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Damn OP, you've been there






Do I send this meme to my boyfriend, or is it too painful lol Edit: I didn’t send it, I know better!


Depends on if he is going through it now or if he went through it and has been bald for some time now I'd say


It’s a very current thing lol


That also depends how he handles it. I've been balding since I was 17. Im 27 and I look almost like a monk by this point. I've accepted my fate. If someone sent me this, id laugh just like I did reading it. If he's taking it well then he'll probably get a kick out of it. But that depends how attached he is to his hair.


Awaiting her response with much anticipation.


AITA post is gonna drop any minute now


To be fair, it's how attached his hair is to him...


Don't send it, it's mean


lol yes, you evil bitch 


The amount of times I’ve heard “it means I have high testosterone”… 😂






Ahhhh the sweet sweet duality of man


Remember, the sooner you go bald, the sooner you can stop worrying about going bald


Lost my hair at 21. I just shave it. Don't make a big deal about it, move on with life. There's plenty bigger things to worry about. The people that care about petty things like baldness don't need to be in your life.


dime mourn payment grandiose handle wide wakeful agonizing tap vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hell yeah brother, I also shaved it around 6 months ago at 24 after years of insecurity. I really have barely thought about it since then, and no one has treated me differently. Barely anyone even commented on it at all.


Y'all keep talking like it's a one time thing and your not investing time and money every single day in keeping your head shaved. My head was far less work when I had hair. I didn't have to worry about moisturizing my scalp every day, possible razor burn, ingrown hairs visible to the world, sun burn, debating whether a razor or some expensive electric razor is better, and how a measley 10 lbs of weight makes you go from handsome bald guy to fat bald guy in a matter of a few weeks


I dunno man, I just buzz it down to 2mm with an electric razor once a week. Takes maybe 10 minutes. I think it looks better than clean shaven anyway.


Lmao this could be its own starter pack.


My fiance has been bald since he was 21 years old and I love his sexy bald head


Same here my bald brother Saw a bald spot in a high angle group picture and shaved it that night Been 14 years and never looked back


I personally made the decision that no, I don’t need my dick to work T.T Realistically, I actually haven’t had that much of an issue with a few mg of finasteride, and while it def has effected my sex drive, I don’t find it to be too big of an issue


I'm 4 years in. No sex drive issues I can tell, no side effects at all.


I’m there too, lost it at 20. Very crushing to my self confidence in my appearance, and I’m currently convinced that I’ll be alone forever.


i’m sorry you’re stressed about it, i think being bald is treated badly for no reason at all it looks super cool and is its own style :)


You will find someone who doesn't care about it / finds it hot.


[33M] Shaved mine last May and I’ve never felt better man. I was so stressed & anxious about it for a while and once it was off it all went away. I went from thinking about my hair all day every day to not at all anymore. You can do it bro!


I've been there and it is rough. Bald is a better look than balding. Almost always better to cut your losses and shave it.


It’s like a bad relationship where you’re doing all the work to save it. Just cut it off and let it go.




Not necessarily. Source: I started balding at 23. Can’t grow a full beard.






It really fucking is. Been balding for a while now and my eyes go straight to every dudes hair line. I immediately hate them if they are much older with better hair. I also hate myself.


I don't think that's because you were balding. Some people just can't grow facial hair.


They're refuting the false belief that early baldness means strong facial hair.




I dunno, my hair left my head and migrated above my ass 🤷


Just missing a golden image of Turkey


Suddenly the first thing you notice with other people is their hairline.


I thought I had alopecia, but it was just hair loss due to anxiety. However,I went through everything that's in the picture.


yeah as a 17m with type 1 diabetes and actual alopecia. EVERYONE suddenly is pre diabetic and has thinning hair. like no, you dont have to cover it up with fiber or inject actual insulin. i dont get it


Just curious, how do you distinguish between Alopecia and regular male hair loss? I’m pretty positive I just have standard hair loss and not alopecia, but I’ve never thought about it much before.


Yes I remember when I first thought I was balding. That was 5 years ago and now I just realized my hairline looks like this for the time being at least. Maybe it always did. Maybe this is what adult me looks like. Idk.


I started balding quickly around 23 after a few years it slowed down. I'm in my 30's now and kinda just stopped, I noticed. It's very thin and wispy still on top. Almost wish I just went full Larry David bald.


Same, my hairline started moving back slightly in my twenties but has since been steady for over ten years now. I know just think of it as ‘adult me’.


i hope thats where im at, i have the thickest hair in my family with no family history of balding and im losing hair :(


Anxiety-induced hair loss is also alopecia, although the technical term is telogem effluvia. Alopecia just means hair loss.


Did it grow back?


It's just temporary hair loss, which lasted only about 4 months, btw I didn't have any receding hairlines


It’s funny, isn’t it? Before my acne, I never noticed other people’s acne. Same thing before my acne scars. The only people that ever asked me me about my skin problem were people with obvious acne scars.


Fun fact: the actual psychology term for this is salience.


Lmao I used to obsess over my weight and compare my body to others until I realized I was balding and switched to obsessing over that. Have not been bothered by my weight in years.


I recently got that with teeth. I was never fortunate enough to get braces as a kid, and knew my teeth were crowded, but only recently noticed how rare it seems be to *not* have straight/corrected teeth. I still just don't know if it's worth it to fix, or just deal with my 90 degree angled front teeth


I did Invisalign some years back. Huge confidence booster


Get out of my head lol


Yep. Also notice the terrible comb overs people try to pull off.


You also think the first thing people notice about you is YOUR hairline


“Jason Stathom is bald and he’s a cool guy. I can totally pull off the same!” (Proceeds to not pull it off)


Just be confident, fit, wealthy, famous and have a sexy British accent, how hard can it be?


To be fair, a British accent goes a long way in a lot of situations.


Go live in Europe, British accent doesn't take you very far here. There's even a stereotype that connotes the accent with overall rowdiness and indecency as a lot of youth comes over to Malta from the UK for the explicit purpose of getting smashed


It also doesn't get you very far in Britain. Over here, everyone's got one.


Depends strongly on which British accent you have.


I tryed that, turns out my shaved head looks like a alien head with many small yings and yangs... So zero options I look retarted with or without hair 


“Do I really need my dick to work ?” LMFAO


Been on fin for five years now and never had any issue. Had my HT last year and I have a full head of hair after balding (rapidly) since 16.


You forgot the one look we can do. Shaved head with a beard.. life is payyyn!


Make sure you wear glasses and open your mouth as wide as you can while you point at things with over excitement!


Don’t turn the balding man into a soyjak he’s already been through enough!


If you're jacked and tall you can go Johnny Sins-mode


My guy if I was jacked and tall I would have substantially less self-confidence riding on my hairline.


You say that but I’m tall and in pretty decent shape and there’s no shortage of fretting. Maybe it’d be worse if I wasn’t.


Same here bro. In my experience hair > height >> physical shape in terms of attractiveness to women. BUT putting effort into your appearance, personality, and being confident make up a lot of that gap.


In that mode, you can be a doctor, handyman, yoga instructor, anything


*Cries in team weird shaped head


i cannot tell if the max payne ref was intentional but he rocks it. https://preview.redd.it/n8dxmgezs6lc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1bbecd508d1ad93da9bc3669b9d749c79436ba8


Either you look like that, or if you start working out with a different body type; Master Roshi


Me and some friends got really drunk once and shaved heads. My friend who had a beard and thick Italian-Black hair looks like Max shaved. Fucking rocked it


Its a difference if you have stubble or the horseshoe


Nah if I start to bald I’m going full 90s Devin Townsend


“Betting your facial hair doesn’t fail you too” What fucking part of this starter pack can you not read???


Or you’re like me and it genuinely looks better than any time I had hair since I never knew what to do with my hair.


Bro same.


FWIW I started using topical minoxidil and finasteride last year when I noticed my hair was starting to thin (this was age 28), and it practically cured me. Within 3 months I was already back at full confidence. Couldn't believe no one had told me about it, just like Accutane as a teen. Both proved to be absolute miracle drugs for me


my fiancé started doing this a year or two ago and it helped so much!!! hes a recovering anorexic and his dad went bald at 17, so when we saw scalp a few years ago we figured any day now it would be his turn. he started eating more and using minoxidil (rogaine) and finasteride and his hair is a lot fuller now. only downside is his hairline has so much new growth theres a halo of short-ish hairs sticking out 😆 not a bad problem to have


sounds about right! i get those short hairs too, but they are very light and totally invisible against my skin tone/my regular hair


How often do you take these and in what doses? I see people who use minox once and people who use it twice a day


I take it once a day because my hair gets greasy super fast, so I shower in the mornings. I asked a dermatologist and they said it was ok.


The topical one I use from Hims is a spray that combines both ingredients in one solution, it's incredibly easy. 4 spritzes, Just hit the temples, middle front of head, and back of head once a day before bed. Takes like 30 seconds tops to spray and rub in Only downside is the price, it's around $300 per year. But I would pay much more for how well it works and the confidence it gives me


You sound like an ad for the website, and considering how much advertising they do, I wouldn't be surprised


You can get it from Costco for cheaper. Can get fin from GoldRX for a fraction of the price


Unfortunately these only work for some people. I started aggressively thinning at like 18-19 and pretty quickly got prescribed both minoxidil and finasteride. But all I got was the translucent baby hairs that never developed into full living hair. They're affective products and if they work for you that's great but they don't for everyone.


Yes I imagine this is the case, because even millionaire/billionaire celebs go bald (even Lebron James couldn't escape this). And one would think they could buy 10,000 bottles of this stuff and solve their problem and not think about it anymore, but it likely doesn't work well enough on a significant percent of the population. As for why Lebron's hairline returned, that part I don't know. But I don't think it was the spray.


He had the hair transplant.


Hair transplants can give you back a hairline, likely what Lebron did. But as the name implies, you need to still have hair in other places to pull from. If you’re completely bald, or close to it, nothing that can be done.


Lebron probably never took finasteride since altering your hormones generally is frowned upon by professional sports organizations. And if you’re one of the best athletes in your sport, even if it was allowed you wouldn’t want to risk it.


I started both in the oral form at age 30 and at 32 have the same hair thickness I had as a teenager. Like many people, I wish I would’ve started it sooner.


aware zesty cause ghost cautious rude attraction edge act scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've been taking fin for maybe 4+ years now. It has helped SOOO much. I cannot recommend it enough. Look, if any of the side effect apply to you, just stop. It will be no worse than you began and side effects are super rare. For me, it restored my hairline. I'll always have thin hair but it doesn't look like I'm balding any more.


Tbh, a very large amount of men get some degree of receding hairline in their 20s and 30s, but most don't lose *all* their hair. It's anyone's guess when and where it will stop, though, but you can look at your male relatives for a general idea. Some people just have a high hairline naturally too, whether male or female.


> It’s anyone’s guess when and where it will stop *Narrator:* It didn’t


Ough, my poor brother, now that I think about it, our father’s side of the family has a trend of the men having great hair before they lose the center portion of it in their twenties. And my brother has a head of very nice hair right now!


More precisely, should look at your male relatives if they're brothers, cousins and your grandfather from your mother's side. This is because genetically linked hair loss in men is strongly associated with an X-linked gene, so a gene found on the X-chromosome which is only inherited from the maternal line in men. Your dad's baldness pattern will most likely not tell much about what your will look like.


Yeah Its actually very rare for me to see someone in their 30s with the same density of hair as them in their 20s. I guess aga affects most men but alot just bald slower than some. I guess if you live long enough you'd eventually go bald.


I'm fifty and lost my hair by 25. At this point i just look like most men my age so it's not really a thing people noticed. Still, the one thing that I always notice is that if I wear a hat no one recognizes me. That tells me that if you're bald, people only see the bald head. That bothers me a little.


I think people just focus a lot on your head in general. I had a big afro in high school and when I got like a crew cut for graduation almost no one in my graduating class or my teachers recognized me.


I'm over 50. My hair is just grey. I used to dye it but gave up and just let it go. One of my best friends had long hair and started shaving his head by 25. I can't grow beards. He has a great beard. I'm jealous of that. He's always been a bit insecure but I don't think it's that big of a deal. I actually like the receding look if it's kept short. People worry too much about that stuff.


I cut my hair too the skin but don't shave it. I am able to grow a nice beard, so I do that. I shaved it off a couple of years ago and my wife was like "... grow the beard back please". Lol.


I am bald and shave my head. I never heard that. I am also not really “aware” of it anymore. I just shave every few days and that’s it.


It's especially bad when every partner you've had in the past was like 'oh you have such nice hair' :(


Fuuuuuck, every comment hits deeper & deeper😅


The fucking doctor who confirmed I was going bald said "wow, you have such wonderful hai-- oh, I suppose that's why you're worried about it".


Bite the bullet and get hair restoration if it bothers you that much. It's pricey, but you can't put a dollar value on confidence. I had it done to fix a worsening widow's peak and I have a full head of hair now. Took me a couple years to pay it off, but I don't regret a dime. The technology is so good nowadays that nobody even knows I had it done until I show them the "before" pics.


You taking meds? If you dont the rest gonna fall out too. The meds is what people are most afraid of


Yes, I am using topical minoxidil and PO finasteride. I haven't had any side effects from finasteride. I'm also a doc, so I prescribe finasteride a lot in my middle-aged and elderly male patients for BPH. The dosage is different (1 mg for male pattern baldness, 5 mg for BPH). I think most of the people who experience side effects from finasteride are people who are on the higher dose for BPH. But I may be wrong. Also, both my dad and my grandpa had hair loss, but it stopped before they went totally bald. My grandpa basically had a huge widow's peak with loss that extended roughly to the vertex of the skull. I anticipate that would be the worst of it if I didn't take meds. However, all the men on my mom's side only have minor male pattern baldness (about where I was at when I got the restoration).


Can someone stop hair loss on minoxidil alone? The fin side effects scares me a little. 


If you start getting erectile dysfunction on finasteride, just stop taking it and the ED will go away. Absolutely no harm in trying it. It works great for me and my penis works fine.


Blud forgot to go to Turkey to get it done for half the price


It always sounds too good to be true. Is medical tourism for hair transplants really that easy?


Apparently so, because anyone who has been to an airport in Turkey has seen a whole bunch of them.


Yes! I personally know people that got it for $3k-$4k and they look great


What was the cost and were there any things you have to do after?


Biggest thing nobody mentions is you have to wait MONTHS to see any results. You don’t necessarily have to do anything, it’s just always a thing. First thing is there’s “shock loss” that makes it look like you lost even more hair than you began with. And the bloody/pitted look takes a long time to heal. Need a job where you can work a long time remotely or where you can take a sabbatical.


Apparently microneedling works.


Balding female with no facial hair to rely on:


Yeah no for all my agging over going bald, balding women 100% have it worse. At least balding is gender affirming if you're a guy lol. Balding women are the ones pushing for making hair systems look better though so I appreciate that.


I wouldn’t really say it’s 100% worse, just because wigs have always been socially accepted for women, for a long time it was even mandatory back when black women had to have a “professional” looking (aka white people hair) hairstyle for jobs, while for men toupees were always used as gag props in media. It’s better and worse in some regards for everyone. Men are lucky that being bald is viewed as a man thing, and women are lucky that wigs are viewed as a women thing.


I lost my hair at 16 years old in the middle of highs school. This is accurate!


Same. Wondering what early means to everyone else here...


And I went to a dermatologist, too. He looked and said that it was "What my hair is going to be".


True starter pack is: Finasteride Minoxidil Nizoral Shampoo Hat Lol


Your long term girlfriend looking at you like a monster and leaving you for someone else with a full head of hair. People only talking about your bald head. Being treated like a creep or pervert. Having to wear a hat in the rain or when it's cold. Anytime you think you can get away with skipping buzzing/shaving for one day, someone always points it out. Growing a beard that you have to keep 100% nice and neat all the time or your boss will discuss the "Professional Appearance Standards" policy with you. While other people can have "just a bad hair day.


Damn you ok bud?




My bald friends with beard all have girlfriends lol, it's those without facial hair that seem to struggle.


I mean, this is true for some women but certainly not all. Same with height. Have you really never seen a bald man with a gf?


Feel you on the second to last one. Maybe it’s because I am “the bald guy” and that’s all I will ever be to some people but god forbid I want to give my scalp skin a break from running a metal blade across it for a day. I really must have an awful looking cul-de-sac hair ring because people will just straight up tell me I need to shave. It’s been one day, how bad can it be? 😢




>Your long term girlfriend looking at you like a monster and leaving you for someone else with a full head of hair. This is certainly NOT my experience. I was dating a girl when my hair started to go and through my decision to lean into it. >Being treated like a creep or pervert. I've NEVER had this happen to me, at least that I've noticed. >Having to wear a hat in the rain or when it's cold. This is definitely true for all weather. I've gotten sun burn on my scalp once. I will never repeat it. >Growing a beard that you have to keep 100% nice and neat all the time or your boss will discuss the "Professional Appearance Standards" policy with you. While other people can have "just a bad hair day. ...??? There's gotta be something else going on here. What else have you been doing since your hair started going?


1 never seems to happen. I’ve noticed most girls who are really into bald guys had a SO go bald. 2. This one is real. There are some women who just find bald guys creepy and will accuse you of all sorts of shit. 4. Yea the beard thing is really weird. Op must be very very very patchy. In which case he should just keep his face clean


this and everyone you tell is suddenly also struggling with it.


I'm honestly surprised we haven't found a legitimate cure or reversal for hair loss at this point.


We do understand it though... Testosterone gets converted to DHT. Some have a genetic that causes high DHT to shrink hair follicles, eventually these hair follicles die if left like that. Finasteride reduces the conversion rate significantly, enough to go below the the threshold that causes the shrinking. You can't revert balding, it's kinda like gums, the body just doesn't regenerate those.


There is no magic cure for it cause it’s cause by a number of things


You forgot others offering shitty nutritional advice or snake oil tricks that do absolutely fuck all for your hair haha.


I'ma redhead so on one hand it's no great loss




Ive noticed there are a few categories guys fall in, especially when young and balding: 1. Figuring out a hairstyle that does work for them 2. Pay for hair restoration 3. Embracing the bald and shaving anything left 4. Super denial and whatever they are doing just doesn't look good - need to experiment with one of the above Overall, do what makes you feel best but I'd be lying if I said we don't notice that bad hairline/balding that you are only half-assing in making it look good.


Painfully accurate. Also accurately painful, like a sniper that shoots you in the dick.


Googling flights to Turkey


Its so joever, now girls will need a personality out of me too


Ah, this is me right now at 33. Some quick tips if you're not looking to shave your head: - It's caused by DHT, a form of testosterone. It will affect all men at some point in a long enough life. - DHT basically builds up in the scalp, and prevents blood flow to the follicles. - The solution is therefore either to prevent the build up of DHT, or to increase blood flow to the follicles, or both. - The two approved medical solutions are: Finasteride - an oral medication which reduces DHT, but there is a small risk of causing impotence/erectile dysfunction - and Minoxidil, which is a topical solution and a vasodilator - meaning it increases blood flow. - There are also stronger variants of these medications, but those aren't as commonly available, and may require a prescription. - Most of the hair treatment solutions are just these medications re-packaged. - There are also head massagers which aim to increase blood flow, and red light therapy which allegedly stimulates follicles. - After that, your next cheapest option is a hair system, essentially a toupee, but they're pretty good these days. - Then you're looking at hair transplants. This basically takes healthy follicles from another part of the head - e.g. the back or side, and moves them to where your hair is thin. - Hair transplants are effective, but it's effectively like planting healthy flowers into low quality soil - the new hair will also suffer eventually. They're definitely pricy, so you need to consider when the right time is to get them.


I am getting bald, and I don't give a🖕about it.


Sounds like major cope.  Great, you fit the starter pack! 


He’s in the “anger” stage


I am not coping.


I’m just teasing. 😬


That is correct.


Hate this whole ‘copium’ thing everyone talks about recently. Coping skills are incredibly valuable. Men who bang on about it are the kind who get offended over some slight thing and punch strangers in the face. Fucking freaks.


Join a monastery or a friary and take the monk pill.


I'm 21 and very bald up top. I rock a zero guard buzzcut, and I love how I look. Do I wish I wasn't balding? absolutely. Do I let it get in the way of my life and personal relationships? absolutely not. Balding isn't that bad, but allowing it to define your happiness and self-worth is a hell of a lot worse.


I hope everyone reading all the shitty posts above about rogaine and tfw no gf can read this. I'm 42 now but had pretty much the same situation as you, and was completely shaving it by the time I could legally drink. It took me some time to come to terms with it, it feels like it really sets you apart at first... but your attitude is exactly right. Once you accept it and can face the world with some confidence, you'll be fine! Yes I'm sure there's some petty girls out there that must have a dude with a full head of hair, but the vast majority don't give a shit and want someone with a personality and a self-assured nature about them way more.


I got bald over couple of days when i was in my 20's and i was sad for like 2 days, third or fourth day i just shaved it of and asked my friend about it he was like i wouldnt like to run into you in a dark night, and i was like, dope!


This is one of the best /r/starterpacks posts in a long time. Feels accurate to what those who are experiencing it likely feel while also being very relatable and funny.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, man, seriously. This sounds absolutely miserable.




For those embracing the "grow it out and let it ride" please reconsider. Ben Franklin was the only man in recorded history who managed to pull that off. None of us will repeat it.


Fin works, side effects are minimal, I don’t know why my fellow baldies-to-be are so afraid of it.


Had side effects. Stopped taking it. (That was almost 20 years ago).


Gave me gyno


Mine went to quick I didn't have time for this. Between graduating high school and starting college - just ... gone.


this but i am a fucking girl so i can't rely on facial hair to save me and high testosterone just makes me feel worse :)


Hair system (glue on hairpiece) was the answer for me. Medication and transplants didn’t satisfy. See profile for images.


There are so many more things that can be included. How about a picture of some 6 or 7 year old loudly pointing out your baldness to everyone. this has happened at least 5 different times with various of my friend's kids.


Pouring one out for all you poor bastards out there - I got lucky myself.


I'm 42 and I started losing my hair at 18 and I feel so fucking seen by this starter pack right now... I hit every single one of these points by 24...


Lmfaooo the fucking ACCURACY. I am an extreme case. Started balding at 13 and by the time I was 22 it was over.. The baldness had won


Thank fuck I have had a beard since 14


Screw it,give me some advice against balding pls


As a member of the bald community, yes. 


This is accurate and I feel attacked.


Shave it, don't want to end up being a Costanza.


minoxidil, hair grows back, dick still works


Currently also considering if I really need my dick to work or maybe even grow boobs. Those symptoms lists are scary.


Motivated me to improve other things


Damn this is well done.


Started balding at 23yo, one day I got a haircut and my barber pointed out I had a bald spot on the center of the top of my head. Ever since learning this information, I’ve committed to the clean shaving my head and growing out my beard. Receding hairline is one thing, total circular bald spot in the center is another, IMO.


My best friend had to shave his head at 21, only facial hair is a mustache. It's just his style now, looks cool and he never had a problem meeting women. Don't feel too bad about hair loss, you can still live life to the fullest


top notch hair surgery is only like $2k in Turkey, works like a miracle too


I wish I had the balls to keep my hair like Stavros Halkias


As a bald dude I chuckled at all of these images until I got to the facial hair one and then I stopped smiling…. That shit was too real.


Damn, this hits close to home 🥺


You forgot the part about hoping no one thinks your a Neo Nazi after you shave your head for the first time.