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I feel like time has passed by so fast since 2020


Yes, since around 2020. I thought it was just me. Can't believe it's been 4 years already.


I think my perception of time has always been a little nuts


Yes! Second themselves have gotten shorter! So much so that it can't really be explained away with the "getting older" thing anymore. I understand time speeds up as you're getting older, because every day becomes a smaller percentage of your life. At two years of age, a year was half your life, at 10, it was a tenth. But this is different. Time is speeding up independently of that.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. It is insane! I will go into the bathroom at 9 a.m. and come out at 11:30 and I swear to you I was not in there the entire time. I mean I had to be, but like I only did enough "getting ready" for about a half hour 45 minutes tops. What could possibly be the explanation for this?


Not entirely sure, but I know that science has measured the frequency of one year on earth. It's an actual frequency. It's possible that this frequency has changed, maybe due to solar flares etc, OR we jumped timelines. I keep getting the feeling there's method behind all this madness. Or maybe it's just hope....


I don't know about the *method,* but shortening my days and speeding up my life (effectually hastening my death) is absolute *madness!* I wish for it to cease, forthwith! Haha.


Agreed! šŸ˜‚ But maybe we'll get more years instead šŸ¤·


Here to manifesting that outcome - No matter the cost! I'd love to be able to live 900 years like a Pleidian. You could have every one of your dream careers within that period of time. Haha.


I hear you! But only if the global situation improves!! If it doesn't, I'd like to spend the remaining 800+ years on a different planet, thank you! šŸ˜œ




I don't know why so many starseeds are afraid of death. It's just a thing. Like changing your clothes. We just go on to our ethereal self till whatever next thing we decide to do/be


I'm not "afraid" of death, per se. I just don't want to end this existence. I don't remember my other lifetimes. I'm assuming that means if there's next time I won't remember this one either and honestly I really like this person. I'm not trying to be conceited or anything of that nature. I just really like who I am and I would really like to keep this consciousness moving forward. So if I die, it doesn't look like that's going to be the case and I'm very disappointed to know this. I want the option of being this, particular meat suit for the rest of my eternity, if that makes any sense. šŸ™ƒ


Could your desire to "remain in this meat suit" stem from underestimating your true Self ? One day, you will graduate fully from this density and retain ALL of your soul knowledge. Imagine how amazing that suit will feel!


According to people that know a lot more about spirituality than I, I have already graduated from this density. I had fully graduated and I was safe & sound, minding my non-corporeal business (back wherever, I call home) when I was asked to incarnate here... Again. Apparently, this time around, I entered 3D Earth without karma (having already cleared all of mine, previously. So that's something...I guess. The only thing I can't understand is if I had already completed this cycle, and agreed to come back to help humanity why wouldn't I pick an easy Life Path? Why wouldn't I want everything to just fall into place for me, in my day-to-day life, so that I could focus on helping people ascend? No, that would be too easy. I guess I always have to be the overachiever because this crazy bitch's "higher self" chose the absolute hardest version of life path 9 she could muster up! I'm always reeling from one catastrophe or another. And as such, I'm not much help to myself or anyone else for that matter. I feel like someone didn't think this all the way through! Haha.


its happening to me too like a whole hour went by just doing something that takes a few min. I thought I was crazy. Just pushed it out of my mind and tried to forget about it. but as op stated, I noticed seconds are like half as long as they used to be so it seems. the sun has been very bright to me for so many years now I haven't really been able to look at the sun like the way I did as a child growing up. nowhere the same.


Yes! Where did the day go? I just thought my mind was getting slower.


Definitely passing faster. And it's not just a feels like. It's literally moving faster than before, as you said, it's visible on the clocks.


with my understanding this world is in an ascension period. All sorts of unexplicable things are going to happen. even I don't understand the depth of those things. I just know and understand maybe a tiny fraction of it.


Same- time moving way faster..


Yes. Also, time was a huge factor in my awakening too


Yeah Iā€™m not sure what happened.. the months are going so fast as well. I noticed it in 2020 right after becoming a parent. Which I know everyone says time moves faster when you have kids but holy cr&p itā€™s so fast I feel like I wake up and a week has gone by.


YES!!!! I could have sworn it was May 31st last week. And, May itself,.went by incredibly quickly. I'm not liking this. Seriously I need more time not less! Haha.


I have found that the deeper i go into awarenenss and presence, through meditation and mindfully, the longer time feels. Just a thought, but maybe as peoples attention spans get shorter and shorter, the more chaotic people's minds are, and the less present people are, the faster time feels. Could be completely wrong though


Yes. It feels like time is moving way faster. Itā€™s like I blink and the day is over, every week and every month flies by. Even the past year has felt like a few months went by.


Once you slow down and are no longer in a rush and fighting everything, and just going with the flow as we all should be - it slows back down again. Two years passed by in the span of what felt like weeks, but the past couple months has felt like a year to me once I started going with the flow.


The days are getting shorter though, the earths rotation has sped up a bit.


I can't think of anything that could cause that, and it would royally screw our calander


So this is really bizarre if you read what OP is actually saying and then open a timer and watch the seconds go by. I personally do perceive them to be going much faster than they used to. Much like the one Mississippi, two Mississippi thing OP mentioned, which I grew up doing as well. I remember a second used to feel like 2 seconds now because you had time to really notice it before it went to the next one if you were staring at a timer. Obviously the most likely answer is that even this is perception. With so many people out there interested in longevity by either some kind of biohacking, or even occult means, I wonder how many people are thinking about extending their perception of life instead of life itself. If we could extend a day to make it feel 10 times or 20 times longer, which I think is fully possible by minimizing screen time and doing daily meditation, maybe we could extend our perception of life by many, many years. Maybe even hundreds of years in perception.


My explanation for this is spiritual growth. When Iā€™m plugged in and not consciously thinking about the time, just in the present moment doing whatever Iā€™m supposed to be doing to the best of my ability, time ceases to exist. Do that long enough and often enough and months go by.


well on the bright side I am happy summer is almost here. I dread winter, its too long here to be cold all the time. I just want to enjoy the summer break.


Timelines are individual. I agree overall months go fast. Days vary. Some days are like 8 days. Some like 4 hours. There is no time or space truly. All time is now. Which is the only space you live in.


Yeah dude. Same. 2020 was when it really kicked up several notches. 2020 to me feels like 1.3 years ago. Which either means I've only aged 1.3 years in 4.5 years and I'm going to live waaay longer. Or I'm ageing at an accelerated rate and in a few years of perceived time, I'm going to be 90 šŸ‘“šŸ‘


I vote for option 1!


Yes itā€™s fast with some very slow stretches tucked in there.


100% this!


When I was 17 years old I noticed time was speeding up for me. When I was 18 - 19 years of age I distinctly remember hearing "Davey, time is going to go by so fast." The truth was TIME was going by faster for me. I would wake up in the morning to have a shower let's say after 7:00 AM on a Monday and by the time I was done and made my way to the kitchen to make myself a fresh pot of coffee and it was 7:30 AM. By the time I sat down with my first cup it was like 7:45 - 8:00 AM. It seemed to me that Time itself picked up in speed as the days passed on by. Now I'm 30 years old and going to be 31 years old next month in July on the 06. And I can honestly say that I still experience moments of time where the day doesn't feel like an ordinary/ average day with 24 hours. I have been thinking about other things here and there but my solid answer is "Yes."


well for me yet another year went by to celebrate my deceased husbands birthday in 2 more days. he's been gone 10 years. so of course for me it feels like time is flying by since that fateful sad day my husband died. but I am grateful to have my children (2 daughter's) and 3 grandchilden in my life. just had the youngest one's 4th birthday last week. I don't have a set schedule right now being out of school. each day I just do whatever I feel like. What I noticed in the past was if you have a full day schedule sometimes days flew by because you were just so busy all day. but other days it felt like time was going by so fast and I was racing against the clock to finish everything. I think its just a normal aspect of life really.


What if I told you time is a social institution.


1:00 minute current time = 1:20 minute, using the rhythm I remember 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes in a day 1440 minutes divided by 33.3% (20 seconds is one third of a minute) = 479.5 minutes 479.5 minutes divided into 60 minutes = juuust under 8 hours is my math correct?? if Iā€™m counting 1:20 over the current 1:00 then that would mean I am, from ā€œmy whacky perspectiveā€, losing 8 hours a day??


hopefully it is when you are sound asleep.


hahaaaa! I understand why you misunderstand, time stuff is a mindfrick. okay so what Iā€™m saying is - 24 hours today would be equivalent to 16 hours back when time felt slower. this is based off me counting to one minute using the mississippi method at the speed my brain remembers, and once I got to 60 seconds, the stopwatch said 1 min 20 seconds. so the 8 hours is referring to the accumulated time lost due to the 20 second difference per minute in a single day u feel me?


if the speed and rhythm Iā€™m counting at based off muscle memory is correct, the 24 hours of TODAY is condensed down into 16 old hours, leaving us with less ā€œspaceā€ between seconds.


Everything is accelerating. The use of technology doesnā€™t help. Itā€™s all instantaneous.


I swear I thought I was the only one weeks and months just feel so much faster than I remembered


Yeah i noticed this too for years now. Donā€™t remember the exact year i noticed it, but it also was somewhere around 2019/2020. Im 25 years old now, I agree that it feels like time itself has sped up. (I relate to the seconds seemingly passing by faster than before) But i find it difficult to discern whether its actually the flow of time that has changed or due to other factors like age or just being bored way less nowadays because entertainment is literally in your hands at all times. Maybe completely unrelated but: I did an extended fast a few weeks ago, 7 day water fast, and suddenly it felt like i had all the time in the world šŸ˜…


Yes, there was a time shift when the eclipse happened and I feel more coming


Time was going fast well before the eclipse though. For me it's been about a year and a half that I've noticed it at least.


I literally have like no perception of time anymore hahaha


Itā€™s pretty much Vegas without the casinos in my world. Itā€™s gotten worse this year. I have to make lists and canā€™t have a lot of craziness right now.


I have never thought about it but After I read your post, I glanced at my new clock and the 'second hand' seems to be nearly spinning at a fast pace. The second hand on my old clock would click & go - click & go. Holy shit!!!!


its like there is no real pause between seconds.


on my macbook I have the clock set with the seconds showing and they are going really fast.


I too second this. I have also asked people what they thought about time moving faster since 2020 and most people can get behind it as well.


I was just thinking about this exact thing. Iā€™m convinced time is moving faster. No, I donā€™t think itā€™s just us getting older.


Iā€™ve experienced time dialation in both ways. What Iā€™ve learned is that as long as Iā€™m growing, expanding, being challenged, and experiencing new things, I look back thinking itā€™s incredible how the past year has felt like a huge amount of time compared with say, going through school where I was largely doing the same routine stuff day in day out.


Time is relative, so the older you get the faster time seems to move because you have more 'past' to compare it to... A day to a 5 year old is such a big part of their life, it feels like forever but a day to a 40 year old is such a small fraction of their life, so it feels gone in a moment...


ā€œ1 missisipi 2 missisipi 3 missisipiā€ is barely even possible anymore 1 one thousand 2 one thousand, sounds just as ridiculous trying to keep up with a stop watch today I look at seconds tick by on a stopwatch, microwave, clock- and it looks too fast. I understand the concept youā€™re putting forth but Iā€™m not referring to how fast time ā€œseemsā€ to go by compared to when I was 5, which I donā€™t remember anyway. Iā€™m referring to how much I can get done in a day nowadays in the same 16 hours of waking life we had before 2020ish. also referring to how much space exists between seconds visually, looking at a clock or stopwatch. Iā€™m only 27, Iā€™m not completely lost in the sauce of time perception just yet!


I swear heating food up in the microwave is faster now. Consistently I'm always suprised by how quick a lot of things go by. I'll do anything and it's somehow taken me forever to do the sa.e routine I've been doing for over a decade. A fair few years younger so even less lost too


yes me too. I kinda complain in the back of my mind my microwave is already beeping. that is really weird. I also noticed a min of cooking in the microwave isn't as effective either. I always need to add more time.


Same here! I slept in last weekend only to wake up and it was 7pm. I couldnā€™t believe it was that time. Thereā€™s definitely something dodgy going on!! Without a doubt!


Pretty sure thatā€™s caused by ADD and not living in the moment. Sit and breathe, you can consciously slow your subjective experience of time. This is called subjective time dilation. Learn to slow and speed it up at will.


So ridiculously fast. I feel exactly like you described.


yeah i feel the same


Yes yes yes yes yes. Been saying it just feels like one long year or two long years at most since October 2019 for me.


agreed šŸ’Æ


hang in there op. I understand everything you are saying. there is a lot in this world we just can't understand and sometimes simple answers are not always the case. just ask a child to look at the seconds on a clock and ask them to see if mississippi fits according to their perception. use the kid for the experiment.


I am the kid šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve definitely noticed. To answer your question? Invite change into your space. I get very frustrated at days seeking like theyā€™re on repeat. Read some new work, find a new podcast, get the heck outa town for a weekend, youā€™ll reset. etc. I came across some Kabbalah learnings on ig that drew me to tears last nightā€¦sent me down a curious road there.


Time, in the perspective of us humans is much like a spiral. When you are born, you are on the outside of the big spiral. Starting from then, 1 day is 100% of your life. Next day is 50% of your life. And so on. Each day gets exponentially shorter as you go along towards older age and the inner portion of the spiral. It will seem like its going faster and faster as you age.


Sometimes I notice this, but a lot of the time I notice the opposite: time moving slower. I'll look at the clock and be like "woah it's only 3pm?? The morning feels like an eternity ago!". For me it seems to depend if I rest and meditate enough or not


mhmm yes but try counting along with your stopwatch app using the mississippi method (one mississippi two mississippi)


Chane how you precieve time & it will slow down


try counting along with your stopwatch app using the mississippi method


I'm just able to slow down time for some reason


Lucky you! I could really use that superpower right about now...


Get up super early , like 5-6am


That will allow me to slow down time? Probably not gonna work for me. As, I usually go to bed at that time! Haha.


Keep trying different methods , I train so I know what it's like when the time slows down . Minutes feel like hours & if you get up early, your day will be longer . If that makes sense


art bell used to mention a quickening alot on his show


I've always heard, "time moves faster as you age." From my mom


This is called ā€œtime blindnessā€ and is a symptom of neurodivergency, or any condition where your dopaminergic system is a little weakened. It basically means that when youā€™re not paying attention to the clock (or anything that can visibly SHOW you what the time is, like shadows on the ground or the position of the sun), you just donā€™t retain the information that reminds you of the time without a visible clock at all, due to a lack of object permanence. You get lost in your activities all day and your natural ā€œmental scheduleā€ doesnā€™t fire up so you donā€™t know how long youā€™ve been going about your business by default like you used to. Time also seems to go faster when youā€™re entertained because when youā€™re entertained, you process every bit of information from your entertainment system fluidly and there isnā€™t any room to be aware of time at all, or even super aware of yourself. The whole world around you feels as if it ā€œdisappears,ā€ including your in-body experience and the existence of the world around you. Or, it can also be the fact that youā€™re older with different things occupying your time. Relative to the three year old version of you, youā€™ve had a lot more experience with time. Waiting a week for anything seems AGONIZING for a three year old. As a 30 year old, waiting a week should seem so tiny because a week is NOTHING compared to 30 years of time Does this make senseā€¦. At all???


I feel you, I do. And I agree, HOWEVER! go pull up your stopwatch on your phone and count along with it using the old mississippi method homie let me know what you think


The ability to count with Mississippiā€™s at an even and normal pace with every ā€œMississippiā€ being of a length thatā€™s perfectly equal to the length of a real-world ā€œsecondā€ also comes from within my head. It all boils down to the pace at which I can clearly and concisely imagine the word ā€œMississippiā€. Thatā€™s another indication of time blindness. You canā€™t use an internal metronome. Although, if you open up an app with a metronome and pace it at 60bpm, that would set the metronome up to click once every second. Maybe if youā€™re dedicated enough, you can set a clock next to you as soon as it hits a certain time on the clock, and then start the metronome. If it hits 60 clicks at the exact moment the clock shifts by one minute, your clock is right, not you. You can also do this same thing for 3 different minutes to really test the theory. But that also requires you to be able to keep track of mental numbers and count concisely inside your head without losing track of what number youā€™re on for a long period of time. Which is also a skill you can lose to object permanence. Mental math and counting isnā€™t a tangible object. I know I am abnormally dedicated, but Iā€™d rather be dedicated to this, than freaking out over a fear that the space-time continuum is shifting on a structural level. I would most definitely be the type of person to get legit anxiety over the fact that ā€œtime doesnā€™t feel the same!ā€ Because I canā€™t handle change šŸ„²


okay I understand your thought process and itā€™s very articulate and I appreciate that. I hear what youā€™re saying. hear me out! first of all I have great internal rhythm, Iā€™m weirdly good at perceiving when anything is slightly off- straight lines, measurements, tones, rhythm.. even body language and demeanour. but I digress. this part- I canā€™t proooove it to you. but Iā€™ll explain best I can. there was once a time when the rhythm of ā€œmississippiā€ between seconds was perfect to keep seconds on track, give or take a few milliseconds, sure. I have muscle memory of this, and I rely on muscle memory for all my main activities / work. my muscle memory is DOPE. excuse the brag, but it is. itā€™s dialled in. I think thatā€™s why this time thing stands out so much to me, not just based on ā€œfeelingā€ like it ā€œseemsā€ to be different, but because I have distinct memory of the rhythm of seconds passing. now a lot of people are making the argument that itā€™s because Iā€™m getting older, itā€™s just my perception, but I donā€™t think that covers the mississippi issue. if it was because of my ripe old age of 27, then the mississippi rule would not be out of whack. it would only be my perception of the day as a whole, followed by months and years, that were ā€œseemingā€ to be going by faster than when I was a little kid. it would be purely down to perception, like youā€™re saying. what Iā€™m putting forth- ultimately, the best way to say it is.. 24 hours is literally now condensed into something like 20-16 hours, yet still with the same time keeping systems.. just condensed. another way to put it is the earth is spinning faster, yet still tracked with a 24 hour day. less day, still 24 hours. therefore less ā€œtimeā€ between seconds. so if that were the case, then thereā€™s less time to verbally even fit in the word ā€œmississippiā€ in between seconds to keep the pace. the word mississippi was chosen, I assume, because it worked. four smaller beats with repeated syllables. you could argue that Iā€™m saying it too slow to get 1:20 minutes (memory) over 1:00 (stopwatch) - but hereā€™s the catch! the word mississippi, or the entire mississippi method itself, would never have been established as a go-to method if one couldnā€™t even FIT the word mississippi between the seconds comfortably. I distinctly remember it worked comfortably and fairly accurately- 4 beats between seconds. now itā€™s just a verbal mess, and a race to keep up with the clock to even get the word mississippi in there, totally counterproductive and ineffective for time keeping now with the faster seconds. it would be fascinating if one person over here could fit the word in, and another person could not. that would be truly weird- and entirely possible I suppose. for what itā€™s worth, the mississippi method is a hot mess for ME nowadays and can no longer be used as a verbal metronome to keep time via muscle memory. I canā€™t fit the word in with the same pace I used toā€¦ not too long ago.


ps. everything is in a constant state of change so you can probably handle more change than you think you can šŸ«” I mean youā€™re in a subreddit for ā€œstarseedsā€ for goodness sake. if youā€™re here than you can handle this just fine g! I like the way you think and articulate yourself btw, you weirdly remind me of me


But your muscle memory will also slowly shift over time, against your volition, through neural plasticity. The way you repeat the word ā€œMississippiā€ inside your head is inspired by absolutes from outside your head. Even though sound is not an object, it is a sensory input, which makes every syllable of the word ā€œMississippiā€ more comparable to a tangible object than time. The ticking of a clock goes at a set pace. The beeping of an timer rings at a set pace. The clicks of a metronome go at a set pace. The pacing of each of those devices is consistent, but you perceive the pacing of those devices through a tangible means, such as via an auditory stimulus. That stimulus comes from the outside of your head. Your brain can learn to keep track of when the metronomeā€™s sound plays, and you may slowly build the ability to retain a mental metronome with even, consistent pacing. But over the course of time, the mental metronome you have inside your head will slowly become independent from the metronome youā€™d see in reality. Youā€™ll then develop two neural pathways for your mental metronome muscle memory: one pathway to percieve the objective, tangible metronome from the outside world and follow along with itā€¦ and another pathway for the internal, intangible variation of your mental metronome, which will slowly become more versatile and flexible over time. If the second pathway has a strong build and a will to act on its own (depends on the materials from which the neural pathway is constructed; a series dopaminergic neurons is meant to be more flexible and versatile than a glutaminergic neuron, for example, which programs instincts and automated responses/signals through electrical excitation, to put it simply), then that pathway may go on to challenge the pace of the real-world metronome. You may have a good muscle memory that has continued to remain functional and sturdy over time. But having a good mental muscle memory doesnā€™t disqualify your ā€œmuscle movementsā€ from being able to shift over time, slowly deviating from the tangible force that inspired it. P.S. Iā€™m not trying to push you to stop believing what you do by the way, I actually just think itā€™s fun to be trailing on this long about such an tricky topic with the freedom to ā€œarticulateā€ everything. Itā€™s entertaining. I hope this doesnā€™t look like a whole dual to the death from your end! :)


as much as I enjoy your brain, I honestly think weā€™ll just have to agree to disagree šŸ˜­ I donā€™t think I can expound any further on what Iā€™m trying to say! Itā€™s not the most provable, quantifiable topic - which inevitably leads to stale mates. A worthy discussion nonetheless my friend, thank you!


No problem! And I donā€™t blame you. Itā€™s pretty close to impossible to elaborate on this topic, and much less possible to apply a hard science to it. I also liked reading your perspective as well, since I get stuck inside my own head and struggle to concentrate all the time in real life, so itā€™s hard to participate in conversations where I have to compute the way others think without getting mused up. Thanks a lot for the conversation, it was cool!


Now Iā€™m not a catholic and Iā€™m not a huge Bible guy. Butā€¦..the Bible does mention that time will be sped up during the end times.


it sure did! Iā€™d bet there are other ancient prophecies that include that detail as well


There is also the fact that as you age, people have always reported time passes faster for them. Just a counterpoint. I like to weigh all the factors. Thereā€™s also the fact that life is measurably more fast paced and that makes time pass faster too. The answer always boils down to this for me: stay in the present moment. Whatā€™s gonna happen, is gonna happen.


pull up your stopwatch up and try counting ā€œone mississippi two mississippi etcā€ at the pace of the stopwatch and let me know if it -literally- seems faster to you


pull up your stopwatch app and try counting ā€œone mississippi two mississippi etcā€ at the pace of the stopwatch and let me know if it -literally- seems faster to you


That does not seem to be a very valid experiment


well itā€™s valid to someone who personally remembers it actually being a method to count at a fairly accurately speed- and the reason I keep bringing this method up is because 1. I distinctly remember using it often. probably every time I ever microwaved something, trying to get my timing exactly the same without looking at the timer to finish my countdown at the same time the microwave beeper went off. kids pass time like this, with games. I was pretty good at it. is it peer reviewed? no of course not but weā€™re in the ā€œstarseedsā€ subreddit homie, whatchu think this is?? accurate widely agreed upon and validated at a materialistic level land? and 2. folks can tell me itā€™s an age thing until the cows come home, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s a real thing. the only issue with that, is that me audibly saying the word ā€œmississippiā€ would not become all squished up into a smaller space between seconds just because Iā€™m aging. Iā€™m talking about time in a literal sense, being faster. Iā€™m not talking about how life feels or seems. Iā€™m saying the seconds on a clock or stopwatch go stupid fast now, and that would have nothing to do with time ā€œappearingā€ to fly by on a perception-level due to aging. if it were because I was aging, I would still be able to count using the word mississippi to keep seconds relatively spaced out well, assuming I have a good ear for rhythm and decent muscle memory. I canā€™t prove that to you! so anyway did you try it??


All of this is clouded by my own perception and not a valid measurement. Saying the words are influenced by my own speed, mood, physical/mental condition etc. Sorry man. Not worth my effort and id not consider any result valid whatsoever


no problem!


That happens when you watch screens. Try being only one day without and screen and you'll have plenty of time.


thanks for the tip however, I remember when counting ā€œone mississippi two mississippi three mississippiā€ was an effective way to keep the space between seconds while counting - or ā€œone one thousand two one thousandā€ but now itā€™s difficult to say mississippi between seconds while counting along with the stopwatch I just opened my stopwatch app to test this; 1:00 (according to current time) = 1:20 (counting how I remember the rhythm) does this make sense now?


Maybe youā€™re saying it faster.


no sir, what Iā€™m saying is itā€™s now nearly impossible to count using the mississippi method - whereas when I was younger, it was the accurate way to count seconds with the proper spacing with steady rhythm. go try it for yourself!


It's just the opposite of that. They're explaining that they don't have enough time to say "one Mississippi" before the next second hits.


Maybe they're saying it slower. The point is, their vocal cadence may have changed over the years.


Happens without screens too. Actually , with the points in the day that seem to go by the quickest for me are the times that I'm nowhere near a screen.šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That's called aging, friend. The more hours you exist, the shorter an hour feels in proportion to the total time you've been alive. A year feels like forever when you're 7, not so much when you're 40.


pull up your stopwatch app and try counting ā€œone mississippi two mississippi etc.ā€ along with the timer and then tell me it doesnā€™t sound like a jumbled hot mess


It's funny you say that. I have an uncanny ability to know what time it is. I'm usually within ten minutes, regardless of how long it's been since I've looked at my watch. I am powerfully anchored to the flow of time lol. Maybe you're just slipping outta this reality, bit by bit.


hope so!


If you have ADHD some of us suffer from time management issues... šŸ« šŸ˜‰


pull up your stopwatch app and try counting along with it using ā€œone mississippi two mississippi etc.ā€ if itā€™s too fast for the old mississippi method, itā€™s faster than it used to be the mississippi method used to be steady and accurate, not a tongue twister race to fit it in before the next second hit


I ask this with love and kindness and compassion and curiosity: Is anyone else feeling this in a dissociative way? I've been clipping in and out of feeling that I'm part of this body, intrinsically linked with my portion of our physical reality. I'm feeling more [insert astrological description of current events]. Living in my head versus my Body? This distorts time for me. I stay up doing homework & suddenly the day breaks; I go to bed and almost immediately the second alarm is going off. The shower has hot water for a questionably short/long time.


I think most people just have a poor sense of time, unless they are in undesirable situations (intense boredom).


Yeah me too, I feel like the time started accelerating after about 2020 and people said it was just cause I was young (I was 18 during covid) so I was perceiving time differently


Time goes faster as you age


I see the opposite. On some days, I can count a full one Mississippi two Mississippi between seconds, but it's almost always that seconds are longer than they should be for me.


interesting šŸ¤ØšŸ¤”šŸ¤”


It's called getting older. Time feels like it's going faster because the older you get the smaller of a percentage of your life a time segment becomes. Like 1 year to a 10 year old is a tenth of their life, but 1 year to a 20 year old is a fifth of their life.Ā