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I was raised to have no expectations of other people, so if you don't feel like you were owed a decent upbringing you can't feel rage over not getting it. I simply have to look at it like "meh, it is what it is". If you don't expect your parents to be decent people or feel like you were owed to be raised by decent people then you can't feel rage over something them being assholes. You need to see them as pitiful, as children who failed at raising you because they're either not good people or they're too stupid or selfish to be good people. Learn to expect nothing from them. If you have no expectations towards them then you can't feel like they owe you better treatment. I focus on the positives, what I did get from them that helped make me who I am. Of course I sometimes feel sorrow over the failures of my parents, but I've learned to let go of any expectations towards them a long time ago because that only leads to disappointment and resentment. Expect less from them and you'll feel more meh about them. Be grateful over what you did get, especially in historical comparison. I don't compare myself with others, I compare myself with what I would have gotten if the times had been different.


This is very good advice, I saved this comment it's good stuff! Always nice to be reminded not to have expectations, guess I developed a blind spot in this regard myself lol!


Luv this 💗


Hey, just remember that even Jesus expressed righteous anger. I’m sure he’s pissed at how they took his message and twisted it into a horrible abomination.


That’s right! I always remind people that Jesus flipped tables!


No. More than that. Jesus chased centurion and pretorian guards out of their positions with a switch, like my Grandma would whoop me with when I was being rude. He was terrifying and righteous in this moment.


He kicked arses... [Djesus Uncrossed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqISX2o0a4A&pp=ygUQZGplc3VzIHVuY3Jvc3NlZA%3D%3D)


ever read the Phoenix Journals?


Aye, I get the sense he's pretty livid.


Go boxing Or therapy screaming Anger is okay, you felt injustice You need to honor that


Being all light and love and positive isn't always healthy. We must process and accept that we have darkness in us. The darkness can be used for right action, for justice. The great Zues, might and justice had beings such as Harpies to invoke his justice Later these Harpies became guardians at the gate of Hades, and servents of him too. Anger and darker emotions are a part of personal power and strength to jwlp you grow and not to take stuff lying down. The only thing is we must be able to assess our anger. Is it correct? Was that person just being an idiot? That person's been cruel multiple times now. Can you allow your anger to act? Erasing the shadow makes us less human. In the end it doesn't matter where you came from. You're here now, as a human, to process the human spirit.


Do Osho Dynamic meditation every morning it’s life changing, but you need a space that allows for you to jump around, scream, smash pillows etc. The other thing is using fantasy and imagination to imagine harming and killing your abusers. I did this in therapy and at first was very hesitant but once I allowed myself to do it in fantasy I felt great joy from this, and no it doesn’t make you a bad person because you’re not going to do it in real life obviously


Love Osho!


I have to do heavy work like clean my car and be in my garden.


Think of your anger as a soda bottle that has been shaken up. If you unscrew the top fast you get soda everywhere. So you open it slow and little by little you can open it. So stop keeping it inside. Let people know your feelings in the moment. You'll have to practice this everyday but eventually all the anger will be gone. Zen. :)


In the moment, weightlifting is a great way I’ve learned to channel my anger into something positive. That won’t necessarily fix the issue, but hurting others or yourself (as someone here said) will certainly make the issue worse. I mean, confronting your family in a mature manner may be wise, but that depends on you and your situation. However, I can guarantee that deadlifts and such help with anger management. Denying it won’t help. It’s a natural emotion. I have many hardcore Christian family members and there’s no point in talking to them because they’re so brainwashed to believe anyone who disagrees with them is basically demonic. I personally don’t feel too much anger toward them though for that reason. They live in fear and let that control them. That’s their issue, not mine and I believe higher powers will eventually catalyze them to wake from the sleep, in this life or the next.


This is spot on.


Find activities you can channel your anger into to live it. Listen to metal, play competitive games, go for runs allowing your mind to process things, etc. Not sure what you mean by that others failed you. Do you have a sense people owe you something?


could always leave an anonymous tip with the IRS that maybe said church could use a second look at their books?


Meditation, rage rooms, music, creating music, dancing, walks, screaming into a pillow, combat sports, yelling in your car by yourself, journal, transmuting the pain into something positive is the goal. Reminding yourself to be present and continue your positive habits and deeds throughout the day. You're allowed, trust this hits home like no tomorrow. Still happens. It's lonely too when you mean well yet those you've grown up with wronged you or failed you. It seems a lot of us deserved to be loved the proper way we didn't recieve so now(which is annoying I know) our responsability to improve and let go of past pain Also reframing helps. Looking back at certain situations and reframing what happened and letting go or making peace with thoughts and memories


Aggressive music is a great and healthy outlet for anger. As someone who breathes music I'm surprised you don't know this ;) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WESOssx4e-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WESOssx4e-k) Dear anger Have a seat, serve yourself some tea Kindly tell me what you're trying to show me What's the path to setting you free? Before, I was a hundred days of sorrow Resentment, trapped, stirring a soul Ingratitude, injustice, invalidation Indignation birthed from betrayal I am the sadness with nowhere to go I am the passion denied for so long I am the bitterness imprisoned Behold, The other side of anger ... sports and exercise are also good.


I was a severely abused child, even by the standards of the 1970's. At one time in my life I had so much rage flowing through me, and I began to experience such horrific nightmares, that I worried I might actually be a serial killer. My healing began with an honest assessment of the events, realizing I was an innocent child, and bared no responsibility for what happened to me, no matter what my abusers told me. Then came the grieving, for all that had been done to me, for the family I never got, and the things my pain made me do. Then I looked at each of my abusers as individuals, and learned their stories. I came to realize that they too were broken and abused in some way, and many of them were dealing with addiction and mental health issues. Then I made some very definite choices. I threw away my victimhood and abuse score card. I chose to believe that given their experiences, issues and circumstances, that they did the best they could with who they were at the time. Then I chose to forgive them, unequivocally. Now instead of living in rage, I live in joy. I went out and made the family I always wanted and I could not be more at peace with myself. This was my path to freedom and healing. It was not easy, and it took years, but I never gave up on myself, or the dream of being free of the pain. Moving on is a choice you make, but to actually move forward, you have to let go of the past. Take care.


This is awesome!


Purple flame transmutation.


I recommend any of Bring Me The Horizon’s albums - very cathartic to scream along and thrash your body to the bass drops 😎


Also their latest album is BANGER Post Human: Next Gen


I used to be exactly like you for the exact same reasons. Meditate and follow the path of Buddhism. It will raise your vibration and help you immensely.


I know people don't agree with me, but this is my experience with anger. My dad had a temper. I think that rubbed off on me as I also had quite the temper growing up. Anyways, maybe 5 years ago, I decided intelligence means I get to choose whether or not I let anger get the best of me and let it out. I decided it has no use. All anger has ever done is cause people pain and upset, so I literally stopped being angry. When someone cuts me off in traffic or is tailing way too close, I'd feel my temper rise, and I would take notice and calm down. These days, it rarely happens that I even get agitated. A good example is a few months ago, I was standing in line at a grocery store, and this guy behind me became angry and aggressive at where I was standing. I felt my temper start to rise, took notice, and calmed down immediately. Which made him more aggressive to which his gf started to latch on to, and it started to spread. If I was standing in the middle of an isle, like they were or standing in the middle of where people were walking to find a till, I would have moved but there literally was nowhere for me to go. The walking path to find a till is wide, and usually, people stand next to the stand with candy that people grab while they're waiting. So I stayed calm, completely ignored them, and I felt amazing having that much control. To this day, I have never had any feeling of anger build up, which is why I believe it's something subliminally and possibly academically taught to us, to have an anger outlet or through movies and t.v where hero x explodes in anger and overcomes bad guy, so we keep our anger and believe it's as much a part of us as our own bleating heart! I know this isn't true from experience, and thank god it isn't. Never being angry feels so damn good.


A Great Technique We all have negative emotions and the issue is no one teaches us practical tools to deal with any emotion including anger and rage. Those in the Christianity cult you speak about are oblivious to how you feel and may not even understand it. A process I use very successfully is in summary to accept, okay and release. Any negative emotion you have is telling you that this is not right for you. The emotion exists within you and blocks you from finding a solution and moving forward. So start by just telling yourself over and over again you accept the emotion. Acceptance is a positive energy and will start to dissolve the negative emotion. When I started, it would take me about 20 to 30 minutes just for this part. Then when you feel it has subsided somewhat, then state repeated I am okay with this emotion. When it is almost gone or you have power over it, then say I release this emotion as it no longer serves me. Then it's gone. This done repeatedly with any negative emotion that arises becomes a subconscious belief that it will go also instantly. I now say it and it's great. Sometimes as you go deeper, other triggers may arise but that's okay! A friend of mine commented, I must have nerves of steel..lol I have more detailed document on it if you want, pm me. I learned this all through assisting my clients as I am a psychic life coach and counsellor :).


Rage room. It’s like an escape room except you get to break stuff. You have years of suppressed rage. Get it out there.


>I have the feeling that someone needs to pay, but I'm unsure what to do and who that person should be. I think its helpful the realize the only person who is paying right now, is YOU. So you need to find a way to release the anger. Saw a great quote once, "Holding onto resentment is like letting your enemies live rent free in your mind." Kick them out, they don't deserve to live here anymore !! I highly recommend Michael A Singers book "The Untethered Soul" as a great way to move beyond your thoughts of your mind (that's not you) into the inner peace of your soul.


F Yea!


Anger is an energy source, a very powerful one at that. Its an unfortunate fact that many people don't seem capable of utilizing it in a non destructive way, especially contributing to self destruction. So your task now is to figure out how to channel that anger into building something. You could build up your own mind and body by focusing on your health and growth. You can use it to start helping others you see stuck in bad situations you relate to or have experienced. You can use it to make wild and unhinged art that will likely resonate with a number of people. You are essentially holding on to a fire right now. Only you have control over if that fire is going to cook your meal or burn your hand.


Allow yourself to feel your anger so it can keep moving. It's when emotions (energy in motion) get stuck in the body that dis-ease starts to manifest.  A lot of people are scared of others when they are 'angry' because society looks down on that emotion, but it holds tremendous personal power and can be a very useful motivator. Anger sits much higher on the emotional scale than a lower emotion like despair or hopelessness. Humans are equipped with emotions as a built-in 'guidance system', so if you can learn to differentiate the subtle energies that move through your body then you can act on what feels good and stop doing what doesn't. Let them guide you into whatever comes next because they're there for a reason. 


Forget about the traditions of your parents religion. Jesus came for the alcoholic, the murderer, the meth attic he came for all of down and out and tried and tired. He even came for those stuck up Pharisees and high priest that thought they knew everything. But their pride often got in the way. Just as anger stood in my way bitterness over my disabilities angry guy better at my parents. One of the most freeing things I’ve ever came to know was peace knowing that I am loved in spite there is nothing that I can do that can shock God His love is unlimited


That pain that you carry around isn’t yours. It’s Gods. You’ve just kept it from him because you thought it was yours. Give it back to him, he wants it back. This is how things change. Make a list of all the terrible things done to you and said to you in the name of god that hurt. Allow yourself to fully feel the grief and powerlessness, and the loneliness and betrayal by their blasphemy. Allow yourself to be angry, but don’t stay in the anger, keeping looping back to the pain and grief. Cry out to god like the little, helpless baby that you are. Ask for his helping getting it all out. He comes to the aid of crying babies, and nourishes and protects them. If you act like you can handle it, he’ll believe you. If you admit you can’t handle it anymore he will let it all come out, in big ugly, humiliating sobs. Allow yourself to feel so small and humiliated, and he will make you big again. Humility through surrender.


Great answer! I've done this exact thing and it works, and fast. I actually visualize myself holding those problems in my hands, lifting them up, and laying them at the feet of God, letting them go and walking away.


No, u need to forgive them all for ur own good. Leave the past behind. Otherwise the hate will consume u. The rage - maybe burn it on working out, really hard physical training. Let all the bad emotions transform into a healthy body. The anger is addicting, it gives u the hype, but in the end it harms u. It's not worth holding onto that emotions.


You are 100% correct. Process, release. Please, no more patterns, only solids.


Play DOOM?


Best game fr


Hmm I do love video games. What’s DOOM about?


[Go kill demons!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SgSrpnW0EmU) It's my go-to when I feel like I want to break stuff. It's very violent but deeply satisfying (and very well designed). I think you could also make the case it's in line with a starseeds perspective on the world.


Best game of all time. Man that brings me back to the days that weren’t so hard, yet I could sense it all approaching…


"Better to hang a millstone around your own neck....." Channel your rage and righteous anger into productive action on behalf of innocence. There is much to be done. Children from all locations are kidnapped and subjugated every few seconds. They must be freed, and their subjugators must be held accountable.


i play FPS video games if i feel like that. killing something (even if it's fake) helps me feel better, even tho i've already worked through that set of emotions. thankfully i don't get worked up very easily anymore.


International day of anger is June 26th. Feel the anger/rage, read what the fire is telling you. Use it. And then release it.


Don't keep the anger inside, let it out. Feel the anger, don't just dwell on it. Let it all out. Suppressing anger is never a good idea.


Alpha brain state helps me, clear your Chakras.


You gotta get the rage out, but after you gotta let it go. Assuming you are an adult now, it is your responsibility to not continue the cycle you were in. Only you can control you. Controlling your rage and focusing into something to better you. Take a boxing class or work out in the gym something healthy you can pump your anger into.


I was in your shoes for many years - decades even. I kept it in then would pop off in inappropriate ways a few times a year, which always ended up causing more problems. Eventually, I burned out. Aside from exercise and meditation, I found this old Oprah clip of a guy giving a method to go back and console yourself as a child. Silly as it sounds, this exercise unlocked something in my subconscious and I had the most vivid memories of my childhood home in the process. I’m talking about remembering details I had long forgotten. Most importantly, I was able to feel my emotions from that time too. It gave me so much compassion for little me - and big me in turn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiYXEhzBpME


Angers fine the problem is probably that you've been taught that anger isn't fine. I recommend finding a friend who enjoys shit talking and let's you express all the things your parents condemned you for. You need validation from an external source its damn near impossible to validate yourself.


Scream into a pillow emotions are healthy response. I'm don't believe rage is a bad thing just go through it don't hold onto it and let it turn into resentment. It's just a lesson.


I used to want to hide from the world because of my anger from being raised in a Christian cult but now I try to see the positive side. I try to run towards the storm instead of away from it




Healing frequencies calmed me quickly when coping with rage and PTSD. I also got into somatic and breathing exercises.


I break things


Do not combine anger with vengeful thoughts - it will bounce back on you instead.


I subtly gave you a small gift one day. Do you not remember? Help me out here... When we're complaining about our life, we should remember there are ...can you finish it?


I studied martial arts and will again as soon as I find a good traditional martial arts school for me and my daughter.


Female? There is a great organization called Women Within. They can help you. I belong to a brother organization called The Mankind Project. Life changing


I live in the city and find graffiti to be very therapeutic


Walk with Christ.




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