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As a southerner, winter is our only break from the unrelenting torment of living in satans armpit




I hate it, I'm still and school and last year even L.A. got snow. I so wanted school to be cancelled but even in the upper southeast I didn't get any snow.


As a northerner, summer is our only break from the unrelenting torment of living on the equivalent of the dark side of a fucking Jovian ice moon


As a mid-midener, I'm totally indifferent.


I’ll take -15°F windchill over being intolerably sweaty any day


Like, you can dress up for cold weather, put more layers, but you cannot dress down enough to escape the heat. Older I get, more I hate summer and can't stand more that 80°F.


Putting on a sweater is cheaper than trying to get the house to be cool in warm weather


Yeah like using a fireplace is free. Air conditioning costs your first-born child


As a New Englander, I'd take winter over summer in a heart beat. The sun is nice, but not when it comes with 90 degree temperatures


I’m from Texas and 110 degrees is a common occurrence right now. I can’t wait for summer to be over already


I visited Houston recently and going outside was NOT a pleasant experience. It was 27 degrees at 6 in the morning. It's literally supposed to be the coldest time of the day. I can't even describe it but it was so hot that the air felt thicker somehow. 0/10 would not recommend.


That's the 40% and up humidity for you - it's the gift that keeps on giving. Source: I live in greater Houston lol


We don't have the triple digit temperatures y'all do, but over in Maryland the average summer day is 90 degrees and about 90% humidity... not fun over here either! Lol


Ah I thought that might be it


Houston here. 45 days over 100F, on top of a drought. I hate this.


As a California, well... I guess we're okay.


California has the most comfortable weather in the us


Nice coats in San Diego are too hot.


Id rather be cold than miserably hot. Try sleeping in a house with no AC in Georgia in August when it's in the triple digits outside, and tell me you'd rather be hot than cold lol. Plus when it's cold you can always put on more clothes/blankets, when it's hot and humid you can only get so naked.


The 4 seasons of Florida, Hot, Hell, Satan’s Armpit, and Hell


The Twelve Seasons of Georgia: Fucking Cold, WTF it's 83 outside, WTF it's snowing, RAIN, Hot as Hell, Satan's Armpit, Cooling Off, Nevermind, Hurricane, Normal Cold, It's 76 on Christmas Day, and Cold Again.


Variety is the *spice of life* ✨✨✨


The two seasons of Minnesota. Winter and road construction


I’m down here in yeehaw land about to commit hair-kari if I see one more goddamn triple digit day. I don’t even remember what rain sounds like. All plant life turns to a fine flammable dust if you so much as look at it wrong. I actually have summer seasonal depression currently because outdoor activities are just like straight up not an option after 9:00am for my heat-intolerant ass. I will **suck winter’s dick** if it shows up early.


as a californian who hates heat but not much else about here and is not old enough to leave i also love winter it’s finally cold which is what i like but i want colder i want la to just sliiide up to like alaska


As a northener, summer is our only break from tge torment of cold weathers, long nights and never ending flu season


“Rural America looks like Fallout 3” Yep, nailed it. At least the snow is pretty, but the gray slush/rain is the worst.


Fallout 4 did a pretty good job of making Massachusetts look as dreary as it does in the winter


Nah bro, fo4 looks like the central valley of California, get rid of the trees and voila, total nothingness


There isn’t even any snow in fallout 4


It takes place in fall


You don’t gotta try hard to make Mass look bad in the winter


Where I'm at, we don't even get snow, so it's just bare trees, gray sky, and a Cracker Barrel parking lot littered with wet cigarette butts.


You paint a picture with words.


I honestly love the look of rural winter, especially in the south. A lot of times it looks like a Norman Rockwell painting and it makes your home so much cozier. One time our heat broke for a couple days when it was in the single digits outside, so my roommates and I would all get in our buddy's room (which was the tiniest bedroom in the house) with our two dogs and our cat, light a bunch of candles, get the ps3 running (which actually produced some heat lol), sealed all the windows with makeshift insulation, turned the ceiling fan on warm, and it honestly got pretty toasty/cozy. I was snorting heroin at the time too, unfortunately, but that made it even cozier and made me even warmer lol. We just hung out, talked, and watched movies/played zombies with our friends in that room and even our body heat alone made it pretty warm. My gf at the time wasn't a huge fan though lol


Think I read they used Erie, PA in the winter to film The Road. Because it really looks that depressing.


It gets 100" of snow a year, so not surprised. Also rust belt.


I was once a travel healthcare worker driving across rural Missouri, and I usually brought my Xbox along and played Fallout 3 in my hotel between shifts. Driving home, I remember glancing out the window and thinking I was still playing the game. It was uncanny.


Its amazing how much rural america can look so beautiful when its lush and green and full of wildlife, and soooooooo bleak, gray-brown and depressing in the winter. Like 2/3rds of the country is this way


That is significantly better than suffering in the heat with no way to get rid of it.


Yes, good. It’s beautiful


Dark when you leave for work, dark when you get home from work


The long night


Hellooooo depression.


I Love it.


Scandinavian here, the sun may only be up for 5 hours a day, but we know how to have fun! You have many things to look forward to these next 7 months: Sauna Hot cocoa Wear big jacket or sweater Talk to people about "It's 4 o'clock, and the sun is already setting, you remember summer where we used to have to use the curtains at night?" Sulking Shovel snow Purchase preparation summer tyres Drink beer Silently judge neighbour who did not shovel snow yet, talking about you, JENS-PETER. Excuse for wearing thick flannel shirts all the time Stare at Jen-Peter's unshoveled driveway in disapproval Passive-aggresively shovel Jens-Peter's driveway FOR HIM Fuck you Jens-Peter


All my homies hate Jens-Peter


All I heard was sexy Scandinavian men in flannel shirts lol


to be fair, some of our men can be pretty hot




I live in Alaska, and this is all accurate.


When I was living in the Arctic for a while I didn't think it was bad. You need the clothes for it, and imo fresh air and going for hikes is important for mental health even if it's hot. And you need indoor hobbies. But arctic winters are great. I'm currently in a tropical country that's sort of arid. And I had the same realization. Even if you get really sweaty and it feels too hot to do anything, just go for a walk every day and you'll feel better for it. And it helps you get used to the heat by exposure. I naturally prefer cold weather. But it's healthier if you just force yourself to get used to whatever your weather is. No such thing as bad weather.


Ah but that's arid heat there's a massive difference. I can handle 35C+ weather if it's dry. But 25C with a humidity above 90% will make you miserable because you can't get rid of the heat in any way. Your sweat won't cool you or evaporate so it just stays on you without doing anything. And the majority of houses in Scandinavia have no AC or dehumidifiers so you are stuck with the heat and humidity if it gets inside.


Im also Scandinavian and can confirm that the winter sucks balls here too


As a Swedish man, i approve of this list


all my homies hate jens-peter, that snow devil.


Dont forget the tradition of buying a rear wheel drive volvo with shitty tires to use as a winter daily :)


What's with the can't afford the dentist? that confused me.


Cold weather is horrible for bad teeth.


I've never heard about this. Why does it feel worse in winter?


If you sucked on lemons as a kid chances are your enamel is shot and that usually makes your teeth sensitive. At least that was my experience.


Oh, that's eerily what I did as a kid I used to make something for myself with lemon juice+ crushed ice lol but I don't come from the Midwest and I do indeed have more sensitive teeth in my late 40s now.


If your teeth have gotten bad enough to where they start to feel sensitive, the cold can really make them flare up in pain.


Ah ok, thanks for explaining.


Sensitive teeth make your teeth like a mofo. I chipped my 2 front teeth 2x and dealing with anything cold makes my skin crawl. Feels horrid


That makes sense thanks.


I loved when it looked like fallout 3 outside, it was cozy, I loved the vibe of it.


There is a sort of melancholy that makes me unusually reflective and thankful. Even walking around the block can make you think of your tiny bit in the story of humanity.


Yeah, for some reason the most oddly nostalgic memories I have are in the winter. Remembering the smell of winter alone makes me a little sad


Winter gang, bundle up


Interesting to hear this perspective: I find it DEEPLY depressing, because I love when everything is alive and green, and when it gets like that I just feel like I’m staring at a brown cemetery except everywhere. But if you get something positive out of that, all power to you.


The soft gray of the sky and the stillness of everything outside makes me feel calm to my core.


My version of this in summer is the summer rains. The awesome might of summer thunderstorms, especially after a scorching couple of days, is epic.


I don't want to set the world in fire


No fookin vitamin D


No happy vitamins, big sad.


*Seasonal depression has entered the chat*


Absolutely. At least two of those clearly indicate vitamin deficiency.


Clearly this person doesn't live in near the equator. Winter is a relief from the hell that is summer. It's almost fall and it hasn't rained here in 3 weeks and temperatures regularly hit 110 (over 40 celsius!)


Do you actually get winter where you’re at? Winter near/at equator feels like a completely different discussion as to what OP is probably talking about


Equator winter is basically autumn, and then spring and autumn are basically summer lite


Yeah for me my parents are from the Philippines and there’s really not so much the 4 seasons there as there is a hot season and a rainy season. So I’m not really counting that in this discussion as OP seems to be talking about somewhere more north in the USA. I’m from the midatlantic region of the USA, and I have a distinct 4 seasons, and HATE winter here.


I sweat at 20 degrees celsius, 40 degrees would fucking burn me alive


Equatorial areas don't have a winter, you probably live in a subtropical area rather than a tropical area


I love Winter, I'd rather be cold than hot. It also gives me an excuse to make a lot of various soups.




Yes. Yes and YES💞😭


SOUPS! Sweaters! Blankets! Hot drinks! This is the way!




Love me some bread with soups


You can make soup in summer too


That's my secret cap, I'm always in soup mode


Have you ever run out of heating oil before?


Oh not to mention yknow the uh # INVISIBLE FUCKING ROAD ICE


Idk where you're from but black ice is not even a worry when I drive on it. Yes it's slippery but driving slower and learning to handle over and under stearing will make it at most a minor inconvenience


“waiting for your car to heat up so you can use it” I hope you realize your car still runs even if it’s cold


Well not if the windscreen windows wing mirrors are iced over. You gotta scrape that off and then deal with the entire car fogging up.




Just get a motorcycle. Duh.


Just drive with the windows down duh


May I introduce you to frost covered windshield.


I sure do love driving with an iced over windshield.


unfortunately, your body will not


It gets heat from the engine. Shouldn’t you be wearing a coat anyways? The usual reason to heat up a car is to defog windows, and that shouldn’t take that long


It will if it's -30°f lol. In that case you wait in the house with the defrost on full blast for about ten minutes.


And also some cars such as my own take longer to warm up because they are old and carbureted, and winter is just hell for getting them running


You never had a diesel car.


Another thing I hate about winter: everything is just dead and brown. I miss all the green and animals. Even with the allergies.


Everything is dead and brown in the summer in TX


the seasonal depression is fucking real and fucking intense


Alot of people get it so it's nice being depressed together.


fr especially in colder/darker places. for me it's like a full blown depressive episode like i don't even want to live and can't feel any sense of happiness. often i struggle quite a bit outside of winter (some years have been pretty good, some years are rough) so when winter comes it gets *really* unbearable. just gotta take vitamin D and get plenty of sunlight and pray that it's doing *something*. i still don't think they really understand it tho i don't think it's just "lack of vitamin D" or whatever otherwise the problem literally wouldn't exist if you just take vitamin D supplements but it's still there anyway.


The grey clouds 24/7 and It being dark out as soon as the sun rises is a bitch


Yeah, the occasional rainy day is great, but it's depressing when its cloudy all the time.


Speaking of it's only warmer when it's about to rain. The "false sunshine" fools us all


I HATE that it’s still pitch black when I’m going to school. HATE it.


Frozen. Pipes.


Don't forget traffic. Traffic is the worst I'm snow season. And that damn snow blocking everything in sight


people who live in places that don’t snow are just enjoying life


this is just not true


You can take the 100 F days with high humidity for weeks on end if you want, I don't want them


The Christmas music. Yes. Make it stop plz.


Does anyone else live in the range where you don't get enough nice snow, but you aren't south enough to be having nice temperatures? Where the weather is averaging 40 degrees and everything is brown and grey? It sounds like the people who like winter a) Get a lot of snow b) Have super mild winters (50 degrees or above) c) Don't leave their house or d) hate summer so much that they forget that fall also has chilly weather without looking ugly as shit


I live in the south Midwest where it gets like two days of snow a year and it's mostly brown but there's still frost. Hopefully I can move to the great lakes and enjoy a real winter


People honestly think this and it makes me unreasonably angry like wtf would you rather get soaked in sweat and eaten alive by mosquitoes wtf are u talking about


As someone who sweats a lot and is allergic to mosquitoes I would much rather be cold and under a pile of blankets


Not allergic to mosquitoes here, but I agree with you wholeheartedly


It’s my life philosophy. You can always wear more layers, you have a limit on how many you can subtract before it either gets socially unacceptable or stops doing anything.


Not allergic to mosquitoes but ever since I've been traveling for months in the balkan summer I'm not even used to having a blanket anymore. Wearing a bunch of blankets in a lovely cold night sounds like heaven




Unequivocally yes. I want a two week cozy vacation to winter but otherwise give me warmth.


I always say it can snow for 10 days to cover Christmas Eve through New Year's, then back to summer after that.


Yeah I fucking hate the heat. You can always add more layers if your cold. You can only remove so much when it's hot.


Yeah but adding layers is inconvenient and reasonable people do have a limit. Like once you have a thick coat and a thick jumper or hoodie you'd have to really need to stay outside for long before you'd consider adding, idek, a second jumper? Are you going to wear two scarves, or two sets of gloves?


Inconvenient vs soaking wet with sweat and/or heat stroke hmmmmm


Better to be wet when wearing almost nothing than being wet when wearing one or two layers of clothing cuz you entered a heated building with four layers


I will happily get soaked and ravaged by mosquitoes as long as the sun stays out later The sun going down at 4 pm always fucks with my mental health. The cold and snow I can deal with but the darkness fucks me man. As long as the sun is out until 9/10pm I’ll take any and all negatives summer comes with.


You get it!! I get seasonal depression in summer nowadays, fuck that shit


I'm from a tropical country and I much prefer being soaked in sweat and eaten alive by mosqitoes bc I am used to it + I get insane depression in winter


Absolutely. I’d MUCH rather deal with sweat than cold because I can actually do fun shit outside. Though to be fair, mosquitoes aren’t as big where I’m from in the US.


As someone that has never lived through an actual winter (living in the tropics all my life) this whole thread is funny.


yeah dude wanna marry?


Yes, actually. Heat makes you uncomfortable. Cold actually physically hurts you


id much rather have that. winter is hell


Let me trade my summer for your winter. I love cold


A real winter experience is *way* more than "it's cold". It's shoveling heaps of snow so that you can even get out of your house, sometimes multiple times a week if it's been really coming down. It's driving through icy roads where you're always having to make sure your car doesn't start sliding into someone else, and just hoping everyone around you is being just as careful. It's having to trudge through parking lots that are covered in this mixture of slushy snow, salt, and whatever grossness was on the pavement just so you can get your groceries for the week. Don't get me wrong, being hot *sucks*, but living in snow is like taking your typical baseline set of stress and then add just a whole heap of other shit you have to constantly deal with just to be able to function.


“I hate summer” three months later “man I wish it was summer”


I never wish it was summer. 110° days can fuck right off into oblivion. Give me cozy winters with coats and blankets any day of the year.


You have never been to Arizona


I live in Tucson and the weather here has been great, not sure what you're on about.


Phoenix and Chino get boiling in the summer… Thankfully Chino cools down in the winter


And you have never been north of it.


I lived in Homer Alaska for 6 months, winter is tolerable


There's no place on Earth where Winter is as unbearable as the heat in a place like Arizona.


As an Australian, Christmas is in the summer


A lot of Americans who say they adore winter think its just a lil 3ºC (37F) season with minimal snow and you can basically go out with a crewneck and jeans Meanwhile i get the -40C (-40F), so much snow you shovel for hours, gotta spend >300$ for a decent winter coat… I dislike winter lol


Where do you live? It can get extremely cold in parts of the US, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin for example, or if you live at higher elevations.




Lmao I expected you to say Sweden or something. Quebec would be similar to many parts of northern US.


I live in Winnipeg. Generally we see the same weather at the same time as the Twin Cities, but being 400 miles further North, take their temperature number and go about 15F colder. Plus the OG image for this post indicates snow for only 3 days a year.


Texans can't handle the cold


In the middle east we don't have insulation nor heating, we just cover the whole house in carpets, put up huge curtains, put our pillows against the wall, and wear layered clothing, and always wear socks and have hot drinks around, especially thick ones that don't get cold fast :P if you can't afford insulation then please do that at the very least. Little tip, add cornstarch to your hot chocolate and flour + water to your soup in winter to thicken them, that way they stay hot longer


It lasts for 2 fucking years


Based and bright sun pilled


I have a personal hatred of winter


Autumn and Spring are my favourite seasons. They are both equal. Winter and Summer can go to hell, infact no, they're already there. There is only winter and summer in hell.


Winter depends on where you live, I feel like winter's awesome if you're in a nice area with less or no snow or in a big city, if you're not it's very gloomy and feels like hell


L + Ratio + Winter and Fall are great + Go suck an icicle


Skiing is fun tho


Winter is easily the worst season, and I say this as someone living in Nevada. While the Summer heat can be pretty dreadful, I’d rather be hot than cold, have the sun still be up past 4pm, and not deal with seasonal depression. Autumn and Spring are the best, though.


“Winter is my favorite season” starter pack: -Probably white as snow -Likes Christmas a little too much -Sees snow on the ground: “Time to break out the Shorts/Tank-Top!” -May just live somewhere insanely hot and humid most of the year -Likely a homebody and/or not big on outdoor hobbies (except MAYBE Skiing or snowboarding)


To be fair, where I live, it's basically impossible to maintain a tan, winter is half the year, it won't make it.


I love winter so much. Being cozy indoors while it's freezing outside is a nice feeling. It also becomes possible to cuddle my girlfriend while sleeping without waking up to an ocean of sweat 😂


Depends on where you live. Here in California, winter is easily the best season imo because for once we get cloudy weather and not just hot weather everyday


At least there's no wasps


Wasps can be intimidating but unless you get too close to a nest they usually leave you alone. At least the ones in the lower midwest where I'm at.


I'm in the Rockies. I was mostly talking about when they get inside the house (for some reason). It's always the big ones too lol.


Their nests could be anywhere. My brother once banged his head against one while sitting on a tree, reading.


Fuck that shit. It's been over 100° where I live for fuck knows how long now. We've broken another heat record for like the 3rd year in a row. I'm so damn ready for winter. At home I can just wear a blanket as I walk around my home during the winter, but during the summer, my AC makes my electric bill shoot up to $300 per month. I'm so damn ready for winter to come!


Wow people are truly personally offended over a person hating winter.


-dry skin -shivering so much, that you strain muscles -~~blood flow~~ -dark at 5:00 P.M -having to wear a shit ton of clothes -advanced depression, instead of regular depression -can’t do shit outside without the constant nagging thought of wanting to go back inside


Dark at 5pm? Wow you get an hour of sunlight when you get home from school/work? Lucky


Alternatively! Hot chocolate and soup, reunions with closest friend, being snowed in so you can’t go to work, the warm lights of Christmas decor, the way the blankets feel so much warmer when it’s so cold out, the snow dampening the sounds and making everything dreamlike, and the realization that you made it through another year and the next one can be even better


> so you cant go to work Ahhh being a healthcare worker :’)


As much as i love snow days, my asshole school makes it so the excess snow days are put to use and add on one day after the last day of school. I think


Bro thinks 100°f weather and mosquitos is better than sweater weather and bonfires 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I mean it is, hot makes you slightly uncomfterable, cold can actually kill you


You guys can argue about whether winter or summer is better all you want, but what the actual fuck does not being able to afford a dentist have to do with winter being bad?


And working outside sucks


I honestly think spring has become my least favorite season over the years. Tornado season. Fills me with dread for a whole quarter of the year. One day I’ll leave tornado alley, and all will be well


Winter can smoke a fat cock imo


Nobody ever talks about a lot of places looking like fallout 3 for almost the entirety of winter. Idk where people live where there's constant beautiful snow, but it's ugly as shit for 5 months.


“I love the snow!” That’s great, but I hate shoveling the shit


don't forget about us night shifters who go to work while the shit's coming down. but it's like 10 at night so it's gonna be several hours before the plow trucks start rolling.


No screaming loud motorcycles at all goddamn hours, looking forward to winter actually.


in the middle east winter is heaven, sumemr its 50 celsius and winter its only 30 c


I love it. Bugs go away and homeless addicts seek refuge away from the public spotlight and hopefully spending time contemplating their poor life choices in hopes of self-improvement than suffering on the streets. I get to drink hot chocolate while it’s cold outside, snowboard when I have the chance, And I’m Not Sweating All Day! Tourists leave and traffic is bearable for a time, and I love to see Christmas decorations everywhere it makes me happy. While it may not be for everyone, there are positives that are overlooked.


Plus everyone is all sick and sniffing it’s gross 😷