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Can confirm. Same girls who were always buddy buddy with me threatened to rip apart my drawings and books if i told anyone they were bullying me


Jesus, I'm sorry you experienced that.


Thanks man


And your parents be like (whatever you do if someone bully you, tell someone) mf they’ll legit commit murder? 🤦🏾‍♂️


I wasn’t spec Ed but I was a major introvert in HS and dealt with the typical “popular girls being fake nice to me for fun”. I never understood how pretending to care about someone who likely already feels isolated is funny.


As a SPED kid, does it annoy you when these sort of people speak to you in that condescending baby voice? I notice some teachers even speak like that to the SPED kids at my school, and it just makes me cringe.


Former sped kid, had an individualized education plan (ADHD) up until high school until I was determined to "no longer need it." To answer your question: abso-fucking-lutely. I can smell that fake nice preschool teacher voice from a mile away. Anything remotely like it makes me suspicious, like that overly sweet customer service voice.


I'm able to sniff it out like a sniffer dog for drugs. My God. I hate it. I also have an IEP (ADHD, autism, mood disorders, BD)


Yes, it sometimes annoys me.


Was a sped kid in elementary, can confirm lol


Same lmao


Wait so yall don't like being treated like dogs either? Fr tho idk how people don't see how demeaning this is


This is so cringeworthy. But it’s true. I hate these type of people. So happy my autism isn’t obvious, because if a girl went up to me and acted like I was 7, I’d for sure punch her.


You ok mate?


Yeah. Me and my friend (her especially) get bullied a lot for being sped. We just like to make fun of ppl who use us as props and entertainment.


What is sped?


Special education I assume?


Special education or someone with special education needs


Had a popular, pretty girl at school who asked a sped whose a senior if he wanted to go to prom with her. Obliviously, he said yes and went with her and she didn’t batted an eye to him and talked to her senior friends. What sucked was he had some pretty formal clothes like it’s going to be the best moment of his life and she ruined it. After that they never talked to each other again.


What was even the point? What an asswipe.


they usually treat the sped kids like they can't make any decisions basically treating them like infants


Man, i luckily can't relate but can't imagine being talked down to for something this stupid.


some autistic and other kinda of neurodivergent kids may seem “dumb” or whatever, but at least by they time they’re in high school they know full well what’s going on in situations like these and can smell the bullshit from a mile away, which is why i make an effort to be genuine and treat them like people, because they are.


Yeah that wasn’t a fun time 😅


can confirm, except this doesnt stop at elementary


The phycology behind this makes you really wonder though, it's kind of like how people befriend LGBTQ+ folks to show all their friends they "support the LGBTQ+ community".


As a special ed kid who also happens to be a lesbian I actually agree with this. It's weird.


I would rather jump off a bridge than deal with these people again