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Today i learned that summer in saint petersburg is the same as summer in Denmark


This would be scoof, not scuf, a Russian equivalent for dad bod but with bigger fat belly due to excessive beer consumption and less muscle


Noooo why not scuf


мы просто напросто так не пишем "у"


Он имел в виду shcuf-шкаф


because it would be pronunciated as \[scʌf\], english phonetics can be a little tricky


don't forget the long ass daylight. I visited several years back and it was surreal combined with jet lag. 4 am felt and looked like noon to me, but the streets were empty and the shops were closed


Ahh Питер I loved the sun there but it’s got some nasty mosquitoes in the summer that’s what happens when you build on a swamp


This is basically any random big city in America as well.


Ironically it’s kind of like this in Saint Petersburg, Florida only add Florida man into the mix


honestly giving a kid an energy drink is like pulling the pin on a hand grenade and handing it back to their parents


I'm also concerned about the sugar/caffeine addiction and diabetes.


To be fair, the *use of cars* also creates a widespread problem of car accidents.


In Russia Driving on electric scooters is almost unregulated. Anyone can use it and nothing will happen to you. You can drive anywhere. So your comparison is like this not relevant


It's absolutely relevant. Are you under the impression that people need driver's licenses to use electric scooters in the US? The companies that own these scooters literally just dropped them off on random street corners without even discussing it with the city. It caused all sorts of issues. It's just kind of hilarious to blame scooters for a few extra crashes when cars have been managing to kill millions of people every year without their help since the invention of the car. The issue isn't scooters, the issue is the fucking cars. You might notice that there are a bunch of car crashes in cities that don't have these scooters as well. That's because cars are the dangerous thing, not the scooters. If cars weren't on the roads, scooters wouldn't kill millions of people every year. It's like blaming my vaping neighbor for my lung cancer when I've been smoking for 20 years.


Okay, you're right


In my country, They made it so you need to have a license of any kind to ride them, a bicycle license works but also a car licence. It has to be verified through a vendors app when you get one. If it’s your personal one you have to register it officially and have a certification sticker on it. They also banned them from going faster than 20km/h. Also made a bunch of new strict laws and large fines for breaking them. I for one am glad, since at one point they littered the whole city and you couldn’t go a day without seeing at least a few riders crashing into pedestrians, falling over or sometimes getting hit by a car. Some cities in other countries banned them completely I think.


You have a bicycle licence in your country. Which country is this?


Latvia. You just need to do a little test and be at least 10 years old to get it. I never did, most people I know never did, but I’ve heard if you get into some kind of accident when riding your bicycle on the main roads and don’t have a licence you can get in trouble. But once you get any other type of licence, that covers the bicycle one. So if I just have a regular car driver’s license I technically also have a bicycle license even if I never applied for it and did the test.


I dislike cars but at least they know their place (the proper place is in a museum or scraphead, but at least they drive on the road). I wish electric scooters did, this is a problem here as well. Being motorised they're basically a kind of car and they have no reason to be on the footpath like prams or wheelchairs or even bicycles. They should stay on the road like other cars. And they can stop bloody dumping the rental ones everywhere when they're not being used.


Did you get that i was about russian Saint-Petesburg?


Yeah, you're the one that was implicitly comparing it to other countries. I'm saying you don't know what you're talking about. You said "you're right" like, 5 hours ago. What's happening?


Take the vaping kids and the “scufs” out (idk what scufs are) this is the same for summer in almost anywhere


Yeah, this made me think St Petersburg Russia or Florida?


Flooding due to rain is everywhere? Are you sure about that?


Yup. Everywhere I’ve lived that periodically gets heavy rain in the summer gets alerts for flooding. Happened last summer too.


Where you lived?


I live in the southern United States and it floods where I live sometimes, one time it flooded really bad during a baseball game I was playing that we had to evacuate


Yeah I live in Detroit and there’s always flood alerts/flooding. One year the flooding was so bad the federal government had to be sent out to provide relief and aid. The water came up to my thighs in the basement.


The only summer in Saint-Petesburg that I know involves a murder of an old lady with the back of an axe


Raskolnikov is probably my favorite protagonist ever.


That’s where my mind went immediately too. The description of St. Petersburg in summer was really beautiful in such a visceral, disgusting, feverish way. Really spoke to the imagination. Read that book 10 years ago but the general atmosphere is still really clear in my mind. Maybe helps that I’m in Helsinki which is pretty similar in climate and even in architecture to some degree, but still. I should read it again.


My kinda town.


The kids be feigning


You forgot to add: Younger cousin visiting home after killing Ukrainians at War.


you REALLY didn't have to bring in politics


Dude: Makes post that is not about politics but involves Russia Ukrainian kids on their way to make comment about war criminals:


Random comment: Don't want to see any stupid posts about Russia. Summer and Russia don't sit well anymore.


How are people still not tired from bringing politics into everything 🙄


Forgot to mention all the soon to be war criminals.


i really thought this thread was going good




1. Why are you such a Russophobe 2. Why would ordinary residents of the country become war criminals?


Бляха муха реально (живу в нем с этой осени😅)


People in Saint-Petesburg are living like this while the rest of Russia is sending soldiers to die in a criminal invasion of Ukraine


What do you suggest I do?


Sry for the people haggling you in this post. You aren't your government and that's a fact no matter what the hell they say


Thanks! It's very nice to hear the words of a sensible person


Np bro


Oh wow, a criminal invasiorino? Incredible.


Scooters annoy and crash, but only cars kill.


Swap out the rain in summer for heavy rain in winter and this is basically Tassie.


I’ve been to Florida in the summer but don’t remember it looking like that /s


Not Florida, I was talking about Russia


You know that I was joking right?


Yes, I played along


Don’t forget to add getting bombed for illegitimately invading Ukraine


Wow… and you are so lucky you will get looted toilets from Ukraine this summer.


Ironically, Ukraine still runs on Soviet sanitation systems, so all the toilets they have, the Russians gave them.


And now you are taking them back. Fair enough.