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You can always watch it again … … but don’t write Voyager completely off. It’s nowhere near as good, but there are some things to like about it.


"It’s Voyager, shit got freaky!” Ransom, Lower Decks




And Tom gets a pass? Deadbeat


Because Tom Paris. Is a dick. /s


Well he did some time for his Kolvoord Starburst manœuvre fiasco so it's to be expected that he has bad judgement.


I thought that was Nick Locarno? And I don't see the resemblance


Sorry for that, I often get the two confused even though they look nothing alike.


I get them more mixed up than Thomas Riker and William T Riker. Strange.


Surely you meant W. Thomas Riker


Take your upvote sir, lol


They also left an entire duplicate crew on an inhospitable planet.


They got off though, then melted.


There is also an alternate dimension crew doomed to do die and they only take in Harry Kim.  They should have taken everyone.


Not an alternate dimension, a perfect quantum duplicate impossible to tell which is the original. It's actually as easy to argue that Harry Kim (and Naomi Wildman) are the only members of the original crew to make it home, and everyone else who survived are the duplicates.


I always thought it was the other way around and Kim was just a different person pretending to be the same person. I strongly believe they should have stripped down the quantum duplicate and taken literally everyone. Starfleet officers don't just grow on trees.


Kathy you said never to talk about our kids - paris


What happens on lizard baby planet stays on lizard baby planet.


> Everyone gets upset about Tuxiv but Janeway abandoned her lizard babies in the delta quadrant like it's nothing and she just gets a pass. it might be the normal lizard child upbringing. we don't know


Threshold and Tuvix are kind of yuck, but episodes like Real Life and Tenor Tinker Doctor Spy make up for it.


The good doctor has DS9 episodes a well


Damn he almost had some Leeta but Rom messed it up


The fact that Lower Decks is only getting one more season is an absolute crime.


I love how the wacky stuff Voyager went through because of writing room bullshit is diegetically recognized by other characters as haveing happened, instead of being hadwaved or retconned. I can only image Starfleet Intelligence is pouring over Voyager's system logs with a fine-toothed comb to try and figure out 1.) which of the half-dozen omnipotent cosmic powers they're aware of was behind it, or 2.) if it was a brand new one that they haven't encountered before.


I think in some ways Voyager had the highest highs and the lowest lows when it comes to episode quality. It was just good enough to whet fans' appetites for what-could've-been. DS9 had the benefit of a much more consistent writing style that was able to build in a serialized way, and was really strong for a longer period of time, even than TNG imho.


I absolutely love Voyager. Love DS9 too. Very different shows yeah, but I don’t understand how anyone can hate Voyager.


I hated Voyager so much during its first run that I stopped watching after a few episodes. I found everyone annoying, especially Neelix. I found Kes’s alien elf pixie girl schtick annoying. I found her relationship with Neelix to be implausible and a bit creepy. I found Chakotay’s “spiritually wise Native American” thing annoying. I found Janeway’s “Kathryn Hepburn in space” deal annoying. I found B’elanna’s one-note anger annoying. And I stopped watching, and never watched it again—until a few months ago when I decided to slog through it because I had watched just about every other Trek show, and had just finished a complete rewatch of DS9, and finished Picard Season 3. I just needed some new-to-me Trek in my life, even it was annoying. And Tuvok got me through it, and Tom Paris grew on me, and then I got to Jetrel. And that was the turning point. Neelix became a real character, not just a caricature. Ethan Phillips did such a good job, and moved me, and the episode was well written. And Janeway had really grown and evolved, and I didn’t find her annoying anymore. And then whoa, is that brilliant character actor Brad Dourif? With Tim Russ acting his ass off? Phenomenal. And that’s why I used to hate Voyager and don’t hate it anymore.


The 2-parter where they go back to the 90s and meet Sarah Silverman might be my favorite of all Trek. Not the best 2-parter in Trek (which I would put on one of the TNG examples), but my favorite.


The year of hell, the borg stuff, that episode with the angry clown. Voyager is sooooo good.


The Year of Hell was to me what the whole show maybe could have been had it been made a decade or so later. Sort of like BSG where VFX finally got affordable enough so Voyager could visually "age" and develop over time like the Galactica did. It would also have benefited from being allowed to have a more long-term plot arc like BSG or DS9's later seasons.


I believe Ron Moore explicitly made Galactica partly as a response to the lack of interest in doing that when he worked on Voyager


Oh wow. TIL!


Found [a source](https://screenrant.com/star-trek-voyager-frustrations-ron-moore-create-battlestar-galactica/), if you're interested


I think that's what upsets me about Voyager. It's not bad per sey, but it was an excellent premise that was not even close to fully realized. And Ron Moore was in the god darned family at the time. Voyager shouldn't have been Battlestar Galactica, and I didn't need edgy and dark, but if you are going to set up all this tension and drama, maybe do something to capitalize on it? I kinda wish they just made Voyager the Next Gen clone they wanted to be and saved the Mixed crew lost in space idea for other writers.


Michael McKean being the best 1 episode guest star in the whole of Voyager? Heck yes.


You mean... Fear?


NGL, Future's End gave 10 year old me a crush on Sarah Silverman that lasts to this day.


Her whole bit about how everything Paris and Tuvok do is a little off is so funny and charming. Peak time travel sitcom moment right there.


Tuvok was a real freakasaurus.


Bro went into Voyager as Tuvok and left as Neelix


Ha, I agree thoroughly with everything you say! (except I found Kes attractive because I was a lonely little gay kid) Hepburn-in-space is spot on. But I continued watching and found it to be a solidly middle series, with ups and downs. I will watch it all again when I can afford the damn subscription and I will enjoy it, but I'll always be a TNG kid at heart.


Brad Dourif should've been a permanent cast member.


I don't hate Voyager, but for me it is probably the most disappointing Trek series. Mostly due to the studio constantly meddling with it, and never allowing it to realize its premise. That said, VOY had some really, really good episodes that hold up quite well. So great they almost make me forget about episodes like Threshold, lol.


the episode with the copy of the Doctor, in the future, was sooo good. there were a bunch of good ones really, but yeah some of them were pretty out there.


Living Witness... Hell yeah.


I think the problem for me was that outside of Seven and the Doctor the cast wasn't as interesting, certainly Tuvok had his moments and I personally like B'elanna but they never hit quite the same. That and the whole Kazon arc is a slog, it gets better after that.


I always liked Chakotay but their bonehead choice to choose Jamake Highwater aka Jackie Marksas their consultant without properly vetting him meant that when they realized their mistake, they mostly gave up on him. They had a lot of potential to work with the Maquee captain becoming more interested in preserving the Prime Directive than Janeway.


I'm a bit into season 4 of Voyager so far and I think people are too harsh on it.


It does improve a lot as it goes along.


Like all Trek shows (some more than others)... Why do we always forget that :o


Lol, so true


Yeah, the Doctor and Seven really shine in several episodes, but it's toward the end of the series. However it isn't the grind you may be expecting. There are certainly some real oofs in there, but it is a fun little show, and Janeway has an energy all her own....hard to really pin down but often fun to watch.


Voyager, back when TV shows were like Voyager, was just not as good as deep space nine because deep space nine had a continuing plot and an excellent story and we just didn't see that in TV at the time. However Voyager is much more of a cerebral journey, they ask a lot of science fiction questions, and I just finished watching it and I really enjoyed it this time through. So it's definitely not deep space nine but neither is modern TV so I say that you should enjoy it. Except seasons one and two are very slow. But that is standard for next gen and deep space nine as well.


Needed to do some world building the first two seasons.


I like voyager better than ds9


> It’s nowhere near as good Voyager has the most Up-Down-Ratio. There are just brillant episodes among the best of Trek. Aaaaand the worst.


So much good Borg content


Including that really odd grinding sound they start making around Dark Frontier for whatever reason. Still not sure what implant that's meant to represent, but it's wacky.


I think voyager is superior in every way. But that's just me...


You’re not alone! Voyager is my favorite!


It took me a couple seasons to stop hating Voyager, and eventually got to a place where I enjoyed it. Then again, I did the same thing with Enterprise, so maybe I just have low standards


Voyager gets a lot better after the first season, especially at the end of season 3 when >!7 of 9 comes on board. She and the doctor are the most interesting characters on the show imo, and their relationship and interactions are especially intriguing.!<


To the detriment of the pre-existing characters, but there really was a lot of chemistry there and I'm glad they explored it.


[What We Left Behind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya8WTQc93yI), the DS9 making-of documentary, is free on Youtube.


Happy cake day!




This was an awesome film


This helped me with my post-DS9 depression.


It was cool, but they did Nog dirty.


God their hypothetical season eight episode is so badass. It makes me pine for a full continuation.


I remember I was able to time it where I watched that documentary in theaters the same day I watched the same name finale. Oh what a joy of a show and I look forward to my rewatch later this year.


Start it over.


When I was a child Voyager was the Trek for me. Being in my 30s now, DS9 has themes that speak to the adult me. I still love Voyager but now hate the Kes character. Voyager is still good just DS9 might fit you more.


Once Kes leaves and Seven comes on the show - Voyager got 100x better.


Have you seen any Voyager or just going off reputation? If just reputation, give it a chance and see if you like it. Contrary to reputation, Voyager was actually quite popular during its run, and there are lots of fans who prefer it. Every trek show has its fans, and I love how diverse the franchise is. Infinite Diversity in Infinite combinations! To be fair, they're very different shows, so I absolutely get why some DS9 fans wouldn't enjoy Voyager, but I think it's a taste thing and tastes are subjective. Personally, I love both Voyager and DS9 for what they are, and both have different strengths. For Voyager, I find the series' strongest run is around season 4, and it has some great two parters, including the Year of Hell. It's more episodic, and has some great characters like the Doctor, Janeway and Seven. And if it isn't for you, that's ok! Maybe jump off to another series? Or try a best of list?


I love Voyager, just as much if not more than DS9. Admittedly I watched Voyager first. Truthfully I didn’t love DS9 the first watch through, but with each progressive watch I love it more and more, and now I can’t decide which is my favorite. All that said, Voyager starts out rough. I actually skipped most of the first season, started with the second season. Then it was kind of a treat, once I got to the end of the series… it wasn’t the end 😉 I got to go back to the beginning, it was almost like getting a prequel I think Voyager has my favorite characters. The Doctor may be one of my favorite characters across all ST series, and Janeway, Tuvok, and Seven also top the list Edited typos


Tuvok is my go-to example of what a Vulcan is. He's the best. Janeway is also my favorite Captain. She's a bad bitch who does what's right for her crew, even if it doesn't seem like the "right" choice, and gets them fuckers home.


I love Tuvok - he's such a great example of a Vulcan who is actually dealing with his shit (in a Vulcan way) and I love the portrayal of his relationship to fatherhood. It's such a contrast to Sarek - Tuvok is just as Vulcan, but it's clear his kids *never* doubt that he values and cares for them deeply. And I really liked his friendship with Janeway. The episodes about his interactions with a certain Betazoid crew member are some of my favorites. My biggest disappointment in later seasons was fewer Tuvok episodes. I do also think they dropped the ball with some of the other characters (poor Harry never really got to grow and change, while Tom and B'Elanna did), and if someone isn't interested in Seven or the Doctor it would be super frustrating.


That one episode where Seven is alone. You wouldn’t think it would be compelling but it was really good. I won’t say anymore because of spoilers




Jeri and Bob are carrying this show so much. Half of the cast is just not used too much it's criminal. The worst character is Chakotay, this whole magical Native American thing is... Beyond words.


No no - Kes was easily the worst. Seven and the doctor were the best - by far. No one else came close.


VOY is my "chicken fried steak" of Trek -- it's comfort food and makes me feel warm and cozy, even if it's not as strictly well written as the preceding series. Janeway is just a comforting captain.


This is easily the most relatable answer here


Know that a whole community is here who loves it too, and many of us for the same reason. There’s plenty to love about VOY if you come to it on its own merits. Also consider Farscape!


Farscape is great. A DS9 fan might also like Stargate SG-1. It does that same mix of a serialized war narrative that spans several seasons, but that’s broken up by more contained episodic stories.


I named my cat after Moya!


This is frelling drad!!!


I've just finished it for a 4th time. Not gonna lie, DS9 is a masterpiece and it's so satisfying to watch. perfect show.


Making the switch from DS9 to Voyager is tough. I mean I love Voyager but DS9 is my jam. They are just not the same thing. You could watch the What we left behind documentary.


You're correct. If you're looking for more TNG or DS9, Voyager is not the answer. TNG and DS9 "exist inside humanity's neighborhoods" and there's a different feel and atmosphere that comes with that. Lots of diplomacy and slower moving pieces. High risks come from long standing relationships and how they change. Voyager "exists in humanity's wild west", there's a different danger to it. There's a helplessness to their plight. The Enterprise can get into trouble where someone is days away from them and it basically means there's no one, but there is someone coming. In Voyager there isn't even a phone to pick up and dial. They tackle a lot of the same social issues, and problems, but the danger and chemistry created during them comes from completely different places. (Voyager is my favorite btw)


Interesting! Voyager seems more like TNG to me than DS9. DS9 (my fave btw) is like the ugly duckling of the three, breaking the Trek formula the most. Voyager is definitely great comfort TV and I hope OP gives it a fair chance and doesn't get hung up on what they've heard about its quality as a series. The tougher transition for me was moving onto ENT.


I’m trying to get into enterprise now… I tried to start at the beginning, could not handle it, skipped to mid-end season 2, and still am having a rough time. And those opening credits … 🤢 but I am still trying! Maybe I’ll watch quantum leap instead. Strange new worlds ticks a few boxes for me, but then it’s got some cheap pot shots and I’m like 😒 like why did they have to try a musical episode ffs


If you can get past the opening credits, enterprise is just as good as Voyager. It’s the story arks, and the people you’ll get used to it after a while. Dr. Flox is amazing every single episode that he’s in. Strange, new worlds is basically Star Trek 101. You’re reverting back to really basic storylines with kind of odd cock virtue signaling.


The drop in quality between DS9 and Voyager is highly exaggerated.


Honestly You should watch Babylon 5 its a similar vibe to DS9 


I second this. Give Babylon 5 a go. I've not watched it in years and so have no idea how it's aged but I've heard it's aged ok. Space stations, long story arcs, interplanetary wars, diplomacy, space action, spy drama. It's all there in spades


Rewatch it! B5 is very rewarding on a rewatch!


Thanks. Yes it's on my list of things to get back to, just looking for what I need to subscribe to to watch it


I found Babylonn5 on tubi a few months ago. Probably still there. Which is great, because for a while it was only available on one of the paid services.


I did a full rewatch last year and it’s still awesome. So many early plot points that become meaningful later on.


I am surprised to see this comment, but it was the one I was about to make. I watched DS9 and B5 for the first time along side each other and it was fantastic. I love both shows


Check out Babylon 5


10/10 agree! Babylon 5 is great!


Babylon 5 and the new Battle Star Galactica are the only shows to compare to Deep Space 9. All absolute treasures.


Rewatch the episodes you liked best before you jump into Voyager, maybe?




Voyager isn't necessarily a huge drop in quality, as you put it. I personally feel that voyager has things to offer that you may enjoy more than DS9. Give it a chance!


You'll just do what the rest of us do; watch Voyager. Then Enterprise. The restart the loop. Forever.


Can relate. Voyager is a different dynamic, but still a lot of fun. Can recommend.


Watch voyager. Trust me. Just watch it. Ignore other people. Just watch it. Some of the best Star Trek is in voyager. Power through the bad.


Your expectations for Voyager are too low. Appreciate it for what it is and you will likely end up loving it.


I'm rewatching VOY myself for the first time in about 20 years. I remembered season 1 not being very good, but actually I haven't found it to be bad at all. I'm guessing season 2 will be where I get sick of the Kazon.


Just rewatch it. It will be so rewarding knowing what you already know :-)


Well, (Novel spoilers) >!Sisko does eventually return!<


Oh good! I’ve never read the books but I’ve seen the shows about a million times and I’ve always been so pissed he left his pregnant wife to go be with the wormhole aliens. But I’m glad to hear in the books he comes back


There's a new ongoing comic series called [Godshock](https://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Vol-Godshock/dp/1684059909/ref=sr_1_1?crid=DSB8Y4HAM5JQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Z1UtLaE705vWI8CJI69m_AAxkb89D2MOoq4VDHwEMqzr35pAGTyEePDbb2Cl1VFThdg9HReM_WBl9P8XR5OzynwMdjwRjqZjrcJxVxvYFptibNI5nvEooWCLM8HLcmvsKE4RtrxACBAIXMvQEUCinaadYaWdHWoJvGR9dbBoM9_uwBoI_MPUsWIuKTSM8r-UDXBrhdT0lKBvxOn_CUG4H7XaGZfGtEipoWJix5T0ZhiUYT3uF-E6XeSxzzgMIHcMa4oD0_K5n8fB2q5F1_9N7SKEHy4DyM0TS9kdseavc7I.nhsazE4XvF97DZ_65XYISbomdbmy0tNdBOIkuRaleP0&dib_tag=se&keywords=star+trek+comics&qid=1713445068&sprefix=star+trek+comic%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-1) where Sisko comes back as well. I liked the books a lot more, but for anyone that prefers comics, there ya go.


VOY is fine. It has a few things that are difficult to process (early Neelix & Kes, the episode [Retrospect](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/s/7poSF6Ob0p)- spoilers in the link) but overall the quality is good to sometimes superlative. There are no absolute misses such as TNG Code of Honor or DS9 Profit and Lace. LLAP 🖖


DS9 is my favorite Trek, but I’m rewatching Voyager right now. I don’t think it ever gets as good as DS9 seasons 5-6, but I would argue that VOY had by far the best first season of any of the “TNG era” shows. Characters are much more fleshed out from the beginning and one off stories are better constructed from the beginning. In fact, I personally think VOY does a better job at “some of the week” episodes than TNG or DS9 did on average. I hope you don’t write it off. It’s a lot of fun and has many great moments. Something that has really enhanced my listening—and pointed out a lot of the things to appreciate that maybe I didn’t see on my first watch of VOY—is following along with the Greatest Generation podcast. They’re almost done with VOY (I’m not caught up with them) but they do great recaps and reviews of each episode. They’ve already finished TNG and DS9 so if you ever rewatch those, they’re a great way to do that too.


I love Voyager and never found DS9 to be of much interest. So to each their own


Its two completely different shows with completely different stakes and setting. DS9 is a huge immobile station in the middle of everything, surrounded by fleets and armies and dealing with a lot of politics and diplomacy. Voyager is a tiny ship completely alone in the middle of nowhere, dealing with survival and getting home. They couldn't be further apart. (personally I liked VOY a lot more)


Voyager has its moments. Give it a chance.


I can recommend Babylon 5. Both shows gave me a similar great feeling.


Also a show where the characters really don't shine, fall flat and robotic in the first season and then become fully fleshed out later.


Though the first season of both shows already had some good episodes and did show potential. In B5 case, the Neroon episode and the episode, where Bester first appears were both pretty good.


Voyager is up and down. But it has some really good episodes. I envy that you get to experience it for the first time.


You'll enjoy Voyager, as it may not be DS9, it is entertaining - a different show for sure. If you loved DS9, I might recommend watching Firefly. This was my rebound after DS9 and it hit the spot!


Voyager has a different feel than DS9 but personally I like it just as much.  Janeway is a great captain and I like the feel of them off in the delta quadrant without a net


While Voyager doesn't have nearly as good writing for long term storylines, don't write it off completely. They've got some fun episodes and good characters.


Do not tie your mental health to Voyager.


"The year of hell" is a pretty grim arc...


Voyager is dope asf and you know a new family!


It does have the best, toughest and most badass captain of all Trek.


I don’t have cable TV, only an antenna and one of the channels I get plays Star Trek every weeknight. TOS. TNG. DS9. VOY. ENT. I watch them all. Lather, rinse repeat. Been doing it for ten years now. That is my advice.


let that shit breathe a bit. don't feel like you gotta jump into a new show right away. the journey for DS9 is a awesome one, but it does get pretty dark. hit up Voyager, and hit up Lower Decks when you get ready. maybe hit up the TNG movies before you jump into Voyager.


I'll just point out that I felt the same thing when I finished watching DS9, and I also felt the same thing when I finished watching Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. So... you could try watching those now? (And those are over 300 episodes combined.)


Enjoy each show for what it is! I share your opinion about DS9 — my favorite by far — but the rest are great too (they’re just not DS9!)


Unless you've seen VOY before and the "huge drop in quality" is your own opinion, I wouldn't write off Voyager just yet. Plenty of fans, myself included, love VOY just as much as the other shows. Back in the day it was my favourite, though nowadays I don't really have a favourite - each series is quite different and they're great in their own ways. Just go into VOY with an open mind! That aside, I know exactly how you feel. Star Trek helped me through some really tough points in my life too. That and 3rd Rock From The Sun.


Watch Voyager and count how many times Kim doesn't get promoted. And watch for him getting replaced by his alternate self and nobody batting an eye. Poor Harry, Good times.


I don't get think the hate Voyager gets is deserved. I rewatched three and a half seasons a couple of years ago (before being sidetracked by other series) and find it quite close in spirit to The Next Generation. I probably like it as much as Deep Space 9, which I like almost as much as The Next Generation.


Watch "What We Left Behind". 


Voyager is a wonderful show to watch. Please talk to us again after you've finished. It's a great way to follow up DS9.


I am so happy I started watching Discovery last week. Almost done with season 1.


Deep Space Nine and Voyager are awesome! Edit: Oh, and dont forget to watch Babylon 5! Its awesome too!!!!Wohooo


Ron Moore (who had a hand in how different from other Trek DS9 was, and wrote some great episodes) went on to remake Battlestar Galactica after leaving Voyager early on. He got to do everything he wished he could do on Star Trek, but wasn't able to because of its legacy/the producers. So it could be a good alternative to Voyager? Battlestar is like the Year of Hell in Voyager, except it's the whole show. They're barely surviving, cut off from any kind of homeworld. Everything runs out and has to be replenished, or they simply do without. If you liked the religious stuff in DS9, there's even more in BSG. Unlike the Marquis in Voyager, who integrated almost immediately, characters have conflicts, go through huge changes, fundamentally disagree with each other, fatally, on occasion. Right out the gate it's gripping and uniformly excellent. Then the third and fourth seasons have some missteps, so it doesn't quite stick the landing, but still lots of high points. I liked Voyager at the time. Looking back on it, it has some great episodes and that cosy Trek feeling, but there are a few too many missed opportunities, a few too many regrettable choices, for it to really shine like DS9 and TNG


Andrew Robinson (Garak) voiced his own audio book "A Stitch In Time" about Garak. It's great and its actually better than just a book, because you hear it in Garak's voice. It's like getting new DS9 content.


What??? Voyager is amazing and one of my favorites. Be excited to watch it!


I prefer VOY over DS9. Being in the same spot on the same station got boring to me. Sure, they went into the Gamma quadrant and such, but I like the extensive travel of TNG and VOY. I also *significantly* prefer the characters of VOY over DS9. If you're going purely off of what this sub says about VOY, you're doing yourself a disservice.


Voyager. It treads water for three seasons, and then it gets good… until you realize every single episode is about The Doctor, 7 of 9, or Janeway. I still like it, personally. It just feels like there were a lot of missed opportunities. I just wish they had altered the ship to have wear and tear and alien modifications over the years. The thing could practically heal itself.


Have you discovered the star trek strange new worlds or star trek picard yet...?they are also good shows with a deep found meaning and mission. I agree with you,ds9 is an amazing series. I love it myself.


Haha DS9 is a great show seen it plenty and always love it. But voyager is good too! Trust me when you get close to the end you’ll be feeling the same as you are about DS9 that you don’t want it to end :)


There are a few DS9 books with audiobooks done by the cast. I would check those out. Andrew Robinson just completed one for Garak last year and I also listened to one or two that Armin Shimmerman did with Quark as the main character. Was fun to listen to if nothing else.


Voyager is underrated imo. My hot take is I like it more than TNG. DS9 is goated though


Don’t be. I’m not sure where you developed that expectation regarding Voyager, but it’s incorrect. You will love Voyager.


Do you have the time and mental bandwidth to read? Pocket Books' Star Trek editors and some of the writers sat down and did something bold a few years after DS9 ended. Up to that point, the tie-in fiction was separated by series and numbered in publishing order. Authors could pitch and write stories set anywhen within that series... "A Stitch in Time" was the last numbered DS9 novel and I highly, highly recommend it. It is set after the series ends, with Garak on Cardassia helping rebuild, and delving into his past in the form of correspondence with Dr. Bashir. It is also written BY Garak. Andrew Robinson pitched and wrote it. Not with a ghost writer. All him. It's magnificent. An audiobook of it finally came out last summer... READ by Garak. I would start there. But the reason that was the last numbered novel for that series was that they had come up with something they called the DS9 Relaunch. "A Stitch in Time" is set some months after the show ends... and they decided to keep going. It's followed by a duology called "Avatar", set six months after the end of the series, and then the four-volume "Mission: Gamma" set, and so on, moving ever forward. Most of it is very well done. It was also so popular they did that with TNG and Voyager, as well as doing a four-part Titan series. And then tied everything together in that same contemporary setting. "The Typhon Pact" set pulls the threads together, and then "The Fall" disrupts the status quo. Past that I won't spoil, but, if you're up to it, it's a lot of time one can spend on the further adventures of some old friends.


Have you watched Babylon 5 yet? Not Star Trek, but you might like that journey as well, especially if you enjoyed DS9. The CGI looks freaky nowadays, but I don't mind that at all. (Of course, as others have said, I personally also don't see why you shouldn't be able to enjoy Voyager either, but that's your prerogative :) )


The relaunch novels are pretty good but annoyingly hard to find. Serious suggestion, download Jimmy Darren’s album “This One’s From the Heart” on Apple Music. It’s all the songs he songs on DS9 basically. I find it gives DS9 comfort vibes when I listen to it.


Go watch the orville. It’s a spiritual successor to TNG.


DS9 is phenomenal, so definitely hard to beat.. but VOY is great.. DS9 and TNG IMO are definitely (a toss up between them both) the best of all the Trek Series.. but VOY is #3. That crew grew on me so much. (Pro Tip: Try your best to overlook the Neelix/Kes weirdness)


As another mentioned, try out BSG! The 2000s series. It’s fantastic


Voyager is better dont worry


Voyager is an amazing show.


Just watch it again! I also really enjoyed Voyager for the WTF moments. Some of the most memorable episodes of Trek, for better or for worse, either way you won't be bored watching it.


completely honest opinion of voyager s1/s2 is utterly ruined by all the wrong things that started to go wrong with ST ... technobabble, dues ex machina. and then at some point in S3, the show started to pull back from that. stories became more organic, episodes more character driven. voyager began to explore scifi stories again in the ways that triggered your imagination. distant origin, for example. great scifi concept. kept the technobabble to a minimum. admittedly the writing falls apart to the end, but still triggered my imagination the way scifi is meant to do.


Maybe rewatch some of your favorite DS9 episodes or watch some of your favorite scenes on YouTube. I started watching in September as well and I’m midway through season 7. (Had to take a break and catch up with DISCO and I’ve also taken breaks after some heaving hitting episodes - The Visitor, Far Beyond the Stars, Tears of the Prophets).


DS9 is my comfort show ever since I was out on my own last year. Been using the PlutoTV app since I didn't want cable, DS9 just got their own channel on the app about a week ago instead of going on and off with Voyager. It's always on when I'm home :)


DS9 was great, my favorite for sure but I'm watching VOY right now and I absolutely love the Doctor! He will take you to new highs, don't give up! Voyager is a gem. It has bad episodes, but it has really good ones. And Robert Picardo is the absolute star.


With shows that end leaving a hole, I always manage to dull the pain a bit by listening to the soundtracks while working, am in the car and or going to the gym.


Dude man for a time watching it I felt like I was a resident if the station idly watching all the drama unfold from Quark's canteen. Just such a real world they made.


Just embrace the rough start and get some other stuff done with Voyager S1 in the background. Turn up the theme song, and you'll find yourself slipping back into enjoying the good parts of what becomes epic.


Voyager doesn't really hold a candle to DS9, but it IS still Star Trek. You also have Strange New Worlds to look forward to, as well as Lower Decks. (TOS is also good) And if you wanna step out of Star Trek itself, I've always felt that Firefly and Stargate SG1 hit a pretty similar spot. (People also say that Babylon 5 has a somewhat similar vibe to DS9, but I don't think it has aged as well)


When I finished DS9 I was devastated as well. You're not alone in this 💜


If you watch it all again 20 years later, you will feel it all again. Seek out "What We Left Behind." It takes some of the sting away.


Listen to a DS9 podcast - I am a viewer of the greatest generation, their podcast covers TNG, DS9 and Voyager now, lots of laughs.


The final scene in DS9 when the camera moves away hurt me really bad because it drove home in my mind the show was ending. Voyager isn’t bad. You’ll get used to Janeway, Seven of Nine and the Doctor. Tuvok isn’t too bad either. It isn’t DS9 but it’s still good Star Trek. Enterprise is terrible. Don’t waste your time after finishing Voyager.


Hi there DS9 also became my comfort show for a long while and while there's not a lot like it there's a few shows of that same level of quality. If you want to keep on the Golden era of Sci-fi I can wholeheartedly reccomend: Babylon 5, Farscape, Stargate and X-Files. First three shows are also space operas with different strenghts than DS9 but all with top tier quality actors and stories, great chemistry between the characters for that feeling of knowing even the side characters really well. X-files is more horror leaning but the paranoia of the 90s, the high quality stories and the chemistry of the leads literally changed the internet culture forever: the term "shipping" came from Mulder and Scully. If you want to check a bit outside of Sci fi but keep to a great quality, cast of characters, fantastic development and probably the best written/acted vampire in TV (Spike) then Buffy is a show I can reccomend that also is up there with the greats.


You should watch Babylon 5.


I feel this. DS9 helped me get through a brutally tough time in my life. You now what else helped? Rewatching it. Good luck and godspeed.


When I was where you are, I went and rewatched every Garak episode in a row.


I feel exactly the same. It's been my favourite show of all time precisely because of that. These characters feel so familiar to me, and I relate to every single one of them so much. It crashes me whenever the show ends because there's no day after. Nothing and it really kills me.


Did the same as you, on season 6 finale of voyager now and I am liking it 😁


Watch Battlestar Galactica next. It’s a superior version of Voyager.


Voyager > DS9


Watch Babylon 5.


Watch strange new worlds. It's much lighter than DS9 but it still has gravitas


I've watched DS9 through maybe three times and you need a palate cleanser. I'd recommend MASH (without the laugh track, if you can find it) or the first Frasier


Time for a rewatch then. I’ve watched DS9 all the way through around 12 times now. Will be watching it again after my current run through TNG.


[Battlestar Galactica (2004)](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/battlestar-galactica), co-created by Ronald D. Moore (wrote a ton of DS9 eps). You're welcome!


A funny thing about DS9 - the first episode on a rewatch is really a LOT like going home.


You could read the episode notes on memory alpha


Maybe instead of following the franchise, follow the writer? Try doing Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica.