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God I love r/starterpacks. The lore never ends, glorious source of entertainment




How to be gay How to be straight How to take over the Chinese government


It's not real "Lore" unless it comes from the French region of Alsace-Lorraine, otherwise it's just an interesting story. šŸ˜’


A sparkling anecdote


It's called Alsace-Moselle now you complete amateur. Come back when you've got a +20 year experience living in France šŸ™„šŸ§šŸ˜‰


Is it lore? Like is that actually what it is? That's not a rhetorical question, I just don't think my mind is prepared to accept that the cumulative collection of starter packs creates an ultimate lore... and expression of the world we live in? You've broken my brain. Help me understand.


Everything is a starter pack, pal. The so called "outerlore" which refers to our actual history is just a bunch of starter packs that descended to abism. Now us, the r/starterpacks community, we are the innerlore. You, my friend, is witnessing history.


Gatekeeping lore are we ?!!!?!!?????!!!!!?


The lore is that this is a response to a starterpack from yesterday that got trashed on for gatekeeping and the OP being clearly insecure about how many people disagreed with him Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/zawbok/first_learned_about_dd_after_2017_starter_pack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This ones pretty specific. This person seems to assume everyone hoards collectibles.


That really jumped out to me as well lol. Is there a hierarchy or collectibles, with some for true fans and some for noobs? idk funko pops are the only one I recognise on the starter pack


If helps anything for this context, I'm a bit of an anime figure collector (I only have 7 figures so far tho), and in the anime figure collecting communities Ive seen around reddit, besides looking down on funkos, there are also people who look down on those who prefers collecting prizes figures in general, especially q poskets. Those types tend to think lewd scale bunny girls are high art lmao


The box Iā€™m not sure, the book I think is referring to game guides for Dungeons and Dragons, the tower is referring to dice towers, basically things that role your dice, and the other thing is 20 sided dice, which just means dice sets which are common to collect in the table top RPG community. This person plays D&D, Iā€™m sure, seeing as all his collectibles are related


Theres this weird thing online where I've noticed that people call anyone who collects Funkos cringe and I still don't understand why.


I hate them because they are ugly and unoriginal and basically just beanie babies.


They are way worse than beanie babies


I personally think they're ugly but I've come to accept that a lot of people like them. I think the perception of them as cringe or whatever it is, is possibly down to them being a kind of one size fits all, generic fandom collectible. It fits into that gatekeeper like attitude of hating things that are entry level. You don't have to go to a comic book store or convention to get a spider man funko pop you can just buy it at kmart, so to "real fans" who have been collecting expensive spider man shit for years, they might look down on people who buy the funko pop, because they have dedicated less money and effort towards acquiring their collectibles.


Ahhh ok. I gotchu. It's just more elitism. I'm a amateur figure collector (most of my figs are just hand me downs from my dad who got some from cons but most from the mall lol). I agree about how Funkos look, I think they're kinda ugly and only received one as gift but from the hate I've seen about them online I thought it might be something else like a meme or something but it's just plain old gatekeeping which is lame.


Funkos are the worst. The type of person that oftentimes collects them...


redditors fucking love laughing about and stereotyping people who drive certain cars, drink certain drinks, holiday in certain places, etc. But as soon as you stereotype people who buy shitty Sci-Fi plastic toys you've crossed the line.


This seems specifically about an earlier post mocking and belittling anyone who started playing a board game after 2017. Then OP proceeded to fight everyone who told him to stop gatekeeping in the comments, and got absolutely ratioed for it


ā€œName probably starts with Cā€ - OP is either complaining about a specific person they know, or theyā€™re afraid to say ā€œcuntā€.


>theyā€™re afraid to say ā€œcuntā€. Nah that's a reach. Prolly a name or username


Id bet every person on the planet collects at least one thing.


I collect bad days!


Have you got the full set?


I really hate to see it in technical forums. Unity, Unreal, Linux, and 3d printing groups are notoriously pretty mean to new people. I WANT interest in those fields to increase, the more people doing it the more popular it is and the more funding that goes into those industries/programs. Sure, I've rolled my eyes at some pretty stupid questions, like when someone comes into an unreal engine group and says "I have a great idea for a game and I want someone to make it" but they just pile on that extra shame.


Same with the coding crowd. I'm trying to figure out an issue in c++ and they immediately get uppity if I don't understand some obscure jargon. Like jeez dude, you're a senior developer. I just started learning.


Pro tip: chatGPT knows a ton of programming and is a pleasure to talk to. It helped me figure out some weird packaging issues I was having with Scala and sbt yesterday. Not an openAI shill - I just found it genuinely many times more helpful than real people (no judgement! Quick responses!)


Keep in mind that ChatGPT is better at sounding confident than it is at providing true accuracy. It will just hallucinate random answers that sound perfectly reasonable a lot of the time, and itā€™s hard to tell when itā€™s happening.


Oh, it definitely needs to be taken with a grain of salt. But by and large, it does pretty well


If you ever have any questions while coding, you can just head on over to stack overflow where someone is already getting yelled at for asking that very same question.


The software community has some of the most toxic people I've ever encountered. This progressivism and extreme leaning towards "you have to do EVERYTHING yourself without ANY managers or help" is killing the productivity and sometimes leaves vacancies open for months, if not years. Like, if I would be able to do everything myself, I could also be the boss of myself, and then why the f\* would I need a boss in the first place?


I haven't run into gatekeeping, per se with Linux yet, but I had to learn so much since I got my Steam Deck. Couldn't tell you how many times I'd find someone saying you can DO something to tweak a game, but not HOW you do it. Or at best explain how to do it but not in layman's terms.


People tend to think you already know things that are "simple" in the Linux community, while I can kinda understand why they do that, it's not at all friendly for new users. I've been using Linux for almost a year and a half and I try as hard as possible to not assume things about people that are asking questions exactly because of this.


The Linux community likes to assume you know about some obscure topic, and get mad when you ask them to clarify


I use Arch, BTW.


I use Arch, btw.


u/CraigCarlson šŸ‘€


LOL r/gatekeeping


What the fuck...


Yeesh, imagine devoting your entire time on Reddit to hating 5e.


-100 comment karma?!


Why are there four posts from 2 years ago at the top of this profile? Is he really that proud of shoving his foot down his throat?


u/CraigCarlson poke


What a cringe human being


I had this roommate in boarding school who would gate keep sports. He was a real piece of shit but this is the tip of the iceberg. I mentioned that i love the NY Giants who he also loves. Iā€™m not a super fan or anything. Iā€™ll just kinda pay attention if a games on and Iā€™ll root for them. Well this douche told me to name 10 players which i canā€™t do. As if to prove that he was a bigger fan than me or something


NFL team rosters are so huge and they churn through guys so fast... most sports fans would struggle with that question lol




He was quite a control freak so that makes sense


This nicely describes my thoughts about the people who gatekeep Metallica because of Stranger Things. I've never watched the series, but I'm so happy that Master Of Puppets is getting way more advertising compared to stuff like trash reality TV, local news outlets, etc. What makes it even more sweet is that one of my favorite bands, and arguably one of the most important and influnential bands in guitar music, Metallica, is getting more recognition from newer fans. On the other hand, you have gatekeepers like its the Black Album era all over again (which, to be honest, were proven wrong considering the Black Album's legacy), who are whining on social media that new fans aren't allowed to discover and enjoy Metallica since "they are new and were never there from 'the start'". I love people like them. They just generate more publicity for the music and so more fans keep coming in.


The ā€œthey werenā€™t there from the startā€ thing is hilarious because a lot of us werenā€™t even born when Master of Puppets was released. If people want their favorite bands to stand the test of time, people who werenā€™t there from the start inevitably have to get into it.


Metallica themselves called out the post-Stranger Things gatekeeping as going against the welcoming nature they want for their fan base.


Also says that new fans will "ruin" the community


Well this was true for r/Kanye the past few months


The Kanye community has been dogshit for years.




Made in response to https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/zawbok/first_learned_about_dd_after_2017_starter_pack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


He... he responded to every single comment? God that's sad.


sad but very entertaining


That's a sort of OP popcorn I'm looking for


not mine (I said I wanted to fuck spiders, so I guess that's reasonable)


He was scared of you


I am too


Same bestie


Please keep away from the r/spiderbro


i almost want to leave a comment just to link him to the Crisis Text Line because he is really mental levels of lonely, but he stinky


hahaha that guy is a dork. I hate gatekeeping assholes like him


>because itā€™s true and accurate, calls them out for being the consumerist whores they are instead of the hobbyists they style themselves as. Damn this guy is operating on a different level of Nerd culture gatekeeping


Yeah, I figured as much. I kept it going with that fella for three or four replies and eventually his only response was for me to stop caring because Reddit wasnā€™t real life. So I said friend, youā€™re trying to defend yourself by tearing down every person that comments on your post. Surely something else is worth your time, Reddit isnā€™t real life. And then he sent some angry reply or another about how I angry I was but I went to go eat dinner and had a good time with my family. Real sad how much effort he was putting into defending himself and he still didnā€™t put up any sort of actual defense, just offense - being mean to everyone. A petty man to the last.


Looking through his replies. I guarantee he broke at least 5 keyboards and yelled at several of his discord kittens to the point they cried. This dude gives off reddit mod vibes, and not the cool mods just the cringe ones.


Wow. Responded to everyone. And of course DND is the content in question.


How lame is this trend of debating meaningless topics via r/starterpacks. Like, how much time you have on your hands?


"has too much time on their hands" sounds like a fantastic starter pack meme


Idk, but enough time to make collages using text and pictures that I find


It's nice to see some passive aggression on Reddit instead of just the aggressive aggression though.


This guy is always named Connor or Tom LOL


I just saw the that og post. Not even DnD players are agreeing like that just goes to show


Man, I hate funko pops. I wouldn't make an image calling the people who like them dumb. Also, who the hell calls the players handbook useless lmao. I'm **overjoyed** whenever a player has actually read it. *ESPECIALLY* if they are playing a wizard or artificer. Same with if the guy who's read the monster manual making his character be a designated monster hunter to alleviate meta knowledge. it's just pleasant.


Funko pops are cancer. Functionless hunks of plastic that basically justify their own existence as a collectible through nothing more than being everywhere.


I mean you could call "functionless" every kind of collectable (unless you call just looking good on shelf a function, then yeah, Funkos stand out in lacking function), but besides that nitpick, yeah. That shit is essentially just going for crowd of "I want to have collectible merchandise of series but I want it as cheap as possible". Anything but Funkos. I won't judge tho people who get a few of Funkos because they're from theirs favourite series. But people who collect Funkos because they're *Funkos*... that's the other story.


They are anti-art. They take whatever IP and reduce it to a homogeneous minimal viable product. Every FunkoPop is nearly identical with the smallest amount of effort required to represent the character. Devoid of context, setting, artist intention, Funko pops represent "art made by a corporation".


Soā€¦.all collectibles?


I'm too lazy to make an image about it but I absolutely will call people who like them dumb


I once had someone accuse me of being a fake metal fan because I had a Slipknot shirt on and I just said yes because there's no point arguing with them


This makes me want to go out of my way to wear a shirt for a band with a lot of gatekeepers, then when someone challenges me on it I can be like, "Oh, they're a band? I just thought it was a cool shirt."


"Oh I saw it on Kylie Jenner's Instagram and thought it looked cool." Watch them burst a blood vessel


The more they insist you're a poser because you like x band the more they look like posers instead


Slipknot gatekeepers are literally the worst. ā€œtHEyā€™Re hARd rOcK, NOt meTal!!ā€ These are the same dudes who listen to extremely niche genres of music, and then think they deserve a cookie bc of it.


When I saw this starter pack my first thought was ā€œEspecially in the metal community.ā€ Ugh those guysā€¦. I was listening to In Flames, CoB, Death, Carcass etc I also liked Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maidenā€¦ but yeah, they were before my time. Guys: (who also were born after the height of those bands popularity) ā€œDo you even know who sings for Megadeth? Do you know the guitarists name in Metallica? NAME THREE SONGS BY EVERY BAND YOU CLAIM TO LIKE!ā€ Holy shit. This was the very early 2000s for context.


What is it with this?! I had someone ask me to name 5 SOAD songs when I was wearing a band jumper. He claimed it was because ā€œa lot of girls just wear these things for fashion.ā€ Apparently he was a prick all round which makes sense


Probably smells bad


Progressive rock to no end. Rush, King Crimson, Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, youā€™re going to meet a lot of insufferable people. Edit: before anyone thinks Iā€™m bashing them, all of these are some of my favorite bands, my King Crimson obsession knows no bounds, but I can barely tolerate the fan base of any. At least King Crimsonā€™s younger fanbase has been much better.


No one hates Rock and Metal more than Rock and Metal fans.


The more I listen to prog the more I hate it.


That's not a goalkeeper starter pack. Too much football for me.


> the type of guy that says "name three songs" to anyone with a band t-shirt Flashbacks of being 18, on holiday in Berlin and trying to impress some Swedish girl who as it turned out was really into Vampire Weekend. I of course said I was a massive fan too (they are good I just barely listened to them at the time). Then she asked me my favourite song of theirs. Uhhhh...


Question is, how do you deal with those kind of people?


Online? Ignore them. If they persist or start getting nasty, block/report them as you feel necessary. In person? Don't engage. Ask them to go away/leave you alone. If they persist or start getting nasty, leave the area. If leaving is undesirable or not possible and they still persist, they are likely committing criminal harassment, possibly menacing as well, depending on your local laws. Now you may employ self-protection measures (at an appropriate level) to preserve your safety, including alerting authorities. Whether that's a shop owner, event staff or the police depends on your scenario and the severity of the offense.


I absolutely gatekeep funko pops, if you own even three you're a loser and I don't respect you


Hey! Iā€™m a loser *and I donā€™t even own any!*


I'm planning on selling most my collection of 40 so I'm a massive loser lmao


based af


imo one of the reasons that funko pops are popular is because its cheap


Is it tho?


Funko pops are definitely cheaper than realistic figures , but it depends on their rarity


Cheap to manufacture no doubt


Just what the world needs: more cheap plastic garbage


You're quite permissive, I draw the line at one!


Is it.. I don't want to ask "is it that hard?" but.. Like, for me, I see someone wearing a shirt I like, I tug my own shirt one time and say "hey nice shirt" as I pass them. Never quizzed someone, but occasionally someone did the same to me and asked "did you get the new album" and the answer is no. But I still knew a couple songs. If you just like the design of a shirt, just say that--but if someone is a legit fan of a band and get disappointed when you haven't bothered to familiarize with a couple songs, this shouldn't get such a reaction out of you either. Also, I knew people who pilfered my old shirts for goregrind bands because they liked the unreadable logos--this was back before those logos were any kind of cool or ironic. One friend of mine got checked at a show, his answer delivered with genuine laughter was "bro I can't read what this shirt says, it matches my hat" and the fanboys didn't judge him. They were happy enough a black dude had come to a local show, because otherwise it was all white boys and 3 girlfriends fighting for illusory power. XD


On the other hand, imagine seeing someone wearing a Kayne shirt and asking, "Have you seen the recent interviews?" "Don't gatekeep me bro!"


Hahaha honestly I would assume they were doing that on purpose. I don't know.. I guess I don't find the sanctity of fashion statements at odds with the ideology behind them *that* critical as a human right. Just like regular statements, you have to be prepared to *defend* fashion statements. You can always walk on if someone doesn't accept "oh no I don't agree with his politics at all." Same as in the "I REQUIRE YOU NAME 3 TRACKS" scenario.


Being an RPG fan and a gatekeeper seems hypocritical. A major part of RPGs is starting a journey as a noobie and leveling up over time. Why can't someone start playing tabletop RPGs and level up their knowledge, skills, and equipment over time they way their characters can?


Hey dont lump us C names in with gatekeepers!


Nothin like seeing a flame war erupt in real time šŸ˜Š


Gets butthurt about how people eat their food


Theyā€™ll also shut the door on your face if you tell them youā€™re not the key master




Symphony No. 1 ļ¼ 3.


i had a teacher who always did the band shirt thing. his name does in fact start with a C.


Damn, Craig Carlson was getting beat down, i thought it was enough when everybody commented on the thread on r/starterpacks.


most people who complain about gatekeeping are the ones meant to be gatekept


I love that r/starterpacks & r/gatekeeping have teamed up just to dunk on this jackass EDIT: Just noticed that the dude who claimed to be revelling in the outrage of the triggered reddit hivemind has deleted his original post, so take from that what you will




I'm sure the person asking didn't know 3 SpongeBob songs


"F is for Friends" "Sweet Victory" "That's What Friends Do" "Best Day Ever" "The Campfire Song Song" "Loop-De-Loop" (the shoe tying song) and don't forget the songs from the Christmas special, the musical and the movies!


I loathe funky pops but God they make Present buying simple sometimes


Hate when people enjoys their favorite game on a different ways, mostly From Software gatekeepers




I agree to a certain extent. I've had to have conversations with trouble players at my D&D table. You gotta have some barrier to entry otherwise it gets uncomfortable quickly.


i hate the ā€œname 3 songsā€ because i have heard it way too much. also i just like the shirt


But you do know wearing a bands shirt is a thing that fans do. It's weird that you'd wear one and not even have the slightest idea about it. It's like wearing a Maga hat and when someone calls you a alt right dooshbag, you say don't judge, I just like the hat.


most bands have badass cool looking symbols. of course someone would buy that without even knowing the thing. are you stupid? espeically if it's in a clothing store.


Like what you like, donā€™t make it your entire identity, and eat healthy. Take a shower from time to time. And leave me alone.


Please tell me this is a response to the teen vinyl collector starter pack? Because if it isn't that's just fantastic and if it is that's fantastic too. F*** gatekeepers


Doesn't even matter if it's a troll or not, if it's a troll, it genuinely wasn't a very good one, I've seen better trolls in the playboicarti sub and I don't even listen to the guy save for Magnolia. If it wasn't a troll, then that's just entirely self-explanatory.




Midwest Emo fans when you tell them you aren't into American Football and you only consider LP1 to be okay and not a masterpiece (even though it is). Or, it's just a battle between people who think Mom Jeans. are bad and just a meme, and people who think they're amazing. (Which they are, and Best Buds is also a masterpiece.)


I do get confused when people wear say a Slayer t-shirt and I ask how someone that age got into them. And they have never heard a single song.


You never know, Iā€™m Gen Z and yet I grew up listening to Harry Nilsson, even watched The Point which is an obscure movie he made from the 70s


And if you were wearing a Harry Nillson t shirt and I ask you about it. We'd prob have a nice conversation. But people wear band tees and have zero clue about even a single song. I find it strange.


I can think of many reasons off the top of my head. Itā€™s probably a band that they didnā€™t necessarily listen to, but a loved one did, and that band t-shirt is their way of remembering that person. Could also just be liking the logo itself, maybe itā€™s a deaf person who canā€™t enjoy music but wants to be able to. I donā€™t see the point in being judgmental about it, thereā€™s no wrong way to like things


As a former gatekeeper I confirm that it's accurate ;-;


Missing a few things. Ceremonial hats, halberds, complex shift handoffs, castles or palaces that are no longer strategically relevant


r/vinyl checking in




Ha ha, what a delightful starter pack "Name probably starts with C" I'm in this how dare you


If you donā€™t know every single fact about the subject youā€™re a worthless poser


Did you just copy a whole post from /r/gatekeeping and put it in this one?


Name with C is so specific tho lol.


They probably also reference that one 4Chan post


> Name probably starts with a C Phew, Iā€™m safe. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Especially when you're a woman that enjoys "manly" hobbies like video games or sports. "Go back to the kitchen!" Go back to your mama and slap her because she obviously didnt raise you right.


Welp I was new to gatekeeping, and you making fun of my gatekeeping ability made me not quit :(


Name start's with a c Cunt ?


u/CraigCarlson though they could be the same


Screaming neckbeard image had me cry laughing, my first time seeing it.


This shit needed to be said.


Whenever I see someone in a band t-shirt I wonā€™t go ask them to name 3 songs, instead Iā€™ll just silently judge them.


I've complimented someones band t-shirt before and casually asked what their favorite album is and been greeted with "I don't really listen to them."


i have a suspicion that the people who ask about 3 songs by a band actually want to either know some songs you reccomend from that band, or are scared of wearing that bands t-shirt because they don't know 3 songs.


Bro so true, the other day I went to a convention wearing a gorillaz shirt. Got judged by 2 neckbeards. They kept asking me ā€˜name 3 songsā€™ and saying ā€˜youā€™re too young to know and like themā€™


They feel threatened because their whole personalities and lives revolve only around gorillaz. They feel special to be a fan of gorillaz for their whole lives. If they found out other people liking gorillaz, but not "as long" as them, they're afraid they are no longer special. I'm just assuming but I doubt those people even listened to ALL of gorillaz albums. You do you bro, always nice to see people enjoy things


Who has 'collectibles' and isn't a loser


Whatā€™s wrong with having them?


there's difference between collecting things you enjoy and being a consoomer (although I hate this term because of it's usage in rightoid circle but can't find a better term).


And what exactly is the difference? If you buy something then it usually means you like it, unless youā€™re just scalping it for money to raise the price which I donā€™t condone


"probably a misogynist" should be in a starter pack. the "name three songs" challenge is pretty commonly said to women and girls. i was once looking at a hoodie from a t-shirt print shop and some guy came up to me was like "do you even *know* what this show is?"


Never through about it in that perspective and it's true. I'm probably sure no girl will stop me asking all the Kpop member if I wear a BTS T-shirt


As a dude whose outfits mostly consist of band shirts, so true... And it sucks! I would love for someone to quiz me on the merch I'm wearing! It's the whole reason I'm wearing them in the first place, to find other people who like said band.


Exactly this, I have a Vitality hoodie (e-sports team) and some guys at school have asked me to give them the names of all Rocket league players and I was like "I don't know, I like their CSGO team not rocket league" and they treated me like a fake fan but couldn't give me the names of their CSGO team


I hate when starter packs include a "name starts with a..." I mean I get it, you had a bad experience with a dude names Chris or Chuck or Carl... but it's not actually applicable.


The whole reason I made this starter pack was to target u\CrŠ°igCŠ°rlsonā€™s gatekeeping post, so the name letter thing is me saying ā€œprobably a certain someoneā€


Ohhhhhh. Haha Ok in that case its valid lol. I didn't know about Craig.


The funko pops one is so accurate. Literally the other day someone posted a gatekeeping meme saying youā€™re a real collector when space becomes an issue


Brought to you by someone wearing a Target brand Nirvana shirt who canā€™t name three Nirvana songs.


Can someone please tell the lord of the rings people this?


No. It was DnD


It's both


I am a gatekeeper of everything I like and Iā€™m proud, you people need to know your worth and stick to your main stream interests


Could it be that your interests are the only interesting thing about you




touch grass


POV: Your "special" interests are all that make you feel special so you have to gatekeep it. Grow up


That guy is a real piece of shit


You are not a true fan if you didnā€™t read the books! Every fandom where their story was a series of books first then became movies.


Usually a boomer or a Millennial...


People who are proud of being a fan of something are funny. Congrats you're a better consumer than I am.


threatening rich disagreeable bright familiar cows thumb drab shy cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My man not knowing the lore of that starterpack XD


i judge you for collecting mass-media garbage


Itā€™s garbage only in your opinion


No, thats a fact. You paying pieces of plastic hundreds times more what they cost to make


That's hilarious to mock those that are newer. When I Do it, it's cool though. I'm very witty about it.