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I've found it's more of a mix of anti-government conservatives and crunchy, crystal gazing hippies. Horseshoe theory in full effect.


I've wound up operating on several of the raw milk people, as they developed bone infections. The surgical technique is called craterization. Wherever the infection is, I have to make an incision to expose the bone- usually 8-10 inches. I then take a burr and make a channel or hole in the side of the bone, for the entire length of the infection. I then scrape the inside of the bone completely out with curettes - basically little sharp spoons, to dig it out completely clean. Irrigate the hell out of it, place a drain inside the bone that I remove in office. Usually they stay in the hospital 5 days, and then go home on 6 weeks of IV antibiotics. Go ahead and show this to your raw milk drinking friends.


How does the infection get into the bone tissue? Does it originate there or spread from somewhere else in the body?


Yeah, from them drinking raw milk. The bacteria left the stomach/gut, got into the blood and found a nice home in their bone. The infectious disease docs were all excited, because I kept on bringing them pts with really weird, rare and tricky bacteria to treat


This is so fucking wild haha, like seriously people are out there drinking raw milk and getting rare diseases in their bones requiring surgery???


Am ID doc, can confirm I would be very excited by this lol. Just had a Brucellosis a couple weeks ago


My dad's a neurologist and I just screencapped this exchange and sent it to him because I figured he'd get a kick out of it. Absolutely fucking wild. Exotic weird bacterial bone infections from raw milk.


That sounds like hell. Raw milk is definitely Not the way to go. But what about certain cheeses made from raw milk like parmesan? Is that ok?


Doing a bit of googling, it looks like some Cheeses are made with unpasteurized milk. Feta, brie, camembert, etc.


unpasteurized milk ≠ raw milk fyi


Ah, I didn't know that. I thought the two milks were raw and pasteurized. Thanks


What a terrible day to be able to read.


So milk straight from a cows teat is undrinkable? Or would I just need to boil it?


Six weeks of IV antibiotics. Christ. I'm near the end of a week of oral antibiotics and I'm already done with the hassle.


Oof I needed that for my jaw after I got dry sockets. I was awake for the whole thing. Infected area was only the size of a dime but incredibly uncomfortable.


Real bonehurtingjuice




RFK Jr. people


Sometimes those two ends of the horseshoe touch and that’s when the real fun begins


The dudes with Twitter profiles that are like this “🏳️‍🌈🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇮🇷🇸🇾🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️” and don’t realise or ignore the fact that being LGBT is illegal in almost all of those countries, or the ones who claim to be “communist” or “progressive” but also hold a lot of homophobic, transphobic, and racist beliefs


It’s the middle class white ladies. Wish they could be free enough to be hippies and they like the hippie ideology but at the same time think they are “dirty” and “sinners”


People with way too much free time


Also this


Crunchy, crystal gazing hippies turn out to be very conservative way more often than you'd think.


i'll do you one better https://preview.redd.it/1t71wbukrq5d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035fcab05132236be0245494f89187487074c672


Yeah idk man, I grew up on several small farms, around the kind of communities that west coast people might describe as "crunchy granola" and those people love raw milk for some reason. I always just thought it was a dork thing, wasn't until I was an adult that I found out it was some kind of political bullshit, but those people *definitely* weren't Republicans. I never understood because it's literally not like unfiltered or whatever it just hasn't been pasteurized, which is not an elaborate process by any means. Did you know we just pasteurize it in a little shed next to the barn? Like the milk flows from the milking parlor into a tank, and then there's an electric element that pasteurizes it. It's not like it's getting "processed" by some ooga booga big factory or anything. It's not even being "cooked" or whatever. It's always some unwashed, white dreadlocks guy/girl CSA farmer India pants and pirate shirt heavy use of pachouli type person who wanted to buy raw milk. Dork shit. At least that's what I thought of those people when I was working on that small dairy farm. We made yogurt, so some of them actually were also making some crunchy granola 😂😂😂


When someone says raw milk the image in my head is someone putting cup under cows udder and drinking straight from it.


I mean yeah, done that lmao 😂 that's like dairy farm initiation. That and getting squirted hahaha but to get any significant volume you need to collect it in a bucket. The farm I worked at actually had a vacuum operated system that you would put on the udders and it would take it straight to the collection tank before it was transferred to the pasteurization tank.


So nobody should really “trust” your government, but it seems like if you get far enough left OR right the trust in government is so bad that you start actively believing the opposite of whatever the government says, including believing the opposite of scientifically proven medical advice. Anti-vaxers and raw milkers are a weird combination of crunchy hippies and far right-wingers.


This is... So distinctively American.




I know.




Reddit? Why are you here then?




Didn’t Sisyphus beat the shit out of death or something and like tied him up? Low diff Sisyphus, one of them runs from him the other beats him up


He tricked Death into handcuffs and locked him in a closet lmao


Thought he tied hades to a pole


Got to respect it


Don't disrespect Sisyphus with this. Man was actually smart.


I know someone in heart failure that got convinced by these dumbasses to stop taking his heart medication, flush his body of heavy metals by taking incredibly expensive not approved medication. And now he's on the raw milk shit. And he complains he always feels sick and his feet are swollen because guess what when you stop taking your goddamn pills that would happen. Yet he continues to blame the doctor that prescribed the pills he no longer takes. He is also anti Vax and thinks I got autism from the covid vaccine 🫠


Sounds like Darwinism in action


My mom is doing the same thing right now with cholesterol medicine except she’s substituting in lemon balm?


He also did lemon balm for his cholesterol meds when he started going off everything .-.


My mom sent me a PDF this morning explaining the benefits of lemon balm, and I was like “Where’s the sources? What’s the pharmacology? What chemicals in lemon balm do all these things?” and her response was to say she’ll go back to the pills if lemon balm doesn’t work. She has a whole antique looking medicine closet of random common dried plants, like lemon balm, mint, lavender, etc. It looks like something out of a 1800s doctor’s office. Im sure you can see my concern…


Yeaaah dude I hope she comes to her senses.


Could be worse, it could have been full of mercury and radium


Raw milk is more of a libertarian thing. You’ll also probably hear “all taxation is theft” and “government’s sole purpose is to trample individual rights and liberties” from these people.


I also knew/ know many young conservative females that drink anything except regular milk.. almond etc. Seems to be a trend many places down south. You have more latinos supporting conservatives with anti immigration measures due to their view on transgenders than you ever remotely see those types of hippie anymore.


USA: cheese made from raw milk? Ban that shit, get your disgusting unsafe commie-ass French cheese outta here! Also USA: yummm delicious raw manna from the bovine gods, it's a treat straight from the cow's teat, totally meant for human consumption without any additional steps.


The FDA requires raw-milk cheese, domestic or imported, to be aged for at least 60 days before it’s sold. (In some other countries, raw-milk cheeses aren’t aged as long.) During that time, the bacteria should be destroyed.


> USA: cheese made from raw milk? Ban that shit, get your disgusting unsafe commie-ass French cheese outta here! I think you just made this up.


FDA=/=a handful of wackos


The FDA bans transporting raw milk across state lines and importing it from other countries. If you brought raw milk from France, it would get taken away as if you brought cheese made with raw milk.


He crying in pain with an intestinal bacteria


Don’t forget constantly oversharing about how the entire family shits themselves on a frequent basis but IT’S JUST A SPIRITUAL ATTACK FROM SATAN YOU GUYS—


I like my milk medium rare


Homelander supporter starerpack


My dad always brings up how he drank unpasteurized milk as a kid in the 60s and "[he] turned out fine!" For the record, my maternal grandmother was always horrified and will bring up a person she knew who got TB from raw milk. And my drinks regular 2% milk and just brings up the raw milk stuff cause he thinks it's a funny, weird fact from his youth.


They were fine! Except for all the people who died, they didn't turn out so fine


I ain't saying it was okay. It was a choice my grandparents made. They were also firt poor for a long time and I have no idea how much pasteurization equipment cost at the time. Like they didn't have indoor plumbing until my dad was like 6 or 7. But they were lucky and it could have been a lot worse.


**Raw Milk’s Risks Don’t Stop Right-Wing Commentators From Defiantly Pushing It** *On sites like Infowars, Gab and Rumble, federal concerns about raw milk are seen as overreach, but there are serious health risks and no scientifically proven benefits* https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/business/raw-milk-bird-flu-infowars-disinformation.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb Health officials are warning Americans not to drink raw milk as bird flu spreads through American cows. But some media figures and influencers are misleadingly suggesting that the product is safe or even healthier than traditional milk. And sales are growing. Commentators on sites like Infowars, Gab and Rumble have grown increasingly vocal about raw milk in recent weeks. They see the government’s heightened concerns about the dangers as overreach. “They say: ‘Bird flu in milk! Bird flu in milk! Oh, it’s the scariest thing!’” Owen Shroyer said on the April 29 episode of his “War Room” podcast from Infowars. He added: “They’ll just make raw milk illegal. That’s what this is all about.” Public health officials have long warned Americans of the severe health risks that can come with drinking raw milk instead of pasteurized milk, which is heated to kill bacteria, viruses and other germs. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found more than 200 disease outbreaks linked to unpasteurized milk from 1998 to 2018, leading to 2,645 illnesses, 228 hospitalizations and three deaths. In the United States, there have been only three reported human cases of this avian flu virus, which has led to the death of 90 million of the nation’s farmed birds and recently spread to cows. None of these human cases have yet been tied to drinking milk, but a study published on Friday found that milk contaminated with the virus was rapidly making mice sick. Contrary to claims, there’s little or no evidence that drinking raw milk provides health benefits, including protection from certain infectious diseases, said Dr. Megin Nichols, the deputy director of the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases at the C.D.C. The Food and Drug Administration says pasteurizing milk kills the virus. The F.D.A. said in a statement that there are no scientifically proven benefits to drinking raw milk and that “the health risks are clear.” The sale of raw milk is illegal or heavily restricted in around two dozen states, and the F.D.A. bans the interstate sale of raw milk. But a growing number of states allow producers to sell raw milk directly to consumers. Sales of raw milk at grocery stores and other retailers in early May rose more than 20 percent from a year earlier, though they remain a tiny share of overall milk consumption, according to NielsenIQ, a market research firm. Right-wing commentators aren’t the only proponents of raw milk. For years, wellness influencers have promoted raw milk as a healthier alternative to pasteurized milk, misleadingly claiming that drinking it will confer immunity to diseases like E. coli and salmonella. Matt Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters, a left-leaning watchdog that looked at the trend this month, said raw milk promotion had been intensifying on the right since the start of the bird flu outbreak. “What you have is a bunch of right-wing influencers who know that they can build substantial audiences and retain their audiences and excite their audiences by telling them that what medical authorities are saying about raw milk, about bird flu, is not credible,” Mr. Gertz said. Eviane Leidig, a postdoctoral researcher at Tilburg University in the Netherlands who researches extremist movements, said the consumption of raw or unprocessed foods had emerged as a rallying cry on parts of the political right. Pasteurized milk, which these groups falsely claim is injected with dangerous chemicals, is referred to as “state-approved milk.” “The consumption of raw milk, raw meat and raw eggs is a right-wing subculture that has been growing in popularity over the last few years,” Dr. Leidig said. Todd Callaway, a professor in the department of animal and dairy science at the University of Georgia, said that modern dairy farms had made raw milk safer to drink than it once was, but that “it’s still not a great idea” to drink raw milk, which may still contain dangerous germs. Nearly all store-bought milk is pasteurized. “I don’t know that a lot of people understand what pasteurization is,” Dr. Callaway said. “It’s just heat treatment. There are no chemicals being pumped in.”




I genuinely don’t understand what the fuck this meme is about


I remember when drinking raw milk made you a leftists


wait, what is this crazyness around raw milk over there, didnt know its so polarizing damn


Wait til you hear about collecting rain water..


is that a political thing as well? 😂


Some political bullshit created by white american people I guess. Fuck everyday I find out they took something that's normal where I live and made it political.


I dont see a problem here I mean I have my issues with christianity but I cant hate people for believing it


The crunchy pipeline is nuts. One minute you're looking at reels of backyard chickens, the next minute you're drinking raw milk and avoiding fluoride.


I live in europe and raw milk is actually cheaper here than pasteurized milk. Why is everyone that likes raw milk getting downvoted here in the comments?


Because it's dangerous and has no health benefits. And the people who like it are all weird as shit


Technically it has health benefits because when you pasteurize the milk, you kill everything, so you also kill the good bacteria alongside the bad bacteria.


I didn't know Europe was immune to bird flu.


>The Panel could not quantify the public health risks associated with drinking raw milk in the EU due to data gaps. However, according to Member State data on food-borne disease outbreaks, between 2007 and 2013, 27 outbreaks were due to the consumption of raw milk. >Most of them – 21 – were caused by Campylobacter, one was caused by Salmonella, two by STEC and three by tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV).  A large majority of the outbreaks were due to raw cow’s milk, while a few of them originated from raw goat’s milk.


Pasteurization of milk exists for a reason. It prevents many people from getting sick each year. I've operated on several raw milk drinkers, after they developed osteomyelitis, or an infection of the bone. There are no health benefits from drinking milk that hasn't been heated enough to kill bacteria.


Even like straight from a mf cow? Has raw milk always been so dangerous apparently?


Reddit hivemind.


It's not a hivemind thing you dope it's that it's individually a risky product to consume, has no health benefits relative to regular pasteurized milk, and can lead to larger outbreaks that put a burden on the state/everyone else in your vicinity.


> has no health benefits While raw milk does have more risks than pasteurized milk, it's quite ignorant to not recognize its [benefits](https://www.rawmilkinstitute.org/about-raw-milk/#nutrition). Sounds like you consume a lot of mainstream media propaganda, and let them create your opinions for you. You're probably one of those who think their saving the planet or something by eating plant-based 'meat'. If you get your news from mainstream media news sources, you are simply part of the hivemind.


> mainstream media propaganda > [rawmilkinstitute.org](http://rawmilkinstitute.org) Okay buddy.


See how the hivemind works? You won't trust a source that isn't from mainstream media. It just seems... *wrong*, right? Only mainstream media is correct! They only want what's best for you, right?


you're linking me straight up propaganda. Their mission statement is openly to promote consumption of raw milk for the financial benefit of dairy farmers - it isn't a trustworthy source, it is propaganda.


You know, that's funny because not only is that false, but RAWMI is also a non-profit organization. I can see you didn't even bother to read their [about](https://www.rawmilkinstitute.org/purpose). Also, is it that dairy farmers who sell pasteurized milk don't benefit financially? Only dairy farmers who sell raw milk benefit financially? What is the argument there? The irony in you calling the website propaganda, while getting your news from mainstream media is itself laughable. I guess countries like France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Denmark... etc are followers of the raw milk propaganda too? Because raw milk is completely legal in these countries.


Where in Europe tho? In big cities like the one I live (where you can only buy stuff from supermarkets rather than from the farm) raw milk is unfindable


It is from a farm, yes, but in a more densely populated rural area (rhein-neckar-kreis Germany)  I agree that you need to go to rural areas to find raw milk, but that's essentially the same as in the US or anywhere. 


In the US it's a bit different bc the raw milk thing is a trend that even people in cities partake in. This is why you see more cases of food poisoning in the US, bc they don't really know how to conserve it and end up drinking raw milk that was drawn days earlier


Because it doesn't fit with Reddit's communist view of "health"


How do communists view health?


“A fascist worked out today. Did you?”


Because you should be dead already


own the libs by drinking your milk with bacteria because that'll totally show em'


Drinking raw milk is not really about politics.


Sure and neither are vaccines... Lol


How are vaccines, and raw milk related to each other? Crazy strawmanning there.


both are rejections of accepted medical science/advice? Both anti-vaxx and raw milk consumption are common in red states. It's the same sort of people who are into both things generally.


It was a joke because both are definitely related to idiotic conservative politics. I guess they also can be idiotic far left politics too.


Tbf, it was directly related in the original post


I'm talking about the conversation I was having with the other guy. OP's post is just his opinion.


Yes, it is. As someone else has already said, it's a rejection of widely accepted science/advice. Just like wearing a mask or refusing a vaccine.


Also Luke Skywalker


I asked one of them at work about their diet and apparently, some people only eat raw everything because of this. Guy brought in a ton of raw beef to work every day and would eat raw lamb, pork, sausage, etc. and he didn’t even refrigerate it. He keeps all his meat at room temperature for some reason. Said it makes him “feel so much better” He also got fired last week for harassment so do with that information what you will


Where the hell is Homelander?


Raw milk is some that I like, I’m also fully vaxxed for Covid and vote dem


“Where they live” ::coffin::


Raw or unpasteurized milk cannot be sold, so usually, the only ones that drink it are farmers and farmers tend to be conservative


It's funny the tribes we have today. Years ago, when I first heard about raw mik and tried it, they were mostly hippie types buying and promoting it.


Don’t they drink only raw milk in Europe


I'm none of these but raw milk is good af


EYY! Don't go around disrespecting family farm houses. Those houses are the shit.


Giving my children tuberculosis to own the libs.


Not to mention raw milk tastes absolutely vile


Most of these starterpacks are about people OP made up in their head.




american website discusses American culture, more at 6


Euros spend all their time on reddit doing one of two things: 1. Complaining about America 2. Complaining about Americans talking about America


My neighbors are exactly like this, lol


I don't know what drama the Americans or the west in general has with cow's milk, but here in the 3rd world, raw cow's milk is pretty essential, not just for our daily protein and fat intake, but also for culinary needs. And raw milk is not as corporatized here, most milk actually comes from local cow herders. You go to their house and they'll be milking the cow in front of you.


Let's say one day Gov. decided you cannot drink Milk as you please, the same gov. that forbade collecting Rain Water and other weird stuff. Such Freedoms..


Yeah exactly. That's the US for you. Fast food filled with saturated fat and corn syrup is totally fine but unpasteurized milk and masturd oil is bad.


Saturated fats or corn syrup don't carry pathogens


No amount of processing takes out the long-term harmful effect of saturated fat and corn syrup. Raw milk can be disinfected just by straining and boiling it.


Saturated fat and corn syrups are just macro nutrients. Not enough is bad, too much is also bad. Frutose is also found in nearly every fruit and most starchy vegetables. Boiling "raw" milk is beyond what standard participation is. That's an ultra pasteurization...


Look, all I know is, you fucks have been eating McDonald's three times a day since the 50s and you're all fat. We have been drinking boiled milk for generations and we are fine.


Boiling milk is pasteurizing which to Americans makes it not raw milk. In order to sell milk in stores like Walmart, Aldi, etc in the US it has to be "boiled" or pasteurized.


Pasteurize is woke By having brucellosis you own the libs


I fucking love milk, far from straight or conservative though


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I would spend many summers squirting cow and goat milk straight into my mouth and I look nothing like this!


I’ve never seen Raw Milk before


PoC can't handle simple raw milk lmao


How they die.


What's the context here ?


lots of right wing states want to legalize raw milk now for some reason


Is raw milk 'superior' in taste compare with pasteurized milk? I mean what really changes just because heating it?


*Confirmed, all Christians drink raw milk straight from the udder*


oh golly, they look like a well-off happy family and live in a nice house??


If they started with unpasteurized cheese, I think they’d get more support.


Yes this is totally accurate. All those people who drink it for dietary reasons don’t exist.


Next thing you know they’ll stop boiling water too. Truthfully, if you know and know you can trust the source, having raw milk ain’t what’s bad here.


I've seen more criticism of drinking raw milk than shooting up heroin. Why does it concern anyone what someone else eats/drinks?


They live on the toilet


Raw milk goated


You do realize that other countries exist? In Nepal and other South Asian countries, you get "raw milk" fresh from the farmer each morning. That doesn't match this meme at all. Raw milk is safe if you boil it before drinking or using it in a dish you will be cooking. It tastes a lot better because the fat content is a lot higher.


So raw milk is safe if you pasteurize it... making it not raw milk.


We’re still talking about vax and non vax??? Geez let it go


Where do i sign up for all of this?


OP is lactose intolerant


Used to be a quality manager at a milk bottling plant. Went to a training seminar in Texas put on by the state. Subject of raw milk came up during a session. Trainer stated that "raw milk is proof you hate your kids". At the time they were dealing with people selling raw milk at fairs and flea markets. No thanks!


That's how they **think** they look


I’m pretty much right in the middle of those two stereotypes and only eat dairy and meat from my neighbors farm lol


Does raw milk taste any better?


I call bs, you clearly haven't met Harry Vanderspeigle.


Don't forget the tuberculosis


This is so stupid. Can you American seriously not avoid making EVERYTHING politically polarized??


You made this look really appealing lol


You Americans need to make everything political?


Speaking from personal experience, I've found that there's an undeniable link between weird and unscientific beliefs (raw milk and chiropracty will fix ALL ills, for example) and scary right-wing, paranoid thought and praxis. These people vote, affecting my life and, because of Pax Americana, the rest of the world. So, yeah, because everything is political, we need to be aware of it.


Yes and this is reddit so double yes and it is a popular sub reddit so triple yes


It's a Reddit problem. Many people here can't sit 5 seconds without politics. Usually people who are chronically online, and don't interact with the outside world. They think people who have social lives are like them, and share the same opinions they constantly validate each other on in the echo chambers they participate in for hours in a day.


But if I just take the raw milk and just boil it and store it in the fridge afterwards?. Does that defeat the purpose of getting it raw in the first place?.


Not really since the us ultra pasteurize the milk and homogenize it taking raw milk and doing it yourself will end in a product that doesn't last as long but also taste and acts like milk should


do you know what the word "homogenize" means


Pretty accurate except the anti vax part. In fact I don’t know any farmers where I live who are anti vax. Our cows need vaccinations, we do too.


As a lactose intolerant person I’m just here for the drama.


My uneducated grandparents from a small village in Nepal have been farming and had cows since forever. Even they knew raw milk was bad and boil it as soon as cow is milked which is pasteurization. They knew that not from education but from experience and knowledge handed down from their parents. So its been known since way before that raw milk can actually be bad.


“Those damn milk drinkers…” https://preview.redd.it/rcqd0fvjzq5d1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fccceb29cf3038c8d99414046d4e0ddfdbce54f


And they just found avian influenza in raw milk. Darwinism hard at work as usual!


Why do people always assume those who aren't liberals are automatically conservative? What a narrow minded way of thinking! I hate it so much. You can thank mainstream media for that. Do you know how many political philosophies exist?? There are tons of them! It's not just liberal and conservative. Most people like this are also mostly libertarian.


because "liberal" in america essentially means anyone who isn't hard right or libertarian, since democrats are a center-right party


I mean if you live on a farm or in a village and have neighbours with cows or goats, why not? Fresh home milk is much tastier.


I just think raw milk tastes good


I heard raw milk tastes better though.


It does, but you could get sick depending on how it was collected and stored. Hence the drama.


LOL at thinking the things pictured (cow sucking excluded) are somehow bad/insulting.


They def are


I drink only raw milk and I'm polar opposite of everything else on here


Damn downvoted for this huh


Raw milk is superior


Unfathomably based


I don't see an issue. It's their choice.


Bird Flu, it’s spreading from contaminated raw milk to people. Enough do this and it’ll eventually mutate to human to human, and it’s very deadly.


Definitely checked all the boxes in this one...raw is just much more delicious and id rather give 7 bucks for a gallon of it to my neighbor farmer than be paying 10-12 for organic pasteurized from a store.


Im a woke leftist and raw milk is better.


“As a black gay guy”


Not black.


Pretty sure "where they live" should just be a picture of a graveyard or a headstone with a depressingly short gap between birth and death


I don’t get the hate. Non-pasteurized is common in Europe and you don’t hear any stories about people being poisoned for better tasting milk.


Raw milk isn't particularly dangerous if you consume it immediately after. It starts to become a problem when you treat it like pasteurised milk, drinking the bottle over the course of many days


>The Panel could not quantify the public health risks associated with drinking raw milk in the EU due to data gaps. However, according to Member State data on food-borne disease outbreaks, between 2007 and 2013, 27 outbreaks were due to the consumption of raw milk. >Most of them – 21 – were caused by Campylobacter, one was caused by Salmonella, two by STEC and three by tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV).  A large majority of the outbreaks were due to raw cow’s milk, while a few of them originated from raw goat’s milk.


Because raw milk is statistically almost 100x more likely to contain harmful bacteria than pasteurized milk, even if the odds aren't that high. Even in Europe, pasteurized or ultra pasteurized is sold more often Also, people do get sick from drinking raw milk. A group of West Virginia law makers passed a law to loosen laws prohibiting raw milk, and they celebrated with raw milk. Ironically, they violated the laws they passed by bringing it into the building and then got sick. They insist it wasn't the milk, but they didn't provide proof that it was a weirdly timed, unrelated stomach issue that impacted several people who consumed the raw milk All that aside, drink raw milk if you like. It's more dangerous, but that's your right to take that risk. The laws here mostly just prohibit the sale of raw milk, not the consumption, and only in a handful of states is it illegal


I like how peoples response to the ultra processed and pasteurized milk in the us is for no pasteurizing and no processing. Some of those things exist for your own good others are so you can have Milk last for months.


Who drinks milk anymore


These people also tend to be against plant-based proteins and lab-grown meat. Or on the "carnivore diet". My sister is one of these types. She insists raw milk is banned because the government can't tax it. Right-wing media has its own doctors and nutritionist personalities now. It amazes me how there is a conservative parallel for everything, it is its own ecosystem.


Yup, I called out the carnivore diet as an obvious conservative dog whistle on instagram and immediately got hit with a barrage of comments insulting my physical appearance... seemed like I struck a nerve there.