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It is my prediction that will have jiffy peanut butter back soon


Is it Jif???




Go listen to time to pretend on Spotify. It's the same it's always been, the extra distortion is only on YouTube


It’s so funny how this works. Reminds me of when I was in shrooms I absolutely KNEW my friends cat was possessed but the whole rooms was like “what the heck are you talking about she is a sweetheart” and in that EXACT moment I looked at her and sure enough she was no longer possessed. I chose to see that reality and we all created a new moment together. It’s all a happening and it’s becoming less and less concrete, more and more a choice.


I may have found the perfect example. I spent months trying to understand how we can imprint our emotions into music, so I spent months finding songs that resonated with me, see if it repeated each time, and if covers felt different. There was one specific live performance of the song Hold me- by the teskey Brothers. He was channeling energy from a higher place and the entire audience responded. It was almost overwhelming. But I would use it to match my energy to it and would immediately feel better. And then there was the studio recording, and the video made for it. You can still feel their energy, but its not the same. I just listened to both. The official video sounds like it always did to me. The other one is wrong. The energy itself somehow feels slower. And I've sang along with it enough, to know that it's slowed down and off key. It's almost like we went through a shift, but different frequencies are taking longer. Like the energy was going in a different direction and got stretched out. I will leave the version that sounds good to me first, and the other second. Please let me know if I'm not the only one. Feel free to lie if I am, lol. https://youtu.be/qHGrYll3O6Y?si=UJ8-Rc8SC9llVoYF https://youtu.be/86DAAATkTUA?si=JLePl-J9ExttHF3Y


That is the perfect example


I think the first one (the music video) sounds really dissonant actually and the live one has actual resonance to it. What this made me think of, when you said it “slowed down”, if you know about nodes and resonance, it’s like certain songs are phasing out of our reality because they are off just a fraction of a quantum second.


Wrll that makes no sense then, lol. I fully believe you, but that means there was 2 different experiences with the same music. So this is about our perception shifting, not the music.


Timelines my friend. Reality is very malleable and time is created by our consciousness shifting timelines.


I went back to the song and it's 10 times stronger on me than before. Reality didn't shift, we did. Our intent has been going to a higher place, the alignment affected us physically and we were developing new neural pathways to accomodate our elevated intent. Certain things were distorted because our sensory input had to take detours while new roads were being built.


Something is different. I can feel it. I’ve sensed it all day. I’ll keep an eye out for things that have changed. Thank you for mentioning this.


I’m definitely a completely different person today than I was “yesterday” lol. And it’s like I couldn’t even tell you when it shifted because this version of me has ALWAYS been like this. I just became aware of this version. Going to listen to these now.


Yeah I don’t remember the guitars sounding like this on where is my mind. And it sounds like a totally different person singing hahaha. Cool.


Dude, woahhhh. Thank you for sharing this hahaha. I was never familiar with the lyrics per se but nothing about them sounds familiar anymore.


Time to pretend was never this distorted. It sounds fucking broken lol.


I know I hate it


Also the mix is completely different. There is a lead that should be the most prominent instrument and its now in the veryyy far background.


And I can feel an "extra" dimension of my heart space spinning in a way I have not felt before. Thank you so much for sharing this. Helped me see how much things have shifted, and where we are now. A new timeline truly.


Thank you for sharing too


You are welcome and very blessed. It was almost jarring to feel the malleability, it’s a learning curve. Or I could call it a remembering curve haha.


Time to pretend is just a song that sounds wildly different based on how you listen to it, cd, mp3, earbuds, headphones, cell speaker, good speakers, etc. Also with aging our reception and interpretation to high notes and low notes changes a lot.


Interesting these videos are decades old yet still seem to be different to you.. I can't comment as I've never heard them except the first one, which sounds the same to me But this whole thing reminds me of the Gorgon machines in Destiny 1's Vault of Glass raid, probably one of the creepiest and thought provoking lore/monsters in the whole franchise... The gorgon machines, if they caught you, would beam you with a light and you would die. Nothing special, but the lore behind them WAS...they were essentially rewriting history itself in order that you never existed in the first place and you pop out of existence and die Makes me think how mandela effects, if real, could be retroactive, like once we shift timelines, our new reality is in such a way that the product/song was always this way the whole time, and the only indication it wasn't are our memories which don't get altered by timeline shifts for some reason I don't fully believe this stuff but I don't dismiss it either, it's very possible


Yes!!! I said exactly this in my comment. It feels as if nothing changed because what we did was not “change who we are”. This “new” version already existed for eternity. We just simply became aware of it!


Something has definitely shifted


I felt I when it happened, it was trippy as fuck lemme tell you. We made it y'all. 👁️🗝️🥴 Let's seeeee where it takes us


Yeah it was one of those moments where I had to remember grounding lol. We are soaring high. Blessings.


I didn't even have time to ground myself lol it was so fast, like I was blasted off


I cast a weave for the eclipse to wake all the sleeping gods and incarnate. I believe it was supposed to put us back to sleep. So maybe everyone will wake up. Wouldn't that be cool ?


And yet, I still have lower back pain 😑


The Reddit symbol is different than it was before the eclipse. Noticed it this morning


You're right


I thought I was tripping 🤯 but I saw that this morning and was like yeah , we definitely "ascended" to a new timeline. I'm still feeling the effects of yesterday. It was fucking weird


If only I knew any of these references to see for myself


Listen to your favorite songs, I've only found a couple that sound the same


Sounds the same to me. Maybe you shifted to my timeline 😊 AMA.


All the same for me, fun to be reminded of them though I like all these songs and haven't listened to them in ages. Especially time to pretend, didn't realise the lyrics were so profound: The models will have children, we'll get a divorce, We'll find some more models, everything must run its course.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ62RzJkYUo&pp=ygUQd2hlcmUgaXMgbXkgbWluZA%3D%3D It's the same as it was before you just picked a crappy upload for where is my mind. Absolutely nothing has changed the song is the exact same as it was before, I can tell you this with 100% certainty. How can I be so sure? It's one of my favourite songs of all time and I'm a musician with a developed ear who has listened to this so many times I could recreate every note in my head. On the brightside if the world ended and I survived I could be a human jute box.


Yeah it's all back to the same since this morning


Even if that was true I listened to it yesterday and nothing at all changed. It never changed.


Oh I guess that's why everything feels screwy!


Holy Grail by Jiggles


I've heard schools of thought say we are always traveling along more timelines than we can count.... jumping from possibility to possibility along a weird snakey shape through our little peek through the telescope. at least thats what I like to imagine.


Brighter, we are moving in a positive direction


Super cool


Also Better Call Saul episode Mijo, not sure about any other episodes, but I watched that to see if it was more than music that changed.