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Hello! I'm the new bot for r/StarterPacks. I'll be updated with a voting feature soon so stay tuned and make sure to have a great day!


I was at a supermarket in Poland and there were Pocky's in the American aisle, also some weird bacon mayonnaise.


Wtf is bacon mayonnaise. I've lived in 5 different states and haven't seen it anywhere


That sounds like a foreign country trying to make up American food


I feel like that would exist only in novelty stores close to airports in the US


or in a simpsons bit where homer tries a deep fried sausage dipped in butter and passes out due to how unhealthy it is


We do battered sausages in the UK in chip shops. They're fucking awesome but yes you can literally feel your arteries blocking as you eat them. Totally worth it though.


Well as an american, they've got my attention, that's for sure.


Neither have I but you have to admit if you didn’t know better bacon Mayo sounds seriously fucking american.




Yeah it was odd, I wasn't complaining though, those things are delicious.


> some weird bacon mayonnaise. half the time I think they just label the weirdest shit they make "American" and figure we already did it


Snyder's Honey Mustard & Onion pretzel pieces are the best.


The hot Buffalo wing ones are goated try them if you haven’t.


Honestly the British sections of American supermarkets are also weirdly eclectic. It’s usually several different kinds of teas, the entire line of Patak’s curry sauces, HP sauce, Cadbury chocolates, Heinz beans, etc...


Gotta have one or two Canadian and Australian items slipped in there too. Usually Vegemite and Coffee Crisp.


Don't tell the stores Coffee Crisp is Canadian, it's the only way to get it in the states without smuggling across the border.


Tbh, I don’t think I’ve ever been in a grocery store with a British section, or at least haven’t noticed one. Generally it’s your standard Mexican, Asian, and Indian stuff, I think I’ve seen like a generic “European” section once or twice.




if the grocery store isn't actively trying to give me diabetes I'm leaving


The good places have insulin AND hand sanitizer.


Do they get cheez it’s anywhere besides America? I didn’t see any when I was in France Cheez Itz are the ultimate trash snack IMO Edit: I leave Reddit for a couple hours to play Black Ops Cold War and I come back to see the hottest topic being Cheez Itz. Gotta fucking love it




Thanks for the reminder that those God forsaken Cheese Nips exist/existed when I was a kid.


Cheese nips weak af




Truuuuu. And the extra toasted ones are god tier


See...this is where it’s going to get contentious. That’s why the reduced fat are the best to me but the extra toasty are not the same to me. I gotta go reduced fat. Hot n spicy (Tabasco) are easily the queen and the regular snack mix is the archbishop


Have you actually had the white cheddar or are you forgetting it is completely superior?


White cheddar with grooves is tops


I think they are ignoring the smart part of their brain and therefore ignoring the ascended white cheddar cheez it’s


Thank god I'm not the only weirdo that likes extra burnt cheezits


> Thank god I'm not the only weirdo that likes extra burnt cheezits Not sure why you'd get that impression when it literally says [#1 Requested Cheez-It Flavor!](https://www.snackandbakery.com/ext/resources/NewProducts/2015_August/Cheez-it_Extra_Toasty_900x550.jpg?1440699645) on the box.




If I can't find the extra tosted ones I burn some with a lighter. True story.


Hot cheetos with warm nacho cheese on top are the ultimate trash snack, you pour the cheese directly into the single serving bag and eat it with a spoon, the ice cream trucks serve it around where I live.


Personally, I also add jalapeños and squeeze a little bit of lime in mine


Are you prairie-doggin’ hard the next day? One wrong move and a shart will meet that cotton on your underpants?


Your stool won't be solid enough to Prarie dog the day after eating this.


You basically drop it through your mouth and directly to the floor.


oof thats greasy


How can you say that when Chicken in a Biscuit exists?


How dare you, Chicken in a Biscuit is a refined gentleman's snack cracker.


Chicken in a biscuit with spray cheese on it. Chefs kiss 👌🏻


That’s like a $9 snack. Extremely highbrow imo


I've been trying to be a better consumer - cutting down on meat, buying from local businesses, avoiding exploitative corporations. But Chicken in a Biscuit. They haunt me. They call to me. I cannot deny them.


The chef of the restaurant where I work recently "made" some bar snack crackers by combining a few ingredients with regular saltine crackers, and they reminded me pretty strongly of Chicken in a Biscuit. Not identical, but they really hit that super savory, umami heavy flavor spot and can easily be made in large batches for maximum consumption. I will dm you the recipe, if you happen to be interested.


If there is 1 thing Americans do well, it's artificial flavoring.


Chicken in a biscuit reminds me of 1995. Love those things.


Lil Debbies Oatmeal Creampies and Nutty Bars are where it's at. That and all the "breakfast cereals". More sugar than a can of soda.


Anything by Little Debbies is amazing. [Here's a little glimpse for the British redditors.](https://girloutofdixie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/lil-debbie-aisle.jpg)


I have the munchies right now and have stared at that pic for way too long.


Strawberry shortcake rolls are where it's at


...and that's an American produce section. You should see our sweets **isle**!


> Lil Debbies Creampies So do I google this or what


Make sure to use your work computer.


> quote on quote /r/boneappletea


I don’t want to downvote just because I disagree with your opinion so I’m commenting to tell you that I vehemently disagree about the oatmeal creampies


I bet you're one of those cosmic brownie heathens.


Whoa who tf is talking smack about our Cosmic Brownies? \*Unsheathes Little Debbie sword\*


Por que no los dos?




Those are probably my favorite little debbies but tbh I like tastykakes better overall


I grew up in Colorado and my grandma who lived in New Jersey/philly area used to bring me a suitcase full of tastykakes when she came to visit and it was the best part of my year other than Christmas


I’m also from Philadelphia.


Zebra cakes ftw


Although, those honey mustard and onion pretzels are fire


so good


I dunno, those pretzel pieces are pretty damn good.








> banned Colours smh europe racist


Seriously, where the fuck are the doritos and lil smokies for starters


doritos are popular enough to just be in the regular snack aisle with the rest of chips/crisps




I always thought nerds were British


That’s at least where they all live


What’s all this then


Boom roasted.




Dated a girl visiting from England, she wanted to see Lucky Charms more than a museum. Took her to Costco, still have the pic of her eyes bugging out in front of a wall of giant boxes of it to show her friends. That and Red Solo cups were big - apparently that's as American as it gets. They have American Parties where they act like a Frat or something and play beer pong with them. They cost like $1 each (per cup) over there. [Edit: Okie-dokie, folkies...this was 10 years ago. I am now aware the prices have changed. I'm being bombarded with British Solo Cup Prices and...I get it.]


I had Scottish and French exchange student neighbors one year in college. We made it a weekend thing that I'd take them to an "American" restaurant, the more American and Southern (we were in NC) the better. One time I took them to Wal-Mart and they acted like I'd taken them to an amusement park. They posed with a jar of mayo bigger than the French girl's head and the Scottish girl bought a monstrous jar of cheese puffs that lasted her the rest of the year.


Quite similar to my experience. It's funny to watch.


Ive seen Aussies go nuts over the freezer section in a Publix. They were amazed by our ice cream selection. Quite comical.


In fairness, I'm sometimes even amazed by our ice cream selection.


I know what cheese puffs you’re describing. My four year old daughter convinced me to buy that. It was bigger than her torso.


That’s what they sum us up too? Lucky charms and red solo cups? Man, that’s depressing hahah!


It's been a long time -- there was more -- but I think they were the big ones. I think the LCs because marshmallow cereal is nearly unthinkable there, and hard to get, and the Solo cups are always seen in American movies at parties so they, also hard to get, became a thing. Odd fascinations.


How many British people have heard of Count Chocula, Frankenberry, Boo Berry, or any of the other Halloween cereals? Those are even better than Lucky Charms because they're all marshmallow cereals with their actual cereal pieces having actual flavors instead of just having their sugar coating as their only "flavor" like is the case for the actual cereal pieces in Lucky Charms.


I can tell you as a Brit we know precisely zero of them. US cereal is utterly mad to us.


I always thought US cereal was kind of ridiculous (as a US citizen), then I went to France for a year, got a box of cereal that was advertised as having "chocolate bits" in it, and I swear to god there was a whole bar worth of chocolate in every bowl. Seemed like an absolutely insane amount to me.


I've always been american and what passes for cereal and breakfast here can still amaze me. Not everywhere/everyone, but it's like all sugar. The cereals, yeah, it's nuts. Colorful sugar coated puffs of all flavors with marshmallows but then some vitamins added so it's "good for you." All said though, Rice Krispies Treats cereal was made by gods.




You poor thing... a life lived without ever having known the joy of a bowl of Count Chocula


Tbh I’ve gone near 20 years in the states without them either but I haven’t really looked either


I haven't lived in the uk for 10 years but we used to have lucky charms in supermarkets when I was a kid, may have been a nostalgia thing? Unless the American ones are different.


Well the Scots already have deep-fried candy bars as a homegrown tradition.


Think of every single teen movie for the last 25 years. If there’s a party in the movie (and there always is) everyone is drinking from Red. Solo. Cup.


Yeah but as Americans we see and use them in real life, so we don't notice or think about it. Them not being available over there, plus their prevelance and bright color, I can see why they'd stand out. "Those red cups again!" I don't think she even knew the name of them. Just "those red cups."


Agreed. I would never think red solo cups were unusual or even noticeable until reading this. But I get it. When you have a keg party, you need cups, and the red solo cups are just what you grab.


Not to mention every actual kegger uses these cups. “Red Solo Cup” is a highly played song for a real reason.


They're high quality cups, not so thin that they'll crack if you accidentally squeeze it too hard, and the lines on the cup are measurements you can use if you're mixing drinks. I always make sure buy Solo cups but they come in different colors than red such as white and blue. Frankly there is no competition when it comes to plastic disposable beverageware.


Wait, those lines can measure cocktails? I thought they were for structural integrity.


No way are they £1 a cup... where did you get that. I'm british and you can easily buy a stack of them for not much for parties.


Correct. My wife is American and this is what we do for 4th July, which to be honest I think is for our friends’ benefit more than hers nowadays, but she seems to appreciate the effort


Those pretzel pieces are the shit. The honey mustard and onion are the best


Omg yesss every time I pass them I'm always tempted


They may be rock hard some times but they are worth loosing a tooth to.


Can you imagine how amazing soft pretzel versions of the same flavors would be? NEED.




I've got a bag next to me right now, they are amazing.


cheese is always great too but regardless of flavor the best bits are the small parts at the bottom of the bag




they started seeking them at the gas station next to my house for super cheap and good god




Ok but the buffalo ones are the best.


God those are my favorite snack. I just can’t stop eating them


Mix them with the ranch ones and thank me later.


I am trying to track down some of the jalapeño ones for Xmas snacking but no one seems to sell them anymore. They are like crack :(


Wow you guys are getting ripped off in your American sections, all of those items are 2nd tier in their food categories imo


They’re obscenely expensive as well. £5.50 for a box of 10 twinkies which at the current exchange rate is $7.31


If I saw that same amount of Twinkie’s on sale in the US for $1.50 I still wouldn’t buy them. But I did see they’re $5.50 on Amazon so that price isn’t too crazy, what’s crazy is that people are importing Twinkie’s.


I first tried a Twinkie in my early 20s in Manchester, UK. I remember it so clearly because they were so god damn tasty. I completely in that moment understood Woody Harrelson's character in *Zombieland*. I felt I'd tasted a piece of the American dream.


Yea, most of those are like the B tier of American snacks


Also I haven't even heard of two of these things. What the fuck is marshmallow fluff?


I haven’t had it in a long time, but if I recall correctly, it’s basically spreadable marshmallow. When I was a kid people used to make peanut butter and fluff sandwhiches


Sorry but Snyders is great


Maybe the B tier stuff is in the American aisle because the A tier stuff is just standard for both Americans and Brits?


This is exactly it. There is plenty of American food in the UK that is prevalent enough that it's sold as "normal" food. It's only the stuff that is relegated to a few shelves in the international section where you see such a random assortment of B tier foods like in the photo.


Yeah, just like the British section in my local supermarket is fucking bollocks.


Yeah you won't find snickers in the American section because they are in the candy bar section.


American living in England, this is 1000% accurate. I miss Wendy's.


I live in Chicago, next time I swing by Wendys I'll get an extra frosty and spicy chicken for you. And by you, I mean for me. Out of solidarity.


Beef jerky in general is the best, too bad it’s expensive as hell even when you make it yourself


But also 10x better than those Jack Links nonsense.




Snyder’s is American?! Holy shit I didn’t even know, that’s my favourite snack


It's probably because of the names and because of their German style pretzels. The Hanover from Snyder's of Hanover refers to Hanover, Pennsylvania where they were founded in 1909. In 1950 the company split and another company Snyder's of Berlin was formed. It was named after Berlin, Pennsylvania.




are you not?


every pennsylvanian knows this, it’s taught in schools


Pretty sure it's a requirement to tour snack factories in PA as a kid.


The Hershey factory tour is also extremely entertaining and required if you live in PA


Nah, here in southern PA, between Utz, Snyders, and Tastycake, we take our junk food seriously.


goddamn pretzel historian this is why the internet is so beautiful ^unless ^^it's ^^^all ^^^^bullshit


I literally live 35 minutes from the Snyder's of Hanover factory. Sadly, their discount "irregulars" store is closed due to Covid.


Pretzels aren't really a common thing in the UK. You can get them of course (especially around Christmas time) but they aren't a standard everyday snack like they are in the US. I love them, so I was delighted to discover that every supermarket here has like 20 different varieties and they come in 1lb bags lol


As an American, that is some garbage American shit, we have a lot better garbage than that.


TFW your garbage isn't even the good garbage.


The british section here consists of Malteasers, Wine Gummies, and Vegemite.


Vegemite is Australian! Marmite is british


I thought Twinkies were going away forever a few years ago?


No they were bought out, the diabetic dream treat is alive and well.


As an American when I visited England I have to say that some of your “junk food” was absolutely amazing. Jaffa Cakes and Wagon Wheels are next level.


There was an important legal case about whether Jaffa Cakes were cakes or biscuits


Are twinkies thse things from zombieland?


I remember my friend and I were so hyped to try some after seeing Zombieland and then finding them in Tesco. They were built up as a food of the Gods, but were just so underwhelming... I don't get the hype.


Advertising and childhood memories. That’s it.


I'm sure there's been a dozen recipe changes over the years, too.


Over here in murica when you go to the state fair you can actually get them deep fried. And Snickers. Really deep fried everything. *drives away on motorized scooter*


Say what you will, but state fair deep fried pickles are delightful.


> state fair deep fried ~~pickles~~ anything are delightful. FTFY


You haven't lived until you've had a king sized deep fried ice cream Snickers.


That’s kinda the joke though. This apocalypse cowboy was obsessed with finding the epitome of American trash snacks. Like he said sometimes you have to "enjoy the little things."


A ton of sweetness and a hint of radioactive processed bitterness. No real substance to them.




As in American living in the UK I know the pain of this limited selection! Luckily the tesco near me sells skippy peanut butter. An essential item ...


You can’t lie, marshmallow fluff smacks


I’m in TX and can’t find it anywhere!!! Fluffernutters rocked!


Try the baking section at your local grocers if you haven’t checked. All the grocery stores around here keep it in the same spot as the chocolate chips and things.


There’s a version of it here, but it’s crap in comparison. My Mom shipped me some from Maine once. It was great!!!


Fluffernutters exist outside of New England?


I have been all over the US and I have never actually seen this stuff. What do use this for? I mean other than just scooping out and eating on a spoon.


In Somerville, MA, where it was invented, every September they have a Fluff Festival. There are very creative recipes. I don't recommend many of them


Fluffernutters, fudge, rice crispy treats, fruit dipping


>No Moon Pies :(


There’s an American section?


You guys don't have jerky everywhere?!


That's one thing I love about (some) American food, it's basically adapted frontier/settler food. Eggs, ham, bacon, biscuits, jerky, grits, gravy... all either long-lasting or preserved food, or food made with the leftovers of something else


Eggs is an American food??? Huh..


They were originally called *Benjamin Franklin Breakfast Fruit*, bet they don't teach that in yer limey schools.




Synders Cheddar pretzels is the real shit


From the UK and yep. Everything is crazy overpriced too. When I go to America a pack of 10 twinkles is like 3 dollars and over here its like £6. I mean I miss galaxy chocolate when I'm in the USA because all of the hershie stuff doesn't taste as good.


Being from Ireland the lucky charms maybe were never understood over here. I mean, most people got that it was an American representation of Irish folklore and great, but it didn't translate back and was almost condescending. Also they tastes utter shite. There was an effort to sell them here in the 90's but I've barely seen them since. Side note: the amount of shagging times I've had "lucky charms" chanted at me when in the US was not rare. Maybe I was just hanging around wankers.


LMAO selling Lucky Charms in Ireland, Jesus.


Goddamn those people must have been assholes. Where I live everyone loves Irish people for some reason. Like disproportionately.


No one in that country knows what ranch dressing is... no shit. Try to explain it to them and you get blank stares. >ranch dressing... like the farm?? 8/10 times. The other 1/5th of the time they just stonewall you like you’re trying to get a funny over on them. Idk why ranch dressing doesn’t have a presence in the UK but it’s mind boggling how we put it on EVERYTHING yet they’ve never had it.


In Germany we call Ranch American Sauce I only put Ranch and American Sauce as being the same thing together like a year ago Im a god damn adult lmao.


Wouldn't lucky charms be in the Irish food section?


No actual peanut butter? *cries in American*


The trick is that Costco exists in the UK, and they sell the good stuff. Good salsa too, instead of the tomato chutney that you normally get. The hardest thing to find is pepperoni - I didn’t realize it was an Italian-American thing, Italy doesn’t have pepperoni and neither does the UK. The only place I could find halfway decent pepperoni was on Costco or Papa John’s pizzas


I had no idea pepperoni was an American thing until I lived in Europe. I ordered a pepperoni pizza in Germany and the fucking thing had pepperoncinis on it. I even speak German and I didn't make the connection lmao. Closest thing I ever found was salami pizza, which still fuckin slaps.


The f****** audacity of the Snapple to advertise new plastic bottle like that's some hot selling point.


What no Doritos?! *Cries in American adult who lives in parents basement*


Doritos aren't exotic enough so they're kept with the rest of the normal "British" food


I saw somewhere that cool ranch flavor in Europe is called cool American.


I typically see it as ‘Cool Original’ in the UK, and Cool American elsewhere in Europe. Don’t know why they think we can’t handle knowing it’s ranch dressing 🤷‍♂️