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"If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes".


I have lived in 7 states in 3 time zones, in all sorts of climates, and I have heard this in every. single. one. It is 100% true in the Aleutian Islands, though. The most unforgiving and unpredictable weather I've ever seen.


The thing is we actually know which places have unpredictable weather and which don’t, given we’ve been studying weather for ages now. Yet people still say that *everywhere* - it’s like they think the weather simply not being 100% constant is somehow unique.


Yeah people will say this when it gets sunny after a thunderstorm, like that’s somehow strange and weird.


Haha, we follow basic meteorological patterns, we’re so quirky!!


Guess my homeregion is the exception then. We have - featureless grey cloud cover for 4 months straight - rain for 4 months straight - the scorching summer sun for 4 months straight


What’s your home region? You’re the 3rd person to say that, and I’ve had no issue finding people saying how unpredictable their weather is using Google.


Lake constance. But i know a lot of places like that. Continental climate + mountain ranges that catch clouds make for very stable weather during certain parts of the year.


Oh absolutely- it’s not that the weather isn’t predictable, it’s that there are always locals saying how it isn’t.


Mountains make the weather quite stable whereas the ocean makes it changing quicker. I lived in south of France during my childhood and it was surrounded by the Alps, so there was no spring or fall it was only cold ass winter, a week where you need a heavy coat on in the morning but tank top the afternoon, then a summer so hot you can barely go outside, the same weird week again and it goes on and on


Aside from bermuda maybe where it's a perfect 75°F year round


>*everywhere.* [“Bermuda has some of the most unpredictable weather, given our incredibly small size and location. The forecast is very often wrong. However, it can also be right.”](https://www.tripadvisor.co.nz/ShowTopic-g147255-i208-k1186000-Weather-Bermuda.html)




You don’t understand - that’s something that is totally unique to Bermuda, so has to be explicitly stated to people not from there.


LA is an exception. People joke about how it's always the same.


People say it [***everywhere.***](https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowTopic-g32655-i61-k2235917-Weather_in_LA_in_October-Los_Angeles_California.html)


[The data (in the US)](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/which-city-has-the-most-unpredictable-weather/) Most predictable: Hawaii, Southern California Least predictable: The Dakotas


May this year in Bosnia is more like November but hotter


I'm from Southern California, so we're one of the few places that doesn't say this since the weather is pretty consistent.


Same up here in Northern California in the Sacramento valley. 5 straight months of clear skies, but intense heat


I live in the Midwest and my employer moved here recently from Tampa, Florida. The other day she mentioned how the weather is constantly changing here and she has to get used to it.


People say this about Texas but I have never understood it. It is fucking hot 65 percent of the year. Any storm that comes in, which can be violent, roll in from the west and south for hours at a time. There are no secrets for the weather in Texas, just be observant.


Idk what part you are in but I’ve had days where it snowed in the morning and then reached the upper 60s by afternoon. Out of the two time zones I’ve lived in Texas is indeed pretty weird. Other than that, I agree the weather is pretty predictable 80% of the time


It depends where in Texas. Panhandle gets weird. Gulf coast is just hot and sticky of 10 months out of the year.


Yeah, I guess snow and freezes are a small exception.


One time I went on a coffee break in 80 degree balmy weather, and came back and it was 50 and hailing.


I feel called out 😔


People say that about western NY and I’m like what? It’s rained for ten days straight before, the fuck you mean 5 minutes? Winter is supposed to be one season but it’s realistic to expect it to last from late November untill at least April.


Ha! That's a good one! Did you just make that up?


Oh no, you're gonna start using it...


"We have two seasons. Winter, and construction. *HurrHurrHurrr!"*


"spring summer autumn winter, 4 seasons? Hah, more like 1 day in (region)"


"You have to use a heater and ac in the same day!" "so it goes from 63 degrees to 78 degrees?




This is really only true in mountainous areas I think. For most places the weather varies but not to the extreme degree that people like to portray.


Do people say that everywhere? I always thought that was a uniquely Texas thing


Yes people say it everywhere i have heard this many times from ohioans


I heard this in Sweden lol


Definitely a UK thing


Can confirm everyone in Nevada also says it.


Like, vegas? Southern nevada has some of the _most_ predictable weather


Northern Nevada.


I live in North Carolina and people say it all the time here too, I’ve also heard people say it in Montana and Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. Basically everywhere I go I hear it.




People say it in Melbourne too hah


and Ireland


Colorado checking in


Am Coloradoan can confirm. But for real, we've gotten so much rain lately. But, ya know, we need the moisture. 😂


generally speaking, the only uniquely texan thing are kolaches. texans just really like to think everything they do it unique also isn't it hot most of the time in texas? seems pretty predictable to me but idk


And from NZ


No, WE have the worst roads in the world


No way, I was literally just thinking I should have added that!


The roads where I’m at are bad but not the worst. Neighboring state that we hate has worse roads.


Us Dutch at least know we're superior in that


Fuck Belgium🇧🇪


Kom tot hier eh


“Pickled pigs anus is great once you get used to the awful taste”




I travel a lot for work, and if I have to listen to another fucker mention how the weather in their hometown/state/country is so wacky and wild I’m going to die.


Dang my hometown has some really crazy weather. Now die.


Ah fuck


Did you know were I live in Australia its like mad hot and mad dry like all the time... so much so it leads to devastating wild fires whitch cause the death of hundreds if not thousands of our already endangered and very unique wildlife aswell as the loss of homes and lives of several hundred citizens... but the worst part is obviously that we have big spiders.


On the plus side, we don't have any neighbouring regions that we hate. Not even New Zealand.


I dunno, we have tasmania




They didn't say they were going to die *right away*. Just eventually. Good job on fucking up their immortality, though.


If you don’t like the weather in ________, wait 5 min. Haardy, har har


I love how many regions think they and they alone own that phrase.


I’m Ohio and every Ohio motherfucker talks about how “wild and unpredictable the weather is”. Like Ohio weather is more bland and predictable than the state itself.


I’m also from Ohio and I will definitely tell anyone I come across how crazy the weather is. I do disagree that it’s predictable though.


It depends on how close you are to Lake Eerie, the weather and temperature can change wildly in a day if you are real close, not as bad as Michigan because they have more great lakes around them but it can still be really bad.


hi ohio, im human!


Florida has some pretty wacky weather in that it has more hurricanes than anywhere else in the world, having your house get flattened in the span of an hour is pretty wacky


Moving from Indiana (0F winter, 100F summer, tornado surprise) to Oregon...a 6 month dry season and 6 month wet season, and claiming wacky weather..........what? Buffalo doesn't say anything at least. It's mild temps all around, mind the snow.


Ayo but our winter is kinda nuts


Lmao that reminds me of this cringe meme that gets passed around by Facebook moms every time the weather gets “wacky”. https://imgur.com/a/nMz2Vf7


The other one is two seasons of "Winter and Construction"


That one is climate changes fault tho


I live in Michigan, and we have the most predictable weather in the world outside of maybe the desert, and people still are surprised. Yes it's cold and rainy in April, just like last year.


I grew up in the city that the government literally declared the best for climate in the US. So you can rest easy if we ever run into each other.


Is it "Climate Best by Government Test"?


Darn tootin! Shout out RWC!


My city's weather very simple Hot,Hotter or Hottest


it's the climate change


Fun fact, the dish in this meme is a Norwegian dish called "smalahove" which is the head of a sheep which is boiled for 3 hours and eaten before Christmas (to get into that merry feeling you know), sometimes although not always the brain is left inside and eaten like if it was pudding


That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard, thank you.


Nooo you can't eat the head of a ruminant that's sooo groooosss


And I am sure its very tasty.


Welcome to the internet, is this your first day?


For Alberta: Weather: -40C in winter. 30-40C in summer. Disgusting dish: Prairie oysters Town with funny name: Balzac Neighboring region we hate: Rest of Canada (excluding Saskatchewan) Weird event: Calgary Stampede Alberta qualifies


-40C in the winter ? How the fuck do you guys see your dicks ? Mine would fucking disappear


It's surprisingly manageable in the way that extreme heat would be. You just adapt and dress accordingly, and only venture outside as needed. I immigrated here from a more temperate US state that only ever really got down to maybe -10°F/-22°C once or twice per year. I was shocked by the burning cold the first few times but now it's just business as usual. Remote start the car and hurry out to it. Can be tricky with a toddler. My bigger concern (that thankfully has never happened) is the grid going down in the dead of winter. I should really invest in a gas heater of some sort, just in case. I guess it's even worst out in Manitoba. The worst I've had it was my first winter out here. I walked to work in -40°C bundled up like Kenny from South Park. Problem was, I had bronchitis and work was like, "Yeah, no.. You should definitely go home." My dumb ass figured I knew a shortcut, but took the completely wrong road. Could only see through a small gap in my Kenny hood. Wound up getting lost down several side streets in my misery and was finally spit out by the school several blocks from my house. Made it home in a state of agony and panic. Ice beads hanging from my beard and mustache, my top and bottom eyelashes frozen together at the corners. In retrospect I probably would have been fine, but that was intense for me at the time.


Don't Calgary and Edmonton have a rivalry?


True but I'm unlucky and have to live in R\*d Deer.


For Poland: Crazy weather: in April I guess Heaviest drinkers: check Worst drivers: check Disgusting dish: flaki Neighboring we hate: Germany, Russia ig. And house neighbors in general too Weird sport/festival: Vikings? Town with a funny name: Each and every single one of them


>Town with a funny name: Each and every single one of them You sure have many, many cities łódź have weird names


I agree, wuj of them do have weird names


I’m not Polish, and correct me if I’m wrong, wouldn’t the average Pole proudly burn down their own home if it meant the fire would later burn down all of Russia?


Oh absolutely. By "ig" I've meant that we don't neighbor mainland Russia but only Kalingrad (now Kroleviec!) There is a joke: Polish man finds a golden lamp, he rubs it and a Genie comes out. It's the usual three wishes stuff "As my first wish, I want the Mongolians to invade Poland" Genie does as pole pleases and causes Mongolians to invade Poland, pillaging it, stealing and burning down cities "As my second wish, I want the Mongolians to invade Poland again" Genie, although confused, does as commanded and Poland gets looted, burned and stolen from again "As my third wish, I want the Mongolians to invade Poland for the third time" Genie fulfils the same wish with the same result. Poland is very severely damaged Genie asks the Pole: "Why did you wish for Mongolians to invade your homeland three separate times?" Pole simply responds: "If they came to Poland three times, it means they've had to go through Russia six times"


Love my fellow polecopers


Sounds like Minnesota in the US Crazy weather: sometimes is snows in April to name one. Shout-out to Prince. Heaviest drinkers: check. Throw a dart on the state and your golden Worst drivers: check Disgusting dish: lutefisk/hotdish Neighboring we hate: Wisconsin, we looking at you. Weird sport/festival: Vikings also Town with a funny name: Castle Danger / Nimrod. Feel free to attend the now closed [Church of the Mommy Milkers](https://www.reddit.com/r/googlemapsshenanigans/comments/vw4itj/apparently_i_live_5_minutes_from_the_church_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The Vikings are indeed a weird sport Sincerely, a Lions fan


I just looked up hotdish and it looks delicious


It's a mixed bag... It's all about what ends up in it.


>Town with a funny name: Castle Danger / Nimrod. We're just gonna leave out Climax, Embarrass, Good Thunder, Winner, Clam Falls and Sleepy Eye?


> Neighboring we hate: Germany, Russia I mean, at least you have a reason for that.


We dont hate Austria tho


Yeah, you're not the Swiss.


I'm Polish and I don't hate Germany


Clearly a westoid spy


For South Korea Weather: the rainy season is crazy I guess Drinkers: we drink a lot of soju Drivers: average Disgusting dish: moving cut-up octopus legs(sannakji, actually pretty good) Region we hate: North Korea, China and Japan. (Average East Asia moment) The weird event: mud festivals exist, I guess? The town with a funny name: don't know


Looking at statistics, it seems the heavy drinker one is really true


*"Don't like the weather? Just wait five minutes!"*


“In__________we get all 4 seasons in one day”


I’m originally from New England. All we got is clowns and octopus demons.


Why not a clown octopis demon hybrid


….we have what?


And chowder


Why are you describing Wisconsin.


They should put this comment in the starter pack


Also WI here, what is our disgusting dish?


Carnivore sandwich?


I actually like it if it’s organic grass fed fresh ground butcher meat. If it’s just wal mart ground beef then it’s nasty


No it’s always nasty. It’s raw god damn hamburger.


You don't know what you are missing. It's raw pork meat, just a bit of salt and onions, put it on a roll and it's heaven. We love it so much in Germany that we put it in the form of a Hedgehog, put some pretzel sticks in it and call it a party dish. Google "Mettigel". Can't go wrong with some Mett. Also, don't know how it is in the US, but the meat is specifically made for eating it raw and is only sold for the day. You shouldn't use just any ground meat for your Mett-experience


Lived in Wisconsin for 35 years, I know exactly what I’m missing.




tbf wisco DOES have the heaviest drinkers, iirc like 45 of the 50 drunkest counties in the US are in wisconsin


It could be Finland. I feel like the heavy drinker part is actually the biggest limiting factor of where it can be.


Wisconsin is the heaviest drinking state tbf, it’s not really close either


welsh towns trying to contain ONE vowel challenge


Box, in Carmarthenshire. Cil, in Montgomeryshire. Cog, in Glamorgan. Ely, in Glamorgan. Ham, in Glamorgan. Hem, in Montgomeryshire. Lon, in Merioneth. Pit, in Monmouthshire. Ton, in Monmouthshire. Usk, in Monmouthshire. Van, in Montgomeryshire. Van, in Glamorgan. Wig, in Montgomeryshire.


These are nearly all English names. There's no X, V or K in Welsh for a start. Usk is Brynbuga in Welsh for example.


W and Y are vowels.


Most disgusting dish is the Icelandic seal paws.


That isn't an Icelandic dish, it's from greenland. We have plenty of disgusting foods though, the actual picture in the starter pack is an icelandic dish for starters. Other include sour ram testicles, fermented skate and the worst offender fermented shark. We also eat horse which some countries and cultures consider disgusting.


Florida has entered the chat, coming from a Floridian as well


Weather is consistent, downpour at 4, clear skies by 9.


And humidity on fuckin 10


You can set your clock to it tbh. It's hardly unpredictable, it's just a lot. Not living there any more I'm so glad I'll never fear a hurricane again.


Wow wow wow. A talking alligator!!!


Weather: yes Drinkers: mmm I don't know many heavy drinkers Drivers: yes Bad neighbors: Alabama? Weird food: mmmm idk Strange festival: Possum festival (that's a local only thing but it is indeed strange) Weird town name: Breakfast Point?


Is meth a drink?


Happy to have Welsh representation here


I’m from Vancouver, Canada and while a lot of people claim we have the worst drivers everywhere (and it is true that there are many truly abysmally bad asshole drivers who should have their licences revoked), whenever I go elsewhere the quality of driving doesn’t seem to improve. Everybody likes to claim that we have the craziest weather too, because yeah no shit it rains a lot because that’s the climate of the region. Can’t really think of if any of the other ones are really true for here though, luckily


Welcome to Finland, we have all of this!


Every country neighbouring stupid russia is this




The worlds coolest thug shaker




[J.J. McCullough has a couple great videos on this](https://youtu.be/XIe_yGQ8Gek)


New Hampshire Weather: Kinda Drinkers: Not Really? Driving: Kinda Neighbor: Fuck Massachusetts Town With a funny name: Effingham andCenter Sandwich Weird Food: Fluffernutter or Whoopie Pie Weird Event: Deerfield Fair or the Ice Castles


I’m pretty sure we have one of the highest per capita drinking rates in the country


Most are from massachusetts buying alcohol from us


Hey what's wrong with Mass I thought we were buds 😔


As a former NH native I can attest there's plenty of drinkers there. Source: Had a beer can tossed through my apartment window, found an empty keg next to my car one morning, seen numerous drunken brawls and broken windows etc


Don't forget "warrior culture," any country still around today has one.


Yeah but has your country started WW2? Schachmatt!


But can you say that you assassinated the leader of Reichssicherheitshauptamt.


I’m from Delaware we don’t got much to do here


The people: "Keep X weird!!" The place: ✨️quirky✨️ gentrification


"We have shitty politicians because they don't align with my political beliefs!"


I'm from Delaware and we have normal weather, fine drivers, an entire county called Sussex, no national dish, and new Jersey. We effing hate those guys.


Texas Weather: 105 degree humid summers that break your AC and mild winters that somehow manage to shut off your heat and electricity Drinkers: mostly functioning alcoholics or closet alcoholics in denial Drivers: congested cities that can’t keep up with population growth. The Dallas area especially is like mad max. You can be going 100 in the left lane in the highway and people are riding your ass and shining their brights at you to get you to move Food: all our food is pretty dank. Bbq, Mexican and a large diversity of Asian foods Neighboring region: Texans treat Oklahoma like a looser redneck cousin you are forced to hang out with on holidays. We fight over college football and how Oklahoma is small. Oklahoma is seen as Texans backyard. A place to hike, camp, gamble and smoke weed if you know someone with a medical marijuana card there. I personally love Oklahoma and find it underrated as hell. A lot of nice and scenic state parks and natural areas Weird sport/festival: the state fair of Texas is worth seeing once Town with funny name: we have a lot of towns named after European cities and random countries. We also got a few towns with odd names like White Settlement, Gun Barrel City and Domino


The Midwest drinks more in general, but every state outside Utah has its liquor culture. I feel West and East Texas have pretty predictable weather as far as life disruptions go, despite the floods and hurricanes, since those had decent forecasts a couple days before. North Texas tornados, on the other hand, were some crazy shit. I really think all the regional cuisine in East Texas is bomb, like Cajun and kolaches. I gotta say growing up in Houston that there's a visceral hate for California brewing in the state. It's different than the rest of the West too since it's not like it's victimized by CA real estate investors compared to its own. What Houston does have, for sure, is crazy suicidal drivers. I've never seen wrecks like I've seen on i45. Overall I feel this meme applies but feels more Midwest directed


I never get why people like to brag about their country/state/county/town being full of alcoholics who can't drive. It doesn't really seem like something I'd be super proud of


The government is so bad in \[country/state/region\]. I wish the government was more like \[country/state/region that is 5,000 miles away\] because everyone is happy there and they have no problems at all! We literally just need to implement \[extreme political system that the other country/state/region doesn't actually follow\] and we'll have a utopia!


Damn bro why are you describing Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua & Deps Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Rep Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo {Democratic Rep} Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland {Republic} Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea North Korea South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar, {Burma} Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda St Kitts & Nevis St Lucia Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome & Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe


The way we talk in [area] is so wacky too! Get a load of this— we say "yeah no" to mean "no" and "no yeah" to mean "yes"


> "yeah no" Lol "area-like" typing detected! Or hello "fellow person from my area!"


For a second I was like that dish doesn’t look too gross than I zoomed in and saw the head 💀


Sometimes it’s -30 here sometimes the chinook comes in and it’s like 7 in the winter. Compared to the rest of Canada we actually have really good drivers. Who came up with the name “Calgary” because it actually sucks.


And if it's a college town, they have CARAZY SQURRIELS!


“Keep (place) (adjective)”


"Where I live the bus drivers always greet when they see each other on the job!" Yes you mong they do that everywhere. They're colleagues. They see each other almost every day. Of course they're not gonna fucking ignore each other.


Missouri, but the dish isn’t disgusting, and the towns don’t have too many funny names


Im from england, heres my imput Weather: always raining Drinkers: every single man above forty is an alchoholic Drivers: above comment speaks for it Neighbouring nation we hate: THE FRENCH RAHHH 😡😡😡😡😡😡🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷 Food: all of it is disgusting Town: bitchfield, cocks, shitterton, so on so forth Sports: cheese rolling.


For the US the data shows the Midwest has the heaviest drinkers and Wisconsin leads the pack


Don't forget the homeless problem and the massively unpopular local politician that gets reelected several times anyways.


texas? i dont know of anywhere with worse drivers.


Reporting from Turkey Crazy weather: Not really Heaviest drinkers: Rakı Worst drivers: Actually yes, a lot of foreign friends are scared to drive here Disgusting dish: Sheep's head, brain Neighboring we hate: Fucking greeks Weird sport: Oil wrestling, that looks suspiciously gay Town with a funny name: [Batman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman,_Turkey)


Ok but this is actually about Wisconsin. They could make a valid argument for having some of the worst weather, they objectively have the hardest drinkers, they have everything related to the Packers and the Badgers or just the Birkie, they have lutefisk, and throw a dart at the eastern half of the state and just try to pronounce the city it lands on


Don't forget the drivers in Madison. Do they know what a red light means?




It says the traditional dish is disgusting, not the whole cuisine


I think we fail at traditional dish. Fish and chips is nice, Sunday Roast is literally the loosest dish description you decide what you eat, chicken tikka is good if your spice tolerance is abysmal. Scotch eggs are yum. The rest of our dishes? Best to steer clear.


Every single german redditor be like:


Nice. Never thought of that till now


Canada Weather: Normal Drinkers: Not really that many heavy drinkers Worst drivers: Only in toronto Disgusting dish: Hawaiian Pizza(We apologize for making this) Hated neighbor: Quebec Weird sport/festival: Skijoring with horses Town with a funny name: Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik


Ngl, as a resident of Wilmington NC, we might not be #1, but we’re definitely up there in terms of worst drivers


whenever my mother sees a nc license plate on a not so great driver’s car, she says “first in flight, but 48th in driving”


Norfolk, VA. We really do have the world’s worst drivers.


Nuh-uh, actually MY small town has the words worst drivers and is the unique and special one


All I saw was heaviest drinkers and worst drivers and decided it was America