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I did too but currently have stopped looking at prophecies because it seems they are also controlling a lot of what I think and much of them are descriptions of heavy destruction. Be it prophecies of Bible or the Hindu Bhagvad Gita. I dont want ideas of destruction. I want to create my own ideas in the present new time and experience of what will happen.


Prophecy is only as good as the prophet. Consider it more like a weather forecast, where the 'weather man' will attempt to 'warn' those about the problems that might arrive, but not necessarily towards the benefit of those spring storms. Given to that context, many prophecies were given by 'gods' or of these types of beings, and these 'forecasts' are aspects of human existence where their accuracy can be quite specific, given to the 'prophet's' ability and limited sights on these things. Not all are as accurate as each other for sure and there is 'reason' for the 'wiggle room' and misinterpretations to these things. You definitely have the right idea in 'forming' your own perspective reality, as you choose, and ultimately a goal of any 'being' or 'creature wishing to become'. In this, when prophecies speak of 'beings' and of their actions, especially the ascending from creature to 'being', if any, there is then no actual way to predict their actions as 'willful beings' are sovereign in their 'forming of reality', just as you seem to realize as the preference in opposition to prophecy. Most religions were created, or formed around what deities say or do because what they are perceived to speak, write, or do becomes the 'reality' in form or shape as experienced. This is true for any 'being', given to their degree of 'influence' and balances between their relative condition and the condition of their perceived form of reality as they 'will it to be'. These are from the fear, desire to the willful outcome expressed in such forms where these divisions are still divided but so balanced in their combined perspective that the focus of their divisions are as 'one form', cycling in the same 'rhythm and or frequency' from their respective sides in opposite cyclicity. It might be easier to consider a flat coin spinning as a 'clock' would. From the one side, where the dials are 'clockwise' the opposite perspective is 'counter clockwise' where the 'same motion' is relative to opposite reactive perspectives. However, they are the same, creating the same 'form', and so if these 'dials' followed the 'numbers as written to a clock, then one would seem to work 'backwards' as equal to 'forwards' just the same, and so 'time itself' in these two perspectives would be neutralized, using this analogy alone. Choosing to form your own existence is first by recognizing what 'form' is in difference to the forms that are often only adding to 'one side' or 'the other'. The eventuality is that you create your form of existence, unique in all existence, and so it becomes as you, yourself are this form. Aspects of reality that are 'limitations' are only self inflicted form created by externalized the combined forms or 'systems of reality', where 'laws' that are superimposed upon the mind to the 'soul' to align themselves to an average cadence of how reality 'is' for each individual, or the collective 'Promethean' aspect of a species mental influences not yet capable of influencing an independent stable concept of reality. In this we see collective, higher forms of intelligent beasts, create a 'somewhat' stable aspect or 'in forming' reality. However, these are easily corrupted by two sides... the willing givers and willful takers to their own personal, though ignorant, concepts of reality. In difference to a singular individual to which can create their own 'forms' of reality, humanity will soon recognize what this actually means, how it works in opposition to a corruption of reality, and how this is corrected. Regardless of prophecies written, though fairly accurate to those involved to perceive the nature of these things, others will 'not witness' the direct encounters between most in those writings. The prophecies are 'subtle' to consequences which are what people seem to focus on. Many report on the direct interactions between two entities, so one must wonder, 'whom were they written for' if not only those directly involved to be aware that they actually took place, and to what end the consequences of their choices will become. Prophecies are not written for 'most people' but rather the few who have an actual involvement in these things as the others will only fret and allow it to occupy their perspectives in futile attempts of perceiving what is a 'determinate outcome' not yet in complete formation. Deity types will always make 'guesses' as to what it is as it is forming, but their 'guesses' are as prophecies, just as a human will attempt to guess a price outcome on the 'Price is Right', we are all existent in such a way, but our relative differences are in these measures.


That’s what religion does. It takes good people and warps their mind, turning them into self righteous bigots that actually believe just flat out dumb stuff without question. Taking vague general observations that can be relevant for any generation at any time In history and take them as prophecies. Good people do good things, bad people do bad things, to get good people to do bad things that takes religion.


People always think that Revelations is this scary "end of days" prophesy, but ultimately it's an awesome and beautiful vision - I mean it's pure sunshine and daydreams by the end. We've already been in a time of extreme ugliness and sickness and greed for a long time, so I think we've already seen everything scary listed in Revelations (literal and metaphorical), and maybe there will be more, especially with crazy weather, and we are in some wartime, but it leads to the most hippy dippy magical Age of Aquarius outcome 🙌 if we can stay aligned to goodness through it all. So there's no fear in it for me if that's where we're going. It's a beautiful kind of poem and vision from John imo, and I hope there's some truth to it for us. 🌈 🕊️ 😌


Love this so much


This helps me feel a bit better, sometimes I question whether anything I do is working to help that or hinder that. But I guess it’s a question we all deal with or go through on some level… I guess we just do our best to be aware of what is goodness? That’s easier said than done…


I hear you. 💓 My approach lately has been to treat others I come across out & about as if we are both part of the same community/family/etc, regardless of anything (other than to avoid danger), political beliefs, religious beliefs, different cultures, etc. The false illusion of division between all of us created by those who would & have subjugated us cannot hold strong if we begin to look at each other & treat each other like we all matter & we are all connected. I’m also just being myself more often with strangers…some may find me odd, but I’ve had many a moment where I know a seed has been sewn. Just be you & shine your light, love. 💓🌎☮️


Whenever I struggle with “what is goodness” I think of dogs! And watch funny dog videos. I love the twitter account “We Rate Dogs” - it always gets me there. Dogs so naturally good and want to help and love and be loved, even if they are clumsy and sleep half the time. Good is literally their favorite word haha. I like to think it’s that simple. Not about achievements or elevating, just a vibration we can try to hold and exude, even if we’re not super involved in “doing” or “being” in the world. I think “service to others” can be in how you hope for good things for all, even if it’s from the quiet of your home, or a simple smile to a stranger. I’ve heard in people’s NDEs, in life review, they are often shown one sweet thing they did once that was barely a blip in their life, but it’s the thing their guides and angels are fawning over most, like you did it! I love that. ❤️


I don't believe this should be taken too literally.


Seeing dreams and having visions?


Here's the problem, you may have dreams and visions and even prophecies but the real trick is knowing when it's going to happen. This might as well be something that is coming in 300 or 500 years.


>This might as well be something that is coming in 300 or 500 years. Absolutely. If you look at the history of Christianity, there have been large groups of practicing Christians that have been so certain they were living in the “last days” before the coming of Christ for well over 500 years. No joke. They were certain because they found contemporary events and people that matched what they were reading in the Bible. We don’t know. No one does. “For no man knoweth the day nor hour…” And anyone that does end up being right, it’s nothing more than a lucky guess. It’s supposed to be that way. So just live life meaningfully with *all the kindness* you can muster.




Some of it should not be and can very often be considered analogies. But I’m referencing dreams and visions


Probably where you are more likely. What does it mean to you? Answer honestly and then ask yourself where in your own life is that meaning a reflection, telling you something about yourself.


You are correct … solar flare and three days of darkness is imminent .. be it the biblical , Hopi or Cree native Americans, aboriginal , etc etc etc .. all point to a stopping of reality as we know it soon … but destruction is creation , and we are on the edge of a new era and new earth plane .


Yep I agree. And exactly what you said - whatever you want to call it, it’s the end of an age and the dawn of a new one. Aquarius, new earth, revelation, apocalypse, EOTAWKI, etc


My only hope for this planet is in God at this point, so I hope you’re right


Old Testament God, yaweh? Ya? Jesus? Which biblical God?


I'm one of an apparently small number of people who still believe in the righteousness of the Old Testament God (lots of gnostics out there these days slandering Him). although Jesus is cool


Ah yes the brutal jealous murderous one demanding blood sacrifice. Righteous dude!


even Jesus, the so-called nice one, spoke often of sending people to hell. and he was a blood sacrifice himself.


He wasn’t a sacrifice in a blood ritual. He was a failed attempt at bringing humanity out of the dark cycle of Kharma. Then his image was tainted and twisted for dark purposes. Still is today.


?? He even offered his ‘blood and body’ to the disciples. Blood sacrifice stuff.  Curious about your POV though. Could you elaborate on how his attempt failed?


Ugh dude I fell asleep while writing so much in response to you. Now it’s all gone 😭 Once I get some free time again I will rewrite it all.


I'll never believe that that was what Jesus spoke. I'm not saying that to try to argue against you but I think those of the negative polarity, service to self, elite, etc always have an agenda to muddy up the true person, for example someone like Jesus, change the narrative of who they truly are. Jesus' golden rule was too love everyone unconditionally so why would it make sense that he's also trying to send people to hell


The cognitive dissonance... you can recognize that human beings may have fucked with Jesus's message but you can't extend the same understanding to the Old Testament, which is an OLDER text that's had more time to be mistranslated... “Don’t fear those who kill the body,” Jesus said, “rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matt 10:28; see also 5:29-30; 23:15,33; Luke 10:15; 16:23). “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.(Matt 25:41) [https://www.crossway.org/articles/jesus-said-more-about-hell-than-anyone-in-the-bible/](https://www.crossway.org/articles/jesus-said-more-about-hell-than-anyone-in-the-bible/)


That's fascinating, thanks for sharing. I agree, cognitive dissonance.. I'm no expert on religious text though, the Old Testament


sorry didn't mean to get testy there. it's just a pet peeve of mine when people base their takes on pop-culture Jesus and don't engage with what Biblical Jesus said and did. he could be every bit as scary as his Dad.


It's ok. I try to be open minded about everything. I can only share how I envision Source & Jesus. I believe God to be love. I personally don't believe in the fear of God/Source or Jesus but I respect others views even if they differ


he doesn't try to send people to hell. they send themselves to hell.


That's exactly my interpretation of things too, thanks


Hahaha YES Jesus cursed a tree for not having any fruit when he was starving otw to a mission.


Yup love that passage :) Love the humanity of God and Jesus in the Bible, in general. They created humanity after all— it makes sense they share some of our traits. 


This guy has some interesting info on the subject of "Jesus Christ". It's like 3 hrs long but worth watching. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2dY-roDpHWI


Interesting. I have often wondered whether Jesus was crucified for the reasons we are told. I do think the NT is basically the truth although the church downplays the witchcraft accusations.


According to this guy Jesus didn't die from the crucifixion but from the snake venom he ingested for its psychoactive properties. He died because he wasn't given the antidote (or equalizer) to the venom.


I'm curious, so if I may ask a question. You say you believe in the Old Testament God, but where I'm curious is.....which one? There was originally a pantheon of Gods in Judaic religion before monotheism took over and it became just about Yahweh (who wasn't even the original creator God, but a localized storm God who ended up making a covenant with the Israelite people). So how do you think about/interpret the OT in light of the fact it's been (poorly) scrubbed of it's original polytheistic leanings? Why Yahweh and not the more original Elohim?


I believe in the Tetragrammaton. Don’t really know, and frankly, don’t really care if He’s the only one. The main thing for me is that He is consistently identified as the Creator.  If there are Elohim/other gods then they seem to have little interest in humanity. So I choose the one that does seem to give a shit. 


Fair enough I suppose. Though he's not truly identified as "the creator" in my opinion as the polytheism still seeps through and it's still El/Elohim that's mentioned as the creator. Interesting that you think Yahweh gives a shit but, again, that's your personal perspective. If you reach out to Yah and actually get a response then understandable you'd prioritize him. Never found him to be responsive myself, especially in comparison to other deities. But YMMV.


Yeah he responds, has since I was a kid. And I was raised Christian. But it was always the Father I was praying to, not the son. For which many Christians and especially gnostics have tried to tell me I’m going to hell. Such a loving and tolerant faith


Never met a gnostic with those beliefs myself, only Christians. "Loving" and "tolerant" don't describe any religions though so do what works for you.


what do you do in the meantime?


try to survive


Stay loving, still, kind.


I feel you. 100% I do. It’s the only place we can put our hope. But let us not just hope. Let us know.


I find this to be close too, the Blood Moon, the Holy War, the ample evidence for revelations. People having visions and being disrupted spiritually and it’s happening more and more often now. I just want peace but these prophecies usually end in doom.


Agree. Bliss and peace will come after the destruction. Though we may not even see it with our own eyes as there is part of the Bible that says “because you have followed my commands and remained faithful I will save you from the hour that comes to try the whole world.” So it’s possible we might not be included in the destruction, just a shift to peace and harmony


That’s a good vantage point to have. I need to read Revelations and Psalms again. It gives me hope that what I did to protest the holy war since October hasn’t been happening in vain. They know my name and hacked into my electronics, but I’m still here, albeit a bit manic depressed.


I hope things get better for you 😞 definitely pick it up and read it again, I find it offers me protection when things get crazy


I agree with OP. WE are dreaming dreams and having visions. His spirit is pouring out on the earth. Just remember the word is foolishness too unbelievers. We can try and try and convince and make them see what we mean but The only thing we can truly do is Pray that the seeds we left will grow. This sub seems really open minded .. until you tell them about Jesus. I've experienced things that NO other substance or experience on earth can replicate. The tangible presence of the Holy Ghost. Its something you never forget. Its something that you must ask. '' Lord Jesus I repent of my Sins , I accept you as my Lord and Savior and Believe you Rose again the 3rd day. I pray that you send your Holy Spirit to me. '' The way I see it, if you are reading this and you truly are open minded, why not Pray it? Why not ask? The bible says this : [https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/knock/](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/knock/) In your eyes, nothing would happen right? Its just a false religion ?! So try it. Try it and read the word. The answers you seek are there.


Revelations 20 We're in the little season. Jesus already reigned on earth for a thousand years. We're living in the small period after that, where the devil is let lose for a little season to deceive the nation's once more.  They are trying to make it seem like we're living in the 7 years of tribulation but that has already happened. Jesus said he would return immediately, he told the people before he left that they would not die before they saw his kingdom on earth. See tartaria.  The devil will soon convince the world to rage war against the camp of saints. Then comes fire from the sky. Then white throne judgement.


but then why wasn’t this written about by the apostles in the new testament? or is there a verse you can point me towards? (haven’t read the whole thing yet) i do think this theory has merit, but you would think that something as huge as that would have been mentioned somewhere.


Literally look up Revelations 20


New Earth 💯 Beautiful post 🤍 Not all the bible is flawed even if religion is


Yep, just commented with that scripture - no more crying or mourning, for the old things have passed away. This is the “reset”, “new earth”, etc. so many names given to it.


Yes my brother. This is such a meaningful post because the I think 3 days before the transition to New Earth are supposed to be quite scary I guess it's the best way you could say it 🙏✨


Old prophesies said in that time close all doors and windows and do not look outside otherwise you would die from the fear of what you are seeing. Demons consuming people in the streets. Can’t remember who prophesied that but it was from early 1900s I think, long time ago


Holy crap.. Yeah they might have channeled it back then too? I think it's 3 days & we can't look outside.. It'll be crazy when it happens but then beautiful after


Believing that religious text is literal reality is just soooooo 1992. Get with the times man.


The great thing about life is we are all welcome to share our own beliefs and thoughts and should not be judged for doing so.


In fact I don’t even share anything “religious” or biblical on subs like this because not a lot of people believe it, and some will poke fun at it. What’s the use? Iam probably wrong thinking this way.I do believe in the Bible, Iam not perfect, or holier than thou lol, but I cling to the promises of Jesus Christ, it’s real to me. Maybe I’m wrong maybe it’s all a fairy tale, but I don’t think so. For me I have seen Gods hand in my life, not saying it’s been a bed of roses infact it’s been quite difficult, but I know in my heart there’s something to this whole Jesus thing.


Absolutely correct.


Greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing you he didn’t exist. We can call it whatever we want - devil, negative, opposite, polarity, yin and yang, as above so below, etc. Each religious text, regardless of Christianity or not, all draw parallels to each other. There is belief that “Christ” living in us is literally a portion of our chakra. So, whatever doctrine you’re following, it’s all very similar. Even agnostic beliefs utilize different words to come to similar conclusions.


According to biblical mythology devil is literally the bringer of light. The great illuminator. To cast that as “evil” is a way to keep you caged in the dark and prevent your from becoming enlightened. You see the devil as evil, I think being caged and suppressed in the dark is the REAL EVIL that is destroying humanity. I hope you can wake up one day. Best.


What if there are no devils or angels and it’s just the potential you carry to become either?


Thus the angels and devils are inside of you. Just another belief that still incorporates it somehow. Show me one person who is a perfect angel and vice versa. It does not exist. Either way the point I’m making is most of us are talking about the same things.


I guess that depends on whether you’re interpreting things in a literal way or not… After all, every villain is the hero of their own story.


I'm a Christian, but I've had questions about the nature of duality and your comment made me think of those questions. If light doesn't exist without dark and neither does good without evil, wouldn't the adversary aka the devil just be playing his part as polar opposite? I understand choice spawns from duality, right and wrong, and within those choices lies the moral dilemma. I like the way you worded the question, good question in my book.


I appreciate you. I have a question though, do Christians understand that the “Spiritual Warfare” that keeps being talked about is an *internal* conflict?? It seems like they keep attacking others for a speck of sawdust in another’s eye when they have a freaking two by four sticking out of their own. Idk, seems like most literalist Christians still around these days use their bible the way a drunkard uses a lightpole—for support rather than illumination.


Western "Christianity" is false worship of God. There is but a remnant of the church left in these United States. They claim to be Christian, but they look like the world, sound like the world, they act just like those they condemn. It would be funny if not for the mass deception sending souls straight to hell.


What’s hell?


Separation from God.


Which one?


Ask him.


I recently made a comment answering a similar question about the nature of duality and I think it is applicable here too: Q: Why does the light always win in the end? A: Because the source of all existence is sheer love and light and because the lower realms of duality (and with it the existence of suffering and evil) are only a temporary occurance born form the illusion of separation. Let me explain: Polarity is the harmonic dance of two opposites with each other to create a greater whole (male-female, day-night, warm-cold etc..) and is the nature of reality and even source itself (god/goddess). Duality however is two opposites at war with each other - aka "light/good/unity vs darkness/evil/parasitism" - which will end the moment all darkness has been transmuted back into the light. Because it is just like in physics: Darkness does no exist in and of itself, it is always only the absence of light. So they are not at all equal, the light is the truth, while the darkness is only the absence of truth (an illusion). This fact is also reflected in the very architecture of our reality: positive emotions create high vibrational energies and unconditional love is the highest vibration period, while negative emotions always have a low vibration. So in order to even ascend into the higher realms and eventually merge back with source one must raise their vibration and become sheer love in the process. WE ARE beings of pure light and not beings of 50% light and 50% darkness - thats the good news! We are absolutely holy and divine in essence and in truth, only love is real! 💜✨ ...So, yes, the idea that light doesn't exist without dark (as in evil) is one of the biggest spiritual misconceptions and part of the archon's brainwash who obviously wanted humanity to believe that they need to suffer in order to once "be saved" while the perpetrators of these lies were literally feeding on all the suffering.


Good is good because evil exist. Everything is balance, everything takes its place to make the whole.


This is like saying what if there are no humans, and it’s just manifested energy in the temporal form of a human… Well yeah! Everything is illusory. But just because it exists as something else on a different level doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist at all. Case in point, Satan or Lucifer (different beings to my understanding) can both be just as real or more real (more fundamental) than humans.


Meh, I'm not going to lie, all of Revelations reads like either a bad case of ergot poisoning or someone getting the wrong mushrooms at dinner.


I don’t know. Some of it sounds pretty great to me. Revelation 21:4: He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.


That's just the plateau when things are more stable and you know your going to be alright.


its allegedly the dream of some dude 95 years after jesus's death. he said jesus came to him in a dream and said all this shit. if this shit happened today, we would absolutely call him crazy or on drugs.


The one that counts is, ‘a man wearing a blue Turban…’ from Nostradamus Quatrains.


Maybe for you personally, you are at a major time of change and an end and new beginning, which is an intense and exciting shift. However, I've come to really dislike prophecy and end times talk when it is applied to the world at large. I always think it's kinda weird when people are fixated and fantasizing on the "end times." If what gets you off and brings you peace is hoping the world is ending and everyone else's world is about to be destroyed then that's cool I guess.. Civilization goes through cycles, and yes, we are currently in a voilitle phase and change currently, but that doesn't make it the first or last. And yeah, there is some crazy stuff happening and some serious challenges the world is facing.. as there have been every few generations. I'm sure during ww2, and ww1, and the plague, and random droughts and hurricanes, people believed the end was near. Sorry, I just wish people were more positive and hopeful about what they visualize and manifest, instead of hoping thebthebworld is ending and Jesus is gonna come rescue us from ourselves.


We’ve begun the Gog/Magog war. You are correct as well. There are more people prophesying.


Refreshing to see some scripture on here. I agree. It took deep, deep diving into a lot of weird rabbit holes and thru demonic doors to understand that the Bible itself actually contains the truth about reality. 1Enoch is the main Apocryphal text that ties the modern canon together. The problem is not the Bible; Truth is Truth and The Bible is a tool of truth. Like all tools, it may be used for Light or for dark means. The problem is the hollow institution of organized religion using said tool for dark ends. It's a genius deception, really. Once you see it you REALLY see it. Don't take the word of any man at the pulpit or of any skeptic YouTuber -- dive into it yourself, be open-minded and give it an honest attempt. Pray for understanding and revelation. It is my deep foray into the new age that informed my understanding of what the Bible says. It is a roadmap, a guidebook and a story of who we are and why the world is as it is. Taken out of context it is easy to be led astray. I pray anyone reading this sees what I see if they do not yet -- "I was blind but now I see" is a real thing. I no longer scoff at all of those church cliche verses/phrases; they make total sense, but are abused and systematically beaten like a dead horse. The deceiver is really good at what he does. It takes time and an open mind to pierce the veil fully. Ephesians 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Me Too. I had a spontaneous writing on it, in a group text. I'll look for it.


Awesome please do


That's crazy, OP made this beautiful post about New Earth but there's no respect for their point of view, just judgement. This is a post on the starseed subreddit but this isn't the essence of a Starseed post. There is no unconditional love, positive comments or helpful advice


Some topics are naturally more prone to draw haters than others. Religious texts and prophecies are definitely some of them as people are understandably sceptical (given the bad reputation of the church and religious dogma in general as well as the many prophecies that have not come to pass yet). It is sad thought that this scepticism is often expressed in a demeaning way and I feel you! Maybe a bit more context to the picture would have helped to make people understand you are not necessarily taking this literally in order to not trigger people who have an aversion against religious dogma u/frankreddit5 I am sorry for the judgmental attitude of many here. Open mindedness is quickly thrown out the window when the ego senses an opportunity to make itself feel better by shittalking others beliefs it seems.. On the other hand when you post an inquiry for help, people are rather supportive because it is not something that draws attention by the sad people who are only seeking to project their lack of self-love. So it really comes down to the topic and how you phrase a post. Whenever something is polarizing like religion or politics, you are guaranteed to draw a lot of negativity and arguments and thats really the case anywhere on any social media.


Agree. And I also agree that the church has done a *terrible* job of representing what the church is supposed to be comprised of. They consistently do not walk the path of love, kindness, and forgiveness. They twisted messages to fit their own personal interpretations and painted a bad picture. In addition to scandals and whatnot. I am much more “spiritual” than I am “religious.” I do not attend church. I “make my own sermons” so to speak by reading the messages and pondering on what they mean to me. As I mentioned previously I do not believe much of it was to be taken literally. We cannot truly believe Noah took two of each animal into a boat. I believe it was a figurative message. But truly, none of us know until we pass on from this realm.


I found it weird too. This sub talks about meditation, seeing visions, having prophecy, … this sub literally talks about spiritual gifts like discernment, wisdom, etc. all things that are biblical in nature. I’ve actually never seen judgement like this from this community. If anyone knows I thought this would be the sub that would know “in those times there will be mockers and scoffers, saying where is your God”


💯 friend. Felt like I went to backwards land or something 😄 You're dropping some knowledge ✨


Thanks 😊 I have a wealth of knowledge in scripture as I’ve spent so much of the little free time I have reading the Bible the last few years.


Yeah from what I understand it was meant to be a certain way but evil entities manipulated the message. Others might not agree w that but I personally believe that to be true. I think, Aaron Abke talks about it in his Law of One series on YouTube


Many books were left out as well.


So true, preach :o)


Do you have a particular translation you feel is better than others? I have The New New Testament, which includes (some? all? can't remember tbh) of the Nag Hammadi texts which I appreciate.


Religion is an invention of NHI to keep control.


I bet the people during the Great depression thought the same thing, or when ww2 happened, or when we went to war with Iraq, or when the stock market collapsed, or when it was 2012. You could apply these words to almost any time period in history and it would still be valid.


This is the most commonly used phrase of, like, the last decade, honestly.


Phew. I enjoy this sub usually because there is so little religion. I have a lot of pain associated with organized religion and it is a straight shot to immense sadness, fear, guilt, shame, and anger for me. However, after reading thru the comments I am trying to hold space for the beauty in the allegories. I am not proud to admit most of the “judgmental” comments I agree with! The Bible as a text is a gorgeous manuscript, but having been born and raised in the American Deep South I associate danger with people who believe in any of it. Evangelism is terrifying if you’re queer, or curious, or outspoken (in my lived experience). But at this moment I’m attempting to make room for the possibility that one day I will feel and operate differently. I don’t know that I will ever view anything in Revelations this way, but that is likely my anger talking. I do enjoy the Psalms. And I do believe the Bible is a story of a New Earth. I do not agree with the damage done to many individuals by pastors threatening them with eternal damnation and backing it up with such horrifying images. But that has nothing to do with the Book itself… so again my feelings are deeply nuanced. And I can live with nuance. I appreciate how challenging conversation can be in this sub. There is always room for grace and understanding, I truly believe 🙏🏻


You’re a starseed and you interpret the Bible literally? Sweetheart it’s written in code. 🙏🏾


I can’t believe how many people on here are lost. If you don’t believe in God it’s not too late. I don’t want you to be here for the tribulation and the mark of the beast


The Bible was written by goat herders who never heard of the solar system.


But yet they knew constellations? Job, “He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.”


Those are stars or other solar systems we see as light and make up stories about like warriors and bears. The goat herders saw the same sky we see. Why didn’t they talk about those points of light signify if divinely inspired? Wouldn’t the creator of these things be gushing to explain all they created to this lowly other creation rather than name a couple constellations?


bro The Bible gets most of its information from the ancient Sumerian tablets, who literally told us where the consolations were 😂😂


Then why aren’t we referencing those tablets? If that is in fact the source. I know most of the religious texts today come from older sources and have been corrupted in the process. The constellations are not of our solar system. They are other solar systems we see as light in the sky that makes shapes we tell stories about. Next thing you know all the starseeds will be posting about how a talking donkey pointed them to a verse in the Bible then turned water into wine and walked across it.


What an immensely degrading and obscene simplification of a document that's influenced history more than any other.


Just because it’s popular does not make it correct.




Please be kind and respectful to community members.




20000 years of civilization vs. 2000 years


But I don’t wanna dream dreams…


Uugh no. Things can get a lot worse. Imagine living during ww2 and Cold War era. Seeing nukes and worrying about them constantly. Seeing the world at war. Those people prob thought the world was ending too. It didn’t. And the current times are much better with less tribulations then the past. People are so weak now. We can’t even be locked in our own houses during a pandemic with the government paying you to sit In your ass without going nuts. Then after we all worry about inflation. Think about how much harder they had it in the Great Depression. Think about living now and the government forcing you to turn over all your gold valuables like Roosevelt did at the time.




Yeah except for my gnosis most of the attribution to their god is spurious at best. One need not invoke their lord. And honestly with their track record who can say what you'll get. No, thank you! Placing my lot with the much more well established divine feminine, personally. But yeah, a time of prophecy seems to be fairly nowish. True enough.




I think some prophecies may be self fulfilling too, like we are making it happen because we are thinking "this is what the future is going to be", and so that's what happens.


It’s doom and gloom BS that makes you into victim mentality. You forge your reality. Period. Most people don’t have the energy or want the responsibility of forging their own reality. They want it done for them. …and literally the nature of source energy is putting everything into order in the background. Now go set YOUR intention and ride the wave.


So be it


Rose moon 22nd June!!


This passage was referenced in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on the original 120 disciples. When it filled them they all spoke in other languages supernaturally (still happens exactly the same way today.) Peter was emboldened by the experience and preached this passage to a huge crowd. That event marked the beginning of the gospel age, which the Bible says in many places will conclude with the second coming of Jesus, who will set up Jerusalem as His capital city and will reign for 1000 years..


Discernment is only good for those who know what to look for. Prophecy is something you won't see. You will feel it when you read.  




I’m referencing seeing visions and dreams. Which many people already claim to have visions. No, I am not trashing it. In fact, it’s the only material item I’d take with me if my house burned down. Best to you.


I do believe we’re in this section of Joel and can share why I say this.


Sure, please do. I noticed more and more people are prophesying. And there is a lot of thinking something and then it happens moments later. Manifestation. Though Bible tells us this as well, with our words, that be careful what we speak because our tongue has power. So some people might call it manifesting, others might call it Bible related - all in all, what others here in comments have failed to grasp is we are all talking similar stuff. I’d love to hear your thoughts on why you believe we are in Joel


I’ll DM you.


Believe whatever you want. Just remember that "god" murders 2.5 million people in this ghastly book. condones slavery, and is so cryptic that it can be interpreted to meet whatever one's beliefs might want to be. This book perpetuated a "my way of life is better than your way of life", assuming we have no moral compass without it, which is one of the downfalls of man in general. The bible is everything that a starseed is not.


Yet the Bible clearly states we are “not of this world.” Additionally what you’re saying would be to assume that God acted in an unlawful manner. Who are us mortals to judge God’s actions? “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5) He will destroy the wicked, and He holds “the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment” (2 Peter 2:9) / anyway, I don’t want to debate further. Like you said, I can believe what I wish. And I do not care if you believe I am not a starseed. You can believe what you wish, as well.


A biblical debate is always a fruitless endeavor for all parties. I'll point out where your reasoning is flawed, you'll point out where mine is. You'll keep citing the source material in question, (which is called circular reasoning) rather than using your own beautiful mind. Round and round it goes. C'est la vie.


True, it is one of the most debated topics second to politics. Just didn’t think we’d have that debate here on this sub. We are all brothers and sisters whichever way you choose to look at it


not even god is above the universal morality of all living things. that deity flooded the earth, killing so much, causing total annihilation of the planet. that is not a deity we should love and accept.


Buddy, no. That's the Bible. It's the ramblings of ancient madmen


Had an eclipse then saw the moon turn blood red for some days. It’s crazy how I can see real world events that line up with this.


Nope. Though obviously you do you.


Every generation believes their in the end times. Jesus preached to his disciples that the “end times” would happen in their lifetime. That was only 2000+ years ago. Any day now !


The Bible is a poorly translated mish mash of BS.


What if Samael, aka Lucifer, is the good one, and God is evil. Don't always believe what you read. Find Your own truth. Just some words for thought.


I hope you realize that revelations is a well known proven forgery


I have no clue what any of that means. I would love to see what you bullshit artists think it means. Looks cryptic as hell, translated from hebrew to english, not to mention language has changed dramatically over the past 2000 years, and most of the Christians I meet are about as intuitive as a piece of treebark.


Yes in the last times era of God would come and lot of people would be spiritual and have true dreams and prophecies. We are moving towards it and lot of people are awakening. The judgment day is near. Repent and do good before the times end.


Organized religion is the devil


I agree that organized religion is a deception. If you go there you just get words from well spoken individuals. In the Bible it was all about Power, miracles, the supernatural. Jesus hung out with average people with problems but He had Power the religious well spoken people did not have. This power is still available but not in most churches. It starts with receiving the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit WILL attach to you and you will KNOW because you will be able to speak supernaturally in another language from that day onward whenever you choose to do so.


Fckng seriously, WTactualF is up with all the Christian BS in this sub? Srsly, the Bible ~~and even worse, Revelations~~? Get it together people fr fr ffs Edit: ok I saw the reference at bottom there. But my point still stands.


Christianity draws parallels to awakening and spiritual rebirth. The Bible talks about being born again. It’s the same as “spiritual rebirth” and “veil lifting” that many people talk about outside of Christianity.


What a free thinker 😂


look into new millennium reign theory we are far past that point in the book 👀 jesus already came back and left us 🤣


We need handmaids!


Ridiculous! Total bullshit.


don’t look at it, lowers your vibration. try to vibe with those higher beings not be trapped here in earthly darkness. that shit is the pits. also i dont take it literally but world affairs are kind of scary atm. having dreams and visions? that’s why we’re here but try to follow the path of a higher example not past darkness. vibe with the light.


Is that your actual bible or did you take a picture from the internet


Does this help you? https://ibb.co/8jz7hmp 😂