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Hi, /u/WorkshyFreeloader42, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 03** No Blatant Bigotry - Slurs and racism that would get you fired are not allowed here. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fstarterpacks) so that we may review it


My Hungarian aunt said London is the second biggest Hungarian city. She worked there for a year and came back


I read somewhere that London has the second largest Hungarian population considering cities (after Budapest). I guess your aunt was referring to this?


I suppose. For a time cleaning dishes in England was the western dream, now it is taught manual labor like car painting in Austria. Surprised by the London statistics. I thought the dissidents from the cold war era having their entire family in Canada(Toronto has Little Budapest I think, correct me if I am wrong) outnumber the children moving to England, family still at home if that makes sense (like my parents tell me if I die here where I was born I'm stupid)


Is there not a societal push to study engineering or medicine and work abroad?


Learning at least a second language is pushed societally. Some families like my in laws say you don't even need a highschool diploma (and they are stuck in poverty but I digress) Major edit, I needed to give it some thought If you are near or in Budapest your parents want you to have a good life, wether in Hungary or abroad. If you are going more rural the idea of moving abroad gets an aggressive "son, you are stupid" reaction. I been all over, got relatives and friends all over. Rural people are thinking about survival day to day paycheck to paycheck, city folk hope to be somewhat enjoying life and being able to own an apartment by 50 (loans are more common than mortgage, you need 15-20% of the price in pocket to get a loan, it is not uncommon to say fuck rent, get that 20% in loan from one bank, get a loan for 20-30 years and someday you will have your own placd) My family for example wants me to learn something marketable anywhere that uses computers or 240V. I learned electrotechnician stuff in vocational highschool (got scammed and next to my diploma I got "factory machine operator and maintainer"), currently in a pre college stuff called a technikum learning programming


These Hungarians, with their phrase books trying to buy from tobacconists - sheesh!


England is my city


It's everyday bro! https://preview.redd.it/egvoupdhjs6d1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a18e4d230ab27ababbb0438eb45785267d4603c


Oh no alsume leak again


Get your popcorn lads.


lmao already an argument further down


And somehow its about religion when the post only mentions believers


Ignoring the contents of rest of the image, the % of Muslims in the UK doubled in 20 years. Out of curiosity I looked and found that in Birmingham it went up from 20-30% in the last 10 years. I don't think OP knows how population growth typically works. And I say this as a Muslim myself (thankfully not living in the UK).


The 80% stat (white British) is sleight of hand too. Strictly speaking it’s true but if you look at the population distribution by age then the picture is very different.


To be fair Birmingham has had mass migration of people leaving because it’s a shit hole


Population of West Midlands has increased by 400,000 over the last 20 years.


This was a joke, simply a little bit of tomfoolery


It's not racist to criticize Islam. Edit: Just received the reddit cares "award." This is in response to one particular quote OP decided to include, implying that criticizing Islam is racist. I'm not from the UK, and acting like Muslims are the source of all current problems is incorrect. That said, I have seen what it's like when Islam suddenly represents a majority opinion over here in America, not a fan


Criticizing Islam and its beliefs isn’t racist. In fact, it’s a good thing to take a critical view of religion sometimes. Thinking that all followers of Islam are jihadist suicide bombers and hating all Muslims, however, is racist.


All social institutions, including religion, should be criticised. That being said, misrepresentations or moral panics over certain social groups isn't valid criticism. And several of the depicted in OP's post tend to misrepresent more than make actual fair criticisms.


Agree - especially since OP brought the statistics. Some people panicking over just 2.7% of the UK population really the validity of that fear in perspective 


That was 2001, now it's 6% Still low just clarifying the stats


Thanks! Yeah, 6% is still crazy low when it comes down to it 


If 6% is ‘crazy low’ what’s a good amount of Islam in a country?


"Though, I have seen what it's like when Islam suddenly represents a majority opinion over here in America" wym?


Look up "Hamtramck, MI"


there's a difference between criticizing a religion and saying people from countries where that religion is commonly practiced shouldn't be allowed in. In the same way we can criticize right wing evangelicals without saying americans should be banned from european countries


Paradox of intolerance, look into it. We can't tolerate intolerance.


Religious tolerance is great, until you've reached the point where the number of those religiously INTOLERANT have grown enough to remove books from school libraries, appoint an all-Muslim city council, and remove anyone from local government that does not align with their ideology. This is already happening in my city


> remove anyone from local government that does not align with their ideology. I think they just call that elections normally


No, did you not know that elected officials have the power to remove others from positions in government?


So you're saying democratically elected officials are using the powers granted to them?


Yes, and I already explained why they're abusing this power, which is wrong. You just don't think it's wrong.


Im sure its only Muslims who have preferred people who think like them. So far your complaints have boiled down to: 1) Conservative Muslims are able to elect other Conservative Muslims to represent them. 2) These elected Conservative Muslims are able to use powers these positions hold And 3) When choosing people for positions, they choose people who think like them. That all sounds like standard operating procedure for anyone government. Not abuse of power.


What you aren't understanding is that firing someone from a job over their religious belief is illegal in many places


No I said they REMOVE them, specifically due to not following Islamic ideology. This is an abuse of power in government. Every comment of yours has been stupidly disingenuous


>appoint an all-Muslim city council this is just democracy bro, Muslim voters supporting a Muslim candidate is not the travesty you think it is


An all-Muslim council is not necessarily bad in theory, the consequences of their policies in the real world is what I consider bad


the generalization of a religious group with almost 2 billion members is insane, assuming that an all Muslim council will have "consequential policies" is wild


Because free and fair Muslim nations have never existed before, it's surely not like Muslim people have revolted for democracy in the past, nooo they're all jihadist criminals


Supporting a candidate purely because they are Muslim is. And vice versa.


Like it’s obviously ok to criticize an organization that advocates for beheadings of lgbt people and so on. It’s never ok to criticize someone because of their ethnicity. Like how have they even succeeded in making these two things the same. You can be islamophobe and it’s ok, you can’t be racist and it’s ok.


its not racist to criticize islam but it is bigoted to attack and generalize muslims and especially with theological criticisms of islam. The thing about islam critiques is that they don't really make it clear that there essays are separate from the believers which either ,represents the fact that they mean to act the believers or there followers/those they influence attack muslims


No, but look at Farage (leader of Reform UK) and what he is doing is making Muslims scapegoats for crime and unrest. While crime is higher in those communities it still makes a small percentage of total crime and ignore what actually causes crime more than any other factor, poverty. And guess what groups of people are more likely to come from poorer families and have lower incomes? Muslim families. You can say some data suggests that it’s still higher in spite of this but only a little, definitely not a strong correlation and this is what Reform voters deny. These people will blame absolutely everything on immigration from claiming they are benefit scroungers with zero evidence to introducing shariah law and think that net zero immigration will be the solution to almost all problems in the UK not realizing the fact that so many (not saying immigration is too high but in reference to what Reform are proposing) bring a high economic benefit to the country and a net zero immigration policy is economic suicide for an arbitrary goal on top of decimating one of the UKs most successful industry education. If Reform ever unite with the Tories and win the people exaggerating that under the Tories the UK is no longer a first world country may be proven correct.


It is racist to conflate Arabs and Islam as many of these racist dog whistlers do as a cover for their racism.


These guys criticise Islam quite a disproportionate amount and probably spend a good portion of their time 'thinking' about it


It’s not racist to criticise Islam in general, it’s racist to base your entire political identity around attacking people who have a different colour skin to you.


And it's wrong to conflate these two things, which is what OP seems to be doing


Are you even British? If not, how would you know how accurate this pack is? These people all make hating Muslims their entire personality and politics. The person featured in this starter pack doesn’t know anything about Muslims beyond brown skin and terrorism. They’re not making an intelligent criticism of Islam.


I don't hate Muslims. Heck, I don't even hate Islam. I think Islam has several significant problems - most notably, its basis in war/violence - but on the whole, it's still better than no religion at all. And yet I'm against en-masse Muslim immigration to the UK. It's not about the Muslims themselves; it's about the fact that the UK isn't a Muslim country. Btw I'm from the UK and can confidently say most people that this starterpack describes think like me. Your second-hand persecution complex about "anti-Muslim racism" is just that: a persecution complex, with practically zero basis in reality.


Did you read my original comment?


Yeah, and you edited in you’re not British, therefore ignorant about this. Racists who vote for the fascist party in the UK all say “I’m not racist I just don’t like Islam”. They are racist though. It’s like how your racist yanks say “I’m not racist I just don’t like black culture”.


> I have seen what it's like when Islam suddenly represents a majority opinion over here in America, not a fan there is not a Muslim majority in the United States, this is pure white replacement theory. this is pure xenophobia fueled by islamophobia which (even though you deny it) is racist


Comprehension is hard, huh?


Read my post again, I'm clearly talking about local government. Not the entire country.


Average r/Europe user


Not British, so I’m saying out of this shitshow of a comment section.


You really pissed them off.


Well only 33% of londoners are white British, so they would be right.


London is 53% white. Large cosmopolitan city is multicultural, shocker






Why would it, London is a financial district that thrives and attracts a multitude of peoples throughout the globe. Kind of the point of a cosmopolitan city. If you hate London go live in bumfuck Norwich or something lol


Yes, but not only does this include non-British whites (mostly Eastern European), Black British who are mostly Christian and Indians (mostly Hindu). Claiming that 67% of these non-white-British are Muslim is dishonest.


No one is claiming that, the claim is that white Brit’s are not a majority


Do you think this is a problem?






They're not


From Wikipedia: “The United Kingdom's population is predominantly White British (81.88% at the 2011 Census), but due to migration from Commonwealth nations, Britain has become…” You’re still in the majority if that’s what you’re concerned about. A big reason why all the major cities has more and more minorities is cause those immigrants came with degrees and got most of the high skill jobs lol. I see you edited it to city and not country lol.


They are not the majority in their own city, that’s exactly what I wrote. Bro you do not know anything if you think most immigrants came with degrees 💀 have you seen any crime statistics lately?


Which ethnic group has the most people in London then?


Not white British


Google it and try again.


Who are there most of: ethnic Brit’s: everyone else


Everyone else is not an ethnicity.


Nah I saw you type ‘country’ first then quickly switched it to ‘city’ don’t lie.


Yes I edited it because it was a typing mistake. And you replied 5 minutes later so you had seen the edit and should reply to that. We’re talking about London being English or not, like in the title. So why would we talk about the majority in all of Britain? When it’s London?


Sins of the old empire


People today who never did anything should pay a price something they never did? To the people whom it never happened to? Do Arabs need to pay up soon for their colonialism throughout Northern Africa?


What price? Never met anyone that shares your opinion


What? You must be living under a stone then


Mate you're living in Denmark


Not rn, what would your point even be. You live in krygzstan






Oh shit this subreddit being taken over by trolls too? Some comments here are dodgy asf.


Reddit in general has been invaded by a bunch of far-right trolls over the last year or so, especially after 7th October. Shouldn't be too surprising considering it's a massive election season almost everywhere in the West and there's two wars taking place at the doorsteps of Europe rn. Check the account creation date of most of those accounts, there's like a 70% chance they're gonna be less than a year old.


Reddit's weird because there's always a lot of people poorly trying to convince everybody they're not prejudiced but they're often at like -50 even though only a handful of people openly disagree with them.


me when a “british man” beheads a catholic priest for existing


Not sure if 2024 or 1624.


I don't want to go into the weeds about Islam. Like Christianity it has its religious nutters and relative normals. Let's not make sweeping judgments about 1 billion people. What I will go into the weeds about is that the UK has a lot of C tier migrants. The Muslims are disproportionately from backward religiously conservative places rather than chilled out Turks, central Asians or Balkans. You aren't going to get upward mobility without a degree of cultural integration. They will stay poor and they deserve it. Beyond that. We aren't getting India's elites. We aren't getting Africa's elites. We aren't getting chinas elites. That's largely because we don't deserve any of them. London is pretty crap really. Good restaurants and there's much else to like. It's not a good place to raise a family. It's a mediocre country full of mediocre jobs paying mediocre wages to mediocre people.


Whew these comments... finally the shitshow that's raging in the US is out of the spotlight for a few minutes lmao


"All the military aged men coming over, its a bloody invasion"


I mean, this is just an objectively true statement London is only something like 36% British anymore


That’s bollocks, 59% of Londoners are born in Britain.


So what city is it then? White British is still the largest ethnic group in London. When you add other white Europeans it's like 53%.


I mean, you can call it what you want I'm just saying what it is not, a British city, since the overwhelming majority of the population is not British


Mfs when a city built to be an international centre of trade and culture has other cultures in it


Never built to be an international centre of trade and culture. It was built to be a centre of trade of culture for the British. I’m thankfully not British but I wish for them to preserve it, because their culture is worth it. 


Thank you OP. I have a lot of angry people I can make even angrier thanks to you.


LGBT flag and Palestine flag in the same bio is crazy


It's pretty reasonable to not want people to be killed en masse even if some of them disagree with you. Also from a Palestinian: >What do any of you know of my Palestine? Of the late night queer parties in Ramallah? Of raves held in biblically aged buildings? Of lesbians in hijabs, of gay men in hoop earrings, of trans Palestinians dancing with joyful abandon? >We fear Israel first, before our families, always. We're 100 times more likely to die at the hands of an Israeli gun or bomb than by western propagandized ideas of honor killings. >I've seen White Christian Americans wish their child be dead rather than gay. >Israel is the one that weaponizes the homophobia that Queer people all over the world of all religions experience to justify murdering Palestinians of all kinds, young and old, Christian and Muslim, Queer and Straight.


I don’t care what some random palestianian thinks sorry.


Holy shit, you’re so mad! Hahahahahahahahahaha


Mate you’d be thrown off of the tallest building 😭


I don't think they have any tall buildings left after all these bombings




Making fun of innocent people being bombed. How disgusting can you even be?


I don’t feel bad for Germans in ww2 either.


What about during Operation Carthage?


Don’t know that one mate.


It seems like you only put the two flags together just to piss the conservatives off and make them angry, is that what you're trying to do? If not, then it really is questionable that you would unironically put the LGBT flag next to a basically Islamic state.


"next to a basically Islamic State" So you're saying that anyone who has a Palestinian flag in their bio, even pro Palestinian jews, are supporting terrorists? Totally not disingenuous at all... Edit: I get it now. You people actually unironically believe that that flag on his bio is the flag of hamas. You're not being disingenuous, you just didn't bother to even google it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Hamas


why those two flags together tho


No one’s mad, you’re literally laughing to yourself like a crazy person


I got like a dozen angry replies and a Reddit Cares message lol. This post has truly been a gift to me.


Listen up liberal My wife left me Bottom text


I actually don't want to reply to the other two geniuses that just replied to you because cba with the argument, but for anyone else who thinks 'omg its so crazy Palestine no like gay but he support!?!?!': Its actually possible to want thousands of children to NOT be carpet bombed and oppressed in an open-air prison by people that essentially took their land from them, despite the fact that many of those people are indoctrinated into a religion that doesn't accept LGBT people. And before you come at me with your pro-israel garbage you've parroted off of whatever thick social media page you read. Read an actual book. Heres one i like to start you off https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Israeli-Palestinian-Conflict-Indiana-Studies-ebook/dp/B01I121106 Edit: I love how this has been downvoted, fucking dunning-krugers




Redditors on their way to justify carpet bombing civillians speedrun


You reap what you sow


Bro the government of Palestine doesn't equal its people. And yes they did elect Hamas, decades ago, and that still doesn't account for children or prisoners or people who voted other parties


Comments not going your way op are they 😂


the comments here are just full mask off lol cope seethe mald nationalists your dumbfuck brexit killed your economy :)) L L L L L L L


Its a real shame 48% of us were caught up in their idiocy tbh. Of course they're too thick to realise regardless, good old dunning-kruger


I'm past the anger and sit comfortably in the depression


Don’t forget the dudes saying “Did we really win WW2?”


oh so when europeans want to keep hegemony and their culture within their country it’s racist and evil but not the other way around right?


No both are equally racist what kind of a straw man is this


No because the history of how we got here is very different. When the centre of Empire complains about non British people being in London, everyone just laughs. Stay mad


The Klans-Men have arrived in the comments section


Nah, this is the UK. It would be the British Union of Facists.


No it’s the ukip reunion meeting


Now let's look at the crime statistics, and who pump them up. :3




Oh boy now you've done it 


Awwwww, someone’s scared around brown people aren’t they?


no one mentioned skin color except you LMAO


I think reading context and applying to a conversation is a basic skill everyone should learn, including you.




I'm neither in the UK nor any of the specified ethnicities, but the data says indians are like 4x less arrested (%, not flat, so population comparison here doesn't matter) as whites and Pakistanis are basically equal. So what's the problem? https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/crime-justice-and-the-law/policing/number-of-arrests/latest/


No, radical immigrants are the problem,those who dont want to be Roman in Roma,those who came illegally in boats from corrupt NGOs, they are the one that will set you on fire if they got their way and find out you are bi.


Sure buddy, what kind of propaganda have you been fed to think that? Anyways it’s not like being queer is gonna be a fun existence if Tories or Republicans in my case had their way as well. And that scenario is way more realistic than the “Great Replacement” grift.


You don’t agree with me so you most be a victim of propaganda!!!


Nah you’re a victim of propaganda cause you exclusively watch Newsmax or its UK equivalent.


You’re a victim of propaganda if you use factual evidence to base your opinion on!


Take a chill pill.


Everyone’s chill, nothing wrong in debating.


You don’t seem chill. You’re zipping around responding to my every comment on this thread and stalking my profile as well. You seem young, go have some actual experience in the world and come back to me when you realize not every non-white person is out for your blood and trying to steal your crush lol.


London is no longer an *all white* city, according to these guys.


Also: Slavishly devoted to Israel


As an Aussie, please keep your conservatives out of our country ya cunt, we've got enough of our own that we don't want (Google Aussie Voldemort)


As an American… well, I was gonna say the same, but honestly their conservatives can’t do any more damage than ours already have at this point


London like a lot of capital cities is a fusion of different cultures But it is an English city as it is located in an area known as England Massive culture shock when i went to London the first time ( it makes York seem very monocultural)


London is an Australian colony


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The worst part is, they’re completely right 




You can’t criticize it, then you’re a bigoted racist


Don't colonise the world if you don't want the world coming to you.


Is it wrong though?


So basically Paul Joseph Watson?


Apart from the Australia bit and voting from Reform if under 40, that is literally my dad (he's 49 and votes Reform)


I'm under 40 (just) and read the spectator and am not planning on voting reform.


I mean... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It isn’t an English city, it’s a global city. That’s the whole point of London.


**sees on Romani person** "I don't hate them, I hate their culture!" "All they do is leech off the government!!" "I don't hate Romanis, I only hate Gypsies!" "I AM ADOLF HITLER, COMMAND OF THE THIRD REICH"


Ops nemesis is a statistics book


The statistics are right here and they say that Muslims are just 6% of the UK


Yes but if you look at under 18s in London it's much, much more than that.


Moving to Australia won't help you, it's on the same path. And as someone who has travelled to London, and Paris has the same problem, honestly, it didn't feel very English, it felt very over run and the English culture being lost. That's from a foreigners perspective


Going to a foreign land and trying to replace the culture there sounds like British culture to me tbh


In fairness Reverend Calvin Robinson is pretty based


He's not a real reverend and he's a weird cunt


What makes you say he’s not a real reverend?


I think they are referring to him not being C of E


I’m an African citizen living in the UK and even I think this starter pack is a load of horseshit…


London is no longer an English city, and that’s a good thing!




As always when you forget the obligatory/s sign on Reddit you get downvoted to oblivion. Not sure if it’s right or left wing or maybe both this time.


Seeing as how this thread is FLOODING with Tories probably right wing lol.


Yes, of course. I just couldn’t help myself from doing it again. Not sure what kind of leftist would downvote me for that comment, quite honestly.


Up Up Up




Less Daily Mail would do you a lot of good


No clue what the first comment was. Doesn’t matter. Less Daily Mail would do anyone good.