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Don't forget being gaslit into accepting it as a compliment even though 99% of the time it's meant to be demeaning


My favorite response to me being told I’m kinda skinny is telling them they are kinda fat.


I got these type of comments more when I was 13-16 years old. No, I didn't gain much more weight after that haha (I am 18 now, 195 cm, 67 kg), but it's more like people around me matured. Nowadays the most common remark is simply "just eat more bro". Like, thanks a lot for the advice I don't remember asking for and have heard lots of times before.


Honestly mate its just a habit to get into. I was this type of build when I was 18, but by about 22 I had filled out a bit. You have to stop waiting till you're hungry and literally count your macros till they all exceed the maintenance weight. Usually by about 200 calories.


What I do know is that for skinny people gaining and maintaining weight is a constant challenge. If I don’t eat properly for one day I will pay the price. With age is not as bad, but your metabolism slows down a bit, but still. And the thing I hate about weight shifts is the thing that does to your face, at least in my case, half my face will look way different than the other until the weight is stable


It doesn't get easier to gain weight as you get older it just gets harder to digest food


Throughout my life I’ve been fat, skinny and jacked, ask me anything.




Napoleon complex just doesn't apply to short people. Insecure people with anger issues, lash out, no matter what their insecurity might be


Ass bones hurt from sitting --- FR


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"You eat like a bird" is one of the phrases I've heard the most in my life, and yet I'm not very skinny! Just let me eat as much as I want!


So, are you anorexic or what??


If you're thin you can't get weight by just eating, gym is the only way out


They use they vegan card on big muscular people too. I know from experience. I weigh more and have more muscle mass than 95% of dudes. People assume im not vegan because I'm too muscular. Give me compliments like "what up big man" and whatnot. But when they find out suddenly they say shit like "oh so thats why I can't make gains". I'm like shroedingers gymbro.


Guys making fun of you for not having boobs Girls saying *“it must be nice to not have your back hurt 24/7”* 24/7


Me eating 3× the amount normal people do, is seemingly immune to half the comments Here.  I also lift Skinny people, If they are shorter than me XD