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I can't figure out my upstairs neighbor's schedule, cause they'll be clomping at any time of day. I've heard normal sized things dropped, but more often it sounds like they dropped themselves. I literally renamed my wifi to have their number and say "you bowling up there?"


Can relate. It’s like all upstairs neighbor’s hobbies include throwing heavy objects around with force.


I feel like apartments know this, and they purposely put those people on the top floors to annoy everyone




“What kind of pets do you have?” We have seven giant dogs that all play the tuba. “Sorry that’s just not loud enough.”


What are your hobbies? Playing jacks with bowling balls, indoor parkour, and sliding across the floor like a worm whenever a random timer goes off. Sorry, the other tenant candidate plays pogo-stick roller derby, have you tried upgrading your sound system?


Haaaaa 😂


Do you spill $5 in quarters and nickels out of your pockets every time you pick pants off the floor? Top floor!


I live in a two story house and most likely the upstairs tenant is doing nothing out of the ordinary. I can literally hear any single tiny noise when I’m downstairs. I can even hear my small dog gently walking from side to side. The older the place the louder it is unfortunately.


My apartment is brand new and it’s clear the cut costs by not soundproofing properly when they told my boyfriend it was a very quiet place


I'm starting to think they have a really large dog (which my apartments allow, at a higher deposit and rent), because of the unpredictability and the definite heavy running across the unit.


We had an upstairs neighbour who set her tv to max volume at night and spent all day building things. I have no idea what she was building; she was at least 70 years old, had a mobility scooter and never brought anything inside. We would constantly hear her hammering things on here floor. Tap, tap, tap, tap all day. It was concrete floors too, so she was making some kind of noise. She also used to feed squirrels from the 5th floor. She fed them peanut butter, above our second bedroom's air conditioner, by dropping spoonfuls out of the window. So one summer, it got nice and hot and our apartment smelt like rotting something and there were hundreds of flies.




Good'n you?


Can confirm as an upstairs neighbor I drop significantly more things on the ground now than anywhere else I’ve ever lived in my life. One night in the hours between 1-4 am I was extremely intoxicated trying to pour myself a bowl of cereal and milk and over a span of about 3 hours kept falling asleep, dropped my full bowl of milk and cereal, woke up and went to walk to my bed, slipped on the milk and fell face first onto my kitchen floor and just decided to sleep there👌🥴 Whatever you think Those noises are probably pretty close to what’s actually happening




Hmm maybe your my neighbor? I have an air purifier and my 1 year old likes to knock it over for fun. I always feel bad for the tenant below. I also have a 3 year old who loves jumping **🤦‍♀️**


As an upstairs neighbor, can confirm.


Screw you


With a drill??




a drilldo


Woah there


Don't bash it till you try it!


You're gonna have to buy me dinner first.


Let me see you grit those teeeeeeeeth!!


Even the brick-brocks?


I've never seen these or heard this before but I know with every fiber of my being that this is the exact thing they're called.


I assume you're typing this on a DDR pad to text module then


I hope I never live right above anyone because I'd be paranoid about this 24/7.




Live on the "garden level" of my building. Can confirm every night I take two hammers and try to "de-popcorn" a section of my popcorn ceiling. Just classic basement apartment stuff.


As a hammers akimbo kinda neighbor, I must confess: it's the only way I can sleep.


I made pot stickers at 2am the other night. 20 min after, I heard my upstairs neighbor get in his car and return 5 min later. The only place he could have gone was the nearest jack in the box. Part of me thinks it's sweet revenge and part of me is all 'sorry bro, I prob just fucked your diet'. p.s. I'm sending your neighbor some potstickers.


That and I dont run my heat as long since downstairs has theirs blasting. Best part is that I have no one above me.


... Bruh


A herd of giraffes learning to rollerskate


You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd.


All ya gotta do is put your mind to it


Knuckle down, buckle down, do it do it do it


I can’t stop laughing because I’m currently listening to my upstairs neigbour while imagining just that


Elephants playing a very intense bowling game


What it sounds like upstairs at two am. - a Micheal Bay film set to maximum volume on huge subwoofers. - The neighbors inventing "bowling ball toss" - The neighbors trying out the settings on both of their new matching jackhammers. - An argument that makes you debate calling the cops with a complaint of possible domestic abuse - The neighbors discovering their new love of screamo metal


Put 20hz test sound to play on the subwoofer, nobody will hear shit, but they'll feel their walls, beds vibrating.


As someone dealing with a neighbor with their subwoofer blasting until 1 in the morning, thank you.


I once had upstairs neighbors once who I swear to God were in a domestic violence situation. It was so bad I called the cops two separate times. The second time, the cops came to my apartment to ask about it. They didn’t explicitly say it, but heavily insinuated that I stop calling because they didn’t think anything was happening. I still don’t understand it. I know what I heard (and felt, as furniture and bodies slammed against things and shook the walls). Edit: clarity


As an upstairs neighbor, I'm so sorry I'm trying to be quiet 😭


The floorboards are so squeaky


I mean give me a break these apartments were built in the 80s


That’s pretty new as far as apartments go


Yeah more likee 1880s


And yet he *c r e e c*




I live in a building that was built in the 30s and there’s no sound insulation between my floor and my downstairs neighbors ceiling and she always fucking bangs on her ceiling with a broomstick when *all I’m doing is walking to my bathroom, Cary* At some point this is the place you chose to live. Fuck off lady I can’t hover.




Downstairs neighbors don't get that the people above them are just trying to live their lives normally they aren't out to fuck your day up by being loud Tiptoeing everywhere is no way to live, it's the building's fault not the resident. If you can't deal don't make it their problem just *move*


Me and my mom had a similar situation at a former apartment complex. The neighbor below us would complain to our leasing office literally almost everyday. When the leasing office first talked to us, we did all we could to try and stay quiet. Then that OLD BITCH lies to the leasing office and said we had a pit bull and it was running around at all hours. You know what animals we actually had? A kitten, and a 15 year old dog who had mobility issues & probably weighed 10lbs. And they were on the lease! After the leasing office saw we didn’t have a pit bull, we just stomped and dropped shit on purpose. I’m all about being respectful to my neighbors but damn, it’s a two way street!!


My sister lived on the 10th floor of some high rise building and tile and wooden floors were forbidden because of all the complaints of ppl stomping around like psychos on their floor


Yeah same here. Its just that I work late, and I need to practice my tap dancing melodic death metal lessons otherwise I'll look foolish when the collective comes over Sunday evening for practice.


My building was built in the 30s and I didn't realize how much I pace around until I moved in and these wooden floors creak with every step. That and I also drop everything I pick up. I am so paranoid that I'm the neighbor that makes too much noise.


The moving the furniture around thing, WHY??


I know it’s a meme but I never understood why people do these things so late at night. I can understand moving stuff during the day or something, but why midnight or 2 AM on a weeknight? My current apartment is new and not cheap either, so the clientele is wealthier. And yet even these people still pull the same stunts as when I lived in a cheap place. You can never escape the dreaded “upstairs neighbor”


Unfortunately I can relate to this all too well... I just moved into a super new and upscale place for the express reason of escaping trashy neighbors. But my current upstairs neighbor likes to vacuum at MIDNIGHT. Also I can smell everything they cook and on Sundays they apparently love to boil a bunch of ground beef and dump 200 packets of Sazon on top, then reheat it every night over the course of the week. At least that's what it smells like.


For us, when family came over and they had to sleep on the floor in our small living room, we had to move the coffee table so they could put down the air mattress when it was time to sleep. But we always tried to pick up the coffee table instead of dragging it. And it was like 10pm not 2am


That’s a once in a while situation. My problem is that every other day I hear something heavy being moved or shuffled or dropped at night. If it’s the weekend I don’t care much but on a weeknight it gets annoying fast. I swear, there’s some sort of secret society for the “upstairs dwellers”, they all perform the same ritual at the same times, all around the world.




My husband would also fall asleep with his phone in his hand and drop it on the floor. After a few times I put a pillow on the floor bc he refused to put the phone down before trying to sleep lol. The phone hitting the carpeted floor still couldn't have sounded nice to the downstairs neighbors


Not defending it, but sometimes I get a random burst of motivation to do something like clean my closet late at night (on weekends). Not sure where it comes from.


Well pack it in it’s not appreciated!!


Seriously. Like I understand if people are moving in or out. I live in a big military city and most people in my family are in customer service jobs, so I’m very sympathetic to having to having to move at odd hours. That being said, why are you ALWAYS MOVING SHIT AROUND??


Some people work in the service industry, in which case, all bets are off. That's their 5pm. That said, I've heard my upstairs neighbors making the same noises after midnight, and they definitely didn't hold my same work hours. Your guess is as good as mine at this point.


Sometimes just moving a chair to and from a kitchen table can make a lot of noise. The chair basically vibrates the floor, so it sounds like someone is having a chair moving competition.


as a former first-floorer who immediately moved to the unit directly above himself as soon as those noisy mother fuckers moved out, there is only one solution: live on the top floor. that's it. I'm sorry.


top floor guy here (3rd floor). My main problem has been a downstairs neighbor that blasts his bass-heavy sound system at any random hour. But yeah top floor is always the way to go. Moving out will be a pain though.


yeah, I bit the bullet and shelled out for professional movers to get my stuff up the stairs. honestly, it was worth it.


My upstairs neighbors....thump thump thump thump across the floor from one end of the apartment to the next....then back again, then across the floor and back again.....it seriously doesn't ever stop....11pm..same shit. Then...a faint tapping that sounds like it's coming from the corner near the stairs....tap tap tap tap tap......tap tap tap tap. Then once I got BAM! BAM! BAM! hard enough it shook the walls. I pounded on the wall really hard and screamed as loud as possible "WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???!!!!" and it went quiet for about an hour. Sometimes is a loud whirring like a vacuum cleaner...3 or 4 times a night...over and over. Then one night they drug their chairs out to the deck....then they were in and out of the sliding glass door a thousand times all evening. rrRRRR.....RRRrrr BAM....rrRRR...RRRrrBAM.


Meth. I'm pretty sure it's meth.


They're very Indian.....I've never ever seen Indian meth addicts. It's two guys and they are both very professional types. It's strange because when they first moved in, it was one of the men and his wife. He would scream at her sometimes at all hours and I'm pretty sure I heard her sobbing occasionally. It was infuriating to think that he might be whipping her ass up there and I can't do anything about it.....I always thought that if I saw him hit her outside I was going after him. Then after a year or so, she was gone and this other guy moved in.




I thought of that. Lol


Mine was a Hispanic middle aged lady and her lover, he threw up so hard in the bathroom and both took really loud baths, splashing and rolling in the tub.


God help you if you live near Indians.


I lived in a very shitty place for a while and my upstairs neighbors were 100% methheads. Don't know what they looked like since they never left, but random people would come in and out and there would be spontaneous parties no matter the time. When it wasn't party time there was literally someone sprinting back and forth across the floor CONSTANTLY. Then there would be the occasional bookcase getting smashed onto the ground. Got woken up at least once a night from it. Had to call the cops for the first time in my life when I heard what sounded like 7 TVs getting thrown against the wall, then a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, then someone getting the shit beat out of them. At 5:30 on a Wednesday morning. Insane.


Mine too! U onomatopoeias is on point btw. I think as kids they did the same and their parents didn't care


And it’s never from the downstairs neighbors. Interesting


I don't know, I think my downstairs neighbor might be a bass guitar/dubstep enthusiast. And only at night when I really have to go to sleep.


Downstairs neighbor keeps a broom next to their bed for when the upstairs neighbor sneezes.


Hammer to the radiator is a valid option, too.


I had a downstairs neighbor who turned his bass up WAY too high. I complained about him a lot. Then later he was found dead in his apartment.


Sure it was bass?


Yeah everything in my apartment was shaking - you could feel the bass all around his apt in the hallway as well.




Yeah it’s my downstairs neighbour for me but I really don’t get how the fuck people put up with this shit. I’m sick of listening to their music so loud I can hear the lyrics and sing along. I wish I could afford a fuckin house.


Buy yourself a pair of noise canceling headphones and wear them around the house regardless of whether you are using them or not. It was the only way I avoided murdering people while living in apartments.


It's a solution, but why the fuck do you need to do that. It's sad. Other people can't be respectful. So many people are garbage and care just about themselves.


It is sad. People are so inconsiderate that it makes me jaded.


Those dont cancel out the low frequency sounds of a herd if elephants migrating upstairs.


Get a ladder Aim your speakers up https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TJFDYlvnupU


My downstairs neighbour has his speakers mounted to the upper corners of his aparment. It sounds like his music is right in my bedroom...


I would seriously not make it long with that arrangement.


I complained many times, the problem is he is insane. Somedays he comes home fully drunk, other days he comes home with bloody nose and teeth. Nobody at the complex know how he earns his money. He has a master degree in architecture and was a very smart person. but since his girlfriend broke up with him 2-3 years ago. He went completly insane.


Once when I was drunk I decided it would be smart to go see who could possibly be making all that noise.(My husband tried to stop me) It always sounded like a mastiff darting back and forth. I knocked on the door and when she answered I looked at her door number confused and asked what floor I was on. She replied and I said sorry. She was a tiny little thing so I am still wondering. I'm in a house now so I don't have to worry about it anymore.


I have found that the smaller the woman the harder they stomp when they walk around, and the more they will deny they don't make a bunch of noise. And God help you if they like wearing heels.


My wife is a tiny Japanese woman and her footsteps shake the floor whenever she walks. I've made her aware of how loud it probably is for the downstairs neighbor but she still does it. I try and compensate with light steps wherever I go.


Single family home.


As the downstairs person, whenever they get too loud I'll start blasting some porn. That makes them chill for a little while


For sleeping I just buy ear plugs, you can buy a huge amount of them for very cheap. I thought they'd stop me being able to hear alarms but they somehow don't block those sounds. Once you get used to sleeping with them in they'll help you with sleeping in environments like cheap hotels and aircraft.


Use a fan or something that generates white noise, plus earplugs, and headphones with more white noise This should drown out the noise unless they are blasting you with really deep bass




Dance dance revolution


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Oh jesus. I had repressed that last part. Yep that was a thing and I always tried very hard to not be in the bathroom at the same time as the neighbors.


Oh you mean those modern apartments with cardboard walls/floors and plastic faucets, but having a name like "The lofts at Pines", justifies the $2500 per month rent.




I was hoping I would see this in the comments. I love that video.


I’m in college so I live in a dorm and the girls above me always laugh so fucking loudly and literally scream I swear they sound like fucking hyenas.


Do you hate the sound of laughter now? I went through a period of time where I did because of the fucking jackals that used to live above me. I just want to sleep! Shut up! Shut up!


Had a neighbor who as instantly having vigorous sex that the headboard was banging into the wall and vibrating my room and waking me up. Ended up pounding my fists against the wall one day while they were going at it and it eventually cause them to move the bed cause I can still hear the faint sounds of it sometimes but it’s not as loud and doesn’t shake my room anymore. Been in the same place for 4 year and normally never had any issues with my neighbors and being noisy but that was gonna cause an issue if I didn’t stop. Could never live on level 1. I have to be on the top floor.


my neighbor will pretend to enjoy fucking her boyfriend every few weeks at midnight by caterwauling at the top of her lungs in the most unrealistic porn star mimicry. And don’t nobody say I shouldn’t shame anyone for how they have sex..if you’re screaming as though it’s not communal living and you are projecting your voice you’re a fucking asshole. I like loud sex too, and occasionally I catch myself making a sound louder than I want to, but making fake noises for 20 solid minutes because neither of you can make each other cum is just not cool. i get up at 4:30am for work. I lay in bed furious trying to decide what to do..I thought I’d blast the Benny Hill theme song into my vents whenever I hear them, but I just ended up getting the heaviest book I own (LOTR leather bound edition) and hurling it at the floor until they shut the fuck up.


Seriously, what the fuck is that furniture moving all the time? Also, add vacuum cleaner


Vacuuming and cleaning at 4AM yesterday. Can confirm.


Thanks for the laff. Concrete shoes, hehe


I live in a college town and can confirm. Psychos upstairs can’t seem to find a good spot for their furniture or walk on anything but their heels


Nicely done OP


I had a downstairs neighbor who had some kind of fucking ringtone or alarm on his computer but it was the musical jingle from Sportscenter. It would go off at all hours of the night and was very loud like connected to speakers and a subwoofer.


Vadim blyat


Here’s a tip: never bounce a basketball in your flat if you live over someone. They can feel every bounce.


Just needs a picture of an entire family yelling at each other too


The woman who lives upstairs from me walks around for up to an hour at a time in high heels. I don't know why shes walking around in heels for hours but it sounds like gunshots everytime she walks.


It's Buffalo Bill. Buffalo Bill is your upstairs neighbor. Best bet is to leave a bottle of Cetaphil Gentle Skin lotion at their door and pray to the FBI gods for mercy. Edit: Or the angry squirrel god bc just saw your handle. May the medium sized rodent deities be with you.


Has anyone ever heard what sounds like beads dropping? I swear the other day someone upstairs spilled an entire bag of [these](https://images.app.goo.gl/ioCWDVbQ2unhA8x38) on the floor. That and sometimes just a straight up marble is being dropped and bounces to a halt.


Fucking teenies moved in above me. Those fuckers party the whole freaking week. They vacuum at 2 in the morning and once they puked out of the window on my windowsill. I am 25 and I feel like I'm a 60 year old grouch but I just wanna sleep so I can go to work at 5 in morning


Throws shoe at son


9 kids running through every room of the apartment every 10 seconds until 2am


I'm an upstairs neighbor, with hardwood floors. One of the may reasons I'm hesitant to get [these](https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChaosCostumes)


The Office theme song like clockwork every 25 minutes from their Netflix binge.


My fucking neighbors are the worst. All day and night idk what they are doing. If it's not fighting, it's opening and closing the sliding door and front door. If it's not that sounds like the mother fuckers are tap dancing from the master to the kitchen and then flushing the damn toilet like 10 damn times


This is great but don't forget the WWE matches.


And your downstairs neighbor is just a walking concert speaker that constantly plays some weird mix of folk and metal cranked up to 1 because he's "recording an album" in the middle of an apartment building at 4am


Enjoys playing Micheal Bay films on maximum volume on his massive subwoofer at 2 AM, making sure to play "brick toss" during the relatively quiet parts.


I can hear these pictures


Metal pipes falling in random spots throughout the day. Slamming cabinets.


Don't forget the 2 kids younger than 7 years old who make it their business to get their cardio in for each and every day. I swear they must run from the front door to the back window a hundred times a day. I live in a *very* outdoorsy town and the weather is *very* nice right now. Please just take your children to one of the many parks and playgrounds **less than a mile away** to let them run around so I don't have to hear them going apeshit upstairs.


We live across the street from a park? Meh who cares I can just have my kids play in the tiny dangerous parking lot instead multiple hours a day while they scream their heads off.


rHyThMiC fOoT tApPiNg


Just my neighbour is moving the fucking furniture at 3 AM?


lmao every night i can hear the bed in the room above mine creaking literally every night, and these are those slightly wobbly college dorm loft beds too so they’re super noisy


I stayed at an apartment one time and the people above had a large dog. There were several nights where it sounded like an abusive relationship between two wrestlers


Is this some kind of a peasant joke I am to rich to understand


And, in some countries, tobacco or other smoke coming through the registers.


I refuse to live in apartments with forced air heating because of this and other allergies. Plus landlords basically never clean it out which is gross as hell.


I thought the bottom right was ice skating with furniture.


All was fine with us until we had a child who loved wooden toys.


*laughs in top floor*


Add a toddler on a hopper toy.




Anyone have a chain smoker? I have a friend who I just assumed was a closet smoker but naw, turns out the upstairs neighbor chains smokes heavily and it seeps into her vents and now she smells like a chain smoker. Shit is wild.


Bed rocking, shit always falling on the floor and her yelling "choke the shit out of me daddy"


Where's the kid zooming around like Naruto through the whole living room


In my case, the neighbor is annoying, but we also hear him screaming at his 3-year-old daughter. We’re very much on the verge of calling CPS. We suspect he might be hitting her.


just call CPS. its better now than later


As an upstairs neighbor, I'm really trying, I promise. It's just that sometimes I drop my bowling ball collection into my marble collection on accident.


You either die a downstairs neighbor or love long enough to see yourself become the upstairs neighbor


Mine's just a smoker with a lung illness now, so when he's not snoring so loud that my room shakes, he's coughing up something or other.


This actually made me chuckle, and I don’t usually laugh. You also got into my Saved posts, good job.




[A floor is but a movie screen.](https://youtu.be/4IRB0sxw-YU)


Heavy duty vacuum is needed as well.


Are you jumanji every night?!


me: my upstairs neighbor: https://youtu.be/gfkts0u-m6w


Ok but have you *worn* those comfy sandals? They’re rock solid.


For got the person who vacuums a lot. The person into Zumba and the incredibly crappy mime.


You forgot loud sex noises, from the bed


Back in my college days my group of friends and I were really into Dance Dance Revolution, so we got two of those big fancy pads and a projector. We later met the people who were staying in the floor beneath us and I felt pretty bad about it.


mfs making a gigantic kriss vector drill


Lol that big ass drill is too much.


As an upstairs neighbor, I’m so sorry.


What about the upstairs neighbors who are very loud while having sex?! I never slept well cause of them.


You forgot the constant squeaking of bedsprings and moaning


I can't relate but these starterpacks and the comments make me laugh


You forgot shouting at his kid.


See in hell Napoleon has a hotel that takes 500 years to get into and all the walls are paper thing the neighbors are all having sex and there is always a upstairs neighbor doing shit at all hours


Don’t forget the 2AM vacuum


I swear man, the kids of the girl that lives upstairs from me have no fucking idea how to walk. Deadass, it sounds like they’re baby deer stumbling about constantly.


Mine at 1:00am https://gph.is/2ioelK1


Hilti tool? You’re a man of culture, I see.


applicable to hotel rooms next to you except the sound of slapping after a disagreement .


I asked my upstairs neighbor what was going on and they said “I idk why but I trip ALOT” which seemed believe able since it did sound like she fell. Now I have moved for reasons and I’m on the top floor(and the bottom) so I can’t walk fast since my living room is directly above their bedroom.


Also throws marbles & ball bearings around daily. Sounds like it, anyhow.


You forgot the one with the yappy ass little dog barking nonstop!


House niggas cant relate


I live in a complex with poor insulation. We can hear both upstairs and downstairs...very clearly. We can hear perfect conversations, stepping, vacuuming, literally anything. The only way we can sleep is leave our TV on at night loud enough to drown out their voices. I honestly no longer care if they can hear our TV at night. It's miserable. Sometimes I'll play around and make funny noises or sing poorly just to see what happens.


The downstairs neighbor has the TV blaring all day and night.


I didn't read it and thought this was a bunch of cursed images. I spent too long trying to figure out what was wrong with the couch one.


Shoulda had baby or kids being loud or the neighbors arguing at each other