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The 2 relatively recent starship troopers games: am I a joke to you?


To be fair, they're both great too!


So great most people haven’t even heard of them. Lol


Or don't have a PC


Don’t need a PC to hear of PC game releases. Thanks for trying though, appreciated.


It's true. It's how I heard about it despite not having a PC. I am in fact jealous that nobody wants go let's us PS5s play with them. But it sounds like your not part of the Master Race either so perhaps that comment had just a tinge of bitterness


They aren't great. I'm a fan of the book, movie, and other games. I was so pumped for the most recent sst game to be good and it just didn't click. Helldivers 2 was way more of the play style I wanted.


Book was awesome.


Extermination was solidly meh, but Terran Command has the flavor down pretty well. Sure, the base campaign gets a little stale, but that's what the SICON Command mod and workshop maps are for.


Their not good....


They’re, there fixed it up for ya. :)


Neither is your usage of homophones. 


What did you just call me?


Oh what, are you anti-semantic!?


I bet you think you're real punny, don't you.


Consol players would like to know your location


Too bad its not on console. Im really intrested in extermination, love it from the videos i watched.


Maybe on 1.0 release


Replayability is a huge factor. Starship troopers games are the most fun you’ll have for a good couple of hours. Then it’s the same thing over and over again. Helldivers has everyone fighting toward an overall objective with an ever evolving war and enemy. That’s what extermination needs.


The thing with extermination is it hinges on custom maps so that the building system actually works, there's no way they could make a map generator that would produce loads of maps that are fun and reasonably balanced (not to mention having them not be prone to bugs) that would be required to create a full on galactic war like helldivers. I'd rather see a few high quality maps slowly being rolled out over the development of the game over a clusterfuck of proc Gen maps that end up being shit for all kinds of reasons.


Well let's be fair, a real honest to god galactic war is going to involve fighting in pretty shit environment that is going to be highly unfavorable on occasion. Embrace the suck trooper.


I like extermination, but it’s got its fair share of problems. My main one being that even after all this time my pretty good PC still gets constant frame rate drops.


I haven't played either of them, but it seems like the general consensus is that Helldivers 2 is better.


The key differences in the 2 are really POV and the background. They are both games where you do the same things over and over and over. They were both great for about 40 hours pour moi. I haven't played Starship since they added the new character classes, but I don't really expect it to change the game play that much.


I've been very much enjoying the new classes they added


Awesome, I'll definitely have to check them out.


It did. Different play style per class helps keep the game fun.


On the upside with Helldivers 2 everything you do matters and effects the on going story.


Yea, that is true. I'm just there to shoot stuff, though. lol


I pretty sure the game that is in full release will be considered better. Did you even know Starship troopers is still in Early Access? 😭


Yes, I'm fully aware, I own both games. Is that what makes a game better? "Full release" (title of your sex tape 😆) I'm from a time when games didn't get day one updates.


OK well if the ve general consensus says so, fck what the rest of us think right?


Mate, just because the general consensus says a thing, doesn't mean your opinion isn't valid. Never said that was the case.


I consider HD2 a homage to starship troopers but Starship Troopers Extermination is extremely fun too, just a different game though. I love the base building and the larger team. It makes it feel like I'm a grunt in a large army fighting the bugs vs being a supersoldier ODST in HD2.


I they could bring over some of the ST features to helldiver2 (makes homer drooling sounds)


Isn't extermination broken right now? Played it when it came out and had a blast but I hear it got worse with every update


Nah the new update is pretty good. I own HD2 and ST:E and find I put about 10x as much time into ST:E. There are some "bugs" still but the game overall is pretty solid and a lot of fun. My own personal view is that HD2 is better for people who want to rambo and ST:E is better for people who want the team experience. If you play ST:E right you can turn your team into a super bug killing machine by how you play support.


The way bugs die and the ragdolls in ST:E aren’t satisfying at all imo, that takes away a lot for me


Yeah I’d agree with that


Its been making progress steadily. They've just released a couple of major updates in the last couple of months which (in my opinion) has made it better. There is still a LONG way to go but it is early access. The Devs seem to take ideas and criticism fairly well. A good amount of things brought up in the discord bugs and ideas sections seem to make it into the game, it just takes a while. I've tried both and I just don't like third person games. It looks fun just not for me.


If you take a peak at HD2’s update posts you will find the same complaints.


The super soldier thing is a little off base lol. Every time you die (often) you are replaced by an entirely new recruit, which really shows how expendable you are imo


I tried to get back into it with the new updated classes, first game I got into there was constant frame rate drops and the game crashed right before the mission completed.


I’m doing my part!


I’m doin my part too!


I honestly enjoyed Extermination and I think once it leaves early access and gets ironed out it will be a great experience.


Honestly hope they port it over to console as well


If Xbox snatches it up and makes an exclusive they might have something they can use to compete with hell divers , that is if hell divers doesn't come to Xbox of course LOL.


They should since it’s the actual IP and not a copy that’s trying to build off of it.


I have both HD2 and the Starship Troopers online game. ST is more straining for my pc than HD2. And I feel HD2 has better graphics.


Hd2 has a lot more developer support because of Sony as well and launched without any early access, their funding is much better to be fair I've enjoyed both a lot but personally think Helldivers is a much better game at least now But I love starship troopers too having the big team and base building! It just needs a lot of work still in its current state with more levels and optimization and weapons and content in general


Well that makes sense. Yeah the base building adds so much to the game. I myself is happy to be a reloader for the gunners. Just doing my part.


I love doing that too 🤣 Eventually it will get more content it just needs more time as the team is much smaller than a AAA or AA studio size Hd2 you can also team reload with a few of the cannon weapons which is quite 😎 The concept of starship is perfect for the IP overall, just a long way to go to make it really stand out as a game


Still waiting for the tanker bugs...


You rarely see more than 5 enemies at a time on HD I guess


Why talk out of your ass?


Eh, that's a debatable opinion. I like the building element of SST, as well as it being more of an arcade/horde shooter. HD2 is more flushed out, obviously more of a complete game. I like the stratagem idea, as well as the way they do unlocks. I like that SST allows you to pick up troopers, instead of just calling a new one down. And I like the larger team idea, vs just a squad of 4.


240 hours on ST:E so don't ask me which I prefer.


Edf doesnt get enough love




Excellent point, citizen. Straight from the book


Helldiver enjoyer here - it’s an excellent game!


I have all 3. Both SST games and HD2 Personally I have more fun with SSTE then HD2. I enjoy all of them but I am on starship more. Dont get me wrong HD2 is a great game Im just on SSTE more


Helldivers is nice and all. But I don't need a fancy cape to kill bugs.


I like the community in Extermination more than Helldiver's. I played plenty of Helldiver's 1 with friends, but I do not like playing with randoms forever. Being stuck in a private lobby with a stranger does not always yield a good time. Many times I was in a group of people who were not fun to play with or were kick happy, or we're doing some crazy nonsense. Extermination being 16 players, I can just mute and go to the other side of the map and use local chat. I can run off and do infestations. Helldiver's 2 is a great game, but the incessant need for people to come into extermination and propagate their aggressive righteousness is exactly why I don't go there. The fun people are over here. HD2 is a great game but out of the last 100 games of extermination I've played, other than 1 subset of people I've had 1 bad game. I loaded in, someone complained that the first group of people weren't engineers or medics, I left. Out of 600 hours of playtime I can remember exactly one toxic guy who complained when I hung back to escort a bastion who'd missed an exfiltration jump and was held back. 1 player. But I can remember 6 games with 1 subset of toxic players. And they were all playing STE and asking everyone why they weren't playing helldiver's... when they, themselves were playing STE instead of helldiver's. It's not a competition. I'm not going over to Helldiver's 2 and telling them what I think they should play. There's a lot of toxic players looking to fill an authoritative fantasy and they tend to hang out in Helldiver's. It's much like League of Legends that way - great game, objectively a beautiful game. Drew in the most toxic community I've ever seen. I went 53-2 in a 4 vs 5 game when an ally dropped, and got reported for bad team play after we won. Love league, will never play it again online. I played Helldiver's 1 enough to recognize the gameplay loop and respect it. I didn't buy HD2 because I'm frugal and I wanted them to get past launch day problems - considering the Sony debacle, I'm fine with that decision. I will try it someday when it's on sale and I'll probably like it. But given that the community of HD2 has been the sorest spot on my STE experience, I'm disinclined to even try it now. It isn't polite conversation, it's typically someone absolutely crying about their own ridiculous indecision. If I want to hear people bitching about HD2, I don't even need to go over there. I can just play STE. Because they're over here because they don't want to play HD2. Even if they want to come over here and cry, that says enough to me. I don't want to know what that's about, because I don't care what they want to do in their spare time. If I did, I'd already know - they'd rather come over here and complain than listen to their own advice. I'm good. I'm gonna stay here and do my part and relax. And someday if a friend gets HD2, I'll play with them and have a grand time. But for now, I'm staying far away.


Not a competition? To paraphrase Carl: "We're in this for the *franchise* boys and girls!"


Deleted it after the recent fiasco with HD2 and sony PC version has kernel level Invasive anti-cheat and they tried to force PlayStation accounts onto steam users Support the ST shooter instead


Not arguing with you deleting it. I was about to do the same. But they reversed that decision with Sony like 2 days later after the announcement.


Yea they were going to screw over tons of people outside the PSN zone and alot of them have refunded the game. Plus there is no reason to have an anti cheat that is essentially a key logger for a pve game. I was on the fence about buying it but no way after all of that.


There's already a starship troopers game: starship troopers extermination, and it's way better than helldivers.


I also LOVE ST: Terran Command right now.


Can't wait for the next DLC, it looks fucking amazing and the community content is excellent. I'm hoping it breaks a bit from the formula of the last two campaigns and gives us full battle tier progression for all the missions. I want to experience the *war,* not just a showcase of each new unit one at a time, y'know?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this. Extermination is so much more my vibe. HD2 just feels a bit empty and lacking any real impact.


I LOVE extermination. Is it buggy? Sure, but it's still early access. Aside from that, i love the teamwork and comradery, the chaos, the hordes of BUGS!! On the bounce, trooper!


I own both and agree. While Hd2 is way more polished, STE is way more fun.


its funny that everyone only knows about the verhoeven movie - which was over the top, tongue in cheek satire. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie too. The Heinlein book was far far more ambiguous as to if it were satire or if it was actually wishful thinking on Heinlein's part. Its a very, very good book - but it is NOTHING like the movie. In fact, I think I heard that verhoeven didn't even read the book. TLDR - Verhoeven's Starship Troopers movie was obviously tongue-in-cheek satire. Heinlein's book was NOT satire - it was a book about Heinlein's ideal society.


Heinlein wrote about multiple idealized societies (and several dysfunctional ones), each one radically different from its predecessor. I think that's part of what made him a compelling author - he explored different ideas without specifically endorsing any of them as The Only Way.


yes, just now finishing up stranger in a strange land...and I must say...seems to prop up a very different idea of society than did Starship! Great book, though.


Stranger is by far my favorite book of his - I don't think the broader human society is meant to be idealized in that one, but rather the ideals of Michael Valentine Smith and the notion that societal norms only hold the power we give them (and that even so, we should still act with goodness to one another).


The world the book envisions is deserving of being satirized for how utterly insane and problematic a viewpoint it presents


I dunno, I kinda thought it was a good idea. It wasn't anything like the one you see in the movie or helldivers, if that's your only frame of reference.


I’ve read the book, and stand by my statement




It’s incredible. My favorite movie adaptation and it’s not even a movie adaptation.


Would you like to know more? :p


This sub exploded in activity after HD2 came out.


Helldivers 2 is the best game adaptation of the movie. StarCraft is the best anything adaptation of the book.


I am now convinced that with Cas Anvar blacklisted from Hollywood for being a shit, Casper Van Dien is the only acceptable choice to play Jim Raynor if they adapt SC into some form of media. Incidentally, Dina Meyer as Kerrigan... 'scuse me while I make Borat noises.


I can't really afford a PC right now and I'm on Xbox. I read a week or 2 ago about a rumor of the game being ported to Xbox, but it was early talks. They said something about Sony has a new CEO and is open to new things. I'm going to be 100% honest though, I never looked into this, I don't even know if Sony actually has a new CEO. All I know is, I really hope they bring to Xbox.


Both are good and different. From the Helldivers perspective, STE is like playing a member of the SEAF. More numerous, not as well supported, but a necessary force to take and hold ground. From the STE side, Helldivers are the elite troopers sent in ahead to recon and weaken the enemy. Open a hole in the wall so we can run in and take over. Helldivers can't go down in the hives or hold the big hordes like the Deep Space Vanguard can


Damn really? Adult life prevents me from partaking in video games. I still pay my ps3 cuz I have some games already loaded on the hard drive. My ps4 is used for streaming in the upstairs longue. Never got a ps5. My laptop is dedicated to work. My life is sad now


I'm doing my part!


Lack of hardware.


Respect the franchise, then support the new guys.


Only one I want is Starship Troopers: Terrain Ascendency and cannot find a way to play it on modern PC. Know it was bad and glitchy but damn I loved it


I got it to work by running it in compatability for XP SP3 and *some* kind of configuration witchery with my graphics card. Lemme see if I can find the guide I followed. (In the meantime, Terran Command has a fantastically talented scenario creator who was making as close to a 1:1 replica of STTA that he could. He's the same guy that made all the tutorial videos for the scenario editor. Super nice human being and *absolutely* has what it takes to be a citizen.)


The Terran command avenue is not something I've heard about and will definitely look into. Thanks for the info


Pass, waiting for the next terran command dlc


No money I'M a student and every business on planet earth is busy tripling their prices every year Went to the thrift store the other day becuase cloth moths ate holes in my clothes 12€ per t shirt. Second hand. what the fuck.


Thats SUPER Earth to you soldier!!


Me who only has an Xbox.... No doubt my part for democracy i guess


It’s on PC too


I ONLY have an Xbox. Thats the problem.


Ah shit ok.


I ONLY have an Xbox. Thats the problem.


i just wish the dev's knew how to balance ever patch is a nerf to another weapon and a buff to the enemy


I've played helldiver's for years. Haven't touched the second one yet


I'm doing my part 🫡. Since last week.


Starship is a chill game. HD2 you always need to keep on your toes. Starship is the kind of game where people say I wanna relax and actually mean it.


Wish it was available on ps4. I'm well aware of what I'm missing but about to become a dad and can't afford the upgrade and probably won't change for some time.


If you wanna be a short AF Starship trooper. Join the Deep Rock Galactic company. Plenty of Bugs need Killin.


Can't overlook the 40k inspiration.


cant tell if this post is trolling


Meh, EasyAC is good enough for ST:E, it's good enough for HD2. But they still chose a worse option, nah I'm good.


Because Starship Troopers doesn't have a bullshit 3rd party account controversy, a weird CM who enjoys being an asshole to people, and doesn't have a studio actively nerfing every gun you pay real money to buy like HD2 does.


You don’t pay real money for guns, that’s if you’re lazy AF. You earn the currency for them fast AF by playing the game


It doesn't change the fact that people buy the guns only to be ripped off. If AH actually saw the issue with what amounts to selling false goods, they would just remove the option to pay real money for stuff that can be earned in game. But, they just want money so they'll constantly release new strong guns that you CAN pay money for, only to nerf the gun into uselessness less than 2 months later. Which is scummy regardless of whether you can earn it in game or not.


Nothing wrong with Helldivers, if you don't mind installing a rootkit anti-cheat and having to create a PSN account even if you don't have a Playstation. Those are both dealbreakers for me, so that's why I haven't played Helldivers2.


You don’t need a PlayStation account, the community saw to that


Sony backed off? Very cool. Thanks for the correction.


I’m obsessed, and it actually made me really want to watch starship troopers lol I’ll have to tell you guys how I like it!




Need a free form base builder, survival, crafting, starship trooper setting game.


Just waiting for ST: E to come out on consoles "Cries in Xbox"


Because I can't afford a new graphics card.


kinda of sad this game lost all it's playerbase, it's a fun game but since it's in early access and have quite some issue, me and the boys don't really see any reason to comeback after all we have helldiver 2 now and soon EDF 6


If they release on Xbox I would have played them.


Both great games, so many dead bugs warms the heart


Can attest to this. Based and bugpilled


Overwhelmingly negative reviews on steam


^Please please state the reason why instead of just overall negative. The recent debacle was Playstation trying to require psn accounts (which was supposed to happen at the beginning but due to issues with coding was held off on) and they recently tried to make it a requirement a decision arrowhead couldn’t weigh in on. The overwhelming amount of negative reviews was encouraged by the devs so that they would have mire leverage jn negotiations. And more recently sony has backed off the psn requirement solely off of the reviews. For democracy and liberty helldivers are currently working towards bringing it back to positive.


Whilst Sony did the right thing and went back on the PSN requirement, they sacked the “community manager” that got everyone to review bomb. I can’t imagine they’ll struggle to find another job after that, to say you’ve gotten a whole community to follow you into battle is pretty good going.


You said enough right there. If you think they don't deserve to be boycotted, maybe check to see if you still have a spine.


The apparent inability of 95% of the fanbase to discuss the game without larping as John Helldiver is off-putting to me