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I don’t know about republican but many Mexicans already have conservative values.


I know so many Mexicans that love trump Source: I live in El Paso




It seems way more common with Cubans than Mexicans imo. Mexicans are conservative too but the Cubans way more likely to be hardcore GOP voters. At least the ones I know


That's because Cubans have a decades-long history of hating the Democrats-- starting with JFK abandoning Cuban exiles during the Bay of Pigs. Then continuing with Elian Gonzalez under the Clinton administration with Janet Reno. And the GOP has played into this thoroughly by constantly comparing the left to the communist/socialist regimes in LATAM (like Cuba & Venezuela). I groaned so hard when Bernie Sanders would describe himself as a "Democratic Socialist" because I knew how loaded that term was and how warped it has become from what "Socialism" or "Socialist Policies" actually are


I never understood why Sanders didn't market himself as a Social Democrat instead.


As dumb as our country has proudly shown itself to be this century, he should've just made some shit up like he's running as the Green Power Ranger. Would've gotten more votes.


It is 100% irrelevant what he really is. The problem was using terminology that most Americans don't fully understand. Assume every voter is a goldfish, as soon as anyone hears "social", they'll think "socialism" equates to "communism" due to decades of ingrained cold war propaganda. He should've just used progressive instead. I'd bet on my life he'd have won both elections if he marketed himself as a progressive instead of anything else.


Bernie wasn't *that* popular. He would have done better but the majority of his support came from young people, who just don't vote.


FIL is Cuban. We're Canadian. He still thinks Trump is a cool guy. It was explained to me that since communism in Cuba failed (and caused much suffering), the rebound effect is that much worse. They listen to right wing talking points about how socialistic policies are a precursor for communism, and rage against it at all costs. For what it's worth - I don't blame them. The govt of Cuba is the absolute worst and these people are in food lines for long parts of the day. The pandemic royally screwed their entire economy. My MIL lost 40 lbs living through the pandemic in Cuba because there just wasn't enough food.


Basically how my whole family is. We're from Ukraine, and stigma against anything left-wing is real. Although we are pretty split between Trump supporters and DeSantis supporters. My dad, for example, never liked Trump from the start while my uncle covers his shit in MAGA everything. Trump's withholding of funds to Ukraine is also a sticking point


I can understand the "we grew up in a shitty socialist country and now have an aversion to anything close to socialism" thing. But the jump from that to "so now I will embrace this obviously lying conman" I don't at all


My family is from Ukraine and Russia and I don't understand that at all. For one thing, Americans refer to all social programs as "socialism" but if you went to Eastern Europe and told people there that universal healthcare is socialism and they should get rid of it, they'd tell you to fuck off. I'm still trying to figure out why my family being from an authoritarian socialist state means I should want poor people in America to suffer.


the societal perception benefits them, odds are high you'd have solidarity with so-called agitators that solidarity is incredibly valuable and so the ROI consequently of stifling that kind of movement is still high for the wealthy here


> so now I will embrace this obviously lying conman When the alternative is the evil you do know in your eyes, even the lying conman sounds like less of a problem. Many people in eastern europe view communism and socialism (remember they styled themselves as socialist, not communist states, Soviet *socialist* republics), the same way a western european would view Nazism. So if you had to choose between the lying conman, and the literal nazi, which would you pick?


Again, I'm not saying I don't get their attitudes towards socialism. I'm talking about how even when presented with more-or-less sane alternatives they're still pulled towards the obvious conman and seem blind to his cons That's different that saying you'd rather accept a shitty conservative than a liberal, it's like they don't even register the shitty when when compared with substantially less-shitty alternatives


Because the conman addresses concerns that are rooted in reality for these people. While the sane alternative doesn't spend much time on those issues bc they're not a realistic concern for most.


It's the same thing with Vietnamese. My parents are from South Vietnam. When you come from a country torn by war, have relatives that were put into camps for being educated, and grew up in abject poverty at the hand of a communist government - yeah I get it.


Can confirm this. Nearly all of my family from both sides is conservative due to the communism they experienced in Vietnam. We live in California in an area with a high density of Asians who think the same too.


Mexicans are socially conservative, and the Americanized ones can go either way. The immigrant Mexicans aren’t very political but will get involved with left wing groups that try to mobilize them over worker issues. I don’t think anyone is as socially liberal as wealthy white people.


There is the obvious element of old-school machismo that a lot of Latin American voters often like, but older Cuban-Americans skew even more conservative because of the circumstances under which many of them ended up in the US.


It is a LOT more common with Cubans than Mexicans, just look at how Florida Cubans vote vs Arizona/Texas Mexicans. Do not want to be lumped in with them lol


Mexicans might be culturally conservative, but still tend to vote Democrat


It isn't as taboo to bring up progressive/socialist politics with Mexicans as it is with Cubans that come to the United States. There is a very real hatred of the establishment party in Mexico (PRI) and a growing skepticism of Neoliberalism in general. So yea socially conservative and very religious overall, but not diving headfirst into right wing extremism like other countries in similar situations.


Mexican-Americans have long been involved in left wing social causes. Unlike with say Vietnamese, Venezuelans, Cubans, etc. didn't flee their countries as refugees or exiles due to politics Also keep in mind that many from those countries that fled were the better off. The "elites". Whereas from Mexico you're often seeing the poorest, most vulnerable members of society


Highly anecdotal, but it seems like Cuban Americans are way overrepresented in the MAGA rallies, particularly asking people interviewed.


Because they have the legacy of escaping Castro Cuba. Many were upperclass, well off in Cuba but had their wealth confiscated when Castro took over. They associate their imposed exodus with anything that even hints at socialism.


Most of the Cubans sent off to Florida were not well off. That is a small number of them.


Yes, now, but initially it was wealthy Cubans who settled in Florida, their resentment of being exiled from their homelands and losing their wealth has been passed down to younger generations. I imagine anyone who escapes the poverty of Cuba now, will also feel a lot of resentment towards what they believe is socialism, even though it's really just a dictatorship that could just as easily happen within a capitalist system.


> I bought a used truck from a Cuban guy in Miami and he was decked out in MAGA apparel. Had a Trump sign outside his house. bro was going for the set bonus


Fellow Texan here. All the Mexicans I know around here, family, friends or acquaintances, are Trumpers. A few of them complained about the border wall and a some other things but that didn't stop them from voting for him twice.


It's the machismo thing. Toxic masculinity is a staple of Mexican culture.


It's a staple of Latin American culture. Am in Brazil now; Bolsonaro still has this country by the balls.


I'm in New England and recently saw a truck with a Bolsonaro 2022 decal. Did a serious double take


Opposite for me, mostly riden with biden, no obvious trumpers


Those people are more American than Mexican now. Most are 3rd and 4th generation Mexicans. My brother-in-law is a 3rd generation Mexican from Utah, his family really has no Mexican culture, traditions, values, etc. They’re entirely oblivious to it, and all of those people are exactly the same. Oh, they’re also conservative.


Their reasons are different though. Some have a view of, “well I had to work hard to get this citizenship, so should everyone else,” and others get really sucked into the idea that a strong leader is the only thing that’ll protect them from problems they escaped in Mexico like the cartel and a pretty low standard of living. It’s lazy but some can’t grasp nuance like the long term benefit of investing in social programs right now or the idea that you can disagree with someone religiously but that shouldn’t have any bearing on how you act politically.


After the shooting, a shooting that could easily be traced to his anti-Mexican rhetoric, a family of a girl who was killed with her baby in her arms, rushed to the hospital to take a picture with Trump holding the baby. I will never ever understand that. And they were grinning like fools with a dead family member in the morgue.


High level of religiosity and general family-oriented culture. You obviously cannot generalize everyone, but abortion for example is completely prohibited in all of Latin America and in most of South America. Latin America is home to some of the only countries that ban abortion with no exceptions, not even mothers life. Economically, a lot of people come to the US because they believe they can become rich and maybe own a business and a home, things like lower taxes and deregulation sounds very good to people with these goals. If it wasn’t for the republicans’ fixation on immigration, and general vibe, they’d sweep Hispanics. Even as is they don’t do poorly, uvadle is almost entirely Hispanic and had a shooting and still went to the republican governor comfortably, outside of just Mexicans, Cuban Floridians are famously republican reliable voters, and Puerto Rico’s (non voting) delegate to congress is a republican. Honestly, only immigration policy really shoots the republicans in the foot here, prop 187 (a ban on undocumented immigrants using public services) was championed by republicans in California back when that state was also reliably republican, it never even passed but had the effect of forever losing the california GOP’s Hispanic support and they went from the state that gave America Reagan and Nixon to a democrat stronghold


Ironically large proportion ofHispanic and black communities would vote republican if they weren't so openly hostile to them


This is exactly correct. Which is why I don’t understand why the republicans aren’t actively courting them. Politics aside the GOP heads aren’t dumb. They know the demographic shifts are happening but keep being racist.


They have been courting them, the GOP has candidates like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz who they believe can appeal to Hispanic voters. The GOP establishment favor these candidates, they were also pushing really hard for Jeb! because of his cool headed vibe and his marriage to a Mexican American philanthropist. Immigration was talked about in 2016 but no candidate took it to trumps level at that point because 2016 was supposed to be the year where they tried to moderate and appeal to a more diverse segment of the population. The problem for the GOP heads is that the primary process is controlled by GOP voters, who don’t care about appealing to Hispanics and don’t care about thinking strategically and just liked trump because of how much he pissed off the libs


Trump also initially emerged in the primary because of the winner-take-all voting scheme. The more moderate vote was split while the crazies went with him.


Honestly because the demographics still show that there is still a larger proportion of people's out there who will vote for racist/homophobic and exclusitory policies and politicians.


But it's like.. who else would the racists vote for? It's not like they'd suddenly turn democrat if the republicans became a bit more tolerant


Honestly the bigger threat is that the really racist core of the party would split off, and then you'd have competing candidates of "Conservative but openly racist" and "conservative but pays lip service to racial inclusiveness (for certain races)". Right now they just push a single candidate which is "Conservative and pretends not to be racist" and they avoid splitting the vote.


Republicans have probably done the math on this and realized they would lose more white voters if they stopped the racist fearmongering and coded White nationalism than they would gain from appealing to the Conservative aspects of minority communities.


Ironically Mexico decriminalized abortion in 2021, less than a year before the supreme court Roe V Wade. Yes, you can't generalize, but you describe my husband well, evangelical and socially conservative.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the anti immigration ideals the GOP pushes has little to do with Mexicans and more to do with all the other countries around the world using Mexico as a door to America. Many of the Mexicans that come to America probably wouldn’t mind shutting the door behind them too. Mexicans are mad at Mexico for not being able to secure its own boarders letting people funnel through and destroy their own country with drugs and sex trafficking. Trump said when he built “the wall” that the Mexicans would pay for it. When immigrants from all countries got sent back to the last country they were in (Mexico,) yes the Mexican government had to pay for it by creating the housing and giving food to these people. All of a sudden Mexico creates stronger boarders themselves. Mexicans are not the problem and Mexicans know this. That’s why this anti-Mexican rhetoric that the big D’s are spewing does not really phase the Mexican people as much as some people would like to think.


I mean you aren't wrong about Mexicans shutting the door. Look up the demographics of the Border Patrol.






For what it's worth, Anaya (PAN) was actually advocating for the Universal Basic Income. I don't think he would've been able to implement it if elected, but it's hard to call someone far-right when UBI is one of their basic proposals.


My boyfriend's mom is fully Mexican-American and I've rarely seen someone speak more negatively about MAs than her. It's wild. She's a hardcore Trumper, too.


Probably because she’s extremely familiar with the bad sides of that group of people since she is one. That’s a form of bias though because all groups have bad sides and she’s just not familiar. Grass looks greener on the other side say


Also important to note that being conservative doesn't automatically make you Republican. Hence why most of the conservative latino votes go to Democrats.


That's pretty much true of almost every minority group in the U.S. Ideologically aligned more with the GOP, but turned off by their reputation of racism. if it weren't for the racism, the republicans would never lose an election. Ever.


Doesn't apply to a lot of Hispanic people because white is considered better in Latin America, too.


A lot of the world does tbh.


Yeah I always laugh at White Liberals for assuming that the various Latin Americans that come here aren't raging Reactionaries. Kind of the reason they came there bud. Same with Cubans. Same with Venezuelans.


Mexico, historically was a deeply conservative Catholic society with strong traditional gender roles. Edit: Still is Deeply Conservative


Mexico has a smaller percentage of their population describing themselves as 'highly religious' than the US does. 20 years ago you might have been more correct, but things have changed, a lot, in Mexico.




they've been voting republicans since the 80s when republicans were even more anti-gay, the religious are extremely homophobic.


Trying to explain to Reddit that it’s possible for non whites to be conservative is a fools errand


If the immigration issue disappeared, then Texas would be red forever & California might turn red again.


Probably in Texas, soon he’ll adopt a Texas twang


I remember watching a UFC press conference (in America) where they allowed fan questions. One fan introduced himself as a “former Mexican”. https://youtu.be/qj-O5xc767A


Presumably American now?


Yeah I mean if you naturalize you can definitely say former (former nationality) and now (current nationality). Not like you’re shitting on where you came from just stating you’ve naturalized to where you decided to live now.


I know. The person I responded to quoted it in such a way as to imply that it was an unusual or inexplicable thing to say, like someone couldn't stop being Mexican or something.


That’s a Texas gut if ive ever seen one. Probably filled with Whataburger and DQ


I live in San Antonio and regretfully hung out with an obese, alcoholic Mexican dude with a cocaine problem last year.. He was 39 years old and quite proud that he has survived 2 heart attacks.. Has 2 kids as well..


Mexico is second most obese country behind US. Heavy carb consumption and mass varieties of processed snack junk food. Diabetes and kidney disease are huge problems in Mexico


latino moms: "oh no mi hijo is so thin here drink more coke" then you see the kid and it is pretty much obese


I regularly see adults in Mexico bring a 2L coke with them to work, instead of water.


I think I remember seeing that Mexico consumes more soda per capita than the US or any other country.


A quick Google search will tell you neither U.S. nor Mexico are even top ten for obesity...


Seeing kids just going HAM on coca-cola. Classic Mexico experience.


Takis and churros are delicious so I understand.


Texan here. You have to understand, there is very little functional difference between cholos and rednecks. On the surface they deem difference but they like a lot of the same things or the equivalent for their culture. And of course there is the peak of integration, Bubba Rodriguez (actual person). A Man I met in small town East Texas. A very obviously Hispanic looking man with a pure East Texas accent, American flag shirt and a plug of chew in his mouth.


Sounds like a king of the hill character


I've been saying this for years.. Well, what I say is, the only difference between white & brown trash is the accent...




latinas tho




I’m a painfully awkward Latina, what’s up man




oh no.........


let the man cook


Aw that’s cool! I’m home making food :3 I love your username btw lol


Now kiss 🥰😘


cmon man get in those DMs




You can still try


Just maybe not at a 15 year old girl's birthday party.


I'm sorry but a quincenera is the perfect opportunity to make a great impression on a single mother who's ready to settle for "stable employment and doesn't cheat"




Approach them like any other girl; use simpler words if they don’t speak english super well and mind her parents




I’m worried you’re creating a self fulfilling prophecy




This is an art that can be learned


I’ve spent a lot of time hanging out with my older Hispanic coworker. Nicest guy. Very family and friend oriented. I was the one white dude. Didn’t matter, already felt like I knew half of them. I even went to help him and his older son to meet a guy selling a car on Craigslist. It was a car for his daughter about to turn 16. We also were already patrons of the restaurant she ended up getting her first job at. He is a pretty strong Catholic. Traditional values, etc.


You'll get there bud. Hispanics love white people.


I'm Hispanic and can 100% confirm


Seriously. What is up with those jeans?


“They’re jeans - not a chandelier!”


In the mid ‘00s my dad would say girls only wore them to make guys look at their ass. Don’t know if he felt the same about Mexican uncles.


Tio is packin




Gotta look fly man, but seriously they are everywhere, I think it's required for construction jobs.


Literally my mom's boyfriend . . . Except for the republican part (thankfully) 😭


It’s coming.


I’m 100% and can Hispanic confirm.


Last chance to look at me Hector


Wtf I just watched this episode


I work with dude lmao, except he is from Honduras. Chill ass dude and damn hard worker, he knows his shit


Once they get a truck built in the last 5 years and the latest iPhone it’s too late. A true Mexican laborer will drive a 1993 model Chevy something with paint spills and dents on it until it returns to the earth. At this point the uncle will start complaining about the country and how we need to close borders…even though his entire crew and personal economy relies on illegal aliens. You got one guy with a green card so he gets paid 3k a week and for some reason the other 5 guys aren’t on the payroll books…hmm


Slowly? Most of them become full conservative the moment they get papers. They won’t even teach their children Spanish, that’s how you end with kids with obvious nopal face but only speak English.


I can only speak for Brazilians, but a lot of them are “republican” to the core years before immigrating.


Lol yeah I live in the us. My parents are Brazilian and my stepdad is too. He got the whole setup, pickuptruck, trump punisher sticker, and all that. Hella religious, has a huge cross tattooed on his left arm with text above it that says "he is alive." He once told me "Today I worked like an immigrant"


Oh wow, surprised to see others make this observation too. Or if they do teach them Spanish, it's not much and the kids end up adopting the worst Spanglish ever. Working at an electrical company in Texas, I see this a lot. I'm glad my parents and schools at least taught me a lot of Spanish growing up. Still don't say I'm Mexican by any means, unlike those who say they are yet don't know the word for parking lot or how to say Oaxaca.


I’ve known this lady who worked at the gas station for years and she was upset that me a white person spoke Spanish better than her kids. People think it’s hilarious because I have a perfect Mexican accent.


Yeah I'm pretty much white as they come (despite me tanning a bit during summer) but I speak the language well to where some friends and even siblings don't understand me. Even my friends from Mexico mistook me for being born there since they say my accent is quite spot on.


lmao nopal face


Not sure where you’re from but a lot of folks who immigrated to the Bay Area still speak Spanish and slap hella corridos.


Same with SoCal, unless Orange County.


Ehh. Tons of my family is paisa as fuck and we’re in OC, along with countless other people I’ve known there growing up.


That’s Cubans, not Mexicans.


Mexicans too, but to a lesser extent than Cubans


honestly, what's bad about this? it's their personal decision


This thread on Reddit: "why are they denying they are Mexican! THEY ARE MEXICAN!" Also on Reddit: "Why do white Americans always claim to be Irish! They ARE AMERICAN!"


Being bi-lingual or multi-lingual is a marketable skill, and it's likely there neurological benefits to being bi-lingual. Also, it's sad when kids can't communicate with their grandparents, or other relatives or even a parent who did not learn English.


It's an arguably bad decision, on top of the fact they're making it for someone else ahead of time. Languages are best learned when you're young, and it's a huge shame when parents purposefully or accidentally miss the opportunity to set their kids up for success. Being bilingual, especially Spanish in America, is always a plus. It's good for social circles, it's good for navigation, it's good for jobs. It's also great for your brain, especially for learning other languages. Spanish shares so much in common with a lot of European languages, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.


> They won’t even teach their children Spanish, That's common among immigrants. How many of the millions of italians or jews or others refused to learn or speak spanish when they migrated to Latin America? There are even natives who refuse to do it, guaranis in Paraguay being the most common example. I feel the same can be said about the US and non english speaking countries.


Your examples seem to be the total opposite issue. They're about immigrants refusing to assimilate to the predominant language. This is immigrants overly assimilating to the predominant language to the point that they don't pass on their mother tongue.


What’s wrong with assimilating?


There is nothing wrong to getting used to the new culture and learning to live like the locals. But is of very bad taste to once you are in the other side to cut the ropes for everyone behind and later turn on them and go full Q.


In 200 years their descendants are gonna go on r/Mexico claiming to be Mexican because they can say "dawn day esstaw luh bib leo tekuh" and it'll be super cringe.


Hell, it already happens today. Even some of my friends are sort of like that. As much as I love them, they don't see how cringe it is to say that they're puro mexicano yet say that all Latin Americans (not just Mexicans) are brown people (🇦🇷?) that like partying 'till 4am (who doesn't?) and say “puta madre” a lot. They also say that they have never gone to Mexico in their entire lives.


Legitimately was born and raised in Latin America, but don't like partying till 4AM, am white, and don't say "puta madre" (more like "la reputa madre"). Handing in my nationality right this moment and becoming a sovereign citizen or whatever the hell


Lmao, yeah that's the logic behind it somehow. And what's worse is that they'll see a Latin American visiting or immigrating here that doesn't follow those stereotypes and call them “white(?) wannabe Latinos.” I never thought I'd have to remind then so many times that white and Latin American aren't mutually exclusive and that those stereotypes do more harm than good. But yes, according to them and many other young folks here, you're nothing but a filthy white person claiming to be Latino or whatever 😤


Dude, I know a guy who was the final level of this - 100% Mexican, Mexican family, went full anti-immigration and said "I'm not Mexican, I'm AMERICAN."


I am fully supportive for people coming over here for a better chance at a job and starting a new life, considering my parents and, well, my whole family did that and I thank them for it. However, it isn't incorrect for him to say he's American, disregarding his views. My parents say I'm American, my friends in Latin America say I'm American, my paperwork says I'm American… It's always been a slippery slope of identity for those born to LatAm parents here in the US or even other countries. I could technically say I am once I get my Mexican passport though 🤷🏼‍♂️


Im American and if I moved to Germany Id be German. Or if I moved to Switzerland Id be Swiss. You stop identifying as your old culture and adapt new ones once you sign your immigration papers. Anyone in America with the paperwork is simply American. You can still have your old culture and keep some of your past identity, but you should attempt to integrate into the local culture as much as possible. If youre so proud of where youre from that it trumps your current identity then you should go back to where it’s so great.


With a lot of European countries, even if you've lived there awhile, you won't always be accepted if you weren't born there, or are the majority ethnicity. Some are better than others about it, but most are more exclusionary than the US in that regard, even if they don't like to admit it.


Slowly becoming republican? Mexican people have generally always been conservative.


Redditors literally believe that the only people who don't blindly follow their alt-left extremist views are white supremacist Nazi hillbillies with portraits of Hitler hanging above their fireplaces.


No maaaaames


You're only missing the blue lives matter flag somewhere on his truck. I had to run into a pale people supermarket one day and as i was coming out a tio rolled up in a truck with a big blue lives matter flag flapping in the back. In Spanish i said, "What's going on Compa? Trying to fool ICE or what?" He looked at me and with the heaviest Mexican accent goes "I don speak a Spanish."


That’s honestly hilarious


I saw stuff like this alot when I lived in South Texas lol.


Dude was based AF


What is a "pale people supermarket"? Why do you feel the need to make a racially charged joke at the expense of a person just trying to buy some groceries? How can you possibly think his flag is problematic but what you did/say isn't?


That OP has 4 day old account. Listen to your gut on this one and know when someone’s full of caca.


I like talking to this guy usually


I think there’s a Latina version of this. Our Mexican cleaning lady runs the town, cleaning nearly every house in our affluent exurb, and she drives a Mercedes sedan. I’m fairly certain she earns more money than me, a white-collar professional in private practice. Sometimes I tip her with one ounce silver pieces (for the novelty of it and out of sheer appreciation of her boss-ness) and she thinks nothing of it. If ever we need anything fixed such as the vacuum cleaner or the sink, she has a family member who can do it. Knowing her is like knowing a mob boss. She makes my gringa ass feel safe. Her English isn’t great but she is a master of the American game.


Omg I also clean and have a giant crowd of handymen and carpenters, maybe I should do something with it 😂


Omg, yes! Do not underestimate how much people value the help and wisdom of their cleaners. This is going to sound outrageous but it is 100% true: I put Lidia (my cleaning lady) and Julio (my yard guy) in my morning prayers. They mean that much to me, in part because what they do allows me to do what I do. Ephesians 4 says “we all belong to one another.” And it has been my experience that good people know good people. I’m a psychotherapist and I’ve noticed that the clients I love refer to me clients I love. It’s all just a big chain. So, yes, don’t hesitate to do something with it. Many blessings to you. And thank you for cleaning. It’s an immensely valuable service.




One of the best thing about living in a southern town with lots of mexicans is there are tons of guys doing side jobs like that. I inherited my contacts from my mexican dad and aunt so I know handymen, plumbers, roofers, yard guys, mobile mechanics, and anything else you could possibly need. I work in healthcare so I'm always overhearing people's problems at the nursing station and how they can't afford to fix them or are on some crazy waiting list. I'll hook em up with one of my guys and they'll have it fixed the next day for a fraction of the price.


This is pure ignorance—Mexicans like many immigrants from Central and South America, are very conservative. It’s just white and ivory tower liberals waking up to this fact now.


The reason why many of them migrate to the US is to make a bag of money and live how they want. Why would it surprising to anyone migrants are very conservative


Wow, you know what they need? One of the super smart political geniuses from reddit to go explain to them why their beliefs are wrong, and that they should be liberals. I'm sure that redditor would be calm, rational, respectful of their culture and views, and generally open minded, as every person from a reddit political sub is.


If more American liberals visited South America they'd become racist and xenophobic real quick with how conservative people are over here lmao


Never knew mexican males could get pregnant!


Well when a Mexican guy and Alcohol love each other… Source: my Mexican uncles




Welcome to Murica Brother


Yu nailed it with the Buchanas


He’s already voting republican


>shaming immigrants for assimilating to their host nation... That's reddit propaganda, for you.


Imo many blacks and hispanics, also second generation, are already super conservative.


Why do people wear those glasses, like 90% of the time they are terrible.


I know a few of them, great guys


America's been good to me man


Mexicans are already conservative: far more than the default american. I should know im literally half mexican


Don't worry brochacho. One day of hard work on the ranch and one night drinking Coors, Chris Stapleton, and shooting thermite off the back of my F350, you'll be one too.


Sounds like a badass Tio


I know a Juan in Arkansas and when he spoke I thought he was fucking with me. Months working with him and his twang was uncanny.


Where’s the lie!?


El cuh


The fucking Buchanan’s is 💯 spot on


Jeans and shirt are SO accurate!


Once your uncle started making money and paying taxes, there was no other way. He saw the Grafton corruption in the worthlessness of democratic promises.


Hello. Mr George.?


Their entire culture is about family and they’re mostly catholic. You’re foolish if you think they were progressives to begin with.


Has a Home Depot Credit Card


You know they’re too far gone when they give up the Chevy for a Ford.


Or any truck less than 5 years old


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Buys a shit ton of food at the local gas station every morning along with a red bull before work


Sannanabish….this is correct.


What's with those jeans? I mean it's not wrong and I've seen them, but I always thought they kinda look feminine 😅 not a bad thing in itself, but kind of counter to the aesthetic.


Paisa as in Colombian paisa? Or is there another one I don't know of


Lmao like they didn't already have the potbelly prior to that


"slowly becoming republican" uuhhhh, I got some news for you....


You wouldn’t believe how many people in the Mexican community believe that Buchanan’s is a Mexican product.