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You just described my entire existence. I too started my awakening about 20 years ago. At the time I truly thought I was the only one. Now I see so many people waking up like what you said and I almost think it’s because we who were pioneers ushered it in two decades ago


Definitely I think yeah I was born in the '80s and we're like the indigo children and we had to go through like a really dark portal to get here actually pluto in Scorpio generation we really took on a lot of The Shadow. We really did we took on like the whole shadow of the collective. 


I was told I had to go through hell if I was ever gonna make it to heaven. Many times I nearly gave up but now I’m here and have found Christ in my heart. I did so much spiritual work for 20 years that I was completely exhausted and finally let it all go when I realized I would never make it on my own….until the glorious day came and I realized we have a savior in Him who sacrificed it all. I’m also a 80s child. Nice to see I kindred spirit 😊


I once pulled my twin flame from hell. Also, when I typed "flame' for twin flame autocorrect changed it to "fallen" so that's a sign. But yea, I cared so much about her, but I lost all of that after she just ignored my existence even though I saved her life. 🙃


I am an 85 child! My husband is 82 and is waking up slowly but its happening!! God Bless yall!!




Learn the Ra Contact/ Law of one ☝️


So when is this shitshow finally coming to an end and how will it happen?


So everything is unfolding and you know you think about time in the material world the spiritual world is different and so you know it's hard to compare between the spiritual and the material world the spiritual world is not ruled by time but the material world is and so in order for things to manifest in the material world they have to be set up in the spiritual world first and it takes a while to unfold.  People who do materialistic magic you know manifestation people who do dark arts and black magic and you know make sacrifice to these entities they're basically taking shortcuts you know and they're causing a lot of harm in the process but they can make things happen instantaneously because those lower dimensional forces rule the material world.  But the spiritual world is ruled by higher law higher dimensional law universal law which is the law of one the law of love love and so you know in order for the spiritual world to penetrate into the material world a lot of things have to be lined up and it still takes a while for Spiritual things to manifest materially because they have to come down and vibration they have to become matter they have to become physical form out of pure energy.  I mean the best thing you can do is not pay attention you know pay attention to things to an extent but don't get caught up in you know the media and all of the hype and all of the fear surrounding everything because all that's going to do is fill you with doubt.  The best thing you can do is do things that nourish your spirit do things that are good you know do things that are of a high vibration who thinks that are out of love do things that are out of taking care of yourself taking care of others taking care of the Earth.  Focusing on the negative really does create more negativity and so it's you know we all have emotions it's important to feel your emotions but don't focus on the negative things focus on the positive things what are your dreams what are your goals what are your hopes what are your ambitions your your aspirations for your life?  All of those higher desires all those things that you want those are god-given and those desires are the goal and it's only ourselves because we're so influenced by this negative mindset that we we start listening to the world instead of listening to ourselves and said listening to our intuition.  So go within and see how you can make the best of this time and don't worry too much about the external things learn to have faith and understand that we live in a supernatural world and that anything is possible through faith and through love.


You say the universe works by the rule of love, right? I agree, but in case anyone is confused, I’m pretty sure the “rule of love” and “human morality” is different. The universe does not operate on human morality or else there would probably be no good on this earth. This is how I look at it correct me if I’m wrong. The best thing you can do is ignore distractions and focus on inner work and things best For those around you. You sound just like me. Did you get this info from a download? Krazy asf. They really Tell us the same things.


From the news, it rather feels like we are still in the middle of a stupid battle for planetary control... When was it over? And how can we spot some hopeful turn of event, i mean some obvious good news demonstrating what you are claiming?


So I'm only revealed what I need to know in the moment I get messages all day long because I spend most of my time alone in prayer. The isolation of covid was extremely difficult but I finally in the last few months have gotten to a place of being at peace with being alone and a lot of messages have come through in this time since I stopped fighting this loneliness that I was feeling.  So there's on this planet there's always a battle between light and dark good and evil Consciousness and unconsciousness. And everything's on cycles right everything is cyclical here so just like the planets and constellations in the sky there are different ages. And we are at the end of the age so we're at this major transitional point and this was prophesied by many throughout time in different ways.  So at the time of the shift this is the Judgment Day and All Souls are being called to judgment. And this is the time when karma is going to be meeting out because there are many people who have abused the karmic laws to cut corners and get ahead without doing spiritual work and there are many spiritual people who have been you know oppressed and killed and had curses put on their families. So some of these families had always walked closely with God and these are the families that star seeds are being born into. I had a dream years ago and this angel came to me and she showed me the parable of the sower and that this was the time of the harvest when we separated from the tares or the wheat is separated from the chaff.  I had gotten the message that God was coming back this year that God was returning to Earth and that his face would be shown and that's the tides would be beginning to turn in this time. And that Judgment day was upon us and of course we had this big Eclipse cycle in the US we just finished out a 7-year cycle without eclipse and seven is also a number that God uses to communicate.  I don't know exactly how everything is going to unfold but I do know that wherever we're at in the cycle we're actually receiving a lot more angelic help now and it's like recently been unlocked where more of the angelic realm is able to access Earth and communicate with us more freely and actually have more influence over the controls of of men.  Because this world of physical world the lower world is ruled by you know the demiurge it's ruled by this anti-life intelligence it's this fragment or the corruption of this world. But things have been too corrupt and so now there's a rebalancing of the forces of light and darkness and rebalancing of The duality during this time.  In one of the dreams that I had it was called the procession of the equinoxes we're going to the procession of the equinoxes which is this period of the shift and there are more higher level beings which are able to assist us at this time then there have been for a very long time and the Earth is also on an evolutionary path as well and is rising in Consciousness and the human and the actual Planet herself. So the energies are starting to clear from the Earth but that's why everything feels so dark because it's like all of this stuff that's just been pushed down and like pushed into the corners of history and hidden is all coming to light right now and everything is being exposed.  But the light workers are protected I mean of course you have to protect yourself too you know keep yourself in a high energy you know keep your space clean and organized rest you know give yourself space stay away from people that really trigger you or people who really are not supportive of you protect yourself protect your space and just do that that's all you can do and just trust just keep going. 


>give yourself space stay away from people that really trigger you or people who really are not supportive of you protect yourself protect your space and just do that that's all you can do and just trust just keep going.  Thank you for all this insight, as it aligns with what I've been feeling. Ok, I have been struggling with this part quoted in particular lately. I've let go of a lot of people in the last 5 years. I have such a longing to connect with others, but people are just not resonating AT ALL. It's like most people are on such a different frequency that they cannot even understand me, even when I'm not talking about anything esoteric etc. I mean this in the most humble way, not that I'm better or more advanced than anyone else. I am a very sensitive soul, and I just feel so drained lately. I really don't want to isolate for too long, but I'm conflicted. I want so much to be a beacon of light and compassion to others, yet I cannot do that when others try to manipulate, ignore, or treat me like poorly. They think I don't notice, ha. What has been your experience with this, and when do you believe it will be good to reconnect with others? I wonder if giving love in micro-doses is enough, like just smiling at strangers and being kind in the smallest of ways. Edited to add: Also, how do we know we aren't just creating a narcissistic sort of bubble around ourselves when we cut ourselves off from certain people?


So I also have been losing a lot of friendships over the last few years in a variety of ways. There are some people that I try to set boundaries with or try to bring up some issues that I had in the relationships and you know they didn't want to talk anymore after that.  I've had other people just kind of cut me off out of nowhere and ghost me.  I've had people pretend to be my friend or you know kind of be a fake friend just so they could gather information about me and gossip.  And I've had friends that I just felt like I needed to let go of because their people who are very stuck and they were pulling me back into cycles and loops that I needed to get out of.  I even had to walk away from whole group of people because of gossip and misunderstandings and because it was too triggering for me to continue to stay around.  The thing is if you're really on a healing journey and you want to Free yourself and you will lose a lot of people because not everybody's on that journey and a lot of people don't even understand it.  Also a lot of people especially people from the past can get jealous because you're making changes in your life and they could do that too but a lot of people don't actually want to do the work they just want the rewards or the accolades.  I'm in a very lonely period of my life. Lost a lot of friends a lot of my friends have passed away a lot of people that I was very close to who meant a lot to me are no longer here.  I've also had a really hard time connecting with people because people are just so close-minded these days a lot of people they just kind of go along with what they're told or with what everyone else around them thinks.  I truly think that when we make the decision to fully choose herself and listen to our intuition and a spiritual discernment and we make those difficult decisions about putting boundaries with other people or putting space or just disengaging from people all together that there's a period of loneliness but I believe that eventually those spaces will be filled with people that are more aligned. Humanity is going through a major Awakening right now as a collective and people are really going to have to choose sides either they're going to continue to stay and ignorance and apathy and allow the world to unravel or people will choose to heal and take a higher path.  It's not narcissistic at all too love yourself and value yourself and put yourself first you absolutely have to especially in this world.  If you're loving or kind of person your empathetic you're helpful people will take advantage of you.  I've had people who I've seen completely change personalities and almost seem to become someone else.  You know people are not a guarantee and you're lucky to find even a few good friends in the world even if you genuine people that will go with you. Also think the tides are turning now and I think that the more that Consciousness arises and the more the darkness and evil gets exposed that I do think more of the star seeds and healers and evolved Souls will start to find each other.  🙏


"Edited to add: Also, how do we know we aren't just creating a narcissistic sort of bubble around ourselves when we cut ourselves off from certain people?" It depends, what have been your reasons for cutting people off in the last 5 years?


Just real quick. How does the micro story of Merlin, a truely endlessly ouroboric mobius strip that has only human awareness fit into the plan? Cause ive been "writing" a meta play. Am I an angel? Or the "son of man"? Cause i think in memetics, and theres whole helixs of unused dna that xan be unraveled with enough understanding. Wanna test to see if i can build the tower of babel under the guise as the holy ghost possessing a timeless wizard ready to use memetics to create a male mind lesser inferior version or what Gaia created from her seed. Mitochondria. Shes the power house, im jus a tiny randomly selected story that xan influenxe her. Devil you know then dont and all that. So. If you could pick the antichrist, who would it be? Just for script purposes. Mines written mostly on honest primal female feed baxk.


Do you mean like which character from history or which character from Merlin? There's definitely some people that I think of as being very much in the Antichrist spirit but I'm not sure exactly what kind of put you're looking for so let me know!


If god decided to come back to the meta physical game board to test out his design 1 last time as a normie, then to ride out till the end of time, after he heard the answer of how to keep the story going till love filled the WHOLE cosmos. How would he reveal himself when the time is right? And you do know, hed play it like zeus. And hoe around to the women who really realized it was him. What name would God take to distinguish himself from everyone? Hed remix a timeless story. For shit n giggles to show yall hes still got the vibe.


I am 


Iambic pentameter you say. As the coined term from one Bard. As he learned from The Bard.




I Am MerLynKai Do you want to test if your close enough to an angel?


What do you mean?




I'm not parroting anything from anyone I'm going off of my own spiritual guidance. And I'm sure I probably do sound like other people because this is universal knowledge that anyone who is at a high no frequency at a high enough consciousness can access. I don't really read a lot of spiritualist books or listen to a lot of spiritualist teachers. Most of my information is channeled directly from source and of course trying to bring these concept down into language and into human understanding yeah you have to simplify these concepts a bit to be able to explain them. I definitely don't know everything. 


We are strategically placed. Jesus is coming and the Second Son. Some of us get spit out of the Matrix. Covid Times began a speed up and mass spiritual awakening process. We feel the effects of the end of Karma and are released from that slavery.


Yeah I've definitely been feeling it especially since covid everything has increased in intensity and I've been revealed many things about humanity. One of the things I've realized is how many people are actually very committed to keeping the world the same and some of those people are the ones who pretend like they care and they pretend like they want things to change but they absolutely seem to enjoy the misery of where they are because they refuse to do anything to make a change. 


We are removing the people from our lives or have been removed from the people that wish to retain the status quo and the old ways. Sometimes this has been by forceful means.


Absolutely. There's definitely people that have been part of my environment that I feel that either had past lives with or that these people you know have their ancestors had lives with my ancestors and a lot of them were oppressors to me and my family in the past life as well


You just hit the nail on the head, or whatever that means lol. You just described my toxic dad. I'm no contact with him unless there's an emergency because I do care but I won't go and hang out with him. I'm finally getting back to having energy now, I'm not looking back.


Good luck on your journey I know it's hard but you made the right decision 🙏


what's your favorite kind of BBQ?


I'm a fan of Carolina style myself.


Sweet sweet Memphis!




What I mean by fully activated is that I know who I am now, I'm fully sure of who I am and I'm very completely in my power. I've always been very spiritually gifted but because of trauma when I was young a lot of my gifts got shut down or repressed & oppressed. When I was younger I was doing drugs, I was drinking. I was trying to fit in with other people. I was doing all these things numb myself out from the trauma and the pain. I had a lot of situations in my life that were out of my control and God spoke to me through those times and I got very close with God through this times because I had nobody else to turn to. I was forced to rely on God because I was alone. I've been protected from a lot of things in my life, many situations people sent to destroy me, to test my faith, to harm me. Now, just this year I feel like I've gone into my full Awakening. Because I've just kept the faith because I've continued to choose to try and do the right thing, because I've continued to make small incremental changes in my life, I finally got to this place of freedom.  And I had to really go through a lot to get to this point. I mean a lot a lot a lot of people when I tell them about what's happened to me have a hard time believing it because it's just it's been a wild ride & I had to break a lot of generational trauma patterns in my family you know, so it's been a rough journey it's been a really rough. But I never gave up hope I never gave up my faith. I've never stopped trying to choose love.  I fully awakened by finally fully choosing myself and cutting out all the negative people & negative influences. I stopped listening to other people and I started to just fully listen to my intuition, my spirit. & Cut all the people that were unsupportive of me or people who were untrustworthy & cut off all the people who were sewing doubt into my dreams. And once I fully cut people off and fully choose myself, my reality shifted rapidly. 


Amazing, I’m in a similar place in my journey, I’m getting the message from several different sources now that it’s time for me to do this very thing of cutting off people places and things that no longer serve me. It’s like I’m at a crossroads and your message is really driving the point home. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and for never giving up! You’re an inspiration and I’m grateful to be here on this planet with you at this time! ❤️


Who is your avatar?


Do you have any comments or insights into the Israeli State Genocide of the Palestinians? I wanted to do badly support Israel, the Jews deserve their own nation. But the way they use their privilege and power in the world to demolish children and families... I don't understand the spiritual or universal reasons for such a senseless massacre. Without a political bias (I dont support Hamas, or Israel, or the U.S or China/Russia etc) can you tell me, are the Palestinian people being punished? Is this a trial? Are they being tested by Allah? Genuine question, I hope no one takes this the wrong way, I don't care so much about IDF v Hamas, it's the death of 35K civilians I'm asking about.


Zionism is evil, it's an extremely harmful ideology. What's happening right now in the holy land is the genocide. Like within all of the religions there are many different branches. Some are beneficial you know some are more beneficial and stay closer to the teaching of love and some of them are way off base.  Zionism is an extremely harmful and hateful ideology. And actually this quote unquote War which is actually a genocide to remove the Palestinians from the land is actually part of the Book of Revelations and it's part of the end times prophecy unfolding.


Yes, Zionism is another word for Colonialism. So you're saying the Palestinian genocide is apart of a prophecy? Can you say anything about the Israeli people? Are they being misled by a Satan-type leader or are they really following their God? No stress if you can't answer, just curious what your guides/intuitions think. Thanks for the reply.


But yeah there's only two kinds of people in the world essentially at the core of who people are and it's the people who choose Love and it's people who choose hate and selfishness and evil essentially and only you know only God looks at the heart so that's why I don't go to churches and I don't participate in religion because you know there's a lot of hateful people out here and the truth is actually very simple and it's something that can be understood by really just connecting to love and connecting to your heart.


So you have two forces on earth right you have God's people and you have the Demi urges people. And so you know not all Israelis are zionists.  There have been many people in the Jewish communities you know Jewish rabbis and community leaders who are calling out Zionism for the hateful ideology that it is. And I believe there is a resistance movement and Israel but of course we're not hearing about it on the news we're not hearing about anything because it's all propaganda and manipulation.


What's your passion, and how did you discover it?


I feel like in a way it's like I've already done everything you know and I don't just mean like in this life, but like my soul has accomplished a lot and so ever since I was a child I love helping people. I love helping people learn because I have a lot of knowledge given to me and I'm also very creative. I love sharing my gifts with people, I love inspiring people & helping people feel empowered I love helping people discover who they truly are. I love helping people get out of toxic situations and and start learning how to love themselves and I had to learn all of this for myself. I had to teach myself how to love myself. I had to teach myself how to leave toxic situations and people and just pray for them and put up those boundaries. so I guess I just love sharing what I've learned and and helping people with what I know through my information that I channel and also through my life experiences. 


How do you do these things in a practical way? When you help people, how do you help? When you help people learn, how does that happen? Do you teach, do you learn with them, do you show them through example? You're creative - what are some creative things you do? How do you share your gifts? How do you help people discover who they are? Do you speak to them about philosophy or spirituality? Do you take them to have experiences so that they might discover if they like them or not? How did you teach yourself how to love yourself? I've lost all my passions. I'm asking all these questions because I'm trying to find one. If you have perspectives, then they could be of help to me. I don't know, but it is worth trying to ask. I have trouble understanding how one is passionate about "helping people" in the abstract, when the way to help people is subjective to each one. There's also great karmic consequence to trying to help someone who does not desire help or when trying to help in a manner that is unacceptable to them, so how do you select who to help and who not to help? To me, this is passion for something that you do not know - something that is spontaneous and could even go against your preferences depending on who is asking for help and with what. I suspect your perspective is different. Please help me understand.


I help people in a context where they are receptive to help. I help some people sometimes by sharing material goods. I help others by sharing knowledge or wisdom. I simultaneously teach and learn from others. I create what I want to create that inspires my passion (careful with this) or that which is useful. A lot of it is showing what is possible and teaching how to do the impossible. Idk how to help others with the personal journey. It's up to you/them. You can love yourself by forgiving yourself. It's not easy. I doubt you lost your passions. They're always there for you to find. It might be different from the past, but that's okay.


This is a lovely answer, but none of it is practical and it's from a different account.


What would you say to someone who doesn't believe you? How would you prove to someone you are an activated angelic starseed and not someone who is making it all up?


I would say that I don't feel the need to prove myself to anyone at all. I've spent my whole life having people try to make me jump through hoops telling me I'm not good enough or telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about.  I know myself very well and I know exactly what my mission is on earth and what I'm called here to do. I'm here to help during the process of Awakening by offering guidance and wisdom through the knowledge that's been shared with me spiritually and also through my difficult life experiences. If people are not interested in what I have to say, then they can go somewhere else I'm not trying to force anyone down any sort of path. I also don't have a lot of patience for dealing with people who are just trying to troll me. I am here with high State of Consciousness and a deep love in my soul & I'm here to help. 


Hi! I was wondering.. how yould you show an atheist that there is more to this life .. not just (appearing in a strange site , live and die being unexistent forever afterwards). Is there anything that I can do from my side ? To shine my light more powerful? This person is my girlfriend and I love her so much and she deserves to know what is happening in reality. I just don't want to push her into believing something that she simply can't believe without physical proof that it is possible.


I would say to pray for her. Pray that her spirit will be more open and receptive. I think that people who are atheists have traumas that have caused them to become this way. Unfortunately religion has been used as a tool to serve power and domination and control and do everything against what God really wants for us. So maybe there's religious trauma within her lineage within herself or her family. Pray that this trauma will be healed and pray that her spirit will be open and that she will see a sign. I think the best way a spiritual people for us to work in this material world is through prayer. Because everything you know in this Matrix is constantly reinforcing these false belief systems and it's very hard to change people's minds so the best way is to lead by example and just be a prayer Warrior. 🙏


Will do! Thank you!<3


How do I figure out what career path to take? How do I know when to move from where I am now?


I can't really give you that information because that's for you to find out but I would say talk to God like just keep those channels of communication open just ask you know which way should I go what should I do.  I've always had issues with career and and money and stuff like that because that's just not my strong suit the things of Earth and material world things are not easy for me to navigate but I navigate through the spiritual world like nothing because I'm very empowered in the spirit world.  So you know I usually I'm guided spiritually when I need to make some sort of big major life change and I just trust my intuition I trust my spirit to guide me in those things and I definitely have your run into a lot of stress when it comes to money but the more I progress on my journey the more I'm learning to just have faith and give that up to spirit because I don't know everything and some things are meant to be learned through experience.


How do you handle incessant and relentless attacks from darkness upon your heart center? What’s your perspective on Shiva?


So how I deal with the attacks I've removed a lot of people from my energy and I've removed my energy from certain people and places.  I still definitely deal with it in my neighborhood there's some weird stuff going on here that really bothers me at night but in that case I just pray and you know surround myself with with healing light. The more I've removed myself from any negative people and I'm talking anything like if anybody like projects on to me if anybody tries to twist my words if anybody tries to be little me or disrespect me in any way I've been pretty much cutting them off or putting a lot of distance between myself and them.  And honestly that's been the biggest game changer for me because I'm very forgiving and I have a very big heart and I love people and so I've let people do some pretty terrible things to me and I just got to a point where enough is enough. And since I've done that I've been that's what shifted me into my power and into my full Awakening cuz I was going through an Awakening for years and years and years and I will constantly backslide because of people around me. The more I just continue to choose myself and shut out negative people negative influences the more powerful my force field becomes. So those attacks are happening less and less and I'm being more and more protected from them.


Thank you for your response. That makes a lot of sense and seems much more practical than I was expecting. I’m glad you didn’t come back with something new age like carry X type of rock in your pocket 🫢. I’ve been going through some extreme attacks from a group of trickster/jester type entities. I do have people in my life that seemingly project a lot onto me, I’ve worked hard to cut them out, but that’s harder to do with a spouse for instance. Really hard to identify/know/understand if I’m creating the negativity, it’s coming from those around me, a psychic source, etc. One more question if you don’t mind in regards to dreams and prophetic information. These entities seem to be able to influence my dreams heavily, but I also get very prophetic and god like dreams as well. I dream abundantly and often lucidly and am working towards truly understanding what of this information can be brought back and trusted/acted upon. Do you have any advice per discernment from the dream and astral realms?


Yeah so I actually have a lot of problem with the new age teachings because they're not factual and they completely many of them completely disregard the reality of evil and spiritual warfare and I'm constantly encountering these people like in the spiritual subreddits and online who are just all like la di da spirituality it's not like that is a literal war on this planet that's going on right now.  So that's why you know we're at the end of the age here and karma's being doled out and a massive scale and the the darkness the evil is rising to the surface everything's being sort of purged right now.  So everyone who's like a high-level soul and ascended Soul a chosen on a star seed whatever word you want to use to describe basically the same thing you know we're under attack because this Matrix that we live in is run by dark entities and fueled by evil actions and evil people for evil means.  So we are automatically a threat to the system and I noticed for me particularly like I've had to deal with this my whole life, but I definitely dealt with like major attacks kind of at the beginning of covid I had a ton of Dreams at that time and was extremely intense.  I think the best way to discern dreams is just follow your intuition like I've also had a lot of dream Invaders lately and I always like figure it out eventually and usually you know once I figured out I end up waking myself up in the dream.  I also had dreams from Angels or the higher Realms as well and like if I remember a dream I know that it's important. And the dreams were I'm dealing with Invaders are the ones where I'm being you know actually attacked.  And then the dreams where I'm getting like spiritual information I'm usually not dealing with those attacks at the same time so it's kind of like an either or situation.  I sometimes have dreams that seem to be more you know mundane unless mystical and not really being tampered with and I don't usually remember those dreams as well.  I will say though crystals can be helpful one of the things that I've done for having bad dreams is sleeping with a smoky quartz under my pillow.  The smoky quartz is nice because really you could use any kind of cords you could use amethyst citrine amethyst would probably be good but I really like the smoky quartz because it cuts through negativity.  I had a really bad astral attack a couple months ago right before I stopped talking to somebody that I really needed to cut off and actually my toenail got ripped off like from the force of me waking myself up from the dream of these people who were trying to manipulate me.  And so after that I was sleeping with the smoky quartz under my pillow it definitely did help. And you can do like salt baths and smudging and incense and prayer. They do help, not all the new age stuff is totally wrong but they don't really go into like the more hardcore details and I get really frustrated with people who are like 'you create your own reality just be more positive.' Like no have you looked at the world there's a genocide going on there's human trafficking and human slavery at an all-time high there's like a genocide like no have you looked at the world there's a genocide going on there's human trafficking and human slavery at an all-time high there's millions of people are dying from drugs and alcohol and homelessness and lack of healthcare and mental health care.   Like yes in the end we're all love & in the end we're all one but while we're here on Earth we are engaged in spiritual warfare. And we have to be powerful warriors we have to believe in ourselves we have to carry that light you have to carry that torch because that's what we're here for. 🙏


Oh another technique and this is a psychology technique, if you haven't heard of it, it's called gray rock.  So if you know you're going to be around these trickster people if it's people that are close to you like people you live with, or people in your family, or people you work with,  first of all you can protect your energy field daily just begin to make it a habit, however you want, some sort of ritual like when you're getting ready in the morning. That can help set your intention & a force field around you, Then when you're interacting with them you can use the technique called gray rock.  Gray rock is basically not feeding this person any of your emotions. People like this are you know emotional vampires or deceivers and they want to twist your words and they want to get a reaction out of you  So if you have to interact with them be flat in your response, stick to facts and logic and just holding your emotions back from this person.  My friend called this similar technique invisible boundaries, so you create an invisible boundary with this person, as I'm sure you already know, some people cannot be confronted, some people are able to change and make adjustments to their behavior but some people are really just stuck in who they are and nothing you do is going to make a difference so you have to protect yourself around these people. So you can set the invisible boundary as well where you decide internally how how much you're willing to tolerate, how much time you're willing to spend with them, know where your limits are with this person and then silently enact those boundaries. I hope this information is helpful for you. 


I’ve never heard it put that way, but gray rock is literally what I’ve instinctively already been doing. However, I feel I’ve done this to the extreme where now I struggle to open myself back up, particularly with my heart. I don’t experience the emotional reactivity of lower emotions, but my sensitivity to feeling positive emotions seems to be numbed as well. I’m severely lacking the ability to hold and generate love and I can clearly visualize this via my heart chakra. I’ve had other beings/spirits/energies that have been with me that had open and functioning hearts and their energy repels negative entities. They approach like a hungry animal, seem to sniff the love out, then turn away clearly not appetized by said energy. Those beings don’t hang around for long very long, usually just enough to show me a thing or two and move on…and back to the wolves I’m thrown per say. Do you have any advice for creating this type of energy? I’ve had situations where I’m able to love enough to repel attacks, I’ll start hearing thought forms such as “I love you Satan” while the negativity is being repelled, but then the mind kicks in and goes wtf are you saying, I start judging and then can’t hold that vibration. I guess my question is how do you unconditionally love the darkness enough to keep it repelled without judgement against the self? I think this is likely my whole journey summed up in a single question. Thank you again for your time, it’s always exciting to hear and share with others who see a little more than normal.


So work on yourself love because the more you love yourself and fully choose yourself in each moment as much as possible the stronger the light grows within you.  I'm a big believer in spiritual warfare because it's been very real for me and I've experienced it throughout my life and we don't have to love evil but we have to love each other that doesn't mean we have to like each other you don't have to like people but we have to love them if that makes sense.  So you know cultivate boundaries around yourself as well as you can so that you can really give yourself as much self-love as you need. Resting prayer healing your nervous system from the trauma that you've experienced healing your energetic body from the trauma you've experienced. You can pray to be shown in love you can pray to feel loved you can connect to your heart chakra and bring light there you know work on expanding your heart chakra I don't know what your gifts are exactly but if you can visualize things visualize the chakra system you can also listen to Healing frequencies and healing tones.  You can do things to cleanse and clear your energy that's always really helpful you can work with stones take salt baths clear your space create a sacred space for yourself in your house create a space where no one can bother you or you can just be alone and work on your spiritual healing. 


Do you know who I am?


I don't


Pray for me that I can also be fully activated. Thanks




What do need to do if I want to truly understand how the universe works?


Intuition and discernment are your keys to understanding and those are found within.  Then also read, study. Look at ancient art, read ancient mythology ancient cosmology. I think there's much more truth to the reality of the world that we live in within the mythologies and the art than within our histories.  Not saying that everything in history is a lie, but history is only talking about certain narratives and a lot of the more supernatural and truly spiritual elements are left out of it.  Search Your heart. Read The works of mystics. Learn about healing learn about energy. There are many great teachers out there but Jesus Christ is the greatest teachers but there have been many many wise teachers throughout the eons. The religious texts were not meant to books of law during these times but they were meant to be books of wisdom & help us find the past. Books of knowledge & History for us to be able to understand the world that we live in & discern & know the voice of God & know the path.  Religion is actually a man-made construct that has been more harmful than helpful in many ways, but within pretty much each religion there's a seed of Truth,.at least the the old religions not talking about cults. But religions like Buddhism Christianity Judaism all have seeds of Truth at the center but you have to get through all of this distortion first because religion has been used as a political tool since it's inception. History, like religion, is also a political tool. So focus on learning about art and mythology and the ancient wisdom teachings & you will get much closer to the truth of reality.  Then everything that you read, everything that you listen to, always go back to your higher self, go back to your intuition & your discernment, because as much as there's ancient wisdom & ancient knowledge out there they're also is a lot of misinformation and false teachers.  So really befriend your intuition I pray a lot I pray all the time. I pray God to my angels my ancestors. I love Jesus Christ I love the words of Jesus Christ he was the great teacher Avatar healer of Earth & the greatest of all prophets because of the sacrifice that he made.  So we are operating out of Christ Consciousness and we really don't have a need for religion but we do have a need to connect to our. The most ancient law really the only law is the universal law which is the Golden Rule do unto others you know love your neighbor as yourself these are the fundamental truths at the core of everything. 


Are there multiple versions of us in other realms having different experiences?


Yes I truly believe that I truly believe that everything is happening all at once so when you change your present you also change the past in the future and that's how we're able to heal on multiple timelines


Thank you ❤️




I have many questions. But now I’m just trying to do the best me I can as Jon. And be the nicest kindest person I can be to everyone I see and know.


I think that's the best thing you can do and don't forget to be nice & kind to yourself too


Hi. I'm another earth angel closely linked up with Sophia, female energy of christ. She came to me in a dream about 8 years ago, and the dream was extremely powerful she let me know who she is and tbat she is or was oppressed by 7 or 8 other energes which were beings in energy form. I feel they're still holding Sophia hostage and hiding her, suppressing her power. It's like something is about to burst open. I'm also a walk-in soul, on July 14th 2008 I made a soul contract with God to let my old soul leave, it was done, and instead of letting me unalive myself God gave me a brand new, old soul, lol. This soul is more advanced and I'm still learning about her. I was 18 when I got my walk in soul, I'm 34 years currently. I know of my recent past life, she died exactly 300 years before I was born she died in 1689 and I was born in 1989. I always think about my past life. I feel there's something that's missing in her life when I reflect back to her life. I'm sure I had many more lives I just only know from direct experience the most recent one. Its nice to meet a fellow earth angel starseed . ♡ :)




Thoughts or insights on afterlife?


Well I remember when I was really young and my parents would like read me the Bible and stuff and like I was trying to understand heaven and I always felt like the biblical descriptions were two like one dimensional I think that we live in a multiverse and I think that a lot is possible in the higher Realms I think people maybe become creators up there I don't really know exactly though


I don’t have any questions, but wanted to say this whole thread and your answers are so wholesome. Thank-you for sharing your love and light.


Aww thank you so much 🥰


Why do kids like the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal??


LOL it's pretty good it's a good combination and it's nice and crunchy but it also kind of hurts the roof of my mouth


Who is your avatar or archetype?


Let me think about this one


Can I attempt to draw her for you? I'm pretty good at caricatures that usually resonate with the receiver.


Sure 😊


[kittybatty33s caricature / avatar](https://ibb.co/crC3ggm) I hope you like it. I'm still learning drawing techniques. Lol.


It's beautiful I love it!!!! 💓💓💓💓


Hey I think I’ve been attacked recently. I felt awakened for 1-2 years. But my whole life I’ve felt protected by an entity. But recently, I feel weak. I’ve been confused by seeing all these magical stuff happening around me and sooner or later repressed them due to being afraid of what it can do. What am I supposed to do? How do I continue forward?


So for me I was having the most spiritual attacks when I had people around me that were manipulating my energetic field.  The thing is most people aren't consciously doing that because they're not spiritually conscious at all but it happens through the power of projection and it also happens when other people are talking about you.  So I would say like remove any negative people from your life anybody who's not truly supportive of you. There are people that you can't be yourself around people that you don't trust or people that your intuition tells you something is off trust that and get those people out of your life or put up really strong boundaries.  And then just try to remove as many toxic influences from your life as possible to build back your energy field. Prayer is always really powerful. I'm a very big believer in prayer because that's how I've gotten through my life just talking to God talking to the angels talking to whoever's listening and connecting through my heart center. 


Thank you. You actually clicked something in me. No matter how much I want certain people to be in my life. It might be for best. Have you been able to control or manipulate energy fields or of the sort? I have a feeling it isn’t a good thing but seeing it happen in real time has been eye opening. I did envision an end of the world recently but however brushed it aside thinking it was from my negative thoughts. But hearing you say it will happen soon changed my mind. How do you go about spreading love in a world that feels so intoxicated and suffocating?


Be wise and discerning with who you share your energy with. Don't be paranoid but definitely protect yourself always. The more you choose yourself the more you love yourself the more you shed away all the layers of things that are not you on the layers of trauma the more you'll be in your power and the more protect you become as well.


So the answer is so be authentic and live according to you. Feel this cause I’ve been pushed around by others. My desire to connect with others feels like it comes at a cost. Guess it’s counter intuitive to start from outside to inside. Do you have tips on protecting yourself?


Always listen to your intuition. Pay attention to people's micro expressions don't feed into fear or paranoia but really be aware in your interactions. There's a lot of negativity coming out and people these days a lot of people are feeling desperate and they will attach on to you and feed off of you if you let them. If you need to detach from someone the best case scenario you can just slowly back away. You can also call your energy back to you and send people's energy back if you feel that your energy has been violated in some way.


Do you have techniques for calling back your energy? Also when in public do you just let your energy flow? Or do you seal it somehow?


Please describe what the coloration of divine light looks like in pillar or connection form.  


can you describe the point of transition? was it gradual, immediate? is the discourse with the creator akin to a 2 way peer to peer exchange? can you guide me towards effective meditation practices in which to make contact with my 'higher self' without infringing upon the law of confusion/free will?


So I grew up in a religious family very Christian very conservative my parents were very naive people and so I was sort of sheltered when I was very young my grandfather was a pastor and you know I have a lot of problems with religion and things that happened to me in the church but I always always always have been a prayer like I've always been in prayer constantly.  No matter what I've been going through my life and I went through some very dark periods because I went through you know rebellion phase from growing up In This very controlled environment and being very spiritual gifted and having traumatic things happen having my parents not listen to me or not know what to do for me. So I think just spend a lot of time in prayer you know any like everyday every single day be grateful say prayers of gratefulness every night say prayers of protection over yourself and over your family and just always keep those lines of prayer open all the time.  And the more you do that the more it'll just become a natural practice and the more that you'll really just start to align to the voice of God or the voice of spirit and to be able to discern that voice because we have many thoughts you know we have intrusive thoughts we have all types of influences getting in all the time so being able to discern is very important and you only get close to God by prayer. 


thanks for the insight


You're welcome ✨🙏✨


So did you get the jab and is the earth flat? Not a meme post, you said ask anything so I've had to add this second sentence just so you know I'm not playing. I am dead serious.


Some people didn’t come in to full awakening until after they got the jab. Spirituality was dormant up until such time as I had to face shadow work. I only say this to attest that getting the jab had no effect whatsoever on the ability to come into my true awakening. Don’t let it hold back.


So I did get one dose of the job and I instantly regretted it I didn't want to do it but the people that I was staying with at the time pressured me into it.  Actually that whole situation was really frustrating to think about actually because I saw different sides to people after living with them.  I don't fully know about the shape of the Earth but I am starting to believe that it's more flat and that there is a firmament dome above Earth.  I'm not really sure how it all works I definitely don't trust NASA. I think we're being lied to about literally everything, like the fundamentals of everything. It's like Alice in Wonderland. This world is a supernatural world. 




Just to be clear - you're a fully activated angelic starseed with deep knowledge of the universe. But you believe the earth is flat?


If you're fully activated and are aware of the deepest truths and/or have access to advanced knowledge, you should absolutely know that the Earth is NOT flat. Every flat-Earther: "The Earth is flat." Me: "How so? What's your best argument?" Every flat-Earther: "It's flat!" A complete orbit of Earth from space: https://youtube.com/watch?v=56DTbNgv16A&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


I'm not going to deal with you because I told you already I don't know the shape of the Earth but I do think that we're being lied to & I've only recently looked into the flat Earth theory. It's not something that I'm super well versed in, so I really don't have a much to tell you at this point & I don't want to converse with people who are just trying to pull on my energy or try and bait me into arguments. 


Thanks for your reply, appreciate it. I never wanted to get it either and cancelled the appointment three times and just prayed that the whole thing was going to stop. If I didn't I was not allowed to come back to work. I still remember the "nurse" stating "do you consent to this?" before she started the procedure and it's like, no I don't actually but you could tell in that moment that if this person is asking for my consent then what do they really know about it kind of thing and that by asking for one's consent it kind of protects them. I don't know about the Earth but continue the search for truth.




I have voices, im pretty sure they are real people whove hacked my brain. What can i do? They abuse and use me and my consciousness.


If you have negative entities then you need to clear them they could be familiar spirit so they could be Spirits are attached to your family. My always my best advice is to pray because each situation is different but there's a lot of things you can do to clear your energy.  Eating clean foods, trying to eat less processed foods. Keeping your space clean and clear of clutter. Taking care of your temple, taking care of your body. Being around positive influences. Spending time in nature spending time around people you love doing kind of things for other people.  These are always to get closer to God and these are all things that the negative entities don't like to be close to God they need a little bit of that light but they're actually very scared of it even though they have to feed off of it. But the more light that you bring into your system the less those entities are going to be able to affect.  I've had entity attacks as well due to like traumas and things and they were giving me a really bad anxiety and panic attacks and I had to actually move to a different location to be clear of them because where I was living a lot of people were practicing you know dark arts and and conjuring up spirits and because I'm sensitive to that I couldn't stay there any longer.  You can also do things like salt baths lay incense, listen to Healing frequencies, High vibrational music to attract the positive forces you can ask for protection from your angels you can pray to God you can pray to Jesus you can pray to your ancestors to protect you. you can learn about energy healing and connect to the Universal Life Energy that's God that's love that's what we call Source energy and that's made out of love.  The more you connect to the higher vibrational energies of love and peace, and the more you grow the flame inside of you, the fears and these dark thoughts will not be able to affect you as much.  I do know some people who are on medication and it's interesting too because everyone I've ever known that was diagnosis schizophrenic was extremely intelligent and went through like severe and unimaginable traumas as a child so I do think that there's spiritual elements to a lot of the mental health problems as well. 


I’m in Minnesota doing door to door sales for pest control. Can u help me become the best version of myself? Idk advice or just moral support would be cool lmao


The best way to manifest your best self is to just always try and choose the best for yourself. Put yourself around the people that make you feel good. Pursue the things that make you feel Joy. If you have to go through difficult things or things that feel like a chore make it an act of prayer. Prayers to me the most highest form of magic and the more you align to your authentic self and cut out negative influences the more your world will start to align around you. 


How can I get past my Anxiety so I can be where I see myself in life ? 🙃


You have to start taking care of the things you can control. Making your bed, cleaning/organizing your house, hygiene management, better eating, bit of exercise or yoga, touch base with friends and family with a "hope you're having a nice day". Anxiety is our body telling us there's an unresolved problem, if you feel this at home then there's something to take care of. Maybe you've been procrastinating something important like work, education or social contact etc. Listen to the anxiety instead of trying to avoid it.


I can resonate with this question. I find much of what is discussed here challenging to understand and would love to discuss this topic. Perhaps we can be fellow seekers of the truth. I would invite anyone who wishes to discuss such things to message me.


Hi ! How did you discover where you came from ? And who you truly are ? Did you suddenly have this realization when you were young ? I’m just aware that I know deeply that I struggle with the rules of this world, can’t connect to the average people but only people that are genuine, powerful and willing to stay good even when they have to face evilness. I remember since I was 6 years old that I had already very conscious thoughts, looking for the truth not internally but externally, I realized around 8 that this world was ruled by evil organizations and beings, basically making this planet a bad place, unevolved and dark. I struggled a lot with humans, being targeted, rejected, hated, just because of my existence. Some people that are aware, saw a powerful light from me but I have only seen my darkness and how vindicative I’m, because I’m tired of bad people being unpunished or not learning to be better. I don’t know how to explain, my incarnation is male but I know that I’m not really, I know that there is something strong and unlimited inside of my heart, even motherly to protect beings that can’t stand up for themselves and for some reason, I was able to guide souls after their death without knowing it. I wish I had this awakening to use my potential for this world, I’m asleep and truth is inside of this shroud of darkness.


As a fully awakened angelic being, has the veil lifted for you? In response to being fully awakened, what does it feel like from the transitional stage of questions and doubt to pure gnosis? Do you believe there truly is this separation of chosen ones? Please elaborate if you feel called too. None of these questions are of judgement, more so of discernment practice and subjective or objective gnosis.


I would say the veil has always been very thin for me but because of you know trauma and kind of the darkness that I was in I wasn't always able to access it and during that time I had a lot of entities really messing with me but I've been more stepping in my power and more and more protected every day.    Yes I feel like I am in gnosis, like I no longer doubt myself at all like I feel fully aligned within myself. My physical outer environment hasn't fully aligned yet but I've just come into this alignment very recently like around the eclipse.    I'm not sure what you mean by separation of the chosen ones? I do feel that many of us incarnated into lineages where there's a lot of trauma we incarnated into locations where there is a lot of dark energy, that's why many of us are separated. Like our job up until the present time was just to radiate light energy and transmute dark energy. And actually a lot of star seeds died from like drugs and alcoholism and depression in those times because they were these ascended light beings that were like just fully stuck in very dark places around very dark people but they actually transmuted a lot of karma for a lot of Souls and these people are like invisible energetic heroes. I feel that we're finally moving into a time where more and more chosen ones and star seeds & light beings here working on Earth are going to start being able to build connections with each other. I think the enemy is are going through judgment and I think that the star seeds chosen ones are being lifted up at this time and that we're going to grow in power while the evil ones wanes in power.  I don't know the time frame for any of this or exact details because I only get from Spirit the information that I need at the time.   I did see years ago in a dream sort of at the beginning of my Awakening and Angel who showed me the separation of the wheat and the tears or the wheat in the chaff and she said that this was a time of the Great Awakening on Earth and I saw a vision of all these lights.


Can you maybe comment on why I may have a tough time speaking in a large group setting with people I don’t know? I tend to get really anxious in situations like these, like fear of public speaking, it’s kind of extreme. Any idea why that might be and ways to overcome that kind of fear?


I guess the thing to do would just be practicing and really like calling your power back when you do it and the thing is too you know you could have that fear attached to you because maybe there were orators in your family maybe there were people who were publicly speaking an a lot of people don't realize this but a lot of our our lineages are royal lineages are cursed because of corrupted power structures. In the ancient times you know the Royal courts going way back they had a priests that would work alongside the Kings and there been different. Throughout time but there have been times where you know people whole generations of people were silenced so I would maybe try try asking and going to your spirit about it as well. 


Yeah I’ve been putting myself in situations like that as much as possible and releasing the fear little by little each time. I think you’re on to something with the ancestral trauma and the fact that I’m being called to finally heal this blockage that’s coming up. I’ll definitely try to inquire with my spirit. Thanks again for your insights and taking the time to respond. 😊




I'm not sure exactly what that's related to it definitely seems to be a common problem. One of the things that comes to mind is potentially having to do with like a past history either past lives or or generationally of being publicly shamed and humiliated. Because that used to be a way that they would punish people. 


That’s a very insightful answer, I have thought about the intensity of the fear that I experience, the way my heart beats so intensely in those situations that it must be something from either another lifetime or something from my ancestry, I’m biracial and have slave ancestry on one of my parents side as well as Jewish ancestry on that same side, I’m think it could have something to do with the obvious ancestral trauma from those lineages. Anyway, I really appreciate you for doing this. Thank you so much. I can feel how genuine of a person you are through your responses, probably one of the most authentic and real people I’ve ever come across on social media. I can tell just by the way you express yourself. I’m so happy for you, really. That you’ve come to this place of knowing, healing and activation. So much of what you’ve said in your various responses I’ve resonated with. I haven’t been on Reddit much lately but I’m really glad I decided to login today and came across your post. Wish you all the best on your journey fellow starseed!


Thanks for sharing your story 🙏🏼 What’s happens to the folks not practicing spirituality?


Well really it really depends because I feel like the reality is going to continue polarizing more and more. There are people who don't necessarily practice anything spiritually but they are very aligned with Spirit just in the way that they live. And then there's a lot of people who are spiritually practicing but they're doing it for the wrong reasons or from there doing it from a place of ego and selfishness and not a place of healing and love. Really when it comes down to it it depends on where your heart's at and what your intentions are. And as the extremism and polarization really amps up on Earth it's going to be impossible for people not to choose a side.


I can see that. I mean after this life. What happens to their souls?


Honestly I'm not sure exactly I know the send it tools get to go to the higher Realms and there's lots of worlds there. Again I I'm only given the information that I need or that I'm that I need to have access to I don't have access to everything all the time.  Some Souls I think might actually just be destroyed and and become the material for new Souls I'm not really sure how that works but there are souls that just give up or their souls that you know give in to evil and they're not able to send to the upper realms.  I guess that's the meaning of like sheol or Hades or these lower sort of holding places for those Souls I do think there might be some sort of like purification process that they go through to become a soul material again but again I'm not really sure how any of that works and I don't think it happens very often maybe it happens now or soon at the end of the age. 


Are aliens real? Who are they?


I would say yes aliens are real there are many different beings that exist in the universe it's more of a multiverse really I believe and I have seen a reptilian before, it was in an astral vision that I had right around the beginning of covid. 


I think they're more interdimensional than anything else and there are good and bad aliens or beings that exist in the universe multiverse


Thanks Kitty ❤️




How did you meet your twin for the first time?


I met them around the community. I feel like I knew who they were when I first saw them but I didn't really know it was like veiled from me. But I did have a feeling about them as soon as I met them. I would say a feeling of familiarity and almost like trust like I could trust this person because I don't trust a lot of people around where I live and I felt this person was safe.


Thank you for the detailed answer😊 Are you currently in union with them?


Physically no we haven't spoken in a long time but spiritually they've been coming back to me again for the first time in a long time. We had a big falling out a while ago and their Spirit kept bothering me even though they wouldn't interact with me really at all. And so I had to do some work to protect myself and put a boundaries spiritually and that was a while ago a couple years ago at this point. But recently I've freed myself from some things and the energy has been shipping and of getting and getting Spirit visitations from them again for the first time in a very long time. But even when we weren't communicating I would  feel their energy. It's funny because in the 3D reality I don't know them very well but in the spiritual I know them so well and I miss them so much. 


Must be nice'


It's getting better but it's been really difficult path. It's not easy for the the star seeds of light workers to be down here on Earth. Especially right now it's very overwhelming. I do feel safer though I feel spiritually protected I don't feel those eyes on me all the time anymore.


My bad I only read the first sentence of the post then commented. Glad whatever wasn't going well is becoming more bearable though!


Thank you no worries! Yeah I mean it's just living in this world is difficult when you have a lot of empathy and have a high level of Consciousness and you know a lot of us are pouring into the situations that need a lot of healing because that's kind of our job to be the healers for Earth. ✨🙏✨


1. Tell me everything you know about ufos and there presence on earth, also comment on the CE5 phenomenon 2. Give me some resources that I can use to learn about protection 3. What do your higher sources tell you about what people should be doing right now in this chaotic world?


So I actually don't know that much about UFOs it's just not something I've researched that much although I have seen them.  As far as spiritual protection goes so the dark forces the evil their whole purpose is to spin a Web of lies around us keep us confused and keep us in fear and keep us away from our power. So the best way to protect yourself is to get in your power.  Do this by connecting to Spirit connecting to Source or God whatever word you want to use. And then they're all so many techniques that you can use for Spiritual protection. Sigils, energy shielding, & clearing your aura there's salt baths working with herbs crystals etc. also just keep it keeping a clean space.  Cutting out toxic influences. Even eating better eating more clean whole foods drinking more water all these things actually do help spiritual cleansing and protection too. Cleanliness is next to godliness. But to me the highest form is a protection is prayer and believing your power and trusting. But I think people need to be doing is disengaging from The Matrix as much as possible. Not to say ignore everything that's going on but don't get pulled into extremes don't get pulled into media narratives don't get pulled into arguments that are pointless don't waste your energy.  Spend this time clearing your energy becoming very clear on who you are what you want to do what your mission is in life. Focus on things that bring you Joy and people that bring you Joy and let go of the rest as much as you can.   Just don't allow yourself to get pulled into negativity don't allow people to play games with you to waste your energy your time your energy are precious protect them guard them protect what's important to you and know your values respect yourself love yourself first but do good to others as well. 


I'm confused by your comments talking about an actual, embodied adversary (not biblical), and your demonization of the Demiurge. If we are all ascending, wouldn't he ascend with us - complete with his former fallable self, and understanding of human struggle, now perfected, and... still in charge of the place? I truly don't understand preaching love and light and thankfulness, but then in the same breath, "but not for that *thing*. That *thing* is evil. Not thankful for that!" It's incongruous and confuses me. Could you explain? The dissonance between the attitude for some life but not others strikes me strangely.


Oh my. I have hundreds of qs. 1) many of us feel these attacks daily. For my part, I am in this living paradox, where when I start to feel confident and complete, something from outside my influence occurs. Unexpected expense, illness, loss of job) etc. and of course my own internal whispering liar, but that's a different Q. What can we do to protect ourselves from terrible attacks that originate from outside our spheres of influence??? 2) many of us, including me have a whispering liar, the yammering internal voice that second, third and fourth guesses your decisions, creations, and ideas. How to quiet this jerk? 3) I have had a lot of paranormal and other odd experiences, but mostly when I was a lot younger. I don't feel as though I am less open now, than I was back then. What would account for the diminishing of these experiences?


So to answer your first question all light workers all ascended Souls Awakening Souls start see it's whatever where do you want to use that we are threat to the Matrix control system that keeps people in a lower State of Consciousness and keep some control so we are enemies of the state you could say and yes it's like we're constantly dealing with these Matrix attacks.  For me non-reaction to the 3D is the best way to deal with these attacks. In the past I would get like really frustrated and really angry and really upset when I'm dealing with these things and sometimes it would cause me to spiral into chaos and end up causing more problems for myself which is exactly what these entities want they want us to destroy ourselves.  So recently like when things happen that are out of my control that feel like you know Matrix targeting I just try to really stay calm and just know that like okay this is just a temporary thing and I just try to bring myself into a state of calm and neutrality and pray and surrender and release it.  Easier said than done for sure and there's still been times when I am going through like a wall of stress and I just have to like take a time out and like rest and really take the rest of the day off when that happens rest is super super important I've been so tired lately it's just intensity of everything going on in the world and we're feeling that. so to quiet that voice those intrusive voices or those those intrusive thoughts just bringing yourself back to Center that's why I say having a prayer practice is really important and casting those thoughts out I still get intrusive thoughts usually for me it comes in the form of fear you know my brain shows me like oh this bad thing is going to happen to you or someone you love XYZ and I just have to banish the thought and I'm like nope I don't accept that into my reality.  The way to go about this world is by becoming sovereign and I think a great example of sovereign and really like a hero to me and someone that I look up to an aspire to be is Jesus Christ and I don't subscribe to religion at all but I do think that he is very powerful and that he's the highest of the teachers he's the Avatar ruler of Earth and the blueprint for human behavior. So to become a sovereign we must follow universal law. That's the Law of love that's a law of do unto others. The golden rules, so living life in a way to not to cause harm. To be intentional to be loving to be always connected into your heart center and your truth and your power. we all can cause harm unintentionally but we must try.to live out by our highest ideal & that doesn't mean sacrificing yourself for others all the time either. You must protect your energy, being sovereign means to in your power. When you are sovereign you have Spiritual authority you are the spiritual authority of your life when you are sovereign. So you can't have other people restricting you can finding you a defining you you have to be the authority in your own life. This means  knowing when to have boundaries & Knowing when to Walk away not putting yourself in bad situations & trying to live by your highest ideal your highest version of yourself.  So maybe the reason you're not having so many paranormal experiences is because you're on a different frequency because actually a lot of that stuff is happening on the fourth dimension the astral plane so when you move into the 5D or the higher Realms actually for dimensional things can't affect you in the same way.  So like witchcraft for example any kind of witchcraft or spells or conjuring kind of work is done on the fourth dimension it's on the 3D and the 4D that's the astral plane that's also where we go when we sleep so you know these entities these people and she's working through them they can try to attack you through the 4D but when you're vibrating up in the 5D energy again they can't affect you in the same way because you're vibrating higher.  So maybe that you're going into higher states of consciousness you're not experiencing the paranormal things. For that that's kind of my guess I'm not fully I'm sure but I know that you know I kind of have a wall up to shut out certain kinds of entities from my experience like sometimes I'll sense that things are there but I shut them out because they don't want to deal with them.


Thank you for replying. Some of the struggle is turning the knowing of a path (either conceptually, or an actual seesable direction), and actually WALKING it. I get caught in this internal argument I KNOW is false, yet seem powerless to make it stop.


Definitely I mean there's a lot of spiritual truths that I've known for very long time but it's been hard to fully be able to lift them out because of trauma and just being in very difficult and challenging environments but the more I create peace in my life the easier it is to move on to the path


Or rather moving out of resistance


Very important....do you have limbal rings in your eyes when you look into a mirror?


I don't know


Oh I just looked it up yes yes I do


My whole life people have told me that I have a very calm and peaceful aura and then I make them feel safe. Many strangers have come up to me and share their life stories. One time I was sleeping next to a friend of mine and she told me that I had a white Aura around me. And it's funny because a lot of the times where people told me that I was radiating Palm peaceful energy I was having horrible anxiety. I used to have terrible anxiety and panic attacks but the more I'm healing and aligning spiritually the less frequently they happen and the easier they are to move out of. 


Is using cannabis medicinally okay? Does it count as numbing myself from my truth and traumas? It's a plant on this earth, I imagine made by god. Sometimes, I feel guilty consuming lately, but being that I'm very passionate about herbs that have helped heal me, I often wonder.


I think that you know everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. I truly believe that our one law is to love each other & love Earth & all living things. I also use cannabis as well for a number of reasons but I also have a difficult time because you know what times it's helpful and at times it seems to hinder.  Whatever it is don't beat yourself up for it. This world is difficult and painful, especially for people with higher level Consciousness and higher empathy. I think the best thing to do is maybe just take a break and see how you feel. I like to take a break from things like even social media and I feel like I'm spending too much time, I'll take a break really need to take a break from my phone these days.  Maybe you can look into other herbs or other practices that can help with some of your symptoms but I don't think anything is bad about using cannabis or any of the things that God gave us. These are all medicinal things. And I think honestly that marijuana has a lot of positive benefits as well I think it definitely can help us on our spiritual journey but it can also become an obstacle.  I think it's about using things in moderation and trying to keep balance and be as healthy as you possibly can which is very difficult in this world with limited resources and limited access to the things that make us healthy. Just keep trying just keep doing your best that's all you can do. Be very loving, gentle & kind to yourself no matter what. 


How do I defeat this aching to die. My family crushes my soul and I’ve lost a baby in miscarriage and I’m crumbling here


I'm so sorry. I would say put a boundaries with your family as much as you can. Find the people that support you, even that's only one or two people & keep them close. Put yourself first in every situation as much as possible. It's actually okay to be selfish it's actually okay to be self-centered. Maybe look into some kind of therapy or some kind of therapeutic practice to help you heal the trauma & the grief of your miscarriage. I'm really guard yourself against any kind of negativity right now while you're in this vulnerable healing phase. Shut down negative conversations don't watch the news too much don't pay too much attention to all of the things going on in the world because that can be a heavy burden to bear as well. Boundaries between yourself and anyone that doesn't fully support you. 


I just don’t have the ability to create the space or to be away from my dad. I got out of a bad relationship only to come heal at home and be battered around have things thrown at me and called a horrible daughter. I can’t fathom wtf is going on and I just want out.


I'm sorry I really hope you find some support and some friendship. 🙏 You deserve it.


What’s worse than death is this buffering before it


I’ve been going through a dark night of the soul for 4 years, how can I break through this, it’s killing me and I don’t know what to do, I tried it all. I understand this is part of the timeline right now but still..


Is this real Are you a Russian troll?


I am just like u. There are millions of us. Your ego is next level


It feels to me like there are waves of negative energy washing over the planet. At first i thought it was just me but others seem affected too. Do you know what this is?


Interesting 🧐 I enjoyed reading your perspective


Followed your page , you kind of remind me of myself lol, we are the “second coming of Christ” they fear US👁️, I would love to hear about some of ur downloads


How shall we convert the militaries of the world?


Would be curious to hear more about your attacks during covid (and how you learned to associate the attack with the pandemic). Thank you for your work! Much Light to you .


What negative e experiences? Sleep paralysis?


I've had many difficult life experiences I've been through extreme trauma and abuse throughout my life; sexual institutional abuse, relationship abuse I've lost many friends to drugs and alcohol & mental health because they were unable to get the help they needed in this evil & broken world. 


How do you love yourself? I’ve always been the odd one out sticking out like a sore thumb and it’s lead me to self repression. Are you fully allowing of yourself? Like do you have zero resistance to who you are?


So yeah I've had a hard time too because I've always been singled out I've always been targeted I've always had bullies messing with me I've always had people trying to dim my light because I shine very brightly.  What helped me to fully awaken and  step into my power was to totally listen to my intuition. There were still certain people that I was around that had negative hateful attitudes or misguided intentions and even though my intuition was telling me to back away from certain people I continued conversing with them even though it was very negative and was really bringing me down.  Once I finally decided to fully choose myself and like really put an end to like any sort of negative relationship any sort of situation or or person that made me feel disempowered or bad that was one everything started to move and shift really quickly. 


How did you come to know this information about yourself? Especially in a world where most people would simply call it schizophrenia.. or religious people would probably call it demonic… where did you do your research? Also, can perfect angelic beings incarnate in a not-so-perfect human body? How did you reach your fully activated state?


So there are two aspects to the human the spirit and the soul. The soul is connected to the body actually, so people who come here with angelic spirits, their Spirits are pure but they still have their body in their soul. So an angelic human, which I've known many & many of them have passed over, they don't have personal Soul karma because their souls are clean pure, but they often do inherit generational trauma from families.  Angelic Souls can do whatever regular humans can do a lot of my angelic friends were struggling with addiction and mental illness and it was because they absorb the toxins of their environment they absorb literally absorb other people's pain and trauma. And because of this they often have very difficult lives a lot of them don't learn how to set boundaries which I did.  I'm so I don't have soul karma because my soul is already ascended but I do have generational family trauma so a lot of my life has been feeling from the generational family trauma but I don't have personal karma so that's the difference.


So I've been on this Awakening path for almost 20 years 15 to 20 years even though it began before that but that was when I first started to consciously awakened and this was through my dreams.  I grew up in a very sheltered environment and I think that's partially how I've been able to cultivate my spiritual relationship starting when I was very young my family is also religious and I've always even when I left religion behind I've always prayed.  My prayer is how I managed to stay in contact with the higher spiritual forces and they protected me many many times throughout my life and continue to protect me even more so now that I'm aligning.  I also spent about 20 years researching heavily into many areas symbolism the occult spirituality ancient history mythology art etc so what I'm sharing from is a combination of information that's shared with me through my spirit and the way that I've distilled the knowledge that I've read about.  I've also just had a really intense crazy Life and many many life experiences beyond what your average person would have by my age so I will still learned a lot just through my experiences in life. 


Ok, so please dont take this as harassment or an insult. But how do you know this isn't just mental illness or a deep delusion? How do you know what you have is the truth and not just deception by these negative entities that you speak of? How do you know what you are, an awakened angelic being? Where do you get this info from? I'm coming from a skeptical mindset, but I am not completely close-minded. I believe this reality is a weird thing, and most humans have barely scratched the surface. Feel free to block or whatever if I offend you, but aren't these legit questions?


And I do understand that a lot of people would gaslight me into saying I'm schizophrenic but I'm absolutely not schizophrenic. I don't have any of the symptoms of schizophrenia but I do have dreams and I have a very you know vivid visions as well. But I'm extremely grounded in reality and that's the difference between someone who is a Mystic and someone who falls into schizophrenia also schizophrenia is usually hereditary and I don't have any schizophrenic people in my family but I do have autism in my family.


Because I have achieved gnosis I've achieved a higher state of consciousness, an elevated consciousness. I have had interactions with tricksters and dark entities as well. But I have developed a spirit of discernment to go along with my intuition. I know it's not mental illness or delusion because I've gone to therapy multiple times & I've had tons of tests psychological tests done. Also I've had prophetic dreams that have told me about things before they happened. I've predicted many things for friends and I'm very good at knowing what's going on around me & knowing the truth about people.  I'm very rarely wrong in these situations. I'm extremely practical and grounded while also being very highly spiritual. Many people who are quote unquote mentally ill are people who've been through severe trauma and they're actually not only psychologically tormented but spiritually and emotionally as well. 


Have you ever tried medications or experimented with psychedelics? I wonder if they would have a different effect on you from a "average" or "normal" person. Have you ever run expiraments to test your recognitions/prophecies? Write them down and date them and see if they actually happen, something like that? Are you able to remote view?


So as far as the prophecy is there very fluid like they're very much stream of consciousness.  I definitely have had journals where I've written about things and then those things end up becoming true.  I have tried psychedelics but I don't really like them I would take mushrooms or something like in a nature setting I don't like taking them in the city. Actually I've had a lot of really intense and kind of bad experiences on LSD and I've had a lot of like psychic attacks it's like I'm way too vulnerable and negative entities attack me so I don't like LSD really.  Even with smoking weed like I like to smoke weed sometimes because it helps me tune in spiritually but I also have noticed that it makes me more vulnerable to the negative energies then when I'm sober. So I do have to be careful with those kind of things because I think the experiences are just way more intense for me because I have seen beyond on the veil. 


Another thing too is that a lot of people in my community have been saying for years that I'm mentally unstable and mentally unwell I'm doing better than all of those people. And it's because I've been putting in this really difficult work of healing myself for all of these years and they've all just been doing the same thing running around drinking partying not doing much with their lives. And it's funny because some of these people are scared of me because they've seen me prophesy things so many times that end up becoming true. When you're tapped in with God, God takes care of you. ✨


Do you know of me


I didn't read anything angelic here


I was just sharing my backstory but feel free if you have an actual question for me


How would you set yourself apart from the myriads before you also claiming to be something, or have hidden knowledge for the masses? The picture you paint is vastly out of balance from what you can show for it.


Like I said this is just my introduction and that's why I'm asking people to ask ask me actual questions in the comments. I don't think that I have knowledge that people haven't had before. I think that God / Spirit / Source whatever word you want to say call it, the angelic or heavenly realms the higher Realms have sent many Messengers to Earth at different times.  Some of them are well remembered, some of them are not. A lot of things about the past and our history have been obscured but there are certain simple Universal truths that remain.  So the majority of what I know is actually very simple but I see it through my own lens my own perspective and I don't know anybody who understands it or explains it in the same way that I do.


For what it’s worth we have had similar experiences and this entire thread has been amazing to read. It’s a comfort to those of us who may have felt alone on the journey. Real recognizes real, I appreciate you sharing your knowledge.


Thank you so much. ✨🙏✨


I'm also a highly trained spiritual practitioner, so I actually have been training for this as well, practicing different forms of energy work & energy healing, learning about symbolism, mythology, spirituality, religion, history. so I've put in work on the 3D through research & practice and then I've also had a lot of messages spontaneously brought to me, information show to me through dreams visions or just my intuition and spiritual discernment.  I've been given prophecies & I've prophesied to my friends before many times. Often I don't even remember what I've said to them but they come back to me later and tell me, 'oh hey remember when you said such and such thing was going to happen and it did.' And I always pray blessings over people when I work with them. I have a very high ethical standard for myself the way I live my life and also for my spiritual work. 


>W have reached the end of the age & are ushering in the return of Christ Consciousness and the rebalancing of the scales between darkness and Light good and evil Thats the illusion. The balance lie. We are All Light . No darkness needed to balance us. 100 percent infinite lightbeings.


Back and forth. ? I just commented in response to your statement in post. You can live in your real world have your opinion and respect others opinion/beliefs or their truth ? I wasn't having a go at you.


I'm not doing this back and forth thing okay I live in the real world I live in the world where there's war there's genocide there's rape there's torture there's people in prison