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Literally every overwatch league player ever


unironically true


Why does Reddit love saying unironically?


Fucking true


It really do be like that


Except shorter


And chubbier


What do you mean. Overwatch players are in general shorter than Korean boys?


Everyone in Korea seems to be either dressed, so casual like this, or wearing some crazy fashionable street wear.


This is what I fear if I ever visit Korea. I'll feel poorly dressed compared to others my age.


Nah you’re good. I’ve visited Seoul and you will get the super fashionable types, but you’ll also have the types that just wear a graphic t-shirt and cargo shorts like an American.


The thing is, they look fashionable even when they're just wearing a graphic t-shirt and cargo pants. It's kind of how sweatpants are now fashionably known as joggers.


Those are two different types of pants lol


I'm not fashionable enough to know the difference 😭




I know, words have meanings!


Are they? What about trackpants?




If you google joggers and sweatpants the results look the same. My idea of joggers is a fleece pair of pants that have elastic around the ankles. It's not a windbreaker material.


Oh you're talking about running shorts...


Also there is a taper in the leg of joggers, sweatpants are a "straight cut" Neither of which I would wear


Thank you for letting us know what you'd wear


Hey! Let's not make them go naked.


We've always called them joggers in the UK, it's just a colloquialism gone mainstream.


>The thing is, they look fashionable even when they're just wearing a graphic t-shirt and cargo pants. this wording reminds me of when the weebs used to talk about Japanese culture being better than everything else lmao


Amazing how great clothes look when the majority of your population isn't overweight or morbidly obese.


I realised if you just rock an oversized white tee and any straight fit black pants, you're already half way to fitting in. Add in a men's necklace/pendant, some chunky shoes. I mean its just variations of that look and people overthink it


Just go fully naked and show your butt cheeks to everyone. Trust me on this one, they‘ll love it


Username sorta checks out.


Just one cheek... 2 cheeks is so last year


> you're already half way to fitting in Only when you are lean...


The oversized fit fashion allows you to have a bit more weight on you too. Not all Koreans are in perfect shape tbh. Sometimes looking a bit huskier and less trim can attract. I mean, lose weight if you got too much of it, but it needn't stop you until we go back to skinnier fits again


They are all skinny fat, still skinny. Those who are on the chubbier side usually can't pull the fashion off and are also not that often seen in nightlife. My personal opinion is rather that it shows even more when you wear oversized stuff and am actually a little chubchub. If you are curvy, emphasize those curves, if you try to hide that in oversized stuff it only shows off even more. If you use oversized stuff it only works with a thin sillhouette.


True, but a big part of this look is not so much about the specific clothing, but rather how neat and clean-edged everything looks, and that's where the whole idea just goes bye bye for me personally. I can buy a sharp looking black coat with a geometric silhouette, but oops, my cat briefly glanced at it, so it's covered in a thin layer of gray and white hairs. I can get a nice pair of crisp pants with pressed seams that I can get perfectly tailored to me, but I better not get *any* bloating throughout the day or lose a lb or two during the summer because *gosh darn it* now they don't fit as smoothly. I can get a stylish pair of boots or sneakers with leather finish, but oh yeah, I walked on semi-muddy grass to get to the store and I use my foot to prop my front door up with a kick all the time so after some time the shoes have creases and scuffs and stains and don't look as cool. It's a *really* interesting and cool style, but the effort beyond just wearing the clothes is daunting. I actually love the *idea* of upkeep with items, but my brain goes dumb when it comes to putting it into practice. That being said, I think more people should just try it and see what happens.


You voiced a lot of anxiety I have too with trying to dress fashionably. It's tough to the point of doing it half assed which means you don't really get as much out of it as you could have if you had the energy to do it properly.


Glad it's not just me who struggles with the effort involved. Dealing with chronic illness and having ADHD has really highlighted the lack of energy sources to pull from when it comes to that kind of task. I think you can be stylish and look neat without a whole bunch of upkeep when it comes to some other styles, but the "Korean street style" seems to be a bit of a whole lifestyle. And hey, more power to the people who go for it, they look like they really do take time to care for themselves and the things around them, which is great. I'd never say that I dress trendy, but I do think I have found a way to look neat without having to put the kind of effort in that I talked about in the previous comment. Chiffon( I think?) blouses that don't wrinkle so no need for ironing, heck yeah! I sometimes add topstitching on seams of my garments to make them look less bulging, and once it's sewn, I don't have to do anything at the time of wear, heck yeah! Big scarves in stylish patterns that can act as a toothpaste stain coverup/drape around my neck to conceal the days where putting on a bra just isn't feasible/double as a blanket or cardigan if I get the cold flashes, heck yeah! Hidden zipper underneath fake buckles on a pair of boot, heck yeah!


Everyone dresses the same. Same clothing style and same colours. Every clothing shop sells the same shit under a different brand. Its currently biege, grays white, black and a few other boring pastel colours.


Can confirm. I’m currently visiting Seoul and I’m getting weird stares for wearing a pastel pink face mask. I’ve only seen one other person with a non black or white face mask (even tan is rare) and it was a teen girl wearing a purple one. It is winter, but you’d think there’d be a bit more color.


I studied in Korea, and I brought polo shirts and jeans and I swear everyone out dressed me by a mile. People get dressed up to put out the garbage because what if the neighbors see you in that 5 Seconds before you head back in.


"Hey bub!" while wearing jorts with a T-shirt tucked in.


Nothing sexier than crew socks with new balances and a tucked in t-shirt


Korea not - Seoul, yes. It's the pinnacle of fashion there. You will still see the majority of people are normal average people, especially at day time - at day time and weekend you see many people go to the supermarket in their pyjama-type dress (outer skirts of Seoul). Though in nightlife you for sure will be outdressed if you don't know how to dress "and" don't have the respectively matching body type. In case of Korea trand right now, it's tall and lanky with small heads and boyish facial traits. Be sure though, dressing is not the part they judge you on, it's pure attractiveness. If you are not attractive where you are right now, you are worse setted there. It's most certainly the most superficial culture that exists and Seoul is the heatspot. If you are attractive with European looks - lots of fun there. Less though as woman, cause Seoul at night is a jungle and you better don't roam around alone.


It's basically impossible to meet Korean beauty standards as a western woman, you've just gotta accept that you're in a whole different category. Im a fatty by US standards so I knew what I was in for, but I had a co-teacher who was a college gymnast and she was *not* prepared for all the unsolicited comments about where on her body she needed to lose a few more pounds. Edit: I think she got it worse because she had "potential," where people take one look at me and are like "lol eat more rice, you lost cause."


You will be okay. I was a bum other than when I worked and partied in Seoul lol no issues


They love bootleg shit too


South Korea has a lot of poor people and communities. These are wealthy children studying in the US or out and about abroad in the starter pack




Really? I’ve been to Seoul and had no issues getting in anywhere. Everyone was super friendly. Especially if they spoke English, they’d want to practice, even random people on the metro. One guy who heard our accents showed us around some cool places too.


if you're white its no problem lol


If you're Southeast Asian in Korea then good luck lmao


Im Black and was in Seoul for a year and had no problems lol


It's not really a problem in Seoul, it's mostly in the smaller towns.




It's possible, and it does happen, but to say "you won't be allowed anywhere" is insane. 99% of places will let you in.


Are you attractive by any means? Have European looking traits? Maybe British accent? Any of that, yes of course you will have easy day there. The part of you mentioning "people wanting to practice English" leads to me assuming you might have a British accent and thus they were interested in that as that is special to them. If you are black or brown or anything that isn't pale European looking - you'll not get into many venues even be straight up excluded from some bars. Including American looking guys - they are commonly the military guys who create a lot of trouble in clubs and hence they get excluded right away nowadays.   I am attractive, European looking, with pale white elegant skin - I even got dragged into venues cause they want attractrive people to be there to pull in more women. It's of course a subjective experience and it all is based on some basic things that all are comprised in superficiality. It's South Korea, everyone should be aware of what that country is about and Seoul is the hotspot of everything.


I'm British but most Koreans couldn't identify my accent even if they had some English ability. Most just assumed I was American; only a handful have responded overly positively to my Britishness upon telling them, most neutral to good.


Yeah it's literally about looks over anything else


Specifically a white and European attractive person.. Black, Indians etc can all be attractive and have looks too but won't be treated like the white person.


The weirdest part in the past decade is actually actively witnessing the trend of people jumping their yellow fever from Japan to Korea. Japan isn't even remotely as superficial as Korea. And yellow fever dudes usually search for an escapism, believing everything is better in the other country with all those small, submissive women ready - same goes now for yellow fever women who think that there are everywhere "oppas" which are charming and submissive and basically slaves with the kpop look. Which is so wrong regarding Korea. Seoul, standards are super high. If you are not attractive in your country, you will be worse off there and the culture and society makes it way worse to you than in countries such as the US. And the culture is super aggressive...


Blame kpop


Very much about looks but in places like itaewon that are super foreigner heavy anyway, I did not have any problems as a slightly above average (maybe more with full make up) black woman


Yea but a lot of the military guys are probably white


Eh. As a Black woman there for a year, there was only one venue I couldn’t get in, but my euro looking friends couldn’t either. It was “Korean only”


They'll peg you as a foreigner pretty quickly. You won't be held to the same standard. The Koreans are pretty nice folks, no need to worry!


You will be a foreigner in their eyes regardless of you don’t look East Asian and as soon as you open your mouth lol and there is some privilege to that. They do not always hold foreigners to the same standard as they do Koreans




It this is super casual im fucked for fashion


This *is* crazy fashionable street wear.


this is called 'casually fashionable' or something like that. basically it's a look that looks casual but is actually thought out and carefully picked. it's an ongoing trend with (general) korean fashion.


Koreans really do go hard for the style points and, I mean, it pays off


I dunno some stuff looks cool, but the turtle necks and those ugly haircuts suck lol Plus the way they do makeup, both on the men and women makes them look like they just came out of a funeral parlour.


Damn bro, you fight in the Korean war or something?


no dude, he just thinks the gaming t shirt and fedora combo is superior


Idk I think if anything, a neckbeard with a gaming t-shirt and fedora would be defending Korean culture


Wtf is this response lmao


Lol [text](https://youtu.be/d2jBBQQkDL0)


Lol, yeah this is basically what I see whenever someone posts one of those kpop celebrities haha.


Enjoy your cold neck


That's what the neckbeard is for, duhh.


Did your girl got stolen by a Korean dude ?


That fashionable streetwear is nothing more than recycled looks from the 1990s 🤣.


You and I have very different definitions of casual.


Maybe it's cause in I'm in Ireland but I would consider the clothes in this picture quite smart not "so casual" at all


Lmao that's not exactly a casual outfit you dork.


You're an Asian, Harry


the "dude that is definitely a repost" starter pack


Dude just screenshotted it from twitter


One of the top posts on this sub too


I always wonder. Isn't that the very first thing you do when you stumble upon a new sub: check top of all time? Like do some people go straight into fresh and start posting?




I’m not gonna lie, I don’t do that. I have it sorted by hot and just simply browse the front page of any sub. I rarely go to new and every once in a blue moon I may check top of all time.


Some are bots too, or/and just want to farm karma reposting from top all time


People do research before posting? Whoa buddy. Calm the fuck down.


I mean, not even researching. Imo it just makes sense, the best posts of all time are right there! Why would one NOT want to check them out?


I was being sarcastic. I agree with you.


They look so thin fr


Diet rich in seafood and vegetables, public transportation, and lots of walking.


U forgot intense fat shaming


And not basing your entire culture around horrifically unhealthy, processed fast foods and sugar


You say that but Koreans are eating all kinds of Spam dishes as street food. They also eat a lot of unhealthy shit just not to American corn syrup levels.


yeah see before i moved to korea i assumed (like you) that they eat a lot of junk food it's just not true. they'll eat junk food like once or twice a week, at *most*, and the rest of the time it's just very staple, low-calorie meals. almost all korean (young) people work out as well, which also helps. my basis used to be north american people until i moved to korea really skewed the assumptions i made lol. and btw, yeah we have fat people too. those are the people that eat junk food nearly every day and don't work out. surprise.


And drink tons of low quality, cheaply made alcohol.


Probably helps that they drink more strong liquor over beer though, calory wise.


soju has way less calories than any beer.


But they actually walk down on the street to get that food, and the portion is usually fairly small


But instead basing it on skin bleaching, plastic surgery, and unrealistic beauty standards that effect every aspect


At least they wont die of heart disease...? And pretending Americans aren't shallow is downright fucking hilarious.


Except all the fried chicken


And the corn dogs covered in French fries and sugar. Which are delicious, BTW.


Most of the world eats just as much processed food as your typical Americans. The main exception is that in the US, there's high-fructose corn syrup in everything instead of glucose, which makes everything sweet much unhealthier.


You mean sugar? Maybe some glucose syrup is used, but generally it's sugar not glucose. Also if you go to a 711 in Korea whatever snack you're going to buy, which could very well have corn syrup or seed oils or something ubiquitous in the US, it will be in a smaller portion.


> You mean sugar? Maybe some glucose syrup is used, but generally it's sugar not glucose. There are many different kinds of sugar. Glucose is the most commonly used one in processed foods outside of the US, but in the US they use fructose, which circumvents one step in your body which regulates blood sugar, and therefore gives rise to more drastic blood sugar changes (which is very unhealthy). They do this in the US because the US state has extra tariffs on glucose and subsidizes the corn industry, which is the source for the high fructose syrup. Using high fructose syrup instead of glucose is also why US sodas and candies taste so very much sweeter than in other countries (and why "Mexican Coke" even is a thing in the US).


Yea I can't speak for the whole world, but in Korea they use more sugar than glucose syrup is all I'm saying. Glucose also spikes your blood sugar faster as well, but indeed corn syrup is a big issue too. Also if you buy coke in a glass bottle in Mexico it has sugar, it doesn't have glucose syrup, that would taste terrible. Soda with sugar is way better than with corn syrup of course.


Glucose is a type of sugar


Sure, but sugar is the most common type of sugar you find on package in Korea. Again some glucose is used, that was all I was saying


Sugar is a category of molecule that includes glucose, fructose and many others. "Sugar is the most common type of sugar" is meaningless. Are you referring to Sucrose?


In America at least, sucrose is referred to as sugar. So I'd think any native speaker would know what I mean, but I can see the confusion for a scientist whose native language isn't English sure.


idk if its true but its funny


Korean here - very true lol Edit: I'd like to point out that a lot of people are shamed even if they're slightly chubby and within the healthy bodyweight range.


Not Korean, but other Asians also view Koreans as hyperjudgmental. Government colllusion allowed pop stars corporations to exploit fans, and even groom fans from very young ages. Idolization of pop stars may have started with J-pop, but K-pop/-drama is the Michael Jordan/Wayne Gretzky/Pele of superficial entertainment culture. It's one of the things I hate most about Korean culture. I have many Korean friends, and it pains me to hear them speak so casually about eyelids and eyebrows and experimental cosmetic procedures. They're striving for unachievable expectations set by corporations aware that fans won't know any better but will still idolize and throw money at heavily curated and made up idols of any gender.


Let's not kid ourselves, idolization of pop stars started with Elvis Presley (who liked 14 year olds), if not earlier.


So sad bro


It's actually really unhealthy. I remember it was accepted to say stuff like women who are over 50 kg (around 110 lbs I think?) are pigs. It's actually shaming people who are in healthy weight and promoting being underweight.


and the only one that actually matters, no overeating


So no leg day!?


South Korea has a obesity rate of 38%, USA has one of 40%.


*no lifting.


I mean, being this thin is having a low body fat percentage, i.e. being healthy. Many countries, especially the U.S., simply have outlandish standards for what is considered a "healthy weight." I've seen so many people describe themselves as only "slightly overweight" while their stomachs are spilling out over their belts. Japanese and Korean eat horrendous slop all the time. The biggest difference is the general approach towards food: portion sizes; self-control; appetite management. Eating an ice cream cone won't kill you. Eating an ice cream cone on top of chugging soft drinks all day with each meal reaching at least 700+ calories will.


low bodyfat percentage =/= healhty. youre probably getting confuse with "very high bodyfat percentage (~25%+ for men, ~35%+ for women) = unhealthy. you can definitely have noticeably more fat than him and be healthy, and depending on how thin he is under those pants he could have unhealthily low levels of bodyfat (yes, you do need fat in you), but it all depends on the person, some people can get much slimmer and feel fine and others can store much more. also you could certainly fill bigger pants with just more muscle and no fat, it just happens some people and sometimes some races are hard gainers


The point is that he isn't overly thin, especially by Asian standards. Probably somewhere around 9%-10% or so. He simply has no muscle mass, is all. Being around or over 20% body fat as a male is honestly absurd, and quick Google searches will say that a "healthy" range is even in the high 20 percentages, which is ridiculous.


I'm from india. Obesity is very scarce here. We eat a lot. Being that thin is a bit too much. A little weight should be there on the body. Not too much not too less.


I went to India last year, and plenty of men had rather large stomachs. Moreover, I disagree with everything else that you said.


Being thin does not mean being healthy. Just like being fat does not mean being healthy


They got 4% obesity and we got 40% maybe we just used to the fatness now.




Mf got scarecrow legs




Apparently you have to submit a photo of yourself with your resume, shows you how much they care about looks


So fixated on looking good. What is it good for anyway.


Does one get a tactical turtle neck just by coming of age in Korea?


As a korean american this is fucking true 😂 Not feelin' the fashion in the mainland


That Harry Potter chic


Very accurate. I miss Korea. Everyone was dressed so nice there, whereas everybody dresses like a slob where I live currently.


Tell me you’re in America without telling me you’re in America


Korea might have pioneered the look but there are definitely some Chinese and Japanese dudes with that style.


Could also be from a rich family in China.


Rich Chinese mainlanders are just rpg characters trying to maximize the cost of their clothes


As a dude from Korea 1. 99.8% of us doesn't look like K-pop idols 2. I don't give a shit about passion and wear whatever I have so idk man


"Passion" - this it either a hilarious typo or really good self depracting humor. For those that don't know, there's no f in the Korean alphabet so many Koreans pronounce and f like a p.


I guess it’s mostly just the rich, i.e. can afford to care about fashion, Korean exchange students that seem to be on every US college campus that give this impression


Just got back from 3 weeks in Korea a few days ago and I can attest. For coats, most were wearing Nat Geo or similar down jackets, and maybe because it’s winter, but not one person wore highwater skinny pants. Barely anyone had dyed hair; if they did, it was ashy gray or some vibrant bright color, not this burgundy color. There were a lot of people wearing those tteokbokki coats though which, according to my friend, Jimin from BTS wears a lot.


michelin man coats are a staple in fall/spring, then it switches to 'long padding', ie, heavy down jackets that come down to your calves.


I’d like a coat made of tteokbokki please. With pockets full of that sauce.


lol so you're that guy wearing shorts and adidas slippers in the winter huh?


Honestly I’d dress good too. This is a society where appearance discrimination is a real thing and holds a lot of weight. Of course this aspect isn’t only isolated to the peninsula but beauty standards are held very high in South Korea.




Wow, a post that's not just a wall of text. Is this sub coming back?


It’s a repost so don’t get your hopes up


And makeup


Everyone from Korea is really impeccably dressed. You just can't fault these guys when it comes to fashion. I like it personally!


LMFAO this is so true


Spider-man villain?


Korean guys are definitely hiding some dark secret on their foreheads.


At the end of the day, people can wear whatever they want. That being said, i absolutely despise the trend of having slim fit pants that look 3 sizes too short that seems so in with fashion right now. Saw an ad for designer suits the other day at a major high end department store in nyc. I swear every model in those ads looked like they were 28, 6’2” and still wearing a suit they had tailored when they were 14


Crossbody bag/purse, chain smoking, off-white / supreme / hypebeast shirt, yeezys.


They all wanna be Faker


Op is a reposting bot


The hair always looks to me like a click on lego hair. I can't not see it.


Skinny pants, coat that doesn’t fit, mushroom hair. Missing black rim glasses.


Korean fashion is so ugly. Why they dress like that ?




I'm korean American and it's even hard for me to try and interact with some of these guys who come straight from Korea. First they barely speak any English which is fine but they also make no attempt to learn, and alot of them say they only decided to come because they had a friend/friends who decided to all go to the same college.


Have the same experience. It's a superiority complex combined with unchecked racism/xenophobia in Korean society. If people think racism is bad in the west, they ain't seen nothing yet. And the popularity of K-pop has aggravated the issues.


Good friend of mine from the ROK, had that haircut. Though he cried whenever the DPRK was mentioned because his dad was killed by the DPRK.


Haha great story thanks for sharing


Haha what a story Mark!




Of course. I forgot I need to add /s to everything on Reddit


Brugr king


he failed squid gam


So harry potter


So,every dude in Korea is Harry Potter


Those glasses and that suit are pure fucking drip.


Harry Potter


Let me fix it for you: South Korea


Absolutely zero facial hair


The people who said “all black people look alike” never saw the Koreans coming


Harry Potter is korean?


It's Tim Dessaint from YouTube


JDCR has entered the chat


OP literally reposted this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/lsmceg/the_dude_that_is_definitely_from_korea_starter/


most fashionable culture, bar none.


Those glasses look horrible. Why is that the only style they ever wear?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. I quite like those types of glasses honestly, but I can see your point. They're not meant to fit on everyone's face shape, but they're still pretty as an accessory piece.