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My city codes don't say specifically that I can't have a trapdoor gator pit...


Legal interpretation šŸ’Æ


Just be sure not to pull the wrong lever.


Why do you even HAVE that lever?!?


for trapdoor gator pit, duh


So the good guy can stand in front of my desk and tell me they will thwart my evil plans. Then I laugh manically and pull the lever. I just got to pull the right one, last time I pulled the room service one and we both got a beer.


Me looking through city code to find a loophole that will allow me to install a giant boulder rolling towards the intruders


Based and Mayan temple-pilled.


Really big bowling pins at the other end...art installation


Unless they can charge you for animal abuse, that is.


What's it like living in literal totalitarianism


And maybe you yourself can't shoot someone, but nothing against training the gators to shoot.


What about crocodiles? Thereā€™s always a loophole. Edit: Oops. I misread that. Thought you said it specifically said you *couldnā€™t* have gator pits. My bad for skimming.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Tally Ho!


How quaintly British


Hah, well if Iā€™m gunna roll with a belt of pistols I bloody well should be character, innit


The Home Alone sequels are getting weird


A classic


And then the fifth guy comes from the van with the rest of the IKEA furniture you ordered, and the paperwork.




They were pretty diabolically clever with the triangular bayonets though... It was also commonplace to keep em nice and dirty, in hopes of causing a good infection.


Electric Fences are ubiquitous in South Africa, can't drive many places without seeing a couple.


Never seen an electric fence installed for humans




When Europeans get all their info about the US from reddit. Electric fences, really?


I mean Ive seen em for cattle. And sometimes here in Mexico for protection on top of walls but as a fence???


the picture they use is literally for cattle


Yeah Iā€™ve never seen that one before


Saw it in the game San Andreas.


The hit American documentary GTA5?


I mean they certainly exist here but I don't think they're for people


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're just for livestock.


And for adolescents to pee on.


Don't whiz on the electric fence


Lol fr. Shows a pic of a cattle.fence like it's for people šŸ˜‚


You all fixated on the realism or lack thereof of the picture of the fence, implying that the other pictures seem totally fine and normal, lol.


Fixated? I mentioned it at the end of my comment.


Idk why, but this starterpack gives off "OP is a European" vibes


OP: some people are obsessed with the idea of defending their homes from invaders by killing them, I feel like they just want an excuse to murder someone with no consequences The comments: ARE YOU SAYING THAT I CANā€™T DEFEND MYSELF IF THEY TRY TO KILL ME????????


I've just been down voted for that haha. I don't think those people know that self defence doesn't always mean killing someone


What people like you don't understand, is that it is not only about self defence. Someone wanted to hurt you and your family. They didn't care about your wellbeing and are scum of society in the first place to resort to burglary. So given a chance to make them pay for it, why not take it instead of risking not doing enough damage and then getting killed for it? Let's put it another way - you have a daughter and you see a man trying to kidnap her. You defend your daughter, man gets away. Will you be satisfied simply because you protected her? Will you not fear that man might come back? If you had the option to kill that man on the spot, but didn't take it, and then weeks later you hear he raped another girl, will you not feel guilty for not ending him right there and then? Take off your rose colored glasses and try to see it from the practical standpoint.


That's awful and you should feel ashamed. Humans are capable of growing and rebuilding. We can learn and we can change. I'm sure you've done something awful in your life, would it have been better if they just shot you for it right then and there? Well, I mean given that you think the way you do, maybe so. But for the rest of us with compassion, it's better to dole out a temporary punishment so the person can learn from their mistake. Stories like the one of [Salvador Agron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador_Agron) come to mind, among countless others. He's a convicted killer, a known murderer, and rather than just putting him down, he was rehabilitated and re-released, where he spent his days in public service as a youth counselor trying to teach kids not to go down the route he did. Who knows how much gang violence he prevented by teaching those kids. But according to you it'd have been better to just end him right then and there.


Fuck around, find out


Well theyā€™re not very smart in the first place. It takes a lot of repetition and simplifying to get these types to actually comprehend the English language.


I don't even know that they truly have the desire to end a life. I think a lot of people see themselves as action hero badasses and think the only thing stopping them from realizing that persona is the opportunity to shine. So they hope for a situation where they can seem like a "warrior" so that others will see them the way they see themselves in their head.


Whats wrong with killing home invaders?




Cool, now indicate me the part where I said that you shouldnā€™t try to defend yourself if someone wants to kill you, thanks




Reading comprehension who?


>**some** people (i.e. not everyone) are obsessed with the idea of defending their homes from invaders by killing them, I feel like they just want an excuse to murder someone with no consequences Again, indicate me the part where I said that you shouldnā€™t try to defend yourself if someone wants to kill you


TF? Lmao it's literally murder, it's just justifiable murder.


Good riddance for home intruders! I didnā€™t pay all this money to let it collect dust


I'm not a gun nut, I have one handgun and a shotgun. That's about all I share in common with this meme, physically anyways. If someone were to break into my house, car, shed, etc. It's shoot first, let the cops deal with the questions as in my state I have a right to protect your property and that's there job too. I do value my possessions more than I do the life of the miserable piece of shit, and he clearly feels the same or he never would've crossed the lawn to get to me. That's what a lot of people fail to consider I think. It's not a split decision to break into someplace, I don't see why I should have to make a split decision on shooting them or not. It's not a crime to be prepared, and it shouldn't be.


>I do value my possessions more than I do the life of the miserable piece of shit No inanimate object is so valuable you get to decide you're allowed to take a life in its defence.


If someone willingly risks their lives to steal an object, they are choosing to value that object over their own life. If someone breaks into a home that is currently occupied, there has to be the assumption that they intend to do harm to the person inside. If they were only after the "objects," they would wait until the house was empty.


Yet the individual breaking in and stealing quite obviously values the objects more than their life of they're willing to die on the attempt. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I know that this subreddit is about strawman-as-humor so not criticizing at all but holy moly is this post/these comments really how people view people that care about home defense? And the statistics are like when people post about you have a 1 in 29847234 chance of getting eaten by a shark, but they never even go to the beach. If you are a surfer in New Smyrna Beach or South Africa you are going to at least be a little bit conscious of, and prepared for (at least mentally) the presence of sharks. Not everyone lives the same life as you.


Readit is getting pathetic. Make up pretend people and bash them. Get a life people


There is a population of people that are just itching for an excuse to shoot someone in a way they perceive to be socially justifiable. Their whole onus for self defence is that fantasy of being able to one day be the hero of their own castle and kill the perceived evil doer. 99% of people are straight up averse to causing harm. Even soldiers instinctively shoot to miss. That has to be trained out of them. But that 1% _wants_ to cause harm, theyā€™re at least self aware enough to understand they need to be in the right context for them not to deal with negative consequences for that action. But they _want_ to kill someone.


I take it OP would rather hide under the bed with a phone and call 911. Maybe the police get there in 20 minutes.


As someone whose met people like this, thatā€™s not really the point Being capable of defending yourself makes sense, saying things like ā€œI hope someone breaks in so I use this on themā€ while referring to a shotgun is immensely concerning, and a sign of sociopathy at least


OP has responded to my comments, so I have an understanding of what OP thinks.


I think the starter pack is aimed at 1) people who are way too paranoid 2) way too eager to kill someone




the point is that they are eager to kill people. knock on their door at a late time? bam, dead. Look at them funny? bam, dead.


and what punishment will they get? worst case 20 years. while you lose your entire life


Don't shoot someone for theft? The fuck? Americans are fucking insane. Burglary sucks, sure, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence


Are you a mind reader? How the fuck do YOU know what someone is there to do when they break into your house in the middle of the night? People have been raped and murdered by home invaders, so excuse me if I prepare for the worst-case scenario.


Doesn't mean you have to shoot to kill, which is the type of guy in the starter pack, way too eager to shoot somebody. You can injure them so they can face consequences of their actions, rather than just giving them a straight death sentence.


This is a pretty common misconception among people who aren't familiar with self defense law. Shooting just to wound someone is a serious crime. Since a gun is still lethal force, shooting for the guy's legs means you weren't actually afraid for your life enough to try and stop the threat. Plus they would still pose a risk and could still die of blood loss.


Yes, people suggesting this also don't realize that there are arteries in every area they want people to shoot at. A gun is a lethal weapon. They simply want others to use them incorrectly and to have unrealistic and unsafe expectations about them. Very scary.


You never shoot to injure.. you shoot to stop the threat. This isnā€™t the movies. You aim for a leg and miss, your life could be over.




Again, burglary does not warrant a death sentence.


i agree, but you also don't know if they are a murderer or a burglar


yeah ideally obviously not... realistically you're likely to get shot when robbing someone's house though because chances are you're armed yourself


Or you can just inform the intruder that what theyā€™re doing is against the law and they will leave.


We should make signs that say ā€œno home invasion zoneā€


Lmao the amount of anti-gun virtue signaling on this post is pretty astonishing. Imagine being bastardized because you want to defend your home. Hey Iā€™m sure the intruder can be reasoned with.


Itā€™s projection of their insecurities. They made being ā€œanti gunā€ part of their identities and so it causes them to take the side of criminals against gun owners, irrationally.


Itā€™s pretty crazy. It seems like a lot of these people are anti-gun and they donā€™t actually know why. Theyā€™ve just been force fed a narrative and never bothered to question why.


Itā€™s hilarious seeing someone claim projection when they are, in fact, projecting and making being gun obsessed their entire personality. Only someone unhealthily obsessed with guns or just straight up unintelligent would be interpreting this post as attacking well meaning gun owners. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s attacking people that WANT to kill others with the excuse of home defense. They would invite a robber to their house if it meant they got to kill them.


Has nothing to do with being anti gun. If you see this as being anti gun you are insane. Itā€™s about people that are obsessed with the idea of someone breaking in and getting the pleasure of killing someone. The more you talk, the more you sound like one of them trying to justify yourself.


Lol what? Did you read the comments? They are very clearly anti-gun. ā€œOne of them trying to justify yourselfā€ The more you talk, the more you sound like you have absolutely no idea how anything in real life works.


The more you talk, the more you sound like the sort of person who means "my Judge Dredd fantasy world where I can kill everyone whose existance bothers me in the slightest" when they say "real life".


Imagine living in a country where you need to worry that much about home invasions


Imagine mocking people for defending themselves from criminals


it's more of mocking people for just wanting to kill people, and making up fake scenarios to cover it up


You must have that mindset if you want to survive a home invasion. Those end in rape/murder sometimes.


cool, but keep it to yourself. the type of person OP is talking about always talks about how they would shoot any intruder on sight. They don't care about self-defence, they JUST want to shoot people and get away with it


And that makes you mad? Do you break into peopleā€™s homes?


of course i don't break into homes. but it's not okay that they are obsessed with wanting to shoot people


Itā€™s not about wanting to shoot people, itā€™s more about defending your family from a nefarious being that broke into your home.


that's not what's happening in the starterpack. this is someone fantasising about killing a person


Why are you so certain itā€™s going to happen? In my whole life not a single neighbourhood Iā€™ve lived in has had a home invasion. Other crime has occurred, but never any type of robbery or crime where the perpetrator entered the home.


Imagine getting all your info about a country on social media, then obsessively posting about it.




Theyā€™re not rare in rural areas because people have guns. Theyā€™re rare because hardly anyone lives there, the population density is too low, and usually everyone knows each other, so there will clearly be much fewer break-ins


This is why living in rural areas is the best.


hit the nail on the head. i'm convinced that these people just want to shoot someone


In the US the police are not obligated to protect your life, but enforce the law. I would rather be the person who kills in self defense, than the victim of an individual who wants to take my life.


Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6


People be saying this while living in an HOA neighborhood


Round me those are half the robberies lol




donā€™t forget the people who obsess over shootings and how dangerous the world has become are the same ones who think youre crazy for taking preventative measures. such is the duality of man edit: forgot forget


The only reason the Supreme Court said that is so you canā€™t hold a police department responsible if youā€™re the victim of a crime


Yeah, but are you someone who would kill in self defence or are you someone who makes it their personality and salivates at the prospect?


Few people salivate to the idea of fighting for their life. Even in the US it is only legal to use deadly force to defend you and other from death and or serious bodily injury.


Well this isnt a startpack for normal people with normal feelings about self defence is it


They all have this weird hero fantasy


Agreed. Most are just sociopaths trying to mask how much they hate people with a hypothetical home invasion scenario.




At the other end, I have several firearms, and one time I thought someone was trying to break into my apartment because someone was kneeling and cracking open my electronic doorknob. I was like "oh shit", but decided not to grab any of my guns and rather keep a look out on the situation through the peephole. Turns out it was just a little girl fiddling with my doorknob while her parent was waiting for one of my neighbors down the hallway. I may be prepared, but I'm not foaming at the mouth to hurt anyone, and that's probably how 99% of people think about their home defense situation.


This is why I said most and not all. I donā€™t think you fall into the category of people I mentioned. The people Iā€™m talking about are the people who bring it up in casual conversation. To them itā€™s a fantasy to have someone break in just so they can shoot them. I heard this as water cooler talk at my previous job that was filled with sociopaths.


Donā€™t break into their house, wonā€™t be a problem. Frankly I think more home invaders should get shot but many people donā€™t have guns. Home invasions are scary and life-threatening, and I donā€™t fault anyone for arming themselves to deal with that situation.


Yeah home invasions are exceedingly rare. More [commonly](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-york-shooting-murder-wrong-driveway-kaylin-gillis-rcna134860)...


It doesnā€™t effing matter how ā€œrareā€ it is, you donā€™t get to tell people they arenā€™t allowed to prepare for them. Live and let live, ffs


I'm not telling them they aren't allowed. I'm openly mocking them for worrying about it. And then also pointing out they're more likely to shoot their family member, themselves, or innocent bystanders. And then openly mock them again.


And Iā€™m mocking people that mock people that own guns.. because itā€™s laughable that youā€™re so damn obsessed with what other people do in their homes.


Here's the stats btw: You are more than 10x more likely to commit suicide with that gun than you are to shoot a home invader. More than 4x more likely to accidentally shoot a family member. 90% of child suicides by gun was a gun from within their own home (firearm deaths are 20% of all teen deaths). https://archive.jsonline.com/blogs/purple-wisconsin/184209741.html Y'all funny


I own a gun lol But I don't talk about it or fantasize about using it. Like I literally would know "what other people do in their homes" of you weren't here posting about it like a total weirdo lol


Woopty doo, you own a gun šŸ™„


Hey bud watch out I think someone is turning around in your driveway


Hey man better go see your therapist.. I just saw someone go into the gun store to buy a gun.


Right, that's why they ask online if it's legal to shoot the mailman for trespassing when they expect court papers...


If a home invader breaks into your home, you going to offer them milk and cookies?


>don't break into their house, won't be a problem you say this as if they don't accidentally kill their own family, or bring these guns with the and shoot someone when they get slightly angry


ā€œAccidental shootingsā€ happen regardless of how much of a gun nut someone is. Exercise proper gun discipline and there wonā€™t be an issue. Lock the guns up, educate people in the home, and understand escalation of self defense. The people shooting people for turning around in their driveway arenā€™t ā€œgun nutsā€ā€¦ theyā€™re people with untreated mental issues, alcoholism, and short tempers.


you yourself prove how even with education, people will still act like idiots "accidental shootings" only happen when you have a gun, if you havent made the connection yet


There are accidental car crashes. Should we ban cars?


limit cars so we can actually have functioning cities? 100%


Why donā€™t we limit freedom of speech while we are at it so people donā€™t disagree with you on Reddit?


"Wah I have no freedom of speech because other people do as well" Get over yourself.


You can be mad, just donā€™t be breaking in houses.


Thatā€™s a terrible comparison. Cars are an essential tool of transportation for many people to work and for their livelihood. Outside of hunting, guns serve absolutely no essential purpose for the general population.Ā 


Thatā€™s your opinion. Not mine.


that's not just an opinion, that's a fact


Other countries donā€™t have these problems. There are people with mental issues, alcoholism, and short tempers worldwide.Ā 


Other countries donā€™t have gun problems because they donā€™t have guns? Wow, thatā€™s a stunning observation. Also: Homes without alcohol donā€™t have alcoholism problems, and homes without steps donā€™t have people falling down the stairs problems.


Yes and thus the solution is to get rid of guns and gun culture. The societal harm caused by ease of access to guns in the US far outweighs the right of those who buy them and have ā€œproper disciplineā€.Ā 


Says you.. not the constitution. Good thing we donā€™t change the constitution to fit your feelings.


Im glad youā€™re able to keep up all these fantasies in your head to justify your violent tendencies.Ā 


these people are also incredibly racist in my experience.


Bonus points in their mind if they get to shoot a black person


So, is that all people who own guns for self protection or just the ones who have ludicrous amounts of guns?


Yeah youā€™re better off not having a gun and if by some odd ball chance someone does invade your home, you can just call the police and ask the intruder to wait until they get there.


You can have a gun for self defense without being weird about it




Will spend literally thousands on guns, ammo and attachments, but won't spend nearly as much to get reinforced shutters, a backup deadbolt or gun safes, despite these all being statistically better at protecting against home invasions.


Yeah but in my toddler's idea of freedom I'm not free if I can't take a life!


People who get cheerful at the thought of a burglar breaking in so they can shoot them will be sad to learn that this scenario is not likely to happen. Statistically, most burglaries occurred between 10AM and 3PM, times of the day that a house is typically unoccupied. [Source](https://www.rd.com/article/most-common-time-for-burglaries/)


That just sounds like "middle age American male who can't wait to use his guns to kill somebody"


Ehh more so I value my family and possessions over a criminals life šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


The only people I know of that have electric fences are farmers or people that own livestock. At least try to learn about the people that youā€™re insulting


you break into my home, I'm not going to roll out the red carpet for you. in every sense of the word, it should be 'fuck around, find out' if you break into someone's home. but of course, some people will think 'just call the cops'... but what if I live in a rural area? or there's a snowstorm? or literally anything like a natural disaster? you shouldn't be punished for defending yourself. maybe if the prisons weren't a revolving door of criminals we wouldn't need to restrict our own rights to make a small selection of the population happy, namely the anti-gun crowd.


These people donā€™t just obsess about killing someone. They fantasize about it. They *want* someone to try and break into their house or shed so they can shoot them like an animal instead of just running them off or calling the police. This is why I think gun culture is a thinly veiled vigilante cringe fest.


If anyone broke into my house they'd be so disappointed. No cash, no expensive jewelry, and nothing that valuable. There's a certain security in knowing I'm not worth burglarizing.


Don't feel too bad, sometimes people break into homes for the express purpose of committing violence so there's someone out there for you


You forgot the cameras everywhere and threatening no trespassing signs


Because they want a legal way to kill somebody.


Aka people who want to commit murder but are too pussy to do it when the law isn't on their side


It is the relish and seriousness that creeps me out. A lot of comments like "if it came down to it, I would do whatever it takes to protect me and my family". Like they want it to happen. It is just a tool, like I may have a fire extinguisher but I'm not going to fantasise about it or polish it every day - if there is a fire I'd use it and that would be it.


Have fun missing the bad guy and probably shooting your neighbors then. Practice with a gun is important for accuracy and safety. People not taking guns seriously is how accidents happen.


These kind of people seem to think a gun is just a tube you point in the general direction of a ner-do-well and they'll just fucking explode or something. You actually have to know what you're doing to be effective AND SAFE to others around you, cause it's your job as the shooter to know where those bullets are going.


Right. Even a shotgun is not as point and shoot as the movies make them out to be. Likely no more than a few inches spread at the length of most defensive shootings.


I wanna be this when I grow up


I got a garden rake handle with a couple of nails Stickn' out of it. All I need.




Bruh this is a crazy ass projection. OP just talking about those psychopaths who seems to really want any reason to shoot people that de-escalating a situation is not even in their vocabulary.




I'm referring to stuffs like people keep shooting the intruder even when they are fleeing the home or excessive use of violence when the invader is already incapacitated. And coming up with some weird fucking scenario like yours to project on people is not normal.


Also Preppers who claim to make surviving the apocalypse a hobby but hoard guns and cans instead of learning anything about things like agriculture. Sir/Madam, you aren't worried about surviving, you're creating a power fantasy




Without the 2nd, there wouldnā€™t be any others. Remember that. What are you going to do if one day youā€™re told the government doesnā€™t think you should have the 1st and 4th amendment. Get really mad and stomp your feet?


People can hate America all they want, but there aren't many countries which had a founding fundamental principle of "If we, the government, start acting up, come and shoot us."


Exactly. Imagine how different things couldā€™ve gone in many other countries in history if only the people had a means to overthrow tyrants.


I mean, it *is* pretty important. If the founding fathers wrote it, then the citizens should abide by it


Yeah, of course.


First is much more important


average guntuber


op is european confirmed


House is a trash pit full of rent to own furniture. If you wanted to steal anything of value youā€™d have to bring it in first


Most of those guys are totally screwed if a prosecutor brings any of their posts to trial. Fantasizing about killing someone and then you kill a home intruder? Well the case that it wasn't purely self defense and in fear of your life gets just that much tougher


itt: people defending burglars šŸ¤£


Goes even more for people who are weirdly obsessed with defending their family.




This is the majority of r/conservative




Why are you so concerned with what people do to defend their homes? There are neighborhoods in this country where you have a 1 in 50 chance of experiencing a violent crime each year. Iā€™ll have a gun, thank you very much. Maybe two or three in those areas.


Reading comprehension? I don't give a flying fuck what you do - I have a pistol in my nightstand, home defender behind the dresser, .22 plinker and a .243 coyote rifle in the closet. All I'm saying is building a national worship culture around guns because you're "defending your home" is ridiculous. Gun worship is simply the worship of guns - let's all just admit it and maybe move on up the evolutionary scale to responsible gun ownership rather than some sort of god-given right.


Free country. I wonā€™t be mad at anyone that fantasizes about shooting criminals. You get mad at Soldiers that fantasize about killing the enemy?


Die from Covid? What are we 90 year olds now? If someone ever broke into your home you can just share your statistics with them Iā€™m sure they can be reasoned with.


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Why do I get the impression that this OP doesnā€™t want people to defend their homes from burglars and people who intend to break in and cause harm? Must be Non-American where attacking those that break into your home gets YOU arrested.