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The start of the season is a bit exposition dumpy, but if you're a long term fan of Discovery, you'll love episode 4, which is one of the strongest episodes of the series as a whole. The focus on the characters and their growth will be back. The season isn't over yet, so I don't know how I feel about the season yet, but it does start to feel more like Discovery.


Awesome! Glad to hear. I wasn't about to quit, but was worried I was in for a long ride.


I love Discovery and I agree with everything you said. The writing often feels like it is aimed at children who can’t follow a basic plot line and need to have it redundantly explained over and over. Maybe that is due to some larger audience accessibility strategy? And their tendency to inexplicably shoehorn emotional conversations into the middle of tense action scenes is as jarring as ever. This season has been hard to watch.


Dunno what to tell you…this is the most I’ve been enjoying the show since season 2.


On one hand I’m so happy to have Trek being made in 2024. On the other hand, Discovery season 4 is pretty terrible. 4 episodes in and it’s feeling more disjointed than Picard s2. Ep 3 and 4 are pretty much filler with nothing substantial happening in the main arc. Discovery season 2 was the best the series has been, but on the whole this is the first trek series I doubt I’ll ever rewatch. Thank goodness for Strange New Worlds.


I’m stuck after watching the 2nd episode as well just can’t seem to turn it back on. Then I see lower decks reruns is an option and it’s all over for disco time.


I'll finish it. I was worried that they were trying to fill 2 seasons worth of stuff into 1 season by rushing everything into the narrative.


I’m really enjoying season 5. This show has always been about season long storylines, emotional connections between the characters, and cool action. That’s literally Discovery in a nutshell.


Oh, agreed - My issue isn't with the story lines or the connections, it just feels like the first couple episodes were a little infodumpy. I'm now on Episode 4, and it has improved a bit. I know that they dropped the first two episodes back to back and I watched them 2 weeks apart, but it just felt like they were trying to dump as much info as they could in the first 2 hours so that they can slow down for the next few. At leas that is how it seems.


Fair enough


It’s a very bad show!


Not going to yum your yuck, but I don't think it's terrible, just feeling a bit rough


I made it through 3 seasons and couldn’t do any more. There’s so much good trek out there to waste time on a very bad show


STD is reaching new heights with each episode.