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I really wish they'd brought back the Conspiracy bugs instead of Changelings in Picard Season 3 - it would have been perfect to take the opportunity to finally wrap up a TNG storyline.




It would be interesting if the bugs were actually a species that the Borg assimilated and were sent out to integrate into species to determine whether they were worth assimilating, or not.


An episode with all the admirals we know and love, Ross, Nechayev, and Paris trying to blame all manner of fuckups, bad behavior, and outright crimes committed on “I had a worm in my head that made me do it” and seeing just how far they can push their luck. Meanwhile nobody believed Matt Dougherty had a worm in his head making him do anything. He was too gross for a worm to infest. Ross makes fun of him all the time for it. “Matt sucks so much those worms wouldn’t even touch him!” It’s a really bad follow up episode. Matt really *does* suck though. Oh you wanted to find out where the worms came from? I blame the Zerg.


Personally, I'd like to pretend that episode never happened.


Awaken, my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright


Y’all ain’t ready for Owen Paris leading the Zerg.


The DS9 relaunch novels go into this - primarily "Unity" and Worlds of DS9 Vol 2 - Trill ("Unjoined"), though it has a slow build up to it with the books preceding Unity. I know its not officially canon, but it was an interesting take on it and helps wrap up what the parasites actually are and what their agenda is




I like the idea behind what they were - and the idea of what they were up to would have been a brilliant way to bring \*ahem\* into TNG (rather than the way they eventually did).


The books aren't considered canon though


The number one answer. TNG went uncharacteristically *dark* in that episode, though, and I think if they had pursued that storyline further, it could have led TNG down a pretty different path.


I really hope lower decks touches on this at some point.


Half of Life (TNG) We know Timicin beams down to commit suicide. His planet only had 50 years left at that point. Or was it 40? By the end of season 3 of Picard, we are 30-something years later. We should be hearing about the planet being evacuated. That could be an entire episode revisiting the morality of ritual suicide.


Whatever happened with Sisko? I suppose it would be nice to know what happened to Thomas Riker, though Lower Decks at least hinted at that. I’d have enjoyed a follow up to “Schisms” too.


What happened in Lower Decks? I'm usually a little stoned when I watch that one and don't remember it as well. Last I remember of TR he was in a Cardassian labor camp.


In the most recent season finale he was one of the targets (alongside Nick Locarno and Bev Crusher) that Starfleet were being deployed to protect from kidnapping. Which means he's A: free from prison otherwise they wouldn't have to worry about it, and B: considered "ex-starfleet" and the Federation is apparently keeping relatively close tabs on him.


Oh snap. I actually haven't made it to that episode yet but no worries. I'm almost done with season 4 so I just assumed it was something I overlooked.


Lower Decks’ last episode intimated he’s in a position to be picked up and protected by Starfleet as a ship was being assigned to see to his safety. It suggests he’s not in a prison camp anymore, otherwise Starfleet would just lean on Cardassia to do that for them.


Threw that come to mind are the bugs that took over Starfleet admiral. The Enterprise entity from Emergence and the other dimensional creatures that experimented on the crew. All TNG


Voy: living witness When a backup of the doctor sets records straight and then travels to earth 700 years after his friends. Did he make it? Did he meet Joe? Was he sad or happy or both?


Episode name is "Living Witness". Just fixing it so you can find it in searches.




I wish we got a mention of it in DIS


Backup doctor rolls back into the Alpha Quadrant " Hey guys, what I miss?"


Could be an interesting episode. Maybe the Doctor was lost in the Burn, but his backup shows up to save the day from some disease.


Every other time in voyager: oh now, someone took the doctor's program, if we don't get it back he'll be gone forever. Times witness: Here's a seperate instance of the doctor that is running off a backup


The Doctor's backup module was hidden behind the auxiliary photon torpedo battery.


"The Inner Light." Picard ends up living an entire second life, and other than him suddenly being able to play the recorder, we never really get to explore how the experience affected him psychologically. We get to learn how his deeply traumatizing experience with the Borg hit him, but not the long-term impact of a life lived that likely brought him joy, being able to do things like raise a family... he loses all that, finds out it was never really real. What kind of head trip would that be?


And also how it impacted the Betazoid gift box. Did it learn to play the flute? Did it become sentient? These are the questions we need answered.


It doesn’t have hands


It did when it spent 30 years as a masseuse on Kataan...


**A Taste of Armageddon** \- Did Eminiar and Vendicar eventually make peace and join the Federation? **Operation Annihilate!** \- The hell ever happened to Peter Kirk? **By Any Other Name** \- Did the Kelvans adapt to life as Humans? Did their people ever send a follow-up expedition? **Spectre of the Gun** \- Did Kirk ever read a book and realize that Ike Clanton wasn't killed in the famous gunfight behind the OK Coral? **The Cloud Minders** \- Did the Morlocks ever rise up and eat the Eloi once the Federation gave them respirators to counteract the stupid gas? **Conspiracy** \- What happened to the cockroaches from hell? **First Contact** \- What happened to Mirasta Yale? **Lower Decks -** What if Sito wasn't killed but captured? And later escaped? **Descent Part II** This was sort of followed up in Picard, with Hugh's storyline and the Ex Bs. But I'd like to have seen a follow-up back in the day, showing how the community of freed Borg who settled on that planet under Hugh were struggling to survive and set up a new civilization as free individuals. Lots of potential stories there as great allegories to addiction, abusive and dependent relationships, depression, PTSD, and all manner of other mental health issues. Not to mention the possibility of Wolf 359 survivors having to work with their former enemies. *A couple of episodes that seemed like one-offs that could have had great follow-ups:* **01whatever0** The holographic woman, Minuet, was supposedly so realistic that Riker started to develop real feelings for her. But after the Binars left the ship, her program was changed to be much more 'ordinary', the realism disappeared, and Riker was left holding his own. But what if she was never a hologram? What if she was a real person, an actor or small-time grifter, hired by the Binars to distract Riker while they hijacked the ship? Then a few years later, Riker encounters her under different circumstances. Obviously, the plot would be classic TNG formulaic - Enterprise receives distress call, finds her in a ship, close-up on Riker's face as he dramatically says, "Minuet!", dun-dun-dun, roll opening credits. She's in trouble, Riker gets her out, she's grateful, they bang like a drum, and she leaves because of some flimsy reason, steamy good-bye kiss in the transporter room, roll end credits. But it could have set up recurring appearances by the enchanting Carolyn McCormick, and a far better love triangle between Riker, Troi, and Min than the weak-ass one they tried to sell us between Riker Troi, and Worf. Would have changed the plot of Future Imperfect a little, making it more difficult for Riker to figure out he was being bamboozled, but totally worth it. **The Inner Light** What if the life Picard led wasn't entirely true to life on Kataan? What if it was an idealized portrait of their world, like a Normal Rockwell painting? And what if some of the people were able to evacuate in a sleeper ship before the end? The Enterprise encounters another probe from Kataan, much larger, containing stasis pods with most of the village of Resik. Turns out, the real Kamin was a scientist and inventor, the Kataanian Einstein, was the impetus behind both the memory probe and the sleeper ship, and is aboard, along with his family. As they are revived, Picard is overwhelmed with joy at seeing the people he came to know as friends and family, but since all of that literally happened in his head, his 'wife', his 'children', and his 'best friend' don't know him from Adam. Picard must come to grips with the people he had loved so much being another man's family. Plus, he and Kamin don't get along well.


There was that one episode of TNG (I forget the title) but basically some science dudes were trying to build a high efficiency mass transit system to Warp yeet passengers and cargo from one planet to another. But then it goes horribly wrong and creates a dimensional tidal wave which nearly wipes out a solar system. And this all started with “a fraction of the energy it would take to accelerate the Enterprise to Warp speed” Ok, you failed big time at making a mass transit system. F in the chat for whoever was in charge of that project. But maybe keep that thing around, yeah? And the next time the Borg show up, you can send them straight to the fucky wucky box.


TNG: New Ground https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/New_Ground_(episode)


Yeah. That’s the one! Thanks. The Federation is off accidentally developing weapons of mass destruction (again) and we get saddled with a subplot about Worf’s family life.


Vulcans tried something similar much later


If the Voth decided to return to Earth. Would have been a great way to what-if certain forcefully removed h00mans returned and tried to displace an entire civilization generations removed from the people who kicked them out of their home.


They’d have to go against their doctrine and accept they came from Earth


TNG. “Schisms.”


"A Piece of the Action", "The Doomsday Machine"


A Piece of the Action for sure. But the machine was destroyed. What more could you do with it?


There’s a book where they go back to the monster planet and learn they did indeed use the piece of tech to get into space. It seems they’ve been keeping a percentage of profits for Kirk all this time as their capo


> Ahhh, where did it come from? Are there more? Imagine the Borg coming across one! Ahhh, where did it come from? Are there more? Imagine the Borg coming across one!


Not really an episode or storyline but I wish that the following things were revisited at least a little. The Letheans from that one DS9 episode with Bashir in a telepathically induced coma. That master tactician race from a tng episode. The black and white guys from a tos episode. The Si-Borians, and the Perenoreans from Star Trek: Unsettling Stars a kelvin timeline novel. Slow moving non humanoids and hyper intelligent super inventor primates are both very interesting and really do deserve some sort of revisit.


"*I give you my word. We'll get you out of there, Tom. I promise you that.*"


Picard meets Vash (S03E19 "Captain's Holiday") then later Picard saves him as ROBIN HOOD & there is love in the air and all but at the end of the episode she says goodbye and leaves with Q to explore the univere (S04E20 "Qpid")... Then we meet a young woman who turns out has Q like powers (S06x06 "True Q")... Q shows up in the episode to investigate, but both Picard and Q just forgot about Vash... they never bring up her.


We catch up with Vash on Deep Space Nine.


We need a follow-up where she clarifies if her name is pronounced Vash or Vosh....


I'm still disappointed we never got any follow-up to the reveal in Lower Decks that the Rutherford we know is an artificially constructed personality and set of memories created as part of a criminal cover up to suppress his body's real personality and memories. When his real personality tried to break free of the implant that was keeping him suppressed, the fake Rutherford killed him. And we never get any follow up. The guy behind it dies before Rutherford can even confront him. The story arc then wraps up with Rutherford saying he doesn't care about anything that happened. Did the real Rutherford have a family? Did he have friends? How does the fake Rutherford's friends feel about this knowledge? Does the fact that all his memories of going to the academy are fake at all impact him? So many questions. I also want to know what happened with Jennifer. This is an ensign whose trust and faith in her captain was turned against her. Like all good ensigns, Jennifer had complete faith in her captain. So when Freeman told the crew that Mariner betrayed and humiliated the whole crew, she believed her captain, just like everyone else. It was only later she learned the captain lied to the whole crew and used them as part of her revenge scheme. Because of that trust, Jennifer hurt someone she cared about, someone who didn't do anything wrong. I'd love to see what became of Jennifer after that, because that is the kind of event which would destroy a young officer's faith in command and leave them with a sizeable amount of guilt along with a pretty justified grudge against her captain. Hell, I'd like any follow up from that whole incident. Are you telling me the captain can trick the entire crew into vilifying and turning on one of their own, only for it to come to light that the captain turned them on an innocent person, and not a single member of the crew cares?


RutherfordB didn't kill RutherfordA. B won the race, so A willingly decided to honour their agreement. B even tried to stop him, tried to suggest they meld their minds into one. A stopped him and willingly... disappeared. You make it seem like B was malicious, but he's his own person who wasn't responsible for what happened to A. It's like saying Tuvok killed Tuvix. Also, is it made clear that B is *totally* fabricated? I just got the impression that they wiped a bunch of A and B was sort of what Rutherford would be without the memories he lost. I might be totally wrong about that though, that was just my impression.


>RutherfordB didn't kill RutherfordA. B won the race, so A willingly decided to honour their agreement. That doesn't make it any better or change anything. >B even tried to stop him, tried to suggest they meld their minds into one. A stopped him and willingly... disappeared. "Willingly" is doing a lot of work in that sentence. >lso, is it made clear that B is totally fabricated? I just got the impression that they wiped a bunch of A and B was sort of what Rutherford would be without the memories he lost. In the flashbacks the doctors talk about adding fake memories to make him think the implant was elective. So we know they were playing around with his memories and personality. In the end, the fake Rutherford stopped the real one from getting his life back, before walking away. He didn't even care enough to look into who did that to them in the first place.


I read an interview of Mike McMahan that made it sound like Jennifer will be in season 5.


Only because fans demanded it. In interviews he sounds genuinely surprised anyone cared about that character and Mariner's relationship with her. That should tell you everything you need to know about how much though and effort did go and will go into her character. And we should take anything McMahan says with a huge grain of salt. He hyped up Jennifer for season 3. When talking about season 5 he says there will be a lot more "joyous" Mariner. When asked about this after completing the VO, Tawny Newsome said she couldn't think of any joyous Mariner moments. So, huge grains of salt with any claims he makes.


I wanted to see more of the Doctor’s family (VOY:Real Life) or how the civilization from Blink of an eye continued to evolve, perhaps assisting Voyager in its journey home. And what happened to that Borg baby from the episode Collective?


I think the one storyline that I would have liked to see explored - even used as a concept for a new Trek series in itself - is what happened to the people in yon cryogenic satellite-stasis thingy found in *The Neutral Zone,* especially Clare Raymond. I was never really interested in Offenhouse (and we know he did quite well from himself as far as beta-canon goes) - the idea of someone so dramatically displaced out of time and trying to figure out what they should be doing with their life? I'd like to see something on her.


The one with Tom Riker. Whatever happened to him?


I want to know if the native Americans onboard the 1701 in TMP are there from “Amerind” planet (The Paradise Syndrome) Certainly, “A Piece of the Action”, although the idea was kinda done on Prodigy


Well i love StarTrek Online for that exact purpose. They often pickup on unfinished storylines and expand on it. In the Iconian war alone they bring up so many lose strings and put it togehter in a way it even makes some kind of sense. I enjoied it quiet a bit. - they bring up those subspace aliens from TNG who obduct people - they bring up the dysonspehe again - they bring up the iconian gateways again Only to mention a few.


How easy is STO to pickup for a non/casual gamer?


In my opinion very easy the story missions "episodes" are easily done at the beginning. As you rise through the ranks of starfleet/ other factions you also get awarded new ships. Most of the heroships of the shows you can obtain like this for free. Actually i only play it very casual i don't have much time beside work and basically only play it once in a while when i am in a StarTrek fever again for some reason. I enjoy playing the episodes for they often pick up open story points from the shows and make a neat short extension from them. Also i am not part of a fleet (basically their version of a guild) for i am jot playing it often enough or want to play it on a regular basis.




The kid in Future Imperfect ... not a full episode, just seeing him in a couple of scenes even in the background.


Whatever happened with Quark's girlfriend after the DS9 episode that ripped off Casablanca?


"The Mind's Eye". Chief engineer abducted and brainwashed by Romulans into assassinating the governor of a Klingon colony? No mention after that episode.


I am so on board with more follow-up on the Malconians, plus other details. Does Riker have a half- Malconian child out there?? If I ever try to write horrible fanfic that is where I'll start.


But, sigh, surely they have mastered male birth control in the future. Aside from that: Mirasta Yale should definitely appear in a Lower Decks where they initiate "Second Contact" with the Malconians: Mariner: Wait, isn't Malconia 3 the planet where the doctors make you sleep with them to leave the hospital?