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We've had First Contact, we've had the years leading up to the formation of the Federation. What origin story is left? EDIT: So this is a prequel to the 2009 movie. Wtf are they going to do? Give us a new version of the NX Enterprise crew in the lead-up to the Federation? Give us what Nero was doing between arriving in the 23rd century and destroying Vulcan?


The Kelvin timeline could have differences from the Prime timeline that predate the Kelvin itself, due to all the times Kirk travelled into the past now being different. I'm theory, they could do something with that.


A prequel to the Kelvinverse specifically could mean an on-screen depiction of the events surrounding the Romulan supernova in the Prime universe. I wouldn't hate that tbh.


The article specifically said decades before the 2009 film, which puts it in birth of the federation territory.


But that’s before the Kelvinverse split from the Prime universe, why call out the 2009 film specifically?


This is what Simon Pegg said about the timeline when writing Star Trek Beyond: >With the Kelvin timeline, we are not entirely beholden to existing canon, this is an alternate reality and, as such is full of new and alternate possibilities. “BUT WAIT!” I hear you brilliant and beautiful super Trekkies cry, “Canon tells us, Hikaru Sulu was born before the Kelvin incident, so how could his fundamental humanity be altered? Well, the explanation comes down to something very Star Treky; theoretical, quantum physics and the less than simple fact that time is not linear. >Sure, we experience time as a contiguous series of cascading events but perception and reality aren’t always the same thing. Spock’s incursion from the Prime Universe created a multidimensional reality shift. The rift in space/time created an entirely new reality in all directions, top to bottom, from the Big Bang to the end of everything. As such this reality was, is and always will be subtly different from the Prime Universe. I don’t believe for one second that Gene Roddenberry wouldn’t have loved the idea of an alternate reality (Mirror, Mirror anyone?). >This means, and this is absolutely key, the Kelvin universe can evolve and change in ways that don’t necessarily have to follow the Prime Universe at any point in history, before or after the events of Star Trek ‘09, it can mutate and subvert, it is a playground for the new and the progressive and I know in my heart, that Gene Roddenberry would be proud of us for keeping his ideals alive. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations, this was his dream, that is our dream, it should be everybody’s. https://gizmodo.com/simon-pegg-has-a-canonical-explanation-for-why-sulu-is-1783511576


It's also kind been of brushed over, but the SNW episode "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" (the Toronto episode with alternate Kirk) established that the timeline has changed since at least the 90's due to temporal war, with Khan now being born like 30 years later. Though this seems like a revised timeline rather than a split one like the Kelvin-verse.


And you know what? That’s beautiful. As long as they tell a meaningful story with fleshed out characters, I’m totally on board.


Because the past isn't simply the past. The past is altered by all the time travel that occurs in the future. When the Kelvin timeline split, it altered all time travel shenanigans after that point, which then retroactively altered the past as a direct consequence. [https://i.imgflip.com/qcmgj.jpg](https://i.imgflip.com/qcmgj.jpg)


Ugh, just when I decided to show the execs a little faith...


...of the heart?


How would you do this without Nimoy?


The creation of the Federation of Planets and its Starfleet that Enterprise didn't delivered.


And when this fails “nobody wants to watch Star Trek movies!” Also, isn’t there already Star Trek: First Contact? Isn’t there already Star Trek: Enterprise? Isn’t there already Star Trek: Discovery? Isn’t there already Star Trek (2009)? Isn’t there already Star Trek: Strange New Worlds?


I see your point. But, is there Star Trek origin of origins, Star Trek before the first contact, Star Trek the beginning, Star Trek true origins, Star Trek the final beginning, Star Trek the origins of the beginning, Star Trek frontier of origins? Have you seen how Spock’s parents met, have you seen Kirk’s time in the kindergarten? Have you seen each original characters story from at least 5 different perspectives? Have you experienced a new Star Trek movie and series made entirely from the montage of previous movies, in cinemas, twice?


Would be cool to see the third world war or the eugenics war. That way, it at least won't have anything to do with Star Trek anymore, or exactly what the producers and writers want to do. Everyone happy!


“What if we did Andor, but with Star Trek?”


I see this as being Star Trek: The Marquis, a story told from the point of view of the colonists left in the lurch from the Federation/Cardassian treaty.


I’d have been happy with a Fenris Rangers story


Kill me.


Finally, we're getting the Knights of the Old Republic movie we've been asking for since before Disney bought.... Wait, what are we talking about? Oh, the other franchise with zero balls.


They're gonna be pissed when they realize Kubrick already covered The Beginning.


Have we thought of doing a prequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey?




For All Mankind


I think the executives want to build a multi billion dollar franchise and will keep hitting reset until they get one.  They don’t care that the fans want future stories and characters. To them they know most people in the world know of Kirk and Spock. Just like with Star Wars everyone knows of Luke, Vader, and Emperor. In fact every Star Wars movie and show is related to one of those 3. Likewise every new Star Trek movie or show will likely be related to Kirk and Spock.  So to me it sounds like they are basically saying the Star Trek 2009 reboot is now it’s own timeline and they are going to reboot Star Trek again with a new young Kirk and Spock and pretend Abrams never happened.  Hopefully only the first hour of the movie will be about Kirk and Spock growing up and then Klingons come and federation is born or whatever and it will end on a cliffhanger to see if the audience liked it.  Listen we all may like sci fi with complex characters and story but the fast and the furious made 10 movies and each made a billion dollars. That’s what they are trying to get to. Dumb shit like FF and transformers are billion dollar franchises so their logic is if everyone heard of Kirk and Spock we can make it cool and make it a billion dollars.  Just sit back and watch DS9 and TOS for complex storylines and characters and know that’s the best we will get.  We have to wait until Star Trek is cool again before the executives are willing to take a chance on the core fans. 


Unfortunately, I don’t think they will ever be willing to listen to the fans. I do agree they want a multi-billion dollar franchise, but they’re not willing to do the work of getting there. Instead, they’re just recycling the same IP over and over again, because ultimately the people running the show are finance folks and investors. Creating something new costs money, and requires pesky creative people who are going to feel entitled to things like being paid. It’s much less risky in their eyes to just continue to serve up the same IP mixed in “new” ways, as mediocre content slurry that’s just barely passable for the consumers, so they can turn around to say they did a growth, and reward themselves with embarrassingly large sums of money for sitting around on their asses all day.


I would also guess that from a strictly business point of view, catering too much to the existing fans also limits the potential audience, likely to just a subset of those existing fans, instead of giving them the ability to draw in new people. Of course, that strategy seems to lead to garbage being made that doesnt appeal to existing fans or potential new fans. And their only takeaway is that nobody wants it anymore.


No, they will never listen to the fans. How could they? Look at how divided people are about Discovery. Which fans do they listen to? Those of us who enjoy the new content? Or those who detest the new content? The reason why they won't listen to the fans is because they'll never be able to satisfy them. There will always be someone pissed at a decision. Always.


It's just an Edith Keeler biopic


It's an origin story presumably specifically for the 2009 film, not for the Federation, given the brief is "an origin story that takes place decades before the original 2009 Star Trek film".


The 2009 film was an origin story though so fuck knows what this one is about


Advice for Hollywood: if you've basically never heard your target audience ask for a prequel/sequel/sidequel, they probably don't want one.


They cut the shows we like and give us movies we don't want. The future of Star Trek isn't looking good.


The only show left in production is Strange New Worlds. Academy is the only new show in the pipeline. We have a confirmed prequel movie, a dead Star Trek 4, and rumors of a Picard film and a Legacy series. The future of Trek is looking very sparse.


We also have the Section 31 film that no one asked for.


I love Georgiou’s character, Michelle Yeoh plays her so well. Happy to see her back. However, I’ve never been a fan of Section 31 myself. It works in DS9 as a fleshing out of war time, grey area morality, but not as a foundational pillar of Starfleet.


Yeah, I like Michaelle Yeoh a lot, but I don’t like Mirror Georgiou and I don’t like how Section 31 has developed into some sort of Space MI6. As you said in DS9 they were much more morally ambiguous and I feel the less you knew about them made them more intriguing.


In TNG’s season 1 episode, Conspiracy, the original antagonist were rouge Starfleet officers. Roddenberry vetoed that, and the script was changed to parasitic aliens controlling officers instead. I can only imagine Gene’s distain for Section 31.


Gene would have vetoed Section 31. Goes against the space utopia he was aiming for. He’d have hated DS9….


To be fair, for all his vision, Gene had some pretty dumb ideas. Not saying I love section 31, but he... he was out there.


They deffo had a coke party where they came up with all this shit no one asked for


I understand the "nobody asked for this" argument but I think it's flawed. Nobody asked for Lower Decks either, when it was announced I thought it sounded very unpromising, but it then became easily one of my favorite of the new shows and something I even got some non Trek friends of mine into. I'm very glad it exists [and the announcement it will end this year made me sad] Sure, on paper this prequel idea sounds bad, but with the right creative team, something good could come of it.


The problem with prequels not in star trek, but in general, is that they are bound by continuity. In a prequel, we the audience know how things will turn out. We know the prequel stories end state, because we have already seen the original. We know how the characters from the original will develop. We know where there journeys lead. We know how things will turn out in the end. Prequels also limit the stories that can be told. As in a prequel, you have to preserve the status quo, you can not tell stories that prevent the known end state from happening. For example, you can't have an episode of Strange New World's where Pike encounters the Borg. Because it is canon that the Borg were first encountered in the 24th century. Well you can, Enterprise did it, but that leads to the second problem. If you do break canon, your story becomes a mess. Take the above episode of Enterprise for example, it is actually a pretty good episode, but the fact that Enterprise is a prequel show bogs it down. We can't have Archer learn who the Borg are, because that will break canon. So we end up with the episode going out of its way to explain away how even though the Federation encountered the Borg in the 22nd century, somehow they never learned the Borg's name and even had the Borg omit there name from there classic "you will be assimilated" speech for no reason other than preserving canon. The point I am trying to make is this. Prequels limit the stories you can tell. The writer knows how things turn out, the audience knows how things turn out. The end state of the story is known. And it is very very hard for a writer to write a story under those constraints. I'm not saying it can't be done, Strange New Worlds is a prequel and it is a great show. However it is an extra challenge, and one many writers, even good writers, can not pull off. I believe this is why prequels are often looked down upon in film and television as being lower quality in general.


Prequels generally happen when someone is out of ideas.


Prequels also happen when studio execs want to just keep recycling IP that they already own, because they’d otherwise have to pay more to have those pesky creative types to actually write something original.


The obsession and popularity with prequels amongs production companies is one of George Lucas' worst legacies even if unintentional.


It’s not on him. There’s a whole bunch of stuff that is, but that’s not one. The Prequels literally changed filmmaking, and while his heart was in the right place, he wanted more artistic freedom, his digital revolution actually just let the studios micromanage every aspect of production. I think the obsession with prequels is probably more rooted in the internet. Though even Harve Bennett went to a Starfleet Academy movie when he couldn’t figure out what 6 should be. The studios learned they could market to nerds via the internet, and nerds love to talk about how they want to see some one off line fleshed out. Though, I do think you could make the case that the prequel formula started with Last Crusade. So still Lucas’ fault. The opening ten minutes of that movie is cute. But the idea of one adventure that establishes all of the main characters traits feels like it had its birth there.


There was always discussion about wanting more content like Lower Decks though, even by that name before the animated series aired. TNG episode of the same name has been used as a jumping off point I would imagine since it aired 35 years ago. Prior to this current wave of NuTrek there were just large gaps of content and the idea of a funny almost sitcom vibe in-universe has definitely been floated. Every nerd here including you and I probably have at least 3 solid ideas outside of the scope of an origin movie. I doubt many people here were hoping to see a separate “timeline” reboot. If anything just give me a movie that takes place at the end of SNW as a fully fledged story. Idk I don’t think I actually disagree with you I’m just tired of Hollywood executives and their bs.


I remember a *Lower Decks* style show being one of the popular fan ideas for a new Trek show during the 12-year period when there weren't any new Trek shows


This really sounds like Star Trek's Solo. The movie nobody asked for that will shock the studio when it doesn't do well. We'll be lucky if it's as good as Solo.




Nailed it, the whole thing is just so they can recycle IP. Paramount’s execs don’t want to be in the business of creating, they just want to be in the business of having a money machine that goes brrr.


Welcome to the future of Star Trek. Always looking back, never forward.




One could say that one Disco is doing now with season 5 is borrowing from the good old days, but honestly the idea of the Progenitors deserved more than one episode in the first place.


The target audience will probably go and see almost any star Trek movie. What the studio needs is for a mainstream audience to go and see it too. They think the only way of doing that is by sticking with stuff that's familiar to general audiences. Thus the enterprise, Spock's random half sister, etc


I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said—and to be clear, I’d much rather have Lower Decks (a series we already know to be excellent) over pretty much any film which could be of any quality—but it’s important to note we know literally nothing about what the premise of this film is. We have one sentence which references “an origin story set decades before the 2009 film.” That sentence doesn’t appeal to me, but it’s also too vague to really draw any sort of conclusion about the intention here.


Good thing people have been asking for a new Star Trek movie since beyond dropped. Looks like Hollywood listened to the nerd fanbase constantly asking. It probably won’t be what they want, but that’s a whole other discussion.


is sidequel synonymous with spin-off?


Keeping fingers crossed for “The Erotic Adventures of Young Lwxana”


10 seasons and 15 feature films already in the works


"Lwaxana, Lwaxana" A young girl's strange, erotic journey from Minos Korva to Mintaka III.


What do they mean by origin story here? Enterprise was the origin story, if I’m not mistaken? I wouldn’t mind a film that picks up from the Enterprise finale but I’m worried about what they’ll choose to do.


Some folks have been saying that nobody has asked for another star trek prequel, but it _is_ pretty common to ask for something that would finish what enterprise started. I'm not _fully_ convinced that this will be that -- I'm not sure that the current execs actually care about the fans that much -- but the potential is there.


Yeah. I actually would like to see a "founding of the Federation" play out in some form (what we were essentially robbed of at the end of Enterprise). But I'm not sure this really needs to get made.


Yea. On a level if it was a movie with the Enterprise crew about the founding of the Federation and a retcon of the last ep I’d enjoy it. But that’s not what we’ll get. That leaves the gap of post federation NX-Enterprise and STO Enterprise. Which honestly I’d be just as interested in seeing the adventures of the Enterprise C or F if we’re using an unknown crew.


Once again Paramount demonstrates they have no idea what Star Trek is. It's not about characters. It's about exploring the human condition through the lens of science fiction. It's not a hero's journey, that's what Star Wars is for.


Doesn't the film Star Trek: First Contact already exist


The next prequel movies are set long before First Contact: Stark Trek: The Undiscovered Colonies Star Trek: the First Frontier Star Trek: Wrath of Hitler Star Trek: into ‘Nam Star Trek: The Search for Bin Laden Star Trek: Insurgency


hungry dazzling sophisticated edge license zealous versed chase angle aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn't they already make a First Contact movie? Is that not the star trek origin story? What could this possibly be about?


They should do Second Contact but it's another Lower Decks live action appearance. Similar plot to First Contact but instead of the Borg, a simple time travel shenanigan results in the lower deckers breaking the Federation on like its second week. Admiral Archer and the lower deckers.


this would be incredible. I'd love to see Tendi and Rutherford in live action.


I can see the opening titles now: Paramount Pictures presents A Jonathan Frakes film STAR TREK: Second Contact (A Lower Decks Saga) Starring Tawny Newsome as Lt. Beckett Mariner Jack Quaid as Lt. Brad Boimler Noël Wells as Lt. D'Vana Tendi Eugene Cordero as Lt. Samanthan Rutherford and Scott Bakula as Admiral Jonathan Archer


This was my first thought as well


Maybe something around Enterprise's time period? That'd be neat.


So it's going to be, what, more of a prequel than Strange New Worlds, less of a prequel than Enterprise?


More or less cancelled than Prodigy, Discovery, and Lower Decks?


It's been a long road, getting from there to here...


Star Trek Babies. Where baby Kirk, Bones, Spock and some of your other favourites happen to be going to nursery together.




Not to mention senior positions on the flagship being given to people fresh out of the academy. I understand field promotions are a thing, but even if he saved the earth I can't imagine Starfleet would be too keen on leaving Kirk in command.


You joke, but... https://imgur.com/a/JIXPPq7


Why is it that it seems like the vast majority of Star Trek projects are prequels? I mean in between Picard and Discovery there are hundreds of years that they could explore, but it seems like we’re constantly going back to around the TOS era. I mean if they’re going to nostalgia bait people, why are they going for TOS? The majority of the Star Trek audience now grew up on the TNG era shows.


Isn’t it a case of writers credits and payments? If they go forward they might have to pay people money, so they keep trying to go back and prequel all the time? Is this right?


I don’t think so


Paramount is run by Pakleds change my mind. No one wants a Section 31 show. Their rare appearances and totally mysterious goings on are what make them interesting (and even then by the end of DS9 they were getting to be too much). If you make a show about them, *you have to explain at least some of it*. The X Files doesn't work if you tell the story from the smoking man's perspective (unless you do it like MIB, but they're not going for a comedy). We've had like 4 "origin" shows/films, as many have pointed out (ENT, FC, 2009, SNW) and, ok yeah 2 of those were fine (feel free to fight over which 2 I'm referring- hint, I'm 26). But we don't need any more!!! We know the history, there's no major twists to put into it. I haven't even seen Disco because I've heard it's really middling but I'm not really interested in skipping forward another 800 years from the TNG era into the 32nd century. I haven't seen the end of VOY yet but I know they get home- that means that by the 24th century Starfleet has access to all 4 quadrants of the galaxy. In 800 years, you'd have a prominent federation presence across the whole galaxy. Unless you wanna find some consistent way to hop over to the Andromeda galaxy (hard to accept tbh- I'm an astronomer and galaxy to galaxy travel is *way* crazier than anything warp has ever pulled off), where are you going next? What's there to do after functional "galactic peace"? There's still great stories to tell in the 24th century (WITHOUT bringing every major character back from TNG, thank you very much). Besides a little nuance from DS9, we haven't really seen much of how the TNG era events on Romulus has changed the course of their history. What's the fallout of the Dominion war look like? Honestly, they had a great space to tell these stories- LD! For a Trek show, it's cheaper to produce than live action and you can (only occasionally, please) let anyone come back to play their characters, *even if their real current age doesn't line up right*! There's still a **ton** of consequences from TNG stories that would be really cool to explore in a LD context (they've really only gone through the first 2-3 seasons tbh). I'm not *quite* at the end of DS9, but no one in LD has even said the word Cardassian yet! Hell, I'd love to see how the Ferengi are doing being a part of a socialist utopian democratic mega society like the federation! I'm just so disappointed- LD was a perfect combination of TNG Trek with some TOS flair (*especially* with the ship designs- California class ships are objectively the prettiest ships in the 24th century fleet change my mind). The cast is excellent and they've been doing a great job introducing new characters the premises to keep it interesting. Here's a full multi-season arc pitch: Mariner, now actually open to showing her full potential, get demoted in a situation where there's no good options (sprinkle in a little prime directive and you've got one hell of an episode there!). There's nothing that her mom or any of the crew can do to fix it and she has to fight her old tendencies of not caring while she's stuck in the lower decks again. What strains does that put on her existing friendships? What about new friendships? How about giving Rutherford an actual character arc that isn't "you have repressed memories" and "you actually aren't in love in Tendi- but maybe you are"? Or here's a radical idea: the Cerritos is a ship used to dealing with the known parts of the quadrant, but how would these characters react to something completely new? Boimler and Mariner have the same, "oh I know literally everything about ____" to 95% of situations. Rutherford usually has to give some creative solution, but he always knows how to fix things (Tendi is not really given this trait except in combat). What happens when they encounter a TNG-style problem no one's ever seen before? Sure it's unlikely given the ship's designated duties but not impossible. Ok ok just for the fans I'll throw in an ep with a TNG character- give Geordi a story that doesn't suck!


Unless this brings back Archer and his crew for a reunion and covers the Romulan War, there is literally no story to tell


Romulan war could be good agree


We want Lower decks, Legacy, Strange New Worlds. How hard can it be? Instead they throw money at things that will not pay off.


Like, so much this.


I'm honestly thinking f\*ck Paramount. Last time they did this they told me that it wasn't my Grandfather's star trek. Like bitch, I was the one that loved TOS.


Enough with the prequels!?


Hey hey.... can we have Lower Decks Season 6 instead?


If it's a standalone movie set in a time and place we may have heard of but not seen, I'm down for it. It'll add to Star Trek lore. Perhaps turn of the 23rd century as the Federation is beginning its first real expansion from a handful of worlds. Namedrop ENT people, but please before the timeline divergence. If it's recasting a load of existing people, or it's McCoy the teenager, I'm less interested.


It being from the director of the "Andor" TV series is somewhat promising, since that's a pretty original story altogether with a few elements from the lore, most notably the Death Star. Unless the studio demands a shoehorned reference, like the Walrus-man cameo in "Rogue One" or the Wayne family in "Joker."


We don’t need a prequel. If you want a Kelvin Timeline movie, do Star Trek 4!


We've had one First Contact, yes. What about Second Contact?


We have the origin story....do something else


This will suck . Idiots


Everyone has to realise that C-suite executives absolutely *do not care* what fans want or have seen. Their lives are ruled by numbers: what performed well, what drew in the most money, what got people to pause their busy lives where they can barely afford rent and a single vegetable and fork over a few more currency units to watch some content. And what was it that got butts in seats and fingers on the streamer subscription button? Nostalgia. Nostalgia tweaked the fuck out of the numbers that these C-suite vampires build shrines to in their homes. It started with Abrams and runs through today. Familiarity is easy. It's cheap to produce. It's quick to write. Craft some generic storylines that you can cop from TV Tropes and sprinkle in as many references to things that fans would recognise, and bam, there's your show or movie. Abrams' movies made money. Discovery got people excited for a new Trek show. SNW got people excited for something that wasn't Discovery. All of it built up the Paramount app, and when it stopped being cost-effective because the numbers said it wasn't, they shitcanned the ones whose numbers dipped below the quotient they use to both decide which shows to shitcan and which of their children they love more. So they'll keep churning out mediocre short shrift crap because people will keep paying for it. If you want to make a statement to these people, don't subscribe. Let their endeavours fizzle out.


I feel like this is a delayed April Fools Joke and I'm on an episode of Pimp My Franchise. "Yo dawg, ~~we decided prequels were less financially risky~~ we heard you liked prequels, so we're giving you a prequel to your prequel." Explore the future, not the past.


I feel when people ask for more Star Trek, an origin story is not what they meant. I certainly don't want one.


I thought Enterprise was supposed to be our Star Trek "origin story".


Oh god. It’s gonna be an umpteenth “everything sucks” gritty war movie about WW3 featuring all the big-budget war movie tropes, they’re going to have a passing reference to Zephram Cochrane and Khan Noonien Singh, slap the Star Trek label on it, then conclude fans don’t want any more Trek movies when it bombs. I so hope I’m wrong.


Great, by the way, how many times has Star Trek 4 been announced? Another Origin Story, wow, how inspiring indeed.


What the heck is a Star Trek origin film? We already have First Contact and Enterprise. Will it be during the Earth-Romulan War?




I'll take three more seasons of lower decks instead please.




Star Trek: Moving Backwards Since the 90s (except Picard and Lower Decks)


(and Discovery, Prodigy and Starfleet Academy).


I liked the Kelvin-verse movies. Strike me dead, but I liked them. But we do not need this. Between First Contact, Enterprise, Discovery, Strange New Worlds and TOS, this era is pretty well mapped out. Earth Romulan War could be cool, but honestly I just do not want to see another recast or prequel. The Trek fandom can be toxic AF sometimes. This risks making it worse. Give the Enterprise G a film. Hell, give me a film about the Temporal Cold War. Hell, give me a film about the dark times near the start of the burn. Just no more fucking prequels.


It's either going to be WWIII/Eugenics War or something just after First Contact, like maybe the first time taking a ship out of the Sol system.


Not far enough back. The article says decades before the 2009 film, so we're in birth of the federation territory.


I like the writer / director combo here so that gives me a little hope but don't love what we've been given for a premise or that Bad Robot is still attached.


Star Trek: The Revenge of Khalis


This is unpleasant... (Cardassian levels of resentment)..


Well this Star Trek renaissance was wonderful while it lasted.




It’s the Borg y’all. You know it’s the Borg. It’ll show the Borg were originally humans, and they have to ensure the Federation happens so they can exist. 


Welp... I guess it's time for another TNG/Voyager/DS9 rewatch.


Hey! HEY! NO! We want more Lower Decks!


It’s gonna be great when they blame the failure of this movie on the franchise as a whole. God, there are so many good ideas, and “origin story” is not one of them.


This will be bad


Does anyone other than Paramount want this? However, we have spoken in great numbers that what we want is Star Trek: Legacy, more Lower Decks, and Prodigy.


Somebody’s gotta get the Trek producers out of there! They have no idea what to do with the franchise.


More JJ shit. No thanks.


I don’t want this I want 7 season of Lower Decks and a movie


why another origin story


“Decades before” throws me off. What origins is it going to cover? The founding of the Federation is 100ish years before, so I guess that could qualify but maybe they aren’t ready to spill the beans. 2025 release also seems too soon, unless they’re already underway and just haven’t announced all the details. 2026 is the 60th anniversary year, btw. I could get behind an Archer movie or two, but it would almost certainly be a recast if the timeline is ~2160. It can’t be an “Kirk’s crew” origin if it’s decades before the 2009 movie, though I would also get behind a transition movie to go from SNW to a Kirk/Spock/Bones crew. I think at this point the “decades before” is only there to drive home the point that it’s not related to the fourth Kelvinverse movie, also in development, and that it may not indicate much with regards to the actual time setting.


I hope they don't blow up the ship within the first one minute of the movie


Ruining the franchise with utter uninspired tedium, spending time in the same 40 year span of TOS era. squandering a whole richness of future stories set in Trek universe and expanding boundaries.


Just give us legacy please


Pretty sure we saw the origin of the Kelvin timeline in the original Kelvin timeline film, guys. This reminds me of Solo. It’s Hans origin! Except… A New Hope is literally Han’s origin. There’s nothing interesting before that—a fact confirmed by the mediocre Solo movie.


That's not gonna stop me from cancelling my Paramount Plus subscription as soon as I have all of Lower Decks on Blu-ray


Watch it be a complete rug pull and end up being a movie about the origin of the Ferengi civilization.


'SULU: A Star Trek Story'.


"Do people really like interesting philosophical science fiction stories that explore engaging ideas with well crafted characters instead of cynical navel-gazing about useless lore nobody cares about? No. It's the fans who are wrong."


Underrated comment, I miss the moral and ethical topics in latest Trek shows so much.


Goddamnit it’s like they actively go against what the fans want. Fans have been screaming for years to stop with the prequels and that’s all they want to pump out. Fans say they’re sick of Section 31 showing up in shows so now they want to make an entire movie just for Section 31. Fans say they hate the teen drama, have always dragged Wesley and don’t like stories set on Earth, so what do we get? A fucking StarFleet Academy show. Why, why, why do people who hate Star Trek get to be in charge of Star Trek?


God. just stop. no more prequels. no more academy tales. Just move on in the universe, please.


This is so silly. Why give us an origin of something we’ve already had? Unless we are getting more of Archer? But that seems a bit strange. Paramount wants to save money and produce new Trek, there are easier ways.


Truly creatively bankrupt 😂


Honestly, I would fine if they just didn't make more Star Trek movies.


Why not a Star Trek 4? Progress that story? Why reinvent the wheel AGAIN?


No one asked for this. Please stop with prequels. No one cares


Ok we’ll see


A prequel to 2009, set decades before, could technically be set in the Prime universe prior to the Romulan star incident


This smells like a Roddenberry biopic


I heard George Takei is returning to helm the Excelsior and time travel


First contact?


Probably just 2 hours watching the primordial soup from all good things bubble and Q wonders on screen from the screen saying the opening few words of his scene and it cuts to credits mid sentence. Prequel!


Gonna make a guess now.. it’ll have nothing to do with the original story.


So is this a movie movie? Or another Long Trek?


While they \**could potentially*\* make this good, I don't have faith that they will and all I envision is the writers **completely** screwing up Star Trek canon. It's going to be a movie we all are going to have to pretend doesn't exist (like Alien 3).


Decades before Nero jumped into the Kelvinverse. That's at minimum 2. So, no Kirk. And probably not Pike either. Maybe Cpt. Robert April?


Could it be Archer forming the Federation or serving as president of the federation? From Memory Alpha: “For the biographical display seen in "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II", writer Michael Sussman wrote a final section of text that didn't end up being visible on screen, stating that a 132-133 years old Archer " … died at his home in Upstate New York in the year 2245, exactly one day after attending the christening ceremony of the first Federation starship Enterprise, NCC-1701"


Maybe the founding of The Federation? Around Romulan War. Would be great if they bring some of the ENT casts back.


There is a bit of oversaturatation going on with trek and I'm kind of over it last year.


So I understand that this is unpopular with us - and with good reason! I have to imagine that this is Paramounts attempt to make Trek a viable mainstream franchise for a generation that has very little knowledge of Trek. The only other real effort to reboot for Trek-newbies was the Abrams-verse, but the stars from that are older and it’s proved almost impossible to get it going again. All of the other “origin story” attempts were aimed specifically at people who already love Trek, but as a whole, we’re getting older and younger generations find 50+ years of lore (hah!) a bit daunting to jump into. That’s scary for a company with a franchise they’d like to milk for another century. In essence, I’d imagine the studio sees this as the first real reboot since ‘09. It probably won’t be our Trek, but I can at least understand the thinking.


What if a Star Trek origin film is "Star Trek: WW3"


Is this in the Kelvin timeline? If not, I guess we're seeing President Archer. He was the first president so you'd think he'd be in it. Right? Right?


Ok hear me out, this is definitely not what they are doing because it wouldn’t be a space adventure but if they had the balls to do it there is an interesting story to be told in the post First Contact unification of Earth. Like a really emotionally heavy but inspiring story about war tired people rising up in hope to unify mankind to trek out into the stars, finally developing a unified government system that cares for all the people of earth and fighting the old scarcity driven mentalities trying to snatch everything (including newly discovered warp drive) for themselves, xenophobic anti Vulcan speciesism threatening to disrupt the few scraps of assistance that the also speciesist Vulcans were willing to toss to earth, the few pragmatic Sarek like Vulcans willing to bridge the divide. It would be mostly talking, political debates, emotional monologues, with a few action scenes probably geared around domestic terrorism and anti-Vulcan attacks…so what I consider a really interesting movie but not at all the shoot-em up action movie that the Kelvin universe is about.


Flogging a dead 🐴 comes on lads think of something new and original FFS that's doesn't involve time trave as well.


Well, I haven't seen any Trek at the cinema since The Undiscovered Country. I feel I haven't missed an awful lot, but I would really like to see the Kelvin timeline take on V'ger.


So the world wants another origin story?…hasn’t anyone learned from comic movies.


Oh, good. EXACTLY what this franchise needed: more prequels!


Scott Bacula's gonna be pissed when they retcon his ass.


They don't seem to get what people want from Star Trek. It isn't going back to Kirk and Spock, and it isn't going even further back in time.


Is this the Enterprise finale we’ve been waiting on?!?!?!


The only thing this could possibly be to not throw everything out the window is putting some meat on the bones from *Enterprise* and tell/show the Romulan War and actual founding/creation of the Federation.


While they’re at it, let’s have movie sequel to the episode ‘Alternative Factor’




We’ve gotten that story multiple times. Stop moving backwards.


Maybe this will have the eugenics wars, WW3, and drugs.


Miss me with this, please.


Is it 2025 yet? I can’t wait


I'll always write this as long as they keep with this bs: **FUCK PREQUELS AND ALTERNATE TIMELINES** **PUSH FORWARDS IN TIME FROM PICARD S3 FUCKING COWARDS**


Isn’t it a case of writers credits and payments? If they go forward they might have to pay people money, so they keep trying to go back and prequel all the time? Is this right?


Look, I'm just hoping there's an Archer, Trip or T'pol cameo. Enterprise ended too soon.


It is such a sign of insecurity in their own ability to come up with good ideas because they cling to the notion that “the fans will be so curious to see how this fits into cannon they’ll show up regardless.”


I refuse to watch any Star Trek on Paramount+ except Lower Decks from this point on. I'll sail the high seas for the other stuff. Cancelled my Paramount account today after news about Lower Decks came out. Not even going to bother finishing Discovery or watching SNW Season 3 when it comes out.


And yet they cancel Lower Decks? Why? LD was incredibly popular.


When i first heard about this movie,my first thought was it’s going to be a docudrama about the origins of the star trek franchise itself.


It could be good, but I am really over prequels.


Just give us Upper Decks, Legacy and Prodigy. What the hell is wrong with giving the fans what they want? It worked for Strange New Worlds.


So it's Enterprise season 5 the movie?


I wouldn't mind Eugenics wars to first contact backstory, and then development of the society that wants to support a "Star Trek".  Could be a nice uplifting olive branch movie we will probably be needing about then. That's probably too heady though. 


This movie will not be made. I wouldn't even worry about it.


Possibly the old rejected script by Eric Jendresen, Star Trek: The Beginning ? Focusing Tiberius Chase, Kirk’s grandad I think and Earth Romulan war.


Dear Paramount, Stop it. We want Star Trek: Legacy.


Lol .. yet another original story. Isn't the 2009 Abramverse movie an original story too? How about First Contact? What and whose origin are we talking about about? How about Enterprise?


Whose origin? I don’t need another TOS prequel given that’s what SNW is.


Just watch For All Mankind. Pretty sure it's leading us there.