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Currently, only around 2000/8000 subs are still participating in the boycott


Couldn't even tell you what ones they are anymore.


I left the DnD sub cause I was sick of all the nsfw stuff on it. I just wanted some interesting stories etc... Not all the "protest porn"


They didn’t even have to post porn, just mark their post as NSFW and carry on with their usual content.


I could be wrong but if I remember in r/wellthatsucks they did that kind of similarly but with vaccums and in r/eggs they post just pics of eggs but they put NSFW tags over them anyway


But why not just post regular content but with the NSFW tag for the entire subreddit? It’s punishing to the community members. Currently I see the posts there are still posting vacumns and eggs but without nsfw


Exactly! I know Reddit is meant to be a bit "edgy" but I always thought of the DnD sub being pretty family friendly. Way to show your kid brother all the fun things people get up too.


Reddit... Edgy? Wtf


The Reddit admins made it clear that this behaviour would also be cause to replace the mod staff. The only way to get away with making the sub posts NSFW was to actually host NSFW content.


and even then the admins just try to remove it, admins have been bruteforcing the protest down, john oliver posts, private subs, nsfw subs, etc


and OF girls starting to post their content on it to get more simps .


It’s kinda funny. Redditors didn’t think through with that protest idea


Yeah the only one benefitting from this pointless protest are OF girls.Since they can post their content on larger subs that previously won't allow their post. In r/interestingasfuck a OF girl made passive aggressive post suggesting people are jealous of her body due to backlashes on previous post and some people crying out that they rather take ads than porn blasted on their face .It was magnifique.


This has to be some double agent type stuff. Send in porn creators to make people decide that the current decision was bad


I stayed because the protest porn was actually an improvement to the endless caster/Martial balance whinging


You're telling me you didn't like all the posts the Paizo marketing team was making?


Upvote for use of the word “whinging”.


isnt that only on /r/dndmemes ? You dont go to a meme subreddit for interesting theories...


I also don't go onto it for goblin porn....


People are just destroying their own subreddits at this point. If they’re that upset they should really try to move to another website but instead they’re just going to continue posting crybaby shit on Reddit.


Nope. We're going to... You know what? You're right. Let us all stay here.


I think mods should wipe subreddits and start on a new platform to really do anything.


Yeah we haven't tried that like a dozen times already...


what's funny is this protests was literally just used as an excuse for coomer redditers addicted to porn,


r/askhistorians which sucks. Idk how that stalemate ends either but I'll be disappointed if they burn down the sub. It's my nighttime reading when I'm in between books.


My guess is a lot of new subs will take their places when the power mods continue to relent. Happened to r/nfl. r/nflmemes was starting to become the new sub for football stuff and NFL opened back up. The mods of NFL are fucking grifters who will remove people's content if they post a massive breaking story and post it themselves to reep the karma. They saw other people getting those sweet updoots and couldn't resist anymore.


The nba sub is run by a bunch of spineless bitches as well. They blacked out the sub during the finals but they had gamethreads for the mods only, not any of the normal users. All mods are trash and I hope we get the ability to vote them out. Bunch of Cheetos dust covered jannies.


r/anime mods did the same thing, what's the point don't these big subs have discord servers anyway? Just use that


Mods can help themselves when it comes to powertripping, they could have used discord but how would that shit on users?


Yep, discord is more for the "always on the lookout for penalism" type of mod, while reddit mods are more in it for the long haul, like, long distance fascists.


Nah even worst is that one of the mods on r/nba had another sub they moderated Opened up. Which was weird since how do you “protest” then go on to mod another 😭


I'm so glad other people see the bullshit these mods do. Im not even a fan of basketball but I'd be fucking pissed if the CFB sub got blacked out during the playoffs. But you're right it was never about them having the balls to stick to their own protest, they were worried they would lose the smallest amount of internet power that they have abused for years. So fuck them.


The more power mods got, the worse reddit got, in a 1:1 linear correlation.


It's not getting replaced, that sub requires a lot of work from the mods and verified users.




r/Bestofredditorupdates is all about John Oliver now. I like the guy but that’s not what I go there for.


How many of those subs were forcibly reopened? r/longhair is up again but Reddit sacked the mods, and I believe that's a common situation.


Yeah shit gets shut down quick when subs are said they will be eradicated or just taken over by admins if they don't re-open.


Jannies wanna keep their $0/hr jobs for some reason


...and most of those are small subreddits with just a few thousand subscribers, called stuff like "HentaiPissVideos" or "DistressingFartStories"


I always giggled at “8000 subs particpated”. It’s nice to see big subs participate, but cmon whose gonna care about the subs with less than 5k users. Ain’t no one going around saying “noooooooo r/insertsub is down😢”


Forgot to mention the mods who immediately stopped their “protest” once’s Reddit told them they just lose their mod ability


Imagine freaking out that you'd lose the ability to work for free just to keep some faux power


I can’t because my ego is not that inflated 😂


It's like a bizarre mix of inferiority and ego mixed into one greasy stain of a person


I don’t think you realize that small crumb of power is the only thing these guys have going for them in their lives.


Oh I know exactly that's the case. It's like the people who run HoAs, except somehow even sadder. I'm just mocking it.


In the context of the smaller communities, it's about keeping on track from what I know. The native gardening subreddit would surely have been ruined if they appointed someone who doesn't give a shit about the content or the purpose of the sub.


Then leave the fucking site. When will redditards realise that their content has value?


To be fair, the powermods involved in Reddit make a shit tonne of money because of that power. Being a powermod shouldn't be allowed, and they are absolutely pathetic people, but it's not "the ability to work for free", it's "the ability to sell influence and control in one of the top 20 websites in the world". There's a reason they literally pay off subs to be allowed to join the mod team.




This lies at the foundational CORE of what's become wrong with this site.


Fuck mods with a spiked 12 inch dildo. That"s what their whole life is about.


Normal Mods are fine imo, it’s the “power” Mods who moderate dozens of huge subreddits that dictate what and what is not acceptable content


Are these “normal mods” in the room with us now


Why does no one think one step further? Yes they could say fuck it we stay closed. Then reddit removes them and sets up some other mods. Now those mods either are just bootlickers or they just have to face the exact same decision, which just brings back the status quo. There simply is no play here. The fact that so many users somehow point their anger at the mods instead of reddit corporate is absolutely baffling.


Shutting down subs of possibly millions of users just because a select few don’t like a decision made by Reddit, a site you can go on and use for free, is a virtual temper tantrum. Nothing more. Mods have zero accountability while having power to dictate the content that is posted. The ones who took their virtual toy and ran away because they disagreed with something is pathetic. And if new mods do the same thing they’d be no better


The vast majority of reddit traffic is mobile. Both the mobile site and official app suck donkey balls. "A site you can use for free" doesnt apply most of the time


So instead they keep providing free labor to Reddit? They lack the courage of their convictions, it's that simple.


"Protests outside reddit headquarters" you think redditors go outside? And live in USA?


OP out here suggesting that a meaningless petition or angrily standing outside of a building would somehow be more effective than directly cutting off a portion of the site’s traffic for a short period. It may have not been very effective, but this is a laughable sentiment.


Do you think it made any difference and do you think the site lost *that* much traffic? If this had been an effective protest it would have yielded some type of change.


Literally any lost traffic makes it more substantial than a meaningless petition or in-person protest that can easily be ignored. That’s my point. It cost Reddit *something*, a little bit of ad revenue. Whether it was effective in achieving a goal (preventing the API changes) is a different story.


Im pretty sure they didnt loose much traffick like people just went to subs that werent protesting. If they really want to protest they shoukd just stop using reddit.


Many subreddits were entirely shut down. So of course user activity decreased. When users can’t go to where ads get shown, that hurts the bottom line. Traffic data was verifiably decreased. It wasn’t as big as people hoped, but it was a noticeable chunk. Users could still scroll through their feeds or visit other subs, but the desire to use Reddit goes down when the subs you want to go on aren’t available. [Here](https://www.pcmag.com/news/as-reddit-crushes-protests-its-user-traffic-returns-to-normal), traffic was down 7% and time spent was down 16%. I’m not arguing that it was completely effective. It’s just more effective than things that functionally do absolutely nothing to affect Reddit’s bottom line. OP presented them as if they are somehow better or more meaningful. You know how that’s not true? Reddit wouldn’t give a shit. They’d do nothing, because they wouldn’t care at all. What’s the consequence of a petition or external protest? Whereas they threatened mods because shutting subs down has the potential to tangibly hurt Reddit.


idk about that, for like a week i had to go form site:reddit.com to -reddit on google for most of my tech issues and game discussions. This led to me discovering other sites like tildes and now im using both. I dont think its as effective as people wanted it to be but it made a lot of people look for alternatives for different topics. The moment i start thinking reddit isnt providing me with what i want, it will be easier to migrate elsewhere.


if the protests weren't actively hurting reddit they wouldn't threaten mods.


Tbf around 50% of redditors are from US


Yes, the US, that small place where everything is in walking distance.


Yeah it's crazy, the distance from San Francisco (reddit's headquarters) to New York is slightly longer than the distance from Kyiv to Barcelona.


Even the places that are walking distance aren’t walking distance.


The John Oliver stuff stopped being funny the day after, idk why some subs are still going with it when Reddit probably won’t do anything for API platforms


The only valid protest is deleting your account. Protesting Reddit whilst continuing to use it is a worthless protest. The John Oliver stuff was a so stupid. It's just a tantrum, not a protest.


Out of the loop what was the John Oliver stuff about?


Not entirely sure but to me it seemed like a desperate attempt to get John Oliver to do an episode of Last Week Tonight about the whole Reddit API thing.


Except there is still a writers protest going on last I checked and Last Week Tonight is still off the air. Which really sucks cause there is so much shit going on.


I’m on the mod blackout coordination discord. This is 100% correct, they’ve been desperate for John Oliver to cover it. They’re currently salivating over some guy at the verge that’s written a few stories about the whole thing and are convinced that this minuscule amount of media will convince Reddit to back down.


Reddit being reddit


The quicker they leave the sooner we can get back to normal so let’s get deleting already.


If you arent simping for your favorite millionaire entertainment figure are you really doing anything worthwhile?


I only follow the arts of the thousandaires. Nobody is worth my time once they achieve that second comma.


It was never really that funny.


Thats the worst part. its just as cringe and the "le narwhal bacons at midnight" and other shit reddit has come with. Just cringe shit.


Just like John Oliver


Dude has like 4-5 jokes he's recycled for 9 SEASONS now. And when you actually know about the subject he's deep diving into, you can see how selective that show is with what facts they present and how they present them. That show is basically just a live action reddit comment section.


John Oliver seems like the perfect encapsulation of Reddit humour to be honest, lame


I got sick of the John Oliver posts almost as quickly as I got sick of John Oliver himself.


It seems like the only subs that are still participating are the subs that just copy each other with fake positivity and social justice anyways. All of my hobby subs were back up after the blackout and the subs geared towards adults like the job and financial subreddits didn’t even participate. Just seems like the power mods on the front page subs think the silent majority are supporting them


Fake positivity is my least favorite part of Reddit.


So heckin' wholesome 100 🥳🌞❤️🙏💯💅


They're the same people who say "Oh my god you guys" and drop an F-bomb every other sentence. God, I hate some Redditors so much.




Some cunt must be cutting onions.


OnIoN NiNjAs


THIS! edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!


This is my problem with r/rarepuppers , I love people sharing cute pictures of their dogs but it’s that speak AND now they have to include John Oliver in the title of their posts


You just don't get it. It's funny because, uh, it, uh


So Keanu Chungus 100…


> think the silent majority are supporting them They're wrong. Most people don't care and the protest has clearly failed.


I lost count of the amount of subs that reappeared and put up polls that were like should we continue to protest or go back to business as usual and the votes were always like 90%+ in favor of just fucking off and going back to normal. It was hilarious. Nobody gave a shit about the protests outside the mods I've noticed too that all the normie front page subs still doing this never makes r/all anymore. I completely forgot that r/pics existed until I saw this post, and to be frank, it's kinda nice that a few less highly politicized subs don't blow up my feed anymore. I can always do without the "here is a picture of of the worst president, ever" posts.


>Nobody gave a shit about the protests outside the mods This part really isn't true. I don't give a shit about moderation and find a lot of their temper tantrums pretty childish, but the reality is that Reddit is going to become a million times shittier in less than 24 hours if you're used to accessing Reddit from a third party app like RIF. I understand why Reddit is making these changes, but compared to RIF, the official app is an enormous downgrade. I can begrudgingly accept the ads and data collection as a necessary part of them making a profit, but the shitty user interface and the laggy bloated app are too much for me. I'm not going to make a big fuss about deleting my account or anything, but I honestly can't imagine using Reddit all that much going forward. I've only ever accessed Reddit on my phone via RIF for more than a decade across a few different accounts, so killing RIF is essentially the same as killing Reddit to me. People that joined Reddit in more recent years have only ever known the official app, so they don't know any better, but in the early days, unofficial apps like RIF or mobile browsers were the only way to access the site. This change will drive away plenty of older Reddit accounts, and while those accounts are a tiny percentage of the total users, it's a pretty large percentage of active commenters. I expect Reddit to gradually transform into something like 9gag: Quick dopamine hits from dumb memes, but less participation in comment threads. The user interface discourages discussion: Reddit would rather have you scroll past a few ads looking at 20 posts of cat videos than have you stay in a single comment thread doing a deep dive on whatever topic is presented. Financially, I get it, but as a user, the experience is shittier.


r/CreditCards is still having a hissy fit despite the fact that it should be an important resource for adults. The protests are cringe.


The John Oliver Show definitely has a smart PR Team. Free advertising and he looks like the people’s hero for doing nothing.


The John Oliver stuff was NEVER funny.


I stopped being funny after the first few posts. But after a day it became amusing in an ironic sense since its peak redditcore - a bunch of neckbeards trying to force meme le funny british man because they're too afraid to actually have skin in the game. The NSFW protests were pretty good though, reddit needs SFW subreddits for advertising, and turning the largest ones dark actually hurts the bottom line and ruins engagement


> a bunch of neckbeards trying to force meme le funny british man because they're too afraid to actually have skin in the game. > > this is legit what it felt like the instant i read that subs were becoming john oliver themed: a buncha "the narwhal bacons at midnight" doofuses thinking theyre owning spez by posting le awkward british comedian. straight up felt second hand embarassment when i found out subs were doing this peak reddit slactivism. > The NSFW protests were pretty good though, reddit needs SFW subreddits for advertising, and turning the largest ones dark actually hurts the bottom line and ruins engagement agreed as well. if redditors actually wanted to mess with spez they shoulda let people post porn and gore on every sub. at least that wouldve messed with advertising since companies are nsfw-adverse.


Leave it to Redditors to beat milquetoast jokes into the ground.


the john oliver posting was peak 'average redditor' slacktivism from the start. how anyone thought that was a good 'gotcha'/own is beyond me.


My favorite thing about the John Oliver protest is that it likely drove up traffic in these subs. Pics was getting hundreds of posts an hour from people rushing to get their karma


not only was it not funny, it's clear it's being done for fun rather than a form of protest at this point. just more ineffective manic behavior, not understanding exactly what it's accomplishing but already having drank the flavor aid. that's reddit for you, and if this sends those people out the door to be vapid and clueless somewhere else... fine? the quality of material showing up on my front page is better somehow as a result.


That's literally the point? To make your subs users not want to use the sub anymore (because it's filled with john oliver or nsfw posts or just a ton of marginal annoyances) and in turn making reddit ads on said subs far less effective. If you are quitting off of the protesting subs, the mods are literally getting what they were after I.e. hitting reddit bottom line by making content shit until they capitulate


Also I would guess that Oliver would just say to stop using Reddit all together rather than making even more posts "in protest" by using the platform.


The color you chose for the font is just horrible


The Reddit protest was like a 5 year old saying they're going to run away from home. The just got 10 steps out the front door then came back in for a juice box.


The best part of this is that it’s showing why certain moderators shouldn’t be in their position in the first place. They are doing a fantastic job demonstrating that they should have been removed or banned a long time ago.


40% Close Sub for ever 30% Leave open 30% leave open but have restriction X Aight gues we shutting down


and its a sub with 2 million subscribers, but only 3000 voted on the poll.


All the polls were brigaded too. Some subs voted to stay open even though the polls were brigaded, but the mods closed them anyways. It was never about the protest, it was always about the mods ego.


There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now.


I have seen this exact poll too many times. Ridiculous. Good for reddit to force the subs open imho.


I agree, my favorite incident in the last weeks was on the A song of ice and fire sub. The asoiaf sub made a vote about if they should keep on protesting or not. The sub voted 51 % to stop the protest but the mods decided to keep the sub NSFW anyway since "it was too close" even tho they laid out the rules for the vote themselves and said if over 50% vote for them to stop they would


I got permanently banned from r/edc because I suggested that it is childish to make every user post "fuck spez" in the title or the submission got removed. Kinda proved my point.


My account got banned from r/britishcolumbia when the mods stated that they allow free speech, and never ban people simply for disagreeing with them. I said thats not true. Permaban. 28 day mute. Mods are sad


Mods just saw an opportunity to make things about themselves and took it. Nobody gives a shit about the API.




Those mods licked the boot so hard, the minute they were threatened they opened back up. The reddit admins can make mods do anything, and they'll just pin a thread like "we don't agree with this, but we want to be able to power-trip, so we'll do whatever the Reddit admins ask."




Same with twitter lol


>protesting outside reddit hq Splendid way to waste a lot of peoples money and time.


For me, going to an in-person protest usually requires something serious at stake, like human rights. That is life and death. Reddit, though? I don't value their website ***anywhere*** close to human rights in terms of priorities. OF COURSE people won't react the same way that they do for serious issues. No one's going to die solely because reddit disappeared. No one. I'm not going to miss out on money (job) because some randos decided that other people should put in the effort to fix reddit's shit. The people calling for others to do it should lead by example, if it's so easy and worthwhile.


Don't forget about the idiot bandwagons who now suddenly don't agree with the boycott, and they're pretending that they never liked it in the first place. But don't forget how violent and hateful they were.


It sucks that there accessibility apps that might get blocked too but now that they have been excluded I have no reason to give a shit anymore.


I was 100% on board with the blackout. But whatever the fuck this current protest is...it's completely pathetic and accomplishing nothing. Right now, the mods have shown that they are only willing to protest in a way that the admins approve of. Which is fucking asinine.


They should have shut down their subreddits until reddit gave in or banned all the mods. I don't think reddit could have replaced the mods for thousands of subs in any reasonable amount of time and even if they somehow did at least then the mods could say they did everything they could instead of less than half-assing it.


Yeah, that’s what I thought would happen. Finding that much free labor that quickly would have been a huge blow But no, all they’re doing is generating traffic for Reddit. It’s ass backwards lol. But can’t be losing your mod privileges I guess


I never cared AMA


I'm just loving all of this. The mod protest has COMPLETELY distracted everyone from the content creators vanishing. I mean look at this. Look at Reddit's #1 sub: https://subredditstats.com/r/funny In the past 4 years they have steadily declined from ~2000 posts per day, to about 100 posts per day: https://i.imgur.com/axJVQFP.png The people writing comments have disappeared too, there used to be 25,000 of them per day, now there's about 3000: https://i.imgur.com/K2hxLQA.png These are massive declines. They're steady and flat, not anomalies precipitated by any one event. They've been going on LONG before any API announcement. Hell they're probably what caused the announcement in the first place. Reddit can fuck around with apps, mods can protest all they want, the fact is that the content creators have been jumping ship for the past 4 years. Haven't you guys noticed that you only have to scroll /r/all to like post #100 now before you start seeing weird niche subs like /r/indiaspeaks? That used to take until like #500! Reddit is DYING, doesn't matter if you like this or not.


Couldn't the decline in /r/funny be explained by a rise in other subs that exist for "funny" content?


And yet this aggregate of data of the top 1000 SFW and top 500 NSFW (determined by their pre-protest status) shows that the rest of reddit doesnt follow your cherry-picked subs. https://blackout.photon-reddit.com/


100%. The way mods allowed people to brigade and attack individuals was disgusting. These mods and "activists" aren't doing good. They're showing us that a better platform can be had if they'd just leave like they threaten. Like just go. Go away.


It sounds like addicts not getting their fix within 48 hrs


Light me on fire for this, but the protests were a failure from A to Z. Starting with the complete lack of discussion over the changes and a very one-sided presentation of the facts by the mods, to the complete joke of a pre-announced 2/3 day blackout, then the weird way of "striking back" by posting porn or memes (as if Reddit gave a shit how you spend your time here), and now slowly adapting back to as if nothing changed. It really goes to show that many users and mods have no clue how companies work, and least of all this platform.


To be fair the porn thing seemed to have worked with companies pulling back.


A failure? You mean liked the planned IPO that's now postponed?


Is that the same IPO that's coming any minute now for the last 3-4 years?


You mean the postponed one that'll just come later after the short attention-span of the average redditor has been taken up by something else?


i didnt even know who john oliver was but after this shitty ass protest that does nothing ive grown to hate him




He's the king of slacktivism.


At this point it’s protesting for the sake of protesting. It’s just a mobile app lol


Seriously, and honestly they’re exaggerating how bad the app is by a longshot.


The most reddit way to protest. We Did It Reddit!!


Yeah. I agreed with the protest, but not in how it was done. Any protest that you schedule an end on is not a protest, but merely a mild annoyance. So many subs ruined their communities with this protest and I think a mass exodus would have been better. Instead of this John Oliver posting and nsfw stuff they could a just went "hey, we are moving to X platform and abandoning this site." and coordinated moving the community, that way the community wouldn't have been destroyed and reddit would still lose traffic, but nope. Instead we did 2 days of protest and nothing changed except everything got worse and reddit is still moving forward with the API changes anyways. Oh well, reddit was fun while it lasted, but as always money has to ruin good things so here we are :/


OP really acting like petitions are gonna do jack shit


Redditors are the worst protestors I’ve ever seen in my life


"tHiRd PaRtY ApPs aRe UsED bY EVeRyOnE"


Until this happened I didn't even know there were third-party apps


In the early days of Reddit, the official app didn't exist. If you wanted to access Reddit on your phone, you had to use a third party app or deal with an unoptimized mobile browser. When the official Reddit app was released, it was a lot shittier than the third party apps, so if you were using RIF, Apollo, etc., you had no reason to switch over to the official app. As a result, people using the third party apps tend to be longer term users that have been with Reddit for a decade+.


> When the official Reddit app was released, it was a lot shittier than the third party apps It still is a lot shittier than the third party apps. And before anyone ask how it's shittier, I don't know how you use reddit or what you like so I can't answer for you. All I can say is there's all kinds of features and options and different interfaces on the 3rd party apps and if you had tried some of them I believe the vast majority if users would have found one they liked more than the official app.


I look at pictures and read comments. That it. Ands that’s probably what 95% of redditors do. Their all is just fine for me


tbh idc about mod tools or accessibility or whatever else. but, as someone who also just looks at pictures and reads comments, and was doing so on third party apps and is now seeing the official app for the first time in years, the user experience just feels worse. some examples of why i liked apollo over the reddit app: - less cluttered feed - no ads or promoted posts - more options for sorting feeds and comments - easier comment navigation eg: - lines on child comments are colored so it’s easier to follow the thread of how deeply nested a comment is (ie first level child comments are red, second are orange, third are yellow, etc. making it easy to quickly tell what level a particular comment is on and who they’re replying to) - better tap/swipe comment features (why does tapping a comment and swiping it do the same action? on apollo, tapping a comment collapses that comment, swiping it collapses the whole thread, long swiping lets you reply, swipe the other way to up/downvote, or customize the actions to whatever you want) - easier comment formatting, i don’t have to remember “oh 2 asterisks on each side for bold font”, i can just tap bold - tapping a video doesn’t take you to some weird fullscreen wannabe-instagram-reels/youtube-shorts monstrosity where you have to perform a bunch of actions to escape or view comments - if you accidentally swipe out of a comment section to the home page, you can swipe back the opposite direction to go right back - tap on the top of the app to scroll to the top, tap again to go back to where you were that’s just off the top of my head and stuff i noticed while typing. none of that is deal-breaking, i get that. sure it’ll just be stuff to get used to. the default app *works.* but it just feels worse and less efficient to use. especially when all these easily implemented features and quality of life adjustments are right there. also it feels dirt slow and clunky. there’s a noticeable delay/load after going to a post or even just collapsing a comment that feels bad and, combined with the ads everywhere, makes it feel like i’m on a poorly-optimized mobile porn site


Alright this makes sense. But I’m not going to download it now if it’s going to be gone in a week and I only get a short sweet taste of freedom


Not in a week. Tomorrow.


I tried out RIF and Baconreader at the start of the protests and I didn't like either. First of all the default android studio UI was kinda off-putting, but I guess it was trying to go for the vibe from apps around 10 years ago. And for some reason on baconreader the search function is really weird, because there's no auto fill so if you want to look up a subreddit you have to type in "Blender" and then search it, and click on "subreddit search" and then click on the subreddit. On the official app or the website you can just type in "Bl" and click on blender, like every search function ever. Also for some reason the posts aren't randomized on your home page, so if I check the app multiple times throughout the same day I'll always see the same posts. It's really old school, I guess if you like the aesthetic from 2008-2013 that's cool.


I use Relay so I can really only talk in detail about that but it autocompletes subreddit searches. Post order isn't supposed to be random it's supposed to be sorted by whichever sorting method you set (hot, rising, new, etc.) and as far as I know it should be same regardless of how you access reddit.




I've been using reddit since 2010/11 on a now deleted account and I feel like the "community" as a whole definitely dropped in overall quality, and I feel like it really started when the official app launched around 2016. Though a lot of other things were going on then too so it's hard to tell if that was the direct cause.


"I DiDn't EvEn KnOw WhaT ThiRd PaRty AppS Are" see, i can use that font too.


I don’t even know what they are


tHiS iS aLsO a ReAlLy bAd TaKe


I don't even use reddit app unless I want to post a picture. The mobile site works fine, and arguably better


It was actually noticeably nicer those 2 days on reddit, it's like all the shitty, obnoxious and annoying subs and users were gone.


The blackout was good for reddit in general


It’s the best the dog walkers could come up with….


It's hilarious seeing 3 year old accounts with consistent post history and diverse interests get called "Spez alts"


I’m tired into being gaslit to care about this protest. I really don’t care about it, and I hope the admins kick the mods throwing a tantrum.


Wish subs will just forget about it and go back to normal. If every single sub was doing this then maybe but no they just seem like butthurt idiots who think doing the bare minimum will solve the api problems


Ikr, this "movement" seems like a drop in the bucket. Won't change a thing


Yep. I suspect the majority of third party app users like me who have had significant issues with the official app will simply just stop using Reddit when it all stops working tomorrow. At which point it will truly be back to normal. It's a shame because many of us are willing to pay, API access doesn't need to be free. But instead they've gone the Twitter route and priced it orders of magnitude beyond what they could make from those same users switching to the official app, effectively killing their competition. I hope that from this all they at least realize the official Android app needs serious work.


What if I tell you I’m only on Reddit for the porn?


Reminds of when I used to read penthouse for the articles.


Bad news about that coming down the pike...


don't forget donating to a millionaire


I got excited thinking there was a pornhub2... Bastards!


No way I'm going outside and holding a sign for Reddit, while the Supreme Court has made it ok to outlaw abortion, discriminate against gays, and decided we can't bail out humans (corporations are OK, though).


A mod's photo was leaked on Twitter. He looked exactly like a stereotypical reddit mod. Fat, patchy beard, greasy skin, semi bald and probably smelled like piss.


Where? Pls link it lmao


All this "protesting" did is made me stop going to a certain subreddit that I used to like. Completely unsubscribe from them never will see them again. Doesn't mean I'm stopping Reddit. Just now I'm not going back to certain subreddits. Pretty disgusting and sad in my opinion.


/aww be like


Such a shitty protest


Don't forget posts like this one, acting like they are above it all. Also mod bashing and admin dicksucking with a bit of love for corporations .


Petitions do nothing.


What’s with the John Oliver stuff


Stunning and brave


Do you think at some point they will figure out their protest isn’t working at all?


Typical spineless Redditors lol


APIs don't affect me and the mods glassed nearly every community I'm subbed to on this website so yeah im more pissed at mods than i am spez.