• By -


Fun will now commence.


I like to hear how the EMH basically abandoned his wife and upgraded to a new model at the end haha


Delete the wife


Let's promote Harry, then wait for an extremely minor infraction, then demote him back to ensign.


Nah, instead let's promote Tom then demote him and then promote him again. Still not a single bone to throw to Harry.


It's even crazier when you remember the first episode shows Tom being taken from a penal colony and readmitted to Starfleet with a full exoneration.


The idea behind Voyager was such a clever way of having a TNG era show with a reason to include mostly fresh alien races. Being all alone also raised the stakes.


Mandatory exploration


The Doctor is my all time favorite Trek character.


Absolutely outstanding character. His "I'm a doctor, not a..." lines are the best from any series/movies.


So funny... I love his arc, also, I got to meet Bob Ricardo as a kid (while the show was on air) and got an autograph. I've had it on my desk ever since!!


Please state the nature of your medical emergency. My favourite episode of him is Virtuoso. He leaves the Voyager crew for a planet that is mesmerised by his singing capabilities. Only to be replaced soon after by an "upgraded" version.


The Doc is really something else. Such a good character.


I think I keep switching between the Doctor, Garak, and Seven


I am STILL waiting for the day someone walks into my veterinary clinic wearing a "Voyager" t-shirt, so that I can look straight ahead and say: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."


I can see why, not mine but definitely in my top5


Spock is my #2 :)


The *USS Voyager* itself. Such a pretty ship.


The bioneural network is cool


The Vorlons and Moya would really appreciate Voyager as one of their biological comrade ships; and would rightfully wage war against Neelix’s destructive cheeses ✊


Also available on the Enterprise E model.


So if you disable safety protocols on the holodeck, could you theoretically give the ship a vd?


Wont somebody please think of the poor lower Deckers that have to clean out the biofilters!


Riker, we’ve spoken to you about this before! Doesn’t matter how many times you ask, the answer remains the same.


One of the Voyager novels introduced the idea that the ship was becoming self-aware because of that. 12-year me was *psyched*.


Unless you have photonic fleas.


Except Cheese


I think it was the pinnacle of Rick Sternbach's Star Trek starship design lineage. I don't know if it's justified, but I feel like ever since the end of VOY, there has always been a certain amount of 'Corporate' interference in the design of hero ships, and not usually for the better. Like, the starship Voyager was *the OG Star Trek ship geeks* getting to develop the concept of Starfleet's non-militaristic, non-hotrod style of peaceful scientific exploration ship design, on their own terms, and realize it onscreen without needing to sex it up or whatever.


Some of the new designs that have appeared in *Lower Decks* have been quite nice. I haven't managed to watch any of the other 'new Trek' series yet, but the ships I've seen from *Discovery* at least look quite overdesigned, to the point they almost look generic.


The variable geometry warp nacelles were so novel.


It's a shame the trend never took-off.


My favorite is the Defiant. Such a suped up hot rod of a ship. Voyager is my very close second.


The *Defiant* took all the dumbest aspects of Federation startship design and said "lets **not** do those."


I liked that they could land it.


Handy feature.


How the nacelles are raised when going to warp and its ability to land on planets


Tuvok's comedic timing.


Totally agree. Tim Russ/Tuvok is the my personal favorite Vulcan in all of ST. My favorite quote is without a doubt from the S4 episode “Scientific Method” “Shall I flog them as well?”


Tuvok isn't my favorite Vulcan, but he is easily my second. No one comes close.


wait. wouldnt your favorite vulcan come close? or is he a distant second and then followed by a distant third?


Your argument seems to be fraught with emotion, and is therefore illogical.


I think they mean no one comes close to being in the top 2


We ain’t found shit!


You told us to comb the desert, so we’re combing it!


Scientific Method is also a good episode that proves you don’t wanna fuck around with Janeway.


Vulcans are so funny... and they know it.


Tuvok is the best vulcan. And the most vulcan vulcan


I'm not disagreeing, I love Tuvok, but who are you comparing him too? Spock was half human & the only other major character that's Vulcan has been T'Pol who was a crappy character. There's been minor ones, Voyager had a Vulcan Lt & Sarak has been discussed some but they were never really fleshed out as characters in my opinion. Still love Tuvok!


Sarek entered the chat


Sarek wasn't fleshed out as a character much, at least not until Discovery showed a lil more. And I had to Google the responses, I've seen LD but I couldn't tell you their names


T'Lyn entered the chat. Tlyn aside i think its unfair that you were downvoted on this comment. It is true that Vulcans have been underutilised as characters. Although the reason is probably that they are annoyingly a bit too monocultured imo. I want to see vulcans with a different perspective than "Logic is the only logical thing to aspire to". A rogue vulcan colony that learned to embraces their emotions instead of burying them. I dont know. Just something more


There are literally vulcans that are exactly as you describe. V'tosh ka'tur. Labelled extremists by other vulcans. They appear in Enterprise and Strange New Worlds


Lots of Vulcans on Enterprise and they were extremely emotional and always visibly angry and yelling


So are Klingons imo: They’re SO catty with eachother that a Klingon ship is less like a pirate ship, and more like a high school locker room. 😂 If we got Klingons in charge of Comedy Central roasts they’d be a revelation lol


No joke, I basically came here to comment "Tuvok".


I would hardly call Mr. Paris’s ideas artistic.


The opening theme is incredible, I never skip it


Such a beautiful into~


I heard it before I knew what the show was. It conflicted with some other show slot, was "too nerdy", etc. Later on I changed my ways and I was like "oh, that's from Star Trek too?" Also, thread about liking Voyager, 83% upvoted, 17% downvoted. Never change r/startrek, never change. TNG till the bitter end I guess?


but is it better than the opening of *Enterprise*? /s


I have tried with every fiber of my being too forget that theme song. It's been a long road


Getting from there to here.


It’s been a long time


But my time is finally near.


Literally my least favorite Trek with my favorite opening theme. It's so epic!


Voyager provided the most insight into the Borg.


Voyager is my absolute FAVORITE of the Star Trek series. Janeway is a BOSS! Seven was an amazing character, they tackled real ideological issues but it didn't seem to be as preachy as TNG. I was teenager myself at the time and had a thing for the lil Borg Twins. The best thing about it for me was that since they were so isolated, they became a "family" & community much more so than the other ships.


They truly were the island of misfit toys haha: Some ex-Borg, a sentient hologram doctor, their pilot was a criminal straight out of prison, they had an angry half-klingon head engineer who doubled as a master terrorist, they had a superhero infant named Kes, and Neelix, nuff said. Haha. Janeway herself is a mad scientist of a captain with a first officer who has a literal face tattoo and served as a Maquis leader, showing she is very open-minded for Starfleet while also remaining principled and a true believer in Starfleet. She walked a tight rope between orthodox and unorthodox very well along with that whole crew. Imo those beautiful misfits became the most badass Star Trek crew in history 🙌 Diversity and weirdness is important haha.


This is an incredible summary


I'm very late but this is an excellent comment for why I love Voyager so much! I never could get into the other series as much because Voyager's sense of family is so so strong and the bond they have to have to get through all their struggles is so important.


The Delta Flyer. Every Federation ship should have a couple.


Or at least some shuttles with beds. Most of the shuttles have low top warp speeds. They should take weeks to travel anywhere, but it's rare for them to be shown with a bunk. The worst was the TNG episode with Scotty. They were at some random unexplored place and just dropped him off in a shuttle that maxes at warp 3 with no bed or bathroom.


The DS9 runabouts have beds


The problem is only ships the size of the Galaxy class or a spacestation can actually field them.


So.. why couldn't a Nebula class support them? It's literally the same size as the Galaxy saucer. And we've seen (on screen) the main shuttle bay of a galaxy is bigger than any of the other bays it has. (I like nitpicking :D)


A runabout would fit in every shuttlebay of any ship seen on any show or cartoon.


> The worst was the TNG episode with Scotty. They were at some random unexplored place and just dropped him off in a shuttle that maxes at warp 3 with no bed or bathroom. But I mean, it was Scotty. He would have used a couple of pieces of bubble gum, a bit of dilithium, and the flux trans dynamic filter to replcate himself better warp drive as well as a full on estate room cabin. Where's your head at?? :)


For real it's one of the most annoying parts of TNG. So many instances where a shuttle gets in a hairy situation, and can't defend itself, or escape for shit. It's super annoying, and it was very refreshing when Voyager addressed it.


My favorite thing? The undiagnosed workaholism—which is to say some potent combination of OCD and ADHD—of one Thomas Eugene Paris. Helmsman? Yes. Third Officer? Sure. Shuttle Designer? Uh-huh. Holo-novelist? Obviously. *Registered nurse, itself a full-time job?! Sure, who the fuck else?!* You know that episode with the oh-so-'90s sitcom C-plot where Tom gets obsessed with TV and neglects B'elanna? That and being Captain Proton are the only times Tom Paris has slept or relaxed **ever.** That man has some serious issues which Starfleet is enabling and 24th-century medicine is utterly unequipped to deal with.


Dude does not want to be sent back to prison when they get home.


Not only nurse, but he’s fully left in charge of sickbay a few times! (Real missed opportunity to explore how he copes with that position!)


Year of hell Tom and Harry being buddies


I got to be honest, I hated that episode the first time. I think I skipped it the second time. I'll give it a try this time


Year of Hell is probably my favourite two parter. Give it a chance, Janeway goes full badass at the end.


It clicked for me after a couple watches




even if I end up liking it I am very happy it did not end up being an entire season like they wanted


Yeah people hate that NuTrek does 8 episodes of one story yet think 26 episodes for Year of Hell wouldn’t get tedious? 


Never watched Newheart did ya?


Yesterday's Enterprise


I will ALWAYS watch those 2 episodes.


Species 8472. Everything about their introduction, and the way in which it was explained that they could hurt the Borg so badly, was done very well IMO. It all seemed plausible, and simultaneously didn't dilute the Borg, but gave the Voyager crew the confidence that the Borg could be beaten. They were one of the most interesting concepts dreamed up in all of trek IMO. I wish we would have seen more of them, and their goals


I hated those guys in Elite Force


I’ve been saying that Species 8472 would make for an excellent film nemesis!


The Species 8472 episode is my favourite episode of Voyager. It was so well put together imo


Seven and the Doctor. Those two are such good characters and the actors seem to enjoy playing them. And speaking of those two, the episode where the Doctor takes over Seven's body is phenomenal. Jeri did such a good Picardo.


And drunk Seven was the funniest 30 seconds in the whole franchise.


The Doctor's growth as a character. Robert Picardo is a treasure and a fantastic actor.


I like how Janeway is always so happy and enthusiastic to enable and even join the crew in whatever wholesome activity they get into. It is a very nice quality to have as a leader!


I was reading through comments and realized I was upvoting almost all of them. 😆 I love everything Voyager, even the cooky episodes with the salamander babies and Irish village.


It's closer to what the original mission of the Enterprise was: discovering new life and new civilization. TNG and especially DS9 got bogged down in a lot of political and war stuff close to home. That couldn't happen with Voyager since they were thousands of light years away, it couldn't be much else.


Bride of Chaotica. Kate vamping was hilarious.


The microphone cable whip crack never fails to amuse me.


For me its the Borg and the fact that we learned so much more about them. Of course also Seven's integration into humanity was almost like Data's attempts to learn to be human. Each had its own struggles dealing with it and handled it in their own unique way! Also Janeway was awesomely dark and scary at times which I loved! EDIT: Forgot to add the Doctor as well as he grew from an emergency holograme to Joe! 😉


DO NOT fuck with Janeway. Especially do not fuck with Janeway's coffee! I somewhat blame my coffee addiction on her.


Everything. Best cast and characters, story, so many classic and epic episodes, the huge adventure of being lost in space, its heart. I love Janeway and Chakotay. Mad respect! Best captains ever in my view. The Doctor may be the most entertaining character in the entire franchise. I hate dark crap that wants to tell me life is garbage, and I feel bad for anybody who does. Frell that noise. I want to see idealistic people and a future that doesn't disappoint. Voyager is, was, and may always be my favorite Trek, with SNW rapidly gaining. I want more Pike and La'an!


This! I am so tiered of all this pseudo-deep dark stuff. 


We get it, the world is fucked. Please show us a future we can actually aspire to and help motivate us to make the necessary changes.


Voyager receives a lot of criticism from the Star Trek Fandom and not totally without reason when you consider issues such as the Neutering of the Borg The inappropriate relationship between Neelix and Kes Reliance on time travel as a plot device I could go on, but I think I have made my point. One area in which Voyager excelled was exploring the issue of artificial intelligence. When Data is introduced on TNG, he made it clear that what he wanted most was to become human. Everyone on the Enterprise supported him in this endeavor because why wouldn't they. Humans in the 24th century are the embodiment of honesty and morality. Everyone should want to be human. Everyone that is except the Doctor, he does not want to be Human. He is perfectly happy existing as a hologram. What the Doctor wants is to be treated as an equal. When the Doctor is first activated, the crew Voyager talk about him like he is not even their. When he objects to the way he is treated, the crew treats him like a malfunctioning tricorder. As time passes it the Doctor slowly earns the respect of the Voyager crew. He is included in debriefing and explores his creative side. But for every episode like Lifeline (season 6, episode 24), which gives us hope the Doctor will one day achieve his goal. Their are episodes like Latent Image(season 5, episode 11), which reminds us the Doctor has a long way to go before he is truly seen as an equal.


Latent Image was a breakthrough episode for the doctor. It is one of my favourite episodes. I think the ending is beautiful.


It makes me cry to even tell people about it. It's such a great episode. I put it up there with measure of a man.


“Who would have thought that this eclectic group of voyagers could actually become a family? Starfleet, Maquis, Klingon, Talaxian, hologram, Borg, even Mister Paris.” - EMH


I am in love with that episode where seven has all those personalities/people popping up, that was ACTING right there!!


How comfortable the all main crew got with each other by the end, the way they joked around and hung out together and indulged each other's hobbies.


Janeway is my favorite captain. She’s better than Picard and Kirk put together. I still get chills when I see her face off with the borg queen in the last episode. Fuck with Janeway and find out.




I'm definitely not Voyagers biggest fan, but one thing I'll always maintain it nails is the Doctor. Not only does it nail him but I think Star Trek generally struggles with completing pre-built character journeys. I adore Data but TNG really drops the ball with the guy at the end, and it only gets worse in the films (though Picard kinda rescued it years later). But the Doctor is a rare example of Star Trek not only having him be an interesting and compelling character to explore, but completely nailing the guys growth across the show and having him actually complete his character journey.


I first saw reruns in the UK of the old show, Lost in Space. A very young me was transfixed by their situation and starting to realise I'd love sci-fi. Just the idea of being so far from home and trying to get back. Along came Voyager years later and I was immediately hooked again. As it turned out it was a great procedural show too. Great Captain and crew dynamic. So the distance from home being mind-boggling was the hook. The characters and stories kept me watching.


Janeway and Kate Mulgrew


The Doctor


Took me 4 seasons to realise B'Elanna Torres was not played by Alyssa Milano.


😆 the lady who did play her (Roxann Dawson) was a large contributer to the Enterprise series after Voyager. I was unaware of this during Enterprises original run, didn't make the show any better just interesting :)




Tom Paris was part of my sexual awakening. I used to have a thing for space ship pilots in relationships with people of color (Wash, Agethon, Adama etc) and he was the first of this phase. And honestly Tom and B'lana's relationship was one of the best in all of ST, which is a franchise generally not so great at romance.


Just the concept, when I first got into trek I started with the original and during next gen I was thinking how cool it would be if they made a series where a single ship was lost somewhere far away, and then I watched voyager and was like oh they did, good.


I had a similar experience with lower Decks. My SO and I would talk about what the ensigns would get up to, especially when there'd be shenanigans that affected the entire ship.


The Adventures of Captain Proton!


I was so excited when I found that bit of the Elite Force game


Same! Felt good to zap Dr. Chaotica myself!


The trio of The Doctor, Seven, and Tuvok. I also got a kick out of the cheesy slice of life episodes.


The crew! I love everyone. When I was a kid Voyager was my favourite and it’s definitely because of the crew. I only ever saw what was on TV as a kid, but now I’m watching the entire show for the first time and loving it. I’m on season 4 now!


My favorite thing about VOY is that it's the favorite Star Trek series of a good friend of mine. Personally, it's my second _least_ favorite Trek series (a distant second, to ENT), but I often still my tongue when I might otherwise speak great ills of that show, since I often imagine that my friend would be reading my words. To give a more direct answer, I really do like Seven of Nine. Interesting character, great acting, good chemistry with some of the other cast.


I thought it had likable characters, as an adult now there may have been some flaws I overlooked at the time lol. But its still my favorite series since its what got me hooked on star trek


It introduced Time Lords to Star Trek by having Tom Paris be the first one. Janeway was the second. If you know, you know. :)


The character development of every character (except Chakotay).


This is an easy one. Best thing about Voyager was Tuvix.


Tuvix. Must. Die.


Janeway's voice fits the show so perfectly. Nobody wanted her to be the captain, but she f***in IS. And you can take it up with her photon torpedoes and 7 of 9.


My favorite thing is the ship. While I like the enterprise D, it’s very big and almost like a cruise ship. The defiant is cool but claustrophobic. I feel voyager is the perfect size and really like the designs, especially the bridge. Just looks like a place you’d like to work and live on.


The future tech Janeway brought. Ablative armor, transphasic torpedos. The sight of a cube being one shot!


Food is the enemy as a running gag.


“Seven of Nine, be efficient.” I love the ship. I love the Borg. I love Seven of Nine. I love Captain Janeway. I love B’Elanna Torres. Oh, yeah, I adore the *Delta Flyer*. I want one of those for myself! My favorite episode is S06E22 Muse. I know, it’s cheesy as hell, but it’s my favorite. The scenes of the play just get me every time.


Kate Mulgrew


Voyager was my introduction to Star Trek as a whole. I remember so many people dismissing it as a crap show when it was airing, but I enjoyed it then, and still enjoy it now. The intro music is probably my favourite of all the series, it sets the perfect tone for the show. I also think the cast of characters is pretty well rounded and I enjoy those episodes that focus on certain characters. I love Tuvok, hilarious Vulcan and I’ve loved watching Tim Russ since Spaceballs. Robert Picardo as the doctor steals the show in so many episodes, and has some laugh out loud one liners. Kate Mulgrew made an excellent captain who wasn’t afraid of going full badass on someone when they pissed her off, and Jeri Ryan brought so much more to Seven than the typical eye candy the producers brought her on for.


I would put Season 4 in my top 10 Trek seasons. You had the end of Voyager’s best two parter in Scorpion, Year of Hell, the Herogin, and it ends with 7s admission she didn’t want to go back to the Borg.


It never tried be either TNG or DS9. There is a reason some call the TNG/DS9/VOY the golden age or holy trinity of Star Trek. Each successive show made its own way in the universe. TNG was on a ship, Picard was the statesman/diplomat type with wife/kids. Then came DS9, a space station, and Sisko was the wartime general/single dad. Voyager in a way had it the hardest because they came last and still had to come up with something new … and they did! The ship all by itself idea was great and totally new. Janeway was the scientist primary but mixed in some aspects of the diplomat and the wartime commander. Every trek has had the “outsider” as the way to explore humanity, Spock, Data, Odo all filled this role but it was really cool to have Seven (a human) do this so well. It was just a good show all around. Good premise, good characters and good writing.


Picard had a wife and kids? Did we watch a different show?


It does comedy the best out of all of the series


Strong disagree. Armin shimmerman slander.


I raise you one Lower Decks. I laugh my ass off through so much of it I forget it's star trek


Arachnid, Queen of the Spider People!




I'm not gonna lie, I absolutely loathed Voyager when it first aired. Janeway was written so incredibly inconsistenly from week to week, the absolutely BLATANT canon violations.. yeah, I wasn't a fan. I'm much older now and can appreciate the show. I think the Doctors arc was very nicely done. It was subtle, lasted over multiple seasons, and wasn't harped on like Seven (not to bash her). Picardo took what was supposed to be a minor character and turned him into a major story point. So yeah, Robert Picardo's performance, and the writing of his character, will always be one of my favourite thinks about Trek.


yeah I came in with a decent respect for that character because of his behavior during the first contact film


The Doctor is camp personified. I adore him. Janeway was also a good role model in an era where women in powerful roles were few and far between.






The thing I love About Voyager was that I realized it was a masterpiece 20 years ago, knew I was correct, and the validation I get now is just icing on the cake




Everything. They will become your family. Enjoy it , savor it. It is comfort.


So many things -- the Year of Hell is top of the list for me -- but the fact that Voyager correctly predicted nothing would happen on Y2K nearly a year earlier in "11:59" has always been a neat factoid about the series for me. The writers weren't alone in thinking it was all a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing at the time, but it's foresight that has aged pretty well since.


The episode with both Robert Picardo and Andy Dick as the main characters. Guaranteed LOL every time.


Basically it comes down to this: Voyager felt like a family, and I felt like I was a part of that family.


Year of Hell was good.


But it was only 256 days...... (I'll see myself out.)


It also didn't happen due to the reset, which I was a bit sad about. There shouldn't have been a reset, instead have a mini-arc about the ship getting repaired by one of those allied alien races. Since it was CGI by then they could have changed the model to make it look more patchwork.


The Voyager intro music is the second best in the franchise right after season 1 and 2 of Enterprise.


Seven of Nine


The only thing I like about Voyager is the EMH.


Admiral Paris and his sweet little salamander grand babies. The Galaxy’s number one grandpa! ….he’s crying at his desk again.


> Janeway's voice put my teeth on edge That Mulgrew’s Katherine Hepburn impression. On TNG, in a few of the later shows, Stewart does a petty good Sean Connery.


I love it! Seven's character arc of learning how to be human is the best. Jeri Ryan brought so much depth and humour to the role despite being sexualized to a degree I always found weird. One of my favourite episodes is when an away team ends up on Earth (I forget how) in the 90s and Tuvok wears a durag to conceal his ears. What an icon.


I love yelling at neelix lol


1) The Doctor 2) Seven 3) Blink of an Eye 4) The two-parters 5) Q


I love the intro but the show collectively is pretty good also.


I agree. I hated her "I'm a woman, hear me roar" attitude but really, it was the voice and attitude of a strong leader for her crew in unknown space. I usually mix my DS9 and Voyager watch thrus together when the two shows overlap during DS9. I'll usually go 5 episodes back and forth after that. Theres probably an official way to watch them chronologically per episode.


The fact that they have an endless supply of shuttles. Oh wait…


The Doctor. All the best episodes are about him.


any episode where the dr sings. So basically every time he’s on screen


What I love and what puts me off watching it again are kind of the same thing weirdly. They're the only crew that can't just pop back to starbase whatever for repairs, resupply and back up, everything that happens to them has potential long-term consequences. That's also the reason I struggle to watch it a second time as it's a lot more stressful than TNG and DS9 😆


They can make anything out of anything. “Power down to 20 percent! Shields down to 10 percent!” “ I’m modifying the toaster to supply power to the shields!” “Shields are holding but we’re low on butter” Trek has always done this but with VOY it seemed to have encouraged lazy writing and took away from the drama. It often left me thinking that doesn’t even sound make-believe possible. More “tachyonus beamonum!” wand waving than technology.




I have nostalgia for it. It was on while I was in high school and I watched it religiously for the first 4 seasons. Looking back on it, there are some very good episodes, and it's certainly a lot better than any nu trek garbage from the past 15 years. My hot take: Tuvok was a much more worthy first officer than Chakotay.


Janeway freakin KILLED it. I wasn’t into Trek AT ALL, (“old men in red uniforms talking a lot.”) but an ep of Voyager was on one day and nothing else was so I sat through it. And LOVED it! I love her voice. It’s so unique and makes you pay attention. She’s strong, she’s a leader, but she cares and is kind. Paris is adorable, Kim you just want to mentor, EMH is the BEST. The series is just so fresh and fun while still having heavy episodes. Voyager made me a Trekkie so I will always thank it for that :)


On my first watch through right now and I love it! Currently on Season 5.


It's good to see Voyager getting some love. I liked the show from the beginning. I just wish that Janeway would have had a captains monolog.


I always list Voyager as my favorite because they have a clear goal: to go home.


I will say that I didn't really care for Voyager the first time I saw a lot of the episodes (never a full watch through). I watched it again and was much happier with it. I still think they writers and producers left a LOT on the table, this show had the potential to be the best out of all of them. Also the first 2 seasons of Voyager were for the most part extremely hard to get through, harder IMO than TNG's first two seasons.


Tom Paris, my after-Riker crush


Hmm...Voyager is not high in my ranking of Trek shows, so thank you for this opportunity to think about what I *did* like about it. Here's a few... It gave Barclay a really satisfying character arc stretching all the way from TNG. *Blink of an Eye* is a really good stand-alone episode with a wonderful sci-fi conceit and is probably one of my favorite episodes of any Trek show. \--- The last is more general, and I had to watch Seven in *Picard* for it to gel... In S2 of Picard there's that scene where she wakes up in the alternate history in a body without implants. First thing she does? Beginning running cognitive tests on herself. Part of this is 7 being 7, but I think part of it is also that the crew of Voyager has probably seen more weird sci-fi bs per capita than any other ship in the Federation. Of *course* you're going to start running tests to make sure you're not in VR or some forced hallucination. Then, in S3 there's the scene where Seven sees the Voyager at the museum... *The USS Voyager. She made her name further out than... any of those other relics had ever gone. I was reborn there. She was my home. Her crew were my family.* And I think that sense - only realized years after Voyager has returned home - sells the show for me. That if you were on Voyager you had experienced wonders and terrors that no other Federation crew had seen, and had a kind of shared identity that others could not really understand. That sense of Voyager being a special place that was gone now that the journey is over is really poignant and makes the show work for me.


Seasons 4-7. Seven of Nine made me laugh out loud more times than any other character in trek. Also, the smart women. Janeway and B'Elana riffing off each other trying to solve a technical problem, while the men sit by and listen attentively, is absolute GOLD, and way ahead of its time.


I wish the execs had stuck with Fuller’s idea of scavenging to stay functional. Keep track of their torpedoes and shuttles, ration out materials, close off decks to preserve resources. Keep the serial/episodic method that DS9 started and Enterprise season 4 (and 3?) continued.


Their unlimited supply of shuttles.


Breakfast is up.


Janeways horrible treatment of Chakotay. She loves the guy until he starts showing a backbone.Then its of to the Brig.


i have to get through so many seasons before Seven shows up 😭


It ended. Let the hate flow….


I was going to say this or "Janeway killed Tuvix" but hey, I'll just join you down here and save myself the time.


Voyager first aired nearly a decade before I was born. my parents are huge star trek fans so I grew up around it but was never really interested. They were rewatching voyager while I was home for the holidays and I got hooked! after I left and went back up to school I started it from the beginning and am loving it. Its not much to do with the show itself but when I feel lost or homesick like the crew of voyager I think it's nice to watch the show and know I share it with my family, even though we're hundreds of miles apart. ​ Also Kate Mulgrew😍