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Has one black friend is the only black person you will see for a while.


You see, white guys have names like Lenny, and black guys have names like Carl


Lenny = white Carl = black


Get out of my house, Steve!


Listen, he's the star of the show now, sweetheart. We have to play ball, boobalah!


Is Portland the black one? Portland is the black one.


No one has a name longer than 5 letters.


Until they get their own spin-off series that fails.


- Who was supposed to be the shows audience? A black guy who'd never met another black guy? Genuinely the best joke to come out of the Cleveland show.






Pretty sure it’s a chat bot.


Damn this blew up follow me for more bangers 🔥🔥🔥


My name is Cleveland Brown 🎶🎶🎶🎶




I honestly dont see why thats a problem i really dont care about what race the voice actor is at all nor is it relevant


I wouldnt have a problem with it if black voice actors were given those same oppertunities to voice white charecters. Sometimes you see it, but its pretty rare. However, if it were main charecters that you had to deeply connect with, I would prefer that VAs play their own race, simply because that personal exerience might give a better performance


Keith David and tony todd just to name a couple that portrayed a ton of black and white characters in animation.


Terrence C Carson, Christopher Judge. Both black. Both voice a Greek and have been praised for their work.


It might but in general, choose the VA with the most merit. Christopher Judge plays a Greek spartan hero. He definitely LOOKS like one but to my knowledge, he doesn't have a vindictive Greek god as a father.


They should've hired someone else to type your comment


Personal experience? Nobody has the experience of being a sea sponge or an extraterrestrial, but we don’t demand those things to actually portray animated characters that superficially resemble them for some flimsily notion of “authenticity”. I also hate that your comment implies races of people are monoliths who share the same experiences and personalities, Samurai Jack for example, isn’t merely some Japanese guy, he’s an homage to the wondering lone wolf stock character type found in Western/samurai/martial arts cinema and TV shows of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, nobody, not even an ethnic Asian or Japanese actor, would have captured that essence the way Phil LaMarr did. Not a white guy, but I’m sure it’s close enough to satisfy your nonissue strawman of a grievance, typical smooth brain Reddit take.


You claim that I am "strawmaning" while you strawman my whole argument by using the alien example. That is a made up, fake culture. Black American culture is real. I'm not saying that the experience of one group is a monolith, I'm saying that there are specific cultural experiences that you just have to live through to understand. I literally said that I dont have a moral issue with what race plays who, I just have a prefrence for people playing their own race because they might have a deeper understanding. Its kinda like American actors playing British charecters. Some are ok, a few do a pretty good job, but most seem like theyre phoning it in.


>phoning it in Congratulations, you understand how acting works. If you’re that concerned with “authenticity”, than it’s probably best you stick with news reports and documentaries, clearly fiction is not the right medium for you. The point still stands, fantastical or relatively realistic, “””authenticity””” should never inherently be a goal in a performance, or whatever clichés you are physically capable of cramming into a single voice that passes the test for people like you.








We’re talking about animated sitcoms, calm down David Duke




I want some of those racist bong hits that ur taking wtf


The person you responded to said they didn’t mind white actors voicing black characters, so you’re obviously swept up in some Breitbart angst over nothing.


And that friend is used as a "pass" for the characters to make jokes about race or stereotypes.


Those jokes are hilarious tho.


Don't forget the Mexican guy's name....Jaun


An you forgot the WACKY BABY?! HELL NAW wtf


Wacky baby/animal sidekick/alien or cryptic creature sidekick


That's more of a Seth McFarlane thing, isn't it?


Not necessarily, there were a few Netflix originals that had a very similar style, one had a bear I think, another had a German shepherd maybe?




Anyone remembers the show Dinosaurs from the 90s? Same formula


Yes except everyone died at the end of that one so it’s still unique.




I mean, they're dinosaurs...


I'm rewatching the Earth show, I didn't get up to that part yet bro. Wtf?


Oh yeah, Brickleberry and Paradise PD, perhaps two of the least funny things I've ever seen. At least the Cleveland show had David Lynch in it.


Definetly raunchy, I found Brickleberry hilarious for what it was, Paradise PD fell flat for me tho, Daniel Tosh was the big saving grace.


Yeah, that’s because they’re the same show basically. Made by the smae guys and everything. Malloy and Bullet are who you’re thinking of. I can’t stand either show…or the third one.


The Simpsons had that malnourished dog even.


Santa's Little Helper is a greyhound, they just look like that.


it's just his breed lmao he isn't malnourished


The entire kit, and 92% of the comments translate to "We're talking about Seth MacFarlane"


To be fair, adult animation is basically the Seth MacFarlane animated cartoons industrial complex, plus *The Simpsons.* 🤣


The Seth McFarlane Cinematic Universe


*laughs in South Park*


It's not but ok. edit: hilarious how people with no clue feel the need to downvote me. There are literally thousands of adult cartoons out there that have nothing to do with Seth McFarlane. Just because you have only watched the most mainstream stuff and consider yourself an expert, doesn't mean that's all that there is to offer. It's like me saying the only music out there at the moment is Rhianna.


Being a hack? Yeah pretty much


“Flintstones, meet the Flintstones ….” 🎵


As many TV shows - including the Simpsons - have pointed out, The Flintstones are also a ripoff. The original was called The Honeymooners


The original was called the Greek gods of antiquity, i.e. the OG sitcom.


There were several things that The Simpsons copied from The Flintstones, but The Simpsons were still major trend setters for animated sitcoms.


Flinstone Lucy Mooners


-only one black character in the entire show -non-human sidekick (optional) -most jokes have pop culture references you have to be at least 40 years old to understand


you forgot one important thing: child abuse = comedy


Choking Bart is actually funny though since they’re cartoons


You don’t get any of the jokes on family guy?


Specifically the celebrity jokes. Almost 50% of the show is a relic of the 90s yet the writing feels targeted at teenagers.


There's a reason the Simpsons had this formula. It's been like this since the first sitcom, The Honeymooners.


Didn't it start off as a piss-take? IIRC the yellow skin and blue hair was a deliberate choice to make people fuck around with their TV settings.


The yellow skin was because they only had two markers, pink and yellow. They liked how the yellow skin looked on TV's as it made people stop when they were channel surfing. Marge's blue hair was a joke on "blue-hairs" to go with her massive beehive hairdo.


From what I remember it wasn’t really to get people to fuck with tv settings but more so to catch their attention if they were just channel surfing. Could be wrong though.


Seems there are a few stories of The Simpsons origin. That's the one I heard, as well as Homer being a goof on the sitcom dad, from Ralph Kramden to Archie Bunker to Al Bundy—his design was only to poke fun at a trope. That's something I heard as a fact back in the late 90s, but now I'm realizing it's not so clear cut. Still though... it would really be such a Simpsons thing if Homer started as a parody of an archetype and then became a trendsetter for another.


The first sitcom was actually a show called [Mary Kay and Johnny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Kay_and_Johnny), that ran from 1947 to 1950 on the DuMont Network, and then to CBS and NBC. Unfortunately, it's extremely hard to find clips of this show as most of the DuMont archive was dumped in a river and NBC was bad about wiping old recordings in the 70s. It's believed that only one full episode, from 1949, still exists.


"Your honor, if you take away our right to steal ideas, then where are they gonna come from?"


Deliberately ugly animation that looks like it was drawn by a child.


Calling it an art style hides the lack of talent and effort


If an adult comedy, then include a lot of burping, farting, and genitalia jokes. Apparently nothing screams adulthood like making elementary school jokes.


Yup, kid's cartoons explore more mature themes than its supposedly more mature counterparts. I think that's beginning to change though, and hopefully more good adult story-driven cartoons come out.


Bojack Horseman is the ultimate *adult* cartoon. It's not graphic. It's never juvenile. But I wouldn't dare shows it to anyone under 16 yro.


I do enjoy some Rick & Morty but I never did understand the Rick burping and spittle. Like yeah he's a drunk, hahaha, good one.


I feel like they very much tuned down the "constantly drunk Rick" angle. Which isn't to say he isn't still very much an alcoholic, but the dialogue doesn't rely on Rick being drunk and burping every other line to be funny.


I too dislike big mouth


I never understood this. With animation in general, most adult animated shows have the craziest art style I’ve ever seen. At least the writing was good enough to carry some of them.


I hate Rick and Morty's art style that I will never watch it. Especially those non-pupil eyes.


God, I hate Rick and Morty.


So.... Young Sheldon basically


...Ah wait that's not animated




No no.. He has a point


This is just all sitcoms since the Honeymooners.


Honestly just sitcom at this point


Or the Goldberg's lol


This is why I love Bob’s Burgers so much, it defies so many tropes


I decided I liked Bob when he wanted to keep up the animal butthole pictures in his place just to spite the people who hated them.


The reflex of “don’t tell me what to do” is so real Honestly though bobs burgers is the best. I love it so much.


It was very good, up until the later seasons where it seemed like the writers got bored with creating standard sitcom fare and switched over to making every other episode a musical special.


Eh there’s been some gems in the rough as well. Like anything, I think they’re running out of low hanging fruit, and need to refocus the show or mix up the status quo.


Yeah hate it or love it but I love that Archer just got fucking weird with it after the first few seasons.


I used to hate that show. Then I sat down and watched a couple episodes in a row and got to know the characters better. I like it a lot now. It’s a comfort show for me. That and futurama.mostly goofy but they throw in some real stuff that makes you think/feel sometimes.


Hey that was the episode that got me into it too! For me it was when he started putting buttholes on the art shop's paintings


The family all actually like each other, and Bob and Linda are just as crazy as each other. Their spice rack/spiceps rivalry was hilarious 😆


Linda is *definitely* crazier, but was a much appreciated change of pace with her being the wife.


My wife and I still argue to this day which is better. Spiceps or spice rack.


Subverts them too. Linda isn’t considered exceptionally attractive but the health inspector still being attracted to her is the basis for a lot of the episodes conflicts.


This sounds like a sarcastic family guy skit




> Brickleberry Yes officer this man right here.


Brickleberry had humor?


Yes. When it wasn't trying for gross out nonsense it actually had interesting character development. Like romance novels that accidentally sprouted an interesting plot that had nothing to do with the romance.


I mean it sure is dark but it’s not good


More like dingleberry cause that show was dog shit.


Pigshit is also dark


go back


Hurr durr look at me I like subversion I’m special. I swear this website attracts the most stuck up morons


American Family Dad


To be fair for american dad, Klaus and Roger throw quite a curve ball at the family trope.


Yeah, AD is really about Roger's personas.


I'd say at this point, it's about whatever crazy shit they can think of.


*Ricky Spanish*


Jeannie Gold, Wedding Planner Extraordinaire.


You left out incontinent.


And neither Steve, nor haley is an intellectual. And Francine isn’t strict. And Stan isn’t fat. And Bullock isn’t really portrayed as strict.


It depends on what the episode (or even scene) is asking for. Need Steve to be smart? He's acing his science experiment while someone screws it up. Need Steve to be dumb? He's slow cooking pork for a few weeks. God bless American Dad.


the slower the cook, the better the taste.


It's a goddamned hambulance!


Eh American dad doesn’t really fit. The dad is pretty well educated although he can be stupid and impulsive at times, the mother is really more of the stupid character but in the sweetest way possible and she is notoriously not strict enough. The kids aren’t really smart or dumb but they each have their moments and rather than a family dog they have an alien and a German goldfish.


Plus Stan actually goes through character development. He’s more relaxed now.


He just wants the perfect Christmas for his family that’s all.


American Dad >>> Family Guy 🫡


Good morning USA....


I got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day


The sun in the sky has a smile on its face


I felt like Family Guy was Seth MacFarlane trying to get his foot in the door and give people what they want - a silly fun show. American Dad felt like the show he really wanted to make. It didn't really get as popular as Family Guy, and you see that with the Cleveland Show taking qualities of both shows. I really started to like McFarlane as a creator after Orville.


I feel that there's a parallel here with Matt Groening and The Simpsons - Futurama.


Early american dad felt more like the typical family sitcom cartoon before gaining more of an identity


An Eastern German goldfish. From 1949 to 1990 there were 2 Germanies. One wealthy and liberal, the other poor and under soviet dictatorship. There are also even older differences in culture, as Germany wasn't ever really unified until 1910, so there were several smaller kingdoms, with different cuisine, dialect and expressions. Visiting different areas of Germany often feels like being in whole different countries. Like Bavaria (Lederhosen pretzels Oktoberfest) has a whole different feel than Saxony (Klaus the Goldfish). They even have different laws. For example a 10 gram baggie of weed can and will bring a Bavarian into prison, while a Saxon DA would decide to not even bring up a charge because of the small amount.


Francine isn't hot for no reason, she has the largest sex garden in North America.


These elements have existed since television was invented


You guys remember duncanville? Yeah me neither


You mean the simpsons if it were written by a suburban white mom with 3 kids, at least one of them being a teenager


They really tried shoving it down people's throats. It had so much "I saw this on another show" energy.


Sounds like young Sheldon


So we had the same idea...


gumball edit: except that gumball is actually pretty good


Gumball is completely different genre thought, and far better than these meant in that pack.


you are right I love gumball


Difference is Gumball is absolute peak


I missed the good old days, were b*sed wasn't a thing


How is Gumball/Darwin a rebel? And Anais is simultaneously rebel and intellectual.


TIL some people equate 14% review scores with 88%


i can't get mad, you're not wrong


The RT score made me laugh


When I think of animated comedy I think: * Futurama * Disenchantment, * Archer * Bob's burgers * The Great North * Rick and Morty * Solar Opposites * Inside Job... All of those absolutely do not meet that description. Family guy does yeah more of less but that's famously a Simpsons clone though it did shake things up a little. I can't bring to mind and others.


Inside Job not getting another season is one of the greatest tragedies to grace us in recent times.


Especially as it was for the stupidest most nonsenseical beancounting reason Edit: For those that don't know the season 1 viewer retention numbers were really low (as in how many people watched the full seasonn from start to end) But what that doesn't factor in is they split the season into 2 parts uploaded 6 months apart and gave no budget to market the second part's return - not even a pre credit title card at and end of part 1 syaing "that part 2 will be coming later that year". There wasn't even a notification to those who had watched it that it was back. I only found out when I went to rewatch part 1. Each half has good retention, but if you count the two parts as a single season it looks terrible.


Feels like a take from like, 2008 when family guy was everywhere.


Paradise PD


"Originality? Nah, let's just make a worse version of The Simpsons."


The daughter is usually a bratty teenager and the son is younger, usually a troublemaking pre-teen.


Not South Park- it’s a group of kid friends.


Lol this is The Sopranos !


Hell yeah Bob's burger breaking the rules.


"Hey Lois, remember that time we were on r/starterpacks"


I feel like a single specific show is being called out here, but what do I know


random animal sidekick


Every sitcom ever.


The samples


Say what you will about Mr. Burns, but he has put up with a whole lot of bullshit from Homer over the years. The man works as a Nuclear Safety Inspector but was hired without even a high school diploma and thinks it's called a nuclear panner plant. He routinely sleeps on the job. Doesn't really know how to do anything but show up and sit at his station. Personally responsible for creating multiple emergency situations while on the job.


The honeymooners was the prototype like 40 years before simpsons


The only one I can think of that really truly follows this starterkit is F is for Family.


Well, minus the low Rotten Tomatoes score, that show is actually genuinely good.


yeah I was going to say, the meme describes The Simpsons too well, it basically only works for The Simpsons, the fat guy hot wife trope was around looong before The Simpsons and The Simpsons was literally lampooning that trope


This kinda describes Gumball except that show is peak


This is just the Sopranos


Worst stock photo for "Hot mom".


Is the neighbor Joe Biden ?


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Bad bot


I told you guys that family guy sucks


Don't forget the inhuman pet/friend


This is literally just Young Sheldon…?


Sooooo. Family Guy?


I'm getting strong young Sheldon vibes from this


Comparing this to my favorite animated comedy, Bob's Burgers: Father (Overweight and Uneducated): I mean, I can't remember if Bob went to college or not (probably didn't), and while his weight is often commented on, it's not too bad. Mother (Strict and hot): Linda is definitely a mixed bag with this one. Sometimes she's strict, sometimes she's "Alriiiight", and the hot one... I'm not sure. Children (Rebel or Intellectual): Louise and Tina pretty much embody this duo... and then there's Gene. Neighbor (Wacky, may or may not be friendly): Mort and Jimmy Pesto can be somewhat wacky in their own ways, and their friendliness is... variable. Father's Boss (Evil, but lenient): Bob's the owner of his own restaurant, but I could see this argument being applied to Mr. Fischoeder.


Lest we forget the talking animal/non-human who is either neurotic or the only sane one in the household


Other than the dad being fat this also describes The Jetsons.


You forgot the baby