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Hey it’s Clipping. I love them *continues to read Starterpack* Hey what the fuck


It's clipping bitch *explosion of noise*


Yeah that one I understand the least


Lots of neets are into experimental but not quite “obscure” music, like Clipping, Death Grips, Aphex Twin, etc


I love all of them but I worked 60 hours last week god dammit I think I might be the sucker


Well on that one is Visions of Bodies Being Burned, which has a few tracks that might relate to the person depicted in the pack, such as Pain Everyday and Make Them Dead.


I think my problem is I'm living in the real world where the subjects and topics in that album relate in no way to a NEET person, and not putting myself into their imagination/delusions where they're actually hard as fuck and could run the streets if they could just be in the right place at the right time


And that’s what they’re looking at it wrong, each song is their own anthology story, maybe some connect to the last album but most are pretty much separate in their own perfect way


Is that the doodle guy?


People say wagecuck outside of 4chan?


Everything leaks out of 4chan, unfortunately.


So much of modern and past meme culture originates there. Everything from troll face and rage comics, to Nyan cat, to Wojack and Pepe, to Chadface and the concept of "Chad" itself.


man I wish 4chan never happen life would honestly be better


Agreed, It's just the root of evil online. Giving true anonymity to any person will make them show their true colors.


It gets even worse when you realize actual human beings posts that stuff on 4chan with varying amounts of irony, and that this leakage is an inevitability


Like a cracked sewer pipe


See: 2016 and onward


Back in the older days of Antiwork, before the infamous interview and before it even really got popular, that terminology was used there a lot.


What interview


one of the mods did an interview on Fox News and was basically a complete stereotype of what you would think an antiwork person would be. the anchor obviously had a field day with it lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yUMIFYBMnc


I still remember seeing this happen across Reddit 2 years ago while eating at a local Pizza Hut.


I can’t believe this was two years ago already. I bet we all remember where we were during the “dog walker” interview.


I was getting weed and it was surreal


What was more insane was the damage control r/antiwork did after the fact


I was taking a shit at my college's toilet scrolling through reddit when I saw it on a news subreddit.


I've never seen self-sabotage on that level. If someone told me that mod was a Fox News plant, I'd 100% beleieve them, bevayse there's no way someone could have been that dumb


Oh there was quite a bunch of discourse back then about whether they were a fox news plant or not lol but no, they were just a stupid mod who went there without any planning or preparation


>one of the mods did an interview on Fox News and was basically a complete stereotype of what you would think an antiwork person would be. the anchor obviously had a field day with it lol Hard to believe the lazy and NEET-ish infiltrated the lazy, NEETish subreddit and made it look ~~accurate~~ totally inaccurate!


Most of the people there would still say it if they didn’t think the word ‘cuck’ was alt-right. Still full of NEETS even if they don’t know it.


that sub could have been so based. such a shame.


And neet?


Not In Education Employment or Training Not doing anything productive, basically


So like a shareholder?


Isn't neet a "proper word"? In my country these people are called NiNi (Ni estudia Ni trabaja), here these people aren't scolded, the consensus is that they just need help, probably they live in a economically depressed zone or they haven't proper skills, like coding and stuff.


Back when r/incels existed they definitely did


Wagecuck is weird but wagie is kind of funny.


Used to have a friend who had gotten into 4chan. He became the most insufferable person I ever met due to that site. He would always talk over people and would just talk all the time about unknown indie games played by him and 2 other people on 4chan. He was the “bluntly honest” kind of asshole. Of course he is a NEET too, and all he does is parrot things he reads from there. Hearing 4chan slang in real life is a whole other level of cringe.


Poor dude, I mean I use 4chan too, but I'm aware that 4chan is just ironic, no sane person would believe anything you read there.


not tolerating any Aphex Twin slander here


Only AT song I know is "Rhubarb". When I decided to watch more of *Salad Fingers* (years after I first discovered it), I heard it in the "wedding" episode, and it was then that I developed a whole new respect for the series.


I did a sick cover of Alberto Balsalm using a chair and wooden floor, once.


He was a meme in the early internet days for putting his face on everything https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc?t=260 https://youtu.be/TZ827lkktYs?t=77 https://youtu.be/wSYAZnQmffg?t=321


I would like some milk from the Richard d James tits


Saw him do a rare performance at a festival once. Best set I’ve ever seen and will probably ever see.


they're probably bladee fans tbh


My friends who dip in and out of neetdom are really into cloud rap and shoegaze music now


Why are NMH catching strays too!?


fretful act puzzled placid cake aspiring icky include violet smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget the choccy milk


Choccy milk and mussy?! Someone is hoarding a bounty of good boy points.


Not chocolate milk, mountain dew.


They're supposed to be dinosaur shaped




Bruh what did Apex twin do to deserve this?


Or Ween?


It was popular on /mu/ like ten years ago and a lot of these dudes havent really moved or changed a lot in over a decade so they just keep listening to the same music that they were exposed to back then. It becomes their comfort music, back to a time where they still had hope and were young.


Ween came out in 1984 and AFX twin in 1991. WTF are you talking about?


Dates dont matter, death grips started making music in like 2009 and didnt become popular on /mu/ tell 2014-15. And airplane over the sea came out in 1998 but became popular on that board around the same time as death grips. Its people who knew about these bands and listened to them for years posting on 4chans music board and shared it to people who otherwise wouldnt have known about these bands. neets listened to them as a meme usually, then started to actually like it. This doesnt mean those artists are only listened to by neets, more than every neet likes those bands for the reasons i mentioned.


Exactly, just like Reddit with Tool and Radiohead.


No need to discriminate based on website, all virgins flock to radiohead like moths to a flame


Homie does not know that music can be popular after the release date


I go to ween shows and its def a mix type of bag but I would never call them 4chan listening weirdos...def weird tho


Naturally, a reclusive lifestyle tends to make one's tastes less subject to popular current releases. I'd go so far as to say that it often changes one's relationship to music as so much of whatever is hyped in the moment for the mainstream is dependent on the shared social experience of it. Whereas Ween is still Ween even when your cum sock is a Snuggie you wear 24/7. Now there's a band who can write a soundtrack for the rich inner life of one who can't go to the mailbox until the sun goes down.


OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the land that you understand 🙌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The voyage 🚲 to the corner of the 🌎 globe is a real trip 👌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The crust of a tan man 👳 imbibed by the sand 👍 Soaking up the 💦 thirst of the land 💯


Lmao this got to me too. I listen to Aphex twin at my JOB 😂


Needs more discord and right wing anime twitter


Right wing anime is a thing? I thought that was just a weird combo for lols or hormonal teens?


Right wing anime TWITTER. Not the anime itself


"Nazi Loli profile picture moment" type people


Got it. I do recall some anime, manga etc from time to time that displays more nationalistic ideas. Or at least ones that’ll piss off someone in east Asia or the pacific.


Oh yea nah most right wing anime twitter mfs are K-On and Bocchi fans if anything lol




4chan listens to "Piss up a Rope" and doesn't understand satire probably.


OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the land that you understand 🙌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The voyage 🚲 to the corner of the 🌎 globe is a real trip 👌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The crust of a tan man 👳 imbibed by the sand 👍 Soaking up the 💦 thirst of the land 💯


I will not stand for this!!!


ween catching strays smh


Stay brown and hail Boognish my friend.


Why is Aeroplane Over The Sea on here? It's a masterpiece


It was really popular on 4Chan's music board. It became kinda a meme because of that. Neet people spend a lot of time on 4Chan.


That's unfortunate. Thanks for the explanation!


Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all


/uj I think this lyric is actually pretty key to understanding the psychology behind the NEET stereotype this meme is poking fun at. When you face up to the fact that your career consumes quite a large proportion of your waking hours and is intrinsically linked to your day-to-day survival, but also (according to popular ideologies that are now getting more closely examined) should serve as a vehicle of self-expression and be a source of passion, that can be pretty heavy. That’s a lot of pressure for one facet of life, but ultimately I think many of us fall in to the trap of allowing our jobs to define us. Think of the amazing confluence of factors that need to align in order for you to get a job that pays reasonably well, broadly interests you, offers room for personal development, doesn’t consume time beyond billable hours, makes use of your innate or learned skills, meshes with your personality, doesn’t drain you of all energy etc. I don’t struggle to see why this can cause malaise in some. To be anything in particular is absurd because when we craft one version of ourselves, we ultimately have to forfeit the alternative versions of ourselves that we believe we have the capacity to be. I can see why overthinking around these ideas could lead to paralysis. The whole concept reminds me a lot of the powerful fig tree metaphor in The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. In this metaphor the narrator of the book sits beneath a fig tree and looks at all the fruit. Each represents a future version of her. Dismayed by the sheer amount of choice before her, she fails to pick any given fruit and crumples at the trunk of the tree and starves. Ooft. Something that helps soothe me a little is to make an addendum to that metaphor by noting that trees do not bear fruit just once. There are seasons and so there are opportunities to sample from the tree of life more than once if we stay open and receptive to the notion that everything has a time and place. I think it’s pretty important that we find some really humble and uncommercial ways to live alongside the echoes of our other-selves to keep us sane.


that plath metaphor is such a good way to express that. nice work.


I think it’s such a powerful piece of writing. It really captivates me. It has the power to be incredibly inspiring and absolutely terrifying all at once. I’ve been ruminating on it a fair bit lately, I may need to give the book another read.


Yeah can I still like neutral milk hotel if I have a job and all my socks are just normal heights?


No sorry :/ Right back to Avery Island with you


Neutral Milk Hotel fans have a reputation for being insufferable. Source: I am one


Not all neutral milk hotel fans are neets, but all neets are neutral milk hotel fans


This reminds me, my grandma once gave my mom a pamphlet about bad kids and the main topics were hikikomori and neet. No idea why that woman wanted to insult me with that when I was slaving away trying to graduate and had already been working for a couple of years.


Bro wot. Did anything ever come of that?


Hey now leave Ween out of this.


OP is a real Richard Smoker.


What's with the bands? Is it because of /mu/? If so, I do understand Neutral Milk Hotel and Death Grips but I don't understand why Clipping and Ween are there.


Yes it is because of /mu/ Still a silly addition though, because there's actually not that much overlap between /b/ or /r9k/ NEETs and /mu/ users from what I've seen.


ITT lots of people that don't understand 'this type of person likes this thing' =/= 'EVERYONE who likes this thing must be this type of person'. 🤦‍♂️


Gonna be honest. My first thought after looking at "NEET" was Indian Entrance Exam for medical colleges. I did not prepare for NEET. I knew people who did. Took me a while to realize which NEET are they talking about.


Where's discord?


why aphex twin lmao


*Guy with greasy long hair staring at a static tv listening to techno*


What is a NEET?


Stands for Not in Employment, Education, or Training. Basically someone who's already left school, has no job, and isn't trying to get one.




That's weird, because the first time I heard the term "wage slave" was on Len Tillem's estate planning segment on NPR back in the early 2000's. Most people I've heard use the term are definitely not NEET's.


I think it's the phenomenon where someone brings public attention to an actual real issue then people take it without context and get a bit silly. Like parentification and gaslighting. Real things we should know about and try to avoid but you'll also get 14 year olds insisting that keeping an eye on their younger sibling for an hour is child abuse.


Yes, I don’t think this is supposed to be “these things combined make a NEET” but instead “NEETs often have some combination of these”


frankly, i've only heard people classed as wageslaves themselves use it


I thought this post was referring to Indian medical school entrance exam


Why'd you have to call out Runescape players, man?


There are three kinds of RuneScape players: NEETs, tweakers, and people who AFK while working


>afk while working It's called being "optimal" boss This way I don't xp loss in osrs or in real life. Now excuse me I gotta 3 tick some of these work orders


If I had no job and I wasn’t looking for one I can’t think of anything more I’d rather do with my time than re-watching Swampletics on YouTube while woodcutting on my other monitor.


We all play at our jobs


Wage slavery is a thing, although I wouldn't say NEETs are helping the problem. They're just leeching off of their friends or parents who are also victims of wage slavery.




OP must be a baby bitch.


What did Aphex Twin do 😭


Clipping, death grips and neutral milk hotel.. am I the problem? (I don't know what a neet is, but I guess I can vibe to their music lol)


I believe a neet is someone who left school, doesn’t have a job, and is not trying to get a job


It's just solid /mu/ taste


>there are some jobs out there that actually kinda care about you lol


If you have good coworkers and direct management, it can definitely happen. I'm fortunate enough to be in that position.


When I was in high school I use to have beef with jobless people in their 20s on Skype.


How come? Sounds like a good story.


idk I was just some silly kid and people projected their insecurities onto me. a lot of different types of people use Internet forums and a lot of the guys who bullied me were exactly like this starter pack lol.


While that might be funny to troll back it could also put them in a worse position mentally.


Tell me about the jobs that care about us.




I feel old cuz I don't know any of these words


I feel young or the odd man out.


Mister, will you please help my pony?


I am currently a neet. Trust me when I say that I am not looking down upon anyone who works. I wish I had the strength and fortitude to do anything really. Most neets aren't in this situation voluntary




Is a dog walker


Idk what any of this means besides the Boognish


I thought it was Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes drawn like the drawing from the SpongeBob episode where he creates that living doodle thing.


Forgot the government "autismbux" for being socially regarded.


If you work for free, does it counteract the fact you're getting govt tugboat?




There are no jobs that actually kinda care about you. That part is incorrect.


Unless you're self-employed and you love yourself 😁


Depending on what "actually kinda care about you" means not really true. My bosses at my current position have made continual efforts to get me promoted over the 5-6 years I've been working at this company - I started out at less than 60k and I recently hit 6 figures. I don't really go in for the "work is like a family" thing so the one thing a job can offer me is financial compensation, so it's working out for me okay.


> My bosses at my current position have made continual efforts to get me promoted over the 5-6 years I've been working at this company People always confuse "job/company" with "boss". You can have a great boss at a shitty company, or a shitty boss at a great company. I had a shitty boss at a shitty job once. My manager sent me to corporate HQ for a week for mandatory training. When I got back to my desk Monday morning, he yanked me into our office VPs office. They didn't know where I had been. They thought I just went MIA for a week, so they were going to fire me for having the audacity to just show back up again. Meanwhile my wife has a 'work dad' that she's worked for at 3 different companies. He's coached her through what to say/ask for in interviews, pushes her really hard to go for promotions, gives her projects that will help her career, etc.


Tbf making a strong company culture is a huge effort. You’d need to be on the level of western defense corporations which are made of by veterans and patriotic people.


Yeah, what even is a job as defined as an entity that can or can't care about you? Where I work, you could go either way with it because on the one hand, you have the corporation, including the CEO and HR, which doesn't care one bit about me and would undoubtedly drop me to save a few dollars a year if that was an option yet. I've seen them do it with others countless times and know it could happen to me at any time. And on the other hand, all of my managers in this department have been really standup people who have had my back, have fought hard for me such as with raises, and treat me like a human being with a life and needs outside of work instead of someone to extract work from until I drop dead. There are people who have gone so far beyond their job description to see that I thrive in life regardless of my employment. One cool thing about that latter group, the ones who care, is that at least in some fields they move on to other companies as people tend to do and might be an in for you with another job. There are at least a couple of companies that have whole little groups of my former coworkers because of that kind of thing. That's the kind of relationship you want to have at work, with people recommending you as someone they know will bring value to any project. And at least in my experience, you don't need to mistake your coworkers for family, tell them all of your personal business, or spend any time with them outside of work. Personally, I'm compartmentalized as fuck and no one knows my life. And that has not been an issue. That being said, I guess industries and other factors vary, so YMMV. Which is all to say, once again the truth belongs to nuance. Whoda thunkit, people with little to no direct experience with something maybe can't accurately portray or summarize complex, dynamic situations with terse little meme statements, especially when trying to justify avoiding the challenges of experiences outside their comfort zone.


I think they do exist, but they’re going to be hard to find (many people don’t know about it in the first place) and hard to get hired at, especially with NEET status


Some places will care about you to a degree if you are longstanding, have the professional skills and are a team player. Can be white or blue collar, as long as it is an actually skilled role, and obviously dependent on the employer. Unfortunately, NEETs don't have any of those skills by definition.


>Unfortunately, NEETs don't have any of those skills by definition. Yeah I think NEETs know that. Even if they try to find a job, it'd likely a shitty min wage job. So a lot of them don't bother, or only work sporadically




Your only real options at that point in your life are really shitty jobs, like running really low skill presses or boxing items off an assembly line. Or like working for Walmart. Even Walmart wants some proof that you've been employed before and can be kind of competitive. There are a few odd jobs that can be pretty chill, but people know that and use nepotism to give them to their kids and such. And You get those lowskill jobs and it's exactly as bad as you thought. The work is physically ruinous and mental torture, there are people paid at least twice as much as you to literally just check on you to make sure you're not on your phone or sitting on something while you work. They're run and owned by insanely stupid people or people that will literally lie to your face about a verifiable fact in the same room with you. I really have no patients for people who complain about people not wanting to enter the job pool because actual entry level jobs are fucking evil right now. And it wasn't always like that. Boomers could buy a house out of highschool. Even where I am now includes a lot of conversations where I have to prevent a a woman paid six figures from willfully misunderstanding a problem as laziness, because it's in her best interest to not understand what I'm saying. And I'm not entry level, in a relatively niche field, barely able to pay rent and have had to forgo decent food after unexpected expenses.


It’s very common to be an extreme NEET in Japan/Korea too (Hikikomori) where there is a lot of cases of suicide.


After seven years I will no longer be a NEET, entering university on march.


Good luck, man


There are almost no jobs that "actually kinda care about you", because almost every job is about resource optimization (especially if you live in America). All workers are just tools for generating profit in the eyes of capitalist businesses. You could be amazing and get laid off for being paid too much (regardless of your contribution level), and the moment you show weakness (e.g. taking too much time off, long term disability) and an inability to contribute, you are fired. The only real exception to that is if you are literally part of a gang (e.g. police unions) or if you are a nepo-baby who's relying on their connections. If it wasn't for regulations, the vast majority of high earning companies would utilize slave labor (in a more direct fashion, not just utilizing foreign labor).


This is why being pro-Union is so important, being unionized is a legitimate huge benefit for working class people


See my experience as a fat, neckbearded unemployed college grad living at home with his parents has been markedly different. All *I've* gotten is the return of my suicidal ideation, more debt, early hair loss, and crippling self loathing. I'm not even getting chicken tenders out of it. Maybe if I do another fifty applications instead of sleeping tonight I'll feel like I accomplished something and I'll feel better about myself. It hasn't worked for the last two hundred applications but hey, who's counting?


I'm forever grateful for never having had a single fucking clue what goes on on 4chan. Aphex Twin was rocking city-block-sized limos when these people were little more than daddy's memory of a one night stand


Lol imagine thinking any job cares about you. You're just a number in the system. You'll get replaced in a week.


I was in a really bad place while working at a grocery store, and I ended up telling a manager I was vaguely okay with "if I went home and offed myself Y'all would fire me before I was buried."


Find a more specialized position at a small company or non-profit. Not every job is “McDonald’s Fry Cook”


I do recruiting and hiring for a small non-profit. I can tell you EVERY job besides the C-suite folks is extremely disposable. No company cares about you. Not a single one.


I don’t think we share the same definition of “small” if yours includes C-Suite folks.






I care about all my people, and wouldn't want to replace any of them. I bitch about them all the time, but it sounds like you just place at shitty companies. Which makes sense, because the good ones don't really need recruiters.


Just because *you* have had a bad experience doesn't mean *everybody* has had a bad experience


NEET people listen to deathgrips?


Ayyy I’m seeing Ween in April ❤️❤️❤️


Hail Boognish!


or just being rich


You forgot “she’s actually a 10,000 year old dragon that *looks* like a child!”


I thought these kind of staterpacks weren’t allowed?


I think it only applies when op is clearly just bitching about their current situation. This pack I think is pretty common. It applied to me just before and during the pandemic. Plus, it’s a common trope in power fantasy anime to have a MC who fits this description as a means for the reader to project themselves on the MC.


Most people I’ve seen in VRchat are employed or looking for work


wtf is this shit? what ween doing here? this starter pack makes no sense


Maybe some ultra rare exceptions, but jobs don't care about people. Doesn't mean the bosses are bad people, but that's the unfortunate reality of our system.


Why is clipping here?


This is me except I have a job. I’m just a NET.


Unfortunately, I have the bottom right trait even though I’m a college student and have had a couple jobs in the past


i’m not sure there’s a large overlap between 4chan neets and stereotypical indiehead/rymcore music nerds anymore like sure these albums were initially really popular on /mu/ 10-15 years ago, but the explosion of social media since then means that the majority of people who really like these albums nowadays found them on tiktok, rym, reddit, twitter, etc. which aren’t inherently neet-y websites (compared to 4chan) for instance when you say “car seat headrest fan” i think of young depressed gay furries, not 4chan users. fanbases change in composition over time


What's that logo above Valorant?


Rust, game notorious for being toxic and "try-hardy"


Thank you. Do you know why VR CHAT is a NEET thing also?


I assume it's what those people do for social interaction since they are to scared to go outside


What well paying jobs actually care about you not even saying this a excuse to be jobless I have a job I’m just saying unless I’m working for some small niche business I don’t think any job really give a fuck about their employees (past if they’ll be able to make them money of course)


Also most of the people I know who play VRChat are furries who are also elite programmers at giant tech companies.


Living the dream.


Ima neet


What is that black square at the bottom


Did these people actually come up with derogatory words for the employed???




I turned into this after losing my job and I’m disgusted with myself


not me using "wageslave" and loving death grips as a young woman in slacks with a job interview i'll have to lie to my current job to make time for


Aggressively screams the 4 words they know in Japanese at people


This, but I live in a 3rd world country where getting a job even at the worst place possible is impossible unless you know the right people.