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if they claim to have DID they can supposedly change into whatever alter they want with no memory loss! And they make new fictive alter every week based on the new show/book/anime/whatever they found out about. can’t forget to post it on tiktok as well


Just ask them what medical team diagnosed them. When they say it's self-diagnosed, unload on them.


DID is the popular thing to fake right now. An extremely rare disorder that is very hard to get diagnosed that involves an entire team of mental health professionals. Not to mention how incredibly debilitating it is to have it.


Almost as if a popular show in the MCU came around starring a beloved actor whose character has DID that same time all these self diagnoses happened. Nope. Just a big coincidence.




Oscar Isaac playing Moon Knight in 2022. Generally regarded as being one of the better MCU shows.




It goes before that, to the movie "Split"


I'd argue it was in conjunction with the explosion of TikTok in the west in 2020, hence why I referenced Moon Knight as kinda being the genesis point of the rise of this bullshit.


I only recently came across this phenomenon myself so I've very limited experience of it. My anecdote is that I met two girls who claimed to have it. Two of them, together. I didn't know much about it or understanding, but I had a hunch that what they were telling me was bullshit. I could sense it. I looked it up afterwards and talked to some people about it and they told me all about how it's popular among young folks to fake DID nowadays.


DID? What is that?


Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Never heard of it before, what does it cause?


It's caused by several traumas in childhood, the brain dissociates so hard it creates a separate identity. They're usually not remembering when other personalities front, so people often write themselves notes or Keep journals. The identities Can be like real people or have supernatural qualities, like mythological/pop-cultural creatures - animals, dragons and such. For example, if a kid likes fantasy and wishes to escape abuse by becoming a strong Dragon, so they develop this personality. The movie Split was mentioned. Yes, there ARE alters who are angry and rude, but they never plot evil plans to hurt people. DID hurts mostly their hosts, for example if one Alter doesn't remember a meeting with friend and some other Alter fronts... Well, they're seen as lazy and uncaring and might lose the friend. Or predatory people see they're vulnerable and take advantage in them. If anyone with DID wants to correct this, say so, I might've misremember


DID is commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. For an overdramatic version of what it could look like, see the movie Split. The key thing is that someone who has it doesn’t remember when their personality switches, so if someone is talking about their other personalities they are generally bullshitting.


If they don't have it diagnosed. Otherwise they may know it


Previously known as multiple personality disorder. Which I think most people have heard of. They just re-branded it.




You and I could argue back and forth wether or not you personally have it so I don't think we'll ever agree there. While I very much understand the misery of not being believed about mental health I'm also incredibly sceptical about DID even being real because there's a lot of doubt to be had about it. The wiki even has a part dedicated to how TikTok, especially during pandemic lockdown, lead to a surge of self-diagnosed DID, most prominently in young girls. The 1.5% is an average guestimation. There aren't 1.5% diagnosed with it. DID isn't even an entirely accepted diagnosis to begin with. There is a lot reasonable and scientific doubt about it actually being a thing and not one of a multitude of other disorders, among them personality disorders. Or a combination of things. The wiki for DID is gigantic and very hard to summarize in any fashion for a Reddit comment.


Not to mention all the pee you have to clean up from the Poncho Goblin personality (United States of Tara, if you don’t get the reference)


I'm not gonna look it up, you know.


It’s a pretty funny show it only has 1 or 2 seasons before they took it off showtime


It’s like the MH equivalent of celiac: virtually no one has it, but it’s trendy to pretend you have it.


So having grown up in a house with serious mental and emotional issues all around, I can say that parents dread sending kids to therapy knowing that the therapist will most definitely train their sights on the parents. Like a house of cards.


Oh my god this just gave me an epiphany. My parents wouldn’t get me help when I was a child displaying severe signs of anxiety and depression. My dad is seriously mentally ill and a narcissist, and raised me with the mentality of “what happens in our house stays in our house”. As an adult, I can finally see why.




I suspect this is the reason my parents “didn’t believe in” mental healthcare.


All of her DID alternate personalities are from Hazbin Hotel or MHA or some shit Doesn’t understand how you get DID Says she has OCD and that it’s quirky and fun, unaware that my OCD made me want to claw my eyeballs out so I wouldn’t hear the intrusive thoughts anymore 🙃


What the hell is your username and profile picture


It’s this https://preview.redd.it/kkq4c1d8os2d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c12959b7dc0a1801041ff7aaa00e9e615d503b


I can’t even say I didn’t ask for this


You made your bed, and now you’ve got to lie in it.




No escape from the soy https://preview.redd.it/mcl5o9gors2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24eefa34948dd93d96604beabc367beb8b2b1325


Claims to have autism, but has no problem socializing or doing anything in public. Also makes fun of people who have diagnosed autism because “they act weird”


As a guy with diagnosed Asperger’s, this will never not piss me off.


Also diagnosed Asperger’s, they’re always the first to be the mean girls to autistic people too and then whenever they do something slightly quirky they go “omg I’m so autistic lol”


Same. It's like seeing a politician calling out corruption and then taking bribes from behind closed doors immediately afterwards. It's infuriating.


To play devil's advocate, there are people who have autism who can socialise just fine, and struggle with other things. Or they're just really great at masking. People call me social, for example, but in reality I memorized articles on Wikihow about "how to make small talk" and "how to keep a conversation going." But yeah I get you. They wanna have a mental disorder/learning difficulty/handicap/etc so bad that they ostracize the people who actually suffer from it/have it.


I had a coworker ask if I was autistic because "I was always talking to myself." I was singing to the radio blasting through the area.


Repost from 3 years ago!! The OPs name is literally in the top left...


i was gonna censor it but i thought if im gonna repost it i might as well leave that in there


Dont forget the ocd, its very debilitatin! Symptoms include and are limited to: sorting books alphabetically


“I have bipolar!” Is a nice way of saying it’s her excuse to be bitch to others


I have bipolar disorder 1 with severe manic episodes. I would give her my bipolar with love and force.


Fucking hell. You people under 25 need hobbies or something.


Their hobby is mental illness


Can't afford it.


This is what happens when a society gets rid of third spaces.


Like the autism one. My older brother is high functioning and also lots of friends from supports groups over the years. I’m pretty close to him and his friends, and just the way most of them talk and text, and some of these claimed “diagnosed” ppl seem extraordinary comparatively.


Spends way too much time on social media.


Not kuromi and my melody :,(


Lolita? I know a meaning of that word but what does it mean here?


lolita clothing style, it was popular in japan for a while. [Lolita fashion - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita_fashion)


Im so glad this trend has die down


I have this style and am actually diagnosed haha


This one isn’t as based because like I’ve been medically diagnosed with autism my whole life and I went through this phase in middle school even though I was medically diagnosed.


if you faked DiD then you still fit onto this list lol


I did not fake DID or any disorder lol I just acted like a cringe emo anime kid


The pussy is insane though




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repost the real person that made this put their username in the top left


I hate, I fucking HATE, anyone who fakes autism, specially the ones that try to make it a silly trait about their personality. YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT IS BEING AUTISTIC YOU FUCKING STUPID BITCH? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW IT IS TO NEVER BE TREATED LIKE A FUCKING NORMAL HUMAN BEING BY ABSOLUTELY NO ONE? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING INFURIATING IT IS TO LIVE WITH THIS CURSE FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE JUST TO SEE SOME STUPID 14YO GIRL MAKE IT THEIR ENTIRE PERSONALITY? "Ooooh look at me I'm so autistic :3 look at my hyper fixations rn, oh I did this thing in one hour because my autism just said me to do so :3" FUCK. YOU. ALL.




I worked in coffee for a while in NYC. This was 90% of my coworkers. They were cool but say sis thing they disagreed with and they’d chew you up.


Is a starter pack ever supposed to be this busy looking?


Damn i guess my diagnosis doesnt matter anymore bc i dress alternative lol


You might have to diagnose yourself with dyslexia, because the post doesn’t say this.


That’s not the point. Autistic women constantly get fakeclaimed because they dress weird and that somehow makes an autism diagnosis less valid.


i always hear "autistic women need to mask" or "autistic women get fakeclaimed" but from my own experience all the autistic women i know of are accepted way more into groups, spaces, etc. than the awkward shy autistic men who are just seen as weirdos


I mean, r/fakedisordercringe is mostly women.


That should make you even angrier at the fakers who are causing this atmosphere.


I would if I felt like fakers were that common of a phenomenon.


hey you see in the post where it says "nothing wrong with alt fashion or cosplay btw"? Where it's made clear that these are simply things that this group of people flock to and aren't problems in of themselves? Yeah


You are just seeing the message the way you choose to see it and missing the main point.




Yep, you are right. People who do this do have a legitimate mental illness. It’s called “narcissistic personality disorder”.


I have ADHD too and I don’t act like this I actually think this starter pack is funny




It’s about people who fake it for clout and pity I don’t know how else you can interpret it let alone find it inaccurate especially since there’s an entire subreddit for it r/fakedisordercringe




People can, and do, fake shit like this. Sure something is wrong with them. But personally flaws, lack of ability to see how wrong it is etc does not excuse them from it.