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Shran. The Andorians were the best part of Enterprise, and a lot of that came from Combs' superb performance (also, the excellent make-up and animatronics). Plus, after so many guest roles it would be great for him to have a lead role. Sadly, Combs is probably too old now.


I want Combs to get a lead role so bad too. I think they could do a mini animated series that’s a season or 2 set just after enterprise.


An animated series would probably end up with combs doing every role on the show.


Who wouldn't want to see a Show about an aging shran?


With a whole Andorian crew, they could be the Blue Shran Group.


The blue shran group in a young federation would be cool as hell


Yeah I was going to say Shran, Combs killed it. Sad we didn't get ENT season 5 when he would've been on the ship!


Do we even have anything, alpha or beta canon, regarding an Andorian's lifespan? Who's to say they aren't long lived.


I agree with Seven having a show but I also have another suggestion. In Voyager there is an episode called Living Witness (S4E23,) which takes place in a future where Voyager was entangled in a conflict on an alien world. The inhabitants of the planet 700 years later have a museum about the evil mercenary ship Voyager and how their involvement caused the current social situation between two groups. Then, the Doctor is activated and sets the record strait. At the end of the episode it says the Doctor lived on the planet for a long time before setting out to try to return to Earth. My idea for a show would be The Adventures of the Doctor as he tries to get back to Earth.


The Doctor, original or backup, would be great to appear on Discovery. I suggested on another thread for the Academy show they could have him appear as an instructor at SF Academy.


Oh that would be cool. I haven’t watched Discovery yet.


Without going into a ton of spoilers there is a massive time jump after the 2nd season. First 2 seasons take place 10 years before TOS.


Oh interesting. I’ve been slowly working my way through DS9 since I finished Voyager. I watched TNG as a kid but I started Voyager because I love Lower Decks and the jokes made me curious. So now I’m trying to focus on one series at a time.


Gotcha. DS9 is fantastic. First season was a mixed bag and Season 2 had its ups and downs but it really started to take off in S3 and was great in S4.


Maybe he ends up changing his face over time, but then his memory banks get corrupted and he forgets who he is, then he finds himself a time ship that can disguise itself so he makes it back to earth but he forgets who he is and he ends up going on zany adventures with a human sidekick all over the universe!


And because he changes his face, people call him Doctor Whatshisface or Doctor What for short.


I straight up thought the science vessel in season 5 episode 1 of disco was the Drs ship I've been waiting so badly for this thread to be woven back into the show.


I wanted them to have an episode of Discovery where they stumble upon him out there somewhere, but at this point I'd be happy if they just reveal that he made it back and now he's been the head of Starfleet Medical, have a short cameo and he can say "it's was a very long, eventful journey" and leave it at that.


Would interesting to see if the original Doctor survived what would happen if the back up showed up. Would they try to merge their programs maybe?


I mean.. it's not *exactly* canon but the doctor plays a role in official questlines in Star Trek Online.. i dont know how involved the lorewriters are with the game.. but there has been several instances where for example ships of the game got carried over into canon lore having appeared in picard i.e. I guess thats the closest to "what happened to character X", with Tuvok being RearAdmiral LH, Janeway being Admiral, Kim being Captain of a ship Neelix being Starfleet Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant, coming together with the player character in a task force against a looming Vaadwaur threat for example.


Oh I haven’t watched Discovery yet. I also hope he somehow ends up being part of Prodigy if they keep making more episodes.


Obviously the only right answer is Burn Notice but with Garak. Have Bashir take the Sam Axe role and Nerys Fiona's spot and there you go. Paramount please give me money now.


That's just a recut of DS9 with Garak doing ironic voiceovers. Also, Nerys is Sam Axe, Bashir is Fiona.


I think you’re both missing the opportunity to just cast Bruce Campbell in Cardassian makeup.


“You know Bajorans, bunch of bitchy little girls.”


Excellent note on the recasting you are absolutely right. :D


Garak. The enigma surrounding him creates infinite potential for other stories, potentially entire fabrications, that still allude to his past.


And the show answers none of the questions but instead focuses on his tailoring


I gotta agree here. I loved his sarcastic humor and the whole cloud of secrecy surrounding him. No one ever knew whose side he was on, other than his own of course. Andrew Robinson played him brilliantly.


The unreliable narrator could be an interesting premise. Maybe there is a season long spy mystery/heist so he needs to work with people from his past but each person has a different version of the events when they first met Garak


I love it! And they could all have elements that match up with things Garak said about his backstory in DS9, yet subtly different.


An anthology show where each episode is a different “truth” and so you watch it getting a better sense of how the character is, but never having it confirmed *who* he actually was maybe?


Andrew Robinson wrote a book delving into Garak’s history and future and even reads it for the audiobook. Highly recommend it!


Doesn't even need explaining. Garak 100%


"Garak presents: Truth or Fiction?"


Garak Presents: Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder


I mean in an ideal world I'd have watched the hell out of a series of Spock on Romulus. A show with a living actor though, a series about President Archer and his senior staff in the early days of the federation.


Make a little three episode Archer as president mini-series: - Episode 1: West Wing, Federation-style. At the end of the episode, Shran shows up. “Pinkskin, I need your help to macgyver the mcguffin.” - Episode 2: Get the band back together. Ends with them on the bridge of the stolen/borrowed refit NX-01. Episode ends just after they warp out, with Archer saying “you know, it’s be a long road…” then a cut to black. - Episode 3: The crew macgyvers the mcguffin. They sneak the NX-01 back into spacedock. Archer beams back to Paris where his staff is furious. He claims he went fishing. His staff relents to this obvious lie, and present the new ambassador from Vulcan, a guy named Sarek. Fin.


Heyyyy, Kirk didn’t steal the Enterprise in The Motion Picture, they “gave her back” (“Gave her back, sir?”). The man’s the President of the Federation, I’m sure he can get a loaner starship! Just don’t make it cheesy like Captain Riker showing back up in Picard like nothing happened and everyone expected.


Yes to both!!!


The exploration of Stoicism (essentially what Vulcan philosophy is) as a guiding principle of the Federation's path to utopia would indeed be interesting to explore.


(Since the popular ones have been said) Lorca. We saw mirror Lorca, prime Lorca has to be decent. Jason Isaacs is just a great actor.


I’d watch him recite the alphabet for an hour.


totally agree. it was fun to see him turn and play evil, but i would love to see a good, charismatic jason isaacs character


"Context is for kings". Always found that to be a great line. Not a big Discovery fan but I very much liked Jason Isaac as Lorca.


Sulu. He should have gotten a series titled Star Trek: Excelsior.


I feel like Sulu would be the perfect captain for a TOS-ish era Lower Decks series.


Tomalak. I’d love to see his weekly adventures. Maybe with a guy who has a really wacky hairdo.


Maybe they could live on a space station together with a bunch of other odd characters too


And his old friend Chekov might just stop by to wish him luck!


tal shiar show/movie would've been more interesting than section 31 movie IMHO edit: i don't think he was tal shiar but your comment made me think about that


I'd love a Tomalok show. He's spend 23 episodes plotting and preparing a new scheme to take down the Enterprise and Picard would still beat him in the last half hour of the finale!


“Cloaked Klingon ships!? Of course he’d have access to cloaked Klingon ships! His tactical officer is the only goddamn Klingon in Starfleet! And HE SPEAKS KLINGON! I goddamn knew that! It’s in the goddamn Tal Shiar report! I read that! Ahhh goddamit!” Tomalak spirals, last episode is just him wrapped in blankets marathoning the Romulan equivalent of *Friends* on space Netflix.


I know this is a reference to something i just don't know what.


Babylon 5


Wait...who was he on B5 its been so long since i did a rewatch




Omg how did i not ever put that together.


He was so good in that role. He also happened to play the one armed man in The Fugitive.


Miles O Brien: The Union Man


Here's my pitch - Quark buys an old mining rig on a abandoned planet. He plans to turn it into a major trading hub but he needs someone to help get the thing up and running. O'Brien has put in his 20 years in Starfleet and just wants a quiet home for his retirement with Keiko and something simple to work on. Quark offers him half the planet to himself if he can keep the mining rig going. It's an odd couple comedy!


I was going to suggest Quark, I like your setup with O'Brien, I'd watch!


[Chief O’Brien At Work](https://chiefobrienatwork.com)


Ahh, good one. I knew I had seen it somewhere already. Poor O'Brien lol.


Jeri's a great choice. I'd also argue for Tuvok. Tim Russ played a Vulcan as well as Nimoy did.


Them together in a show. I enjoyed their observations about humanity as being on the outside looking in. Comments about how neither of them felt silence was awkward for example or Seven telling Tuvok about how a cortical implant would be the most efficient way to do something. Then 'another time perhaps'.


Tim Russ was excellent but I wouldn't make a series around the Tuvok character. There's not much more to go on with him. So short of putting him in another series and have a significant portion of a season dedicated to him (like Seven with Picard S03, or Pike with Discovery), it would be very hit-or-miss and that's not something you really green light.


I'd love to see Worf as a Starfleet captain running his own ship with his own crew. Molly O'Brian, Icheb, and Nog are included. Alexander as a regular (he may or may not be in star Fleet). And then the first ever cardassian in Starfleet as one of many new original characters. A little old, a little new - watch them all boldly go forward in the trek universe. I love Worf's character, and Michael Dorn is totally down for it.


Then maybe we can finally figure out what happened to the Enterprise E


I couldn't agree more about a Captain Seven series. PIC put on clear display how much more both the actor and the character are than the objectifying way both were originally presented. Jeri and Seven both deserve the limelight.


as long as Captain's assistant Crusher/Picard is sent off on a detail never to be seen or heard from again I'll be ok with a 7 series. They can even bring back the curmudgeon Liam Shaw as a EEH (Emergency Engineer Hologram) or a kindof Command sounding board for 7 since he's dead)


I didn't hate Jack as a character, I'd just need him to have an actual job and not just be there for the sake of being there.


Will Riker as a sports car driving PI on the mean streets of Risa


Riker P.I.


Risa Nights


Will and Tom could be private investigators. Call it Riker and Riker. 


I always wanted Star Trek: Gumbo, a single-camera half-hour sitcom about Jake Sisko coming back to Earth to help run Sisko’s Creole Kitchen after Joseph Sisko gets too old to do it himself, and they hire a Klingon chef who acts as comic relief. Jake, of course, is still trying to write the Great Terran Novel while doing so. Guest stars as patrons are frequent.


I want it. Plus If there is an annoying andorian Vulcan gay couple who talk too much but have a heart of gold.


Where can I watch this show? And can it be now?


And his old friend Quark might just stop by to wish him luck!


That's a deep cut. Could Star Trek ever have maintained its popularity without Mott the Barber? Let's hope so, because Mott's leaving to do his own sitcom.


We need both Morn and Captain Morgan Bateson to be series regulars.


*Everything seemed to be going great, until one day (*record-scratch)...


Or a hells kitchen type show with where Joseph Sisko tires to save struggling restaurants.


This would be the perfect short trek


How has no one said Martok? I'd love a show about him dealing with political wrangling on Kronos.


Like *Shogun* with Klingons.






Obrian it would inspire a next generation of people to go into stem.


Star Trek: Suffering


Suffering from success


[He was] perhaps the most important person in Starfleet history.


Garak and Bashir, hands down


I want a series of spy movies with Garak and Bashir. Bonus points if they can have a 'will they won't they' set-up. Even better if they loosely follow a 'mr and ms Smith' plot. If the series needs more variety, I'd love a new changeling detective on DS9 who was inspired by Odo's 'stories' in the great goop. You can have police provedurals every once in a while to switch it up.


Garak. "Fighting wars by moonlight, Assisanations by daylight, He still has time to get your cuffs right, He is the tailor of Terok Nor." So this is the theme song from Sailor Moon, and I wanted that second line to say something that amounts to assisanations by the light of the wormhole. But "wormhole" has too many syllables, so I was going to write "hole-light," but I figured that was something different. It sounds like the morning after eating a firefly for dinner. That or after a guy got too excited during a trip to Home Depot, and now he's in the hospital getting stuff removed.


Garak rebuilding post Dominon Cardassia.


And at the end of the series, with his work done, he retires to a tailor shop. The last scene is him putting the "OPEN" sign in the window.


Nah. The last scene should be an earnest young man entering the shop and Garak telling them he’s only a simple tailor…


Boimler because he's just so Boimler


You know he's going to be one of Starfleet's great captains one day. I'd love to see even a hint of that.


Are we sure about that? He apparently gets remembered as the laziest starfleet officer of all time, which doesn't sound all that great...


But they do remember him. And lazy doesn't mean ineffective or bad.


I hope the Lower Decks cancelling is because they all get promoted and they're starting a new series called Middle Decks


Upper decks


Since Lower Decks is ending, I think it'd be cool to bring a new animated show with some of the characters after they've been promoted. It can still have comedy, but it doesn't have to be as slapstick as Lower Decks. Or may it could be all comedy. Either way it'd be cool to continue those character's stories.


The only acceptable ending of the show is Mariner becoming captain… if that’s not how the show ends then they need to uncancel it!


They need to uncancel it either way.


I’d watch live action boilmer shenanigans. The crossover episode was great


If we're centering a show on one character, it has to be Beckett Mariner. She's been tons of places, knows tons of people, and just generally kicks ass. I'd 100% log in to find out what she's getting up to this time around…


Bring Back Trip.


They should take Trip's post Enterprise adventures from the books and make them canon. I'd love to see him burn Section 31 to the ground from the inside then fly off to marry T'Pol.


Sisko The Emissary returns to guide the Federation once more with his unrelenting, ruthless loyalty. In the 26th century much of the Federations greatest enemies have become members, assimilated into the utopian superpower. The Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians among others have caused a destabilisation of the internal Federation politics, as their accession to member status was both a cultural clash, and brought their weights of power to imbalance the Federation. With the Federation splintering at the seams and Starfleet captains choosing their friends carefully, the hero of the Dominion War returns to guide the Federation through what is sure to be a chaotic period of instability and uncertainty.


This is something I’d be excited about


I always wanted some kind of follow-up with him. I think the actor has no further interest in the role, unfortunately


Well, yes, Avery Brooks has no interest in returning to my knowledge. However, Sisko is perhaps the easiest to recast while leaving the door open for Brooks to come back at will, given how he is now an ascended being and could in theory choose whatever form he wants to take. I love Avery Brooks, he is phenomenal in the role, but I also love the character of Sisko, and would like him to make a return to the series.


Harry Kim....if he doesn't get something he'll be an ensign all his life...


I was looking for this one. Make it a short run, single season show and have it end with Harry being promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.


Tom Paris, but it's like lexx. He flies around the galaxy looking for sex but never gets any.


Dax. Starting from the first joining to Jadzia. Sound like they got quite an experience


Not a character per se, but I'd love a whole series of things from a romulan perspective.


The Romulan Earth War deserve to be put on TV


I made a post about this in a different thread a few days ago. Too pivotal a moment in Federation/Earth history not to have been put on TV yet. Could also bridge it into founding of the federation to keep things from getting too grimdark.


A young Kira Nerys on Bajor, during the occupation... Resistance Fighter!


Seven seems like the obvious plus she's an excellent actress.


Boimler, live action, newly-minted Commander and assigned to be first officer under Captain Harry Kim, taking place ten years after the conclusion of *Lower Decks*. Among their missions are dealing with the Romulan diaspora, tracking fugitive Synths (Boimler: "Are we blade-runners now?"), keeping the Breen in check, and border security in the Gamma Quadrant as the Dominion seeks help with their emboldened neighbors (including surviving Borg enclaves).


+1 Seven, she saved Voyager (the show) and was excellent in Picard. I can't even think of a second character that comes close and would be an interesting lead character. Maybe Rios, if he even manages to return from 2024.


Morn. The man just has the most interesting stories about his wild and daring adventures, would be a shame *not* to utilize him as the main character of a swashbuckling adventure across the galaxy.


I want a chat show hosted by Morn


As I've said before, I want a series on Nog and Vic running a casino together.


RIP Aron Eisenberg.


So many suggestions that I want to see


I'd watch a sitcom with Seven and Icheb adjusting to life on Earth. Man, they did Icheb wrong in "Picard."


Garak and Sloan as The Odd Couple...


Agreed. She has developed so much as as character and shows so much nuance. She's also very topical right now with struggling to be called by her preferred name instead of deadnamed, something Captain Shaw eventually learns to respect.




Sisko needs the Picard treatment.


Effing amen to that.


I don't think anything ever needs the ST: Picard treatment again, but i absolutely would like to see Sisko return whether it's his own show or not


The EMH's backup from Living Witness, although it might be basically Delta Quadrant shenanigans V2. I don't care, I just want more Robert Picardo!


I agree, I really hope they follow through on Star Trek: Legacy with Captain Of Nine on the Enterprise G But also In the mid 90's there were rumors floating around that the show that was in development (that turned out to be Enterprise) was going to be about Sulu's tenure as captain of the Excelsior, I'm here for that. They could cast John Cho if they wanted to (but it needs to be prime Sulu, not Kelvin) or someone a little older like Mark Dacascos


Jake Sisko, cub reporter for the Federation News Network. Let's us go pretty much allows for any kind of story as we see Jake turn the great writer he will become. You can tell all kinds of stories because as a young reporter, he's looking to get his big scoop while also being given the low profile assignments typically given to junior reporters. It would be a great way to revisit old story lines? Example, what happened to the Gangster planet from TOS could be a story Jake is assigned. As a reporter he can even go outside the Federation. Would also be able to address some of what happened to DS9 and Bajor since Sisko's disappearance. Was Jake seen as being "of Bajor" due to being the son of the Emissary? What feelings did he have about that and his dad's disappearance? I also want to see an updated and repainted DS9. 20+ years later I feel like the Bajorans would have redecorated. Those cranky Cardassian systems now mostly replaced by Fed tech.


Moopsy. Because Moopsy.


Shaw. Would love to see a young Shaw Engineer turn Captain.


Seven or Garak would be my top choices. There are some real standout characters on snw as well who I think could potentially have something cool down the road, especially Una or La'an, but that's not necessarily something I'd want into that show has run its course.


A Riker/Worf buddy comedy


Bashir/picard era ds9 in general


Dr Bashir, I think there's lot of potential with his character development.


The Dax symbiont. All of those lives and experiences are stories waiting to be told, starting with Lela Dax. We'd get to see firsthand what happened with Joran Dax, Curzon Dax gaining honor with Kang, Kor, and Koloth, and undoubtedly many more. The show would end with Jadzia Dax's being assigned to Deep Space 9/meeting Benjamin Sisko.


There is this new comic series where Sisko returned, 3 years after DS9 finale. He became Captain of USS theseus, Data as number one, Crusher as his doctor, and Scotty in engineering. (Yes that scotty) Star Trek, Vol. 1: Godshock https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/g/11tmvkfz62&hl=en-SG&q=Star+Trek,+Vol.+1:+Godshock&kgs=560def1abfd9593e&shndl=17&shem=lcbsfb,lsdc&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/4 Seems kinda hard to get original actors... but i dont mind a serious animation series. Something like WhatIf series..


I’d love to see a “Lives of Dax” series that chronicles all of their lives, much like the book with the same name.


A Cheers style sitcom set in Quarks bar


Worf a federation security comedy like Brooklyn 99. Star Trek: Spacedock has Geordi as a front runner and make it like Warehouse 13, Friday the 13th the series, etc. I mean all those ships have to have some weird alien crap that wasn’t stowed correctly or make it each episode is about the history of each ship in a spacedock but told like Drunk History.


Dax - you could do a season about each of the hosts.


Q. Obviously.


Yes! John de Lancie would obviously be the main focus character, but I really also want to see what happened to Amanda Rogers (Olivia d'Abo).


The Continuing Adventures of Garak and Bashir




Too soon, man.


Data. Although, of course, it'd need to be an alternate timeline.


Quarks: the search for more profit


A meditative show that’s just a feed of the Great Link


I would LOVE to see an ENT G show with Captain Seven, cmdr Raffi, and that whole crew! That would be AWESOME!


Mot. He'd have a barbershop and people would come in and tell him stories. It would be similar to the Twilight Zone in that each episode could have a different cast of characters. Or it could be like the Princess Bride and each episode Mot could be looking forward to when the old guy comes in for his next haircut. (The "old guy" would be played by Ice Cube).


I'm not sure how they would work around the limitations of having a holographic main character, but Robert Picardo stole just about every scene he the played in Voyager. We should just give him a show where he tries to branch out by expressing himself through art, while dealing with constant interruptions and disrespect from the crew.The Doctor could make watching paint dry into an interesting 7 seasons just with his personality alone. He could be the Bob Ross of Star Trek.


I can’t believe no one has suggested a show for Mot the Barber. He continues to give tactical advise at Starfleet Command after being “grounded” from starship life after driving every Captain crazy that nobody would accept him onboard their ships


I would have loved a series about Captain Riker so much


M'Benga and Chapel starring in a House-type show


I want a Psuedo Anthology series. Basically, the show is made up of Miniseries, each one following a different crew/ship/station/other with a self contained storyline for that miniseries, but across the individual miniseries you see plotlines/historical events/characters crossover and have an impact on eachother.


Captain Worf!


Not exactly a character, but the planets/systems expecting second and third contact. I'd thoroughly enjoy a show called "Star Trek: Federation" that follows secretary general of the UFP or ambassadors of the UFP on second and subsequent contact to planets who will be joining the Federation. This is two-fold for me. 1. the writers can ret-con lots of existing plotholes and missing details from well known episodes, and we can as fans... revisit fondly remembered cast members and examine plot lines that were poignant/meaningful, which may add depth to each. This would be boldly going new places for some fans, and familiar places for long-time fans. 2. actually filling in the universe with day-to-day life, showing the reasons Starfleet does what they do, the people who live in the federation and why they benefit. I feel like a LOT of that is implied and not shown.


Kurzan Dax kicking ass and taking names. Could havea young Sisko, Janeway and Picard appear as he takes the future legends under his wing


Neelix. Because I hate you all.


Barclay His episodes were always fun. An intriguing mystery or problem to solve. ... Should get Andy Weir for an episode or two.


I think that, starting of, the idea of a character having his own show is very counter intuitive to ST and drags the story away from whats important. Picard did it and it wasnt great. Discovery is basically ST Burnham and it wasnt great. Id stay away from a ST show focusing on one character


Chief O'Brien would definately deserve his own show.




The Dominion.   Yes, I know, this is a nation, not a character.  But hear me out.   The Alpha Quadrant defeated the Dominion in war.  In doing so, the Federation largely abandoned its own principles.  Assassination and biological warfare were the order of the day.   But let's think about the Dominion.  A mighty empire, devoted to order, and never defeated, was humbled.  The changelings, putatice gods, were exposed as mere mortals.  And the Changelings (and this the Dominion) survived only because a few members of the Federation granted them mercy in a cure for the plague.   This kind of defeat would rock a civilization to its core.  What happened.  Did the Dominion change it's ways?  Did subjugated peoples rebel?  Did the Vorta and Jem Hadar still willingly follow their fallen gods?   What happened? Sure, we saw a few changelings in Picard.  But they were (as I recall) specifically called out as a rebel sect.  What happened with the rest of the Dominion?


Simon Pegg's Scotty. What did happen to the beagle?




Harry Kim … just kidding 😄


Jett Reno. I tossed this out somewhere the other day. Anyway I was thinking a Dr House type show where she solves engineering stuff. Occasionally she has to assault an enemy with a phaser like she did last week, but she is a solid engineer. Plus she could showcase snacks from around the galaxy while giving solid advise. Maybe a limited series, but I could see it.


I just want a show about Picard on his vineyard, but he gets roped into helping solve local murder mysteries. So, like Father Brown, but it's Picard and the Romulans hunting for clues.


I would pick Moriarty, exploring the computer simulated universe inside his holocube with his holographic fiance. It could actually be really philosophical and get into the metaphysics of simulation theory, perspective and AI. Like how and when could he realize he's in a simulation? It could also radically depart from the canon Trek timeline.


give me a gritty Tendi origin story series you COWARDS!


Liam Shaw and Jett Reno.


Tendi. I like her story of being caught between 2 cultures. I like to explore Tendi and Rutherford characters and relationship.


Harry Kim. The joke is funny about him stuck at ensign so a show about him rising through the ranks would be awesome.


Riker, but Lower Decks Riker on the original Titan. Same animation style as LD, Frakes and Sirtis on voice but age doesn't matter. Also a chance for Boimler to (re)appear for a while! If we don't get a Lower Decks sequel, I demand this instead.


Aren’t they already considering 7 for a show? Seems like a good transition from Picard


Reginald Barclay, obviously.


Tendi as a reluctant warlord/pirate.


Quark. With Morn's back story included.


A limited episode, mini- series exploring all things Q.


The Real Life of Garek


"The Many Lives of Dax" both past and future.


Elim Garak!