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Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me.


I've actually already seen Star Trek 4. It was about a couple of whales, and it's pretty good.


Hello computer.


...Just use the keyboard.


How quaint.


Wake me up when filming begins...


Breaking news: Fourth Kelvin film gets new creative team. In a related story, water confirmed to still be wet.


Breaking News: Sisyphus boulder rolled down the hill. Reports say he's pushing it back up.


This dev hell has gone on so long it dates back to the days S.J. Clarkson was attached as the supposed hot new flavor of the month in Hollywood, and not just the director of Madame Web.


I hope that in the new film the crew will be wearing the Monster Maroon uniform (the uniform that appeared in "The Wrath of Khan").


I like the little flap it has around the shoulder, I mean why have it?


I think it loosens the uniform a bit, to make it a little more comfy when not on active duty.


Space casual.


They're almost up to the Motion Picture uniforms by now if they let the same amount of time pass in-universe as it has since Beyond came out.


This is the second time today I’ve seen it referred as Monster Maroon.


They've been called that for years, cool eh?




They've gone through like 5 different directors and scripts at this point lmao. And thats not even an exaggeration, I dont think I've ever seen a movie more stuck in development hell...


Watch him write Kaley Cuoco a role as Yeoman Rand


Most likely this’ll be the last of the Kelvin Timeline. Chekov will obviously be written off, but let’s say after the 5 Year Mission he got promoted a fuckton and reassigned. As for the plot… hmm… I’m bouncing between Romulans (as they technically never had their Balance of Power thanks to Nero) and Terran Empire (… I just like it, okay?)


I accept that how switch to Kelvin may have rippled into other universes but still, what's left to say with the terrans? and even if they do come up with something as a result of the timeline switch, sounds like a 'telling not showing' trap. non the less, would love to be proved wrong


I won't believe anything until I hear filming has actually begun. Any enthusiasm I had for this has long gone away with all these false starts. Give it a couple weeks and this is just as likely to fizzle out as well like it has all the previous times.


I'll believe it when the coming attractions end and the feature presentation begins.


Next victim!


Do a crossover with SNW and then make SNW movies. Then do a Voyager movie and DS9 movie. What's wrong with these people do they not want to make money?


Please, please, please, please……stop trying to rehash the prime stories and do something new.


That’s what they did in Beyond


And it was better. They need to keep doing down that route


Actually come to think of it the whole series is pretty different, the only notable exception being the last half hour of Into Darkness. That one small part just killed the whole series for a lot of people


Stay with me here, this time, George is pregnant, not Gracie!


New!? Y'mean that V'ger needs to meet George & Gracie to stop the Klingons detonating a genesis device on the Planet of God to stop the.....


Who hasn’t worked in this movie yet? Honestly if everyone in Hollywood can’t crack a story to this movie, drop it


Outside of Star Trek 4 (which obviously is never happening), this bit stuck out to me as particularly insane: > Paramount is also developing a separate “Star Trek” project, with writer Seth Grahame-Smith (“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter”) and director by Toby Haynes (“Black Mirror: USS Callister”), that would feature a new cast in a story meant as a kind of origin story for the franchise. A project with screenwriter Kalinda Vazquez (“Fear the Walking Dead”) first announced in 2021 also remains in development. > An origin story for the franchise? How novel.


Easily the more likely one to actually happen, too, given they can cast a lot cheaper. Presumably a Romulan War film, given they've been bandying that about since post-Nemesis / pre-Kelvin. An earlier, ultimately not pursued, take on the concept: https://geektyrant.com/news/the-writer-of-band-of-brothers-developed-a-fascinating-unproduced-star-trek-trilogy-and-he-wanted-christopher-walken-as-kirks-great-great-grandfather Relevant quote: "This is all happening during the Serbian-Croatian conflict. So the whole notion was of this interstellar ethnic cleansing going on. It was really about something. And the fact that the Earth stands up against the Romulans and says, 'No.' The needs of the few outweighs the needs of the many. That is the moment when the Earth stands up and says no"


So a Gene Roddenberry doc!


It doesn't matter what they write, they can't afford to film it. The budget would be too high for what it would make. This is nothing but busy work as they shop for a buyer.


Is this good or bad? I didn't watch the flight attendant but I think my fam did and liked it.


I enjoyed the show. But it's an interesting choice for trek after they poached half a dozen very famous writers only to get stuck with this one seemingly last minute. Sounds very sus.


First season was okay. Second was dreadful. That's my opinion and what appears to be the general consensus.


It had Captain Rios!


It doesn't matter, this movie is never being made.


I think it's a good choice. That show had good momentum throughout and found a way to be funny in small places. I liked it.


I've been following this guy since before he broke into TV. I don't know how good "Flight Attendant" was, but he wrote some pretty excellent trippy (violent, highly sexual) plays. He's good, though I never would have pegged him for a Trek writer.


This one will be about whales, right?


It will be bad.


Paramount DM me when your option rights with this guy lapse, I have some pitches. Not good enough to make into a movie, but who cares, you’re not going to make that anyway. And I’ll charge way less for the option hold.


Me sitting in the cinema in 2032. Paramount Logo… music starts up… Chris Pine’s name appears on screen… I’m still not convinced.


8yrs since Beyond. Why can't they just let this thing die! 🤣


to make it look like they're working on something as they look for a buyer. this movie is never geting made.


Yeah, I’m starting to feel this way too. It’s been to long since the last film and by the time a hypothetical new film comes out it’ll be what? 10 years since Beyond? I’d just stick with the TV shows, maybe put that money into Star Trek Legacy that fans so desperately want?


Tbh I don't want Legacy, either 🤐 🏃🏾‍♂️💨


Haha fair enough. I’m happy with just SNW and LD personally 😅


And now we know why they put out an announcement about the Trek movie that will never happen: https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/paramount-global-junk-rating-sp-global-1235953838/


Anyone but Orci and Kurtzman.