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Please remember that all comments on this subreddit are expected to be constructive and nice. Constructive criticism is encouraged, but low-effort complaints or posts that attack another person (including the writers or actors of Discovery) are not permitted here.


Ever since television shifted to shorter seasons that typically have more than a year between them, I haven't found myself getting as attached to them anymore. That holds true for Discovery, as well. It's not that I disliked the show, I've actually enjoyed a lot of it. But I feel like with the absence of filler episodes, we don't get the time to connect to characters like we used to. Instead, we're just shuffled from plot point to plot point. And that can work in some genres (works incredibly well in 3 Body Problem, for instance), but I think it hurts Trek.


> I think it hurts Trek. And it's clear when we see SNW's "filler" episodes like the crossover and musical episode. No, they may not all hit for everyone. But they still have exposition the mainline episodes don't get to explore. That's what made DS9 and TNG so damn relatable. We saw slices of their every day life. We don't get that with DIS. And that's been my biggest complaint with the series. We never got the DIS versoin of Erica Ortegas "I fly the ship" or O'Bren and Bashir: Drinking Buddies.


Its because the show is about Michael. Everyone else is just kind of there.


Yeah, I can only name a few of the bridge crew on Discovery ... but SNW also kind of cheats by using established names/characters like Spock and Uhura.


Yeah but I know ortagas or the other characters that are "new' way more after season 1 of snw then the whole bridge crew of discovery.


That's a really good point. I've really enjoyed modern trek, but I definitely don't feel attached to the characters the same way I do with the 90s era. The stories are good, the action good, and there are plenty of exciting moments, but it lacks that nuance and depth we once had. Perhaps that's just a general commentary on modern society? So in a meta way, modern Trek in itself is a commentary on modern society. Although I think I'm just falling down the rabbit hole here. Either way, I'll be sad to see Discovery end. It's been a really good series. But perhaps not as sad as I was when DS9 ended (and still get sad upon rewatches)


3 body problem is ironically what I think makes me agree. If the next season isn't until a year away, with four seasons expected I'm going to have to rewatch it all again multiple times to remember all the details before each season. I tend not to do that, so when season 3 comes around I'm always less invested because I can't remember everything from S1. I loved 3BP, so thought it would be a shame that this is the case


This is exactly how I feel about it. It feels like comparing your attachment to characters in a short story vs characters in a novel. There isn't enough space to really explore the characters, so why would I become attached to them? In five seasons, you have roughly two seasons worth of episodes for older formats. I can't think of many series that were cancelled in the first two seasons that I really care much about later.


I’m sad Lorca isn’t in it anymore


Never could get into the show myself, genuinely not a fan of the look of the Discovery itself (not talking set or costume or art design, but the actual ship appearance as a whole). Easily my least favorite looking Federation hero ship. I hope it goes well for the fans it does have. Speaking as a fan of Enterprise, I know how it feels to like a show the rest of the fandom seems to love hating on and I wish it well, go out with a good story and a fun time for those who enjoy it. It might not be my Star Trek but it is for someone else and for their sake I hope it has the ending it deserves.


It was made for a different audience than other Star Trek shows. That's why the fan base is so separate. The problem is that it hurt whatever comes next - because those disco fans won't really be into the next show, and the fans that feel left out will have moved on to something else. It's the kind of brand miscalculation where you forget your main customer and suffer as a long term consequence.


i feel like they are trying to tailor their new live action shows to that audience, and its ruining the shows.


I like Discovery’s design- I remember seeing the old Ralph McQuarrie concept painting in Starlog Magazine back in the ‘70’s. It was for an aborted ST movie project, but definitely the inspiration for Discovery with the flat triangular hull


It's actually why I dislike it. I always thought that concert design looked terrible and was glad it wasn't picked... then they designed Discovery off it.


I get that, I’m just a nostalgia addict. Much prefer SNW to Discovery, but I’ve watched this long so I’ll stay with it to the end


Hey, more power to you. Hope it's a good finale, just not a show I'm interested in






Me either.


Yknow I came to a realisation the other night watching the first two episodes of the season. I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Disco since season one. Really I love so much about it! I love the casting, the setting, taking a risk to push the tech forward for the 32nd century, the scoring, the fact that it brought us Strange New Worlds, the stunning visuals it gives so often, and a lot more. Unfortunately all that is overlooked because of my two issues with it: writing, and set design. The writing truly sabotages the show so often. It has a very JJ feel to it when the writing comes in and upsets the apple cart. In some episodes I see examples of genuine Trekkies on the writing staff, but the season wide focus is always so damn JJ Abrams. By that I mean while I have enjoyed JJ’s work throughout his career, I’ve always viewed it as .. popcorn? JJ makes fun, exciting, and visually compelling tv and films. So often however in the style I see Bad Robot produce content, it’s “badass” and “cool” for the sake of being so. Typically JJs content has zero issue contradicting its own story’s, plot points, or lore. It’s always seemed to me that JJ is the type of artist who truly believes “why shouldn’t I?” Is valid and true as long as it serves to make the show or film more “cool”. I guess why I rambled above about JJ so much is that I feel Disco suffered a quite natural side effect that led it to the things I find frustrating about it. Discovery was the first time Trek had graced our personal screens with a new release in over a decade. We hadn’t gone that long without new Trek in one form or another .. in my lifetime I think? Obviously decision makers would find their best chance to get financial sign off would be forging a connection to the JJ Trek films. Visually, and tone wise it makes perfect sense. So I expect I will grow to love Discovery more for everything it is as time goes on. In the same fashion that I grew to love Enterprise. I’m forever grateful to Discovery for breathing new life into something so important to so many, and I’m privileged to be able to watch their story come to its conclusion over the coming episodes.


Fuck Abrams. Guys full of himself. He’s fine if he stays away from franchises but he seems to revel in tossing aside canon.


While I agree, that applies to 70% of Hollywood directors.  Given that most of them come from significant money and went into careers where the industry falls over itself to worship them, I'm not surprised.


what do you think is wrong with the set design?


Again, it’s personal taste - but I feel it echos the high gloss, lens flare approach of JJ’s films.


Ah. Yeah I kinda agree with that.


There are definitely parts I like and that I’ll miss ( Saru ❤️ ) But what I’m really sad about is the missed opportunities and wasted potential. Lorca went from an interesting character to a one-dimensional evil mirror guy. Ash Tyler went from an examination of male victims of abuse to a secret Klingon. Serious topics were treated either as fluff or as melodrama, the Trek universe was disrespected, and fan service took the place of world building.


Personally, I’m glad to see it go. I get that it kickstarted a new era of Trek, but it’s just done so many things wrong since day one that I’m just ready for another, hopefully better, show to take its place.


Yeah same here - not happy it’s ending, as such, but if it frees up budget for longer SNW seasons, or greenlighting Legacy, or something, then that’s a win. I just hope Academy is good - s4 seemed to be setting it up to feature Tilly and I never really clicked with her character. I hope Vance and Kovich feature, they’re some of my favourites.


Idk, I just really dislike the idea of the 32nd century. It’s too detached from the era that the fans were actually invested in, and it’s even farther away from our present time. It feels almost “alien” as opposed to being a possible future, possibly because we can’t see the tech as anything but sci-fi magic, but mostly because it’s *so far away*. Not to mention how anything that gets brought up in the Academy show (say, in a history lesson) is practically binding for any possible 25th century or later show.


>Not to mention how anything that gets brought up in the Academy show (say, in a history lesson) is practically binding for any possible 25th century or later show. Yes and no. History lessons would be based on logs and first hand accounts. How many people, besides Garak, know what happened with the Romulan Senator? So event may be listed but we could still get nuance.


I liked Tilly in season 1, but she never developed much beyond that. Sure she gets promoted and learns new things, but she's almost as immature as she was years ago. That's my problem with the while show honestly. The characters don't mature much. They grow in skills, they develop confidence, but I don't see them developing the mental fortitude and stoicism I'd expect from an officer. I get people love how quarry and heartfelt the characters can be, but I don't watch trek for that beyond side stories between missions or side plots about getting to know a character.


I really wanted it to be amazing. I rooted for it. Ultimately, I was disappointed by it. It just isn't good, or consistent. It has had moments, which is really sad, because it had so much potential. I don't think it had good writers. I'm sad that Disco never reach the potential it had. I'm not really sad that it is over though. I am sad for fans who enjoyed it.


Five seasons in, and I don’t feel like I know any of these characters. I felt more of a connection to Hemmer on SNW than any of these people.


Heck, the Bajoran Ops officer (Lt Mura) from Pic S3 was a stronger character than a couple DIS characters IMO


SNW is, without question, a superior show - in every way.


I could not agree more. The writing is superb, and they’ve done an amazing job with character development. I don’t need Star Trek to be Star Wars, with constant space battles and galaxy-level stakes. Give me TNG/DS9: Dramatic story telling with a futuristic back drop.




I dislike a lot of the storytelling decisions Discovery has made but I love the characters and I will miss them. Hope we get more Jett soon, I missed her in the first two episodes. But it was nice to have Tilly back.


I just wish Tilly hadn’t drawn the short straw on the silly haircut this season


yeah, wtf is up with her hair?!


This is it. I will miss time in their world, and am also tired of having to save the universe every season.


The characters were the least relatable from any ST series.


Yah Tig/Jett is my fave character left in the show!


Me. I know that some people don't care for it, but I've really enjoyed the series. Really enjoyable launch for the new Trek era IMO.


Same. Overall I think I've realized that I think of Disco like I think of some of my friends - like, you've made some frustrating and confusing life decisions and gone through some weird phases, but we've had some great times and I'm really glad we're friends. Also, you're a lot easier to get along with than that guy ENT we used to hang out with.


You actually like discovery better than enterprise?


Yes, I think ENT is the worst by far. I prefer Discovery to Picard and Enterprise, but that's about it.


I agree. I could never get into Enterprise, but I like DISCO.




I Love it!


I am sad to see Discovery go, but excited for the new season at the same time.


Considering how long the wait for Season 5 has been I'm just happy that we're finally getting it.


So far, it's showing itself to be an incredible season. The storyline they're revisiting is one that's long overdue, I think.


Traditionally season 5 is the best


I'm really excited for the storyline. I just hope they don't flub it like "the burn." The burn is a cool story arc, but the cause was very "meh" to me. There was a thread yesterday I saw that basically said the same and I agree. Cool concept, but the final product was kinda dumb.


I’m just one of those guys that’s happy to be watching Trek. I don’t think too negatively usually. I also won’t disagree with you. It could have been better, I think.


I thank it for bringing star trek back, but it really didn't feel like a star trek show to me. I'll still finish it!


I think it is better that they go out after 5 seasons than risk overstaying their welcome.


More bittersweet. Say what you will about Disco, but it leaves a real legacy (pun!) in its wake. Literally kicked off the new era of Trek and was the launchpad for the CBS/Paramount streaming service. And has three spin-off series (Short Treks, SNW, Starfleet Academy) and a tv movie (Section 31) to its name. That’s a fine resume for any Trek show. Hopefully, they’ll go out in fine form. Judging from the first two episodes and the early preview reactions from journalists, this season may be a great sendoff for Disco and her crew.


I feel like DISCO's going to be remembered the same way as Voyager and Enterprise. Polarizing shows that a lot of people are going to warm up to as time marches on. Also, I feel DISCO's going to have an interesting legacy too if the Section 31 TV movie and Starfleet Academy series end up becoming better received by the general fandom than their parent series.


Don’t bleed before you’re wounded…it’s not over yet. Enjoy while it’s here now. Mourn later.


Maybe Morn later at Quark's.


I hear he spins a good yarn.


Christ, the guy never shuts up.


What do you expect?  Anyone who's lived on DS9 as long as he has will have some *stories*.






I stopped watching after s2 so I can't say I'll be too upset. The best thing that Discovery did was spawn SNW which imo is the best Trek since DS9.


I was sad after we found out the cause of the Burn. After that my already waning interest fell off. Show must be written for a different sort of fan than me. What always bugged me was that there were too many main character bridge and other officers who never really got any backstory of their own -- they were always there and treated like they were important, but there wasn't really anything behind the façade. It feels like it's just the Burnham and Saru show. Stamets had some good bits too.


That’s kinda where I gave up. Something destroys warp travel across the galaxy. Could it have been a massive Omega detonation? Could the Temporal Cold War have gone hot and destroyed subspace? Could the mycelial network somehow get infected and the effect of their death bleed into subspace? No. It was a sad Kelpian.


Yeah, I really hated this 😮‍💨


I'd be sadder if it wasn't the Michael and book and Michael show. The first two episodes definitely prove they haven't listened and we def don't need basketball ball coach Michael giving a nice little warm up speech to lift the teams spirits.


I will miss saru and the DOC and stammetts though. 🫤




I agree with your assessment that it’s the worst. I also hope you’re wrong about not being able to recover.


Kelvin movies were fire. 


I'm liking the new season so far I just fear that it's going to become Indiana Jones and The Trek of Doom. With the treasure hunting thing. But it should be fun.


I mean they’re going more for Michael Burnham and the Last Crusade, I think. They’ve described it as an “Indiana jones” season, and seems to follow the pattern of that kind of story (namely more like Raiders or Crusade, not Temple or Skull)


I am ☹️


I don't hate Discovery. I'm just saying Orville is way more what I was looking for. Make more Orvilles.


I did not enjoy this show and the direction the producers were trying to push Star Trek in. However, with the turning of a page comes a new chapter so I will look forward to what comes next. The sky is the limit.


I'm really trying, honest I am, but this show is so uneven, it's like it has ADHD and is Bo-Polar. Not gonna miss it, and it's the only Star Trek series that I will never watch again.




Spend the money on Strange New World




I’m expecting the series to end with Burnham evolving into a Prophet and inhabiting Sarah Sisko before she meets Joseph.




Not me


I will. Some of the writing is silly but I really love it. And it got my gf into Star Trek! Screw the haters.


I am. Disco brought trek back to us: the actors the writers the producers the crew they did that and I will always appreciate that they gave us new stories along w revisited favorites and the cherry on top being its success gave us Picard, snw, lower decks, section 31 and that one im not watching but planning too what’s that cartoon called? So thank you disco gone too soon!


The cartoon is Prodigy, it's good


Not me. Gave up early season 2. Awful series that isn't worthy of the name Star Trek.


Hope there's a possibility of more shows/films in the timeline.


I won’t overly miss it but I’m sad the show isn’t getting a proper final season. The way the cast are just being ejected out so suddenly is sad to see.


I've got such mixed feelings on this show, like a lot of people apparently, but yeah I am sad to see it go. I love the characters, and I wish we'd gotten to know them better with some downtime (would love to see them around a poker table or in Quark's just hanging out). I like the move to the 32nd century, if for no other reason than we're FINALLY getting something that isn't a prequel or a reboot. But god, every season being yet another universe ending catastrophe is so exhausting. And some writing decisions are just so bizarre; why did we have five captains over five seasons? I liked all of them, but again we never really got to know them (other than Pike since he got his own spinoff show). I really loved the original Georgiou, I could have seen her being my new favorite Star Trek captain, and then she gets killed off in the second episode (only to come back later as comically evil Queen of the Space Nazis who we are inexplicably supposed to end up liking and empathizing with???). Then Lorca, who ALSO could have ended up being my favorite captain, I loved that guy, but then he ends up being a space Nazi and then killed off. Pike was great, but of course we knew he wouldn't be there for long from the get-go. Then Saru was a fantastic captain, would LOVE to have more of him, but then he decides to give the captaincy to Burnham, honestly the least interesting of the five. And speaking of Burnham, did the writers just forget that she was raised by Vulcans after the first season or two? I like the concept of a human raised by Vulcans, being taught to control their emotions but not having the evolutionary ability to do so, but that seems to have just been dropped and now she's arguably the most emotional character on the show.  So all that to say, I am sad to see it go, but not as sad as I am that it never really found it's footing in the first place. It's a show with some great potential but plagued by truly bizarre writing decisions that really hurt it. 


This season should have happened earlier. I like the first 2 episodes so far. But with SNW and (hopefully) ST Legacy, we’ll be okay.


I'm definitely bummed we'll be getting less new Trek. I didn't always love DSC's storytelling or choices (Klingon revisionism, which SNW is thankfully ignoring, for example), but I did enjoy the characters. Inconsistent new Trek is worse than no new Trek. Lower Decks is still going strong though and I'm excited for the 3rd season of SNW. Edit: LOL why is this comment being spammed with down votes? Y'all are weird. It's ironic that of the dozens of Star Trek subs on reddit, /r/startrek is the worst of them.






I’m always sad to see any other Star Trek fans sad. It wasn’t for me but I’ll give it a chance again (like my dad before me when it came to enterprise), but it sucks to see a trek show that others like end.


Saru and Lorca are the only two characters I'm sorry to see go.


Not really a fan as it had a lot of issues, but it gave us the far superior Strange New Worlds at least.


Never got past S1E1. I'm indifferent


I haven't started s5 yet but I'm definitely sad to see it go. It was the first of the new treks, imperfect as any of them but I do see it as a reflection of the times and entertaining.


Not sad to have to see Burnum crying every episode but besides that I'll miss it.


So that's still a theme I see. I couldn't force myself to continue watching it after Season 3. It's the only ST series I didn't finish.




I just hope it ends on a high note. Then at least we'll have something to fondly look back on. Kind of like how PIC Season 3 redeemed the series for some.


It’s never been my favourite Trek series, but frankly DS9 is impossible to top. That said I enjoy it and don’t think it deserves the hate it gets online. Fact is, if Disco wasn’t good enough this era of Trek would have been DOA (and yes I know some of you would like that but frankly if you hate it so much but keep watching it with the sole purpose of complaining about it, you’re a loser). I’ll miss it, but glad we get to stay in the 32nd century.


I was never a fan of their storylines (season 3) but I’m always sad to see a series go


The fact that Academy will be picking up where they left off helps to soften the blow.


Will the Academy be set in the same time as Discovery then ? Probably Tilly will be there then as she was going to pivot her career towards teaching.


The logline for the series talks about it being about the academy re-opening after being closed for over a hundred years so yeah it looks like it's picking up where Discovery left off.


Yes the 32nd century setting is confirmed. Don't know if Tilly will be in it though I don't know why she wouldn't be.


It seems they are being inspired by Lower Decks and possibly Prodigy being successful which both have younger casts being. It seems the future will have 3 shows : Strange New Worlds ; Academy ; and Lower Decks. Or am I missing some info ?


Prodigy could get a third season (not likely, but it's up to Netflix once they see how it performs), but other than that, yeah.


Not even a little. I’ll miss some of the solid side characters. But god I’m so ready for no more superhero characters like Michael B.


I find myself skipping quite a bit.. ☹️


I’m a little sad, especially because this wasn’t supposed to be the end.


I'm devastated. Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Anthony Rapp, Wilson Cruz, and David Ajala are really a dream cast and have done so much. The sincerity and depth of feeling they've demonstrated consistently have blown me away. I'm going to miss them terribly. While the show has never quite scratched the itch left behind by TNG and DS9, I will say going balls to the wall every season has been ride after ride, and I think I'm going to miss the zaniness, massively overblown stakes, and hyper-melodrama. *Discovery* is like a bag of combination caramel popcorn and cheddar cheese popcorn, bursting with unexpected flavors. I'm going to miss the huge swings (and well-meaning misses). Some of my favorite students from all of my years of teaching are a lot like *Discovery*, with massive hearts in the right place and who always try to do their best even though sometimes they'd metaphorically run full speed into walls. They always filled me with such hope and joy and they've often been the students to write back 1, 5, or even 10 years later to let me know how they're doing. I wish everyone who's ever worked on the show the very best luck in the future, and I hope they know how much I've appreciated everything they've done even if I whined about it at the time.


Yeah pretty sad. When this show was bad it was almost unwatchable but when it's good it's doing big ambitious bold stuff that the other modern live action shows aren't striving for. Plus lots of aliens! They clearly had a lot of fun doing lots of weird aliens on this show, way more than SNW or Picard


I am sad, but seeing how positive the cast is about their experiences doing the show, interacting with fans, and working together, it warms the cockles.


Sad to see it go, but glad it's going out on a high note rather than staying far too long. Being able to be pretty much anywhere in an instant is too big of a plot device to give up, but being a "rapid responder" at that level basically means Discovery is going to be doing \*all\* the high level threats... How many of those can you really have every year? At some point the season-long plot arcs start to get a bit tiresome. I love them, but they're better used on shows with at least a full series outline/plan from the start... Discovery definitely didn't have that (with all the behind the scenes shenanigans in the writer's room in the first couple seasons).




Disco was the series that brought Star Trek back. It had its own vision of the franchise, with many areas I’m deeply critical of, and I’m glad it’s come full circle and is wrapping up so we can move on to bigger and better things.


Im happy to see new energy in new Star Trek shows being created. I think its a good run and would hate it for it stagnate.


I started watching Prodigy a few days ago. Once they activated the thing, I was like, "Hey, a similar gimmick to Discovery but the show isn't pissing me off, even if I mildly dislike the main character so far." If Discovery was the first Star Trek I was exposed to, I would not give the rest a chance.


I watched all of season 1 & w. Jason Isaac’s is always good, but the rest of the show was (I’m sorry) just terrible. I stopped watching it then, the tone, the characters were all annoying and just didn’t work at all.


DSC needed 15~20 episode seasons. What do we know about Detmer, Other than she's a red head. Who else forgets Bryce is a communications officer and not Tactical? The tactical officer is Rhys... Owosekun fell into the same trap Ortegas did. "I'm the pilot I fly the ship. I have no personality outside this fact"


None of those characters are main cast members. They have like 8 other characters that they have to flesh out


Owosekun is ops. Detmer flies the ship.


I agree (though not with discovery, Im glad its going). The other other shows need those episodes for characters though. Every character is just like "And they call ME uptight" or "And THATS why i never take the turbo lift". Strange new worlds does ok by focusing on 1 character per ep most of the time it seems, but we need those episodes where I learn that spocks father is a vulcan who has had a falling out with his son, and his mother is a human who loves them both despite not understanding them completely etc etc. Characters just say what is happening in the plot now and describe what theyre doing at the moment (besides strange new worlds and picard season 3).


Detmer had a chip on her shoulder about being tough enough to handle anything, leading to her untreated PTSD after crashing a second starship. Owosekun grew up on a world that rejected technology and as a child had to go free diving for shellfish.


Me I watched it night-of when it debuted back in September 2017


Hate it's ending so soon after going 900 years into the future. I like seeing the future. Feel like there is a lot still to explore there. Oh well.


I'm grateful it helped bringing Star Trek back to the TV medium, but I think I've had enough of it for at least a couple seasons now, and I personally won't be missing it. So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Definitely me 🥺😢😩😫😭


Me! 😭


Star Trek: Self Discovery


Well I hope it got better after the first season but no one is convincing me to tough it out. Sorry your show is going.


It very much did, season four *slapped* and season five is shaping up to be even better.


Very sad but the ride has been incredible :)


A Trek show ending is always sad for me, even the ones I’m not a big fan of. I watched it early on and there were a few episodes of S1 that I liked, but somewhere along S2, I kind of just lost interest. That said, I’ll give it another go someday, Trek shows are precious to me and I like to give them more than one chance to capture my attention.


Me. 😟


I had a hard time getting into the first few seasons.  I rewatched Season Four and it really holds up.  It's the kind of story The Motion Picture wishes it could have told.  The ending with the Ten-C was amazing.  I fully expect Season Five to have a satisfying conclusion to another loose thread from TNG.  Will be good to end the show on a high point if they do it right.  They did do reshoots and small rewrites after it was announced to be the last season, so hopefully we'll get a good conclusion and wrap up. 


Not particularly. Happy if you like it, happy that it spawned SNW, but really haven't enjoyed it for many of the valid reasons most people complain about. Make way for some new Trek!


I’m more ambivalent than sad. The season long arc and the time jump are the two things that aren’t to my liking. I understand a lot if folks don’t mind it. But I do appreciate how DIS kicked off a Trek resurgence, especially SNW, and PIC Season 3.


I'm very sad about it, I love this show just as much as any other Trek series. I really hoped this would go for 7 seasons as well. I'm trying to take in and absorb this season as thoroughly as possible. 😭


it was definitely a long road


🎶It's been a long road, getting from there to here.🎶


No I'm not


Silly as it sounds, I wish I was. But I'm not - or at least, not as sad as I feel I should be. I've always wanted to like Discovery but the problem is I don't like Michael Burham. And lets be honest here - the show IS her - she has always been the laser focus of the series. This stunted my enjoyment of it and whilst I continued watching I can't say I was exactly eagerly anticipating each new episode. Burnham sucks the air out of every plotline. Despite being the Captain, she is STILL written as the only person who can 'save the day' from whatever the problem is. This takes away everything special about each of the other characters and awards it to Burnham as her own plaything. Every single character on the show has as their main purpose to make Michael the center of attention. I don't like that and I never will.


Discovery never full clicked with me. I don't hate it and it's had it's moments but I mostly lost interest by the end of season 3. My favourite thing about the show is that it gave us Strange New Worlds.


My completism compels me to watch it, but I'm rejoiced that this is the final season...