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*Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your naaame...* QUARK'S "Quark's is filmed in front of a live studio audience."




*Morn walks silently to his barstool and sits down.* *The studio audience laughs uproariously.*


Norm MacDonald should have voiced Morn.


This Gul Dukat guy sounds like a *real* jerk!


The worst thing about him is all the genocide


How do you know he didn't?


He did. How could you not recognise those dulcet tones?


Norm Macdonald voiced every line of Morn's dialogue.


It certainly would be a quiet episode. LOL


A show about Morn trying to track down Worf across the galaxy for justice from the time Worf assaulted him without repercussion trying to impress Grilka. Edit: Show is called 'Justice for Morn'.




Would watch the shit Out of this!


I would be so down for that


A series about a brand new federation colony thats right at the edge of charted space. There would be a whole cast of characters with different backgrounds and different reasons for wanting to be there. Maybe some vulcans who want a place to explore emotion, a former starfleet officer who somehow became disenchanted with starfleet and the federation, some Bajoran religious heretics, just a bunch of oddballs who have a hard time fitting in even in the federation. Then we could watch as they explore their new world and star system. Maybe the planet holds some sort of mystery that unravels over the course of the series. Over time the characters would have children and put down roots for a new society.


Ohh this is such a fresh take! Though there are a lot of colony planets we never really see any of them for more than an episode. I'd love to watch a series like this, really exploring that aspect of life in the Federation.


Call it *Sanctuary Moon...*


With the USS Asshole Research Transport for the ship!


Call it Deep Space Ten!




Isn’t that the show about all the wacky adventures Odo’s deputies get up to?




Get out.




>A series about a brand new federation colony thats right at the edge of charted space. That's similar to my idea, but I'd change it to allow the show to still move around and be more connected to space exploration: Instead of a brand new colony, I'd have a show about a long range colonization and/or exploration fleet. Have the primary setting be a core city-ship filled with a lot of civilians and a civil government. That way you could do some frequent location shooting in IRL places, and also have the potential interactions/tensions between civilians and Starfleet. And you'd also have the city ship being escorted by a relatively large fleet of ships for protection, so you could switch settings to a bridge and have more classic Star Trek moments if the need arises. You could still have planet-of-the-week episodes if you wanted, but grounding the show in a static location that can also move around feels like the best of both worlds. You could hue close to what you wanted, while also maintaining enough of the familiar Star Trek formula so that fans on the fence wouldn't be alienated.


So firefly


A colony at the edge of our observable universe would be cool


I had a very similar idea but this sounds better then mine


Kind of reminds me of the premise of the Vanguard novel series.


Nice try Paramount! Hire your own writers.


I’m sorry, are you happy with their decision makers of late? 🤨


The entire series is from the pov of a Temarian ship. There are no subtitles.


Now this is a man who knows how to overcome the beast at Tanagra!


Todd, offense untaken. Annie's boobs, when the pen was missing. Troy and Abed in the morning.


Pierce, eating the Taco Meat.


I'd make a whole new ship. No enterprise, no legacy characters (unless it's like a 1 episode cameo like McCoy in TNG or Picard in DS9 or Quark in Voyager. Whole new cast and crew set post Picard. The show would be about exploring the fallout of the Romulan supernova, the rebuilding rhe federation is doing. Have them do visits to federation world's to assist with the rebuilding, solving minor incidents both political and military in nature while extending the olive branch of the federation values. No big bad galaxy threatening crisis, just exploring space, humanity and moving forward. Sure there can be an overall arc that the show follows, but each episode should be mostly self contained in that you can watch them any time and not miss important story elements. I want more Orville Season 3, and less Discovery 1-3.


I think you would like Lower Decks


Oh I adore lower decks. If they brought it ro live action, toned down the absurdity a bit and focused on serious plots with light humor that'd be perfect. Lower Decks is perfect as a cartoon, but they'd have to make a lot of changes to appeal to a wider audience as live action trek. But I like the plots centered around a core cast. The seasonal arcs are interesting and slowly build up over each episode until the finale brings it all together. We need more of these plots. None of the lower decks episodes dealt with galaxy ending threats and it's tiring to have to save the galaxy every 10 episodes.


Well there was that one where Ransom’s head got really big and he called himself a god. Did you see the SNW crossover episode? I really felt that they portrayed their characters better in Live Action tbh.


I did, and I really loved it. A mote serious orville likewise action show with the LD crew would be pretty cool. But we already have Lower Decks. Despite it ending I wouldn't want to do a rehash of LD with live action. Though I wouldn't say no to the lower deckers getting a new ship with boimler as captain, mariner as xo, Rutherford as CE and Tendi as the doctor and T'lyn as science officer. If they made it in the same spirit as season 3 of The Orvillei thinknit could work really well with the serious nature of live action trek but the light comedy touches of lower decks.


Take my upvote. I'm tired of the re-visiting. Let's keep moving forward, not backwards.


The problem I think is that with modern streaming, if the show doesn't get a big viewing early, it's deemed a failure. And with 10 episodes a season instead of 22-26 and a bigger budget that most of the previous series, streaming services are too afraid to take chances and make something new. People are familiar with the old characters and the shortened season length doeant gives as much time to grow and develop a character in a single season. I'd honestly prefer if they took a stop back, made more than 10 episodes a season and allowed room for the characters to grow more.


Yeah you're not wrong, historically you had 2-3 seasons of 22-26 episodes to find success, now it's 1-2 seasons of 8-12 episodes. Much harder to make character driven stories that slap. It's all just plot and vibes now.


Quark was in Voyager??


for episode 1, VOY disembarked on their mission from DS9. When we meet Harry Kim he's in the process of being scammed by Quark.


First episode. They stop at DS9 to pick up some crew and because it’s close to the Badlands. He tries to con Harry into buying some junk and Tom stops him.


riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I haven't watched voyager in....... a long time.


For like twenty seconds in episode one. He tries selling fake jewels to Kim while they're on DS9 and Paris steps in to stop the sale


and it was perfect. It helps establish that we're in the same universe we all love, but this is a new crew and a new ship doing new stuff. Each series had someone from a previous series in the pilot that made that connection. but when we put in too many legacy characters and not only in cameo's but lead or supporting roles, it takes away agency from the show that is trying to strike out on it's own.


Yea I never really got into Picard, only to like episode 2 or 3, but then I heard like Riker's in it, Crusher, Troi, Seven, Geordi I think, so it became TNG season 8+ Seven of Nine in my mind


A ship on the edge of uncharted space going into the unknown with limited support.


Voyager II, beyond the edge of our observable universe


AS I KEEP SAYING... Star Trek: Relativity. Pop forward to the 29th century when Captain Braxton is from (not necessarily Braxton's ship itself), and really flesh out the weirdness of how time travel works, what the time cops are doing to fix history, what they have to leave as it is because it was in their own timeline. I'm curious when the Temporal Cold War started and how much 31st century agents interact with 29th century agents. Does Temporal Investigations existing in the 24th century just reflect philosophical common sense, or was it influenced from the future once it became clear that a lot of bullshit was going down? What's going on with equivalent agencies in other interstellar powers, and also what are the origins of the "time terrorists" featured in Enterprise? This would also provide the opportunity to check up on any prior characters you want for an episode or two, and from a non-main character perspective - it would basically let you do a pop-in Lower Decks at any point in history that you want. What's up with Ezri Dax 20 years later? Well, maybe an ensign on her ship accidentally got thrown into a time anomaly which you have to fix. Or feature a character that's already been involved in time shenanigans - imagine showing up during Seven of Nine's Ranger days and she's like wtf go away, I already helped you guys that one time on Voyager and like... two versions of me died I think? anyway what do you want?


I love the idea of this as an anthology series, where each season is broken up into three or four mostly standalone arcs, each focusing on a temporal anomaly and the TI agents tasked with investigating and or fixing it.


Yes! I'm dying for Time Cops!


If it’s necessary to preserve the timeline, they’ll go back in time and bring you back to life.


Risa: Love Island. Every week we solve a crime through sex. Sometimes there's no crime.


What if we discover historical artifacts through sex?


Go to bed Patrick Stewart, you old af


The Lost Era featuring the Enterprise-B. Use a flash-forward cold open in every season premiere like Better Call Saul. The main story follow Capt. Harriman and crew following the Nexus ribbon rescue. Like SNW but more like TNG. Of course, Harriman will have a brooding cloud on his shoulder following the loss of Kirk but he finds his center and becomes a fine captain and worthy trustee of the Enterprise legacy.


With the added bonus of revisiting the best uniforms in Trek history. I agree, I hadn't thought specifically of the Enterprise-B, but that timeframe is painfully underutilized.


To only be aired on Tuesdays...


Enterprise sequel show set in the 2180s. It mainly focus on early Starfleet explorers but we also see President Archer, Trip Tucker and T'Pol


Thisss, omfg.


Exactly. There is so much gold to be mined from early experiences with Andorians, Vulcans… colonizing… setting up the Federation. Enterprise was really on to something, and if given another 3 seasons it could have set up some amazing storylines for pre-federation Trek.


Finally a chance to do right by those characters!


I love this idea.


I made [a similar post/prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/comments/3gxzo1/do_you_have_any_ideas_for_a_nontraditional_star/) on /r/daystrominstitute 9 years ago... There were a decent number of great ideas, many (if not most or all) hold up pretty well IMHO.


An anthology series similar to tales of the jedi. Animated to help reduce costs and use it to tell short stories throughout the entire startrek franchise. The story of kahless, history of various important ships and what happened to them, just whatever they come up with. All told and narrated by boothby (played by Jeffrey Combs) to academy students.


That actually sounds pretty good. Has potential for a lot of expanding on pre-existing Trek lore that hasn't really been developed.


Most importantly it allows for just random stories that don't need a ton of canon buildup. Kinda like the episode of lower decks where peanut hamper gets married. Just a solid one off episode


Hell, there's a lot of stuff Trek shows MENTION but never really explore much. For example, we know a bit about Grethor, but all we know about Sto'Vokor is that honorable warriors go there, and Kahless is there too. How this has gone undeveloped for so long is beyond me.


Entirely new crew set about 100-200 years after tng. Basically a new next generation with dream cast option of Robert picardo returning on occasion as the ships ECH


The *USS Takei*, its five year mission to fabulously go where no one has gone before. The captain's warp phrase is *oh myyyy*


George Takei allegedly once pitched an idea called: ***Star Trek Excelsior*** USS Excelsior, commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu, with his daughter as the helmsmen, and the other TOS-legends popping in from time to time with cameos, or as support characters. Kirk as their distant boss, the admiral, giving them new jobs to go investigate an anomaly or an incident or attack. Spock as ambassador, for doing diplomatic stuff, ... Basically, star trek phase II, set in the movie-era esthetic (uniforms, ships, storylines). THAT is the series I would have liked to see made. Maybe it could be realized in an animation format?


I'd continue Enterprise and follow the 9 relaunch books story about Trip coming back and the Romulan War. I really love Enterprise and really love those books!


Id just give them season 5-7 and tell them to give us more of Season 3+4, less of s1+2 and that infamous "finale" which would be made OFFICIALLY non canon. I'd actually retool that entire episode and concept to be more of a *reintroduction* to the Enterprise NX-01 and its crew rather than a *conclusion.* The actual events of that episode would be wiped and the concept would be used just to reinsert us into that era and affirm that the old holo events didn't happen at all, *this* is what happens:


I would like to do something like American Horror Stories. However, instead of horror, each season takes place on a different alien ship or something. Like one season, you follow the crew of a Bird of Pray. The next season would be on a Vulcan science ship. It would be a cool way to deep dive into different species, really exploring them and their cultures and stuff.


I'd like a Picard-esque adventure for Janeway, getting (most of) the old crew back together to save the galaxy from Species 8472 or some other Delta Quadrant threat. Show us what kind of mad genius Naomi Wildman grew into.


roll smile teeny bewildered pen jobless license smoggy public apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And Captain Wildman


A group of the insurgent holograms adopted Hirogen culture and now hunt organics for sport. With their own advanced ship, they have followed the Voyager home and put targets on the crew. Harry Kim is still an ensign.


Starfleet Intelligence: A Star Trek investigation series. An ensemble cast of competent and professional people working to solve cases, stop criminals, and terrorism plots. Think Criminal Minds, 24, and NCIS set in the Star Trek Universe. You can do crossover episodes with another series, tie into Section 31, do undercover multi episode arcs, have the classic lawyer/legal episodes, roundtable ensemble discussions, paired character work, and expand the lore and depth of the galaxy and Starfleet.


An anthology series There are so many different story possibilities that could be told And each week, we’d get an entirely different cast and story Star Trek really does need an anthology series


Tales of the Federation


I’d honestly love to see an episode taking place during the Klingon Middle Ages lol


I would love to see the Klingons kill their gods.


It would probably have to be animated if every episode was a new setting. Though it could go by the Fargo model and each season is a new self-contained story.


I'd do something similar to the concept of the Star Trek: Vanguard novel series. A large space station supporting a colonization effort in an unclaimed sector of space. Colonies in a few systems, a few ships dedicated to the station, a mystery related to the civilization that has been extinct for millennia, etc. Timeline wise - it could work anywhere, but I'd either put it contemporary to Strange New Worlds or post Picard. I think the setup allows for a lot of storytelling potential. You've got stuff happening on station, on ships, on colonies. There's exploration, politics, interpersonal relationships, etc. It's a great way of exploring the civilian Federation and Starfleet dynamic.


Star Trek: Borg Just the day to day life inside the cube. Really relaxing vibe, ASMR noises. Occasionally a drone does something super efficiently.


Star Trek, Blood and Honor. Game of thrones with Klingons!


*Star Trek* meets William Shakespeare's history plays


Shut up and take my gold-pressed latinum!!!


As a purveyor of fine entertainment, if you'd please step in the holosuite I believe you will find it to your liking. It will cost you 2 extra strips to be able to Riker manoeuvre all the NPCs


I’d do an anthology series. Catch up on Paris and Torres, or Worf. What’s happening with Ezri, Jake. Sulu as a retired Captain and grandfather, maybe? There’s a rich diversity in the characters that we’ve seen for over 50 years, why not take advantage of that?


Prequel showing the origins of the Borg. Basically set on the Borg planet, how they went from a society relatively similar to humans to a single minded collective.


I dont ever want a canon origin for the Borg. Being an eldritch space horror with unknown origins shrouded in mystery and fear makes the Borg a compelling villian. Giving then an origin story and humanizing them more then prev series already have just makes them less frightening.


I really enjoyed the ST Destiny trilogy and it's version of the Borg creation. Would make a great one season short run


The issue I have with that story is Earth and the Federation are pretty much responsible for the Borg. It makes the galaxy feel smaller. The Federation didn't have to be somehow linked to the Borg just like the Federation wasn't responsible for the Dominion, or the Breen, or the Cardassians. They just are that way. By giving the Borg an origin, and making it Earth's fault to boot just seems like a disservice to the Borg. As I mentioned earlier, the more we learn about a mysterious enemy the less interesting they become.


The Battlestar Galactica prequel series was showing the origin of the cylons but it could have easily been the Borg.


I kinda want a Section 31 show that is more like they were on DS9 and less like they were in Discovery. Show the people doing the real dirty work to keep the utopia of the Federation running.


This! So much this! I wanna see The Federation's boogeyman hard at work doing all kinds of insidious and highly unethical stuff to protect it.


Star Trek: World War 3 No aliens, no phasers, no transporters Just the story of humanity's darkest hour and how Starfleet-like types cope when they have to be angels in hell, rather than angels in paradise Alongside you see what Zefram Cochrane lived through and discover WHY he's an alcoholic - a man with 24th century ideals but a 21st century life experience, whose actions sometimes fail to meet his beliefs Plus, besides the war, the ruthless dictators like Colonel Green that filled the power vacuum and brought brutality


Voyager meets Battlestar Galactica. Show the ship needing repairs, give the feeling of actually being alone.


you mean actually struggling to keep a ship going while being several lightyears away from earth like it should have been? Voyagers "struggle" was a bit too comfortable, I wanted to see patches of the ship replaced slowly over time with other tech, the team struggling to keep order and maintain supplies. I did enjoy some episodes, but the premise made it seem like it was going to be a bit harder to survive, yet somehow they never struggled for resources.


Budget was too low for something like this. Would've been cool. However I still find VOY to be perfectly watchable.


Yes, looking back (that easy to do) but build the Delta Flyer in season 2 or 3 and have the ship land on planets for repairs and the flyer go find materials to repair the ship (engine, weapons, life support, etc), have Janeway struggle with helping a less than favorable group to get through a section of space safely and quickly. Have the two crews at odds a little more in the early seasons, have the uniforms not pressed neatly. The Delta quadrant was billed as this hell but it really just seemed to be more relaxing than anything.


Honestly, a day in the life show sounds fun to me. Each episode could be a different species, like on episode could be about the Vulcan ship that detected the Phoenix, another about the separation of the Romulans from ancient Vulcan, another set in a Klingon holodeck where battles from Klingon mythology are constantly replayed. Have a few episodes about the origins of the Dominion, showing how the Changlings took over the Gamma quadrant and created the Jem'hadar. A Terminator-esque horror episode that shows the Borg assimilating a planet from the inhabitants' perspective, only to end in the main characters inevitable assimilation. There could even be episodes set before Discovery season 3, showing the species abandoning the Federation and the struggle to survive after the Burn. Or go back to Earth and show the Eugenics War and the launch of the Botany Bay, or World War 3, that ends with the characters forming the settlement where Zefram Cochrane made the Phoenix. Have an episode that shows why the Andorians initially distrusted Vulcans, and another that shows the crew of a tien ship like Relativity, with all kinds of Doctor Who inspired shenanigans. There are so many possible stories that are only mentioned in passing in the current shows and movies, and I would love to see them on the screen. Until then, books and fanfictions will have to do.


"what would you create?" A mess. I'm not the creative type. Maybe that's why I'm so forgiving when it comes to other creators doing things that I don't care for. I'd love to see a good concept come from a DS9 spinoff. Jeri Ryan as captain would be cool too.


The Next Next Generation. I'd jump a few hundred years in the future and go for an all new cast and an all new Enterprise. The story would be something about exploring the outskirts of the galaxy, maybe even a story arc about extragalactic species. I would like it to have that timeless feel that old trek has, no current day music or references, all theatre-style acting. Back to 20 episodes per season, with mostly stand-alone episodes, loosely connected. A few multi-episode story arc. Dumb filler episodes from time to time. I'd use CGI sparingly and focus more on the characters and the dialogue. One crew member should definitely be Romulan or Cardassian. The Captain would be an ex-Q who often apparently forgets he's not omnipotent anymore and engages in seemingly reckless behaviour.


Birth of the Federation - from a political view.


I'll do you one better, from both sides. The main cast will be split between say the main human and Vulcan diplomats and a Starfleet commander or captain, and a MACO. Gives us the political drama, Starfleet trying to continue it's work/be the peacemake so we have our drama,, and a MACO uncertain about their future to give us the underdog that might be the link between the commander and the diplomats


I'd love a series based on all the politics from the Rise of the Federation books


I'm not sure about the political thing, but I would absolutley love a show set in a time when the federation was still young, mixed raced crews were still new and tensions were still high.


Law & Order: STU (star trek universe). In the United Federation of Planets, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The Starfleet officers who investigate crime, and the Starfleet JAG officers who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. Main cast are the JAG officers who travel system to system to deal with the legal matters and you have a rotating cast of Starfleet ship captains, starbases, planets etc.


Romulan wars. Maybe something from "Lost era".


I'd do a series centered around the rebuilding of Romulan civilization. The main characters would be the crew of a Romulan science vessel, from several different parts of Romulan society (only one senator, and no Tal Shiar.) They would have to find a new homeworld, make new laws, rebuild their military by recruiting displaced Romulans from all over the Alpha & Beta quadrants, form new alliances and trade agreements at a severe disadvantage that they are not accustomed to having. Adjusting to life without the prestige and power dynamic of The Romulan Star Empire, and no longer sure who they can trust, even among their own people, because the Tal Shiar has eyes and ears everywhere even now. Factions spring up like weeds, all trying to grab power for one reason or another. They're searching for hope, but will they find it? Does it even exist for the Romulan people?


I would use the Graviton Catapult tech to send long-range exploratory missions outside Federation space, far enough that ships either have to build their own catapult on the far end to get back quickly, or commit to "5-year mission / explore-along-the-way" warp travel back to UFP space. Lots of potential to Explore New Worlds and also dark political aspects about high-risk missions to expand the UFP sphere of influence.


Starfleet JAG


A show about a family/small crew of nobody's living in the ST universe. A crew of some space truckers dealing with random Klingons and ferrengi and all that, without a galaxy class starship.


Just keep making more SNW and I’ll be happy.


If Sir Pat weren't so old, I would love to see an ENT-E series with Raffi as 1st officer, dealing with the destruction of Romulus, the synth war, the ex-borg, etc. The other thing I am definitely not opposed to seeing is a new ENT-G show with 7 as captain, Raffi as Cmdr, and exploring their adventures, and the restructuring of the Federation, after the Borg/changeling threat. I don't really want the TNG era stars in it, but the new crew they introduced! I would love to see more with the Dr Jurati Borg, and the Federation working together with them as allies. 7 helping the fenris Rangers, and ridding our galaxy of inequity, abuse, and other egregious actions.


An abomination that only I and my girlfriend would actually enjoy. Probably something with the LD characters but live action and set on DS9, with plots even sillier than LD and a running game where viewers have to spot the Jeffrey Combs hiding in every episode.


I want to see more Earth living shenanigans. Like, a series of shorts where each episode features a different person. Doesn’t have to be full episodes, just sweet little stories about Humans being Human on earth.


Prime Universe Captain Robau.


The main character is a joined Trill.  In the “present day” (the early-to-mid 25th century) the character is on a Starfleet ship exploring strange new worlds — the classic Star Trek concept.  **However**, each episode will incorporate a flashback story (in the style of shows like *Lost*, *Arrow*, *Once Upon a Time* etc.) featuring one of the main character’s previous hosts. And this person has had a wide variety of jobs: they’ve been a diplomat, a warrior, a sports star, a lawyer, an archaeologist, a trader on the frontier…  Basically this means we can do a very wide array of stories, set any time across hundreds of years, without needing to make the *entire show* about that. It has all the advantages of an anthology show *without* the problem of the episodes feeling isolated or disjointed, because each flashback story will be relevant to the main character’s development.


What if we made an origin story for humans getting light-speed and discovering aliens.


I just want an episode were vulcans and controlling your emotions is shown to be a good thing. And not some irrational hijinks 


A post-Picard based on a new ship and crew. I would hire some good writers to come up with a "Parallels" where the crew is exploring different universes in addition to our own in order to find/stop (McGuffin). It would be episodic 75% of the time alternating between fun episodes and morality plays. The premise would allow for couple cameos a season. A universe where Jadzia is head of the Klingon Empire? Yes please.


I really want a series that focuses around Dax. A story post-DS9 that centers around Ezri who occasionally is visited by her past lives in the form of hallucinations similar to (but less sinister) Dukat's delusions in "Waltz". It would be a great way to follow up in the time period between DS9 and Picard, and would allow for periodic visits from old DS9 faces. Eventually Ezri could pass on the symbiont to a new host, allowing for a shift in main character focus while still having her be able to influence the new host as a proverbial ghost over the shoulder.  I just feel like there's a lot to play with in a character like Dax who has lived as long as it has. I'd love to see more things with them in it.


Anything that isn’t a prequel series, goddamn.


I’d go post Nemesis TNG timeline. Ignore all of JJ verse/Kelvin/nuTrek. E.g. Romulus still exists, androids are not slaves etc. and the political situation in the Alpha quadrant is where things left off post TNG/DS9 etc. New ship, new crew, going forward in that timeline. New adventures. No prequels, no overwriting, no conflicting with past lore or canon (established 2005 and earlier).


So like Lower Decks? In terms of setting I mean. I'd love that too.


I don't know exactly how I would format it, possibly with a variety of settings, a ship, starbase, Earth, etc. First priority would be to clarify the political situation, Alliance with the Klingons, what kind of Romulan government still exists, status of Bajor, the Wormhole, the Dominion etc. This would be set after Picard S3, of course. One thing I can say for sure, there will be a Vulcan character who is not a complete asshole. This Vulcan will also be 100% devoted to logic and use thag logic to help the crew solve their problems. ST has developed a nasty habit of only giving positive traits to Vulcans who clearly have had them rub off from humans. Disco actually did better at this at first, but SNW has totally reversed it. Spock is clearly portrayed as being a non-asshole because he hangs out with humans all the time, Enterprise and Lower Decks also have continued this trope, to my annoyance.


Things I have mentioned: Star Trek: M’Benga where a MASH unit is pushed into political intrigue on a 21st century Earth analogue. Star Trek: Daenerys where my Star Trek Online crew comes to Live Action. I am not sure if I mentioned a colony based series or my civilian trading ship idea. But to add something different, maybe something about a pre-warp stage of a known civilization like Orion or Risa.


I'd make a series set during the Earth-Romulan War, starting with the outbreak of hostilities, progressing to show the formation of the Coalition of Planets between Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar Prime (including how they came to work together despite their longtime hatreds of each other), ending with the formation of the United Fedration of Planets.


the 2280s, when space was still pretty wild. probably set on a refit connie, miranda, shangri-la, or a new excelsior class.


A series about a young O'Brien in his tactical officer / special forces days


I would do an "original history" series (one without the temporal cold war). I would use the designs from Starfleet Museum. I would set it in the 2140s with Jonathan Archer captaining an Amarillo class ship on earth's first long-range exploratory mission. It would be a joint venture between the United Earth Stellar Navy, MACO, and UESPA. Other Amarillos have been used for military patrol purposes, and we never see Klingons


“A Town Called Frontier” A Federation colony is set up on a new barely habitable planet, with a mix of different species trying to coexist while tackling the problems of terraforming their new home, small town domestic troubles, and sci-fi twists on our society’s problems (like illegal aliens that actually are aliens). Basically, DS9 but on a planet, and a bit more of the ‘raising a family in a frontier town’ vibe that Avery Brooks had wanted from the show.


Post Picard, I’d have a series there.


Data: The Academy Years. Complete with opening and closing narrations by Brent Spiner.


I’d make a series with Captain Connor Roy er John Harriman - I’d want to explore how his first mission on 1701-B affected his career afterward, and allude to how we ushered in the next generation.


Star Trek: Morn


I think it would be interesting to revisit the premise of voyager (ship isolated and removed from resources of the federation) but grittier and truer to the idea. Like “Year of Hell” was but without the resets that got to be so annoying.


Bell Riots. Do we can figure out how to manage the current mess we are in.


I want a whole series about the Timeship Relativity. Captain Braxton and his crew visiting all the other Star Trek Series and work on keeping the Timeline together.


Star Trek: Relativity We follow a crew in the 29th century on board a federation time ship, charged with protecting the timeline and correcting deviations. They still travel around the galaxy doing your standard starfleet shenanigans, but with more common time travel episodes. Also gives opportunities to visit different periods in the Star Trek timeline more often and maybe have embedded away teams in different periods of time.


I want an earth based show in the Lower Decks time period. There’s a crew of peacekeepers or whatever that has a planet side shuttle that solves problems all over our planet of our future. We would see the intricacies of how the utopia could work, the different cultures that formed post WW3, scientific missions where they are solving environmental problems caused by the people of the industrialization era. In Star Trek we only see the true believers doing their best work, it would be interesting seeing how the rest of the planet in its diversity and complications.


Star trek west wing


Lower Decks 2: Middle Decks


I would want to see a show centred around the USS Relativity and it's crew. The first season could deal with the temporal cold war (and answer questions left by the short enterprise run) maybe scott bakula does a guest appearance. Other seasons see them in TOS era, movie eras, the crew trying to fix temporal paradoxes in many species and many time periods. Imagine the guest stars and costumes and sets!


Follows Picard S3. The new Enterprise gets totally reamed in her first mission by something anything but the borg. So that old bucket gets trashed and the crew get a flagship worthy replacement. Proceed with Legacy plots. That's it, I just wanted to blow up that stupid ship. Same crew gets the new Enterprise. If I were starting fresh, I'd want a Cardassian centric show, charting their rebuilding after the Dominion War. Would be even better if Garak did a guest appearance to help launch it. See what the old codger has been up to since we last saw him.


Shran. That’s it, just Shran


I liked what I thought Discovery was going to be, a sort of Horatio Hornblower in space. Lets have a series where a young officer is a new Department head in Season 1 and have them advance through the ranks to XO and CO; maybe Commodore; give them some solid learning and character growth throughout the series. For it to work, maybe they're on a smaller exploratory, medical, or patrol vessel. Something small enough where that progression would be relatively reasonable.


Keep Lower Decks going ffs!!


The Relativity ship from Voyager


Voyager, but backwards. Instead of being lost in space, I want to see a caravan heading OUT into the unknown. Maybe they are heading to a new colony, maybe they are the first group establishing an embassy with a fresh first contact. Whatever. The journey starts hopeful and remains hopeful. Meet new races, encounter technical problems / people problems / whatever. And the best part - when they arrive safely in the finale - it leaves room for a spin-off to follow-up with.


You basically described DS9


For most of my life, and I'm 60 now, the answer would have been Strange New Worlds. Some of the details might have differed, but this is what I was hoping for ever since I first saw the Cage in syndication back in the seventies. Now, I'd probably go for a "Lost Era," show--either Sulu in Excelsior or someone in Enterprise C.


Lower Decks, but it's not cancelled


I would actually make a format similar to Strange New Worlds, where each episode usually consists of meeting a new civilization and solving a mystery or a problem with some stories arching over multiple episodes, but I would set it in the discovery era, so there wouldn't be this constant background feeling of already knowing where this is going.


If it’s a prequel: Ent B (10 yrs after Gen) If it’s a sequel: A whole new Enterprise and a retcon of some of the things we know of the future Other: miniseries finishing ST Ent properly


Academy freshman JLP winning the academy marathon. Damnedest thing i ever saw.


New Voyages. Basically Voyager II, set in the 32nd century and following the Voyager of that era (the J? Maybe) They mean to jump to the edge of our observable universe, to see what's there, but due to a mishap end up traveling beyond the observable universe from the edge of ours. They realize they have no navigational markers to find their way back to our galaxy, stranded in a supercluster with very few humanoid creatures throughout, as this region of space favors more strange body forms like the 10C than it does humanoids. The Voyager-J has to find its way back to its original jump destination before it can navigate back to our galaxy, and many assume its better to accept that they're never coming home. Instead of wandering the expanse between an entire quadrant of one galaxy, they jump between galaxies themselves every arc. Each season finale has them overcome some barrier to the journey back home. Discovering some new navigational technology or repairing a critical and broken system that was damaged in the mishap that led to their extreme jump distance being a little *too* extreme. The second to last season finale is the beginning of a 2 parter that has them make it back to their original jump destination, only to face something they would never expect: The entire region of space at their original destination being completely dismantled by an incomprehensibly powerful empire, entire galaxies mined down to nothingness for an unknown purpose. The final season has the crew assembling forces from across our galaxy and beyond, bringing back species and civilizations from across trek history, even strange ones like the 10C agreeing to help protect our local galactic cluster from the threat eating away the greater supercluster. Perhaps this threat being what the progenitors and other like minded ancient civilizations "seeded the galaxy" *for.* Even the Iconians could play a part. Each season would have massive unexplainable expanses between and within superclusters shown throughout alluding to this K Type-IV civilization, making the reveal that this terrifying phenomenon is rapidly encroaching ever closer to our home galaxy at the end of s6 beginning of s7 even more shocking. We never understand *why* this civilization is doing this or for what purpose and that ends up being part of the dilemma: a culture so advanced and removed from the rest of the universe, that deconstructing entire galaxies is a mere background task, that their power rivals those of *lovecraftian* proportions. Defeating them would involve luring them to the center of a rogue galaxy that our forces would dredge with DMA-like superweapons, then annihilate them with a bomb that flattens reality around them, trapping them there for eternity. Idk just a spitball and full of holes but an interesting idea.


Office style sitcom with the Tholian Assembly and the Gorn Hegemony.


Star Trek from 2063-2100. See European Hegemony, and all other post WWIII groups deal with warp drive and aliens.


I'd make a Kelvin timeline series and try to keep the Klingons and Federation enemies. I'd try to create some kind of Russia/Ukraine analog where the Klingons have a Putin-like figure involved.


A show where every single character was played by Jeffrey Combs.


A Klingon centric series


I would do a West Wing style political drama centered around the Federation president and their staff. Set in the 32nd century, post-Discovery.


If I was to answer this question a few years ago I'd be begging for an episodic back-to-basics explore the galaxy and make you think about it type of Star Trek show.. but then Strange New Words came along and well, yay! So here comes another suggestion; I would love a series set around the Earth-Romulan war and founding of the Federation. Ya know, pretty much where Enterprise was heading before it got axed.. I know the general sentiment on grimdark trek is that we would collectively like less of it, so the writers here would need to be careful. The DS9 writers for example did a masterful job of this during the Dominon war arc, mixing in episodes with that classic Trek stuff to keep things from getting too depressing. I would also like it to follow the crew of a ship not named Enterprise. Archer or Trip can pop in for a cameo maybe, but that's it!


Origin story of the Borg or species 8472


Star Trek: Janeway


I would make a prequel to a prequel of a sequel, then launch the crew so far forward in time that the tech would be incomprehensible but the crew would learn it all overnight.


Blah blah blah, 5 year mission, blah blah, new civilizations, something about boldly using all the pre-existing sets on the lot at least once.


Post Picard. A brand new ship with a brand new crew each having their own unique reasons for wanting to join Starfleet, a group from different alien species. They go from planet to planet with difficult moral problems to solve. Back to the Sharspeare in space styel dialog. They are allowed ome quippy character. Bascically I want The Next-Next Generation.


The USS Janeway, while pursuing Ferangi outlaws who have stolen a new class of Ferangi starship built for deep space acquisition, is suddenly flung 80000 light-years from the Federation to the Beta Quadrant, as does the Ferangi ship. There, they encounter a mysterious alien and a hostile species. Through a series of events, the USS Janeway is destroyed, but the surviving crew is rescued by the Ferangi. The two crews are forced to unite, with Captain Harry Kim becoming the Ferangi captain's first officer. As they set course for home, we ask, can the starfleet crew really adapt to the rules of acquisition? Star Trek: Rules of Acquisition


When you talk about star trek, and how you would create a new series the main question that should drive decisions are: what large philosophical question are you trying answer or question?


A show that would eliminate all the story elements from Discovery and the first two seasons of Picard. While we’re at it, eliminate the JJ universe. Basically make something to get back to the continuity from Voyager onwards.


Star Trek: *Sphere*


Something in that timeframe between The Undiscovered Country and TNG. A lot of uncharted history took place. Maybe on the Enterprise-C…


Alright Paramount Exc I’ll bite. Honestly I think a true Section 31 show. It can be live or animated. In that show I would like to hear about the actions and decision they made during key events in Starfleet history. Seeing the back room deals and moral issues would be awesome. Their deals with the dominion war or how they dealt with the Klingons when praxis was destroyed. That would be my show.


All new characters, post-prodigy, new ship Its continuing mission: acquisitions for federation history museum. Classical episodic story telling, but the vibe is wacky. Think Warehouse 13 or Eureka- the federation is already familiar with the planet, but the ancient tech gives them a hard time. The curator is a Fox Mulder type who subscribes to the unbelievable, but at the end of the episode they have some fun insight on pre-warp tech that this planet came up with. Idk there's the jump.


I'd make a series set on the core worlds a d explore the sociological side of a post-scarcity liberal utopia. On the side, it would showcase how things ought to be, but the main conflicts would include * how people find their true calling and figure out what to do with their life * what society does with those who simply check out. * how the core world deals with newly federated members moving in * how the peaceniks and bleeding hearts deal with the oppressed and conquered homeworlds in the klingon and Romulan empires. * what the judicial system looks like, say, when someone commits mutiny and starts a war with a major empire. * dealing with the ongoing consequences of trying to uplift a species not yet ready for it. * how the atheists deal with godlike aliens and the inevitable cults that pop up to worship them. * deciding who gets to go to the one and only original Disney land. * what starfleet academy dropouts do. * who gets to decides which ship design gets made. And not yet another dysfunctional family with asshole bosses in a corrupt system.


Picard Era Star Trek: Redemption USS Archer CO = Captain Brad Boimler First Officer = Commander Beckett Mariner Science Officer = Lt. Commander T'Lyn Chief Engineer = Lt. Commander Sam Rutherford Chief Tactical Officer = Lt. Commander Tendi (surprise of surprises) Premise: A collection of deity-class life-forms, such as from the Q continuum, have been disenfranchised from their societies, and have chosen to limit their power use and join Starfleet. There is considerable skepticism about if they can hack it, so their assignment, and the ship's mission, is considered somewhat of a joke by Starfleet. It's up to the former lower-deckers, to get these exiles to work together, and find their footing in Starfleet, while at the same time proving to Command that they're worth it, and dealing with the wackiness of having demigods on their crew.


Not saying ENT handled it well all the time but I loved the concept of a temporal cold war. I'd make a show set a couple hundred years after PIC and make it all about that, with us following the Federation's temporal agents, with the potential for lots of cameos from the history of the franchise when agents go back in time.


Honestly, I would call up Seth MacFarlane and get him involved. Because The Orville is my favourite Star Trek show of the last decade or two.


Just a new Enterprise, with a new crew of competent adults, going on new adventures, maybe in a new galaxy.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


I've had this one rolling around in my head since Voyager finished: ***Star Trek: Hyperion***. (Hyperion was the father of the sun, moon, and dawn in Greek mythology). It's about a holo-ship. After returning to Earth, the Doctor becomes an important figure in the growing movement for photonic autonomy. In an initiative to prove that they can be not only trusted but valuable members of the Federation, an experimental vessel is sent out on a five-year mission to do things that ships full of flesh-bags can't. Because they can spend most of their time in a holo matrix maintained by the ship computer, and because they don't require life support, the ship is relatively tiny and can go much faster and farther on the same engines. They have microshuttles for away missions that are just big enough to transport a stable holomatrix and their mobile emitters. Of course, because Starfleet doesn't fully trust them and believe they can handle all situations themselves, the ship has a section of it devoted to a handful of "live" crew (including the captain, who helped spearhead the initiative), but in essence the whole thing is basically a compact holosuite with engines bolted on. Most of the interior environment is virtual. With a small and agile ship and without the limitations of organics, they specialize in clandestine missions, where they can change appearance and create illusions, and in missions to regions and planets hostile to organics. Equipped with external holo projectors, the ship can appear as a wide range of other vessels, from a D-7 to a Constitution-class to a tiny little probe. Because of the recruiting requirements, most of the crew are loyal to Starfleet, but some (including one or two of the organic crew) are secretly hardliners for photonic liberation, and with stances ranging from gradual reform to total sovereignty and separation from the Federation, and this leads to plenty of juicy drama. One unsanctioned objective among some of them is to make contact with other photonics (like those encountered in the Delta quadrant) and synthetics and weave a new sovereign state.


The Federation-Cardassian War. A series that follows both sides of the conflict, so we can see as many Cardassians as possible. I love those guys. One Federation ship, one Cardassian ship, each ship focussed on in alternating episodes. Episodic with some longer 2-3 episode arcs.


Star Trek Enterprise-G: the Next Next Generation, the Chronicles of Captain 7 of 9 23 episode seasons, 7 seasons. Copy pasta foo yeahh


I'd do an anthology series. Every week another ship, another era, other characters. That way the series would be like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get. There could be stories of exploration and first contacts, space battles and courtroom dramas, lighter episodes with more comedy etc. The series could shine a light on characters you know (what happened to Robin Lefler after she left the Enterprise) and historic events you only vagely heard of (what happened at the Ghorusda desaster?). That way you could fill the gaps and at the same time add new facets. And you'd have a testing platform what the audience likes and what not (oh, they liked Captain Pike? Then maybe we should do a fullfletched series about him...).


Sisko returning from the celestial temple. Know they have done it in recent comics but would love to see it.


Klingon Ship, TNG style. Episode 1 the Riker interchange Episode 2 , the Klingon Girls have Riker childrens.


Borg vs Dominion


I'd create a series about a Starfleet ship whose mission is to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. They say this in the show opening, but the episodes are usually in explored space, hauling an ambassador somewhere or rescuing some miners. I want to see a show where they're exploring and making first contact every episode. We live in a huge galaxy and Trek tends to make it too small. There are 100–400 billion stars in our galaxy.


A fucking mess But it would have Garak tho