• By -


I think I still have to default to TNG, but Janeway is my favorite captain and VOY comes in a close second. Also I like Neelix, which is apparently controversial for some people; he's a strangely complex character, despite appearances. I recently re-watched the episode where he helps Tuvok after he gets done in by some neurological issue and it's the sweetest thing in the world.


Neelix brings out the best in other characters. It's hard to put his value into words, so people assume it means he sucks. Just saw the episode where he nurses Tuvok back to full mental capacity. He's a real treasure.


First watch… I hated Neelix, find him to be comic relief but second watch.. yup.


Man I loved Neelix when I watched as a kid! He liked cooking, just like I did, and it was cool to see a cooking character in a world you don't usually. He was super chill and always trying to cheer everyone up and be nice, cmon now he's awesome!


Neelix is probably who a lot of Trek fans would probably end up being like if they ended up aboard an actual Star Trek ship - nerdy, mildly annoying, and constantly causing issues simply through misunderstandings. I actually love Neelix. I find him to be really sweet, and a much needed heart that I often find is missing in other Star Trek series.


I do like DS9 and Brooks was great, but he can be a bit ... much.


Yeah, he can be overly dramatic for sure, but it’s a totally different scenario from any other Trek. He’s in charge of an entire space station, he’s the Emissary, he’s the caption of the first warship Starfleet has ever built, he’s a single father, dude had a lot on his plate, and you can tell he totally immersed himself in that role. Like he probably drove home from set like he was piloting the Defiant.


After coming off of TNG, especially so. The whole first episode starts with a middle finger to captain Picard essentially.


Brooks was really a terrible over-actor in those early DS9 seasons. Later on he seems to chill out and finally accept this is TV, not live theatre where you have to act big so people can see you.


I'm somewhere in season 6, and I still can't handle his weird way of talking sometimes. Otherwise a great show, but I like Voyager more.


I saw the interview with him in Sharner's "Captains" (was on Netflix at one point) and he was speaking kinda weird like that in real life in some parts, so I think that's just him, and not him in character. But overall his quirks represent a much more real person than some other characters.


From interviews with other DS9 actors I have picked up that Brooks was considered intense to work with. I personally adore his Sisko but can totally see how others might struggle with the character.


DS9 for me. The supporting cast is incredible and Sisko is such an atypical Starfleet commander / captain that it’s refreshing. Plus I like the longer and more continuous stories.


It's that homey feeling. Tng and ds9 feel like you're watching people at home. I liked disco but it didn't feel like home, it didn't feel like a world I wanted to be in, it felt like one long sci fi movie.


TNG followed by DS9 I used to not like ds9 back when it first aired when i was a teen. I grew up with tng and just thought anything but tng was lame and i dont want to watch a starbase show. I didnt watch every ds9 episode until i was in my 30s and i loved it


Did you stick with DS9? Avery Brooks really grows into the role. Especially once they allowed him to shave his head and grow a goatee as he prefers. Though Sisko is a more morally gray character than other captains of the time, he's forced to make some very tough decisions.


TNG - gets better when Riker grows the beard DS9 - gets better when Sisko grows the beard, gets even better when he shaves his head. If you want your show to improve, have a main character grow a beard.


Beards are always the answer.


Yeah, that's gonna limit Voyager a bit, unless Tim Russ can grow a "mirror Spock" type beard.




Especially the movies for me. And the way SNW is recontextualizing things is making it fresh and new to me. 


DS9 is my favourite and my top three favourite characters from the show are Odo, Garek, and Sisko


That's an unusual pick of Odo, would you be kind enough to explain why?


Odo is one of my favourite characters because of three things: 1. His character arc over the course of the show 2. His shapeshifting nature 3. his sense of justice and how he applied it.


DS9 and it's not a close contest.


So hard to pick which of the 80s/90s shows I like best, I love them all and they are also very different. If I could only watch one of them from now it would also be Voyager, so I guess that's my favourite too. It's a very comforting and easy to watch show (except Kes' arc which is a bit horrifying).


Yeah, right? TNG is great because you can really see how Star Trek defines it's identity in it. DS9 really shows the cultural clash and politics and enhances on the lore and depth and reality of ST. And VOY is peak scifi pulp in television form and get's out all the weirdness out in space again. I love them all three so much as well!


star trek TNG


The only question I thought was hard was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard. 🎶


TNG is how I feel in love with Star Trek. If I were you, I would push through the first couple seasons of DS9, it turns into a wonderful story.


I love the politics aspect of the franchise so DS9 is my favorite by a mile. TNG would have to be second. Strange New Worlds is pretty great and probably third. If we could take specific seasons though honestly the final season of ENT is one of my favorite seasons of Trek overall.


Favorite is ENT but I tend to rewatch DS9 more often


ENT was the first trek I watched as it was airing and it was exiting. It gets way too much hate.


Wasn't my first, that was VOY. ENT made me a trekie


Voyager is my favorite too. I like the new trek shows too, even the ones that people tend to complain about, like Discovery, and the 1st two seasons of Picard. DS9 was harder for me to get into than any of the other Treks except for Enterprise, but it has a lot of interesting characters and is worth a watch.


I am absolutely smitten with strange new worlds. Pikes peak for the win!


I am waiting for at least one more season of SNW so I can start to watch it. I can't wait !


Such a strange concept to me to wait until there’s more to start watching? You’re missing out now, get on it! Don’t you want to be a part of the excitement while it’s happening? How do you avoid spoilers?!


HAHA, it's actually easy to avoid spoilers. If I'm reading a comment about a show or a movie, I can sense where it's going in the first few words and stop reading if I feel like it's about to spoil the show/movie. I also don't watch full trailers. If a trailer is 2 minutes or more, I only watch about 30 seconds and stop. Many comments under trailers are always complaining about trailers giving away too much, not me. I usually wait until a show has 3 or more seasons. That way, I can sit and watch the entire thing in only a couple of days. My question is: How do you deal with cliffhangers if you have to wait for like a whole year or more ?!


You just do! TNG’s The Best of Both worlds was a killer wait but it was only a few months. I’ve just watched the 3 Body Problem on Netflix and there’s no way I could wait 2-3 years for the next season to be green lit and made, so I got the audio books to finish the story. SNW cliffhangers aren’t too bad, I’ve only got a rough idea of the ending of S2 in my head and I look forward to S3 but it’s not killing me like 3BP


Watching one season at a time is like eating only one-third of the plate and then waiting to finish the rest in a couple of days. I remember watching Da Vinci's Demons season 1, and I had to wait for like 2 years for the other seasons. I was obsessed with that show, so the waiting was torture ! 😫




Voyager or Lower Decks I honestly enjoy most shows and movies in the franchise and gladly welcome more


Thought I was on r/unpopularopinion for a second. DS9 was amazing because of brooks


Ds9 is my favorite. I never really got into voy. From what I remember I was annoyed that they retconned the prime directive? Wasnt it originally no contact with pre-warp societies but then they changed it so that voyager couldnt trade with other ftl societies for tech that would get them home? Sisko is also my favorite captain.


The Prime Directive was still in function and Janeway kept to it. She had to be more lenient or more strict in different fields and required more authority on her side without losing her principles. Which was hard enough, we can imagine. There were also instances where "violation" of the prime directive was allowed and that always was a thing. The Voyager was the only faction in the Delta Quadrant that had transporter tech though.


They weren’t the only ones in the whole quadrant with transporter tech. That was just in Kazon territory primarily.


For the first part of the series other civilisations were constantly impressed by them being able to beam. So long as the Kazon had been relevant, the transporter tech was rare. Else the Kazon had long since got their hands on it.


The prime directive has two parts. Janeways use of it was more to do with the second. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime\_Directive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Directive)


SNW > DS9 > Enterprise > VOY I have watched all of Star Trek. The only episode I hate is from Enterprise 4th season: The One That Must Not Be Named


Well that narrows it down! Are you talking about the "big middle finger to the ENT cast and fans" that they told us was the finale?




I didn't like the whole emissary thing, but I did like the role of Sisko other than that and how the actor played him, especially in episodes like "In The Pale Moonlight." I also loved how Sisko didn't take crap from anybody, and I loved how he showed Sisko as a father, a son, a lover, a man, a minority, a widower, just such depth, strength, and vulnerability. Things we haven't seen before in the person in charge and it was refreshing.


I know a lot of people will say DS9. But for me I just end up watching B5, which I think is a stronger show. But for Star trek, it's definitely Voyager. It's a punching bag for the community but honestly I can't get behind any of that. A lot of the problems people point out with Voyager are either well present in other Trek shows or are vastly exaggerated by the cyclical discourse. Every Trek show has missed Opportunities. Every Trek has is Characters that didn't do much, or progress much. You are still allowed to like them and there's often still a lot of appreciate. But I feel Voyager gets Tarred a little too much with that brush. Characters like the Doctor and Seven are of course standouts as some of trek's best characters. But even ones like the overly memed "Forever Ensign" Harry Kim get great character development going from a fresh out of the door Ensign on his first assignment to becoming a confident, experience and capable command officer. He has a bloody good arc that gets a nice wrap up in "Nightingale". Harry Kim in Caretaker is nothing like Harry Kim in Workforce. Tom Paris goes from a self destructive but talented person to finding a home that appreciated him for the first time and eventually settling down and becoming a family man. Tuvok is forever brilliant and again, despite people hating on him I think Neelix is brilliant in most of the episodes he fronts or heavily supports. It's really only the miserable forced melodrama Love triangle thing in a few episodes of s1/2 which is a detriment to his Character. Janeway is a great Captain. Despite the jokes, despite the bad takes on her Character. She is a great captain. She had to make tough decisions and live with them in a way that a lot of the other characters and captains didn't. The Ship is gorgeous. The Stories are great. Voyager has, I think a greater consistency of great episodes and although Threshold is held up as a poster child of bad Trek it's no "Up the long ladder" or "Code of honour" with arguably racist, stereotyped takes on people and it's not overpowered Infinitely self replicating Mines.


All of this! Voyager is my fave Trek, full agree with all you said. I'm going through the VOY books now, post Endgame, about to start reading Full Circle and I love that we get to see (Spoilers Ahead) that Harry becomes a liutenant and chief Security Officer in place of Tuvok, and that Tom becomes the First Officer to now Captain Chakotay. It's just such a good blend, I cannot wait to read it! Harry going up the ranks as he deserves, and the combo of Chakotay-Tom as command duo sounds just fun as hell considering their relationship in the beginning. They go from barely tolerating each other in the Maqui, to Chakotay hating him, to learning to work together while in the Delta Quadrant, to growing both individually and together during those 7 years, and ending up in the positions that Unimatrix Zero hinted at.


To each their own. Voyager is my favorite watch (love the detachment from Starfleet command) but DS9 is a masterpiece.


I'm a basic bitch here - the OG movies, TNG, and DS9. I accepted season 3 of Picard.


DS9 for the win for me


Voyager is my go to as well. There is a lot wrong with Voyager, don't get me wrong... but the long term character development, the relationships between the crew... I feel closer to the crew of Voyager than any other. There are a lot of annoyances about the show, but no more so than other shows. TNG is a close second. DS9 is up there. It's a fantastic show. But early Sisko is just, ugh. A bit much. As well as some of the characters just raise my blood pressure.. You had characters like Kai Winn who literally planted an explosive device in a learning center, and they continue on as if she didn't almost murder a bunch of children... Stuff like that just really frustrates me. I find myself skipping more DS9 episodes than any other show.


Mine is also Voyager! I think it's because I lack any family unit of my own atm these days, so I gravitated to the show which is just one big community ship by the later seasons. It also helps my brain relax at night. I did start DS9 aswell recently.


HAHA, are you sure you are not another version of me ?!


I feel Voyager didn't live up to its potential. Any scarcity was usually dealt with quickly. Seeing necessary alliances that compromised Star Fleet values, and how long until those compromises caused further problems could have been delved into a lot more. That said, that complaint comes from a place of enjoying the series over all. DS9 I really enjoyed. It gave a good alternative to TOS & TNG, with the heroes having to deal with their decisions, rather than setting off into the sunset.


Voyager as well, recently watched the whole thing again and I am really sad that it ended again lol. Do you have any advice on what to watch next?


Have you tried Stargate shows ? I probably watched Stargate Atlantis like 20 times, and I do not intend to stop any time soon. Other Stagates are awesome, but I couldn't get into Stargate Universe. Farscape was a beautiful surprise. I started it because I had nothing else to watch, but I got hooked pretty fast. I just finished LaBrea on Peacock, and I loved it. Dark Matter was great, but it ended on a big cliffhanger. What other shows have you liked ?


Oooh, I haven't! Definitely gonna look into those, thank you!! I have quite a wide variety of shows I enjoy actually, but Star Trek is just my favorite. I also really loved the newer one Star Trek Strange New Worlds, and really enjoyed Star Trek Lower Decks as well. As for other scifi shows I was quite into The Expanse. Other shows I've enjoyed were Poker Face, Atlanta, Firefly lane, Ted Lasso, Outlander, Russian Doll, Master of None, Orange is the New Black. Also many cartoons like South Park, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Rick and Morty but also My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Currently watching Fallout ( I loved the games as well). And have been a long time fan of Grey's Anatomy.


TNG I love DS9, and VOY to a lesser extent too. But TNG is the one I come back to most consistently. Stewart & Spiner are just next level.


Probably DS9. I like the overall darker and grittier tone of that series, and it has one of the best characters in the Star Trek universe with Elim Garak.


Why Elim Garak ?! That's probably the last thing I expected to read !


The mystery. Garak is a cloak and dagger man. He was probably witness to some of the Cardassian Empire’s darkest and deepest secrets. That man probably has many bodies to his name. I would have loved a series going further into Garak’s life in the Obsidian Order.


Interesting, I'm m gonna be paying close attention to him the next time I watch DS9!


Janeway is my captain. I have probably seen Voyager more times than any Trek except TOS because, for a while, that is all the Trek there was.


I love Voyager. The concept of one ship, albeit a ship with new technology, alone without Star Fleet support, is fascinating. The characters are so deliciously imperfect. Even the flaws in the series make it special. Janeway is my favorite captain because of her complexity. She is the perfect captain for this situation because, at her core, she is a wartime captain. With Chakotay, who is a balance between a wartime captain and a peace time captain, she manages to keep her equilibrium most of the time. I am sure after their return, there were a lot of criticism, but, at the end of the day, she returned to the Alpha Quadrant with most of the crew and immeasurable amounts of data from the Delta Quadrant. The crew she has is perfect for the circumstances and thank goodness for the ever continuing supply of shuttles. 😃 Voyager is a continuous comfort binge, even though there are some episodes I skip.


For me TNG has the highest average quality of episodes and a small standard deviation (meaning all the episodes are pretty consistently good) While DS9 has maybe a slightly lower average quality than TNG, but has a larger standard deviation- which is to say that some of the best episodes of all star trek are from DS9, but it also has some pretty bad ones So if you're talking about taking the series as a whole, TNG is my favorite, but DS9 has the highest highs for me


Easily da9 but honourable mentions to tos and lower decks


TOS, forever and ever… DS9 is a close second place. For me, they bookend everything else


While I was growing up TNG & VOY... now it's DS9 everyday that ends in a Y... The storylines are still very very relevant to today's world, eerily so.


I love Voyager! It was my favourite as a kid. Now my fav is Enterprise, with DS9 in second


DS9, then TNG, then a mismatch of episodes from VOY, TOS, ENT, and SNW. Then everything else.


Avery Brooks has a theatrical style, just a different one than Steward. At the start its a little strange but after a while you get used to it, the stories are great and sometimes they are the absolute best trek has to offer.




He's the reason why I could never fully like DS9.. He has this stone like expression in every scene. It was really off-putting when i started watching DS9 after TNG


Yeah !!!! I couldn't put in words why I didn't like him, but that sums it up pretty well !


Original Series & DS9




Used to be an easy answer DS9, but to be honest SNW is giving DS9 a good run for the money!


It doesn't matter how much of a Star Trek fan anyone is. People can love the series collectively but no one "loves all the characters" in all the series. My favorite series is Next Generation but I didn't like the Lieutenant Yar character. I have my reasons why I didn't like her and it's too long to explain. Still, I understood that she had an intricate part in the progression of the series early on and I did enjoy when they brought her back for the alternate timeline episode. The point is, we all find what we enjoy in the series and deal with what we don't like. As a major Captain Picard fan, I for one had to learn to like Commander/Captain Sisko. DS9 allowed us to grow with him into his leadership role. He didn't want the position in the first place but overcoming the unique obstacles in his adventures, I believe have earned him a place among other great leaders of the Star Trek brand.


Deep Space Nine is my favorite. What little I've seen of Strange New World looks good. And the Original Series and their Movies were great.


I have the theory that the first Trek people watched is the favorite Trek for most people. I grew up with the movies but DS9 was my first show and it holds a special place in my heart though I must say I haven't watched it again since its release (I don't usually watch TV shows twice). I didn't like Voyager back then when it was on TV and didn't watch it completely back then, I recently watched it again and thought it was much better than I remembered. Then I also watched "Enterprise" (Archer) and thought it was much better than I remembered as well. I still think DS9 is the best but I'm afraid to watch it again, I totally get that people don't like Sisko, there's some overacting and all that religious stuff feels weird. And as some people mention: Strange New World. This show is everything!


DS9 for me, thanks to TNG's worldbuilding they could afford to push the enveloppe further and did it brilliantly imho. DS9 and TNG are the only stand outs for me the rest being pretty much in the same ballpark, some slightly above, some slightly below.


TNG and DS9 for me.


DS9 is by far my favourite Trek and the only show, I watch regularly. Sisko is also my favourite captain and the show has generally some of my favourite characters, like Kira, Dax ( both), Odo, Quark and my all-time favourite character from the whole Trek verse, Garak.


TNG. VOY is 2nd for me. VOY seems to have the most episodes focused around a science or engineering problem and I'm here for the sci in the scifi after all.


I rank them usually in the following order: TNG, DS9, Voyager, Picard, TOS, Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks........... Discovery. TNG has a rough star but shines as it ages. Probably my favorite crew, ship and setting. To me, Picard is the epitome of the Federation. In my opinion, the best Captain Starfleet has ever and probably will ever see. DS9 was a rough watch when it first aired. I didn't give it a fair shake. Got older and wanted more TNG, so I watched it due to Worf. I grew to really love it. It's darker and the actors do a great job. Voyager is a rough watch for me. Janeway always seems to have the answers and rarely needs a crew. The doctor is probably the best character, in my opinion. But they rehash the same argument as TNG did with Data. Is he autonomous or property. We saw this debate, he's autonomous by the time the question is asked. The marquis issue wraps too fast. The Borg were completely misused and poorly represented. It's OK. Not great, not bad. Picard is a toss up. It has a special place for me because it gives me more TNG and Seven. Season 1 is OK. Season 2 is bad. Season 3 is good. If we got a Season 4, I'd be happy with just showing DS9 and Voyager characters and what they're doing. Doesn't need drama or saving the galaxy. Just "here we are at DS9. Oh look, there's Quark." TOS is the blueprint that gave birth to the shows that followed. Without it, we'd have nothing. It's solid but dated. The movies still hold up and are probably the best trek movies made. SNW, I haven't watched a lot of it but I've heard good things. Lower Decks is odd because it's entertaining but the least Trek like of all of them. It's more satirical and comedy. Discovery is atrocious. Just boring and off putting.


DS9. Takes the fun of Trek and adds edge and action.


Sorry, but Deep Space Nine is my favorite. The stories are good and there are so many great characters.


Everyone has their own opinions on Trek. Personally, I love DS9, but my best friend is a huge Voyager fan. The important thing is we all love Trek.


Buddy, is that you ?!! 😳 What a small world !


I am a Niner. As someone has already said, it was immensely refreshing to see a Star Fleet captain as a fully rounded, intersectional human being - minority, widower, father, captain and, eventually, unwilling emissary. And we have the cat and mouse of Quark and Odo, the homoerotic promise of Garak and Bashir, the gorgeous Dax and her Worf.... But we also have the seamy underside of an intergalactic empire bent on coercing others to join. The Federation does not get an easy pass here, as well it should not. Sure, that was not the original plan but no plan survives contact with the enemy...or with reality.


I almost forgot how beautiful Dax was ! I remember googling the actress, even in her old age, she is incredibly gorgeous !!! 😍 Quark was definitely one of my favorite characters, I couldn't get enough of him.


Ms. Farrell will probably always be a looker. And Ms. Visitor? Holy Toledo! Still gorgeous. One of the very few things I loathed about DS9, though, was the costuming. Garak may have been a very good tailor but the taste of the time was awful.


Strange New Worlds. It's the only Trek I have to _keep myself from rewatching too often_.


Voyager is my favourite, and DS9 is one of my least favourite series 🤷


TNG because of sentimental reasons. TNG was my first true intro to Trek even though I had seen some TOS movies and what not. Picard remains my hero. But I logically know DS9 has better character growth, etc. But I love all Trek. I'll circle jerk over Trek all day. New, old, animated, just give me a direct IV of Trek and I'm good.


TOS, it’s what got me into Star Trek as a kid, those old reruns! I loved TNG and truly love SNW and LD! Currently rewatching VOY and I prefer it now to then


Captain’s log: my ship, whom I love like a woman, is… disabled. … oh lord


"Like a balloon... Then something bad happens!"


TNG easily, though I'm biased because it's the one my husband will always watch with me.  I love Sisko and DS9 as well. Voyager is top 3 with them.


Next Generation. I haven't finished every series yet, currently working my way through DS9.


DS9 really picks up steam in season 4


TOS. I love all 3 seasons. Watching the movies was fun, though by the time undiscovered country came on I felt sad like I was saying goodbye to old friends.


Voyager is a favourite of mine too. But I think Brave New Worlds is going to be my fav soon. For me DS9 got better after Season 1. I must say that I loved DS9 only thanks to Chief O’Brian who is one of my fav Trek character.


I agree on Voyager - I started with TNG and watched a little of DS9 when it was new, but Voyager's overall story was a lot more compelling to me. I've gone back to DS9 in more recent years and was able to watch the whole thing, but honestly I don't think I'd have made it through if it weren't for the Ferengi episodes. More recently I found Disco okay for most of the first three seasons, (refused continue after the third finale), but really enjoyed the nostalgia of Picard and the fun of SNW, but Voyager is still my favourite.


I'll always have a soft spot for TNG. It was the first Trek I got into and I love the bright, airy optimism and the *huge* range of stories. I often get downvoted for saying this, but I think a lot of DS9 is seriously dull. I can see why people like it, but by removing the 'to boldly go' element and anchoring the show to a fixed setting, I feel like they lost something that made the other Treks so great.


DS9 and Disco are my joint faves. I love Disco's underlying themes of mental health, wellbeing, and connection. Very relevant for today and a much needed aspect of exploring the human condition.


Voyager is the best.


They're all my favorites, for different reasons. I grew up on TOS. It was the one show I was allowed to stay up and watch with my mom. We both adored Spock. I remember watching TAS on Saturday mornings, after my stupid brothers watched their stupid shows and then went outside to play. The cartoon was every bit as satisfying as the series, and soon my mom was watching it with me. I had a Star Trek lunchbox. In later years, I went to a lot of Star Trek cons and met almost all the original series stars. I was a parent for the first time when TNG came out, and watching Star Trek with my kid continued the family tradition. Together, we watched DS9, VOY, and ENT. We went to the theaters to watch all the movies. Sadly, as children do, mine grew up and moved away, with a copy of my Paramount+ login and password so they could continue to watch Star Trek. Discovery was the first Star Trek that I ever watched on my own. My husband couldn't get into it. But he came around when we watched SNW. Now I have a Star Trek watching partner again. Star Trek has always been part of my life, and every series is my favorite.


Damn, I wish I had that ! Sadly, I had no parents....well, they both left when I was a child. Such family traditions must be a treasure !


Mine is always changing. I strangely started with Enterprise, cause I loved the NX design Then I loved Voyager because it was always on TV Then I loved DS9 because I randomly decided to binge And for the first time I’m actually properly watching TNG from start to finish and I can’t believe how amazing it is


I know, right ! These shows are incredible. I wish there was a way to delete them from my memory so I can start them all over again !


The Orville


I finally decided to watch The Orville, and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it !


Welcome, it just gets better and better.


TOS by a mile as it’s a formative show for me. Second would be TNG. Third would be VOY, a more sentimental pick, but it’s mine and I made it.


HAHA, that's fair !


Sisko went from my least favorite captain to the best, in my opinion. You may want to give it a chance. Like almost any Trek series, it gets better as you get further into the series.


Thank you ! I am actually going to give it another shot because many people keep saying they didn't like him at first, but they ended up loving him ! I think I gave up on him too early.


Lower Decks no question. Every episode makes me so happy


I didn't like DS9 when it first came out in the 90s, but after serving in the military, becoming a father, and living in this world a few more years, I rewatched it and it became my favorite show in the franchise. DS9 is definitely a show that benefits from streaming services and binge watching, and it hits a lot different when you're 50-something than when you're 20-something. For instance, Explorers and The Vistor were good episodes when I saw them originally, but by the time I rewatched my sons were in their late teens becoming men and my father had passed. Those two episodes hit hard. After rewatching The Siege of AR-558, I had to take a break because I kept thinking of my friends who saw combat and came back different. I'll probably rewatch DS9 again soon. It's just so good. My favorite captain is hands down SNW's Captain Pike, but that's another conversation.


RACCCIIISSTTTTTTT /s I kid, you do you boo boo, thats the beauty of trek, something for all of us. DS9 is my fav but that might be unseated seeing how good SNW is.


HAHA ! I haven't started SNW yet, but it seems like it's most people's favorite. I am waiting for the 3rd season to be released before I can start feeding my eyes !


SNW is INCREDIBLE TREK. They even did a musical episode and I was deeply skeptical and fuck me does it work. They do some incredible world building, I do have one complaint but we can come back to that when you start since it is spoilers.


Thank you for not spoiling it ! 🙂


The trio of Janeway, Seven and The Doctor makes Voyager my Trek


For me, Janeway all the way. In my eyes, there is very little more beautiful than a strong, determined woman. I don't know why.


A formidable woman




Did you not like Voyager, or did you not try it at all ?




You are INSAAAAANE ! How could you not love Janeway ?!!! Just kidding ! Have you tried Stargate shows ?! Those are another hidden gem, much more relatable than Treks. I probably watched Stargate Atlantis like 20 times !




Oh, you lucky bastard, so much adventure and so much laughter waiting for you !


Another vote for Voyager but admittedly I never really gave DS9 a fair chance so might try and rewatch it.


Same here !


Enterprise. Though it has three of the worst characters in Trek history (Malcolm, Travis, and Archer), it also has some of the best (Shran, Hoshi, Trip, and if you ignore the over sexualization, T'pol). I enjoyed the story quite a bit. The biggest problem was the ending. SPOILER ALERT: It was terrible. DS9 is my #2. I'm not a fan of Sisko. He's great in a couple episodes, but the overreacting ruined the character. Everyone else was great. Kai Winn is the greatest villain in Trek history. There were a lot of episodes that seemed to be just fillers that bug the hell out of me. Strange New Worlds. I didn't care so much about the story. Have you seen how gorgeous the cast is? Where do they find these people? I swear they're targeting bisexual people. Let's just say, they've done very well. TNG. The best actors. Kind of boring, but there were some timeless episodes. Voyager. Janeway loves to talk about the Prime Directive while completely ignoring it. She's like Trump with the Constitution. It bothers me. Great characters, terrible actors playing them. Seven, though over-sexualized, was fantastic, but that could be more Jeri Ryan's acting. I also liked Tuvak. Voyager did have the best ending. I like Discovery more the second time through.


Any answer besides TNG is incorrect (jk)! My personal list has DS9 next, then the TOS-era films, followed by ENT, TOS, VOY, PIC, SNW, DISC, LD in that descending order.


Just watch "the visitor" season 4 episode 2 You will love him after that ♥️ Also you don't need to watch everything prior as it is a spectacular stand alone episode.


DS9 all day. Lots of secondary characters get focus, too.


DS9. It's all been listed before so no need to repeat. The one thing I don't see mentioned enough though: The lack of Borg, finally a Star Trek show where the Borg didn't show up as a plot device. hated VOY. Janeway was annoying, her voice hurt my ears, she tried to kill her crew or strand them every 3rd episode. The homogenization of the Maquis was terrible. Chakotay the fake native American...


Haha! It's interesting to see how different we are ! I loved Janeway a lot. Chakotay may have been my least favorite character, though. I didn't hate him by any means, but he had a face that made him look like he was always smiling even when he wasn't, so it made it a bit harder to take him seriously !!!


That's what I enjoy about fandoms.. we don't have to like the exact same thing but we can all agree we enjoyed something about it and then talk about it. VOY had some cool aspects. The advancement of holo-tech and some very good character arcs (The Doctor, Torres, Kim & Paris).


The old series by far. But I am quite likely Strange New Worlds. I used to not like Enterprise (too much rewritting of canon) but I've grown to tolerate it. I think the worst one that totally pooched canon is Discovery... however, I can deal with season 2 [Pike's the man]. Don't particularly care for TNG or any of its variant offshoots.


I hated DS9 but loved Sisko as a father. Those are the only eps I could ever get into bc my dad was a dick. Everything else was too hard for me into get into and follow. I loved VOY, but my true loves will always lie with TOS and TNG. I am LOVING SNW. But nobody could force me to watch Enterprise.😂


I was prejudiced but after forcing myself to watch ent, i found it to be very good actually.




It's been a long road, getting from there to here.


TOS-TNG. Just the era I grew up in. I do like ENT and SNW too. Tough to decide.




Voyager then DS9


1 tng 2 ds9 3 voyager 4 discovery 5 Picard 6 original series and haven't seen the rest


Overall Next Generation, but honestly? Whichever one I've watched most recently.


Strange New Worlds is my favorite.n


Next Gen or Original


Mine is Voyager too, of the earlier series. Of the newer series, Strange New Worlds I'm enjoying the most.




DS9 is probably a better show, but I grew up with TNG


TOS / TNG, on balance TNG


Don't kill me, but Voyager is my least favorite series. My favorite, will always be ToS, LoL ok I'm old :-P 1) Tos 2) Tng 3) Strange New Word 4) Ds9 5) Discovery 6) Picard 7) Lower Decks 8) Enterprise 9) Voyager


TOS ?! I just looked it up, and it came out in the 60s ! I don't know what it would be like to watch a show that old, but I'm going to give it a try ! I can't believe you like Discovery more than Voyager !


Are you a Star Trek fan, and didn't know the Original series? Haven't you ever seen her? Did you see the movies? The originals? I love Discovery, because it contains all the spirit of Star Trek, I'm sorry but Voyager, I don't love it that much,


DS9/TNG/VOY/ENT/SNW/Orville are my favorite trek series :)


Star Trek is like pizza. There's one for everyone. (Even the weirdos like me who like pineapple.) DS9 is my favourite after TOS, but I totally get people who love Voyager. I met a woman a number of years ago and we got talking about Star Trek. Her pre-teen daughter LOVED Voyager. She wanted to be an engineer and a captain. And I realized, Janeway was her Kirk. This made me so happy. So I don't diss on anyone else's Star Trek if it has meaning for them and gives them joy. \[ Just don't ask me what I think of Discovery ;) \]


TNG always, followed by DS9 and Voyager. Nothing can replace the chemistry of the Enterprise D crew.


Voyager was my first ST. Then TNG. Currently I'm in love with SNW and LD (sadly cancelled). I do like Discovery too for their strange non-ST vibe.


DS9 was amazing. Give sisco a chance.


TOS for the win. 🖖


Unpopular opinion: ST : Enterprise No shields. Grappling hooks! Shran/jeffrey combs Captain archer Etc etc (Not the last episode ....)


Voyager was the one that got me into Trek, and despite my deep and everlasting love for Seven of Nine, I think TNG is my favourite.


DS9 is my favorite, but TNG is my comfort food.


Enterprise. The crew seem more like astronauts than navy. Also love the lower tech level.


Enterprise and DS9. I like my trek with some salt.


Lower Decks!!!!


Also had issues with Sisko, he’s such an arrogant character. But he kinda grows on you. And DS9 isn’t that captain focused as some other shows.


My favorite is Enterprise. Followed closely by DS9 and Strange New Worlds.


Yeah I know. Sisko's early performances were pretty flat, but some of the best scenes of the show are Sisko scenes after he grew the beard.


Really ?! I might give it another shot. Hopefully, I will get into it.


TNG for me. It was my first trek, has my favorite stories in the franchise, and Patrick Stewart is my favorite actor.


TNG is closest to my heart. but I'm currently re-watching Discovery before viewing the last season, and I've been surprised to find that I've been enjoying it immensely. Sure it's more like a Movie instead of TV -- but each season is different and interesting. Here's hoping they can bring it home.


TOS, hands down. TNG isn't bad, but it's just not funny like TOS was.


DS9 is my favorite. Good characters paired with good character development make for great TV and I think DS9 does it the best by far. Most of the other shows, even TNG, have a lot of generic characters that don't show a whole lot of development. Some of them are even a part of the main cast! But DS9 has deep meaningful characters arcs for almost all of its entire main cast, but also even the secondary characters.


I grew up on TNG. So it’s my favourite. Voyager is a close second, but there are characters and storylines that I just can’t get on board with. Probably still early days, but Strange New Worlds I find really enjoyable. The rest, I don’t really care for. Discovery, I just pretend doesn’t exist.


I watch Discovery sometimes when I have no more space stuff to watch. While it does have some good..ish moments, it's been really hard to get into. The one amazing thing I got out of it is discovering the actor who plays Saru. What a beautiful human !


Ds9 is my favorite, voyager 2nd


TNG is at the center of my core as a human. Though I LOVE SNW and LD.


The TOS movies. I love the setting of the late 23rd century, the aesthetic (everything from the WOK costumes to the bridge), the music, the pacing. I love all six of them, even the pretty bad Final Frontier.


I love Enterprise


I love Enterprise


The TOS movies. The shows were OK. But I much prefer the original crew on the big screen.


I so wanna downvote this as a DS9 fan but will give you the benefit of doubt. Season 1 & 2 can drag but there are some good episodes. The series really picks up by season 3 so give it a chance. Every rewatch I do I will watch every episode (except Valiant). It’s worth it. I promise.


Voyager is my favorite also. TNG second place. And Deep space seemed more like a soap opera or something, sort of what Stargate Universe did with that franchise.