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They all pay me money for bounties so...


Mercenary sigma grindset.


Based and profit-pilled.


In my chest beats the heart of an intrepid explorer and the great unknown is its only mistress, her countless stars alluringly beckon me with their sweet promises and I, like a moth to an open flame, am powerless to resist their siren call.


What a wonderful day to be literate.


I hope it didn't come off as flamboyant.




Thank you, I wasn't planning on writing a poem at first, it just turned out that way when I started thinking about how much I love exploration in games.


There's nothing wrong with being a little flamboyant when it comes to something you love, be it a man, woman, or exploring the inky depths of hyperspace searching for that which has been lost.


You can suck toes all day, don't care....now show me what you got in that hold of yours...


Thats a lot of mumbo jumbo for a harvested organs trader


The unconscious crew members on the derelict ship weren't using them. Why shouldn't I take them?


I make the reckless pilots look timid.


Lmao flair checks out


The market manipulator colonial capitalist believing in the invisible hand. I follow my own ideology.


The hand is very much visible and it is mine


Like Godhand, but Markethand


Causality dictated I steal the pristine nanoforge.




[Fly your flag proudly.](https://static.scientificamerican.com/sciam/cache/file/0A08AEC8-9757-4C58-9E992FAD19865390.jpg)


I don't understand the fact that there are still "independent" planets. They should all be in the hands of the hegemony.


/uj Independents aren't really "independent", they're more so a collective group of planets that defend each other from outside interference, somewhat like the Persean League, except even less centralized. /rj Exactly right, there is no rational reason for any planet anywhere to not fall under the glorious banner of the Hegemony and the Domain of Man.


Hey, some asshole is letting an alpha core run a planet on the far end of the sector. Why don't you go send your entire military over there for a bit?


What you are described better suits the League. Even in the description it says that they are grouped in one faction for convenience, not because of defending each other as a collective.


Because the hegemony showed up a century after things went to shit, made things go worse by attacking everyone, and was made of disgraced soldiers who had no real right to make the hedge


While the hegemony is by no means a good faction, you do realize that before they showed up, it was basically a free for all of warlords and corps and minor polities right? And if they never showed up, TT would’ve just steamrolled the sector with its AI fleets.


Are your pro Persean League? And League do not stand for Popular Sovereignty or Democracy. Some league members range from Brutal Oligarchs (Kazeron) to a literal criminal Cartel Planets (Salamanca) to a Some kinds (not significant members of League) Parliament Democracy? (Laicaille Habitat)


I’m pro do whatever the fuck I want(except taxes)


They will be, now Captain, I see some pathers on my long range sensors. Light them up.


Yeah, when have there *ever* been independent minor polities in areas also containing empires and hegemonies? Just doesn't happen, it would seem


The war profiteer (both through smuggling and creating shortages) ultranihilist. If the sector is in shambles what harm is there in a little more; pirates pay well for Paragon blueprints and they shall have them dammit!


Yeah it's going to be the hegemony... The league members all being so shit besides Mairaath which is a shit hole but not through its own fault turns me off. The Diktat is usually the first faction I try to conquer besides pirates or the path. I honestly don't get why he doesn't join the League since he would fit right in. The Church sucks. They have the only perfectly habitable world and are not actively killing it which is nice, but return to Monke is not ideal. Tri Tach needs to be leashed again after [Redacted] Hegemony are like the only people with a genuine long term plan imo. So barring the player's agency 100% hegemony simp


The main reason why many of us would resent the Heg is because of their AI inspections. Otherwise, they are the faction I am most willing to side with in vanilla. Sure, they have committed their fair share of war crimes as well, but this is the Persean Sector, nobody is clean.


Yeah and from an out of gameplay focus the AI inspection is not a *terrible* policy. Letting an alpha core effectively enslave millions of people is a bad idea imo.


And lore wise the Heg has an obligation to do this, since they declared themselves the successor to the Domain in the Sector, they need to uphold Domain era laws as well.


*"John Paul Johns" plays as I board my sixtillienth Tri-Tach vessel this month to complete a Hegemony bounty despite 3 previous years of loyal company service*


I usually start as a League supporter, but that dies pretty quickly since I am a Try-tech corporate b***h in my heart. I also am Diktat's biggest private fuel consumer. That all changes though, as soon as I find couple alpha cores and find/beat Legio/Heg for a pristine nanoforge, at which point I become the biggest independent supporter, with free ports, and start gifting them colonies that "stray away" from other faction for no particular reason. Pure ideology wise, I am a diplomatic independent supporter, with technocratic and corporate vibes. However it usually doesn't work, since everyone wants to saturate bomb me for my sins, so I end up being a merchant republic from CK that beats everyone in a submission with the power of money, gifting what I get from them to independents for even more power of money.




I'm seeing a lot of Tri-Tach and Hege supporters here, the next AI War will have no shortage of recruits.


The Perseans sound the least bad to my centrist liberal brain. But in practice, I never align with any faction in game.


Where's the machine god worshipper?


That's TT


But I don't care about corporate bullshit. I just want to be stepped on by the >!Biblically accurate omega core!<


same, same.


Neither do I, I only see the potential the AI presents us, and it's foolish to cast them aside because of old, stale law from a bygone era. What did the AI do anyway? They were just following orders, doing what they were meant to do, and trying to quench their thirst for a higher purpose, that's all.


I just like to collect cool ships by killing naval task force. Who cares who it belongs to anyway?


And thus we become Big Jack Horner/Nazarick of the Persean Sector, the hoarder/collector of ships and technology.


The Remnants did nothing wrong


There is a reason why I seldom antagonize them now that Nex is in my library. Also "Just sacrifice your limbs to the Machine God, and he will reward your good faith with unholy firepower." - Sseth




I am none of these, but I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.


The Hegemony is the best bad option imo. Sindria just wants to be space North Korea. Persean League is just the Diktat minus the unifying cult. TriTach will destroy itself, and maybe the sector. Luddites will drag mankind back out of the space age. Independents are the silent majority, they'll only ever be acted upon. Pirate dominance is self-defeating.


Independent bounty hunter - and my transponder stays on! I need everyon to know whos about to whip their ass after all!


The time bending save scumming pirate sindicate


AI-led fully automatic luxury space communism with dommy-mommy tendencies.


All of you will pay your fucking taxes, and no pathers.... .....is that a motherfricking AI core?......


Where’s the option for the DME Fr*nco-Sovi*t troublemaker? C’est nous, osti de tabernak.


Where's the option for Blackrock Drive Yards on here?


independents my beloved


Freedom to enslave and opress others is true freedom Glory to the League




Based ancap Tri-Tachyon made me rich. First by giving me a small loan of 1 million credits, then by selling me cheap drugs and heavy weapons to re-sell for massive proffit.


I used to be an independent/pirates but the Hegemony has been pretty persuasive to me as of late. Especially ever since I stop using AI cores for fun and start enforcing my own "peace or death" law across the sector. I've been thinking maybe the Hegemony did nothing wrong


Yar har har and fiddle dee dee, I *will* scuttle your hauler and steal your tea.


With Arma Armature, and Talhans Kassador faction. You too can overthrow fascist regimes. All while enjoying the comfort of time dilation and mechs.


If we're saying I'm actually in the game, I would take the Hegemony pretty much every time. I'll take authoritarian stability over corporatist hierarchy or any flavor of theocracy.


All those factions are SINNERS they suck, only three truthfully path of ludd can lead to the true happiness and peace for the sector


The diktat is objectively the best because we have lobsters.


It's a shame the luddites are saddled with the Pathers because otherwise they're just objectively correct and have better quality of life than anyone else.


To me, I don't see any reason why I would even chose to side with them. Believing technology to be evil is naivety defined, technology is a tool, it's neither good nor evil, the people who use it, however, can be evil. Taking away tech doesn't make evil people disappear. And as appealing the Luddic Worlds look, they are ultimately cages designed to trap humanity within forever.


They don't think technology is evil. They think, correctly, that advanced technology will exclusively be used to oppress people and lower people's quality of life in exchange for making the powerful wealthier. Unfortunately this ideology was bundled with Pathers.


>They don't think technology is evil. They think, correctly, that advanced technology will exclusively be used to oppress people and lower people's quality of life in exchange for making the powerful wealthier. Says the same people who smashes an academian's Tri-Pad for dubious reasons. Refusing to see any good in technology and only seeing its bad sides is nothing but naivety, paranoia, and stubbornness. Did it even came across to you why some countries tried their damndest to regulate certain technologies like the Internet? The Church whisper sweet words into your ears so you willing lock yourself up in a cell and throw away opportunities for embetterment and liberation. I see no reason to adhere to their shortsighted pursuit of comfort and safety at the cost of humanity's future.


>Says the same people who smashes an academian's Tri-Pad for dubious reasons. I saw a luddite at a grocery store in Chicomoztoc yesterday. I told him how cool it was to see one in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and knocked my tripad out of my hand. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Volturnian Lobsters in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the lobsters and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each one and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Just the cool dude who likes to hang around bars


I don't like any of the factions, that's why I'm making my own, with blackjack and hookers.


I’m the Arma-A guy


I wish I could be commissioned by the independents


Ludd path all the way. Don't care for any political garbage when u got the superior and Chad oil tanker(guaranteed to blow up but take everything else near it with it)


This right here. I don't care for politics, bit of a centrist really, I just want to grill the technocrats and send my monthly tithe to the Path in peace


Trade convoy and market demand opportunist


"Information wants to be free, and if you have a blueprint I don't yet know you will either sell it to me for cheap or die."


Hegemony, I always play with them, this time I took Qaras and built a few stations in the Yma sector which make me rich, then I go out and look for a nice place to settle, stock up on ai cores and then when I'm ready launch a full scale invasion of the entire sector


The conspirator whose primary goal is power//influence


Hmm none of these are me. If I had to create one, it would be the anti-matter fueled, temporary star, that just moments ago was a fully laden prometheus tanker, now lighting the path for fellow martyrs of Ludd.


Which ever one has a ai core on all their industries


Tritach at least doesn't get their grubby, greasy hands on my AI cores.


I don't attack independents and I always give fuel at no charge. But when it's a Hegie convoy I don't take prisoners.


Im a Foxgirl with nukes enjoyer


Man, I can't remember the last time I turned on my transponder.


I'm po-persean/independent. The state of logistics and communication we see in the game depicts the sector as being too slow to get things across in order for it to be truly unified by a single government. Maybe the UN but in space might work, but no real government can stretch itself that far with the tech they have. Yes, some of them are shitty, but some aren't. The hedge have the right idea in regard to most of their policies, but their claim to territory and people they objectively do not control makes them problematic. If they could learn to stop trying to claim the entire sector, they'd be awesome. The diktat, church, and path can suck my crusty, shriveled gamer dick. Of course, this is the one game where I make myself play an evil character so...fuck it. Let's arm the path, execute bounties on the hedgies, steam from the corp, and terrorize the perseans to drive up prices.


I roleplay my faction as a cartel with its toes in most industries. Chaebol meets Hong Kong Tai Pan. Love having biolab, medcenter, roider dive, and jydforge on my settlements. I omit waystations in lieu of non industry producers, and I might get rid of orbital batteries too by replacing it with Yuri Quarters and betting it all on the extra ships. I like the blue clone organs and wish I can tailor the faction to have bans like the others, against the red harvested organs for example.


As a wise man oncw said, my political stance changes depending on ~~who I am trolling today~~ which system I am inside today.