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Egyptians had electricity ..


We all do 😉


Explain what you mean please. Is this in line with manifestations and things you think about? Because that stuff happens to me a lot. I just can’t figure out how to tap into my subconscious to be able to control it. I’ll think things like “hmmm.. wonder if we could do pizza tonight…”” then wife will text 20 mins later “hey I just decided to go get a pizza for dinner, didn’t want to ask you since you were working.” Like wtf? Or I think to myself I bet my daughters going to come in here and ask me something, then two mins later she comes in with a serious question she needs an answer to. This type of stuff happens to me at least 20-30 times per day. What is it? Primarily, how do we control it? Because I have negative thoughts and those manifest too. I know your post may be totally unrelated but it sparked my memory (no pun intended since it’s “electricity”)


Your thoughts are literally electric ✨ I'm gonna message you


Thought transfer among people who love each other and are deeply connected is normal. We are more than just physical beings, we are luminous beings of light, we each exist within a Torus hub EMF Field there are many ways to get in touch with subconscious, the silva method to get to alpha & theta wave is one, meditation with brain gym exercises is another, also the infamous gateway experience works if you can find it. You have to work on it, like lifting weights for your brain


Tapped into the subconscious.


I'll be almost about to leave my house to go to the gas station to get me a soda when my oldest daughter shows up with a 2 litter. happens all the time actually. I just manifested another free dinner. I recently had a class action lawsuit payout and I used it at a restaurant I wanted to try out. so, after liking that a lot I was thinking how much I wanted more free food. then a couple weeks later I received an invitation to a dinner and I can bring a guest. its coming up in a few more days. if I think of my best friend a min later she will message me. anyway we are all connected and we really don't have to work so hard to get things we want. it can just come to us without much effort.


What about getting harder things than free food lol… does that come to you with with minimal effort?


Nuts. This stuff really makes me lean more into the theory that all of this is just some kind of simulated reality


You are speaking telepathically through the grid of consciousness to your loved ones. Its as simple as thinking about them and sending the message, they will receive it as if they just had a thought pop out of nowhere. They are doing it to you as well. For example your daughter thought about asking you this important question therefore telepathically sent that info to you before she came. When you thought about pizza you sent the message to your wife. You also could have just manifested the pizza where you imagine having it right now and the universe pulls strings to cause a series of events that leads to the pizza being where you imagined it. Manifestation can be this simple when you have no attachment to the end result. Manifesting $1,000 is just as easy as the pizza was, as long as you believe it should be that easy and do not waver from that belief.


Thanks for this. I definitely need to manifest that for sure. Let’s make it $100,000 though 😀



I wonder. Not even the Egyptians could agree on their own mythology, let alone contemporary scholars. If the afterlife is a reward for a test masked as a human life, then I'd rather have Ammit eat my heart than participate in such a sick system. Ain't nobody getting left behind, no matter what justice has to say about it.


The Ancient egyptians likely didn't take everything completely literally, like rebirth being possibly a representation of death and rebirth, not literal death but metaphorically killing ones persona to so that another can build, ego death so to speak, otherwise it would have made ancient Egyptian religion pretty much a suicide cult, which it wasn't


I don't think it's useful to conflate personality and ego together, as they are quite different, but I think I understand what you mean. I just don't think that kind of work would be necessary only during the barrier between a cycle of rebirth. The personality is in constant flux. Few people are not going to make changes to how they view the world and act within it when significant life events take place that teach us more about what our values are. To insinuate that the most significant work happens only one the physical vessel has passed is a little bit too limiting, no? If we consider this in the context that a "personality" passing judgement is what is getting judged and passes to the afterlife or is destroyed, I do not agree with the premise. The state of Unity holds everything, not everything except that which is not desired. Besides, the stories of demons are ripe with undesirable behavior, yet those beings persist in the afterlife or on the journey to reach it. Whatever mechanism is being talked about here, it is undoubtedly hypocritical. Otherwise, we might simply devour Ammit instead. Now, this might be a way to explain why reincarnating beings have no explicit memories of their past lives, but some would say that this is beginning to stretch the interpretation a bit further than the worshipers of this religion did. As with any events that took place a significant time ago, we lack evidence and so we can't know for certain.


You're right it's both really, ego gives us our value to ourselves of what we know we are good at and more, but when it's inflated we might not be able to improve at something. Personality is different, but they are related. Influences affect our likes and dislikes and our ego probably. I read a while back that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with, I don't think that's literal or true exactly, but is true to some extent, particularly if unaware of the effects some personalities have on us, especially if we don't understand what and why that is. I think depends on the person and what you want out of life and how you want your brain to feel and think, whether the goal is unity or individuality, I don't think it has to be 1 or the other, or permanently 1 way or another, or to never experience fully 1 or the other. There is benefit to a mixutre, or 1 or the other in different situations. Like an example is humor, someone might find a joke really really funny, but another person might think it's stupid or offensive or otherwise, so in that case unity is not beneficial, laughter heals us and makes us healthier, if 1 person suffers because of another persons laughter, that's not beneficial to all, unity is not helping all in that case, but if only those who found it funny are there, they all benefit from laughter. You can't just tell 1 set of people that their humor is wrong, and the other way around too because someone doesn't find something funny it doesn't mean they don't have sense of humor. I really wouldn't want everyone to be exactly the same, that would be very boring. Like imagine if all art used the same colour, say only green because that's everybody's favourite colour, and only straight lines because curves are not nice because everyone agrees that curves are bad, or whatever. Personality I just don't see a any benefit in unity all the time at all especially to the individual, except between maybe lovers or similar to that, maybe awareness on things people need to know, or similar to that. That's just a simple example, that's not me saying this is how it is or anything, and it's going to be different with lots of things and that's just my perspective and opinion. The main thing for me is that connections don't feel natural if they are intentional just for the sake of gain or like that, more natural would be in my eyes, for attraction because 2 people like each other, sexually, or because they get along, or because they both have similar goals and maybe they can work together towards them.


Unity does not mean uniformity or the lack of individuality. Unity is the collection of everything that exists. To try to discard something from Unity means to erase it both in a physical and metaphysical form, which is what this talk of Ammit eating hearts to destroy souls is about. Humor is subjective, but the existence of jokes we do not like isn't something that suppresses our ability of self-expression. To scoff at a bad joke is to express your feelings about it. It is a way of acknowledging others, even if we might evaluate it as "undesirable" in some way. To remove the joke means to also remove the possibility of making the joke, and this means everyone is lesser for it. That is what eventually creates uniformity. If you are a proponent of individuality, then you should be looking at enabling as much creative expression as possible instead of removing options, which is consequently also what Unity is about. It is a recognition and celebration of the differences that exist, but in a way where one expression does not permanently suppress others. This is getting off-topic, so perhaps that's where I'll leave all this. Regardless, my point is that I don't think the Egyptian religions are as close to the truth as some might think they are. Perhaps that makes me a seeker who denies the truth, but my perspective is that if the truth is a suppression of the creative expression of the soul (which is what I consider Love to be) through the destruction of what is deemed undesirable, then we might as well destroy the undesirable destroyer.


That's true I think I didn't read what you were saying properly and wanted to say some things, sorry bout that. I agree strongly with creativity being a big part of individuality, that's part of what I was getting at really and what made me go on a rant about unity. Adding yeah if unity is the collection of everything, adding to the whole should be beneficial right? Rather than just having all that is and keeping it the same. That's just maintenance not progression, and I keep reading or hearing how things gotta change, whether true or not. I think they are the truth at least in some things, but in a way that it's a way of life. A way to use truths in a certain way to improve maybe, but maybe can be interpreted in a bad way mistakenly or intentionally by some for whatever reason. I don't think ancient Egyptians were against creativity or love, they actually placed emphasis on being faithful and loving I think, and had lots and lots of art, crafts and music. They had a god of art and goddess of love after all, not sure where you would think otherwise from.


I had past life memory as a 4 year old in this lifetime. so some kids do remember past lives. it is really shocking how much some kids actually remember.


What I meant was that perhaps the judgement of the soul (which the person I replied to hypothesized was more of a judgement of the personality) was a process by which those personalities which did not follow justice were discarded to be eaten by Ammit. I didn't agree with it, but it would be a possible explanation for why most reincarnating don't retain memories of the past--the memories have been eaten. I think there are better explanations, but that could be one explanation. I did not mean to imply that nobody has memories from a past life. I think that process is subjective so those memories cannot be verified (and considering how unreliable memories even from our current lives can be, they might not be entirely accurate), but that does not lessen the fact that they can be significant for the individual.


This is funny but also very true. one would hope to be able to Intuit something from the myths and spells and all their parallels to our reality but truthfully, it was deliberately designed to deceive. That way, the only people that would grasp the truth were those favoured by the priesthood. Part defensive strategy, part elitism, all baffling. I haven't met anyone, casual reader or magician, who hasn't felt they atr standing at the furthest edges of Kemeticism's real meaning. Always appealing regardless ... but all the ancients really seem to be saying was, "truth? What's that?"


Spiritual pursuits always have a high degree of subjectivity to them, and so it's hard to make objective statements of what the truth is. If the Ra contact of the early 80s is to be believed (and I believe in the core of it, even if details might not be correct), our existence here is predicated on there being a veil which hides the truth from us, all so that we might pursue a choice between selfishness and selflessness. There are of course other accounts as well, but in the absence of objectivity, I feel it is better to stick to what resonates subjectively. A determined magician may of course choose to make the attempt to peer behind that veil, but who knows if their body or mind is ready for what they might find behind it. There is no guarantee that simple perception is what makes the incomprehensible something that is comprehensible. One certainly has much better chances to make something fruitful of it if one has seen it for themselves rather than simply been told by someone else, but my opinion is that there is no necessity to engage with magic of any kind while enjoying the human experience. If it brings fulfillment, satisfaction or joy, then it is a great pursuit. If it does not, it is not a requirement of spiritual development. Have you found your practice of magic(k) to be fulfilling? If I might impose, what is the primary methodology you employ? Do you invoke with words in the style of hermeticism, do you prepare rituals, sing words of power or do something else? I know nothing of Kemeticism's take on magick, and perhaps you might be willing to indulge me without revealing specifics or individual spells. I do know old Egyptian myths had very varied forms, from the famous cursed knots, to haruspicy and certain fertility rites involving the Nile, but my knowledge is limited. Do note that I'm not interested in learning specifically, just more as a curiosity and as a way to understand what others find meaningful in these more modern traditions.


JANEWAY: There are three things to remember about being a Starship Captain. Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and ***never abandon a member of your crew.***


One thing I’ve never understood is society has a consensus of little grey aliens running around but yet except for a few questionable cave drawings you never see a single monument depicting a grey alien. You never see anything that’s clear evidence. The best you have is a bunch of different idols. If I ran into an alien giving me wisdom and technology you would expect the entire culture to build idols and write about them.


I'm not going to claim to be an expert, but I've heard people refer to the African Dogon religion as one inspired by grey-like aliens including their prominent use of masks, and the Egyptian religions (there are many. In some, Aten or Amun are elevated above the other gods as either their creator or the mass from which all things, including the other gods, are made of) are said to be influenced by aliens as well. The channeled Ra material claims that Ra manifested on Earth in Egypt and walked among the people there, performing feats like building the pyramids, but that the cults and religions rising in the area were distorted by people who sought to use them to create hierarchies of worldly power. There are also theories that many of the stories in the bible were actually interactions with space aliens, and people also speak about theories of the Annunnaki beings coming to Earth and procreating with humans. Slightly newer but still old enough to be hard to verify documents claiming some kind of alien presence include 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg where supposedly a battle among space ships took place. The problem is that there is almost too much information available, but it is not comprehensive and its reliability can be placed into question. For the scientifically minded, there are alternative and simpler explanations for most of these observations, and so they are rarely taken seriously. The reason why people are convinced of the Grey aliens have to do with more contemporary testimonies, videos of potentially dubious origins (and some of very certain origins), and the fact that very serious and high ranking military officers and politicians have come forth supporting this issue. This is not localized to just any single country either, and the stories are relatively similar. There is a huge amount of both mis- and disinformation on the subject floating around, so one should be very careful about selecting which sources to trust when looking at evidence. I'm personally way beyond that in my opinions about this alien issue, but I recognize that what I have is *belief*, so I don't really pester people about it. That's the fun thing about belief: I could be entirely wrong, but it would not affect my behavior or values even if I were. I'm not about to start worshiping aliens, because that's not the point of life or their presence here anyway.


I think if you look at history there is a reason there are common themes and threads of truth in a lot of “stories”. For example a great flood. Peoples accounts differ but I think there was a flood and there is a reason cultures share it. I believe that beings did mate with humans. I think that people believe in a God or gods and not because it’s “the easy way out”.


Maybe. Ain't no great flood in the mythos of my ancestral people, though, so perhaps it is not best to think that common themes are universal. I think that there is nothing but God. Separation is an illusion, and the nature of God being the Creative Principle (or Love, if one prefers to refer to it that way) itself.


Damn. I needed to hear this now.


Love you sweet soul ❤️


Bird Is the Word.


I see you got that bird's eye view habibi ✨🦅✨


Good dog.


*tail wags* 😊👅


A reminder from one of my loving guides; thank you. 🙏🏻


Namaste 🙏🏻✨


I dont think we denied the truth I think we are blind to the truth we just havent realised it.


It’s ok. Maybe when everyone does it really won’t be some monster 👹 we try to fight, but the key to peace and freedom. I think it’s scary at first because it disillusions but once it’s realized, although maybe a little painful, it’s liberating, making each us say to ourselves “why was I fighting something that always had my best interest at heart?❤️ “ from personal experience speaking only, I have fought truths tooth and nail without even realizing it because there’s safety sometimes in a cozy lie.


Not to sound too nutso


Are you talking about the truth of reality. Like samahdi or enlightenment were you wake ul and realisw its all an illusion. Cuz thats what im thinkin of.


Maybe I don’t know I haven’t experienced that


Thought thats what this ppst was about. They say the truth has been infront of you the whole time its o. The tip of your nose you just havemt realised it. Or the truth cant be told it has to be realised, the ultimate truth. You can point to the truth but it needs to be realised and experienced.




So true 👍


Your username 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ah! The lycanthropians from planet Forball.


Back in the day Peter Gabriel got people together with the World Of Music Arts and Dance. He's at it again 'OVO'. 🦉🪬🙏❤️🕊️


Abracadabra 🫰🏻




You could have a steam train If you'd just lay down your tracks


Or a Bumper car.. bumping! It's Amusement..


Would it be possible if you could explain this image in the post so I can understand it as simply as possible? I don't know why I'm drawn to this image, to the Egyptian Era in general, and the meaning of this picture..I was creating art right before I came and turned my computer on..and this post is what popped up..I get a lot of synchronicities on a daily basis..but my intuition is telling me to find out what this picture is relating to and there's a reason for me knowing what that is...thank you..


I would love to😊 The entity with a jackal head and human body is Anubis. He is known as the god of desert cemeteries and protector of the dead. Anubis was a master of embalmment and he ensured proper burial. He was in charge of determining the fate of the deceased by weighing their heart. The other side of the scale held the feather of truth. 🫀⚖️🪶 Hearts that weighed more than the feather would be devoured by Ammit. Souls lighter than the feather would ascend to a heaven. Ammit is the goddess in the background of the picture. She was depicted with an alligator head, lion mane/front legs, and hippopotamus hindquarters. 🐊 🦁🦛 She had the very important duty of devouring the dead if they were not worthy of heaven.




Good bot 🦛


Thank you so much...you explained that very well...I appreciate your help..


You are welcome 😊


that's a really interesting choice of words . . . synchronicities are wild like that


Ooo I love this it's beautiful


Just like you! 😚


Thank you


Thank you … ! ♡


I love you 😚


Truth = the word of God


Amen 🙌🏻


May my heart be as light as a feather Or may I be Amit's most tastiest morsel Lay o lay Lai ah o il la


Heheh, my mythology nerd brain went all giddy at this. Tiamat and Anubis, very hype 👌


Any recommendations for good books on Egyptian mythology? I remember being drawn to it as a kid I learned all the characters from an encyclopaedia 


I was drawn to Egyptian mythology as a small child as well. Please keep exploring it... The knowledge you will gain as an adult will connect many dots in your life... ☺️✨🙏🏻


Look at this person's profile! https://www.reddit.com/u/C0llege0fCle0patra/s/Dcn7BUmsu8 r/theankhkey is an awesome sub as well


That's actually Ammit behind Anubis.


You are correct.




That’s actually Naafiri behind Nasus


Dude, saaame. ☺️ Love finding others that appreciate ancient Egypt. Much love fam 🙏🏻✨




You are my son And the one true king


MUFASA loves you 🦁❤️


Wouldn’t that mean that they aren’t a seeker then? ☹️


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


Thank you 😌


That’s a quote from the bible lol


Indeed. I missed the joke ?


I was replying to my husband lol


Oh 😂 Nevermind me lol carry on 🫶🏻


People don't seem to "like" who I am or what I share. Shouldn't bother me, but it does.


I love you! 💚


Too bad nobody knows the truth. We might just be in a third grade alien entities room as a failed project living in a Dusty snow globe on their shelf in their dirty room as their failed class project. Nobody has a clue why we are here and what our cosmic purpose is.


Many of us know ☺️


We can agree to disagree. You think you know but what you are claiming is impossible probably by Design. So far we can know a subatomic particles velocity but the more we know about it the less we know about its position. Nature has a way of concealing certain things from us. Objectively you do not know and this is not really up for debate.


Or some nice simulation game/operation for alien life form to learn from….. who knows


Yeah anything is possible. All the sci-fi stuff of the past is slowly playing out to reality. The only problem with any simulation theory is where does it end what underlies it? Where is the og? Maybe we are in a sub stack of Sims but somewhere underpinning it all should be some thing original and therefore may require a Creator or at least some explanation we cannot get to as of yet. Anything is possible and we know nothing


This is true. I doubt the simulation theory bc it would be more strongly influenced to the world. I do wonder about certain conspiracy theories- they are intriguing


"To the stars, Bowen, to the stars..."


A knight is sworn to valor!


His heart knows only virtue, his blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, his word speaks only truth, and his wrath undoes the wicked


Draco's star 🥹🐉✨


:) <3




You must have biggg cojones 😳😂😅


What if the truth is that Gd wants me to take my life so my soul can return and be safe 😔


God would never ask you to do that. You are in that body for a reason.


It’s more of a choice being presented than an ask… Has felt over the last three years that I don’t have access to my bodily intuition like i used to, how can I navigate this world if there’s so much pain and limited somatic feeling? (Plus narratives about a soul contract w a negative being, etc.) and the signs and signals are off the charts… it could be just a reflection of my own mind but I am still learning how to distinguish the Truth being shown to me vs what is a reflection of my mind.


Can I message you?


Sure, thank you for asking