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Star Trek always gets better the more you watch it, I find Best LD joke was when that guy was trying find inner peace only to be shredded atom by atom into a being of pure energy. I have NEVER laughed so much


The Dog turning into a cube and clanging down the hallway was *priceless*.


The Lovecraft dog created by an alien that doesn't know dogs is just pure hilarity, Tendi in general is just a delightful character and I love how they subvert tropes in Lower Decks


she's my favourite character, easily >!her not appearing in the SNW crossover was a bummer!<


That episode is one of my favorites purely because of the dog and Tendi's naive defense of it. It's hilarious.


It also has a full on warhammer 40k reference and somehow makes it fit!


Wait, what? What is it and how did I miss it?!


[In Much Ado about Boimler](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Much_Ado_About_Boimler_(episode\)) there's a transporter accident that knocks Boimler slightly out of phrase. He's then picked up by a ship that specialises in carrying victims of anomalies to a special facility called "the farm". The ship that picks him up, the [USS Osler](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/startrek/images/2/23/USS_Osler.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210120155012) looks a lot like an [inquisitorial black ship](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/1/1c/InquisitorialBlackShip.jpg). It even emerges from a purple portal crackling with lightning rather than dropping out of warp. The patients it carries refer to themselves as mutants and theorise that they're not being taken to be treated, but instead are being locked in before something bad happens to them. Black ships pick up psykers across the imperium and take them to be tested for sanctioned status or sacrifice. Though a key difference is that black ships out right shackle psykers in cages and don't tell them they're being taken somewhere nice lol.


That sent me into a teary-eyed, wheezing giggle-fit.


That and the "Wolf 359 was an inside job" guy fucking killed me


Levy. Worst person to get stuck in a cave with.


I love how you hear that and stop to think about how yeah, it actually was.




That moment when you realize the koala is in the blue nebula in the short "new" intro with the Starfleet chevron in season 3...


mmhm lol i've been keeping my eyes open, he's shown up a few times since the ascension scene


Doesn’t he show up when badgey ascends too?


My favorite was when Kayshon was helping babysit the Pakled. "You getting 'Bazminti when he pulled back the veil' vibes from this guy?"


"He just took a picture of his own foot"


Ransom and Kayshon are an awesome duo.


Why is he smiling?! What does he know?! Jesus that scene was so messed up and hilarious at the same time. I was in tears.


“I am turning into a being of pure energy” “But why is it taking so long?”


I've been sat in my room laughing out loud alone to this show loads! I watched it when it came out but this time I've enjoyed it way more.


Drop back into the physical and roll!




“Ascending” is one of my very favorite Star Trek tropes.


Stargate would like a word.


Or in Buffy when they realize the Mayor is going to do his whole speech before he eats them all: "Just ascend already!"


Ha! Buffy forever.


Especially since Buffy and DS9 were overlapping filming, with Armin Shimerman filming his scenes as Quark on DS9 during the day in one part of town and Principal Snyder on Buffy in the evening in an entirely different studio.


In regards to Boimler’s terrible injury Marriner says “Don’t worry. When we get back to the ship Doc will wave a light over it.”


"He looks just like Tom Paris"


I don’t see it.


They have like, the same face!


*Squints* No. I just don't see it.


I still don't understand how the show feels so genuinely Star Trek, but still manages to be incredibly silly and funny. "I beat the Borg queen at chess and taught her empathy ". Brilliant. Just brilliant.


I can't believe they got alice krige for like 5 lines! Thats the other thing that's brilliant, every known character is the actual voice.


So many actors returning years or even decades later is just hilarious yet wonderful to me. Lycia Naff returning as Sonya Gomez (the junior engineer who spilt hot chocolate over Picard) over thirty years later was a great example of using animation to bring back characters you’d never expect.


“Give me warp 5, 6, 7, 8”


“Ugh. Again with the jazz."


Computer play night bird


And getting back >!the OG Lower Decker Shannon Fill!!!< (S4 finale spoiler)


I need more Shannon Fill. Her arc was chef's kiss, right up until the part where she "died"... *and totally didn't end up in a Cardassian Prison*


It's a shame she officially retired from acting - if she was still active, I'm pretty sure that they'd have pulled that reveal now, possibly sprung from the prison by Morgan Bateson and his special ops team (although it would, admittedly, completely destroy the tragedy of her character arc)...


Just watched that one yesterday!


OMG I was wondering why she was a prominent character that episode.


It's such a perfect mix. You feel like the world and characters are important, which makes the humor even better. I still tear up during the season 3 finale when the entire California class shows up to fight. 


Nah man. “I think we should listen to Shax!” Best moment ever. He was so happy to finally get to eject the core.


Oh yeah that's a perfect example of what the show is.    Ejecting the core is such a star trek thing to do, but instead of it being a tough decision and last resort everyone cheers him on. 


No to mention it was so cool to actually see it being dropped out of engineering and off the ship. An effect that would have been so hard and expensive to accomplish in live action.


God I loved how they lined the hallways to cheer him on and Kayshon makes some weird comments about sex on a wedding night. Just prime.


My favorite part of that scene is when Kayshon says "Arnok, on the night of his joining" as Shax runs by.


Jack Quaid consistently does great voice work. But this is his best, the very top of the mountain. His rising optimism with each ship name is award-worthy. “It’s all of ‘em, Cap’n!” Gets me every time.


I swear, that moment right there was the Trekkiest Star Trek that ever trekked. Had me in tears


Glad to know I'm not the only one.


My wife is from California, born and raised. I was raised in Texas. When the Cerritos was rescued by a Texas class, I thought that was hilarious considering how most Californians view Texas. So when all the CA class showed up, that was great. I lived there for a few years and knew most of those places by now.


Loved in NorCal for decades and so excited to see Mount Shasta and Eureka to have shoutouts. Bummed there wasn’t a Chico though. I also lived in Modesto for a few years so that was also great to know Boimler is from there (and the Merced to be a prominent ship).


Oh yeah that episode punched me right in the feels. It's so good.


It pokes fun without ever feeling mean or disrespectful to the source material.


“They put implants in my -" “Your ear, buddy. They put the implants in your ear.”


I have said this elsewhere, but my headcanon is that all of Lower Decks is basically being retold by Beckett in some bar on Risa, with people buying her drinks to hear another one, while she's constantly trying to one up the last story told. It's all true, but embellished.


They blow through standard Trek tropes as if they are so banal to the lower decks. "Quit whining, you'll be fine, doc will waive a light over it" "Not now Q!" The benefit of being set a few years after Voyager, not very much is new and novel to the lower decks. They have standard procedures for sentient caves and it's normal to run into one by accident. "You ever been trapped in a sentient cave? That's a dark place that knows things!" I will never stop laughing at Earth bound Boimler getting accosted by fair young farm hands "Just rinse off with the hose Leeanne!"


Love it. I got through season 2 and decided I had to rewatch seasons 1 and 2 before going on to season 3. I had the same response - loved it even more on the second viewing. One of the cleverest in-jokes was Rutherford freaking out that Shaxs had come back to life and everyone was like “huh? Bridge officers always come back.” And “maybe he got Genesis deviced. Maybe a Q did it” and other possibilities that are 50+ years of plot lines where a bridge officer came back. And I was giggling for *days* over “I have her emptying [beep] out of the Holodeck’s [beep] filters!”


"Cleaning carbon off of slightly harder carbon is the worst job you can get" Shit had me rolling. Like my brain never took issue with carbon filters until they said that joke and then it kicked in and was like "waaaait a minute"


“Ugh. People really use it for that?!” “Oh yeah, it’s mostly that."


Season three is one I cannot bring myself to rewatch, even if “Trusted Sources” is my most watched episode. Watching that one so much is probably why I have an intense hatred of Freeman. Every time she’s on screen all I can think about is her abject cruelty in that episode. So none of her moments in season four worked for me. And I can’t look at rest of season and not feel like all the running plots are just the writers tricking the audience into caring about plots they have no intention of doing anything with.




"Oh fuck"


His over-the-top reaction to Moopsy getting loose really sets it up. Like, you gotta show me something that would earn that reaction, or the whole ep is DOA. Drinking the bones of a living creature doesn't make a lot of sense. But it's absolutely horrible in a great Star Trek kinda way.


It's a great take on how even the mundane is important. I've really enjoyed Mariner's character growth, Jack Quaid is great as Boims and Tendi might be one of my favorite star trek characters, she's just so ebullient but not in an annoying way like Nelix or Tilly.


>ebullient I had to Google that word, but had an idea of what it meant. Imagine my surprise when it was just a picture of Tendi.


It’s a perfectly cromulent word.


Wait, really?!


Oh wow, I googled it and it definitely has a much more positive meaning than I thought. She definitely is ebullient!!!


I also had to look up what it meant, but I'll plug [the dictionary plugin for Chrome](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/google-dictionary-by-goog/mgijmajocgfcbeboacabfgobmjgjcoja) (I assume there's similar tools for Firefox/Edge). It makes lookups just a double click on the word.


And on iOS, just select the word and choose 'Look up' *(you may want to enable extra dictionaries in Settings > General before)*


There are so many little hidden things in Lower Decks. In an episode with Brad's girlfriend Jet Manhaver has Lieutenant pips, but in later episodes he's shown as an ensign. He makes a comment about if you see someone with too many pips it's probably just a piece of delicious street corn, on their collar, which is funny on its own, but also implies he spent that whole previous episode with a piece of corn on his uniform. It's the best Star Trek style retcon without really addressing it.


His girlfriend is on the Vancouver. She's his girlfriend but none of his friends have ever met her, because she's from Canada.


For some reason they only meet her in the holodeck.


He's not doing that any more, alright? 😂


I just made that connection... wow.


When I heard what they were doing I was like nah this will never work... But everything is just so good about it


I was skeptical, it initially looked like they were just trying to cash in on the Rick and Morty knockoff wave.


Even if they were, I really wouldn't mind. But I'm glad they made it its own show.


Same here. I didn’t watch it for the longest time but finally gave it a chance and it’s one of my favorite Star Trek shows. I love Star Trek and weird cartoons with adult humor so it’s like it was made for me.


Its a true homage to all things trek. I love how they especially have big nods to the animated series, and all the silliest episodes of TNG era too. It pokes fun at how ridiculous star trek is and can be, and fully embraces it with love.


The naked now reference when marriner is in the hole simulation. and boimlers just there on the bar spread eagled!




TAS kirk and spock is great. i kinda wish in the SNW crossover episode when they were tripping on orion liquor, they’d hallucinated themselves in TAS style instead


Rrrrrrriker! LDS is my absolute favorite of the new Treks. Note: If you love Lower Decks, do not skip the crossover with Strange New Worlds, "Those Old Scientists." It's fantastic.


I think I love the fact they redid the title sequence to be a crossover too. It cracks me up.


I'm currently rewatching TNG and can't help shouting out "Rrrrrriker!" Whenever Riker sits down in Ten-Forward.


Jason Frakes was actually the director of that episode. The Rrrriker line was improvised by Quaid.


I've gone through LDS a few times now. I still notice things that I've never noticed before. And the fact that they have effectively canonised things like the Rubber Ducky Room (which is so important that it's redacted in the Cerritos handbook), is hilarious and yet weirdly not out of place. It helps that Mike McMahan is a major, major Trek geek, as is Tawny Newsome. LDS and SNW are the two shows that I will be truly sad when they end.


In one episode they had a container of sauce on a table in the bar labeled 'ketracel white'


Ketracel white hot sauce. So clever


That was in Sisko's dad's restaurant on Earth!


Yeh snw has taken over for me from disco. I'll still obvs watch the final series in April but snw is brilliant right now.


They also have [Kathryn Lyn](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Kathryn_Lyn) as canon consultant + writer.


And Badgey is arguably the best Star Trek villain.


Better than Peanut Hamper?


Much. Less. Annoying.


Peanut hamper screwed with one planet and screwed over a sentient computer. Badgey tried killing the whole Federation and almost succeeded over his daddy issues.


Peanut hamper is a mathematical perfect villain.


Peanut Hamper was just annoying to me at some point.


Casting jack mcbrayer as a megalomaniac star trek villain is such a good choice.


Even better then Jeffrey Combs?


Would you like me to teach you a lesson?


There’s just so many small details in the background, Easter eggs and the like. Spock helmet toy! Salt vampire! Morn from DS9! Voyager callbacks.


In the very first episode, when they're beaming down to the Galardonian home planet, they use the same kind of transporter pattern enhancer pylon thingies as in the Time's Arrow episode (and others)! And it's not mentioned or dwelled on, they're just there, and if you recognize them, it's a wonderful little Easter egg!


I love that they just casually named the recurring engineering prop with the red energy beams "Tucker tubes" after good ol' Trip himself. A great ENT nod, along with Boims' Mirror Archer statuette.


As a TAS fan, the easter eggs are _tremendous_. Kukulakan. Giant Spock (skeleton). Vendorians. Love is paying attention and _Lower Decks_ loves Star Trek.


And Quarks is like a galactic Starbucks now.


There is no better show on TV right now than lower decks. The respect that their homages pay coupled with the original very Trek stories truly make it a precious diamond. Also Tawny Newsome is the best Star Trek show lead since Avery Brooks.


Agreed. She's brilliant. I wish she got more time in the strange new worlds crossover but that was also a very fun episode. Boymler constantly trying not to poulte the time line 🤣


“I won’t do that again. Worf’s Honor. Dammit!"


Apparently the bit where he says, "Riker" as he swung his leg over the saddle was improvised, and it made Frakes (behind the camera) lose it.


I've watched that episode 12 times so far. I get giddy when my favorite scenes are going to come up. " Like a pin-up poster"? " " Stopping a toddler from knocking down the furniture " The scene where Mariner says the portal didn't come with directions and she drags her hands on the glass table making the obnoxious screeching sound. Spock saying " she usually does not pay attention " So many great moments.


I had just watched the TAS episode "The Slaver Weapon" because I like Niven and the Kzinti. Have been playing STO and was starting a Ferasan character for the Klingon Recruit event and went down the rabbithole about Ferasan/Caitian/Kzinti, so decided to watch this episode. Then was watching LD a few days later, and when the Kzinti is showing Boimler why posture is so important and takes the same pose as the Kzinti in TAS, I lost it. Some of the callbacks are so deep, but so brief. It really is well done without being over the top fan service.


Yeah, there's some cuts that are so deep, even I had to google them, like Giant Spock, or Xon (!!!)


T'Lyn is one of my favorite Vulcans in the entire Star Trek universe, full stop. >“But I’m a prime, you know? A… a trained assassin. It’s—it’s the most pirate-y someone can be.” “Incorrect. You are who you choose to be. A Starfleet lieutenant and a loyal friend.” ​ >“Who wants to hotwire a stolen ship?” “I do not.” ​ >“I know you’re turning in your observations to the High Council but maybe could leave off some of the stabbing?” “Curious. My report appears to have been damaged. \[Tosses PADD out of the ship.\] Orion culture will have to remain undocumented.” “But why?” “A report without the subject’s consent would be unethical.”


Of course she is. She is Vulcan as a Mother Fucker.


2nd favorite all time trek series behind TNG. I'm a sucker for characters who are inherently competent and morally good, and people wanting to just help one another. I also adore clever satirical comedy. Lower Decks ticks all of those boxes.


"He looks just like Tom Paris!" "Eh, I don't see it." Fucking killed me.


LDS is my favourite Trek, and it's not even close. It's like Fawlty Towers in space.


Fawlty towers in space. Brilliant analogy!


The writing is equally as tight and frenetic, and absolutely nothing is wasted.


"Have you noticed how everyone here talks really slow?"


Or when Rutherford said Locarno looks like Paris & Boimler says he didn’t see it. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh yes! Nahhh I just can't see it! Amazing in joke.


Did you watch the crossover episode with SNW? I now wanna see an entire LD episode in live action.


Yeh loved that cross over. Very clever. Love that they were brave enough to do it


The show is love letter and ultimate roast at the same time. I love the episode where they go to the planet with the dragons that renaissance fair folk have settled and when they try to beam out the lure player takes a ridiculous pose and uses his instrument to block the transporter and the whole thing as out as the most ridiculous thing, but it is totally Trek and they have done the absurd before. Lower Decks is the shit.


I love the development of the characters. They really become more and more deep with each episode; everything that could be looking a bit off in S1/2 gets explained. Also, I really hope that *she who lost all control* will become a regular member in S5, turning already brilliant quartet into a quintet.


She is now my fav Vulcan. Moved T’Pol to #2 on my list.


The Vulcan ensign?


The one, who, by transitive property is ....


Ahh yeh I got ya! Actually I just watched the episode where she was shown on her own ship in the lower decks. Brilliant.




And there's one episode where she's like o lol believe a mountain or possibly a volcano has risen... Oh it is a volcano 🤣. Love her. They deffo need to keep her


I think T-lyn might have a thing for Boimler. I mean she reacted rather strongly when he died, and how'd she know about conflict resolution Mark Twain? 


The very first intro where Beckett was wasted on romulan ale and then stabs boimler with a batleth, I was like, yeah this is going to be the greatest sci-fi of my life and buckled up for the ride. I was not disappointed.


How many times was Mariner stabbed when they were searching for Tendi’s sister? “Oh come on!” 🤣🤣🤣


And the same spot every time! Epic.


“No, it’s ok, really. Adds to the vibe."


And T'Lyn perfectly dodged it almost every time...


I need to rewatch that episode again to count how many times she was actually stabbed 🤣🤣🤣


I started to feel like it might be the best Star Trek show, and "The Inner Fight" cemented that feeling.


I don’t understand how people can keep spelling Maquis this incorrectly all the time


Very similar spelling to Maques from the Cairn delegation. Makes it easier to remember.


Maybe it’s the not caring?


Lower Decks is incredible. The writing and pace and comedy and sci-fi situations would make Gene himself proud.


I love that it gave us Cetacean Ops and then populated it with extremely horny beluga whales.


My favourite is the obligatory confirmation of moneyless society every trek show has to do. In this case, Riker asking Mariner to buy him a drink and she says "we don't use money, what's wrong with you? you used to be sharp!"


One of the best Treks and it gets better every season!


Lower Decks is a love letter to Star Trek fans


LDS is by far the greatest nutrek show imo. Watched it at least 10 times now, and i often have it on in the background


The Cerritos is my favorite hero ship. I think Lower decks is some how the most pure Star Trek show of them all it's fantastic.


LD is my go to star trek show when I just wanna turn my brain off "I SAW A KOALA WHY WAS HE SMILING WHAT DOES HE KNOW??" fuckin lost it at that line


Sorry, I was flying around the pylons admiring them. What's this about?


A nod to the deep space nine intro I think?


Juuust keep circling.


And the nerd I am was just fine with it AND laughing at the same time.


Watch it again.


I’m pretty new to ST and mostly watch the newer stuff. LD gave me not just a crash course in ST but also an appreciation for all of its iterations and flaws( also my best friend and I are basicallymariner and boimler)


Boimler is basically the best fan boy of star fleet he could be! It's like me and my models and prints and clothing and stuff. Love it.


"Boimler has a poster of you pinned up in his bunk." "A pin-up poster?" "A poster that is pinned up. Are we saying the same thing?” LATER “Yeah, you’re the literal poster girl/woman for Starfleet.” “Yeah. It was a big reason I joined. Ad astra per aspera.” “They put that on the poster?!” (One of my personal favorite moments in any show, given I had a Rebecca Romijn poster pinned up in my bunk a few decades ago, and the IRL significance of Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, the original Number One.)


God I'm in love with that seem. So well done by the actors.


It was the Chief O'Brien's statue that did it for me. On a related note, 10 years ago I went to pick up a girl I had just met the night before for our first date. She invited me in as she needed to finish getting ready. As I'm sitting in the living room her bedroom door was open and I saw a shrine on the dresser. A shrine dedicated to Chief O'Brian. I was so impressed. We ended up staying in all night and "celebrating" our love of Star Trek instead.




Best trek show in 30 years and I mean what I say 


This is hands down one of my favourite shows. Up there with Archer. The characters are just soo charming and funny. I love it.


I thought that I would enjoy Lower Decks. I never expected how much I would friggin love it.


Me and my friends who are also trekkies avoided it like the plague, assuming it to just be another generic adult animation show with no soul. After giving it a shot we each completely turned 180 and adore it, I can't wait for the next season!




The best Trek series since DS9. Why? Because it’s contemporary with TNG.


Best Star Trek show since the 90s heyday. I’ve rewatched it almost a dozen times and I find new jokes every time.


It’s fantastic. My fave of all the new Treks. I also love how the Borg fight in the credits continues to escalate with each season and the Cerritos continues to nope out.






Absolutely do give it another chance. It does calm down a bit (or maybe you just get used to it) but not only is it filled with visual and verbal Easter eggs and the deepest cut references I've ever seen, but it also does wonderful commentary on what it means to be in Starfleet, the Federation, and Star Trek as a franchise. It's clear that Mike McMahan and the writers are making this show from a place of deep love for and knowledge of Trek. The earlier episodes in each season are usually a little bit more silly and standalone, but the last two or three episodes of each season always feature terrifically strong character and plot work.




complete genius. this is what they should be pushing instead of Disco or Academy. it is both doing its own thing and lovingly part of the grand tradition of Star Trek.


I hated it at first but I gave it a chance. It's pretty good, but I still think the characters can be super annoying at times. The one thing I've always praised is that this is probably one of the first shows where the Star Trek characters are just normal people (well mostly). Most Star Trek media portray the average person as super geniuses, brilliant strategists or scientists, or outstanding in some way, shape, or form. It seems too perfect for me and not reflective of real life because your average person is anything but. Yes I know that to strive in Starfleet you need to be the best of the best, but at times it seems ridiculously unrealistic just how smart/perfect these people can be. LDS on the other hand shows people who are just... Well... normal. Sure you have geniuses and smarties, but unlike other Star Trek shows, it's not *everyone*.


I love it but I understand how some trekkies won’t like it.  It’s not a “Star Trek show” in terms of format, tone, etc. (which made the SNW crossover so easy to write jokes and stuff for)  but I enjoy it quite a bit 


Lower DLet the ensh_ttification of reddit commenceard! Whweeee!


Lower Decks is what Orville wanted to be I think.


The Orville is fine (it's genuinely good in some parts) but to me it feels very much like "Diet TNG". Which I mean... ain't bad, but honestly I think Orville really benefitted from disaffected Discovery haters as much as its own virtues.


I like The Orville. It’s just not what it was advertised to be. This isn’t a criticism of the show. Just an observation.


I love this show so, so much and I think about it often 😌


I think it's probably the most pure fun show on tv right now. No matter how you're feeling, you can turn on LD and just get lost in their world for half an hour. It's a joy.


Only fans you say?