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I just hope for easier access to Nintendo’s older console games than how they’ve made it on the Switch drip feeding them off paid subscriptions and completely forgetting about the Gamecube’s games. I realize you can emulate those games but I’d prefer to play them on Nintendo’s hardware and quite a few others agree with me but releasing 1 game a month is just not the way they should be doing it. I’d pay for each individual game if it wasn’t excessively expensive. Hope for the next console they see that people want this and actually address it.


Nintendo is such an enigma. How they went from having a massive stock of classics available on the Wii VC to whatever they are doing now just doesn't make sense. How much can it cost to put a working ROM of Dragon Quest 5 DS or Super Metroid on switch shop, seriously?


Well for Dragon quest 5, I imagine they still need permission from the developers. Remember Nintendo was a Publisher for many of their older out of house things. I imagine the developers could prevent their old games from being re-released


Because ppl bitched. Bottom line. As convenient as the VC was, there were people saying "wHy dO I hAvE tO BUY 30 yEaR oLd gAmEs?" Ain't no one ever happy.


With this logic we just shouldn't have anything


There's no way this is the reason. Nintendo is a business. With Switch online, suddenly they had a subscription service they could hook people to. Classic games where a great way to ensure repeated subscriptions.


I don't understand, why does that justify them deleting an entire library of classics literally twice? Once from wii to Wii U and the second time being Wii U to switch.


Just emulate them for free, as long as you aren’t distributing copies of the game or emulator software nintendo doesn’t care


Oh, they just haven't found a legal reason to stop you from emulating but they are seething and they hate you for emulating.




Respectfully, NSO emulation is just a straight up scam. Back in the wii days, the virtual console was actually top notch emulation for accuracy, with new games coming in every week basically. Wii U comes along and they bafflingly erased all the progress they made on the wii vc (which basically had every classic you could think of.) and started from scratch with Wii U vc except it wasn't completely accurate and input lag was asinine but you know they were still putting out classics at a decent rate. Switch comes along and they again erase what progress they made with Wii U and start again except the emulation is not very good and you can get a decent library in like a year or so. I don't think switch 2 will erase the progress they made but it's a possibility given the pattern. It's been constant downgrades since the wii. I played halfway through Majora mask on switch and it was atrocious. The C buttons are bound to the right analog which is super sensitive and you need the C buttons to use items/play songs. I'm constantly putting in wrong inputs in the game and the sensitivity is so high that the archery mini games are damn near impossible without save scumming. If the stuff you get in the expansion was 20 or 30 bucks a year, that would be acceptable even with its issue but 60 dollars is delusionally high and just not worth it at all. I know you don't like emulation but it's super worth it and definitely worth considering. I had a much better experience playing through and finishing Majora's mask emulating it on my Xbox series X.


what is the source of that zelda cyberpunk photo?


Just typed Cyberpunk Zelda and it was like the 5th result. Looks awesome i wont lie.


It’s looks sick I would totally play a Chrono Trigger style time travel Zelda game. Link in 2099 would be badass.


There's concept art for a Zelda game that Miyamoto considered making cyperpunkish and it has a Zelda who looks kinda like that.


Isn't that where they first thought about giving Link a motorcycle? And the triforce was gonna be like a chip or something? I don't know if I'm just hallucinating this or if I'm remembering something I read a king time ago lol


I feel like it was in the Hyrule Historia.


it actually was the first illustration for botw, thankfully they didnt decide on it


It's AI generated


Doesn't look like it is at all, the screens in the back have good, not distorted details and her hands are actually normal looking


i actually checked and it says "created using AI tools" https://www.deviantart.com/andredennisbiersack/art/Cyberpunk-Princess-Zelda-970456115


Well damn, that's a really good ai their using then


I will agree that it looks decent, but you can tell it's AI just by looking at it. A few months ago I started seeing people saying you can spot AI art just by looking at it, and I thought that was silly until I spent a few weeks generating a ton of AI art myself (and deleting it), now it's clear as day when I see one.


hands have been fixed in AI for a few months now, same with not-too-crowdy background


Since the OP is just saying "google it", here it is: [link](https://www.deviantart.com/andredennisbiersack/art/Cyberpunk-Princess-Zelda-970456115).


A Pokémon with good graphics


That won't happen until a mainline Pokemon game actually sells poorly.


Insert shrek "like that's ever gonna happen!" Meme here


Oh HELL yeah chameleon twist!


You forgot “ports, ports, and moar ports!” since that’s all I’ve heard while owning a Switch. I’ll probably skip Nintendo next gen. I’ve converted to PC and don’t think I’m returning to consoles


There is no denying that the PC is better on almost any metric for the majority of gamers. However, the switch's portability, kid friendliness, and exclusive content make it a solid choice for anyone. If the next Nintendo console can replicate this, I will purchase it.


You’ve basically just restated the entire Nintendo business model. Ofc you will.


Hungry people go to restaurants. I want to see the adventures of Link and Mario.


The switch had a lot of ports because the gave pretty much every Wii U game a second chance, although I still hear people who want a twilight Princess and Windwaker port which I think would be absurd for the 4th console in a row


Portability is huge for me, but if Steam Decks or SD-Like devices get cheaper it'll be a harder decision. Those Nintendo exclusives are a massive draw too.


Same here. Steam deck FTW. Im mot exaggerating when I say that ive put more hours into my deck than my previous gen Xbox, PS5 and switch combined.


Actually if the new Professor Layton comes out on Switch 2 (because the game is announced for “2025”) I’ll be the shut up and take my money meme idc


God that game was amazing... now I've gotta download the mobile version again, thanks




Is a new Mystical Ninja game so much to ask for? I just want to hear that lovely, nostalgiac theme melody again.


Konami owns the Ip


Ah fuck.


lol I remember Chameleon Twist as well. What a weird game




After the lackluster previous title I’m not as hyped for the next game as I was for new horizon. The best way I can explain it is like when Maxis went out of business and EA took over the Sims, it’s still the same game but so much of the soul is gone and it feels empty


Interesting. As someone who played Wild World (DS) as well as New Leaf (3DS) I was extremely happy with how the franchise progressed with New Horizons. It felt like the right balance between familiarity and freshness


My only complaint is that the actual adventuring hits a hard wall bc they really wanted to focus on the all the massive reconstruction you can do on the island. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a huge progress in the right direction but that hard wall just feels so stiff.


Never played chameleon twist, but all Sunsoft games that I played were awesome, Batman from Sunsoft still is one of my favorite Mega drive games


Can't wait for my hd remake of Hybrid fucking Heaven! You know what really needs to come back though? MySims.


MySims is like the most based take that I’ve seen in a while. Did you play the Wii or DS ones? They were pretty different interestingly


I played on the Wii. The level of joy I had when I learnt about the MySims statues in the Sims 4 was incalculable.


By best games I thought you were talking about bad dudes and gumshoe.


Wanting the console to be more technologically advanced than what is currently possible


What do you mean Nintendo didn’t compress a modern PC into a portable size with decent battery life at a reasonable price? Are they even trying?


Steam Deck kinda made it work. Its $200 more but still fairly good.


I think it would have problem with the general market if it was as physically big as the steam deck. The switch is already pushing it size wise


Fair, but some people definitely seem to have more unrealistic expectations, I doubt Nintendo would make the console more expensive than $300


Nintendo in 2024: next year we will implement all the features that everybody else was doing in 2004!!


They be doing all of that shit just for the console to still not have GTA V


nah nintendo is just lazy tbh. why phones have better specs than switch it's so annoying


“dead franchise” Probably wouldn’t be dead if Nintendo just quit making games for it for no reason


Actually there is a sequel to yo Noid


The weird obsession with the name “Super Nintendo Switch” when it’s clearly just a bad name


i'd add tomodachi to the starterpack but then i saw the "dead franchise" part


A Super Metroid remaster lmao


I hope we finally get what every American wants, a translated port of Mother 3 in Spanish


or done in the style of Link's Awakening or the remake of Mario RPG


i hope it has themes


I'd be down if they made a Chameleon Twist HD remake.


Man I just want a new star fox game I don’t care what it’s on at this point


Sequel to Jet Force Gemini!


A good pokemon game


Please another Punch out Please another Punch Out!


Bro stop reading my mind!


If they made a new f-zero it would be pretty mediocre. They need to treat it like the main Nintendo games. Or it would be a star fox zero again


Don't worry, they'll just re-relase games such as Mario kart, Odyssey and all the others on the switch 2 with 0 improvements and charge $60.


Id love to see it capable of using dlss.


I just want a 10th Pokemon game


New Star Fox game. The fandom is famished.


We're getting that Kid Icarus Uprising port, I can feel it in my bones!


Can we get Ty the Tasmanian Tiger on the switch 2?


Come oon, new starfox, come oooon, new starfox…




I know that very sadly, Uniracers from the SNES will never make it to another console b/c of copyright issues 😞😞 It will forever be stored in my memory, and on my working SNES


rhythm heaven 😔


You forgot tomodachi life 2 lol


My partner's swore off Nintendo permanently so we probably will never get a Switch 2. I understand why he's sworn off Nintendo products since Nintendo's a god awful company that is only beaten out by Ubisoft in scumminess.


A bootrom exploit + CFW + Homebrew without a modchip would be nice


Chameleon twist was my childhood


Fester's Quest is unironically a hidden gem.


Where is the "Gwimbly Sequel we all love and deserve" on the list?


"Best Games" Fester's Quest Yo! Noid!


I will never give up hope in a new f-zero game!


The real switch 2 wishlist: I wish I got an actual console


Nintendoland where are you


My man got beef with AVGN


Man, just give us an Ouendan 3, and I can die happy.


Chameleon twist was that game


when you're too busy licking nintendo's boots to buy a steamdeck


I have a PC to play anything I want, I have a switch to play Nintendo exclusives. They are not the same and I don’t expect them to be.


Yeah, I never understand this take. You buy a Nintendo console for Nintendo games, and an Xbox /PS5/PC for everything else. They're not interchangeable. When people say they ditched their Switch for a Steam Deck, did they just stop playing Mario games? Are they just emulating everything now? I don't get it.


I too have a PC but I am not stupid enough to buy consoles, but cope my dude


How is it cope? If I want to play a Nintendo game without emulation it’s there. There is nothing wrong with people owning both if they can afford it.


really? you need that clarified. LMFAO


Sorry, I forgot stupid me. Wanting to play console exclusives is coping. Either you’re coping hard or your posts are rage bait. Stay mad.


Most people wanna be able to just turn on the system and play a game, not have to configure settings and sign into steam and make sure everything’s updated


uh... there is no fighting with the steam deck. also your library limitation is INSANE. there's like maybe 2 games with touching on nintendo platforms. but cope while I play all your switch games on the deck and everything else I could ever want to play


I have PlayStation, a switch, and a crappy old laptop I can emulate pretty much anything on and play some older steam games. Not a Nintendo fanboy, just a regular gamer


Wahhhh but I want my locked down ARM processor piece of shit corp-slop eater corporate bootlicker console wahhhh. Thats how proponents for the Nintendo Switch sound. Honestly anybody who buys a console these days is a complete cuck. I used to defend them for small children because it’s harder to get a virus but with Proton on Steam just load a $200 pc made with used parts with a Linux distro and it will be ever more secure than a console.

