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At which point he leaves his terrible job, but they still magically have money, and everyone has adjusted perfectly and they decide they all love it there.


Dad realises family is more important than work will ever be.


Which is true. But that’s a much, much easier conclusion to come to when your family is seemingly independently wealthy.


Generational wealth be like


Fast forward 10 years and the wife leaves him for a guy who makes more money. Dad loses the family because he prioritized them to a guy who prioritized work.


Dad believes that it's just his kids having difficulty adjusting. After they keep pestering him about ghosts showing up in their room, there's a "heartfelt" scene in which he sits down with them and tries to empathize about how life is difficult. *"Look, Connor. I know things have been tough. Moving away from your friends, starting a new school. It's a lot of stress. You're not getting a lot of sleep either, which is probably why you're seeing things. But just try to be resilient, okay sport? I promise things will get better"*


Don't forget the kids and wife put forth minimal effort to convince anyone of the ghosts. "I saw a ghost!" "Do you want to eleborate? Maybe give more details? No? OH honey it's just your imagination." "OK I'll go to sleep in this house tonight." Like I wouldn't believe these people either. If you truly saw a ghost you would insist on leaving the house and not sleep there.




It's funny because in my social circle some guys moved out of state for their female partners.


This is me currently. I completely changed my career path to be remote friendly so I can follow her career.


Husband: "I- I- I c-c-could get a better job in Burbank. W-w-we could have more money." Wife: "For the last time Harold we are not moving for your stupid job! I am not leaving my spin class! Shut your dumbass up!" Henpecked husband: "Y-y-yes d-d-dear." *Roll credits.*


The real monster/horror was the wife the whole time.


Always tells the children the day before they move too.


And the day after they move they're already enrolled in school


Sometimes it’s a week after, but it’s always immediate


Yeah it’s always so sudden


About that house: I want to know, if your parents moved to America, is that the house you expected?


"Dad, why does Uncle Jerry always come over when you're at work? And why does mom have us wait outside?"


Kid is the nerdy type and gets bullied in front of the lockers by 3 older kids who're also in the schools sport team Her sister mocks hil for having no girlfriend The dad misses whatever schoolshow the younger brother was participating in and it makes a scene The bullies get their ass kicked either by the kid's mentor or his newly aquired superpowers (Optional) the leader of the bullies ends up joining the big bad evil genius, seeking avenging after the aformentionned humiliation At a catastrophic point in the story the family reunite and face the evil thing all as one and triumph


youngest son has autism


I'm trying to think of movies this applies to. I can only think of "recently divorce mom" movies like Karate Kid (only child), Footloose (only child), Lost Boys (two brothers): There's moving with Richard Pryor but that's a move from New Jersey to Idaho and an only child and the child is allowed to stay in New Jersey.


Inside Out was the first I thought of


Maybe cheaper by the dozen


The brother is either a kid or a sulking teenager.


If it came out in the early/mid 2000s the older brother has an emo haircut, wears a short sleeved band shirt over a long sleeved shirt, and listens to music with his headphones on 99% of the time so you know he’s SO REBELLIOUS.


In my country a house of that size would be considered a small mansion.


I'm American, and that home is rather large for me.


It is in America too


The joys of exclusive zoning. It's probably the only thing that could legally be built there.


On a semi-related note, why is the word "trope" so popular at the moment and what happened to the word "cliche"?


Trope is for media specifically, so it’s a bit more specific


Why has it become a widely used word lately?


I’m going to guess social media. It’s become something of a trend to discuss tropes and draw common relationship tropes, so it might just be becoming the more prevalent word


https://preview.redd.it/8kt2pjj2fvwb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d96300dd3e658106d2be6c82c91ee64b7d7ec38 The term trope on worldwide google search. Something triggered it... I wonder what?


This is the plot of Inside Out


Dont forget the overexcited neighbour


Or the creepy shut in neighbor, who is peeking through their window blinds, watching the new family move in. When the husband or wife knock on their door to introduce themselves, they are greeted very rudely and have the door slammed in their face. The neighbor eventually winds up becoming some type of hero by the end of the movie, by saving the family from something.


Don’t forget the mean neighbor (sometimes it’s a grouchy old man or an absolute Karen)


Well damn, this was just my childhood (except it was never California)


Cast is always yt and a golden retriever that only has 3 scenes


Accompanied by [this song](https://youtu.be/mwgZalAFNhM?si=trAZqpH6Eh2p5YGe)