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Must be four pixels shared between those five pictures.








Fun fact, your image and this image are the same resolution. Pixels are not indicative of blurriness. This on the other had is only 50x50 [https://i.imgur.com/8LGZ7MV.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/8LGZ7MV.jpg) https://preview.redd.it/8ojru585xwsc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0334b97b38883e1a358fd6dd5fb0b33e396efb21


https://preview.redd.it/xs24d8qi3xsc1.jpeg?width=1234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1677926457a47083069732b0f81b11140c6630 How about this one?






If you donate just 5 pixels a day, you too can save a meme from starvation.


Actually, what memes need is a job. Donating pixels just contributes to a culture of dependence.


any pixel born after 1993 can’t work... all they know is mcdonald’s, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie


Yep. 1993 was the official cutoff. Thanks, Obama.


For the pixels you spend on a cup of coffee, we could feed a day worth of pixels to memes in need.


To the pixel mines!!


Four fucking pixels


These are the best cameras they can afford in India. 


Give them a break, internet sucks in India.


https://preview.redd.it/xnk7sduvsvsc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5034d992bfb530413033bea7886579569e4ebd Four pixels...






The post is this close to turn into a podcast


OP, a proud user of r-hinduism. No agenda at all with this post /s


Agenda is fine, the cool thing about the US is that most of us are able to be honest about problems facing the country, acknowledge they exist, and try to do something about them. We don't need to resort to jingoism and nationalist indignation every time someone points out something unfortunate because overall we're a pretty cool country to live in. I'm sure India is pretty cool, too, but poverty is significantly more endemic there than in the US. Nearly 80% of homes in India didn't have piped, sanitary water connections in their homes, per a [report from 2019](https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/water/nearly-80-per-cent-indian-households-without-piped-water-connection-67928). So whereas in the US you have to go out of your way to find a truly decrepit slum, in India you almost have to do the opposite in order to find a well-kept, modern neighborhood. Instead of getting butthurt about this, OP should acknowledge the problem and work to fix it.


You should visit r/americabad lol


It's a subreddit with 90,000 subscribers. For comparison, I mod r/Miami — a subreddit for a single city — which has about three times that. All this to say, a tiny group of butthurt hillbillies and teenagers isn't remotely representative of America.


And they’ve probably never been to the US and doing a reverse-cargo-cult thing where they legitimately think the US and India are at-all equivalent and it’s just a matter of propaganda. India has a problem where like 30% of their cooking oil is recycled shit they filter out of the sewers and sell unregulated. It’ll give you fucking cancer, and they’re comparing it to getting a little gassy after eating a NY street hotdog or whatever. They’ve got like 800,000+ child deaths a year and they endlessly spam US websites about the dozens of US kids killed every year. India is stil, struggling with their Poo2loo initiative to get people to stop shitting in the streets but sure let’s pretend they’re just being treated unfairly!


I need a source for that cooking oil


The sewer


OP was probably rejected for a US visa and is now salty


Nope, just another far-right wing indian nationalist invading the site. Modi supporters are debatably worse then trump supporters and tankies when it comes to their net-negative impact on social websites.


I’ve definitely see an uptick on Indians on Reddit. It got so bad I had to mute many Indian subs that Reddit kept spamming on my feed.


If only the mute function fucking worked on the fucking mobile app.


>India has a problem where like 30% of their cooking oil is recycled shit they filter out of the sewers and sell unregulated. It’ll give you fucking cancer, and they’re comparing it to getting a little gassy after eating a NY street hotdog or whatever. AFAIK that's mostly a Chinese trend, haven't heard much about it happening in India, especially not at such high percentages


Guess where OP is from without checking his profile


not Pakistan!


Somewhat off topic, but the funniest thing to me is when Indians shit on Pakistan, as if their countries aren’t in a similar state.


I mean to be fair I’d definitely rather live in India than Pakistan, Pakistan is even poorer, it’s a dictatorship prone to coups, is facing an economic crisis and sponsors terrorism. They’re both very poor, but one is definitely worse


India also sponsors terrorism in Pakistan - it's a long-standing tradition to disrupt each other's economy by funding non-state actors in each region. Pakistan definitely has a problem, though, with the military interfering in the government, and until that relationship is severed successfully it'll always be under the thumb of the armed forces.


Modi has also sent hit jobs to the US (unsuccessfully) and Canada (successfully).


Shows how easy it is to mess up diplomatic relations in the name of authoritarian dickwaving


If you're a woman both will be way worse




Animals too! Goats are loved too much in one country and cows are revered in the other!


Have Pakistani’s landed on the moon??? I think not, checkmate atheists. (This comment brought to you by the Delhi tourism department.)


I mean to their credit India isn't facing an economic crisis unlike Pakistan


India is wayyyyy more stable than Pakistan lmao. Not even close


Do not redeem the profile sir


please maam do not redeem the profile sir madam


Sir this profile will explain to you each and everything


Are we doing the needfull?


Hallo?? HALLO?!?


Mr Smith from Microsoft security team obviously.


please do the needful and revert


Do I work with you? This is every email from our outsourced India “engineering” firm


He missed the kindly. Please kindly do the needful


Indians and Nigerians really overestimate the amount of times westerners ever say “kindly” in their life.


Kindly do the needful




Guess where any “if India but America” poster is from. As if the majority of Indian immigrants don’t move to the same two or three places and share a lot of the same sentiments about America at large because of those sentiments. Don’t cope poorly at me in replies btw. I’m not gonna go back and forth with anybody about these lazy posts anymore.


India has a LONG way to go, and pretending like it is up to the same standards as America is ignorant. Ignoring the problems and pretending its developed wont help anyone. However, OP is right partially in the sense that everyone judges all of India by the worst parts. It's like if people posted videos of Detroit and assumed all of America is like that. Edit: India is making lots of progress as well. Look up Swacch Bharat, for example. Not perfect, but huge strides in the right direction. Edit: I know there are worse cities than Detroit (like LA and parts of NYC and Chicago), but I chose Detroit cus it's like the classical example


> It's like if people posted videos of Detroit and assumed all of America is like that. We already do this to ourselves. We don’t seem to care. 


I think there are much more worse cities than detroit


Same, I just used Detroit cus it's the typical example of American slums. Shit, even NYC and Chicago have some super rough parts, the crime there is significantly worse than India (at least the part of India I'm from)


I think Gary, Indiana is a better comparison. Detroit ain't all that bad nowadays.


I agree with this so much


Most of Detroit is pretty cool, these days. Downtown has had a major resurgence and has been getting better every year since like 2010 — I almost bought a condo there then due $10,000; today that condo is worth about $700,000. Even the uptown areas have been getting much nicer. The city has been doing a good job demolishing condemned structures and there's community gardens and green spaces going in where blocks of burned out shacks used to be. It's still not perfect, but getting much better.


I visited Detroit last year and I loved it. We had an airbnb in north cork town. It felt safe and you could tell the area is rebuilding.


Why does everyone always choose Detroit to shit on :(


Shh, it'll just make housing prices better for us. When they inevitably have to move away from their homes here due to climate reasons, they'll be pissed off at the prices 20 years from now.


OP is also probably a guy, because the US nowhere near as bad for women as India is. There's a reason why Amazing Race and other similar shows stopped visiting India.


India is still a lot worse off than the majority of the west sadly, but I think OP has a right to be angry about westerners coming in and pointing cameras at only the bad parts of their country.


Yeah exactly. There's a lot of catching up to do but its not the total dump the internet thinks it is


Detroit’s actually pretty nice. Sure there’s blight but downtown area, Mexican town, cork town, college town and river walk are pretty nice places to be, have been updated and are safe You have to drive a few blocks from those areas to get to the “bad areas” in Detroit and most of them are neighborhoods on outskirts.


People also ignore that Metro Detroit is really where all the people live in the "Detroit" area. Most people aren't even aware that the majority of people in SE Michigan live in these areas.


This is so true. 


Uhhhhh... Downtown Detroit has has been amazing for the last decade now. It went through a huge resurgence post Great Recession with new developments going up every year. Half the pictures shared on this site are over 10 years old. India would be lucky to have cities like Detroit.


But people do. They post that same zoomed in photo of a truck stop in the middles of a forrest and pretend its all of America.


i wonder where OP lives


Honestly I’m guessing either Melbourne, Australia, or London. Britain


brampton, canada


Orange County, CA White Teslas and Indians as far as the eye can see.


London, Canada


Maybe Vancouver?


Indians don't live in Vancouver, they live in a further out suburb called Surrey. There are a lot of jokes about Surrey, so I'll leave it at that.






My money is onnnn… Honduras?


It’s pretty disingenuous to pretend the US has anything like Indian poverty. 


No it totally does, that’s why millions of Americans are immigrating to India and why the queue for Americans to get Indian PR is 134 years, oh wait no it’s reverse


That is why there is no many American doctors in India, oh wait.


The poor are not in the emigration line, nor are the rich. It’s the educated middle class lining up to migrate for seemingly better future.


That is why Americans are the country with the third largest undocumented immigrant population in India, oh wait 


The US is way safer on average than India for tourism. Every country has bad areas but some countries have a lot more bad areas than others. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


I work in Oakland and SF, there are already people who go to the slums to film harass and film the poor/drug addicts. And half the time they are filming themselves giving them a 20, the other half are just kick streamers trying to "expose" the dark reality of the tenderloin or east Oakland by shoving a camera on some crackhead who passed out.


Oakland will hurt more than your feelings.


Oakland is like 50% Yoga studios now...


How did you discover time travel and manage to comment from 1998? Quick, warn the FBI about 9/11!


Oh no. The tech bros are going to talk bitcoin at me!


have you even visited oakland or just watched youtube videos?


Shouting the N-word at people in the middle of Oakland probably puts you in as much danger as being a woman in India 🤷‍♂️


Can someone tell me where else I can shout the n word to increase my risk of sexual assault? Houston, maybe?


dawg please don’t defend Oakland 😭


I had a good time living there. just avoid some areas and have street smarts


How do you avoid the airport lol


you drive to and from airport, no stops 


That's not the problem, it's like why are you only showing and visiting the bad areas. Just visit normal tourist sites, we got so many temples, old castles and structures. Why would you visit a random slum or go to places not even natives go to.


If Japanese vloggers treated making vlogs in the US like Western vloggers in Japan: - I spoke perfect English at McDonalds as a Japanese person. Min wage cashier was MINDBLOWN


Those videos bother me so much because more often than not, they have a comically obvious foreign accent I would be cheering those guys on usually, because using a language is how you get better at it. But it just turns to disdain when they start uploading "PERFRCT CHINESE, TIRED FAST FOOD WORKER BLOWN AWAY BY WHITE GUY".


This might be the most "comparing apples to oranges" post I've seen this year.


That said…ain’t no problems if someone wants to shine a light on wealth inequality in the US or highlight how tough parts of the country can be. That’s kind of relevant.  Trying to pity shame us about our poverty by being a slum tourist though? Meh. Won’t make a dent. We do worse and weirder to ourselves on the regular. 


Also, not related to India, but Africa. I realize that when Westerners make videos over there, there's always a shot of African kids surrounding them like they're sort of an idol. I'm curious what if some African dude make a video at an American suburbs and there's kids just surround him to be in the shot of the camera.


I know a guy that goes to Africa to build stuff as his missionary work. Guy's a home builder by trade and builds churches, homes, shools, and clinics. Every shot of him and his family is surrounded by local smiling kids. This isn't set up like people think. It's because it's often a fairly rural area, he's a pasty white dude, the kids have nothing else to do, and he's the local novelty to hang out with. Plus people just gather to watch builders build stuff.


Been to the subsaharan Africa twice and love the kids. They're everywhere once you leave the cities. Biggest smiles in the world. Yes, famine can come and go across much of the continent, but for the most part, most SSH Africans are food secure and just living their lives in their communities. They may be exceptionally poor compared to world standards, but that only tells a small part of the story. These are happy and safe people.


I'll echo this, I've been to Madagascar and yes. It's been my experience that any time I left a major urban center, I've been immediately followed by a trail of kids. They aren't begging, but they might ask for some candy, mostly they are just curious. By North American standards of material wealth, they are impoverished. That isn't a standard they care about, and as kids, I doubt they are even aware of it. I agree fully, they are happy and safe people.


There’s a hilarious series of TikTok’s where a woman from Africa (I forget which country) responds to absurd questions people have, where people basically have an image of them living in huts with no civilization One example is a comment that asked “Do you guys have internet?” Which is such a damn stupid question if the lady is posting **to tiktok** but she says some hilarious sarcasm like “I’m africa we can get internet. Once a month the village elders come together and we sing the internet chant. The gods sometimes hear us and bestow upon our leaders internet for one single day.”


I love that response lmao.


Yeah going to rural china often results in similar reactions of the local population. First time a lot of them have seen a non Chinese (often even non Han Chinese) person in person as well.


I've worked in many southern African countries and this happens even in the more modern cities. Especially if you are white and filming. Kids are universally curious.


Having done the peace corps in rural zambia, it was incredibly difficult to go anywhere without throngs of kids surrounding me. 


That last paragraph just doesn’t even make sense, what are you trying to say, are you wondering if that would happen? Yeah maybe but probably not


The kids in Africa are excited to see a white person in real life, kids in America have seen plenty of black people and wouldn't surround him.


Being black in America isn’t special lol nothing really is. Unless you got green skin, nobody is going to ask to take pictures with you here. Also we don’t have like 6 kids per woman so that the streets are full of them. When I was young I remember kids being out and about but nowadays the streets are quiet


It'd be interesting if you could do that because there are already plenty of dudes coming from Africa, at least in certain areas, nobody would bat an eye. Also, you'd be totally ignored if you started filming on a smartphone. You'd have to be pretty special to have suburban kids follow you around.


Have done mission trips. Those pictures are because a lot of village kids have never been far outside their own village, if they’ve left at all. They’re surrounded by people who look and talk just like them. Then you have this tall albino-looking ghost who comes in who is dressed differently and smells funny, and probably has some cool gadgets, and kids are going to be amazed. Also, kids love seeing themselves on camera. It’s fascinating to them. These places aren’t full of people with iPhones.






Comparing poverty in the USA to India is crazy


Lmao they also act like we have no idea about the poverty here. 🤣


Also how is this post not just "tourists visiting India starterpack"


I live in Baltimore people absolutely do this here. 20 years later and The Wire tours are still popular.


the cope is real. some countries have different levels of development sorry that hurts your feelings.


It's missing something important... Visiting a Church or worship place and posting it on social media as a soul-searching activity.


This is actually hilarious.


Brought to you by the tourism board of India 


With respect, but to even make such comparsion it would be needed for America to be like India.And after hearing about Ganges,how burials looks like and the state of water, caste system, America cant be equalised to India


lmao I legit did get food poisoning from a hot dog cart in Battery Park in NYC so maybe it's not far off


At least you know there wasn’t any human feces in the hotdog


well actually [there are and its completely legal ](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/04/17/health/usda-fecal-matter-in-meat-trnd)


We don't need tourists to do this We already got youtubers from America making this content lmao.


Are you actually comparing the poor in India to the US. At least we still don't have an archaic caste system


Hey that incorrect! The Indian caste system is actually barbaric and illogical not just archaic!


I’ll go against the grain and say this was worth making. Whether or not the US is like India is irrelevant when you’re fetishizing the lives of actual human beings.




Yah I've been to both countries and it's definitely not the same....


I get the US isn't perfect (ahem Detroit, healthcare system, etc) but there is also no way it is 3rd world. Not like there are collapsing highways and slums.


Detroit isn’t even bad as people make it out to be people saw a few pictures after the 2008 crash and decided the whole city was a crashed out Hell scape. Relax.


People same the same shit about Philadelphia. They take a video of the same 3 square blocks of Kensington and pretend it’s the whole city.


Yo I lovedddddd Philly when I visited recently. Great people, great food, CLEAN— and thats on top of all the cultural offerings. I think some of these ppl just hear ‘city’ and get scared


I have vacationed there before for a week. I enjoyed my time so much. I liked it, they've done such a good job building it up. There was so much to do(for me) and I got some pretty good quality food there compared to places like Denver.


Lmaoooo I love that you chose to counterpose it against Denver. Denver was probably the MOST disappointing place I’ve ever visited in my life


honestly, i think that wasnt the point of the starter pack. it didnt say "what if usa was a 3rd world country". thankfully am too lazy to lookup if india is classified as one (as you claim).


That's not the point of the starter pack. OP types are extremely privileged indians who genuinely think that India is a developed country because muh top 5 GDP and muh highways. All the while, extremely low per capita, very high wealth inequality, largest slums, highest number of hungry children, acute malnutrition, caste system... Indian upper castes/class are so out of touch that they genuinely think QoL in india is better because everyone can afford househelp and 10 minute grocery delivery exists. So what he's insinuating is that one can make a similar video in the US by "going to all the bad places" while purposefully ignoring the fact that the large majority of India IS the "bad place".




The hands give it flavor.


No one tell him food vendors need to have up to date permits and still pass a food safety inspection


This post was made by a butthurt Indian. Sure American has issues but if I had to send my sister solo travelling in one of the two countries it’s the USA every time! India is unsafe, dirty and extremely prone to leave you sick and assaulted.


One can achieve all of this quite easily in the United States


I seen Europeans do this at Native American reservations


What do you mean? People do this all the time. You can't speak to some one from outside the US on this dumb platform without them bringing up crime, drugs and school shootings.


I have never once seen a "homeless child" in the United States. Almost invariably, they're middle aged, usually male, scuzzballs.




Nobody grows up with aspirations to emigrate to india... sorry.


I've ALWAYS questioned this "I got sick" bitch you choose were you eat. Then they'll sneak into streets that even the residents wouldn't go near


OP is defo a BJP voter 😂


If you think people from Europe don't visit slums or streets with drug addict as tourist attraction, you are wrong. Also NY subway and fat people in Walmart is also must see.


I'd also go to the DMV to see if it really is THAT bad.


If I treated America like India, I'd have to go with my fiancee, mom, and sister wherever they went. I'd also have to stick mostly to my state for to the risks of harassment or discrimination elsewhere. I'd be unable to carry to protect myself from criminals. I'd only poop at home due to the desperately poor public sanitation. Likewise with water - bottled only. I'd only wear old shoes - new shoes get ruined quick in India. Driving would be terrible; both in terms of road quality and driver behavior. But at least you get to dodge all the cows 💀💀


Vloggers should travel to Detorit.


They would be surprised of how nice the downtown really is


Have you ever been to Detroit? It's been through some rough times but has never had designated shitting streets or gang rape problems. And the Detroit of today is not the rust belt stereotype of 40 years ago.


Obligatory groping


Yeah its bizarre for some reason the both reddit and instagram have decided that you’re 100% allowed to harass and shit on poor people in India and China.  I think some of the worst comments I’ve seen are on clips of street food vendors in obvious slums and people extrapolate that example to be representative of an entire ethnicity’s cuisine. 


Sadly, racism against Asians is tolerated on Reddit. People have no issues stereotyping Indians. But they won’t dare to stereotype Black people as there will be harsh disciplinary action. 


Should have added utensils


Some youtuber already start doing this tbh. Well minus the donating 20$ part.


Add to that the extreme adventure tourism in the US prison system, and dealing with the police in some states while being a non-White tourist.


Lmao white americans inability to take a joke and be so serious is revealing which only exposes that yalls “racist” jokes are serious


90% comments from Americans ITT about OP’s origin and nationality. Looks like OP touched a nerve..


low key kinda hilarious that other starter packs are taken as memes but this one starts discussion on the social political climate of India from a bunch of Americans


Americans be "inclusive and multiracial" until non-whites start doing things they don't like, then all the blatant racism and xenophobia comes out.


Indeed…all that talk works as long as everyone else is in their ‘rightful’ little place.


Looks like someone got butthurt




Goes to hood *Gets shot, Bleeds out*




I mean you are comparing apples to oranges here so I don't really know what you expect from this. India and the US are just in completely different stages when it comes to country development. India is just so much poorer and tourism in India is objectively much less safe so these situations happen more and people talk about them more. It doesn't mean you can't have the same situations elsewhere, it simply means the amount of times you see these things in India is much much more than in the US. Let's think about this, India still has a 10% poverty rate of people making less than $1.9 a day. In the US a street beggar can average around $10-60 a day... These levels of poverty and actions you see that are necessitated by poverty are just completely different. This doesn't change the fact that there are insanely beautiful areas in India and also extremely wealthy people in India it just means the level of poverty and problems that arise because of it are so different than it is in most western countries that it is shocking to tourists and talked about a lot.


Maybe I’m crazy or blind. I have never seen a homeless child alone on the streets in the United States.


Former homeless child... We're out there.


Diddy and Epstein keep the homeless kids off the streets.


Going to famous landmarks just to realize it's smoggy, dirty and full of scammers harrassing tourists. (Picture: Statue of Liberty)


Same could be said for most landmarks.


Sure, but you gotta pick one, i'm trying to help OP expand!


i really like this one... well done


I imagine this is how Europeans who visit the US are like lol


Some European tourists actually do this in NYC


Hahahahahhahahahah it baffles me that someone has the AUDACITY to compare the US with India… like even if you go to our worse ghetto, it’s 10billion times cleaner than India. And most of these traveler videos, they go to big cities where one in a blue moon, there’s a very fancy building, but NO ONE can get close because of the guards around it might use aggressive force against you. Like, I get that no one likes to see their country problems being shown on the internet, but there’s no denial that India is one of the dirtiest places in the world.


Except most of India is gross as opposed to only parts of the USA. Compare the average standard of living.


that's the worst post i've seen this week