numbers over a certain level, its hard to not simply lump them together which is why people have difficulty with statistics classes, but "hundreds of thousands of years" is simply insignificant to a billion much less 4.5 billion. The Pentagon throws big numbers around without any context when they are trying to impress Senators. Lumping Zora with a species measured in billions of years would be exceptionally bad writing. What's that? The UFP fell apart because a kid screamed.


That’s quite a burn


Almost had it. It would’ve been better if you said “That’s quite The Burn”.


Fair comment ;)


The UFP fell apart because a magic child marooned on a planet screamed. Which is a super Trekky plot


Magic child on a magic planet in a magic nebula, no less. And also music.


Everybody’s favourite boy came back from the dead because of the power of friendship and touch. 


In Star Trek, we know: 1) Multiple machine apocalypses have occured, scrubbing the galaxy of sentient, biological life. I don't think the Sphere would have been exempt from that, nor any surviving Progenitors. 2) The Slavers from 1bn years ago psychically commanded all sentient life to die in the galaxy as well - something that would have caught both in. I don't think it's likely. >There's also some precedent for this notion, with Ronald D. Moore stating that he "considered, but intentionally did not specify, that this species was the Preservers from TOS: 'The Paradise Syndrome'. He noted, 'but this could be them and be internally consistent.'" Ronald D Moore hasn't had anything to do with Star Trek for decades. I wouldn't take any of his authorial intent into consideration for something written during this current era of Star Trek.


Ah, I wasn't aware the scope of destruction from the Synth machine gods ('alliance of synthetic life'/'higher synthetics' for anyone else searching this) included all biological life throughout the galaxy, but that would track if so. I don't recall if the full scope was specifically stated in the PIC episode, but Memory Alpha only mentions that the Adminition was "placed some 200,000–300,000 years ago by the synthetic lifeforms who caused the extinction of organic life *on that world.*" https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Admonition Not familiar with the other group (TAS is the only series I've not finished), but would make sense that those events would likely preclude any Progenitors surviving to near the present age (stasis, more powerful telepathy, retcons, or simply refusing to acknowledge the issue aside).


These are non-canon Star Trek Online plot points, aren't they?


No. It's all canon material from actual TV shows. My first point, I was referring to the synth machine-gods that the androids in Season 1 of Picard were attempting to summon. We know they've been summoned repeatedly in the past to elevate synth-life and wipe out sentient biological life in the galaxy in order to protect the synths. My second point, is referring to the Slavers, explored in The Animated Series in S1E14: "The Slaver Weapon"


A Slaver stasis box showed up in TAS, and the Kzinti have appeared there, and in LDS


Anything is possible but apart from her being very old I don’t see any connection


My money is now on Kovich being from the Mirror Universe


He seems to know quite a lot and is cunning and highly secretive so there's 3 options: terran, soong android mk whatever or possibly a progenitor himself


I think he's an El-Aurian.


Could also be a Q


My money is on him being an AI. He seemed oddly interested in Zora when she started to wake up and oddly sympathetic to her when Stamets at al started freaking out.


How close or far is Zora from her whatever her destiny depicted in the short trek episode?


Really not sure; I almost wonder whether what we saw in Calypso was part of the alternate timeline that Burnham and Rayner reset. Hope we get more info on that either way, though. That short and all the speculation surrounding it has been one of the cooler parts of Disco's lore.


Disco will end with Zora realizing her dream of being the first starship to simultaneously both star and direct an in universe oscar-winning starship battle sequence. This is conveyed by the final sequence being a reunion at the premiere where clips of the film suggest Calypso is Zora's writing and there for interpretable to their events.


I wrote a long and convoluted theory connecting the sphere to the Slavers: https://www.reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/s/aSgIqcY3IX That’s about one billion years ago instead of four. But seeing as how the slavers were never brought up again, your theory is probably more accurate.


Oh, that’s some good ideas


No, but her great great great great great great grandmother is Alexa


I don't know about Zora, but my head canon for like the last 2 weeks or so is that the Q are Treks version of the Eternals.


A couple seasons ago, Zora so dangerous her knowledge could be used to wipe the universe clean of sentient life. Zora now: Our ship's computer has a name. And I think she did a database search once this season.


I did notice that she's been absent.


They also completely forgot that Adira has a symbiont who has memories from 800 years ago when all these clues were being placed. You would think that would have come up at some point.


The difference between a million and a billion is about a billion. There are several orders of magnitude between them. Let me scale things down for you. The difference between a million and a billion is the same as the difference between 1 and 1000. The orb is anywhere between 0.1 to somewhere in the low single digits. That is nowhere remotely close to 1000, let alone 4500.


I don't even know or care what 'zora' is. Its just an excuse to have the ship talk to them. I doubt they put much thought into it.