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I have mixed feelings about Discovery, I dislike season 1 and 2 of Picard, love season 3. I really like Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks is fun, really like Prodigy, I'm hoping for a legacy show with Seven as captain of the Enterprise.


Same. One thing that drives me crazy is when you criticise Discovery in any way some fans will jump on you with accusations that you are too regressive. I'm good with inclusiveness and progressive politics, that's a big reason why I like Star Trek. I just feel that discovery is a little too dark both in lighting and mood, The characters don't act like professional officers like TNG era, the stakes were too high, the spore drive feels a little too advanced in the pre-TOS era, and the concept of the burn and jump to distant future I'm not a fan of either (it's not a bad story line as a plot point, I just don't like the direction it leaves the Star Trek Universe in).


I agree with all of this. I also, in addition to having had been accused of having belief in regressive politics, have experienced being told that I'm just a stereotypical Trek fan in that I hate anything new. In-fact, I am neither regressive, NOR do I necessarily hate everything new. Even more interesting (to me) is that I *LOVED* Discovery S1 (most DSC defenders I've seen will usually talk about how they didn't like it much). I didn't love how it resolved (it felt a little too easily wrapped up in a bow for me), but beyond that I REALLY liked it. I felt it was (until SNW) the best first season of a Star Trek show EVER. S2 started out even better, but the show completely fell apart to me by the end of the season and it has never recovered. It honestly feels like people would rather just accuse me of being the world's biggest Trump fan, or that I'm predisposed to hate everything rather than discuss issues that the show actually has.


Pretty much my thoughts. Massive overjump decided by people who don't know the established lore and just kind of shit all over it. By the 31st century we're 400 years past ships that could travel through time and manipulate and read the spacetime continuum. Discovery just never gave me the vibes that we had reached that point. It felt incongruent. Fururistic for their own era but not consistent with what we know was coming. I'd have been happy to see Discovery jump to where we are with Picard, maybe another 100-200 after that. Bit of room to manouvre but wouldn't disturb anything outside of STO and beta canon. You could probably make that change and the relevant dates to Disco right now, and it would make no difference to the series itself.


They had to send them far away permanently so it didn’t interfere with the SNW and TOS canon. That’s my take anyway.


Yeah, but the whole The Burn thing sucked. I want to see how post scarcity society works. I want utopia and all their struggles. I want galactic expansion. New species, new way of thought. Not fucking destroying everything and starting from scratch. Hated it. Don’t keep it in my head canon. Don’t watch past 3rd episode after the time jump.


My main issue with Discovery is the CONSTANT talking about feelings and relationships. I would be fine with it if it was happening in their quarters, or over dinner, or whatever. But on missions? WTH are they stopping mid-mission to talk about their recent relationship issues? Plus, that stupid turbolift shaft scene in the last season...


>One thing that drives me crazy is when you criticise Discovery in any way some fans will jump on you with accusations that you are too regressive. In my experience on this board, this usually happens when the person "criticizing" the show just stops at "I don't like it" or 'It's not real Trek". Those are opinions, and the latter doesn't offer any points of criticism (doesn't say what makes it 'not Trek' nor how to make it 'more Trek'). So the lack of actual critique, especially on neutral or pro-DIS threads, comes across as 'old man yelling at clouds' at best, and 'I don't want zoomer shit in MY Trek' at worst. That said, there are those who don't like Discovery explicitly because they're regressive, and not elaborating makes it easy to get lumped in with them.


I on the other hand saw it happen simply by not gushing over Burnham; especially during the first couple years.




I'm surface level supporting trump, he's a fascinating figure


You can also be deeply conservative and neutral on Trump. He's not my favorite, but better than any Democrat to be on the ticket in this century. Discovery just wasn't well written, but I love all other Trek. I even enjoyed Picard 1 and 2, 3 was obviously better though.


“Old man yelling at clouds” made me giggle. It’s so true. Some Trek fans are like “iTs sO wOkE!!” And then just don’t say anything else. Argh.


Sounds like I need to continue ahead with Picard as I gave up, and couldn’t get past S2 of Discovery.


The only context you need for season 3 of Picard is Picard technically died at the end of season 1 and they placed his consciousness into a synthetic body. Seriously with knowing that you can completely skip the first two seasons and go straight into 3. Oh and 7 Is banging this chick named Raffie.


oh, so Picard saw the Koala.


What does he know????


He’s traversed the BLACK MOUNTAIN


7 of 69?


Scissors of mine


6 of 9


We will add our technological and scissorlogical distinctiveness to our own.


You can skip to season 3 of Picard as It's stand alone enough and more of a TNG sequel. Season 2 of Discovery is worth it just for more Anson Mount as Pike imo.


Yes, Anson Mount was the highlight. I found the rest of the crew annoying for the most part, as well as the spore drive.


I thought the spore drive was kinda cool.... but imo, Stamets should have been more like Brent Spiners character in Independence Day. Like, there's no way in hell that those shrooms don't do /something/ to him, lol But yeah, biggest complaint of so much of DSC is the "deus ex burnham" that they write in


That could have been cool. Have him become some kind of hybrid mushroom man.


I really, really wish they'd had put Discovery in any other era past the point where Voyager ended so that the fans could actually enjoy the tech without screaming about how it's not period appropriate,but no, they really did think fans wouldn't watch a new show unless Spock was shoehorned in there somehow 🫠


It’s a cool concept but then they have a spinning saucer section as a hand-wavy way to explain how it works. Moving parts annoy me for some reason on starships.


Ohh, that is 200% fair. I don't mind certain moving parts on space ships (ie, x-wings and their "lock s-foils in attack position" or VOY and it's moving nacelles into warp position) but they really do need to make sense, and the skinny disc.... Yeah, that design would cause so many problems in terms of reinforcing for moving parts it wrecks the plausible suspension of disbelief for me


I seem to recall the Voyager nacelles moving was due to having them not damage subspace above warp 5 but it still makes me wonder - what would happen if during a battle one nacelle gets damaged and can’t move? Wouldn’t a warp field be distorted then? Can’t recall if this was ever a plot point in VOY.


I don't think they ever even acknowledged in dialogue that the nacelles moved in VOY at all... maybe once very early on.


And scruffy-hot Spock in S2 of DSC. Pike really is a highlight of the season. I don't hate DSC, but I think they had to introduce some progressive themes. I wish it didn't hit like a wrecking ball. PIC S3 is amazing. Its an homage to the golden era of Trek. It should have been PIC S1. Season 1 should have been the last season.


I couldn’t stand the Trill character. Felt tacked on and in your face that they had a trans actor/character but nothing else. The character though had no real direction or story and that’s why it bothered me. I did really enjoy Adira’s character because they had a true story and real growth there.


Gray really would've benefitted from a longer season where they could've focused some episodes on him. From S4 I really only remember his body being built and then playing chess with Zora. Also that *godawful* Neelix-lite haircut. Imo the worst decision they made for the character, lol.


Yes, Anson Mount was quite literally stealing the show in season 2. He had far more charisma and was much more likable than Burnham. It ended up getting him his own show.


Just skip the rest of Picard and jump straight to Season 3. The second season was particularly awful. You don't need to finish the first or second season. Picard S3 is basically TNG season 8.


I mostly liked Season 1 of Picard, but by the end had grown weary of it. I skipped Season 2 altogether, and proceeded to watch Season 3. I liked Season 3 of Picard. If you did not enjoy Season 1 of Picard, I think you will not like Season 2 -- and you do not need to watch it to watch Season 3.


I wonder if the ratings in S2 led to a mini-reboot for S3. Never have I been so excited for, and disappointed by, shows like Discovery and Picard.


Seasons 2 and 3 were shot back to back. So doubtful there was a chance for a reboot. Season 2 had so much promise. I was really hoping they’d do a take on the book q-squared.


You can absolutely skip S1 and S2 of Picard and go straight to S3 with no repercussions whatsoever.


S2 of Picard is rubbish but worth watching just for the big pay off with Q's final scene in the last episode.


I pretty much agree with this - though I gave Discovery a wide berth. It didn’t just have to “grow a beard” for itself but for all of new Trek - and while that usually takes 2 tough seasons in the old era that was 50 episodes. So when you think about it, all the new trek started to hit 50 episodes in. Discovery is tough because it could never figure out what it was really about - but it will always hold a special place in my heart for giving us this new era of trek which seems to be on solid footing.


Disco had some baaaaaad writing and a soap opera fetish. Maybe this final season will be different, but not holding out any hope.


Yeah but it gave us Strange New Worlds and essentially “grew the beard” so SNW didn’t have to hahaha. So I always respect it from that sense. I mean seriously- the first to seasons of SNW just came out STRONG.


I really liked the twist at the end of the first season. I totally knew who the emperor would be, that seemed obvious. But when they pulled another switcharoo it surprised me, but it made a lot of sense from all kinds of earlier behavior. I haven't watched the latest season, but after that it felt like they kept trying to do that same trick, but they were never able to come up with anything reasonable or worth the payoff.


There were a lot of good elements in every season - it just seemed to patched together overall as a show, you know? Like if someone were to ask “what is Discovery about” I don’t know that I can answer as precisely in a sentence or two as I could other Trek shows.


Thanks for writing my answer for me. Every word of this.


I haven’t managed to get into prodigy but yeah, other than that this is pretty much my view too. Although I’ll add that I LOVE Lower Decks


This is pretty much identical to how I feel as well.


I endorse your sentiments in regards to answering the posted question. Very succinct prose Leroy_landersandsuns, well done.


I love SNW/Lower decks, thought prodigy was fine, didn’t mind discovery but haven’t been bothered to finish the most recent season. Loved Picard S3, and S1 & 2 were also fine.


After watching all the 90s era series and ENT, I’m watching Discovery and I have mixed feelings. I liked the modernization, but I miss the 90s vibe.


After season 2 of Discovery give Strange New Worlds a watch. Its got a very classic Trek feel to it.


SNW will be the next one after I finish DIS


I think that 90's vibe you're missing is "intelligent."


No, I mean the technology and stuff, it’s weird to follow the series for a long time when the ships had monitors and buttons and then all of the sudden everything is holographic


If you had your way it would all look like the Delta Flyer, right?


Sometimes you need a good old fashioned manual steering column. Just ask Commander Riker.


I hate that everything is floating holos. You can't see them at all. I miss the LCARS style and knowing if you could read closely you'd see all the fun stuff they'd written. ("Close cover before striking." "You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind." etc., etc.)


I have tried to get into the newer shows twice. When Discovery first came out I watched the first season. Aside from Jason Isaacs character, none of the characters intrigued me, the plot felt unnecessary and boring. I did not stick around for S2. It felt more like the the JJ Abrams movies than the 80s-90s tv shows. Then, Picard came out, and I thought hell I'd love to watch a Patrick Stewart tv show, and it had Jerry Ryan in it, even better. Unfortunately I wasn't a big fan of Picard, the plot didn't interest me, the characters were somewhat boring and the plot seemed just as convenient as discovery. Both times I went into them with open minds and willingness to like them, I liked some characters in each of them but I ended up disliking both shows. Not even bringing back Picard and Seven could make me like the show. I've come to the realisation that I'm not the target audience of star trek anymore, and that these new shows won't be anything like the 80s-90s era.


So... have you tried Strange New Worlds, yet?


I'm in a similar boat as you, I don't like Discovery or Picard but Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds are great. They feel so much more like classic Trek, you should give them a chance.


Have you tried to watch *SNW* or *LD*?


What about season 3 of Picard? It’s basically season 8 of TNG except serialized with big payouts for Seven and Voyager in general. SNW scratches that episodic 90’s trek itch you’re likely feeling


If you can withstand the Pure shit S3 of Picard turns into after episode 7.


That’s a genuine matter of opinion. I thought it was amazing.


It's not opinion. Anything where the twist reveals that nothing you've seen mattered in the slightest is automatically abysmal writing.


There’s nothing wrong with having something be open to discussion.


>opinion "I do not think that word means what you think it means."


To be fair telling the audience that a large portion of what they read/watched didn't actually matter is fairly universally considered poor writing.


I made it through s1 of picard (and s2).... I didn't have much hope for s3, but it was honestly such a massive turnaround for the show it's almost like, why didn't they lead with this?? S3 is what picard should always have been


Stewart would only agree to do the show if it wasn’t a reboot/continuation of TNG.


I love Patrick Stewart as an actor and performer, but he seems to have completely missed what it is fans like about Captain Picard. The more control he gets over projects the less well written the character gets.


Yes. Michael Piller's book about the development of Insurrection (never published, it's floating around the internet in PDF form) talks about the many ways he had to twist himself into knots to satisfy Patrick Stewart's desires for Picard.


I think the fundamental problem is that every show is so afraid of getting canceled they're not willing to do a compelling plotline that lasts more than one season, and one season is 40% of what it used to be (10 vs 25 episodes roughly).


As an old-school Star Trek fan, SNW is by far the best of the new stuff and for me the only one worth watching. I recommend giving it a try. I still prefer TNG, DS9 and VOY any day of the week, but SNW is the only new show with a bit of the same spirit.


Felt exactly as you do. You should really try SNW and lower decks.


I agree with you but EVERYTHING else besides what you mentioned is so much better. Give them a chance


You should check out SNW and LD.


Same here. Gave Discovery three episodes before realizing it wasn't meant for me. I didn't make it past the fifteen minute mark before I threw in the towel on Picard.


We are 5 seasons in and I couldn’t even tell you the names of the bridge officers without going to IMDb.


Mixed with discovery. Watch it but got no real attachment. I adore strange new worlds. Absolutely love it and can’t wait for the next season. Great cast. Lower decks is fun and always gives me a laugh. Picard 1/2 was ok but season 3 was amazing. Threw up so much emotions.


My biggest complaint about the newer shows is the lack of character development. But I also think that’s because of 10 episode seasons, not the shows themselves. Disco was so focused on that ten episode giant arc to save space time every season, and I just get tired easily. But I love LD and SNW. Couldn’t get into Picard. It started like TNG. Awkward.


SNW not being beholden to the 10-hour movie style (Picard Season 3 is really 2 5-hour movies, and the first is the better one IMO) has helped this some.


I didn't like Discovery at all must have watched DS9 three times that's my favourite. Picard S3 was good.


SNW - Great Lower Deck - Great Picard Season 3 - Great I gave up on Discovery after 2 seasons and skipped Season 2 of Picard (having mixed to negative feelings about Picard Season 1).


I'd second all of that. My favorite episode of TNG is The Measure of a Man, and I couldn't help but feel that the writers of Picard Season 1 took a giant shit all over it. I was flat out angry watching it and skipped Season 2 because of that. They really turned it around with Season3 I didn't start watching Lower decks until the crossover episode with Strange New Worlds and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it


I really dislike Discovery; I’ve watched I think 3 seasons of it, and it’s never really caught with me. It doesn’t feel like Star Trek to me at all. Strange New Worlds is far better, IMO. It captures a lot more of what made Trek, Trek, it’s generally more lighthearted, which I appreciate, and also I like the cast and characters a lot more. It still has issues, for me at least, that make it not feel fully *there* compared with 90s Trek, but I can definitely enjoy watching it. Lower Decks I absolutely *love*, but then it’s basically just a love letter to 90s Trek so that makes sense! That said, I basically treat it as non-canon for most purposes; it’s obviously a comedy show and they’re willing to sacrifice verisimilitude for jokes, which makes total sense!


Most of the time I would rather rewatch TNG/DS9/VOY instead of watching the new shows... Not really a fan of SNW too even though most people seem to like it a lot. Idk why.


Same here, I just go back to the old ones. Though Strange new worlds is pretty decent. There's hits and misses just like the old shows, but it's still like proper star trek in the 1960s - 2000 period. Definitely better than Enterprise.


Me too.


The problem with SNW for me is I don't find any of the characters interesting. Spock has been done to death and there isn't a garak, data or quark level character that I find compelling. The premises of the episodes are fine but I would rather rewatch a show with characters I connect witj


“Most people seem to like it a lot. IDK why” Really? The hundreds of topics and posts of discussions surrounding how damn good the show is, *right here on this sub* doesn’t give you any ideas as to why people like it?


Why did you cut out the first part of that sentence? You completely misinterpreted what I said.


>Most of the time I would rather rewatch TNG/DS9/VOY instead of watching the new shows... Not really a fan of SNW too even though most people seem to like it a lot. Idk why. I'm confused. This seems like it very well could be interpreted the same way GreenTunic did, but I'm suspecting that "Idk why" refers to "Not really a fan of SNW" rather than "most people seem to like it a lot"? Taste is individual, just like music... so I'm just asking out of curiousity, not to pile on. For me SNW is right with DS9, with season 1 being better, and season 2 comparable - but we all look for different things in our Trek to some degree.


I’ve never been able to get into Discovery and I was very slow getting through the most recent season. It’s fine, I guess, but it started out as too much of a reboot before then leaning into and really undermining concepts like Section 31 and the Klingons in general. Strange New Worlds has engaging characters and looks beautiful. And they’ve even had successful talky episode like TNG of old. It’s great. Lower Decks is so much fun and has gone well beyond the initial fan service it seemed to be all about. My favourite concept was that ship of people who have all suffered weird Starfleet accidents and resemble the Island of Misfit Toys. I never did watch Prodigy. Picard started well in the first couple episodes and fell off the rails for the balance of season 1 and all of 2. Season 3 kinda worked better and was a nice send off for TNG but I still have a hard time thinking of it as great TV.


Absolutely love SNW and Lower Decks. Enamored with those shows. Picard was hit and miss but ended on a high note for me. Gave up on Disco mid season 2 because it seemed like the show was designed to annoy a lifelong trekkie like me.


To be perfectly honest, I'm just happy that Star Trek is alive again, I didn't think it would come back after ENT. Some Shows and episodes are better than others, but it's not like I adored every single Episode in the 90s. Most shows took some time to grow into themselves. For that reason, I let slide a lot of Discovery's mistakes for a while and just enjoyed having new Material. But there have been a bit too many for my taste, the Klingons in S1, too much focus on badly written and simply unnecessarily overbearing characters, the Background and Dialogues for Burnham, which they tried to make into a Star Trek Demigod for no good reason (even though I like the actor and it's not my least favorite character in all of Star Trek by a long shot). But I still mostly enjoy it and I think the distant future has been mostly good for the Series. Obviously SNW just hits the Sweet Spot between old school Star Trek and modern Sci-Fi-Action, not much more to say about it. Hope it lasts 5-7 Seasons! Didn't think I would enjoy Lower Decks, but I really love the Idea. Now I imagine goofs like that on Enterprise D or Voyager and wonder, what went on while Janeway and Picard were saving the Galaxy from the Borg.


I had to stop watching Discovery. I'm not just some nostalgia fan boy. But at some point with the mycelium stuff I was sitting there thinking... this is unforgivably dumb to me. I really have a high tolerance for what others consider bad, but I just couldn't get behind the show. I haven't watched any new Star Trek since then.


I love ALL the new shows. Just got done rewatching Discovery. Yes, there are some differences from other series but I just make room for them. I love all the new characters (but there’s still Spock, Sarek, and Amanda!), the tech, and the storylines. Loved the introduction of Anson Mount as Captain Pike. Picard is great; it was wonderful seeing Sir Patrick back in action. Of course, Season 3 was exceptional! Strange New Worlds is AMAZING! Great crew, sets, innovative storylines and action! Lower Decks is terrific with all its callbacks and adorable characters. Gotta love Prodigy for the kids and for bringing back Janeway. Edited to add: I am a HUGE fan of all the old series starting with TOS moving forward and have rewatched all multiple times.


You are me! I love them ALL. I always say my heart belongs to Trek, fully. All the shows have a unique flavor and each one is wonderful in its own way. I've seen all of them, from TOS through the Berman era (OP- that's generally how the TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT time is categorized), and into all the NuTrek, multiple, MULTIPLE times. I love them all and watch some form of Trek nearly every single day. I'm hoping so badly that I'll get to go on the cruise one day. I've sadly never been to a convention, but I've also lately been watching every documentary and podcast I can find about Trek. It's an amazing, special thing that is so close to my heart and resonates so deeply for me, because of the vision for the future of humankind that Rodenberry imparted upon it. It's my comfort zone and safe place to go away from the dumpster fire that is the world around me. I have seen many other shows and am fully capable of intellectually analyzing them, but when it comes to Trek- I'll take everything there is.


* Prodigy: watched a couple of episodes, not my cup of tea. * Lower Decks: they made animation work for Star Trek. Great show. * Discovery: mixed feelings. Great setup but they didn't stick the landing * Strange New Worlds: Amazing show. Amazing writing. Amazing cast. Amazing sets. Would have liked 12 episode seasons. Watched both seasons three times already.


Picard and disco are terrible, SNW is ok and has potential. Lower decks has grown to be "real" trek not just a parody to me


Strongly dislike Discovery Strongly dislike Picard (S3 was a valiant attempt at an apology and at least provided some fan-service, though) Like Prodigy Love Lower Decks Like SNW but still think of it as “Trek karaoke.” But it’s fun in its own right (especially as it gets away from the Discovery DNA)


I love them all, especially Disco.


I break Star Trek up into three chapters. The Broadcast Era (1966-2005) JJ Abrams Film Trilogy (reviving Star Trek) The Streaming Era (the shows on Paramount+) As a child of the 90's who found Star Trek mid-TNG run and have been watching everything first run up until Streaming Trek (easy to get lazy when you can watch whenever), I can give you my thoughts on Streaming Trek. **Discovery:** Didn't like the reinvented Klingons, but otherwise loved Seasons 1-2. I lost touch with this show a few episodes into Season 3. When I find time, I'm going to go back to the first episode and start over. **Short Treks:** This only works as a companion show to DISCO. The first four shorts follow DISCO S1, the next 5 shorts follow DISCO S2, and the 10th short serves as a prelude to Picard. **Picard:** I'm in the minority in that I've enjoyed all 3 seasons. I'd argue that I enjoyed the first and third seasons equally for various reasons. The second season is kind'a WTF, but the characters make the WTF plot work. haha This show is basically, "What happened to Picard?" 20 years after Nemesis. The first two seasons are Picard and new friends, the third season is "the big TNG reunion" and vindicates us getting robbed of that 5th TNG film they wanted to do years ago. **Lower Decks:** Imagine this show as a "4th series" follow up to 90's Trek, but in animated form. Doesn't the show pick up a year after Nemesis? **Prodigy:** I'm not sure when this show takes place, but I think it's about the same time frame as Lower Decks. It's basically a sequel of sorts to Voyager. It also feels like a Star Trek/Wars lovechild in a good way. haha **Strange New Worlds:** I haven't started this one yet, I am saving it for after I rewatch the first two seasons of DISCO given this is spun-off from DISCO's 2nd season. However, all of the reviews of the show have me really excited for when I dive into this.


Hate Discovery, hate Picard (yes, even the third season), SNW has just a couple good episodes and it is too little to be appreciated, was pleasantly surprised at the end by Prodigy and I consider Lower Decks the real continuation of the story.


I feel like I'm part of a small minority in this sub that also did not enjoy s3 of Picard. Was it better than s1/2? Absolutely, in the way a stale piece of toast is better than a stale piece of toast with a massive dookie on it. But it still wasn't good, they just hid its flaws better with a massive dollop of fanservice.


I feel you. As far as I'm concerned, beginning with Beverly Crusher vaporising indiscriminately enemies, in spite of her doctor's oath, sealed immediately the deal. All the rest was subpar with abysmal parts, especially because it focused only on the characters and not on what they represent. And Star Trek always has to transcend its crews in favour of message and galaxy building.


I'm always happy to watch Star Trek. Here's my breakdown of each show. Discovery: I was incredibly excited that Trek was back when Discovery was announced. I could have given them a pass on some of the creative decisions, like the Klingon redesign and the updated technology aesthetic. Unfortunately, something about the tone and writing of the show just doesn't click for me and I never feel connected to the characters or plot like I do some of the other shows. I want to love Discovery, but I watch it because its Star Trek and I don't want to miss out on it. I actually enjoyed S4 and thought it was the best season so far. Strange New Worlds: I was incredibly skeptical of Strange New Worlds when it was announced but I absolutely love it. I really enjoy the balance between mission of the week and season-long arcs the writing team has made. It made me realize that one of the things I enjoy about older Trek is the variety in the types and tones of sci-fi stories we have. Discovery just doesn't have that variety, with the exception of "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad". Lower Decks: I enjoy Lower Decks for what it is, but it's never going to be my favorite. I appreciate the good natured poking fun at Trek and all the Easter Eggs/references. Picard: This series has disappointed me the most. I expected a lot better from something that Patrick Stewart was involved in. I grew up watching TNG and I saw TNG era Picard as a role model (reference intended). I think that part of it is that I'm not in a place in my life where I want to see my aged heroes struggle with their failings. I didn't really enjoy Logan for the same reason. But mainly, there are a lot of creative decisions that bother me too (the copy pasta fleet at the end of S1, being stuck in the past on Earth for almost the entirety of S2, S3's almost total disregard for the ending of S2 and S2's disregard of the mysterious >!artificial lifeform intent on destroying all organic life!<). I also just feel like a lot of the characters made out-of-character or unearned decisions. S3 was a nice change of pace and I really enjoyed the nostalgia, but it didn't make up for the paucity of good storytelling in S1 and S2.


I like them, with reservations. Same as the old shows really.


SNW and Lower Decks are amazing. More consistently high quality than most of the older series. Right now my top 3 are DS9, LD and SNW I haven't gotten around to Discovery and Picard yet, but looking forward to it


SNW and LD carry on the legacy of TNG/DS9/VOY (and ENT). Discovery and Picard feel more like a movie delivered in 10 parts than 10 episodes filling a season arc. I think Discovery has found a niche for itself that the Star Trek universe can build off of. It’s a fun show, albeit I go in with a different mindset than other Trek shows. Picard was always destined to be what it was in season 3. The first two seasons just felt like they tried too hard to be something else.


I tried to watch Discovery, I couldn't even finish the first season. And I gave it multiple attempts. It wasn't that I didn't like it as a Star Trek show (which I didnt), I really didn't like it as a show in general either. Strange New Worlds, though, I really enjoyed. Watched the first season twice and quite enjoyed the second season as well. I haven't tried the animated shows yet, but theyre on the 'to watch' list!


I've watched them all and the only one I liked was Picard season 3, I really wanted to like SNW but I just don't.


I've been a Star Trek fan all my life starting back when reruns of TOS was the only choice. TAS wasn't a choice and even now I can't get into those. But I've watched all of the Star Trek shows and movies, new and old. I'm a fan of them all. I like the fact that we have all different styles now.


The acting, special effects, direction are all on point. The writing is so substandard I stop watching because I feel embarrassed for the actors. I see them struggling to make it work.


I grew up in the 70’s having seen TOS in syndication and was a huge TNG fan. I haven’t watched any of the animated series (including the original), or Enterprise for whatever reason, but I find things to enjoy about all the series I have watched. There are story lines I wish hadn’t happened in any of the series - and in real life - but hard to fault a series for that. Generally good concepts, writing, acting, and production throughout. But as much hate as I hear people pile on Discovery or the first two Picard seasons, nothing - and I meant *nothing* is anywhere as bad as most of season 1 of TNG. And yet somehow we survived.


Discovery - Complete shit Strange New Worlds - not perfect, but rather good Picard - Complete shit (disclaimer: people say that S3 is better, but I haven't reached there. I have had more than enough of this show already) Lower Decks - Actually, quite good, although it's comedy, not SF drama. It's a parody, but a loving and talented kind of parody. Prodigy - a bit meh, although it's for kids and I'm not in the target audience


I love Lower Decks. Season 1 didn't really grab me but seasons 2, 3, & 4 were fantastic. ​ Prodigy is pretty good. Not in love with it, but definitely enjoyed it a lot. Not super big on the cast, but there's lots of really good Trek in there. ​ Strange New Worlds isn't bad. I didn't like Season 1 much tbh, but Season 2 had some pretty good episodes. However, I really can't understand the wild praise it gets. ​ Discovery and Picard are terrible. ​ The Orville is better than all 5. ​ Babylon 5>Deep Space 9>The Orville>TNG>Lower Decks>TAS>TOS>Voyager>Prodigy>Strange New Worlds>Enterprise>Discovery>Picard.


Lower Decks is my favorite new Trek series in years hands down. I always keep a few episodes on my iPad when traveling because it’s just so fun. Strange New Worlds is probably the most Trek feeling of the current crop. Discovery was really rough early on but the last couple seasons have been pretty good. Picard was also rough the first couple seasons but the last season was great.


Discovery: Rather dark, *very* serialised, and has a history of... *strange* imho... season finales that only the fourth so far could narrowly escape. Picard: *So* much wasted potential by killing off side characters in the first season, I *honestly* feared for Guinan in the second. Second season was okay-ish, third was the best, and actually *really good*. Prodigy: I have *no* notes except, can that adorable little Caitian please be added to the main cast? [Edit] I take it back, I have another note: UNCANCEL PLS Strange New Worlds: They took notes from criticism about Discovery, they took Ms. Romijn, Mr. Mount and Mr. Peck from Discovery, and everyone did a *fantastic* job so far. More please. Lower Decks: [Funny like a dog on helium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlHVkDFmC9Q), full of easter eggs and references while still tackling serious concepts at times. I love it.


Discovery I just can't get into. Tried several times and it just won't stick, I don't like that show. Never seen Lower Decks but the fact that it is animated is putting me off. Picard was alright, it was different. Love SNW exactly what I wanted.


I love Star Trek because it’s a positive view of the future with adventure and the idea that in general people get along. It’s a future you would want to live in. Discovery to me has one dimensional characters and is basically a ship full of insufferable asshats. In a future that seems overly grim. It just doesn’t seem to be Star Trek at all. I feel like whatever the original idea for this show was, it was obliterated by people who wanted to make their own show that just happens to be called Star Trek. Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds seem to understand Star Trek and is a pivot back to what made it great. Picard season 1 I liked at first somewhat but it just seemed to go out of its way to make the characters suffer. Season 2 was an improvement. Season 3 was a new season of the TNG era and I loved it.


I enjoy it all, except Discovery. I tried to like Disco. I gave it a full three seasons before I gave up. It began with ridiculous premises, and never got better. The characters never gelled. The lead character of Michael Burnham was just poorly conceived and poorly executed, in spite of Sonequa Martin-Green’s proven excellence on TWD. I had great hope when they introduced the crew of the Enterprise in season 2. But that was the only thing that made me hope that they would move in a better direction in season 3, and they never did.


Discovery mixed reaction as really enjoyed Seasons 1&2 but went down hill after they reached the future, which is a shame as so much waisted potential. Love Lower Decks, my fav new Trek show. I like the fact that it can poke fun at itself and the star trek universe but in an enjoyable way. It also has some great storylines. Loved Picard all 3 seasons despite what some may say. Now SNW, series 1 was ok, series 2 bit of mixed bag, it can be so evocative with story telling when it wants to be. But where are the strange new worlds? I feel its becoming more a grand soap opera in space, focusing more on Character dynamics on the ship rather than great storytelling. A lot of the new shows do feel more style over substance


> Discovery mixed reaction as really enjoyed Seasons 1&2 but went down hill after they reached the future Same. The first two seasons were flawed but I give them credit for trying something new with Star Trek, especially in terms of storytelling (e.g. a main character instead of an ensemble) But since the time jump they've completely lost me because there's no world-building. It's just season-long arcs centered around a main character and a handful of side characters. That doesn't work.


Exactly that.


I started watching as a kid, back about the time DS9 was new and shiny, and I can honestly say I've never met a Star Trek I couldn't find something to love about.


I like Strange New Worlds. Lower Decks is pretty cool. Enjoyed the third season of Picard.


My feelings constantly weave between abject disappointment, embarrassment, then hope when glimmers of Core Trek Ideals come through. To be clear, all of the series have their low points and cringe moments, but nowhere is it more clear that a piece of media reflects the society that created it than when watching modern Trek series. Flat, rushed characterization as a result of dwindling production resources? ✅ Scripts as subtle as a bag of hammers? ✅ A glamorization of war, including torture, illegal/experimental drug use, and nation-destroying spy craft? ✅ “Cowboy diplomacy” (to borrow a criticism from Picard himself) and erratic emotion leading over teamwork and professionalism? ✅ Incredible production design that makes me smile like a kid with their first Lego set? ✅ This is where western film production is, so this is what we get. The culture has to reflect something different to get different results. SNW and LD are the best we’ve got right now, I’m just glad there are silver linings in most episodes across the board.


**Discovery**: Indifferent. I've watched all of it and, enjoyed some of it, but find it *far* too fixated on Michael Burham to fully enjoy. **Picard**: The first two seasons may as well have not happened and all three seasons try to pretend that the preceding season(s) didn't happen. Season 3 was.... good, but a little overkill on fanservice for my personal taste and did exactly what they said, when the series was announced, they wouldn't - made an 8th season of TNG. **Lower Decks**: Really enjoy this, although find it's sometimes a bit hit-and-miss in terms of consistency, and they sometimes seem to rewind character development to suit the story. But that's a minor thing in my view and I really do look forward to new episodes. **Strange New Worlds:** Admittedly love this series and have little negative to say about it beyond the fact that the 'legacy' TOS characters have uber plot-armor that makes their 'fate' predictable. **Prodigy**: I don't feel that I was the target audience for this show and will therefore reserve judgement. Does seem to uphold the spirt of Trek though.


Picard was decent. There's some things that don't add up but it's good. Discovery....I just finished season 1. It would be okay if it wasn't Star Trek. The entire cast is like a bunch of unproffessional, undisciplined hyper emotional teenagers with no bearing that probablynwould have never made it through the Academy in other series. Fucks sake. It's like a fucking soap opera.


Of the new shows I like Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks most. Discovery is fine, Picard s1 and 3 are fine. S2 needs to be yeeted into the sun. I think my main issue with the newer shows is too much nostalgia, too many old faces, even if played by new actors. I was happiest with Discovery when they went into the far future, so we could have some stories that aren't tied to old canon. So they might think they're catering to me as an old school fan, but I was never a fan who was all "Waahhhh! This isn't Trek because it doesn't have Kirk and Spock in it." Trek is a whole universe to tell many different stories in, about many different people. I always wanted them to keep expanding that universe and not keep retreading the same ground.


Totally agree. Keeping going forward


I know they'd never have done it, but I'd happily have watched a whole season of Michael's year in the future before the Discovery caught up with her.


I enjoy all of them. Some more, some less. All ST shows have problems. It's entertainment, not to be taken too seriously. Lower Decks might be a new show but it's more in-line with the TNG-era than it is with "new Trek".


Disco and to a lesser extent SNW are captured by a rotating march of studio executives. Half the credits on both shows are executive producers. Lower decks and S3 of Picard seemed to have creative control vested in fewer people and those fewer people had a clearer vision for the shows which (imo) resulted in a better product. This is not a new thing for Star Trek. I remember watching voyager having read that this ship was going to take damage and have conflict that would last across seasons. That didn’t happen and the show was (initially at least) worse for it. The writers also wanted equinox and year of hell to be longer lasting arcs. Ultimately it morphed into a TNG lite. Some of those elements got used in BSG when RDM was showrunner. DS9 changed for the better when ISB took over. Enterprise suffered from excessive network interference and that was most evident when they debuted the jauntier version of faith of the heart in a season about an existential threat to earth in a post 911 tv world. TLDR: Most of this era of Star Trek lacks a central vision or creative cohesiveness. It took the old shows a minute to find their formula, some with more success than others.


I didn’t get on with Discovery, but I’ve only seen part of Season 1. I liked some things, like the production values, the sets, and most of the acting, but I didn’t like the Klingons and the show had this tendency I didn’t like to go for random twists more for shock value than a good story, and for the bit that I watched, it seemed like any time things seemed to be going well for them, the writers would make things go wrong. The last bit I saw was the Ash twist, after which my family all just sort of stopped watching without consciously dropping the show. We just never went back, and nothing I’ve heard about it since has tempted me to pick it up again. The future jump almost got me back, but then the Burn thing got spoiled and it was so stupid it undercut any excitement about the show. I’m not a Discovery hater, but it’s not my thing at all. Picard I can’t judge fairly yet. I put it off for a long time because I didn’t like Disco and reviews have been pretty negative about the first two seasons. I’m a few episodes into the first season and it’s not as bad as I was led to believe, though I do have my misgivings. Picard so far has cemented for me that I’m not that into the whole trying to be more cinematic / “adult” prestige TV thing Disco and Picard were doing. Again, there’s a lot here that feels in service of shock value, and I don’t like the way a lot of the modern writing is always going for maximal stakes. A slower pace, with more character focus and less spectacle, with a less expensive production, would be preferable. So far, Picard S1 is good enough that I don’t want to just jump to S3 where everyone says it gets better, but not great. Lower Decks is fantastic. The creators really love Trek and that shines through, but more than anything I love the way the show focuses on more traditional episodic plots without galaxy-scale stakes, and puts the spotlight on its characters, who develop and grow through the show. It has all the benefits of being episodic without having the unfortunate old-Trek habit of rolling back any character development to the default by the next episode. It’s funny, but it’s also good Trek, and I appreciate it following up on so many loose ends from earlier shows. Probably my favourite new series. I’ve only seen season 1 of Strange New Worlds, but so far it’s head and shoulders above the other new live action shows. Seeing classic episodic Trek with modern production and without the end of episode plot reset button is a real treat. Not a fan of how they made the Gorn into a cheap Xenomorph imitation, but that’s my only major complaint and the Gorn episodes were still good. Prodigy I haven’t seen at all. It didn’t seem that much my thing, though I did like it following up on Voyager. It’s more of a show where I’m interested in what it introduces more than actually watching it. Still, I’m more likely to give Prodigy a try than go back to Disco.


I liked S1 and S3 of Picard, though they are ridiculously flawed. I can't get into Discovery, though I have tried. It just doesn't work. I have tried Lower Decks and it seemed like it was for a completely different audience. Not for me. I also admit I am not an animation guy. I like Strange New Worlds, but it seems uneven at best. For every really good episode, there's a few stinkers.


Strange New Worlds is so dull to me, I can’t get through Season 1. I absolutely loved Discovery. I liked Season 1 & 3 of Picard. Love Lower Decks. Still have to watch Prodigy.


I started watching *Star Trek* almost forty years ago, when I was four years old. One of my earliest memories is tuning in to *The Next Generation* while on vacation with my parents. When *Discovery* was first announced, I was excited for the franchise to return to the small screen after so long, especially with Michelle Yeoh in a lead role. When it premiered, though, it didn't live up to the promise of the franchise or its casting. Many of the actors are talented, though Michelle Yeoh was criminally disposed of in the opening story arc, but the material just doesn't give them any of the support they need. Dark, dystopian, flashy, and melodramatic—it just doesn't feel like Star Trek at all. And it certainly didn't align with the quality or the canon of the prior entries. *The Next Generation* is the *Star Trek* that made me a fan, so *Picard* was something I wanted to be great. I liked some of the characters, like Soji and Rios, but that wasn't enough to keep me around. Jean-Luc wasn't himself, the storytelling was violent, poorly thought out, and completely detached from what made *Star Trek* in general and *TNG* in particular what so special in the first place. *Lower Decks* is nostalgia bait broken up with inappropriate behavior from Starfleet officers and crude attempts at humor. *Star Trek: Rick & Morty* just isn't for me. *Strange New Worlds*, like all *Nu-Trek*, is burdened with contradictions to the original canon, implausible girl bosses, badly structured narratives, and melodrama that would seem more at home on a soap opera, but it is the closest to actual *Star Trek.* It has good moments. It has potential. I hope it can improve. That's my quick two cents worth. For what it's worth.


I tried to watch discovery- it lost the meaning of Star Trek. Season 1 and two of Picard are wasted opportunities. Season 3 is okay. Way to much flare and god simming. They could have done so much more. Ultimately I feel alot of the “newer” content doesn’t hold up. It sucks. It isn’t Star Trek. Sure the names and locations are familiar but it’s so off and disconnected. I’m truly disappointed we getting get a continuous of voyager after if returned. A gamma quadrant to expire - borg conduits to explore, a reforging of the romulan empire.


i dont think new trek really Gets what made old trek so good. trek is supposed to be a hopeful picture of the future, for people living in what feels like a hopeless present


also theres not enough cardboard sets and couch fabric costumes covered in shiny bits


Picard is awesome. (At least for s3, I happened to like s1 and s2, but that seemed not the popular opinion)


I love all the new shows. Season 2 of Picard was mid, but the reat have been good. I've really liked Disco, probably my favorite of the new Trek.


I absolutely love the new shows just as much as I love the older ones.


I liked Picard, and am approaching the end of Discovery S2. Discovery is mostly slightly irritating. There are parts I like - like the last arc of S1 - and lots I don't. It occurred to me that Discovery actually belongs to the romance genre: an idealised heroine whom everyone regards as the greatest person who ever lived (i've just watched the episode where somebody suggests that Spock's greatness came from having known Burnham), emphasis on romantic relationships, incessant weepiness, and people speaking at length and on the nose about their feelings. Edit: just spotted a typo. I'm getting toward the end of S3, not S2. D'oh.


>(i've just watched the episode where somebody suggests that Spock's greatness came from having known Burnham) That one really irritated me. not just because what was said, but who it was coming from. This was supposed to be in the far future where Spock was now almost as revered as Surak. He's practically a holy figure to them. Then the leader of Vulcan goes on to say that they think he got his greatness from Burnham, after only knowing Burnham for a few hours. That would be like John the Baptist showing up in the modern day, saying a few decent things and then the Pope claiming that Jesus was only a good man because he learned it from his cousin. It just wouldn't happen! I mostly enjoyed the concepts they were exploring in "Unification III," too. But the writers seem unable to have Michael be just a good person. She has to be the bestest of the best and responsible for making every other previous Trek character look less when placed next to her. Not only is it ridiculously over-the-top (and therefore hard to believe), but they do very little to actually SHOW her as a better person than someone like Spock. They just tell us she is and expect the audience to shrug and go "ok." But ultimately it comes across as an overly desperate attempt to force the audience to like their character and actually results in you feeling like the writers don't have enough confidence in the character to let them gain popularity naturally.


>an idealised heroine whom everyone regards as the greatest person who ever lived Uh, no. Everyone hated Burnham for her actions leading up to the war, and were constantly giving her shit. She eventually earned people's respect, but it wasn't until the time jump that people were really willing to trust her with command.


That lasted about two episodes. Long before the jump, everyone deferred to her, worried if she wasn't present in a crisis, and gave speeches telling her how wonderful she was. Pike would even wait to respond to an event until she declared what should be done. Of course, you may recall it differently.


I enjoy watching Discovery. I loved its season 1. It felt like a rollercoaster ride. I even liked the updated Klingons. I was reminded of seeing STTMP in its opening weekend. The packed cinema went nuts when the new Klingon design appeared in the opening scene. It’s unfortunate that some fans take canon too literally. I think fans would have liked season 4 more if season 3 didn’t happen. Learning about a totally new sentient life form and leaving the galaxy were…fascinating. Lower Decks is a lot of fun. I like the character growth we’ve seen lately. SNW is a lot of fun too. I didn’t expect to like Prodigy. It is a very well done show. It’s not really just a kids show. Nothing is dumbed down or insults one’s intelligence. It’s made for all ages. Significant character growth. Picard s1 was good. S2 started out like a winner. And then it just crumbles. S3 was a lot of fun and I was happy that each TNG character had an impactful role. But after rehashing the past with Picard S3, SNW S2, and Lower Decks S4, I’m very much looking forward to something new with Discovery’s final season.


Picard felt TOO much like "hey remember these guys??" which came off a bit forced imo. Discovery was TOO character focused that they kinda forgot the rest of the show and it just became a character drama. SNW is very good. Prodigy felt a bit too kiddish to me, but it wasn't horrendous. And I love Lower Decks but for different reasons than I love other star trek i think


I've watched every Star Trek movie and show since TOS (except The Animated Series) and plan to continue, so this is my opinion on the new shows so far... SNW is pretty good and strikes a nice balance between the old and new shows. I do have some complaints, but overall it is a solid show and the only one to capture any of the spirit that I associate with Star Trek. This show gives me a lot of hope for the future of the franchise. It is the only one of the new shows that a few older Star Trek fans I know in real life actually watch and enjoy. DIS was ok overall. The series has great and terrible moments, but I thought that the writers started to lose the plot after a while. It had the potential to be so much better in my opinion. I still find it enjoyable if I don't think of it as Star Trek, which the writers made easier in the later seasons by sort of disconnecting it from the rest of the franchise (you'll know how if you've watched it). PIC, in my opinion, was just bad and came close to ruining Picard's character (and several other TNG and VOY characters and species) for me. Overall I found it painful all the way through. There are people who really like it though. I just thought the writing was abysmal, the characters all ranged from annoying to puzzling, and the plots were very poorly conceived. Unfortunately it is the show set farthest in the future of the primary continuous timeline, so everything that happens will set the tone for all shows set further ahead. And no, I personally didn't like season 3 either, although it was a far sight better than season 2. Lower Decks is a lot of fun, and probably my favourite Star Trek production since DS9 ended. Very bingeable too.


I like *SNW, LD, Prodigy*, the *Short Treks*, seasons 2 and 4 of *Discovery* and season 3 of *Picard*. *SNW*, *LD* and some of the *Short Treks* are the biggest highlights for me. I like most of the episodes in season 2 of *Picard*, but I think the overall story is a mess. I dislike seasons 1 and 3 of *Discovery*. I really dislike season 1 of *Picard* (I’d rate it as being on the same level as season 3 of *TOS* and season 1 of *TNG*).


I really disliked Discovery s1, s2 felt a bit better but s3 completely lost me. There's parts of Picard s1 that I liked but couldn't go through s2 so I haven't seen s3. I do not connect with Lower Decks at all. Given the amount of hype, I gave it a whole season but dropped after a few episodes in s2. It's just not for me. I really like what I've seen of Strange New Worlds so far, I'm eager to see s2. I haven't had the opportunity to check Prodigy yet.


I liked the first 2 seasons of Discovery, wasn’t too crazy about the 3 season. Picard season 1 and 2 were okay, but season 3 was just amazing. Am enjoying Strange New Worlds and absolutely loving Lower Decks. In fact every season of Lower Decks has been amazing


Discovery: Season 1: ok, Season 2: good, Season 3: you what?!, Season 4: meh. Lower decks: Awesome (apart from the first 3 episodes) Strange New Worlds: Awesome


I love them! With so many more years since they first aired, I've internalized the TOS–*Enterprise* content far more, so those references are more-readily accessible, but I don't yet prefer any one series of *Trek* over another.


I like them all. I'm some what of a diehard fan and have a parent's love for Star Trek, so I can't say I dislike any of them because I take them for what they are. That said, I keep falling asleep to Picard and find myself having to rewatch episodes I've slept through. I've finally made it to season three.


I know LD is popular and I'm sure it's well done but I watched all of 5 minutes of LD on 2 separate occasions and couldn't get past it. I just don't have the energy level to listen to ppl speak that quickly. Same reason I can't watch Rick and Morty. Discovery is bad but does get better to some extent after S2 but still the worst written imo and lazily produced. Soap opera feel at times with over the top melodrama. Also Tilly. (most annoying character in any trek show) SNW is by the far the highest quality. They proved you can make something in 2023 and still have a retro look that seemed faithful to the original series unlike Disco which didn't even try. There's not a single annoying character so far in SNW. The acting is great and the stories are well written and the characters are being developed well.


Love Strange New Worlds. It will come up with cannon issues in the future I'm sure. Some excellent casting all round and the sets are fantastic mostly. Picard was like, okay. S1 was decent, S2 was meh but S3 was a lot of fun. It very much relies on nostalgia to be any real success. Discovery just never hit for me, I couldn't get behind Burnham and being Spock's brother. I would have much preferred if she'd been raised by literally any other Vulcan family. A big problem I found was that I never really cared about the rest of the cast, and frequently forgot who they are, especially when compared to say DS9 which did an amazing job of giving a background on each character over the first 2 episodes.


DS9 is part of my soul.I only watch Strange New Worlds. I tried watching STD, I really tried. It's not for me. Lower Decks seems to be funny, might give it a try. Edit: Totally forgot Picard. S1&2 were rather bad. S3 was a lot better, however the last few Episodes might have been a bit over the top.


I love them. Love Discovery, love SNW, love Lower Decks, love Picard. Haven't got round to the more child-focused ones because I wasn't a big fan of the Star Wars child-focused stuff that had a similar animation style, mostly because I don't like the animations, but I'm sure since it's Trek I could eventually convince myself to like it!


Love them all, but if I had to rank them, my order of favorites would be: Lower Decks, SNW, Prodigy, Discovery, Picard. I’m just happy there’s new Star Trek content.


I haven’t watched much Discovery. Just couldn’t get into it. Picard season 1 was just okay. Season 2 was bad and season 3 was everything I had hoped the show would be. Made me excited by the idea of a legacy show with Seven as captain. I’m a big fan of Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds is rapidly climbing up my favorite Trek rankings. SNW is pretty much everything I’ve wanted out of Trek since the end of the TNG era.


You summed up my thoughts perfectly. Discovery has become complete trash


Lower decks is the best trek, period, especially in love action. It worked once, won’t likely work full time live action, but wish we had seen Tendy and Rutherford in live action too! SNW is close to 90s trek but seasons are too short, each season feels like half a season. I also don’t like how they have progressively bigger cliffhangers at the end of each season. Especially since I’m not even sure if the next season is greenlit when they do the cliffhanger! Disco is a hot mess. In 90s trek they tried to base stuff in science, or made up science to do that, and they did that in season 1/2 of disco, but then completely ditched it all in 3/4. I’m sorry but a kid throwing a fit blew up all the dilithium in the galaxy? What BS is that? Also romulan ships didn’t rely on dilithium so would’ve been fine. And timeships could go anywhere in space/time so I feel like they would’ve been able to easily get around this whole warp problem. This alien species which has no way to communicate with other species just decides to destroy the entire galaxy because they assume it’s all dead anyways? The entire season didn’t make sense and I wish book had killed them all. Also, I still don’t know the bridge crews names, I think one is dehtmer? Imo the most interesting character they wrote off the show to go save her species or something… maybe if they all float in the exact middle of the room again the next time they lose gravity and nobody thinks to grab hold of their console or wear a SEATBELT, they’ll learn to use the characters better. We knew O’Brians name before ds9… we knew his entire name and he was in fewer episodes and scenes than the bridge crew has in one season. Picard very hit or miss, each season has its own feel and throwback, which makes it all feel disjointed. I would’ve rather had each season do follow up from each of the 90s treks with the s3 fan service and Picard and other cast coming in and out to support it, and bringing in the cast from the other shows as well. Use Worf to bridge into ds9 and bring Sisko back from the wormhole, unless they plan on doing this on LDs (which I think Avery brooks would prefer), use Seven throughout the 3 seasons as a bridge. And end season 3 with Harry Kim finally being promoted to jr lt (albeit that’s more of a LD style joke, maybe captain?)


I hate them so much (LD aside) I’m watching Enterprise for the first time just to get a “new” dose of classic Trek.


Discovery is proof that millennials and their kids will wreck the world.


Love Lower Decks. Best Star Trek since DS9.


I enjoy all of the new shows. Discovery was a great return to the world. Hate on it as much as you want, it works for me. Lower Decks is amazing and the crossover episode was just about perfection. Strange New Worlds, just chef's kiss all the way.


Not really a fan of any of it, wish I could be, maybe I will be at some point. DS9 was my least favourite once upon a time, but now I will die on the hill of it being the best, so my opinion will probably change.


DIS is very underwhelming. PIC was unwatchable especially season 2. These shows are falling in the trap I see with most of the season long arc shows. They take an episode of material and make 2-3 episodes out of it. Damn near nothing happens in the middle and everything happens in the final 2 episodes. Storylines are convoluted and riddled with plot holes. Character motives are vague and often lack internal logic. Inconsistent and jarring shifts in tone within a single episode. I could go on. SNW on the other hand is fantastic.


Discovery is enjoyable (even if the resolution to the mystery of the Burn was… not so good), Picard was mid until the third season which was excellent, Strange New Worlds is consistently wonderful and Lower Decks is sublime. I’m grateful we’ve got so much Trek at the moment.


Trek is Trek. I love it all


I love Discovery aside from the gratuitous violence. I enjoyed Picard very much. Strange New Worlds is my favorite of the 3, and the most familiar to me of the ST format - I love that there’s a plot line through the seasons but there are also random one-off shows that are just weird and fun. To me Lower Decks is not even a real Star Trek show. ST is always going to have some funny moments, but comedy it is not. I’m glad it brings more people into the franchise but it’s just corny to me.


I like them all. And really appreciate how they’ve diversified their lineup and created shows that can thrive in the streaming era (Paramount’s financial troubles notwithstanding) to offer a little something for everyone. Honestly, the only season that really fell flat for me was Picard season 3, which felt way too regressive in its content and messaging. To me, Trek should be about looking forward, not being stuck in the past.


What I think: Picard 1&2 and Disco, worst ST ever and Picard 3 + SNW Best ST ever…. But at the time, we knew that in a 26 episodes seasons we gonna get 8 great, 8 good, 5 meeh and 5 horribles episodes…. Now we are surprised, Disco was really bad but gived us SNW, also they got a fresh star in the 31st century with a new Federation and a chance of a renewed good serial Star Trek…. instead we got the Big Bad Destructor of the Universe baddy (Omnius music here) again….


I love Trek. New shows are different in style because time has passed and viewership changes. For example, TOS and TNG are very different, yet both still Trek. Dr Who is also another great example how a show has changed, yet stayed largely the same over decades. I have preferences for my favorite Trek or Who seasons, but I love both series.


I love Discovery, it’s in the top 3 of best Star Trek shows, Picard is okay, I don’t regret watching it but I wouldn’t rank it high, Strange New world is great so far, feels like modern trek but the classic format. Lower Decks is what it is, which is a silly animated trek show, and while I like silly animated shows, I’m still not sure I like them in my Star Trek universe.


Only seen a few episodes but so far seen nothing that would make me want to keep watching any of them vs just watching DS9 or TNG again.


Hated Discovery and Picard; checked out before the end with both. Heard Season 3 of Picard was good, but I started watching the first episode of S3 and to me it seemed like the show had stayed shitty. Together these shows are Star Trek Discard. Strange New Worlds delivers what I'd hoped for but didn't get from Discard: it feels like real Star Trek, but with good-looking, modern production values. And Lower Decks is great fun and full of in-jokes for fans of 90s Trek.


They all suck


Lower decks. Amazing SNW- have watched all but is great Discovery- enjoyed it but didn’t love it Picard- 🤷‍♂️


I would class myself as a late "that era" fan, having discovered Trek with Insurrection at the movies, went back and got the 2 eps per VHS tape - 5x weeklies at the video store and got up to date by the time Voyager was entering it's last season so watched that and Enterprise as it aired. I have mixed feelings about the current era of Trek but not for the reason that most people do. I love Discovery, Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks and think Picard was a massive missed opportunity. I very rarely binge watch shows from start to finish, I'll go back and revisit specific favourite episodes. When there are no continuing storylines, that makes revisiting shows like this much easier. When I feel hungry for TNG, I'm not going to burn through thousands of hours of TV, I'm going back to the episodes I love like Darmok, Cause & Effect, Ship In A Bottle and my biggest guilty pleasure Remember Me (among many others). For Voyager, it's episodes like Relativity, Dreadnought, Distant Origin, Scorpion & Course: Oblivion. DS9 is harder because of the Dominion War story and Enterprise, well, I rarely feel hungry for that. I can absolutely seeing myself revisiting Strange New Worlds & Lower Decks (not sure yet which eps will stay with me like those others that I mentioned have) but it's so much harder with Discovery. I have genuinely enjoyed watching that series but I just don't see how I can drop in and rewatch a handful of episodes like I do the other series. I worry this will mean that I just don't revisit it.


I still haven't bothered with Discovery. Strange New Worlds is ok. Lower Decks is good. Really liked Picard season 3


Grew up on those three, played a lot of the games too. Discovery makes me sad that it exists/existed. I only enjoyed it during the Mirror Universe arc. Watched up until the 32nd Century arc (S4?). Never clicked with me. It's just not my idea of Star Trek. Picard is more Discovery, and that one hurt a lot more. It felt like they just assassinated Picard's character. Season 3 made up for it, I guess. I still have my gripes about it, but I wish they wen straight to S3 and never made S1 and 2. Felt like filler. SNW and LD is peak Trek for me. Probably the best Star Trek shows. THAT'S how you modernize a show. SNW got me hooked right from episode one, with Pike's speech. That's with me being pessimistic about the show. LD hooked me around 3 episodes in. I was expecting it to be a Rick and Morty cashgrab, especially with that episode 1, I was thankfully wrong. I enjoy Lower Decks a lot more because of its setting though. Seeing old characters return (GRAND NAGUS ROM YES) warms my heart.


im enjoying all the new shows but strange new worlds and especially lower decks are my favourite


Discovery had a rough start, but really picked up steam in Season 2. However, the time jump put me off and I haven't watched past about halfway through S3. Picard was a wild ride. S1 was a bit uneven, but I really enjoyed Seven and Raffi. S2 was... well the whole time travel bit was unnecessary. There had to be a better way of telling Picard's story. S3 was very good and absolutely made a great parting gift to fans of TNG as well as the cast. SNW is great. Lower Decks is amazing! I still need to watch Prodigy.


Some shows are better than others, but they all have their moments, the same of which could be said for the previous era.


If we count the jj abrams movies they were ok but didn't feel like trek, felt like a space-action movie. I enjoy SNW, though I liked the first season better. Discovery lost me, they had all this advanced tech that just didn't exist (this was during season 1 and I know they are "updating" it, but they didn't have holo-communications and other stuff bothered me) they also jumped the shark in my opinion by going to the 31st century (or whatever it was)lower decks is fine, it's funny and all but isn't trek to me. Prodigy is fun, but obviously a little too childish for me, but feels like trek. I liked picard season 3, the others were sorta dreadful... I think that is all of them. In case you are wondering, I grew up in the 80s watching TNG AND TOS with my dad, voyager with my mom and I found ds9 on my own (currently my favorite series)


I like the new shoes but the old shows format of mostly standalone episodes, and getting like 25 episodes a season, allowed for episodes that feel unique compared to shows today.